Innovative component in the development of the socio-economic system.

National innovation capacity - the ability to disseminate the results of research activities throughout the economy - shows how effectively the opportunities offered by science are used. If a country's innovative capacity is low, then even the outstanding results of basic scientific research and major discoveries are very poorly used by society.

One of the reasons hindering the innovative development of our country is the lack of an innovative culture, an innovative mentality, an understanding that only an innovative path, the development of new technologies, and the introduction of competitive products can strengthen our economy. The country has not yet created a comprehensive regulatory framework innovation activity, effective mechanisms for interaction between the state and the business sector of the economy have not been fully formed.

The most important competitive advantage of our country is its unique scientific and technical potential, which must be used for Russia to enter the international system high-tech industries. A successful solution to the problem of innovative development in Russia is possible only by organizing effective management innovative activities.

Currently, the main emphasis is on the study of such indicators of innovation activity as innovative development and innovation potential - a measure of the readiness of the economic system to fulfill tasks that ensure the achievement of set innovation goals or programs of innovative strategic changes. Innovative development is more general concept, including not only the potential capabilities of the system, but also the degree of involvement of new technologies in economic circulation. The main purpose of innovative development is to promote the economic growth of an organization based on the development and implementation of new and improving technologies. This definition allows for natural generalization to any economic system (country, region, etc.).

The innovation process includes the following stages:

research work, experimental design development, production of pilot batches, mass production and sale of innovative products.

To maintain the continuity of the innovation process, it is important and necessary that the resources released after the end of the next stage are available for use in the next stage.

This process of flow of resources within the framework of innovation activities is called transfer of innovative technologies.

Indicators such as “presence of a technology park”, “number of firms-clients of a technology park”, etc., nominated as indicators that determine the innovative activity of the economic system, in fact indicate the desire of management to resource provision innovation activity. Availability of a technology park and large quantity client companies in it does not at all mean the effectiveness of its functioning.

Thus, the availability of resources that ensure innovation activity is a necessary, but not sufficient criterion for the effectiveness of innovative development. The problem receives a comprehensive solution if we evaluate not only the resource component, but also the efficiency of the process of resource flow within the framework of innovation activity, in other words, the efficiency of technology transfer.

2. Trends and types of development. Development management.

The concept of “innovation”, “innovation”, “innovation” are the main properties.

Innovation is most often understood as “investment in innovation.”

Novation (innovation) is the result of intellectual activity, which is the object of civil law relations, and has the following characteristics: novelty, i.e. new qualities; practical applicability in terms of consumer utility and safety; economic efficiency(competitiveness).

Innovation (innovation) is:

The complete process from idea to finished product sold on the market (Y. Cook, P. Myers);

The process in which an invention or idea acquires economic content (B. Twiss);

A process that includes activities such as research, design, development and organization of production of a new product, technology or system (D. Massey, P. Quintas, D. Weald);

This final result creative activity, embodied in the form of new or improved products or technology, practically applied and capable of satisfying certain needs (A.V. Surin, O.P. Molchanova).

Innovation (English innovation – innovation, literally means “investment in innovation”) – the final result of innovative activity, realized in the form of a new or improved product sold on the market, new or improved technological process, used in practical activities.

In accordance with Article 2 Federal Law dated 08/23/1996 No. 127-FZ “On science and state scientific and technical policy”:

Innovation is the introduction of a new or significantly improved product (product, service) or process, new method sales or a new organizational method in business practice, workplace organization or external relations.

An innovative project is a complex aimed at achieving economic effect activities for the implementation of innovations, including the commercialization of scientific and (or) scientific and technical results.

Innovation infrastructure is a set of organizations that facilitate the implementation of innovative projects, including the provision of management, logistics, financial, information, personnel, consulting and organizational services.

Innovation activity – activity (including scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities), aimed at implementing innovative projects, as well as creating innovative infrastructure and ensuring its activities.

Innovation has three equal properties:

Scientific and technical novelty,

Manufacturing applicability

Commercial feasibility.

The concepts of “invention” and “discovery” are closely related to the concept of “innovation”.

Under invention understand new devices, mechanisms, tools, and other devices created by man.

Opening is the result of obtaining previously unknown data or observing a previously unknown natural phenomenon.

Discovery differs from innovation in the following ways:

1) discovery, like invention, occurs, as a rule, at the fundamental level, and innovation is carried out at the level of technological (applied) order;

2) a discovery can be made by a single inventor, and innovation is produced by teams (laboratories, departments, institutes) and embodied in the form innovative project;

3) the discovery does not aim to gain benefits, but innovation is always aimed at obtaining tangible benefits, in particular, a greater influx of money, a larger amount of profit, increased productivity and reduced production costs through the use of specific innovations in engineering and technology;

4) a discovery can happen by chance, but innovation is always the result of scientific research.

Innovative product - the final result of creative work, realized in the form of a qualitatively new or improved product, or a new or improved technological process used in the socio-economic system.

Innovation economy – an economy developing on the parity use of new knowledge and innovative products, readiness for them practical implementation V various fields human activity.

Innovative economic system is a system in which technology is the basic basis for its development.

Innovation activities – a process aimed at developing and implementing the results of completed scientific research and development, or other scientific and technical achievements into a new or improved product sold on the market; into a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, as well as associated additional research and development. This is a complex of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities aimed at commercializing accumulated knowledge implemented in innovative technologies and new equipment. The result of innovation activity is new products (services) or products (services) with new qualities.

Classification of innovations.

Innovations are usually divided into: product, process, technological and structural-organizational, social.

Structural and organizational may accompany the introduction of product and technological innovations.

Product Innovation- is a process of updating the sales potential of an enterprise, ensuring the survival of the company, increasing the volume of profits received, expanding market share, maintaining clientele, strengthening its independent position, increasing prestige, creating new jobs, etc.

Technology Innovation is a process of updating production potential, aimed at increasing labor productivity and saving energy, raw materials and other resources, which in turn makes it possible to increase the company’s profit, improve safety precautions, and carry out protective measures environment, effectively use in-house information systems.

Social Innovation represents a general process of systematic improvement social sphere enterprises. The use of innovations of this kind expands market opportunities work force, mobilizes the enterprise’s personnel to achieve its goals, strengthens confidence in the enterprise’s social obligations to employees and society as a whole.

Widely economic sense innovation is a completed process of qualitative modification of the technological basis of production, characterized, on the one hand, by uncertainty and short-termism for a given link social production, and on the other hand, a long-term and synergistic effect achieved by the sum of individual innovation processes combined into a continuous single innovation process.

Exist innovation classifications according to the following criteria: prevalence, place in the production cycle, continuity, market coverage, degree of novelty and innovative potential.

5. Formation of innovation theory.

A.A. Kistaubaev, President of JSC Aktobeenergo


The article examines and defines the essence of innovation, innovation, innovative activity and the innovation process.

The innovation process is a very complex and therefore ambiguous phenomenon both in structural and cause-effect relationships. In particular, different kinds innovations have different consequences. Carrying out economic activity, economic entities select, among other things, innovations. That's why important points scientific study are the essence and types of innovation, innovation activity and the innovation process and, of course, the causes and consequences of innovations. (Defining the essence of innovation, innovation, innovative activity and the innovation process is extremely important for determining the statistical indicators characterizing these phenomena.)

The theoretical relevance of these aspects is also due to the lack of generally accepted knowledge in fundamental and applied economic sciences their meaningful interpretation and classification: in the economic literature one can find different contents of the term “innovation” and no less diverse typologies of it. In other words, the existing ambiguity of interpretation indicates the theoretical uncertainty of the phenomenon of interest to us.

Determining our position dictates the need to take into account the following important circumstance. The heterogeneity and multifaceted nature of the phenomena being studied determines the diversity scientific approaches. In particular, theoretical and phenomenological types of research and their corresponding concepts should be taken into account. “Theoretical (ontological) sciences,” notes A. Anchishkin, “have as their subject the qualitative nature and laws of development of the objective world, their ontological (essential) beginning. ...Phenomenological sciences have as their subject matter directly or with the help of scientific instruments observable processes and phenomena of the objective world. Within the framework of these sciences, systematization and generalization of accumulated experimental and experimental data take place... They deal not so much with general

laws of development, as well as with their particular manifestations, etc. contain more descriptive and historical rather than logical and abstract elements” (1, pp. 230, 231).

Phenomenological (applied) research is relatively autonomous. Their inherent local perspective of study results in relatively private ideas, which in turn dictates the need to search for a theoretical “fulcrum” in the form of fundamental concepts, the level of generalization of which allows one to consistently include all relatively private points of view.

On the one hand, productivity scientific research largely depends on the researcher’s interpretation of the essence of the phenomenon being studied. On the other hand, the degree of empirical and theoretical consistency of particular concepts depends on the degree of agreement of researchers regarding the essence of the phenomenon. This is especially important because often scientific works, the subject of which are applied aspects of innovation issues, there is no definition of innovation.

Now let's turn to the immediate subject of our research - the essence of innovation (innovation). First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “novelty” and “innovation”.

Often, although groundlessly, innovation is identified with innovation. For example, there is the following understanding: “Innovation can be new order, new method, invention." “Innovation means that the innovation is used. From the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality and becomes an innovation” (3, p. 10). Strictly speaking, the cited provision is not a scientific definition, but a listing of what, in the opinion of a number of authors, refers to innovation. If we assume that order is a rule, a typical relationship (phenomenon), then, as is quite obvious, innovation identified with “order” (in the above-mentioned meaning of the latter) is analytically indistinguishable from a typical phenomenon, including innovation at the diffusion stage.

In addition, the use of the word “new” as a characteristic of innovation raises certain doubts. The reason for this is the fact that the semantic meaning of this word is ambiguous, as a result of which there is uncertainty in ideas about the essence of innovation and the “innovation - innovation” relationship. In particular, often - not only in colloquial, but also in scientific vocabulary - the words “new” and “unknown” are unreasonably identified. Thus, a phenomenon is often perceived as new in the sense of “previously not existing.” But along with this, a phenomenon can be new only subjectively (for the knower) and in this context - previously unknown, but not at all non-existent.

Therefore, we consider it appropriate to distinguish between “new” and “unprecedented” phenomena. In our opinion, innovation is an unprecedented social phenomenon (created by the purposeful activities of individuals). This interpretation seems to clearly indicate that innovation is not any unprecedented (for example, cosmic) phenomenon, but rather one that is social in nature and created to meet the needs of individuals and their communities.

Accordingly, a discovery is not an innovation. The latter, by definition, is nothing more than the knowledge of an (already) existing, but previously unobvious phenomenon. Based on this semantic interpretation of “discovery,” we consider incorrect (no more than figurative, but not at all scientific) the popular idea of ​​​​the discovery of new methods and production techniques. The objects of discovery are laws, and technology and methods of production are created. Moreover, the latter are possible only because they do not contradict the relevant (for example, physical, chemical) laws.

Finally, in our opinion, it is possible and necessary to distinguish between innovation and invention. In our opinion, an invention is the result of invention - a material object (object) created by purposeful activity and without precedent. Meanwhile, innovation can be not only material objects, but also social, including economic, relations. Can the latter be classified as inventions? It seems to us that no.

The reason for this distinction is the fact that often (for example, economic) relations that have no precedent may, in contrast,

These inventions arise spontaneously (unplanned) for their participants, or otherwise, regardless of the actions of only one of the participants in the interaction. (For example, we can assume that the emergence of inflation was an innovation in its time.) Therefore, an invention is one of the types of innovation; another variety - without precedent social interactions. And thus, in the “innovation - invention” coordinate system, the concept of “innovation” is fundamental.

Now let's turn to the concept of innovation. The Austrian economist I. Schumpeter identifies innovation, or, in other words, innovation (the introduction of innovations, i.e. innovations), with the “implementation of new combinations” (5). Meanwhile, such an interpretation of innovations cannot be considered satisfactory due to the insufficient semantic definition of the word “new” noted above. In addition, it is not general enough, since it does not explicitly imply innovation in the form of rules of behavior.

The opinion of the famous American researcher of entrepreneurship and innovation P. Drucker is not entirely categorical, and therefore not sufficiently definite: “We can conclude that innovation (innovation) is rather economic or social concept, rather than technical” (2). Essentially, this opinion is an idea of ​​the type of nature of innovation, but not of its essence.

From the point of view of B. Twiss, innovation is the transfer of scientific or technical knowledge “directly to the sphere of consumer needs; in this case, the product turns only into a carrier of technology, and the form it takes is determined only after linking the technology itself and the need being satisfied” (4).

This understanding of innovation implicitly contains an indication of the difference between innovation and innovation, but does not define the essence of this difference. Moreover, it does not reflect the diversity of types of innovation and in this regard is not exhaustive. And, finally, it does not represent a set of characteristics that distinguish innovation from phenomena similar to it in one way or another.

In our opinion, innovation is the expedient social reproduction of an innovation by an innovator. An innovator is a subject that replicates an innovation. We, therefore, consider the terms “innovation” and “innovation activity” as identical.

At the same time, in our opinion, the participants in the innovation process are the innovator

AA. Kistaubaev

Novelty and innovation

and imitators. The innovation process is the implementation (by the innovator) and diffusion (dissemination by imitators) of innovation, which ends upon reaching the maturity stage of the product life cycle, technologies and rules of conduct. This definition contains a very specific quantitative criterion for distinguishing between product and technological innovations and routines.

However, a rather complex theoretical problem arises of distinguishing between innovative and routine rules of behavior. As a first approximation, we can assume that, in analytical terms, the quantitative criterion for distinguishing them is specific gravity individuals and/or firms from their total number (in an industry, region, national economy) that adhere to certain rules. For example, if the proportion of firms in an industry that have no

previously precedent rules of conduct did not exceed 50% of their total number, these rules of conduct are innovative. But, as is quite obvious, the relevant criterion of discrimination is primarily qualitative and subject to study.

Finally, and importantly, the definitions of novelty and innovation formulated in this work suggest that the inclusion of the design stage and R&D in the structure of innovation activity, generally accepted among researchers of innovation issues, is unfounded. In other words, we should distinguish as special - relatively autonomous - innovation activities, the product of which is innovation, and innovation activities, which consist precisely in the replication of the innovation by the innovator.

List of used literature:

1. Anchishkin A.I. Science - technology - economics. - 2nd ed. - M.: Economics, 1989.

2. Drucker Peter F. Market: how to become a leader. Practice and principles. - M.: “Buk Chamber International”, 1992.

3. Innovative management: Textbook for universities / S.D. Ilyenkova, L.M. Gokhberg, S.Yu. Yagudin and others; Ed. S.D. Ilyenkova. -M.: UNITY-DANA, 2002.

4. Twiss B. Management of scientific and technical innovations. - M.: Economics, 1989.

5. Schumpeter I. Theory of economic development. - M.: Progress, 1982.

It is generally accepted that the concept of “innovation” is a Russian version English word innovation. The literal translation from English means “introduction” or, in our understanding of the word, “introduction of innovations”. Innovation means a new order, a new custom, a new method, an invention, a new phenomenon. The Russian phrase “innovation” - literally “introducing something new” - means the process of using an innovation.

Thus, from the moment it is accepted for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes innovation (innovation). The process of introducing an innovation to the market is usually called the process commercialization. The period of time between the emergence of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation is called innovation lag.

In everyday practice, as a rule, the concepts of “novelty”, “novation”, “innovation”, “innovation” are identified, which is quite understandable. Any inventions, new phenomena, types of services or methods only receive public recognition when they are accepted for distribution (commercialization), and in a new capacity they act as innovations (innovations).

It is well known that the transition from one quality to another requires the expenditure of resources (energy, time, finances, etc.). The process of translating an innovation also requires the expenditure of various resources, the main of which are investment and time. In the conditions of the market as a system economic relations purchase and sale of goods, within the framework of which demand, supply and price are formed; the main components of innovation activity are innovations, investments and innovations. Innovations form the market for innovations (innovations), investments - the market for capital (investments), innovations (innovations) - the market for pure competition of innovations.

The transition from one qualitative state of the organization to another requires costs economic resources(materials, energy, time, labor, etc.). The process of translating an innovation (innovation) into an innovation (innovation) also requires the expenditure of various resources, the main of which are investments , and time. Three main components - innovations (novations), capital (investments), innovations (innovations) - form a competitive market for innovations as a sphere of innovation activity.

Under innovations in a broad sense refers to the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature. The period of time from the origin of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is usually called life cycle of innovation. Taking into account the sequence of work life cycle innovation is considered as an innovation process.

There are three types of innovation in every business:

In products or services;

In markets, buyer behavior and values ​​( social innovation);

In various changes in the activities of the organization necessary to create products and bring them to the market (managerial innovation).

Innovation is an economic and social term and, to a lesser extent, a technical one. Its criteria are associated with changes in the economic and social environment, with changes in the behavior of people, both producers and consumers. The measure of innovation is its impact on the external environment.

Innovation has two main features:

The novelty of using a given consumer value to satisfy a certain general need (market novelty);

The novelty of a scientific idea or technical solution underlying the innovation.

Based on the economic nature of innovation, market novelty is the main one, and scientific and technical novelty is of subordinate importance.

Market novelty is considered in a broad and narrow sense. Market novelty in the broad sense or absolute market novelty possesses a product that is different from any other product sold anywhere. Market novelty in the narrow sense, relative or local novelty has a product for some part of its consumers. It does not matter when the innovation actually appeared on the market.

Scientific and technical novelty is a mandatory property of an invention, or scientific and technical know-how, and not an innovation. If an innovation is based on one or more inventions or know-how, then in addition to market innovation it also has scientific and technical novelty. The degree of originality of the scientific and technical idea on which the innovation is based is not of interest to the consumer. It evaluates the beneficial effect of a product in accordance with the costs of its acquisition and operation.

For the manufacturer, the degree of scientific and technical novelty is important: primacy allows you to monopolize the right to an idea with the help of patents and production secrets. The monopoly right of the manufacturer, combined with the exceptional properties of the product, which provide consumers with a significantly greater effect per unit price compared to previous products, provides the company with a stable economic position for a certain period.

Innovations may not have scientific and technical novelty, but nevertheless they are effective and have a significant impact on economic processes and, above all, on the structure of production and consumption (for example, credit cards, personal computers, various services). According to research by American economists, in the 60s, more than half of new products did not have any significant scientific and technical novelty.

However, today the picture is changing. The share of innovations that have both market and scientific and technical novelty is growing, which is a consequence of the ongoing scientific and technological revolution.

Not only corporations and firms, but also states as a whole pay significant attention to science-intensive technologies, in which the share of costs for research and development (R&D) in value added is higher than in the industry as a whole. Also in economic literature the term is used "high tech", where R&D costs account for at least 10% of added value and labor costs for scientists, engineers and technicians exceed 10% of total labor costs.

On the base high technology Major industries emerged: semiconductors, integrated circuits, lasers, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, robotics, etc. For example, R&D costs when creating robots reach 15% of sales. This is a high level even for knowledge-intensive industries.

The core of a company's innovative activity is the development (commercialization) of new types of products or methods of their production, delivery and sales.

New (improved) product - this is a product technological characteristics or whose possible uses differ significantly from previously produced products. Such innovations may be based on radically new technologies, combinations of known technologies in a new way, or be the result of the use of new knowledge.

New (improved) process- this is the introduction of technologically new or improved production methods, including methods of distribution of goods, their delivery and sale. Processes must be improved either when new or improved products cannot be produced (sold) using existing production methods, or when there is hope for significant improvements in the efficiency of production and sales of existing products.

Thus, summing up the above, we can draw the following conclusion:

Innovation in a broad sense refers to the profitable (profitable) use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational and economic decisions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative or other nature.

The period of time from the origin of an idea, the creation and dissemination of an innovation to its use is commonly called the life cycle of an innovation. Taking into account the sequence of work, the life cycle of innovation is considered as innovation process.

Topic 1. Innovations as an object of innovation management

1.1. Definition of innovation and innovation. Criteria for innovation.

In a competitive environment, it is necessary to constantly modernize products, expanding product lines, which will make it possible to achieve high profit margins for a long time and defend leadership positions in the market.

Some aspects of innovation management:

1. Innovation as an object of management identified in post-industrial society. At previous stages of the development of society, innovation was not considered as one of the factors of competitive success, and accordingly was not singled out as a separate subject of research and management.

2.Interaction between strategy and innovation. Currently, the directions of strategic and innovation management are complementary and, therefore, they need to be considered in a complex: strategy is focused on innovation, and innovation underlies the results of strategic management.

Currently, there is no generally accepted terminology in the field of innovation. The key concepts are scientific and technical progress, innovation, innovation, innovation, which, as a rule, are identified. It is generally accepted that the concept of “innovation” is the Russian version of the English word innovation. The literal translation from English means “innovation.” In the theory of innovation, there are 3 fundamental terms: novelty (novation), innovation, innovation. (rice)

Innovation(innovation) is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development and experimental work in any field of activity to improve its efficiency. Innovation is close to the concept of “invention”, because represents a specific result of the development of a new scientific idea, having the form of a sample, different from those previously used quality characteristics to improve efficiency.

Innovations can take the form of: discoveries, patents, trademarks, innovation proposals, documentation for a new or improved product, technology, management or production process, organizational, production or other structure, know-how, concepts, scientific approaches or principles, document, results of marketing research. So innovation - this is new or updated product anyone's creative activities proposed consumers for further conversion and use.

The process of introducing an innovation to the market is usually called the commercialization process. The period of time between the emergence of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation is called the innovation lag.

Innovations act as an intermediate result of the scientific and production cycle and as practical application are transformed into scientific and technical innovations - the final result. The development of innovations is the implementation of a commercial (entrepreneurial) idea to satisfy the demand for specific types of products, technologies, and services as goods. The presence of demand indicates their competitiveness, which is an important result of innovation.

Innovation(English: “innovation”) means innovation as a result of the practical (or scientific and technical) development of an innovation.

There are many definitions of innovation in the literature.

B. Twiss defines innovation as a process in which an invention or idea acquires economic content.

F. Nixon believes that innovation is a set of technical, production and commercial activities that lead to the appearance on the market of new and improved industrial processes and equipment.

B. Santo: innovation is a socio-technical-economic process that, through the use of practical ideas and inventions, leads to the creation of products and technologies that are better in their properties. If an innovation is focused on economic benefit, then its appearance on the market can bring additional income.

J. Schumpeter interprets innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination of production factors, motivated by the entrepreneurial spirit.

Analysis different definitions innovation leads to the conclusion that the specific content of innovation is change, and the main function of innovation activity is the function of change.

The Austrian scientist I. Schumpeter identified five typical changes (1911):

1. The use of new technology, new technological processes or new market support for production (purchase and sale).

2. Introduction of products with new properties.

3. Use of new raw materials.

4. Changes in the organization of production and its logistics.

5. Emergence of new markets.

Later (1930), he introduced the concept of innovation, interpreting it as a change with the aim of introducing and using new types of consumer goods, new production and transportation means, markets and forms of organization in industry.

Innovation- this is the final result of introducing an innovation with the aim of changing the control object and obtaining economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect, i.e. profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of a production, financial, commercial, administrative and other nature.

In management, innovation is defined as the creation and introduction of products or services that offer benefits to consumers that are perceived by customers as new or improved. Thus, consumers do not always need a new product, but solutions that offer new benefits.

Features of the definition of innovative activity:

Often the term "innovation" is used as a synonym for the word "invention". Specialists in the field of technology often use phrases such as, for example, “innovative developments,” which rather corresponds to the terms: technology, business process, business idea.

There is a common misconception that innovation occurs in the high-tech sector. In fact, innovation is happening in everything from bread baking to oil production. There are simply companies that prefer an innovative development path, that is, they constantly reinforce their industry or market leadership with technical innovations. They allocate significant funds for R&D, employ a large staff of specialists, and are not afraid to outsource the development of new products and processes. Innovation helps companies get ahead of competitors, gain additional profits by reducing costs, increasing productivity, creating new products and new markets, etc.

The most fertile soil for the birth of innovation is competition. It is competition that forces us to constantly improve, reduce costs, and look for new markets. And innovation represents a very significant competitive advantage. And often innovation is a chance for small companies to make a qualitative leap, leaving behind larger market participants.

Innovation must have target. Having a goal can improve the quality of innovation—which means more effective new developments, often without increasing investment. However, having a goal does not guarantee increased sensitivity to market changes.

In any case, to succeed, you must first make a decision about where to move next. And what is the goal to pursue?

Innovative activity synonym entrepreneurial activity. For the convenience of analysis, companies should be distinguished by volume: large ones - in which there are entire departments of innovative development and small ones - in which the main role is played by an innovative entrepreneur. To succeed, it is necessary to expand the scope of perception. But while entrepreneurs have no problem with this, large corporations, looking at the market through the prism of the reports of their marketing departments, often find themselves unable to innovate effectively unless they define the goals of the development and research process. Having a goal also provides a certain stability that allows innovators to remain open to ideas and opportunities longer. In this regard, an innovator is identical to an entrepreneur.

It is necessary to evaluate the effect not only from the position of the seller, but also from the position of the consumer, and also take into account negative consequences mastering innovations.

A new product becomes a successful innovation if it meets the following four criteria.

1.Importance . New Product or the service must provide benefits that are perceived as meaningful by consumers.

2.Uniqueness . The benefits of a new product must be perceived as unique. If consumers believe that existing products offer the same benefits as a new product, it is unlikely to be highly rated.

3.Sustainability . A new product may offer unique or important benefits, but if it is easily imitated by competitors, its prospects for market penetration are dim. Patents are sometimes a barrier to competition, but in most industries, the most effective means of ensuring sustainable innovation is a company's nimbleness in the marketplace and strong supplier brands."

4.Liquidity . The company must be able to sell the created product, and for this it must be reliable and effective; must be sold at a price that consumers can afford to pay; To deliver and support the product, the company must develop an effective distribution system.

Using the criteria, it is possible to explain the phenomenon of innovation, which ensures economic growth, as the final result of the innovation process, expressed in a new product science-intensive products, in demand by the market, is protected as intellectual property or positive effect oriented.

In accordance with international standards innovation is defined as the end result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced into the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities, or a new approach to social services .

Therefore, the properties of innovation from the company’s position are:

Scientific and technical novelty,

Manufacturing applicability

Commercial feasibility (acts as a potential property, the achievement of which requires certain efforts).

The commercial aspect defines innovation as an economic necessity realized through the needs of the market. Let's pay attention to two points:

- “materialization” of innovation into new types of products, means and objects of labor, technology and organization of production;

- “commercialization”, turning them into a source of income.

Sometimes innovation is seen as a process. This concept recognizes that innovation develops over time and has distinct stages. The terms “innovation” and “innovation process” are close, but not unambiguous. The innovation process is associated with the creation, development and dissemination of innovations .

From the above it follows that innovation must be considered continuously with the innovation process.

Innovation is a materialized result obtained from investing capital in new technology or technology, into new forms of organization of production, labor, service and management, including new forms of control, accounting, planning methods, analysis techniques, etc.

Innovation can also be called an innovative product. The concepts of “invention” and “discovery” are closely related to the concept of “innovation”. An invention is understood as new devices, mechanisms, tools, and other devices created by man.

Discovery is the process of obtaining previously unknown data or observing a previously unknown natural phenomenon. Discovery differs from innovation in the following ways:

1. Discovery, as well as invention, are made, as a rule, at the fundamental level, and innovation is carried out at the technological (applied) level.

2. A discovery can be made by a single inventor, but innovation is developed by teams (laboratories, departments, institutes) and embodied in the form of an innovation project.

3. The discovery is not intended to gain profit. Innovation always aims to obtain a greater influx of money, a larger amount of profit, increase labor productivity and reduce production costs through the use of some innovation in technology and technology, as well as obtain any other tangible benefit.

4. A discovery can happen by chance, but innovation is always the result of a search. It is not produced by accident. It requires a specific clear target for release and a feasibility study.

Innovation is viewed from different perspectives: in relation to technology, commerce, social systems, economic development and policy formulation. Accordingly, there is a wide range of approaches to conceptualizing innovation in the scientific literature.

When conceptualizing the concept of innovation, it is useful to compare it with other concepts. In particular, the scientific literature notes that the concept of “innovation” is often confused with the concept of “invention”, which means the creation of a new technical development or improvement of the old one. In addition, many improvements in goods and services would be more accurately described simply as “improvement.” The concepts of "change" and "creativity" can also sometimes be used instead of the concept of "innovation".

To distinguish innovation from the concepts listed above, it is often specified that the peculiarity of innovation is that it creates additional value, allows the innovator to obtain additional value, and is associated with implementation. In this view, an innovation is not an innovation until it is successfully implemented and begins to provide benefits.

An alternative approach uses other concepts as part of the definition of innovation: "Innovation occurs when someone uses an invention—or uses something that already exists in a new way—to change the way people live." In this case, an invention can be a new concept, device or other things that facilitate activity, and innovativeness is not associated with whether the organizer of the innovation received any benefit and whether it brought a positive effect.

Innovation is defined as the final result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practical activities or in a new approach to social services.

There are differences between the concepts of “innovation” and “novelty”. Innovation (novation) is a new or updated product of someone’s creative activity, offered to consumers for further transformation and use. An innovation can be a new material, product, method, technology, service, etc. Innovation is usually formalized in the form of discoveries, inventions, patents, trademarks, innovation proposals, etc.

Innovation (synonymous with innovation) is an innovation that has become the subject of a process of development and implementation. An innovation becomes an innovation from the moment it is accepted by the consumer for further transformation or use, and also has a sign of novelty for the consumer. Thus, an innovation (innovation) should be considered an innovation (innovation) only if two conditions are met: the innovation must be accepted by the given consumer; an innovation must have a sign of novelty for a given consumer.

Innovations can be developed both for one’s own needs and for sale. At the “input” of the organization as a system there will be innovations of their sellers, which can be immediately implemented, turning into the form of innovation, at the “output” - innovations as goods, services, processes. An innovator is the creator of an innovation as a product of his work containing a new solution. Innovators can be individuals and legal entities.

An innovator is one who accepts innovation for consumption, i.e. for further transformation or use. In innovation activities, it is customary to distinguish between innovations-products, innovations-processes (production-technological), modifications of products and services.

Innovations mean the phase of the emergence of a new technological structure. Innovations are products that have a higher use value; they create effective competition in the market.

The following changes, or sources of innovation, are distinguished:

· An unexpected event, which can be unexpected success, unexpected failure;

· The discrepancy between reality, such as it is, and its reflection in the opinions and assessments of people;

·Changing needs of the production process;

·Changes in industry or market structure;

·Demographic changes;

·Changes in perception and values;

·New knowledge, scientific and non-scientific.

Innovation is an economic and social rather than a technical term. It does not have to be something technical, or indeed something material. There are few technological innovations that can rival the impact of inventions such as installment sales, which literally transformed the entire sphere of commerce.

The boundaries between these sources of innovative ideas are blurred; Moreover, these sources often overlap each other. At the same time, each of these sources has its own characteristics, so they should be analyzed separately.

Innovations are innovations that have been brought to the stage of commercial use and offered on the market in the form of a new product. The true novelty of a product is always associated with an increase in the economic effect of its use.


Innovation is viewed from different perspectives: in relation to technology, commerce, social systems, economic development and policy formulation. Accordingly, there is a wide range of approaches to conceptualizing innovation in the scientific literature.

When conceptualizing the concept of “innovation,” it is useful to compare it with other concepts, which is what I did in this work. There are many relationships between the concepts of novelty, innovation and innovation. Some authors equate them, others, on the contrary, separate them.

Innovations are aimed at satisfying certain social needs, but at the same time, the necessary increase in the efficiency of using individual resources or increasing the efficiency of individual production units, or increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole as a result of introducing innovations and obtaining innovations does not always occur. The final success of an innovation, expressed in obtaining an economic effect from the operation of an enterprise, is influenced by a combination of different factors (economic, legal, technical, market, etc.), the impact of which is extremely difficult to predict. Thus, it can be argued that innovation is an innovation introduced into the activities of an enterprise in order to increase its efficiency based on better satisfaction of a certain social need. It should be noted that efficiency should be understood as a certain economic, production, social, environmental and other result expected from the implementation of an innovation.


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