To achieve success in the market industrial enterprise must be strictly observed prerequisite: stimulate the development of the company and production. This implies, among other things, the timely expansion of the technological park and the replacement of equipment with more adequate, modern and corresponding to the needs of the market.

We buy used industrial equipment

Our organization will help you modernize production at the lowest financial cost. You can sell used industrial equipment to us. This will allow you to free up significant additional funds.

We buy used industrial equipment from wide range, including large, atypical and outdated. In each individual case, we will evaluate your equipment and offer a unique price. We can consider your offer even if you want to sell used industrial equipment in the form of industrial lines.

RuSkupka is currently purchasing industrial equipment boo:

  • — metalworking machines;
  • - presses, forging equipment;
  • — forklifts;
  • — rolled metal;
  • — laboratory equipment;
  • — electric motors;
  • - gas generators;
  • — gearboxes;
  • — compressors;
  • — non-standard stationary equipment;
  • — non-standard mobile equipment;
  • — hydraulic equipment;
  • — hydraulic units, hydraulic units;
  • — industrial tools and special equipment;

If you did not find your equipment in the above list, contact us by e-mail or phone (see Contacts section), and we will consider your case as unique.

Dismantling and removal of industrial equipment

We take an individual approach when considering each proposal, since industrial equipment is not in wide demand. You will save yourself the hassle of finding a buyer, because selling used industrial equipment can be very difficult. It is even more difficult to find one buyer for the entire line.

In the case of the sale of small industrial tools and equipment, we are ready to consider both small (usually our competitors refuse to consider them) and large lots.

We buy used industrial equipment, both domestic and foreign.

We can organize industrial equipment ourselves; the cost of these services is negotiated separately and deducted from the cost of your equipment. When selling industrial equipment, you should keep in mind that dismantling can be a fairly expensive procedure, especially in fire or explosive production environments or in continuous operation workshops where it is necessary to remove the equipment without stopping the production process. It is often much cheaper, safer and faster to dismantle this type of equipment using our own specialists. No one knows your production better than your employees.

We are ready to “adjust” the terms of payment, removal, terms of the transaction to your needs.

We help develop business.

What questions will you find answers to in this article:

You can often hear from consultants: sales techniques are the same in all industries, and it doesn’t matter what to sell. In my opinion, this is absolutely false. Each product has its own characteristics, especially when it comes to technically complex products – machine tools, production equipment, medical equipment. I had the opportunity to sell similar equipment (metalworking machines), and in this article I will share my accumulated experience.

What you need to know about equipment to sell it

First of all, you need to understand the product.

Firstly, we need to study it technical specifications: non-obvious or little-known technical features can become powerful arguments in negotiations with a potential buyer. If you do not master the technical side of the issue, it will be very difficult to fend off the client’s objections related to the fact that you and your competitors have basically the same product.

Secondly, you need to highlight the benefits that the product provides to different customers and calculate how much profit it can bring to them - be it direct sales revenue or cost savings.

To get started, it's helpful to do the following. Imagine that you are not a seller, but a client - the General Director of a company that has decided to purchase equipment similar to yours. Do everything that this director would do - from searching for a manufacturer to collecting commercial proposals from potential sellers(to do this you will have to register a separate mailbox and introduce yourself as a real, but little-known company). Then create a summary table of all important characteristics supplier companies: equipment, delivery conditions, service, consumables. Analyze which seller you would choose if you were a client. This way you will see the advantages and disadvantages of your competitors and understand what advantages your company has. It will also become clear what additional offers on your part will force clients conducting such market analysis to choose you.

By the way, about competitors. Do you have them? Many will answer that there are many. However, I think differently. When selling complex technological equipment, the main competition is not in the product itself, but in sales skills, the ability to convey benefits and advantages to the client. Complex product If you know the technical side of the issue, you can position it quite easily in comparison with other similar products. There are no absolutely identical products; the seller has the ability to correctly and at the right time present the technical advantages necessary to the client and reveal the nuances.

Where to look for buyers of technological equipment

The first thing that comes to mind is the Internet. There really are clients there, and all the main ones are even known. But the fact is that the Network will not help evaluate the future buyer in terms of his capabilities. The website of a potential client (company) may look very reputable, but this does not guarantee the company’s willingness to pay decent money for your products. It often happens that a manager spends a lot of time on seemingly major client, who ultimately buys the product in a very cheap package or does not buy it at all. Therefore, it is better to use the Internet only as an auxiliary tool. It is worth assessing the prospects of clients from other sources - primarily from specialized industry directories, exhibition catalogs and the industry press.

If a potential buyer is willing to spend money to participate in a reputable exhibition, or places information about himself in expensive industry directories (say, in the directories of the company “Maksimov Publications”), then this is a good sign by which one can indirectly judge the company’s readiness to invest in its development, including the acquisition of expensive technological equipment.

What should you do if you have, for example, a catalog of companies participating in the exhibition? Select potential clients and call them. At the same time, it is good to mention that you met with a company representative at the exhibition: this will make the first contact warmer. Compliment the client's booth and start a conversation about how the event went and what the results were. After this, you can gradually move on to talking about equipment.

Another source of information about the client’s solvency is industry news, which talks about the development plans of different companies. By regularly analyzing this information, you will form an idea of ​​whether the client has the opportunity to buy complex equipment.

In general, the platforms for promotion are the same as for finding clients - industry media and exhibitions. If they flash information about your company, this will build greater trust among potential clients. In the sale of equipment in general, and especially expensive high-tech equipment, trust in the supplier is often more important than trust in the equipment itself, because customers are always afraid of being abandoned in the event of a breakdown.

Participation in exhibitions. I advise you to identify the key exhibitions in your industry. Moreover, you need to focus not so much on the sites where your competitors are located, but on the exhibitions that attract your clients. The fact is that top officials of client companies rarely come to specialized exhibitions (where, in addition to you, there are manufacturers of similar equipment); most likely, they are visited only by ordinary specialists. If you participate in exhibitions where customer products are presented, you will meet many more decision makers and be able to negotiate more effectively with them. This is what I did when I was an employee of a company that sold metalworking machines worth several million euros. I have always insisted on hosting at least a small stand at the International Aviation and Space Show (MAKS). The products of our potential clients were exhibited there and there were very few of our competitors (those participated mainly in the Metalworking and Mechanical Engineering exhibitions). I can say that MAKS gave us many times more useful contacts, and subsequently contracts, than all other exhibitions combined. This event brought together the most influential people from companies - potential clients, which are very difficult to meet in normal circumstances.

How to help managers sell equipment more effectively

Rely on people with technical education, and if necessary, train them in sales skills. Technicians offering clients complex equipment, will be able to speak the same language with them. When developing an incentive system for sellers of technological goods, consider two features.

1. A lot of time passes from contact to agreement, so if you give the manager a small salary and commission, he will not be very interested, since he will have to wait perhaps six months or a year for the first commission.

Taking this into account, I consider a decent salary and a bonus for work (once every six months or year) to be the optimal motivation. At first, when there are no sales yet, but the amount of work is still large, the bonus can be calculated based on the number, for example, of meetings held or contact information received, and after the start of sales - from the volume of contracts concluded and the percentage of plan completion.

Instead of a conclusion

In sales complex technology and equipment there are a number of features that I also advise you to pay attention to.

1. There are no trifles. Even the largest potential contract may not be concluded because you missed a small nuance and it became a stumbling block. Therefore, study every detail at every stage of working with a client.

2. The client company holds many meetings and negotiations without your participation. Therefore, your task is to promote not only your product, but also your idea, so that the specialist with whom you met will sell your equipment within his company and in your absence.

3. Even best product may lose a tender to a weaker one if the manager does not know how to properly present products, negotiate and organize sales steps. Develop your managers, conduct training under the guidance of specialists with experience in selling similar complex equipment.

4. Since you will need to carry out large number negotiations with various employees of the client company (starting with the head of the company and financial director and ending, perhaps, with technical specialists), you need a broad outlook on issues that are interesting to these people, otherwise you simply will not be able to speak the same language with them. Expand your knowledge in these areas. This will significantly increase the chances of concluding a successful deal.

When a client buys himself, in fact, this is not sales, but servicing requests. What to do if the client doesn’t buy it himself? And in many markets this has become exactly the case. How to create a system that could generate sales? “Change or die” - many companies have taken this principle as the basis for their new strategy.

The industrial equipment market was no exception. After all, the majority of companies producing and/or selling industrial equipment used a purely reactive approach to their work. What does it mean?

The model looked like this. The client's purchasing officer was calling potential suppliers of the equipment he needed. Where did he get information about suppliers? Mainly from reference materials, advertising media: the Internet, specialized press and catalogs of the suppliers themselves, and later - from our own communication experience. Answered a phone call from a potential client technical specialist for this type of equipment. Together they discussed what equipment could meet the request and be provided, as well as the volumes, timing and commercial terms of delivery. After which everyone went about their business: the consultant prepared an appropriate commercial proposal and sent it to the client, and the buyer continued calling in the hope of a more advantageous offer.

I must say that for the client this made sense. Firstly, due to the large flow of buyers, not all equipment could be obtained from the warehouse; some popular items had to wait for more than a month, or even three. Secondly, for the same reason, the price of equipment could vary by 30 percent from supplier to supplier. In addition, the services provided by suppliers also varied greatly - from logistics to service and warranty support.

A fundamentally necessary change in business processes is their reorientation towards the client when assessing their own resources and proactivity, that is, the transition of the initiative to build relationships to the supplier company. Therefore, responsibility for each client should be assigned to a specific manager who will solve all the client’s issues and know everything about him.

1. Logistics

It is important to learn how to analyze the assortment, assess the sales potential of each item of equipment, make a sufficient supply of the most popular items and some reserve of potentially popular ones. This is all the more critical because the supplier company cannot afford to freeze funds in illiquid goods during a crisis. On the other hand, it is necessary to discuss with the production the conditions for reducing the production time itself and/or supplying the remaining equipment upon request, so as not to miss a client who is willing to wait. True, the client himself must have a reason why he is waiting. If it is rare equipment, then the wait is logical. Otherwise, you should consider a profitable commercial offer: either in terms of price (which is extremely undesirable - unless “playing” with the course), or in terms of additional conditions- installation by the supplier, training on the customer’s premises, free shipping, extended warranty repair period, 24-hour Help Desk and a number of other bonuses that were not available before.

2. Informing the target audience

In no case should information be stopped, which should be optimized, but not reduced. Understand how you can convey information to the client more actively, how to collect information and optimally reallocate your marketing budget.

Often the effect is achieved by such a method of active dissemination of information as visiting (but not participating!) industry exhibitions and other events of potential clients. The purpose of the visit is to collect as many contacts and business cards as possible, and to talk with client representatives. This information can be used further to target contact. It is best for manager-consultants to attend such events so that they have the opportunity to truly gather useful information and call after a face-to-face conversation to an already “familiar” specialist from the client’s side.

Collection of information about clients can also be carried out by a call center. Just do not force operators to engage in cold sales!!! The result, as a rule, is a bunch of employees, demotivated by the lack of results and a feeling of meaninglessness of their work. The task that should be assigned to them is exclusively the collection of information about the client’s current situation, contact persons, decision-making levels and updating/replenishing the database. And if the operator accidentally stumbles upon a client with a current request, then such information must be immediately transferred to the consulting manager.

3. Call center and Help Desk

Now these are services not only for consulting and receiving calls, but also for increasing customer loyalty through politeness, efficiency and quality of solving requests, as well as a more attentive attitude to the client’s needs. In addition, incoming calls can be used to collect additional information (see above).
Why do you need to transfer the call center and Help Desk to work at extended hours - depending on the geography of clients. If the company's equipment operates around the clock at customer sites, it is advisable to establish 24-hour support.

4. Service center for warranty and post-warranty service

Now any service is additional source creating value in the eyes of the client. Therefore, you need to enter into agreements for the maintenance of your equipment with other service centers, and develop your centers in places where customers gather.
It makes sense to think about extending the warranty repair period by the supplier company.

5. Active visits to potential buyers

Establishing a relationship with a client in person is much easier than over the phone. Therefore, visiting clients on their territory becomes an urgent task. The reason for the visit may be previously established connections, already established connections at a higher level, as well as incoming requests. Previously, such requests were processed exclusively by phone, but now the manager has the opportunity to get involved and offer a visit to assess the situation on the spot - this will allow us to identify a much wider range of needs for additional equipment. Don’t forget: often clients don’t even realize that the supplier has more than just the price list items that they are used to taking.

6. Summits

If the client does not stop production, then he must plan funds for the material and technical base. Spare parts and consumables are always needed, because equipment breakdowns do not stop with the crisis. The allocated budget can be spent on different suppliers (as has happened in the past), but SHOULD be spent only on your equipment. This is the task of summit meetings - to agree on fundamental mutually beneficial cooperation, and then to connect the performers with each other so that they know exactly what to do when the need for equipment arises. The instrument of “summit meetings” is very subtle. First, the supplier representative typically only has one chance at a successful meeting. Secondly, the performers must also be taken into account and “appeased”, otherwise they can skimp on management’s agreements in the most innocent ways (“the equipment does not fit into ours!”, “breaks,” “inconvenient to work,” and so on). Thirdly, such relationships require informal support. All of the above assumes that managers from the supplier’s side should participate in such meetings, and the preparation for such meetings must be carried out in the most thorough manner!