One of the favorite arts and crafts techniques for preschoolers is plasticineography. Most kids generally love to draw, and drawing with plasticine attracts them doubly. After all, it is very simple, and, in addition, such images are easy to correct. Kindergarten teachers also appreciate plasticineography: such activities do not require special preliminary preparation and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of children.

The essence of plasticineography as a type of children's creativity. Goals, methods, techniques

Plasticineography refers to an unconventional modeling technique; it involves drawing with plasticine on some kind of dense base. In this case, objects and objects appear in relief to a greater or lesser extent. In addition, plasticineography allows the inclusion of auxiliary parts into the composition - beads, beads, natural and waste materials.

Opportunities for the development and training of preschoolers

  • In the process of work, mental processes such as attention and memory, logical thinking and imagination develop.
  • Plasticineography reveals the creative potential of children, from a very young age.
  • Doing such crafts develops spatial orientation and sensorimotor coordination - these are precisely the functions that ensure successful learning at school.
  • Plasticineography is a rather painstaking process that stimulates perseverance, patience, and the desire to complete the work begun.
  • This type of modeling improves fine motor skills - the child’s hand is prepared for writing.
  • Plasticineography classes can relieve muscle and nervous tension in children.
  • With this type of creativity, integration occurs educational areas(knowledge of the surrounding world, speech development, music).
  • With successful mastery of this technique, children can make exclusive gifts to their family and friends, create paintings that will decorate their home interior.

Let us highlight the main goals of plasticineography as a type of productive activity for preschoolers:

  • Improving skills in working with plasticine, stimulating interest in visual arts.
  • Mastering new sculpting techniques (pressing, smearing, rolling).
  • Development of the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.
  • Improving fine motor skills, eye, hand coordination.
  • Fostering qualities such as accuracy, perseverance, and independence.
  • Development of fantasy and aesthetic feelings.

Mastering the technique of plasticineography involves the use of various techniques in the process of work. The children have already become acquainted with some of them in traditional modeling classes.

This rolling out a piece of plasticine between the palms, during which it lengthens and takes the shape of a cylinder.

At rolling down Circular movements of the palms form a ball.

Pulling back- obtaining a pointed tip of an object using movements with the fingertips.

Flattening– squeezing the ball into a flat cake shape. Using a stack or finger pressure, such a part can be given bends and indentations.

The following techniques are typical specifically for plasticineography. This smoothing, pressing and smearing, which are necessary to create a flat and smooth surface. They are performed using the fingertips. As for smearing, it can be done from top to bottom or from left to right.

In addition, when creating paintings using the plasticine technique, children learn to mix different colors of plasticine to obtain unusual shades. So labor intensive, but interesting process carried out in different ways. Pieces of plasticine can be kneaded and then mixed into one piece. Another option is to mix plasticine directly onto the base, apply strokes one at a time and smear them on the surface.

Types of plasticineography used in kindergarten

During classes in kindergarten Various types of plasticineography are used. The most common is direct plasticineography, in which a molded image is formed on a horizontal surface. Kids are able to master this technique from an early age - for this, the teacher offers them a simple drawing without small details. At the senior level, children create more complex compositions. A similar design is filled with plasticine (preferably wax) on a thick sheet of cardboard (it is better to first cover it with tape - this makes it easier to correct the image). Smeared plasticine produces the effect of brushstrokes with oil paint.

Direct plasticineography

With reverse plasticineography, drawing is done on the back of glass or other transparent surface. IN preschool institution For these purposes, plastic or plexiglass is usually used (since the use of ordinary glass for preschoolers is unsafe). The design is outlined on the surface with a marker and then filled with plasticine (smeared with a thin layer). Along the contour, the finished composition can be marked with stripes - it will look like a frame.

Reverse plasticineography (on glass)

Modular plasticineography – a picture made of plasticine rollers, balls, disks and other elements. This is a more complex technique that requires children to master all sculpting techniques.

Modular plasticineography

Mosaic plasticineography – an image made entirely of plasticine balls. This is the simplest technique, the main thing here is to beautifully select colors and carefully fill the space without going beyond the contour.

Mosaic plasticineography

At contour plasticineography thin plasticine flagella are always used, which indicate the silhouette of the object.

Contour plasticineography

Multilayer plasticineography involves the sequential application of several layers to the surface. This technique is most suitable for landscape compositions - images of the sky, forest, mountains, when the layers are superimposed on each other. Elements are sometimes attached to the base using thin rollers - a kind of 3-D effect is obtained. Note that such work is quite difficult for preschoolers and is appropriate only in the preparatory group.

Multilayer plasticineography

Textured plasticineography is distinguished by a convex image and, in turn, is divided into bas-relief (the figure protrudes above the background by less than half), high relief (more than half) and counter-relief (in-depth design).

Textured plasticineography (bas-relief)

Plasticineography in children of different ages. Difficulty level of crafts

Junior group

You can introduce children to plasticineography at a very early age - starting from the nursery group. Children 2–3 years old are quite capable of mastering the simplest techniques - rolling balls, rolling out flagella, flattening them into cakes. Of course, children's fingers are still quite clumsy, so the teacher should offer a picture with a small number of large details. For elementary lessons Themes such as “Sun”, “Flower”, “Rainbow” are great. The teacher draws the silhouette of an object with a pencil, and the child completes it with plasticine dots. For example, it could be a tree that the baby will complement with red or yellow apples. Another option is a vase in which the child will depict a bouquet of flowers.

Second junior group second junior group plasticineography in nursery group(the trunk is drawn up by the teacher)

Middle group

TO middle group children's hands are becoming more dexterous, and the teacher can move on to more complex technology plasticineography. Preschoolers 4–5 years old can already create a picture of thin flagella twisted in the shape of a snail. The teacher can draw a magic bird, and the child will paint its feathers with plasticine of different colors. At this age, children learn not to go beyond the outline of the image, and also use additional materials in their work (cereals, beads), which will make the picture more

Middle group

Middle group


At the senior preschool level, children are already able to create complex compositions (images of landscapes of different seasons, animals, humans, etc.) and fantasy works. The teacher can offer children 5–7 years old softened plasticine, which is applied to the base using a syringe in thin strips. This technique will undoubtedly delight the kids. A wonderful solution for senior and preparatory groups is collective compositions.

preparatory group

preparatory group

Plasticineography classes in kindergarten can cover a variety of topics. It is best to coincide with activities to familiarize yourself with the outside world. So, in the fall it would be advisable to propose such themes as “Leaf Fall”, “Basket with Mushrooms”, “Gifts of Autumn” (fruits and vegetables), “Asters”. After getting acquainted with the topic “Birds”, the children will be happy to depict an owl, swan or peacock, and after the topic “Sea Life” - a goldfish, dolphin, octopus. Crafts using the plasticine technique will consolidate knowledge of wild and domestic animals (“Hedgehog”, “Cat”, etc.)

In winter, the following themes will be appropriate: “Snowman”, “New Year’s balls”, “Decorated Christmas tree”, “Snowflake”, “Bullfinch”, “Penguin on an ice floe”. In the senior preschool level, these can be landscape winter compositions, including collective ones (such works, in principle, can affect all seasons).

In spring it will be important to depict the first flowers (“Snowdrops”, “Dandelions”), insects (“Butterfly”, “Ladybug”).

Wonderful gifts are made using the plasticine printing technique. For example, by March 8 it could be a “Bouquet for Mom” or a composition for Dad (“Tank”, “Flying Planes”, “Boat”, etc.). To make such work more effective, it is recommended to cover the surface of the finished composition with colorless varnish.

Khokhloma patterns Mosaic technique Modular technique with volume effect Plasticineography using additional materials (foil) Collaboration Bas-relief Gift for mom (modular technology) Bas-relief Bas-relief Landscape composition Still life Portrait Plasticineography using natural materials Modular technique Modular technique Mosaic technique Gift for dad plasticineography Gift for dad

Templates for plasticineography in kindergarten

Before starting to work with plasticine, the child needs a base picture, or template. Older preschoolers usually draw them on their own. For younger children, the teacher offers ready-made silhouettes. Templates can be simple (an object image) or represent complex plot compositions with many small details. The last option is acceptable, of course, for senior and preparatory groups.

Template Template Template Template Template Template

Videos on the topic “Plasticineography”

Video lesson for preschoolers - plasticine painting “Bullfinch”

Master class in kindergarten on plasticine painting “Fish in an aquarium”

Master class on making panels with lilies using plasticine printing technique

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Bekhtereva L.N., Surovikova A.G. "Apple Tree"
(middle group)
Educational objectives: learn to create an image of a tree using plasticineography, include additional natural material(peas),
Developmental tasks: consolidate knowledge about the structure of wood, develop fine motor skills, hone skills in working with plasticine.
Educational tasks: cultivate interest and respect for plants.
Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”.
Handout: sheets of colored cardboard, plasticine, peas, napkins, boards for modeling.
Preliminary work: looking at trees while walking, reading fairy tales in which an apple tree or apples appear (“ Geese-swans", "Tiny Khavroshechka", "Apple"), an applique lesson on the theme "Apple Tree", didactic games on a similar topic.
Progress of the lesson
Riddle about an apple.
A surprise moment is the appearance of the crow Karkusha, who sits on a painted apple tree. She talks to the children about the structure of a tree.
The teacher offers the didactic game “Find the same” (sort paper apples by size).
The motivation is to show Karkusha that an apple tree can be drawn with plasticine.
The teacher demonstrates the stages of completing the craft. The trunk is formed from a brown plasticine flagellum. The crown is a flattened green ball that needs to be smeared with your fingers on the cardboard in different directions. The grass at the bottom of the composition is small pieces of green plasticine. Peas are used as apples, which are pressed into the crown of the tree.
Before productive activities, children independently massage their hands using a bump.
At the end of the lesson, the guys show their work to Karkusha, and she treats them to real apples.
Drynkova A.
(junior group)
During a walk on the eve of class, a teacher and children look at the sun.
The lesson begins with reading V. Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”, the kids share their impressions.
Motivation - the poor animals from the fairy tale lack the sun, you need to draw it for them. An interesting point: the teacher tells the children that they have run out of paints and only plasticine remains.
Demonstration of image techniques: the contour of the sun is filled with small circles (mosaic method), rays of the sun are formed from sausages.
Before children’s productive activities, an outdoor game “The sun came out from behind the clouds...” is played.
Thriller R.N. "Gifts for Flower Fairies"
(drawing with plasticine on glass, preparatory group)
At the beginning of the lesson, a mini-conversation is held about what children used to make from plasticine. The teacher consolidates knowledge of colors and asks what will happen if you mix certain colors of plasticine.
Unusual motivation: a teacher tells preschoolers a fairy tale. In a magical forest, the most beautiful flowers in the world grew in a clearing, and flower fairies looked after them. But one day an evil witch appeared and bewitched the fairies - the flowers began to die because they needed care. The children's task is to make magic flowers for the fairies in order to disenchant them.
The work is done on glass; children mix plasticine of different colors to obtain interesting shades.

Plasticineography project: goals, objectives, planning, reporting. “Gifts of Autumn” as an example of a project - themes and photos of works

Plasticineography, one of children's favorite activities, provides great opportunities for project activities.

The project must have detailed theoretical basis. First of all, the teacher must come up with a catchy name for it, for example, “Let's create magic!” or "Plasticine Fairy Tale".

The teacher should briefly formulate the main idea of ​​the work, for example “Let’s create magic together with a child - plasticine will help us with this!”

Sirotkina Tatyana Vladimirovna

The relevance of the project (the benefits of plasticineography for the comprehensive development of children) is substantiated in detail. The main goal of the activity and its constituent tasks are outlined. The teacher clearly indicates the age category of the children involved in the project, as well as its duration (short-term or long-term). In the documentation, the teacher clearly describes the paths and stages of the project (preparatory, main and final), as well as the expected results of the activity.

At the end of the project, the teacher must compile a report: indicates whether the assigned tasks were achieved. A photo exhibition on the subject of the project is being organized.

If we consider specific examples, then a very interesting topic for the project is “Autumn Gifts” (can be held in any age group, only the difficulty of the tasks changes). As part of this topic, the teacher can offer preschoolers following works: “Autumn Birch Trees”, “Basket with Mushrooms”, “Maple Leaves”, “Miracle Fruits” (vegetables and fruits), “Asters”.

Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn" Project "Gifts of Autumn"

Plasticineography circle

resources for teacher self-education

Plasticineography may well become an area for separate group work. Such activities are usually carried out with children starting from the middle group.

Of course, the teacher himself must be passionate about this technique of artistic creativity, study the necessary methodological literature, the topic of his self-education must correspond to this direction. It is advisable to attend seminars specifically on plasticineography.

To create a circle you need to take care of necessary materials and tools (in this case it will not require special costs). The teacher thinks in advance what toys and visual aids will be needed for classes.

During the work of the circle, the teacher shares his knowledge with parents, offers them consultations, conducts conversations, and gives recommendations on home activities with children.

Before starting a plasticineography circle, it would be appropriate to conduct a survey among parents to study the interests and needs of their children.

Club program. Fragment of the program for the senior group

Before the start of the circle, the teacher draws up a program in which he justifies theoretical aspects topics: its relevance, novelty, main goals and objectives. The teacher outlines the forms and methods of work. The age of the children who will attend the club and the implementation period are clearly indicated (as a rule, the program is drawn up for one year). A list of children is also attached to the program.

The main part of the program is thematic planning with a description of the purpose of each lesson. As an example, here is a fragment of the program for a plasticineography club for senior group(author Babakekhyan A.G.):

Month Subject Goals
October Introducing children to plasticineography. Autumn leaves.Conversation about plasticineography. Demonstration by the teacher finished works, using this technique, with the reflection of convex volumetric images on a horizontal surface. Introduce children to the concept of a stencil, show and teach how to work with it. Develop fine motor skills of the hand, develop color perception, the ability to choose the right tone of plasticine, graphic skills (the ability to work with a stack like a pencil, using the scratching technique); to cultivate aesthetic feelings through the perception of paintings by great artists about autumn, to lay the prerequisites for love of nature and a careful attitude towards it.
Mushroom mushrooms grew in the forestImprove skills in working with plasticine using the “plasticine drawing” technique - cutting with scissors, rubbing into shape. To form in children a generalized concept of mushrooms, their varieties, and qualities. Learn to find correspondences between the shapes of real and depicted mushrooms, to convey their natural features and color. Develop creative imagination and thinking; muscle activity of the arms. Cultivate accuracy in work, the desire to complete the work started with high quality and completion; feelings of collectivism.
My garden and vegetable gardenContinue mastering the techniques of plasticineography - consolidate the technique of “rubbing” plasticine over the surface. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Learn to use contour drawing as the basis of an image. Strengthen the ability to classify fruits and vegetables. Develop hand motor skills, develop creative activity and independence; to evoke a desire to do a useful thing - a didactic game, to cultivate feelings of unity from the process of joint work.
Sovushka is an owl. Big headLearn to mix plasticine without allowing the colors to completely absorb each other. Teach how to use a “rolling pin” - a tube of glue stick for rolling plasticine over a surface. Develop creativity, independence and activity. Develop fine motor skills when performing techniques for working with plasticine. Develop color perception. Cultivate diligence and perseverance in work, the desire to complete the work correctly and to the end. Foster honesty and criticality when evaluating “drawings”, teach how to prepare the background of the work (branch, moon, balls).
November GoldfishImprove technical skills in working with plasticine. Develop imaginative perception, logical and creative thinking. Develop children's creativity through exposure to in various ways and materials. Cultivate purposefulness and passion creative work. Find out the desires and aspirations of children (with the help of a Goldfish).
Worm in the appleCarrying out work as a teacher using different modeling techniques. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Learn to use contour drawing as the basis of an image.
Sperm whale - sperm whaleContinue mastering the techniques of plasticineography - consolidate the technique of “rubbing” plasticine over the surface. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work.
OctopusContinue mastering the techniques of plasticineography - consolidate the technique of “rubbing” plasticine over the surface. Strengthen the ability to carefully use plasticine in your work. Learn to use contour drawing as the basis of an image. Develop hand motor skills, develop creative activity and independence; evoke a desire to do something useful, cultivate feelings of unity from the process of one’s work

Monitoring using plasticineography, features

The plasticineography monitoring system does not include any special forms and types of organization of children's activities. Diagnosis is carried out through observation, which occurs during individual and collective sessions.

This issue is especially relevant for club activities - it helps to organize classes more effectively.

The teacher evaluates the following parameters.

1.Creative activity
a) Increased interest, creative activity - high level
b) The child is active, there is interest in this species activities, but performs work as directed by the teacher - intermediate level
c) The child is not active, does work without much desire - low level
2. Sensory abilities
a) The form is conveyed accurately. Variety of colors, real color is conveyed, image expressiveness is high
b) There are minor distortions. Deviations from paint - medium level
B) The form failed. Indifference to color, monochromaticity - low level
3. Composition
a) Proportionality between objects is maintained throughout the entire plane of the sheet - high level
b) On a strip of sheet with minor elements - average level
c) Not thought out, random in nature - low level
4. General manual skill
a) Well-developed hand motor skills, accuracy - high level
b) Manual skill is developed - average level
c) Hand motor skills are poorly developed, assistance is required - low level
5. Independence
a) Completes tasks independently, without assistance. The child independently chooses a topic, an idea, knows how to plan his actions, chooses means of expression, and brings the job he has started to the end - high level
b) Requires little help - average level
c) Performs a task with the help of a teacher, support and stimulation are needed - low level
6. Technical skills indicators
- rolling out

- flattening
a) Performs independently - high level
b) Needs a little help - average level
c) Performs actions with the help of a teacher - low level
- smudging
a) Performs independently - high level
b) Needs a little help - average level
c) Performs actions with the help of a teacher - low level

Higher philological education. Experience as a proofreader, rewriter, website maintenance, and teaching experience.

Abstract of GCD on modeling using plasticineography technique in the preparatory group.

Topic: “Fairy-tale animals”

Goals: strengthen children’s skills to use non-traditional techniques in their work fine arts– plasticineography (zattaching the technique of flattening a ball on a horizontal surface to obtain a flat image of the original shape, pressing and smearing),to achieve the realization of an expressive, bright image, to expand children’s knowledge about the concept of “friendship”.Develop associative thinking and composition ability. To develop artistic taste, accuracy in working with plasticine, and moral qualities.


- ½ thick cardboard with the silhouette of Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh, plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins for hands;

Illustrations for cartoons (“Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything”), music from cartoons.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoons(“Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything”).

Progress of the lesson:

Educator : Today we have an unusual activity. We have guests. Cartoon characters came to us. Tell me, what are their names?

Children : This is Cheburashka, Winnie the Pooh

Educator: What cartoon are these characters from?

Children : “Crocodile Gena”, “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything.”

Educator : We will play with them.

Game “Guess the cartoon by the song”:

1) Umka (boy friend)

2) Lion cub and turtle (friend turtle)

3) Leopold (What did Leopold ask the mice for? “Guys, let’s live together!”).

Educator : Do Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh have friends? Let's name them. (According to the illustration)

Children: crocodile Gena, heel, hare, donkey Eeyore.

Educator: How many friends are there in total?

Children: 4

Educator: The heroes are not alike; each has their own character, their own skills, view of the world and hobbies, oddly enough. They are very friendly, they love to visit each other, they celebrate all holidays together, and if one of the heroes gets into trouble, everyone tries to help him. Each episode of the cartoon teaches something useful, for example, that you need to be friends, you need to help friends in trouble. But in the cartoon about Cheburashka, Shapoklyak doesn’t know anything about friendship.

Let us tell you?

Game "Rules of Friendship"

What hinders friendship? (rudeness, name-calling, fighting, insults, greed)

What helps friendship? (kindness, politeness, responsiveness,mutual assistance, trust).

And most importantly, guys, if you want to teach others to be friends, show them an example of strong friendship.

Physical education minute:

We worked hard, let's rest,

Let's stand up and take a deep breath.

Hands to the sides, forward,

Left, right turn.

Three bends, stand up straight

Raise your arms up and down.

Hands slowly lowered,

They brought smiles to everyone.

Educator: The guys, Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh, like all children, love gifts very much. Let's draw their portraits. We will draw with plasticine.

Let's remember the safety rules: we work on a board, when using a stack, we don’t wave our arms, we don’t straighten our hair, we don’t stand up or turn around with a stack in our hands.

There is cardboard with a picture on your table.For coloring you will need brown plasticine.

Finger gymnastics

They are friends in our group (fingers joinedto the castle several times)Girls and boys.We'll make friends with youLittle fingers.One, two, three, four, five (fingers from the little finger alternatelyWe begin to count. connect to each other)One, two, three, four, fiveWe've finished counting (Hands down, shake hands)

Educator: Guys, what needs to be done to make the plasticine soft?

Children's answers.

We tear off a small piece, roll it between our fingers, and place the resulting ball on the figure and smear it. We do this carefully, without going beyond the contour.

Educator : Cheburashka and Winnie the Pooh like your works, they all turned out different and very beautiful. Now let's set up an exhibition of your works so everyone can admire them.

I. Organizational stage.

Teacher. Guys, today I invite you to talk about a very interesting topic. It consists of two words: the first word is “fun”. What do you think this word means? (Children's answers.)

The teacher summarizes the children's answers. Fun is an old word that means games, fun, jokes. Second word - "winter" and it turns out... “winter fun”

Teacher. Winter fun... What then do these words mean? (Children's answers.)

II. Motivational and orientation stage.

The teacher summarizes the children's answers (winter games and entertainment) and invites you to learn more about winter activities that have long been loved in Rus', both by children and adults.

Teacher. First, we will play with you. Didactic game “Associations”. When shown a picture, children name it (snow, mittens) and the teacher invites them to choose words associated with this word.

Snow- winter, cold, snowman, snowballs...

Mittens- walk, hands, warmth...

Teacher. Let's remember the sayings about frost:

- “Take care of your nose in the deep frost”;

- “The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand”;

- “Wearing a winter coat and frost is a joke.”

Teacher. What fun things can you do outside in winter? (Children's answers.)

The teacher reads a riddle about a sleigh to the children.

I ride it until evening.

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself

And I hold my horse by a rope.

(Display of the painting “Sledding”).

A teacher’s story about one of the ancient pastimes in Rus' - sleigh rides: “ Winter in Rus' lasted quite a long time, it was both snowy and cold. In the old days, in the summer, did everyone move on what? (cart, carriage) The wheels were spinning, the carriage was moving. But in winter the wheels often failed. Why do you think? (Children's answers: they got stuck in the snowdrifts.) And people came up with the idea of ​​moving carts and carriages from wheels to runners (skis). So they moved much faster."

Comparison of ancient sleighs with modern ones ( Children analyze the similarities and differences between ancient sleds and modern ones).

The teacher offers a logical task “Who in Rus' was not harnessed to a sleigh?” (From the proposed pictures with animals, children must choose the correct answer)

Teacher. “Which animals were used in different regions of Russia” (horses, dogs, deer). Photo demonstration

Vocabulary expansion: harness, “troika”, bells.

Teacher. Guys, is it possible to ride or ride a sleigh without animals? (Sleigh ride down the hill.)

Examination of F. Sychkov’s painting “On the Hill”. Children answer the question: “What interested you in the picture? »

Teacher. “Whose tracks are these? »

Children. skier

Conversation with viewing pictures about skiing (ski racing, biathlon, ski jumping).

Teacher. Now I suggest you guess another riddle

The river flows - we lie,

Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates)

Examination of K. Somov’s painting “Winter. Ice rink".

Historical background

“This is one of the most famous old paintings about urban skating. The landscape in it is very beautiful: indeed, in St. Petersburg in winter you can see such a golden sky as depicted in the picture, and a pattern of dark branches of tall trees, creating a decorative effect of smoky lace against the golden background of the sky. The painting is built in the form of a triptych, that is, it is divided into three conventional parts. The action opens on the left side, where we see a gentleman and a lady walking sedately in red clothes, with a white fur muff and a high white headdress. Her appearance clearly stands out against the background of the silhouette of her companion walking next to her. In the central part, a lady and a gentleman glide carefree across the ice, and on the right, a deserted alley goes into the depths of the picture, the distant prospect of which awakens the imagination and calls into the distance. At the skating rink, in this part of the picture there is a fallen skater, he lies in a funny and absurd pose. Somov cannot do without some sly mockery of his heroes.”

Teacher. Where can you go ice skating? How is ice formed?

Looking at photos from various types skating rinks (natural - on the river; specially poured - on the street and in the Sports Palace)

Teacher. What types of skating sports do you know? (Children's answers).

Dynamic pause

You are frost, frost, frost ( rub your forearms with your arms bent crosswise)

Don't show your nose! ( index finger threaten winter, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.)

Go home quickly ( waving alternately with the right and then with the left hand),

Take the cold with you! ( They make movements with their hands, as if they are pulling on a rope.)

And we'll take the sleigh ( the back is straight, squat down and “take” the sled),

We'll go outside ( marching in place).

Teacher. What games with snow do you guys know? ( building a fort, playing snowballs, making a snowman).


Why look for it in the mountains?

You will find it in the courtyards.

From year to year, from century to century

Bigfoot lives here.

He's on the yard heel

Stands holding a broom in his hand.

He amuses the guys all day long

Bucket pulled on one side.

(A. Shlygin)

Pure saying “Winter”:

Ma-ma-ma - the snowy winter has come.

Eg-eg-eg - everything was covered with white snow.

Ki-ki-ki - we love to play snowballs

Ry-ry-ry - I'm sledding down the mountain.

Oz-oz-oz - the frost stings our cheeks.

Lu-lu-lu - I love snowy winter.

Teacher. What kind of winter is it? (final brief conversation for the first part of the lesson) (children’s selection of bright adjectives - snowy, white, cheerful, joyful, frosty) and invites you to admire paintings by Russian artists about this amazing time of year.

Plasticineography Fairytale Gzhel in a preparatory school group. GCD summary.

Abstract of GCD in a preparatory group for school on the topic: "Fairytale Gzhel" (plasticineography)

Description of material: Dear friends, I bring to your attention a summary of educational activities on cognitive development (familiarization with the outside world) and visual creativity for children of the preparatory group. ECD is aimed at developing the cognitive interest of older preschoolers, consolidating ideas about arts and crafts, and developing interest in drawing with plasticine. The material will be useful for educators and older children preschool age and schoolchildren, teachers, educators additional education, parents.

Target: Introducing children to the beauty and originality of Gzhel painting.
To consolidate the idea of ​​craftsmanship, color, and elements of painting.
Strengthen the techniques of drawing with plasticine using the technique of brushstroke, “droplet”, spiral, blade of grass, curls, wavy lines.
Develop creativity and interest in drawing with plasticine.
Develop the ability to evaluate the work of peers.
Materials: wax plasticine, modeling boards, stacks, napkins, silhouette of white cardboard dishes.
Equipment: images of Gzhel dishes, buffoon, Gzhelinka doll, audio recordings of Russian folk tunes, ICT, presentation “Visiting the Gzhel Masters”
Exhibition of Gzhel dishes and decorative Gzhel toys.
Progress of the lesson:
The guys, accompanied by Russian folk tunes, enter the group and stand in a semicircle in front of the table on which the dishes of Gzhel masters are displayed. In the hands of the teacher is a buffoon barker.

Buffoon: Hey, honest people, hurry up and come to us!
Get ready, come, turn your eyes towards us!
Yes, look at this beauty quickly!
Look at the dishes!
(the buffoon teacher takes any object in his hands and asks the children, changing his voice, as if from the dishes)
What a beauty!
Tell me, guys, what is it made of?
Children: Made of clay, porcelain, ceramics.
Buffoon: Guys, guess my riddle:
Blue roses, leaves, birds.
Seeing you for the first time, everyone will be surprised
A miracle on porcelain - a blue font,
It's called simply painting.....
Children's answer: Gzhel. Gzhel dishes; dishes of Gzhel masters.
Skomorokh: And here you answer correctly. Beautiful girls and kind fellows, let's go with you to a place called Gzhel. Look at the screen - where it all begins. Clay is diluted in huge vats.

It is poured into special blank molds.

And left to dry. Then you get products like this.

Do they look attractive, are they pleasing to the eye?
Children's answers: No. They are white, not bright.
Buffoon: Right. Listen, guys, everyone calls Gzhel a fairy tale, but I’m not telling you a fairy tale, but a true story.
“In the Russian state, in very ancient times, among dense forests not far from the city of Moscow, there was a village. There lived craftsmen who made dishes from snow-white clay, firing the products in a hot oven.
And so they once gathered for a council of masters and decided to sculpt dishes that no one had ever seen, so that they could show their skills to all people, in order to become famous throughout the world.
The masters began to show their skills. One of them has a wonderful sugar bowl: handles on both sides, and a bird of paradise on the lid.

Another master looked at the sugar bowl, marveled, and he himself sculpted a girl in the form of a vase.

The third master marveled at such beauty, and came up with an even better idea: he made a tureen in the shape of a miracle fish. The fish smiles, waves its tail, and shakes its fin.

They went home, went and admired the blue-eyed sky, the bluish forest in the distance, the blue expanse of rivers and lakes and cornflower fields. So they decided to transfer all this blue to their white porcelain.
Flowers, people, birds, and animals became blue-eyed under the brush of skilled craftsmen.
Everyone loved the dishes. They began to call it “Fairytale Gzhel”
To this day, the city of Gzhel is alive, and the great-great-grandchildren of the masters and their children continue the tradition, sculpting and painting Gzhel dishes.

Buffoon: Now I suggest you rest a little.
Physical education minute:

Here is the table (stretch both arms forward, spread them slightly to the sides, lower them down, as if drawing a table)
The samovar is boiling on it. (hands on the belt, turns to the side)
Bring the cups (squat, one hand on the belt)
Very fragile poor things. (tilts head to the side)
Pour some tea (spinning around its axis)
I give everyone a treat.
Here's a silver tray (arms above head, rise on toes)
He brought us a pie for tea. (walking)
Educator: Guys, who is it that is crying here, wiping away his tears with a handkerchief?
(a Gzhelinka doll appears in the teacher’s hands)

Educator: Why are you, girl, depressed?
Why are you shedding your tears?
Grzelinka: I broke all the dishes (crying)
Educator: Where are your dishes?
Grzelinka: Here, there are fragments on the tray.
(on the tray there are cut, painted products of Gzhel masters: a teapot, a sugar bowl, a saucer, a cup)
Educator: Ah, so it is. Don’t worry, our guys will collect all the pieces now.
Game "Collect the dishes"
Educator: So we collected the dishes, but now you can’t glue them together. But no problem. Don’t worry, Gzhelinka, my guys will help you. They are now for you new dishes they'll write it down better than before! And now, guys, I suggest you also visit a fairy tale. And turn into skilled craftsmen. And today we will paint the dishes with Gzhel painting, but in a special way, not with paint, but with plasticine.
Take your seats at the tables, guys.
(children sit at tables: on the tables there are modeling boards, plasticine, napkins, stacks, a silhouette of a tray made of white cardboard)
Educator: In front of you guys is the silhouette of a white tray. Can you help me paint it?
Children's answer: We'll help.
Educator: Look at the board, guys. You have already tried how to paint with paints. I'll show you how to make similar strokes from plasticine. First, we pinch off a piece of blue plasticine, roll it into a ball, and place it on a tray, pressing down lightly. On top of it, add a ball of white plasticine slightly to the side. Pressing your thumb onto both circles, we make a smear, pulling the plasticine along the sheet in the direction we need.
The curl can be made using thin sausages.

Guys, is the technique clear? Then, accompanied by Russian folk tunes, I suggest you get down to business.


  • development of knowledge in the field of the surrounding world, introduce objects of nature and show its relationship with the surrounding world;
  • to form feelings of closeness to nature and respect for nature.


  • clarify children's knowledge about the diversity of trees and the characteristics of changes appearance during the autumn period.


  • development of the ability to differentiate trees by external features and foliage;
  • develop creativity, fine motor skills, thinking, memory, attention;
  • develop an ecological understanding of trees;
  • highlight characteristic features;
  • develop the ability to convey your impressions in your work.


  • bring up interest and respect for nature;
  • cultivate a sensual attitude towards beauty autumn nature;
  • cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards one’s own work and the work of students groups.

Preparatory work:

  • learning poems;
  • decoration of the hall;
  • production of visual aids (trees, leaf templates, selection of background music, search and selection of an actor for the role « Autumn») ;
  • selection of environmental games on the topic.


  • tape recorder,
  • trees,
  • leaf templates,
  • plasticine,
  • creativity mat,
  • board for working with plasticine,
  • napkins.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, come to our place today guests came to class. Let's say hello. (Greeting children). Guys, I want to ask a riddle, and you, try to guess it?


On birches and maples,
There was once a green leaf,
And today it's golden
Quietly lies at your feet,
Who tore it down and threw it away?
Did you guess it? Certainly - (Autumn) .

That's right, of course autumn. Autumn– a beautiful and bright time of year.

Now, Slava, will tell a poem about Autumn S. Bogdan.

Summer is over and, lo,
Autumn is golden
He meets us at the gate
With a generous harvest.
All the trees and bushes
Painted with a brush:
In bronze, gold and copper,
Transformed the leaves.
The rain is drizzling cold,
Leaves are falling
Autumn golden carpet
Covers the earth.

Educator: Let's take a look autumn leaves. Sorceress – autumn I painted each leaf a different color.

Look at these leaves, what can you say about them? What are they? (They're different)

Educator: Find a birch leaf. What are the names of birch leaves? (birch). That's right, birch leaves.

Now, Artem, he will tell a poem about a birch tree, let’s listen to him.


Birch is thin and tender
I put on a snow-white dress,
And the sunshine autumn light,
I dyed my braids yellow.
This outfit every year
I'm meeting autumn arrival.

Educator: And what tree is this leaf from? (the teacher shows an oak leaf.)

Children: From oak

Educator: What is the name of an oak leaf? (oak). Look at this sheet, it has a completely different shape. What leaf? (carved)
Now Lisa will tell you a poem, let’s listen to her.

Oak of rain and wind,
Not afraid at all.
Who said that oak
Scared of catching a cold?
After all, until late autumn
I'm standing green.
So I'm resilient
So, hardened.
I. Tokmakova

Educator: And the most beautiful in autumn leaves are leaves... maple. What are maple leaves called? (maple)

Let's listen to Polina now.

Boast about it, the leaf is cool on:
I was like everyone else - green,
And now, this is what I am -
Yellow, red, gold,
And ruddy and carved -
Well, he's a handsome painted guy.
Everything in me shines like the sun,
And anyone will notice me!
It didn’t take long for him to boast,
Suddenly he broke away from the branch,
He dived down into the clearing,
Lay down more comfortably. And. fell asleep.

Physical education minute. (Speech with movement.)

Invite children to become a tree by picking up the corresponding leaves. The teacher reads a poem to the music, and the children perform the movements.

The breeze is blowing
And the leaf sways. - we shake our hands
Red, yellow and gold. - we're spinning
Over my head.
They sat down together with the leaf. - sat down
They looked from behind a leaf
Raise the leaf to the top
And we shake our heads.

Comes in Autumn.

Autumn: Hello guys!

Child (Vanya):

Hello Autumn, Hello Autumn!
It's good that you came.
You have us Let's ask autumn,
What a gift I brought!

Autumn: It’s so good that I found you. I need your help.

Educator: Autumn, the guys have prepared a poem for you. Guys, let's make it happy Autumn.

Poem (children show a mini skit)

We are leaves autumn
They sat on the branches.
The wind blew and we flew
We were flying, we were flying
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
The wind came again
He turned them over and around.
And he lowered it to the ground.

Autumn: Thank you guys very much. What a great fellow you are. I have prepared riddles for you. Do you like to solve riddles?

Children: Yes


It's been raining since morning
It's time for the birds to go on their long journey,
The wind howls loudly.
When does this all happen? (in autumn)

It's fun in the spring,
It's cold in the summer,
Feeds in autumn,
Warms in winter. (tree)

They grow in summer
fall in autumn. (leaves)

Practical part

Autumn: Well done guys, you are so good at solving riddles. Only I'm sad.

Educator: Autumn, why are you sad?

Autumn: Yes, winter will come soon, and I will have to leave you. I didn't have time to color the last ones autumn leaves. So I took them with me, guys help me.

Educator: Autumn, well, don't be sad. Guys, let's do it for you autumn gift, let's please Autumn! Autumn, we will make your leaves in color, and you will like it.

Educator: Now, guys, take your seats and we will get to work.

Look at your jobs, on your desk lie: mats for creativity, board for working with plasticine, leaf patterns, plasticine.

So, today we will make our leaves in color using plasticine. This method of work is called plasticineography.

Educator: Guys, what is it? plasticineography.

Children: Plasticineography is drawing with plasticine, and a type of unconventional drawing that is available to children both at home and in kindergarten.

Educator: That's right, guys, drawing plasticine develops fine motor skills of the hands, and, therefore, activates your mental and speech activity

Educator: Let’s remember what kind of work in technology - plasticineography we made for you?

Children: (list - « Autumn leaves » , "Christmas balls", « Easter eggs» , "Beautiful Butterflies", "Mushrooms" etc.)

Educator: let's color with you plasticine colorful leaves for trees. In order to color the leaves, we need plasticine and leaf template. To begin with, we pick up a leaf and plasticine, press down plasticine to the template and spread it with your finger until it covers a small part of the leaf. Next we continue Also: take a ball from plasticine press it onto the template and smear it until plasticine will not cover the rest of the leaf. We continue to work until the entire leaf is covered. plasticine.

(Children and the teacher do the work)

Educator: Here our leaves are ready, look, Autumn, we tried for you so that you would not be upset.

Autumn: Guys, let’s hang our leaves each on their own tree, just don’t mix them up, okay?

Lesson summary:

Educator: Guys, those who have birch leaves, let's hang them on the birch tree, those who have oak leaves, let's hang them on the oak, those who have maple leaves, let's hang them on the maple.
Surprise moment.

Autumn: Thank you guys for such beautiful leaves! And thanks for the help. Please accept gifts from me. Each candy contains something bright autumn mood , sunny days and cheerful songs of migratory birds.

Educator: Guys, let's carry out our guest. Goodbye, Autumn.

Autumn: Goodbye!