Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic:

Compilation of descriptive stories based on mnemonic tables

"Four Seasons"

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Music", "Reading fiction".

Target:continue to teach to convey a verbal image of the phenomena of reality of each season by listing its signs, using vivid figurative comparisons, definitions, pronounced adjectives and participles in speech.

Educational: to form the ability to build a description text using a mnemonic table.
Developing:to develop in preschoolers the ability to think logically, reason, explain, prove; learn to draw conclusions, generalize what has been said.
Speech:develop coherent speech, enrich and activate the vocabulary, form grammatically correct speech, improve speech hearing, vocal apparatus and the ability to clearly pronounce words and phrases (work on diction).
Educational:education so that children apply all acquired skills in building coherent speech.

Demo material: a letter from Africa, mnemonic tables with the seasons "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"; children's video camera, a snow (cotton) ball of snow, recording the noise of a blizzard, a model of the sun.

Handout: hexagonal pencils with snowflakes;

pictures for the game "Find the extra" (vegetables, birds, fruits, berries, insects, animals).

GCD move:

Children stand next to the teacher.

All the children gathered in a circle
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tight
And we will smile at each other.

- Let's smile at the guests and say hello.

Hello dear guests!

Guys, today, on the way to kindergarten, the postman handed me this envelope. What do you think it is?

Indeed, this letter was sent to us from Africa by boy John (showing a photo of a non-female).

Boy John lives in Africa and has never seen winter, spring and autumn, as it is always summer there.

John wants to be friends with you and asks you to introduce him to the seasons.

Well guys, let's tell John about the seasons, how they differ from each other.

But how will we introduce John, because he is in Africa, and we are in Russia (children's reasoning).

I suggest we shoot everything on a video camera and send the video disc by mail. Do you agree? ( a children's video camera is installed).

-Guys, tell me, how many seasons do we have? Name them.

The four seasons pass, so it passes…(one year)
- What time of year do you like the most? How?(children's answers)

- Guys, Sonya will ask you a riddle. Without interrupting, listen to the riddle to the end.
How much snow has piled!
It became clean and light
And the frost is almost to tears
Pinched my nose.
I have already come to know
Real winter)

- Do you like winter? What winter?

Passing a lump of snow, name what winter we have in Russia (cold, snowy, frosty, beautiful, blizzard, fierce).

Let's compose a winter story using our spreadsheet.

What's on it?
- The letter "Z" - means what? (winter has come)
- Cloud - the sky is hidden by dark clouds.
- Snowflakes - often it snows cold.
- Girls, boys and the letter "U" - they are walking on the street.
- Snowman - make snowballs and a snow woman out of snow.
- Skates, sleds - skates and sleds.

Then, inviting one willing child to compose a story using a pointer on the table.

Sounds in the recording of the noise of the wind, blizzards.

What are these guys? This is a winter blizzard.

What sound does her song sound like? (ooh ooh)

Let's sing along to her. Come to me, and so that we get a real blizzard, take snowflakes.

Draw more air into your lungs, make your lips a tube, say the sound "U" loudly

(they perform exercises for fine motor skills of hands: they twist six-sided pencils with snowflakes in their hands, pronouncing the sound "U" with different vocal strengths).
- A strong wind blew, and the blizzard howled loudly. Snowflakes flew up. Here it subsides and the snowflakes fall to the ground quietly.

The blizzard howled with renewed vigor and swirled the snowflakes. We flew, flew and sat in the clearing.

Well done! Did you tell John what time of year?

Nikita, tell your guys your riddle.
Suddenly a sparrow chirped
After the winter cold.
The sun is brighter and warmer
There are puddles on the paths.
All frozen nature
Woke up from sleep.
Bad weather comes
This is coming to us ... (spring)

-Let's introduce John to spring, when all nature wakes up.

The letter "B" - means that spring has come.
The sun warms up more strongly and becomes warm.
The letter "U", snowflakes - snow is melting outside and streams are running.
Girls, boys, a boat - children launch boats on the water.
Trees, birds - green leaves appear first, migratory birds return from hot countries.
The willing child tells about spring using the mnemonic table.

Physical education minute:
The sun rose from behind a cloud
We will stretch our arms to the sun
And let's warm them up a little
And clap our hands.

And here is our sun. I suggest you tell John about the spring sun. By passing it on to each other, you will say what it is.
- The sun is yellow like(dandelion, lemon ...)
- The sun is round like(ball, ball ...)
- The sun is gentle like(mom, grandmother ...)
- The sun is warm like(stove, mitten ...)
- The sun is bright as(flashlight, light bulb ...)
- The sun is hot like(bonfire, fire ...)

Lera M., tell your guys your riddle.
The singing of mosquitoes is heard
Time for berries and mushrooms
The lake is warm,
Calls everyone to swim ... (summer)

(children sit on high chairs)

Let's tell John about the summer according to our scheme.

Letter "L" - summer has come.
The sun - shines brightly, warms, hot.
Girls, boys - swim in the river, play badminton and ball, build towers from the sand.
Delicious fruits, berries and healthy vegetables ripen in summer.

The wishing child tells about the summer according to the scheme.

- I suggest you play the game "Find the extra"

(children in pairs come to the tables and find an extra picture: vegetables, fruits, insects, birds, berries)

- Ulyana, tell your guys your riddle.
The leaves turned yellow quickly
And flew to the ground
It happens once a year
And when? I don't understand ... (autumn)

(children sit on high chairs)

- Let's introduce John to autumn - the most colorful time of the year, according to our table.

Letter "O" - autumn has come.
The sun behind a cloud - the sun was hidden by dark gray clouds.
Umbrella - it often rains, strong winds blow.
Tree, yellow leaves - the leaves turn yellow on the trees.
Many leaves cover the whole earth with a beautiful carpet.
- Who will tell you about autumn according to the scheme?

What are the animals doing in the fall?(preparing for winter)
- How does a squirrel prepare for winter?
- How to prepare for winter hare?
- How does a bear prepare for winter?
- How do birds prepare for winter?

- Let's play the game "Name the house".

What is the name of the squirrel house (hollow), foxes (Nora), bear (den),

wolf (lair), birds (nest).

- Guys, so we introduced the boy John to the four seasons. I think that now he will understand how the seasons differ from each other.

The game "Call it the other way around"
It's hot in summer, and in autumn ... (cold)
In summer, the days are long, and in autumn ... (short)
In summer, birds build their nests, and in autumn ... (fly south)
In the summer we pick berries, and in the fall ... (vegetables)
In the summer we swim in the river, and in the winter ... (we go ice skating, skiing, sledging)
It rains in summer, and in winter ... (snow)

Guys, what did we introduce boy John to?

How many seasons are there?

What time of year does the new year start?

Name the neighbors of winter.
What was difficult today? What was remembered and liked.

Boy John sent you pictures of animals from hot countries. In your free time, you will color them.

- O.S. Ushakova “Classes on the development of speech for children 5-7 years old; Creative Center Moscow "Sphere" 2010
- "Development of speech and creativity of preschoolers" (games, exercises, class notes) Edited by O.S. Ushakova; Creative Center Moscow "Sphere" 2005
- O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina "Development of speech in children 6-7 years old"; Moscow Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf" 2011

The seasons are four amazing seasons, each unique and charming in its own way. Spring awakens the living world, fragrant summer, graceful autumn and severe winter. Nature in all seasons is incredibly beautiful, like a fairy-tale princess trying on different clothes.

Whatever the weather in the yard, be it rainy, rainy or hot, it conveys the mood and colors of its season. Therefore, if you look out the window differently, then in spite of rain or sleet, you want to rejoice and appreciate the opportunity that nature gives us, changing according to the seasons.

Spring awakening

In spring, nature awakens after a long winter sleep: every day it gets warmer, everything around is literally green before our eyes, and in the forest you can more and more often meet animals and hear the joyful chirping of birds. At the beginning of spring there is already little snow, but there are still enough cloudy days.

The appearance of snowdrops means that spring has fully come into its own. It is already gradually warming, sunny days are becoming more, soon a light rain begins to water the blossoming trees. Everyone is eagerly awaiting the first May thunderstorm, which announces that a warm and sunny summer has arrived.

Green summer kingdom

In summer, the meadows are covered with a fragrant vegetable tablecloth, and the gardens delight with a riot of colors - everything around turns into a green summer kingdom. It is at this time of the year that nature shows all its wealth. And a summer night is a special time when you can enjoy the distant stars, falling asleep in the open air.

The high air temperature and the scorching sun force people to look for shades under the majestic tree crowns. Summer rain, which brings short-term relief, allows you to see a real miracle of nature - the rainbow. But the leaves beginning to turn yellow are already reporting that autumn is ahead.

Gloomy autumn

Autumn is a gloomy time when you don't want to leave the house at all due to constant rains. The weather at this time of the year is constantly changing: a bright sun is shining overhead, and a moment later the sky was covered with thick clouds - a downpour began.

But still, in autumn, nature is incredibly beautiful, because the golden leaves falling from the trees create an amazing atmosphere. You can watch with interest the birds that fly away to winter in warm regions, and the animals preparing for hibernation. All is well, while the autumn forest is painted with golden colors, but soon the bare trees sadly note that winter is coming soon.

The harsh rules of winter

Winter is a real snow queen: she covers everything around with fluffy snow, which brings a lot of joy. But this time of year has its own harsh rules that have to be reckoned with: long blizzard nights give way to short, non-sunny days. In winter, nature becomes silent - animals are in hibernation, even the chirping of birds cannot be heard.

But still, at this time of year, nature is beautiful in its own way: the white fluffy tablecloth stretches for many kilometers, the snow crunches underfoot and lies on the tree branches like a white pillow. But soon the streams will rumble and snowdrops will break through, like news of the coming spring.

Konstantin Ushinsky "Four desires"

Mitya dashed off on a sled from an icy mountain and on skates on a frozen river, ran home rosy, cheerful and said to his father:

- How fun it is in winter! I would like it to be winter all the time!

- Write your wish in my pocket book, - said the father.

Mitya wrote it down.

Spring came. Mitya ran to his heart for colorful butterflies in a green meadow, picked flowers, ran to his father and said:

- What a beauty this spring! I would like the whole spring to be.

The father again took out the book and ordered Mitya to write down his wish.

Summer has come. Mitya and his father went to haymaking. The boy was having fun all the long day: he was fishing, picking berries, tumbling in the fragrant hay and in the evening he said to his father:

“I’ve had a lot of fun today!” I wish there was no end to the summer.

And this desire of Mitya was recorded in the same book.

Autumn has come. They gathered fruits in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and said to his father:

- Autumn is the best of all seasons!

Then the father took out his notebook and showed the boy that he had said the same thing about spring, and about winter, and about summer.

Tatiana Kazakova

Target: teach compose a descriptive story about the season - spring.


1. Form skill make up modeled on simple and complex sentences.

2. Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

3. Strengthen adjective education skills.

4. Reinforce the skill composing a story by description

Plan storytelling:

1. What the season has come? What spring months do you know (March April May)

2. What spring sun? Does it warm?

3. What's going on in spring with snow?

4. What happens to trees with the onset spring? (Trees come to life, buds swell, leaves bloom)

5. What happens to flowers, grass with the onset spring? (The first flowers appear, the grass turns green, etc.)

6. What happens to birds with the onset spring? (Migratory birds arrive, in the spring birds hatch chicks)

7. What changes are taking place in the life of animals in the spring? (Bear, hedgehog, awaken from sleep, in the spring animals have cubs)

8. What is the work of people in the spring? (people are digging the ground, planting vegetables, etc.)

9. Why do you love spring?

Exemplary story:

Has come Spring... Spring months are March, April, May. In the spring the sun warms up... The snow begins to melt, thaw patches appear. Trees come to life in spring, buds swell on the branches, then leaves appear from the buds. From under the snow, the first flowers appear - snowdrops, the grass turns green. In the spring birds arrive - rooks, swallows, birds build nests and hatch chicks. The bear wakes up from hibernation. People vegetables are planted in spring clean up the trash after winter. I love spring for that that it is warm.

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