This material can serve as a sample for writing a business plan for an auto parts store when obtaining a bank loan, attracting a financial partner, obtaining state support and simply to justify the feasibility of the investment cash to your business.

Project Description

We present to your attention a sample business plan for an auto parts store opened in a city with a population of 120 thousand people.

Despite high competition, the sale of auto parts is profitable direction business, since this market in Russia shows annual growth of 20%. Opening a store with a large assortment of goods, both domestic and foreign cars in our city it will be beneficial both from an economic and social point of view.

Socio-economic indicators of project implementation (for state support)

  1. Registration of a new small business entity;
  2. Creation of 3 new jobs;
  3. Receipt to the city budget N up to 80 thousand rubles per year.

Economic indicators of the project implementation, according to business plan calculations:

  1. Profit - more than 1 million rubles per year;
  2. According to preliminary calculations, the payback period for the project is about 2 years;
  3. Profitability - 25%.

It is planned to spend 400 thousand rubles on opening a business. own funds and attract 1,700 thousand credit funds from one of the city banks:

Which tax system to choose

The organizational and legal form will be individual entrepreneurship. The choice of this OPF was due to the inexpensive and simplified procedure for registering activities. As tax systems will apply patent system, while the cost of a patent for an auto parts store for a year will be 36 thousand rubles.

IN at the moment started practical activities for project implementation:

  1. Produced business registration, OKVED code 50.30.2 - Retail automobile parts, assemblies and accessories;
  2. A preliminary rental agreement for accommodation has been concluded point of sale on the street Lenina building 101 retail space 40m2 and a warehouse at the same address with an area of ​​15m2. The rental price for 55m2 will be 30,000 rubles per month. The premises do not need renovation;
  3. Search completed wholesale suppliers auto parts and consumables on favorable terms.

Description of products and services

The assortment of the outlet will include spare and consumable parts for both foreign and domestic production. In addition to the goods presented on the display cases and shelves, the store will also work on orders from the catalogue. In general, the supply department will work according to the principle: the most popular items should always be in stock. These products include:

  • Motor oil;
  • Wheels;
  • Tires;
  • Filters (oil, air, fuel);
  • Light bulbs;
  • Candles;
  • Wipers;
  • Oil seals;
  • Hardware, washers, screws, caps;
  • Clamps, pipes;
  • Alternator and timing belts;
  • Tools;
  • BB wires;
  • Auto chemical goods;
  • Gaskets;
  • Grenades;
  • Steering tips;
  • Silencers;
  • Bearings;
  • First aid kits and pumps;
  • and so on.

In this case, the customer will be offered spare parts from different manufacturers at distinctive prices, for example, “original” or “non-original” spare parts.

The price level will be slightly below the average price level for spare parts in retail outlets in our city. And thanks to a well-thought-out logistics system, orders will be delivered in the shortest possible time.

Marketing plan

First, let's determine the market capacity. According to statistics, in Russia there are about 270 cars per 1000 residents, that is, every fifth person has their own car. Our city is home to 120 thousand residents, respectively, they account for about 20 thousand cars.

The most popular car brands include: Lada, Chevrolet and KIA.

Of the total volume of the auto parts market, 52% of sales come from domestic cars and 48% from foreign cars.

The ratio of purchased components for domestic cars and foreign cars:

On average, each car owner spends about 15 thousand rubles on maintaining his car (without gasoline and insurance). These are mainly costs for engine oil, tires, filters, and spare parts.

It follows that the capacity of the auto parts market in our city is: 20 thousand (cars) * 15 thousand rubles (car expenses) = 300 million rubles per year.

It should be noted that the demand for spare parts will only grow in the near future, as the number of car owners and, accordingly, the number of cars increases. According to statistics, growth rates of this market amount to about 20% per year.

Competitors. According to the research, there are about 30 retail outlets in the city that sell a similar group of goods, 10 of which are large service stations that have their own retail departments (We recommend reading: “Service station business plan.”

In close proximity to our outlet there are:

  1. Station maintenance with your own sales department. They mainly sell on pre-orders;
  2. Motor oil center. The main range is oils, filters and other consumables;
  3. Retail outlet of 5m2 in a small shopping center. They sell only by catalog with delivery within a week.

Let's carry out comparative analysis strong and weaknesses our competitors:

Competitors Characteristic Conclusions
Strengths Weaknesses
ONE HUNDREDCar owners who use the services of a service station order spare parts from their storeLow range of spare parts and consumables from the warehouse, mostly all goods are made to order. Delivery of the order takes more than a week. Relatively high pricesYou can compete with more low prices, more wide range and fast delivery of spare parts
Motor Oil CenterLarge range of motor oils at low pricesDue to the specific specialization in motor oil There are no other types of consumables and spare partsYou can compete through a wider range and faster delivery of spare parts
Retail outlet in a shopping centerLow prices, fast order deliveryThere is almost no product in stock; they sell only by catalogYou can compete due to a wider range of goods in stock

Advertising and marketing activities

  1. Advertising in the media, development of a business card website for our store;
  2. Advertising on billboards, distributing flyers and business cards;
  3. Discount for regular customers, promotions (free oil change);

The level of trade margin on goods will average 40-50%. The sales season is in spring and autumn.

Planned sales volume in in monetary terms(revenue) is as follows: The monthly dynamics of revenue is presented in the form of a graph: To achieve the break-even point of sales, it is necessary to sell goods worth 315,000 rubles per month.

Production plan

We will work only with large wholesale organizations that have been working in the market for wholesale supplies of auto parts for more than one year and have proven themselves only with the best side. These are companies such as Part-Com, Pasker, the Auto-Alliance group of companies, etc. Delivery of goods to the store will be carried out transport companies. Planned staffing table our organization: Increased demands will be placed on staff, in terms of:

  1. Good knowledge of vehicle structure and spare parts;
  2. Ability to communicate with clients;
  3. Experience in sales (preferred).


The list of activities to start the project and their cost can be presented in the form of a calendar plan: To launch the project, you will need 30 days and 2.1 million rubles of starting investments.

How much money do you need to open an auto parts store?

To open a retail outlet, an investment of 2.1 million rubles will be required. Of these own funds amount to 400 thousand rubles and 1,700 thousand rubles are planned to be raised in the form of a bank loan.

Financial plan

The main expense item for an entrepreneur will be material costs, that is, the purchase of goods for the purpose of subsequent resale. Quite large expenses for the entrepreneur, in addition to wages, there will be payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund: 36 thousand rubles per year for individual entrepreneurs and 30% monthly of employees’ wages. A complete list of all costs, as well as calculation of gross and net profit, is presented in the table - forecast of store income and expenses:

How much can you earn by opening an auto parts store?

Net profit based on annual sales results will be slightly more than 1 million rubles. The profitability of an auto parts store, according to business plan calculations, is 25.7%. This figure is higher than any bank deposit. This suggests that the investment in the business will be fully justified. Return on investment should be expected in no earlier than 24 months.

This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Where to start a business

Starting any business requires careful preparation, thoughtful actions and a well-developed business plan. The auto parts store is no exception to general rule. This business is primarily for men. But even if you have a good driving record or have previously worked in a car repair service, it’s still worth learning. After all, trading is a new business and requires different skills. First, you need to decide what exactly you will sell: spare parts for foreign or domestic cars, or just covers, mats, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to your competitors: what is being sold in your area, at what price, what is in more demand? Competition in this niche is quite high, so you need to think carefully about your business plan and how you can attract a buyer. An auto parts business can be successfully combined with another car-related business, such as a car wash. Or invest in the car this way, which will bring significant profits in 2-3 years.

Old things are being replaced by new ones. This is a kind of law of life, one of the main qualities of which is progress. But such a change does not always mean that old things completely disappear from our everyday life. Especially if the person is a careful user. What if old thing– quite a suitable car?

Matthew Hartzog ( Matthew Hartzog), he is now 32 and successful businessman, loved to spend his summer holidays in his stepfather's store. The store specialized in car parts, and Matthew helped his adoptive father in every possible way - putting parts on shelves and serving customers. His favorite model was the Pontiac Fiero sports car. “Even back then, as a child, this car sank into my boyish heart,” says Matthew.

About 370 thousand of these cars were produced by Pontiac in 1984-1988. They were very popular with Americans. And to their great regret, the car was discontinued in the late 90s. But, nevertheless, back in 2008, about 75 thousand cars of this brand were registered in the USA. And this is not a small number.

To support the owners of his childhood favorite car, Matthew Hartzog launched his own parts business for the discontinued Fiero. He named his company simply – Fiero Store.

According to Forbes, in 2008, Matthew's company, which produces parts for discontinued vehicles, had revenue of $2.3 million. “Keeping an iconic car running on American roads is a good business idea,” experts emphasize. “Fans are always a good audience for consumption.”

The Fiero Store company produces a full set of spare parts for discontinued cars, ranging from some small lenses for headlights to the engine. The principle is to produce new spare parts, but of an old type, i.e. as they were when Fiero cars were still rolling off the assembly line.

The basis similar business Any other brand of car or several brands that have been discontinued but are still popular could be included. You just need to calculate the probability of earning money, taking into account the number of real users.

"Production and sales car parts It’s a good idea to combine discontinued ones with car service services, where these same spare parts can be immediately installed,” Matthew Hartzog shares his thoughts.

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Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
700,000 entrepreneurs in the country trust us

* The calculations use average data for Russia


In 2016, the number of cars in Russia exceeded 56 million units. Of these, 44 million are cars, more than 6 million trucks, 890 thousand buses, 2.2 million units of motor vehicles, more than 3 million trailers and semi-trailers. Motor transport remains one of the most popular means of transporting passengers and goods.

At the same time, almost 50% of all vehicles operated in Russia were produced before 2005, which means the need for frequent maintenance and repairs. The economic crisis in the country has led to a decrease in the solvency of the population and an increase in the market for used cars while the market for new ones has declined. This has impacted the auto parts market to a large extent.

Distinctive feature The market for automobile spare parts is its high degree of closedness for evaluation due to the high share of counterfeit and smuggled products.


Auto parts market for used cars in 2014 in kind grew by 2% compared to 2013, however, due to the devaluation of the ruble, in monetary terms the market volume decreased by 1%. In 2015, in physical terms, the market also grew by 2%, but the decrease in revenue was already about 3%. Total revenue, according to experts, amounted to 22 billion dollars. Based on the results of 2015, primary automobile market decreased by 37.5%, which led to a further shift in demand towards used car parts.

The most popular categories on the market today are suspension components (which reflects the condition of the country's roads), as well as lubricants and tires. The volume of the tire market in 2013 amounted to $3 billion, or about 15% of the total volume of the auto parts market. About 10% comes from suspension parts – $2.2 billion.

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One of the main market trends has been the desire of car owners to reduce maintenance and repair costs. This is usually done by purchasing spare parts directly from the manufacturer or distributor, bypassing the intermediary - an auto shop, or by postponing repairs until the last minute. Savings can also be achieved by servicing cars in budget auto repair shops, rather than at an official dealer or service center high level. In the last two years, the demand for used auto parts, the cost of which is approximately two times lower than the cost of new ones, has also increased. However, the desire to reduce maintenance and repair costs could be a catalyst for sales growth as used and inexpensive goods low quality, as a rule, require more frequent replacement or can even lead to failure of vehicle components and assemblies, which in turn will require repair or replacement.

China traditionally leads among manufacturers of non-original spare parts. Chinese products account for about a third of the market. A large share is made up of smuggled products, as well as non-original parts produced without a license - their number is in total volume, according to experts, is about 70%; The volume of counterfeit goods alone is about a third of the market volume. These are mainly consumables and inexpensive parts - brake pads, filters, oils and suspension parts.

The import substitution policy has led to a slight increase in the production of auto parts - both for domestic and foreign cars - at Russian facilities, but it is not possible to completely cover the need for them. According to experts, talking about import substitution in this segment is pointless. According to RBC analysts, this is due to the fact that domestic enterprises do not have equipment with which to produce high-quality analogues original spare parts. In addition, the prices of Russian analogues are significantly higher than their Chinese counterparts, with a slight difference in quality.

Due to the weakening of the ruble exchange rate and other negative economic factors, there was a significant increase in prices for auto parts. The cost of some parts increased by up to 100%. Auto parts stores are trying to compensate for this growth through their own profits, but such measures cannot completely contain it.

Figure 1. Price growth rates for original oil filters for cars of various price categories in 2013-2015, rub./unit.

Figure 2. Price growth rates for non-original oil filters for cars of various price categories in 2013-2015, rub./unit.

Figure 3. Price growth rates for original automatic transmissions for cars of various price categories in 2013-2015, rub./unit.

Original spare parts reach Russia in the following way: from production to a warehouse in Europe, then to a warehouse in Russia, from where distribution is carried out across official dealers. This logistics scheme excludes the resale of goods on the way to the consumer.

Ready ideas for your business

“Gray” logistics involves a different route: goods are delivered through various alternative routes to an intermediary or directly to the consumer. For the most part, supplies are organized from the UAE, since original products are much cheaper there.

A distinctive feature of the Russian auto parts market is the small number of warehouses. Due to the wide range retail stores do not store the entire volume at home, but, if necessary, order the required item from the supplier. This significantly increases the delivery time of goods to the end consumer - up to two to three months.

There is a shift in purchasing activity towards online stores, which is characteristic of the entire market as a whole. By eliminating some of the costs associated with traditional brick-and-mortar stores, they are able to offer more affordable prices, which is a critical factor today.

Ready ideas for your business

According to experts and market participants, the demand for automobile spare parts will continue to grow in the near future, which is associated with the general aging of the vehicle fleet. Most in demand will use spare parts for new and used domestic cars and used foreign cars. Also, non-original parts will be in demand primarily as they are more affordable.

According to a VTsIOM survey, only 6% of car owners are ready to give up traveling by private car, while 64% said they would not give up their car under any circumstances.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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The automobile business regularly generates new startup ideas in line with the pace of progress in the industry. We present 4 ideas for a car business.

The automotive sector is one of the most stable and constantly developing.

The automotive business also generates ideas regularly, in accordance with the pace of progress in the industry.

The increase in the number of offers (including exotic ones) is caused by high demand among consumers who every day strive to increase the level of comfort and are also susceptible to fashion.

Even if you close your eyes to these facts, the main thing remains.

A car has long ceased to be exclusively a luxury item, but has become an integral part of life. A motorist would rather limit himself in other areas of life than lock his iron horse in the garage.

All this creates ideal conditions for the development of the automotive business.

If you want to not only get the source stable income, but also to be realized by embodying one of the original ideas of the automotive business, this industry is for you!

Auto business: disassembly for spare parts

Capital investment: 450,000 rubles

Business payback: 12 months

The automotive business of reselling spare parts from disassembled cars is popular and profitable.

The prospects for its development can be assessed by looking at the example of foreign colleagues.

In Holland they even created unique supermarkets where customers personally remove the necessary parts from the cars on display.

In Russia, business is just beginning to flourish, but has a chance to grow to the same level.

The current economic crisis, which has already become the norm of life for Russians, only creates more favorable conditions.

After all, people don’t have the money to buy a new one due to car breakdowns. Moreover, many cannot even afford to buy new parts.

Therefore, buying used spare parts removed from broken cars– this is an ideal option.

But it’s not just the crisis that makes them popular.

Another reason is the large percentage of cars older than 5-10 years among Russian car owners.

Often, after a certain amount of time, parts for cars simply stop being produced.

So car enthusiasts would be happy to pay the required amount, but they simply will not be able to find important spare parts in stores.

This is also where resale of used parts comes to the rescue.

Territory for car dismantling of damaged cars

“A car is not a luxury, but the result of progress.”
Vladimir Leontyevich Havelya. Echoes of worldly wisdom

To implement the idea of ​​dismantling damaged cars for spare parts, a plot of land outside the city is best suited.

An important condition is the presence of a nearby highway and a stop for any public transport, so that customers can easily reach you in several ways.

The rented territory must be divided into zones: a separate area for administration, a reception room for visitors, and a warehouse for storing parts.

The latter should be structured so that when resale you can immediately find required product without delaying customers.

Car business: resale

Capital investments: from 500,000 rubles

One of the most profitable ideas from the automotive business - buying cars for their further resale.

However, a novice entrepreneur needs to take into account that starting out will require a lot of capital - from 300,000 rubles.

If you don’t have that kind of money, you can get a loan from a bank or attract investors.

The main thing is to draw up a well-thought-out business plan in which you analyze the prospects for the development of the automotive industry and calculate the payback period.

In addition to this document, you also need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The idea is that you need to find good cars for sale at an affordable price.

Once acquired, they are brought into as good condition as possible and sold at a higher price.

A place to prepare a car for resale

You can even prepare your car in your own garage. And if it is not there, rent the territory.

The important thing is not whether it will belong to you, but the availability of the necessary areas: a pit, a place to store tools, a working area.

You don’t have to purchase all kinds of equipment, tools, and automotive materials from the very beginning.

The main thing is to buy the basic ones, and then you can replenish stocks as the company develops.

Automotive Business Personnel

Often automobile business repairs and resale are carried out by those who are partial to this type of employment.

But if you decide to start serious entrepreneurial activity and managing the processes while simultaneously doing repairs on your own will not be easy.

Therefore, you will need to hire 1-2 car mechanics to entrust the work to them.

But you can hire an accountant for hourly pay, since these services are on an ongoing basis not needed.

Automotive car servicing business

Capital investments: 622,000 rubles

Business payback: from 24 months

Most often, ideas for a service business come to the minds of those who are seriously interested in cars.

This is an excellent solution that will allow you to earn a solid income while doing what you love.

Don’t think that repair services are needed only for damaged cars or those that are being prepared for resale.

All cars require servicing and there is a great demand for the service!

To implement the idea, considerable financial investments are required.

So an entrepreneur will need not only a wealth of knowledge and experience in the automotive industry, but also large start-up capital.

The main expenses are the purchase or rental of territory for work and its arrangement, as well as the purchase of necessary equipment.

Automotive business premises

Choosing a territory to work in is an important component of success.

The allotted area is divided into several zones, the number of which depends on the scale of the idea you are implementing.

The standard list looks like this:

  • Administration office (there should be a first-aid post and a kitchenette).
  • Client area (waiting area, where snacks and drinks can be sold).
  • A room with a toilet and shower for staff.
  • Basics workplace– production area.
  • Warehouse for storing parts, consumables, equipment.
  • Technical rooms for placement of air conditioning systems, electrical panels.
  • Street area with parking spaces, sidewalk.

Car service personnel

The personnel you hire for your car service depends on most success, as well as from the choice of premises.

Depending on the area of ​​employment, you need to pay attention to practical experience the person you are planning to hire for the position.

For example, only those who are well versed in their design and have already done this before can be allowed to repair an engine.

But employees for tire fitting can be selected “green” and trained on the spot.

The number of people you need to hire depends on how many automotive services the business will provide.

It is also important to pay attention to systematically increasing the level of knowledge and training staff to work on new equipment.

Costs of starting a car service business

Ideas for small investments: sewing covers

Capital investment: 120,000 rubles

Business payback: from 6 months

Car owners treat their “horses” with great trepidation and want to protect them from any danger.

And it lies in wait even in the form of rain and hail, bird droppings and splashes from cars passing by.

Therefore, the idea of ​​​​producing protective covers for cars has its own demand.

It is still at a small level, but sufficient to create such a business in cars.

To produce covers, special fabric is purchased and special cutting is used. However, ordinary seamstresses can sew products using them.

Capital investments in business are also available for those who are just taking their first steps in the automotive industry.

Investments in the automobile business

Experienced entrepreneurs advise that the auto business in the production of protective covers does not become unprofitable by introducing the production of seat covers as soon as possible.

Making them won’t put a big dent in a businessman’s pocket, and the process is simple and accessible even for a novice seamstress.

And the following video shows the process of sewing a car seat cover:

It is important not to try to save on production by purchasing cheap materials.

Product quality is your calling card.

If the idea is implemented correctly, within 8-12 months you will receive a stable source of income.

Automotive business, as you already understood, is a broad concept.

Therefore, it is impossible to say that everything was already invented before us and the sphere is complete.

An aspiring entrepreneur who loves cars, after reviewing the ideas given, will definitely choose something for himself.

For example, the option is not available.

But resale or dismantling of damaged cars is possible even with a small investment.

So, if there is desire and aspiration, anyone can find their place in this promising automotive niche!

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