Business abroad - features of doing so + 5 factors that determine the choice of country + step by step instructions how to organize a business + 9 countries for business.

The prospect of developing not only within their homeland increasingly attracts our entrepreneurs to open some business abroad.

In addition, many countries are only happy to attract foreign investment.

Of course, you will have to face a number of difficulties - studying legislation, generating a relevant business idea, finding funds, and the language barrier.

But with a high level of motivation and in the right mood everything will work out for work.

Today we will talk about the features of entrepreneurship abroad using the example of various countries, as well as the factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing them.

Features of doing business abroad

To organize a business abroad, you must first study the legislation of the state where you are planning to conquer new horizons.

The business strategy should be based on the following points:

  • government loyalty to foreign entrepreneurs;
  • what share of the company’s authorized capital can a foreigner own;
  • availability of tax benefits for non-residents;
  • provision of government support.

The next point that you need to pay attention to if you want to have a business abroad is market research.

Select a few in a particular state and think about how you can advertise your business.

You won’t be able to start a business abroad without visiting the country personally.

Firstly, this is a chance to get to know the mentality better, and secondly, it is easier and better to negotiate with suppliers and clients.

Factors determining the choice of country for doing business

There are no specific instructions on how to proceed if you want to have a business abroad.

After all, different states have their own characteristics - the political and economic situation, exchange rates, taxation.

Therefore, each case is considered separately.

There are a number of factors that determine the choice of the country in which business activities will be conducted:

    Political situation.

    It should be stable and the government should not change laws every year.

    Many European countries, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are in first place.

    Crime rate.

    You should be interested in economic crime in the state, which consists in the corruption of officials and the presence of raider takeovers.

    Laws regulating business activities of foreigners.

    Here it is worth considering how loyal the government is to non-residents who want to go abroad - is it necessary to obtain a residence permit or can one limit themselves to a long-term visa, is it necessary to permanently stay in the country, what is the size and share of a foreigner in the authorized capital of the enterprise, how to obtain licenses or patents for conducting activities.

    Taxation system and the size of the minimum investment.

    When choosing a state for doing business abroad, it is necessary to study the tax legislation and make an assessment of the proposed business.

    With high tax rates and a large amount of authorized capital, you may need to take a closer look at other regions where these indicators are much lower.

    Culture and mentality.

    Differences in culture and mentality can be a serious barrier to doing business abroad, because without cooperation with representatives of the country it is impossible to build your own business.

Business planning abroad

When planning a business abroad, you need to prepare more than carefully and draw up a clear plan of action.

You must realize that leading entrepreneurial activity- this is not a resort.

You will have to create new jobs, pay taxes, order materials and sell goods or provide your services.

So, to open a business abroad, you need to take the following steps:

    Generation of several business ideas.

    Come up with a few ideas based on your own knowledge and desires, as well as what it will take to implement them abroad.

    Selecting countries.

    Depending on the ideas you come up with, look for countries where they will be relevant.

    First, consider those that you have visited or that are close to you in spirit.

    Also look for information about how busy the market is for what you want to sell.

    If the idea is innovative, then think about where it will be received with joy and interest, and where it will definitely not be appreciated.

    Narrowing down your choices.

    After a superficial study, it will become clear which ideas can be implemented in which regions.

    Select a maximum of three areas of business abroad in which you are ready to work and begin to study them more carefully.

    Seeking legal advice.

    In many major cities You can find companies that provide advice on starting a business abroad.

    There you can get information about the necessary documents, permits, opening dates and the tax system for foreigners.

    Finding a lawyer.

    Once you have decided on your business idea and state, find a lawyer who will handle registration issues.

    He will compose and collect everything necessary documents, will help in concluding agreements with counterparties.

    The services of such a person are quite expensive, but without them it is unlikely that you will be able to independently manage the entire process.

Business abroad using the example of 9 countries

Now you can go to the list of countries where you can start a business abroad.

Each of them will have its own characteristics, let's try to briefly consider the main ones.

1. United States of America

The USA is one of the best and most advanced countries where you can start your business abroad.

As for doing business by non-residents of the country, everything is actually quite simple.

The main difficulty will be obtaining a visa.

The procedure for registering companies is similar to ours - choosing a legal form, drawing up a unique name, renting premises, recruiting staff, obtaining permits and licenses, registering with the tax service, opening a bank account.

Insurance against losses and force majeure is mandatory.

2. Canada

“A man who is lucky is a man who has done what others were only about to do.”
Jules Renard

If you want to start a business abroad, then take a closer look at Canada.

The government of the country supports entrepreneurs.

For example, there is a program to help immigrants who want it - The Canada Immigrant Investor Program.

In addition, here you can get a loan for favorable conditions under the program to support young entrepreneurs under 29 years of age.

To open a business in Canada, you must meet one of three requirements:

  1. You must be a qualified professional with higher education, work experience and knowledge of state languages.
  2. You must be an entrepreneur in your home country who was able to make a profit of $300,000 from his activities.
  3. You want to be an investor in a business abroad with an honestly earned $1,600,000, half of which you are willing to invest in a business in Canada.

3. Brazil

When deciding to do business abroad, many people forget about South America.

And its prominent representative is Brazil.

Despite the fact that the country's government encourages foreign investors, it is not so easy to settle here.

You will need at least $50,000, which will give you a “pass” and even the opportunity to obtain a permanent residence permit.

If you can convince the Immigration Board of the value of your business, this amount may be reduced.

But still get ready for big expenses.

For example, to get legal address abroad, you will need to pay more than $10,000.

In addition, Brazil is a country with high levels of corruption and complex system taxation.

4. Argentina

Fast and easy registration, comparatively small investment and a friendly attitude towards foreigners - all this makes Argentina attractive to those who want to open a business abroad.

The main features inherent in opening and running a business in Argentina:

  • the minimum amount of authorized capital is $12,000;
  • the cost of registering a business abroad is $7,000;
  • to become an investor who will then have a residence permit, you need to invest about $170,000.

5. Germany

One of the most developed and powerful countries is Germany.

Previously, it was rarely chosen by those who wanted to go abroad.

This was due to the fact that until 2012 it was necessary to invest a minimum of 250,000 euros and provide employment to five people.

Now what is required from an entrepreneur is quality business plan and permission from the authorities of the land where the business will operate.

But be prepared for the fact that most likely you will have to hire lawyers or intermediaries who will provide advice on opening and running a business abroad.

6. Italy

An important feature and attractive feature of Italy is that entrepreneurs - citizens and foreigners have equal rights in doing business.

Also, a non-resident is not required to prove the significance and importance of the case being opened.

The government doesn’t even care whether you make a profit or not, they only need to receive taxes from you in full and within a certain time frame.

Therefore, if you are looking for a region where you can do business abroad without waiting for a residence permit, then Italy is a suitable option.

In addition, in order to register you do not need to resort to the services of intermediaries; it is enough to collect all the necessary documents and submit them to the appropriate services.

And within just one day, you will become an entrepreneur on the Apennine Peninsula.

7. China

we need to do it big - open a full-fledged production facility and hire a large staff of workers.

Only in this case can you count on business abroad , namely, in this state it will bring you great profit.

Everyone knows that the Celestial Empire is famous inexpensive goods, therefore, organizing a small business with a small turnover is not at all profitable.

Companies in which a quarter of the authorized capital belongs to foreigners are called Foreign Invested Enterprise, and those in which a non-resident is the sole owner are called Wholly Foreign Owned Entity.

The size of the authorized capital of the enterprise will depend on the territory in which province you want to start your business.

There are also a number of destinations in China where foreigners are not allowed, so take that into account.

8. Japan

Many people mistakenly believe that Japan is not suitable for starting a business abroad.

But in fact, the country's government does not create any barriers for foreigners.

In any case, you will have to obtain a tourist or work visa, which will give you the right to certify the company seal required for the registration procedure.

You are also given 5 years to fully repay authorized capital enterprises.

To ensure that the process of opening and running a business in Japan is successful, we recommend contacting companies that deal with this issue.

9. Australia

If you want to have a business abroad where the government doesn't care what you do as long as you provide jobs to its people, then Australia is probably the place for you.

But to start a business here, you must meet the following requirements:

  • availability of a business visa;
  • availability of a certificate of knowledge of English;
  • a bank account for doing business abroad containing $250,000;
  • the company will employ at least three Australian residents;
  • the entrepreneur must stay on the island for at least 9 months without leaving anywhere.

How to open your own business in Australia for those traveling as part of student “immigration to Australia”

explained in detail in the video:

As you may have noticed, business abroad- this is possible, but only for those who are ready to work.

Study your idea that you want to implement abroad, down to the smallest detail, draw up a competent business plan, find professionals, and with their support, begin to act.

Remember that success does not come to those who do nothing.

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Quite often new business ideas come from abroad. That's why it makes sense to periodically monitor new business trends abroad. Of course, not everything can be accomplished on native soil. But some can be adopted directly, and some can be creatively reworked. Why this review and will be dedicated. But first, let’s outline some differences in the approaches in the West, East and here. This will help you better navigate when implementing a foreign business idea in your “native land”.

Business is an invention of the Western type of thinking. What is the difference between business and, more or less associated with our term, entrepreneurship? ...This requires a separate discussion. Here we will briefly outline the difference in approaches. On the basis of which it will become clear that not all ideas foreign countries it is possible to implement, or even to a limited extent, to implement with us.

Let us dwell on these, in our opinion, the most important features when considering new business ideas from abroad.

First of all, we will focus on foreign ideas for small businesses. This is due to the fact that medium business has its own infrastructure, which is designed to track development trends. Big business Moreover, and besides this, it is largely built into the global economic system, so he himself largely creates economic meanings and trends. Small business in this regard is in a separate information space. Some kind of general, intelligible structure that supervises its development on at the moment No.

For convenience, we will group business ideas according to some criteria. The structuring given below is largely arbitrary.

This ideas related to new discoveries, technology, reducing the cost of existing technologies. Traditionally, most innovations are implemented in the West or East. A periodic review of innovations can spark a business idea. And since the West is initially aimed at extracting material benefits, the development of technologies themselves is closely interconnected with profitability, the financial benefit from investments. Examples of innovative business ideas:

  • Photo printing for your phone. A special case for your phone that allows you to instantly print a photo;
  • Solar tent. The energy generated by the tent is enough to charge an electronic gadget or connect any not particularly energy-intensive device;
  • Electric bike in a backpack. A good solution for those who love to travel;
  • Reusable diapers;
  • A stylus brush that allows you to draw on touch screens;
  • Printer for printing clothes.

It is difficult to say how well they will take root with us. Europe is famous for its significant savings in resources; in the United States, significant emphasis is placed on the service sector and catering. Nutrition receives a lot of attention in Western countries. To some extent, business related to savings will be in demand here too. The situation with the food business is somewhat more complicated. And to foreigners environmental business ideas we need to be even more wary. With food, the situation is somewhat simpler for us - our economic wives are not averse to doing the kitchen themselves, and this limits some of the business proposals. Ecology worries our compatriots much less due to the smaller problems associated with it. Examples of business ideas:

Business ideas on savings

  • "Smart shower" System for optimizing the water supply to the shower: heating, flow, taking into account the condition of the person being washed, time, etc.;
  • Clock that monitors medication intake;
  • Airbag for fall protection;
  • Luggage storage facilities on motorways;
  • Source alternative energy from the soil.

Food business ideas

  • Vending machines for selling salads;
  • Meal subscription. Supply of certain food by subscription, like newspapers or magazines;
  • Subscription for vegetables and fruits;
  • Topless coffee shops;

Eco business ideas

  • Growing and selling organic food;
  • Ecotourism. Traveling and living close to nature in an ecological area, both with a load of various agricultural work, and just relaxing;
  • Growing plants, vegetables, fruits, berries to order;
  • Biodegradable disposable cups;
  • Edible tableware. In particular for storing drinking water.

Let's look at a few more in our opinion. original ideas born abroad
. So far, these ideas have not received proper distribution in our country and an analysis of the possibility of their implementation is required. Examples of business ideas:

  • Advertising on windows. We draw advertising directly on the glass;
  • Production of reinforcement for concreting from composite materials;
  • Creation of unusual buildings: crooked houses, upside down houses, “dog holes”, etc.;
  • Renting out special equipment;
  • Temporary surroundings (giving appearance) any premises on order for organizing certain events.

As already mentioned, not all foreign business ideas can be adapted to us. However, in most cases, the idea can be used, if not directly, then through creative processing. Part of the business idea requires high-quality development of the client base, i.e., in essence, the creation of demand. Typically, creating demand involves either a large outlay of money, a long period of time, or both. There are many examples of such ideas: Coca-Cola, hits of the season, fast food, etc.

When looking for business ideas that work, aspiring entrepreneurs often turn to the experiences of others. One of the most popular ways find a business idea - see what is happening abroad.

It’s just worth considering that markets different countries are still very different from each other. It’s one thing to have developed economies like the USA and Singapore, which are head and shoulders above other countries in terms of development, and quite another to have Iran and Bangladesh, which are developing at a rapid pace, but only follow global trends, and do not set them.

Already today on Russian market you can find a lot of ideas peeped abroad. They differ only in the degree of borrowing. You can simply copy someone else’s idea and expect it to “take off” due to the lack of competitors. “Success abroad does not always mean success in Russia. Couponers and some sharing services were so unlucky,” says the founder of the management service courier delivery Bringo Mark Kapchits.

This once again demonstrates that even the most fashionable and creative foreign idea may not be in demand in Russia. But the whole point is that it is simply not interesting to the local population. In addition, you need to understand that a Western startup and Russian startup- two different things, and take into account the specifics of your country: a different level of bureaucracy, state support, legislation and even the mentality of the population.

There is no point in blindly copying a foreign idea. But it still makes sense to be inspired by examples from other countries, and then adapt them to the Russian market. We invite you to familiarize yourself with business ideas from abroad that promise to become especially popular in 2016.

Booking Platforms

We are all somehow familiar with the Airbnb service, which allows you to rent an apartment in another city or country while sitting at your computer at home. However, when it first appeared in 2008, the service itself was new. Now this market is actively developing, and analogues of Airbnb are appearing in other industries.

Services like Airbnb, aimed at vacationers and travelers, are already successfully developing the market, but services aimed at business owners and allowing them to rent work space for a short time are just beginning to appear.

At the same time, the workspace refers not only to the usual offices and conference rooms, but also, for example, places for yoga classes.

At the same time, there are many other areas where online booking platforms could be created. Currently, the most attractive and unoccupied niche in terms of profit is platforms for booking venues for events (birthdays, corporate events, weddings). Such a service can bring good income, if you manage to attract enough cooperation large number site owners and potential clients.

This is proven by the example of the Russian service for booking venues for parties BASH!Today, which in just 7 months of operation carried out transactions worth more than 11 million rubles.

It is worth mentioning right away that the service was not copied from abroad.

Mikael Sahakyants

Founder of BASH!Today

The idea for the business was born after deciding to hold a party one Sunday evening. The desire to gather guests and have a lot of fun ran into one obstacle: the lack of a suitable venue. In the end, we managed to find it, but during the search process I realized that I was far from the only one who was faced with the problem of lack of a suitable place for holding events.

I didn’t search for similar services in Russia or abroad until last fall. But in our country, until recently, there were no such services.

I can say that the world does not yet have a strong player in this area, such as Airbnb. The niche has not yet been occupied, especially in Russia.

Today, the BASH!Today service works only in Moscow, but it is planned to expand it throughout the country in the near future.

However, you still have time to open something similar in your city. Or master a slightly narrower niche, for example, selecting venues for weddings. Projects with a broad focus only partially cover the theme of wedding events, but a service aimed strictly at places where you can have a wedding can become very popular.

"Smart" technology

For decades, people have dreamed of a future in which refrigerators would automatically order food that was about to run out. But for now, most of us, in the old fashioned way, take a piece of paper with a list of groceries with us to the store. At the same time today for mostly devices can be monitored one way or another using a smartphone.

But for now we are only skimming the surface: most of us do not go beyond using Fitbit. This is why creating smart products is a great business opportunity.

To make a device “smart,” you often just need to add a sensor and the ability to transmit data via Bluetooth. And the example of various fitness accessories that allow you to monitor your heartbeat, breathing, and the number of steps taken per day proves that making almost every accessory “smart” is beneficial.

Many people today track their activity and performance using watches, headphones, clothes and shoes

A quick look at the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which can be used to determine which startups are generating the most interest, shows that many new “smart” devices are about to conquer the market. Among them, for example, a luggage bag Neit with GPS and device tracking capabilities WiFithing, which remotely monitors the heating and lighting in your apartment.

In the near future, there will be an increase in the number of devices that will allow buyers to improve their kitchen without spending money on it. big money. Among such inventions Smarter Mat- a rubberized mat that can be placed in a refrigerator or cabinet, and with its help you can find out which products placed on it are about to run out. With your permission, this device can even order these products from an online store.

Another similar device - The Fridge Cam- can be built into any refrigerator. It takes a photo of what's in the refrigerator, along with the date, and sends it to a special app on your smartphone. And finally, Smarter Detect- a device that responds to signals from your oven, microwave or dishwasher and sends a notification to your smartphone.

Natural and organic cosmetics

Buyers increasingly prefer natural and organic cosmetics. According to the British marketing agency Mintel Natural beauty products are used by 42% of buyers. The British believe that organic products are better for environment.

And besides, today it is more important than ever for customers what exactly is included in their cosmetics. To see this, just visit the exhibition, where natural, organic, ethical (not tested on animals) beauty products from all over the world are presented. In February 2016, it attracted 33 thousand visitors.

It is obvious that natural and organic products are a key trend in the development of the beauty industry in the coming years. At the same time, there is a growing number of products that look like they were just made right in the kitchen, but at the same time reflect the latest cosmetic trends.

The easiest way is to start your own home production natural cosmetics

Many do this, for example, making soap with their own hands and selling it at various markets and specialized stores. But the competition among soap makers is great, and you can’t earn much for one product.

Another interesting and much less expensive way to build an organic business is to create a subscription service for organic cosmetics. A visitor comes to your website, signs up for a subscription for a certain period of time for a certain fee, and you send him a set of ingredients from which he can make his own cosmetics.

You can work according to this scheme not only with components for homemade masks, but with already finished products foreign and Russian brands that cannot be bought in every store. For example, it does this Russian service Live Organic Box, whose subscribers receive six boxes of organic creams, oils per year, “ household chemicals", products and even clothes.

The service began operating shortly before 2016, although its creator Tatyana Mikhailenko had the idea much earlier. Tatyana herself says that the idea was born from a long-time passion for “organic”, and was not spied on by foreign colleagues. This is probably true, but in the West, similar subscription services for organic cosmetics, for example, Vegan Cuts Beauty Box, have been operating for more than a year. One way or another, in Russia this niche can be said to be empty.

Business withInstagram

Unusual bars

Conventional bars and restaurants no longer satisfy millennials. Audiences aged 25 to 34 are looking for more original ways carry out free time. Today, young people, who most often spend money on entertainment, try to constantly gain some new experience.

You can play on this penchant for novelty by opening an unusual establishment. For example, a bar in which everything from the bar counter to the glasses is made of ice. Such establishments first appeared in Finland back in the late 80s, and then spread throughout the world. In Russia, however, ice bars did not take root: several of them opened in Moscow, but were closed.

But Russians liked cafes where they eat in complete darkness. The first such establishment called DansleNoir? opened in Paris in 2004. And in 2006, a similar restaurant opened in Moscow. Over time, similar establishments began to open in other Russian cities.

If such extremely unusual establishments do not seem like a good idea to you, you can do it easier and open a cafe with team sports games, for example, ping pong or darts. Or use modern technologies like the coffee chain did ITBar, where instead of ordinary tables there are interactive ones. With the help of such tables, you can familiarize yourself with the menu, check your social network account, and even watch a movie. A total of four such coffee shops have opened in Russia.

If you are thinking about opening your own unusual bar, keep in mind that Russian catering today is going through a rather difficult situation.

Due to the crisis, many establishments had to close. This, on the one hand, is a big disadvantage, because it is quite difficult to develop in a falling market. On the other hand, the fewer players in the market, the fewer competitors you have. If you offer your customers an interesting way to spend their leisure time and reasonable prices, then you have every chance to successfully implement the idea of ​​your unusual cafe.

Some of the identified trends will be relevant throughout the world, others may remain unclear. On the Russian market you can find a lot of examples of business stories that were successful abroad or, on the contrary, failed.

One way or another, before starting to implement a foreign business idea, you need to check its potential in your region. Find out whether it will be in demand, whether it will encounter legislative restrictions, and then decide how exactly to adapt it to Russian reality and whether it is worth doing it at all.

Europe is the recognized leader in terms of quantity creative ideas for new business. The specifics of life and mentality contribute to the emergence and subsequent implementation of non-standard projects. They are quickly gaining widespread adoption and impressive revenues. Startups that are successful in the West may well become profitable business– both in Russia and in other countries. The new products of 2017 discussed below can become a source of inspiration for finding a successful investment of money and effort.

1. Ideal jeans store for men

It's rare that a man likes to hike for hours. shopping centers in search of the necessary thing. The problem is with the visual choice of model and suitable size. A real find for male representatives was the Hointer jeans store. The simple and functional layout of the product, modern technology and the lack of intrusive service attract men like a magnet. The jeans are not folded in neat piles, but are hung with the front side facing the buyer, each in a single copy. Using the QR code on the labels, you can easily find out which of the fitting rooms already contains the desired model of the appropriate size. After trying on the jeans you like are taken to the checkout, those that don’t fit are sent to a special hole. The advantage of such a store is significant savings on square meters and employees.

2. Shopping with delivery to the place of arrival

A relevant service for cities with an airport will be the delivery of groceries after an online order to the place of arrival. Tired passengers will be grateful for the opportunity to go home without queuing at supermarkets. The idea was implemented by the Woolworths chain of stores in Melbourne (Australia).

3. Products without packaging

The Bulk Barn company offers loose, and most importantly, cheap goods: cereals, nuts, teas, pastries, dried fruits and much more in large vending machines with transparent walls. The lack of packaging greatly affects the price. Since its inception, the company has expanded to 200 branches and increased its product line to 4,000 items.

4. Weight controlled restaurant

The fashion trend for a beautiful, athletic body has made the idea of ​​opening a restaurant where you can calculate your dinner based on the number of calories truly “golden.” This service is successfully offered by the Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland).

5. A restaurant with the opportunity to earn money for visitors

The Logbar bar in Japan gives its visitors the opportunity to create their own cocktail recipe on the iPad. The bartender will mix the ingredients, and the visitor will enjoy the taste of his invention. You can give the drink a name and save it in the bar map. If another visitor chooses the invented cocktail, the author will be credited 50 yen for each new order.

6. Cafe for cyclists

A healthy lifestyle and the desire to help the environment increase the number of bicycles in cities every year. People began to often switch from cars to two-wheeled vehicles, while the infrastructure of cities is well developed for the former, but neglects the latter. In Zurich, cafes where you can have a snack without getting out of the saddle are very popular. There are special tables for parking, at which meals take place. Convenience and accessibility attract not only bicycle riders, but also motorists and pedestrians.

7. Automated bike rental

As with the bike café idea, the offering is influenced by modern lifestyles. For those who do not have the opportunity to buy a bicycle, instead of a taxi and public transport rental service will be in demand. The delivery points are automated and brought to perfection. Anyone can take a vehicle in a few seconds, pay for it in cash or by card, and rent it out for a similar rental without bothering themselves with the journey back.

8. Free gym

Expensive memberships become a barrier for everyone who wants to visit the gym. What are the benefits of opening a free gym? A huge flow of customers and the opportunity to receive large incomes from the sale of related products and advertising space.

9. Pizza in a cone

Pizza in its usual form is a costly food in terms of production time and inconvenient as an “on-the-go” snack. The Italians came up with a way out of the situation. The dough is made in advance and rolled into a cone, which, when ordered, is filled with filling and finished in the oven. Compact in size, convenient for a quick snack, crispy and endlessly tasty, PizzaCono is gaining popularity in all cities of the world. The idea would be a great startup in a city where it has not yet appeared.

10. Vending machine for tourists

Towels, umbrellas, sunglasses, toothpaste and other essential items for any trip are often forgotten at home. In Germany, they came up with the idea of ​​installing the Berlinomat Design Automat, which supplies travelers with everything they need at train stations and airports.

11. Hotel for children

An excellent solution for parents who have no one to leave their child with during an event or trip. The hotel is a camp available at any time of the year, where the child will be looked after by experienced educators, animators will take care of him, doctors will look after him and the cook will feed him delicious food. Given the busyness of modern parents, the idea has become widespread in the West.

12. Sausages with drawings

An amazing invention for children came from the Feldhues company (Germany). It was proposed to make sausage in such a way that when cut, you get pieces with pictures: bear cubs, hares, dolphins and other cute pictures. Over time, a range for adults and a service for making individual designs appeared. The result of a successful commercial offer was the expansion of a small store to three plants with a wide range of products.

13. Tours for tourists with impaired vision

Services for people with disabilities are beginning to be in widespread demand. In the process of preparing trips for people with low or no vision, groups are recruited, half consisting of tourists with good vision, who help the first to enjoy the trip and experience the beauty of the surrounding places.

14. Vending to relieve stress

The European fashion for psychotherapists, trainings and other things that help restore emotional health has switched to new level. A business idea in the form of placing machines on the street to release negative emotions began to gain popularity. For example, the machine will dispense dishes that can and should be broken. After which a special employee will clean everything carefully and quickly. The service is in demand among young people and teenagers who burn off energy and have fun with the help of power.

15. Shop with food kits based on recipes

The idea is suitable for both gourmets and busy people who don’t want to spend a long time searching the store shelves for the products they need. An example of successful implementation was the Kochhaus chain of stores. All goods inside are on separate tables, on which photos of dishes with descriptions are located and the necessary ingredients are selected in the right proportion. Perishable foods are placed in refrigerators next to tables.

16. Printing short messages

Important, valuable information for many remains forever in our computers and smartphones. company offered a unique opportunity to print and save all valuable correspondence as a keepsake. The service makes it possible to archive correspondence from any messenger (viber, whatssapp, and others).

17. Barzahlen service for online stores

For those who do not accept credit cards and are not comfortable with online banking, a system has been developed that allows, when purchasing online, to print a receipt with a barcode and pay for it in any convenient store (which is a partner of Barzahlen) at the checkout, after which the seller online The store will immediately send the goods.

18. Narrow professional consultation

The idea of ​​Michael Franke, an insurer from Germany, became a successful satrap. The entrepreneur helps his colleagues understand the nuances of insurance offers, identify pitfalls, compiles and publishes company ratings.

19. Pay for travel with a smartphone

Every second European from developed countries has an application installed on their phones that allows them to pay for travel directly on their phone. The idea is suitable for proactive entrepreneurs who are able to take on complex organizational issues.

20. Smart technologies

The Babolat Play company (France) proposed a tennis racket that can monitor the game online and analyze its indicators, which makes it possible to adjust the tennis player’s game in a timely manner. The idea is also relevant for other areas of life. The introduction of such technologies makes people's lives easier and raises the level.

21. Window rental service for advertising

A new product from Holland is advertising on the windows of buildings. Owners of premises register in the “Add My Window” project, the system evaluates the location and their business. After the assessment, company managers send advertising perforated stickers that transmit light well and do not affect the interior lighting of the premises. Monthly payment to landlords is 150 euros.

22. Mobile hotel

Whitbread's Scandic To Go hotel stays wherever the guest wishes. Fields, meadows, roadside areas: any place accessible for a trailer. The service is becoming increasingly in demand due to the growing desire among tourists for a secluded holiday in comfort. For a night spent in a mobile hotel, you will have to pay $328.

23. Twitter hotel

A hotel called “SolWave” offers sociable tourists a vacation with Twitter services. Guests can chat in a general chat, make acquaintances, participate in competitions and sweepstakes, and talk in private rooms for four. To order drinks, just leave a message with the hashtag #FillMyFridge. In conditions of popularity social networks current idea in any country.

24. Renting identical cars

The Silvercar company can be considered a successful startup that gained rapid popularity and good income. The peculiarity is that the company rents out cars of only one make and model – AudiA4. Customers do not have to get used to new cars every time, and it is profitable for the company to serve similar models. All the necessary data on city navigation is integrated into the car control panel, and you can order a car from your smartphone through the application.

25. Chocolate construction set

The idea was realized in France by designer Elsa Lambina. The buyer is offered a choice of milk, white and dark chocolate in the form of squares, into which a chocolate bar is usually divided. You can choose any filling and insert it yourself into special holes. There are recesses at the top for decorative elements. Such homemade chocolate is in unprecedented demand as gifts for dear people.

26. Coworking center

Free space for communication or work. A modern alternative to cafes, restaurants, libraries and other places where it is customary to spend free time. Payment occurs only for hours spent inside such a center.

27. Hotel for flowers

For travelers going on a long journey, those who are planning to make repairs or have other reasons to leave flowers without care for a long time, the idea of ​​a plant hotel has appeared and has successfully shown itself.

28. Virtual presence

LiveLike VR is a project that, using virtual reality, allows fans to “be present” at the stadium where their favorite team is playing in real time.

29. Scented varnish coatings

Nail polishes usually have a harsh bad smell. A solution to the problem, which made fashionistas very happy, was proposed by Revlon. The brand has released a series of Parfumerie coatings. The entire line has pleasant, delicate scents that last for 3 days.

The question of which business ideas of 2019 in the USA have real potential worries not only local entrepreneurs, but also businessmen from our country. The reason for such close attention has a very simple explanation: the states have held leading positions in many economic indicators for decades, and they are home to many successful commercial projects and know-how.

List of business ideas in 2019 from the USA

These factors are interrelated, a huge number successful business ideas are the basis for the dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and therefore the entire economy of the country, including the following important components:


    filling the state budget;

    development of the social sphere;

    positive growth dynamics in other sectors of the economy.

We observe all this in the USA, and, despite the constantly growing national debt, as well as the pessimistic forecasts of many economists, the well-being of the inhabitants of this country is at the highest level, which is the main reference point for the average person. Indeed, who will be happy about GDP growth if wages are not enough for the most basic things, and buying a toy for a child becomes a real problem? Perhaps some of the issues that will be discussed in this article will help some of the readers to successfully implement their commercial project and radically change their life in better side. And although business in America differs significantly from entrepreneurial activity in our country, practice shows that the basis of any promising idea can be successfully used, regardless of your location.

Ideas for small business

Let's consider commercial ideas that were created in the states, but are of practical interest for our entrepreneurs.

    Disposal of old household appliances. Of course, this idea is of more interest to states where a substantial fee is charged for the removal of unnecessary equipment, but in our country such a business also has a chance of successful development. It’s hard to even imagine what’s in old Soviet televisions, radios, etc. You can find metals that cost a decent amount of money. Taking apart the discarded household appliances, there is a chance to receive stable income, at least average level.

    Training courses on the use of narrow-profile computer programs. Today creation and development software is happening at such a pace that the average user does not have time to learn even the basics of how these useful developments work. Therefore, courses in which you will be told how to use programs for processing photographs, audio information, creating designs and other highly specialized areas are guaranteed to provide you with a stable flow of clients, and therefore high profits. To implement such a commercial project, you do not need large investments; this business idea from America requires that you have a good understanding of this issue and were able to clearly explain the necessary information to visitors to your seminars. In addition, you will need a spacious room in which you will conduct classes. To save money (depending on the seminar schedule), you can rent a room for several hours a day. At the same time, it is recommended to organize courses on working with computers and various mobile devices for older people who do not want to lag behind progress, but cannot master modern technology without outside help. This will not significantly affect the size of fixed costs, and overall profits will increase by at least 30-50 percent.

    Providing information about medical services in your city. We can say that some business ideas from America, at first glance, seem absolutely meaningless and even absurd to us, but if you think carefully, your opinion about them will most likely change completely. In this case, it is proposed to sell any information related to the provision of medical services: who is the best doctor in this area, who is better not to contact at all, where you can quickly and inexpensively undergo a general examination, how much it costs to do a blood test, etc. Such a service is in great demand in our country. No one will ever save money on health. Therefore, we can predict with a 100% guarantee that if a person needs to contact medical institution, he will gladly use your service so as not to waste energy, time and money, and also not to experiment with his own health by turning to an unknown specialist. To implement this commercial project, you do not need large financial investments. It will be necessary to create a complete database on this issue, and then continue to update it and find clients.

    Development of mobile games for preschool and younger children school age. We can confidently say that there is a fairly high level of demand for these products. Children love to play with modern mobile devices, quickly mastering even complex programs, so creating “toys”, both entertaining and educational, is a very promising business. To get started, you will need smart, promising programmers who can be found on the freelance exchange, tools modern internet marketing, as well as the desire to earn money. And if to implement such a business idea in the USA you will need to first register legal entity, and then work in the chosen direction, then we can simultaneously create trial version games and organizational issues.

    Providing large companies with services that include checking the use of mobile devices by employees. Perhaps someone plays their favorite game all day long, ignoring their work obligations, while another employee, with the help of mobile phone transfers sensitive commercial information to competitors. The company's management will be very interested in learning about such facts, so they will not spare money to pay for these services. Without going into technical details of this business, we can say that it does not require large financial investments to start it, and the expected income allows us to assert that there are great prospects for such activities. Although, unlike the USA, some of our people are confused moral aspect such "control".

    Considering the high pace of development international business, knowledge foreign languages can become the foundation for a promising business of your own. Especially, lately The demand for translating information from the Internet has increased, as well as the creation of absolutely identical websites in different languages. This business also does not require huge capital investments, and the search for clientele is not limited to any one country. To work, you don’t even have to meet your customer in person. The completed translation can be sent by email, and receive a fee using any payment system convenient for you.

    Mobile cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons. Similar businesses ideas from America and Europe are designed for high-income countries, and no one has studied their prospects in the territory of the former union. Therefore, no guarantees can be given that these commercial projects will bring you real profit. Perhaps it makes sense to try to open a mobile cafe or hairdresser in some big city, and at first this idea, due to its originality, will generate good income. But to implement such a project, a sufficiently large starting capital, as well as overcoming huge amount bureaucratic obstacles that will certainly arise in the process of creating such cafes or hairdressers.

    Repair of smartphones and other gadgets. The constantly growing number of modern equipment automatically increases the demand for repair services. Even the most reliable things from well-known manufacturers tend to break. Neither Chinese counterfeits nor original gadgets are immune from this. If you understand this issue, then it makes sense to turn your knowledge into a stable source of income. Moreover, to open a workshop, you do not need large financial investments and expensive licenses for the right to engage in such activities.

    Constant crisis phenomena in the development of the world economy have led to the emergence of such a business idea from the United States as an independent foreman. This was preceded by mass bankruptcy of small construction companies. And if finding workers to build a private house or store is not a difficult task, then take care of organizational issues, coordination of actions, purchasing materials, etc. only a professional can. It is for such situations that an independent foreman is needed who will be responsible for completing all construction work, as well as for their quality.

    Considering foreign business ideas, you cannot ignore such activities as testing web resources. Today, almost every company has its own website, online store or other resource that performs a lot of functions aimed at promoting and advertising the company and its products. By providing website testing services, you provide its owner with complete information about the quality of the resource from the point of view of an ordinary user. Like most previous commercial projects, the presented activity does not require large financial costs. The main expense items are: company registration and advertising of the services provided.

    One of the most promising business ideas this year, according to many authoritative analysts, is outsourcing. Constant crises and unsatisfactory trends in the development of the world economy have become the reason that even large companies began to transfer part of their production functions or certain processes to other firms specializing in these matters. For example, an organization, instead of maintaining a legal department, transfers all its issues, which were previously resolved by its lawyers, to another company, naturally, for a certain fee. Similar promising ideas for business in the USA have been used for several years, they affect production processes, accounting, marketing research, advertising activities, IT sphere. The prospects for the development of this type of activity in our country are difficult to calculate, given the fact that the salaries of domestic specialists are several times lower than those of their American colleagues, outsourcing is most likely not among the profitable and interesting commercial ideas.

    If you have start-up capital, but absolutely no ideas for your own business, take advantage of ready-made offers: buy a franchise. Given economic term involves the acquisition of a ready-made business scheme, trademark, name, etc. In other words, you are buying an established business in order to operate according to certain rules under someone else’s name. In such commercial transactions there is how positive aspects, as well as negative aspects. The first is the fact that you do not need to invent anything, calculate, analyze, study competitors, establish business connections, etc., in fact, you get completely ready business, to the second - you are practically deprived of freedom of choice, every action must comply with the terms of the contract, and their violation is fraught with serious financial sanctions.

Non-standard ideas for business

Continuing to consider interesting ideas for business from the USA, we have allocated separate group proposals that are distinguished by their originality and invented by people with innovative thinking. It is difficult to judge their practicality and possibility of use in our country without detailed economic analysis, but perhaps one of the readers will become interested and implement a commercial project they like.

    Making keychains with electrical tape. This product will help you always have such an important little thing as electrical tape on hand. Of course, the idea has excellent prospects, both at home and in our country.

    Stand for standing work. The presented invention is a real salvation for people who working hours carried out standing. The stand stimulates micro-movements and blood circulation, strengthens the leg muscles, and almost completely relieves all pain in the back and lower extremities. After spending the whole day on your feet, you will feel much more comfortable if you use this stand. In addition, the invention reduces the risk of diseases of the legs and back.

    It should be noted that small businesses in the United States, ideas for which we are considering, operate much more dynamically than in our country. And if in our country, in order to launch the industrial production of coasters, you need to overcome a lot of bureaucratic obstacles and issue dozens of permits, then in the states all this is done much faster.

    Production of women's jewelry intended for teething babies. In this case, combining the beautiful with the useful, we create something that can give a lot of positive emotions to both the baby and his mother. The idea may be of interest to investors in America, Europe and post-Soviet countries.

    Some new business ideas that have every chance of success in the USA are unlikely to bring normal profits in our country. For example, a temporary store selling “advanced” and unique items and accessories for gadgets. Point of sale works only a few weeks a year to potential buyers could get to know the product better and, as they say, “touch it with your hands.” Direct sales of products are carried out via the Internet. It is difficult to understand why this scheme attracts Americans so much, but similar commercial projects work and bring good profits to the owners.

    Mini-farm for city residents. A wall-mounted rack, consisting of three shelves and special holes, will help residents of large cities not only grow their small crops, but also become more familiar with this process. All your actions are controlled by the computer, which eliminates the possibility of making any mistakes and significantly increases the chances of trying cucumbers or tomatoes grown by yourself. This new business was invented in America in 2015, judging by the demand for mini-farms, the author of the idea created an excellent commercial project. It’s hard to say whether our city residents will be interested in the prospect of growing radishes and tomatoes in their apartments. marketing research, which will show how promising this idea is in our country.

    Jeans charging a mobile device. The idea is not bad, but only for Americans whose salaries allow them to spend several hundred dollars on purchasing such a “toy.” For residents of post-Soviet countries, this is a very expensive thing.

    "Smart" trash can. This invention will not only warn you about the need to take out the trash through a special mobile application, but will also collect all the dust and crumbs located near it.

    Many small business ideas in the United States are aimed not only at making a profit, but also at preserving the environment. Production of bricks from industrial waste is one of them. The developers of this technology claim that it is cheaper than traditional manufacturing building materials made of baked clay, and this one economic indicator guarantees the project great prospects not only in America, but throughout the world.

    Providing technical advice by telephone. It's a little surprising that no one has come up with this before this service. With the help of modern mobile device You will be able to explain to your clients how to install the program, how to work with electronic payment system, register an account, etc.

    A tie that can be used to wipe the screen of your gadget. Original, cheap, practical and does not affect your appearance.

    A blanket that will fit in your pocket. We can confidently say that there will always be a demand for this large item, both in America and here.

    Production of edible cards. By sending such a postcard to a friend or relative, you are making a double gift: a heartfelt congratulation and a small delicious dessert for tea or coffee. This commercial project has great prospects, but they depend on the cost of producing such postcards.

    Coffee at night. Many lovers of this wonderful drink cannot deny themselves the pleasure of drinking it late in the evening, despite possible sleep problems. The new coffee has a hypnotic effect, which does not in any way affect its taste. Now you can start and end your day enjoying the aroma of your favorite drink.

    Concluding our consideration of business ideas from America, many of which can be implemented from scratch, that is, without a huge production base, special equipment and qualified specialists, it is necessary to mention an automatic water leak alarm. This device, in the event of a breakdown of water pipes or faucets, will help you not only preserve your property, but also protect your neighbors from floods. The principle of its operation is quite simple: if the movement of water through the pipes increases (this is what happens during accidents), a mechanism is triggered that shuts off the main ball valve, and you also receive a message on your phone about this unpleasant incident. As a result, the apartment is saved, the owner is warned, all that remains is to call a specialist to eliminate the accident.

Of course, it is physically impossible to consider and analyze all business ideas that can bring profit in 2019, both in the USA and in our country, within the framework of one article. But among the presented commercial projects there will definitely be an option that will be of interest to domestic entrepreneurs and investors.

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