
Resides: Moscow
Citizenship: Russia, work permit: Russia
Ready to move: Russia, Other countries, ready for business trips

Desired position and salary
Commercial Director. Business Development Director. Sales Director.
Information technology, internet, telecom
System integration
Business development

Employment: project work, part-time, full-time
Work schedule: remote work, flexible schedule, full time

Desired travel time to work: does not matter

200,000 rub.

Work experience -22 years 9 months
January 2016 - present
3 years 5 months
Integrator & Soft Development
BDM-Sales (Commercial Director)
RESPONSIBILITIES >>>Business development, ensuring delivery of development team services in the field of Mobility (mobile applications), CAD, custom software (+ software testing: load, functional and usability), automation in the field of Internet promotion, design and creativity, branding and BTL - advertising, as well as business consulting in the field of business process management, expert implementation and support of technology-based solutions in the field of system integration, complex IT solutions and comprehensive security.
FUNCTIONS >>>Implementation of projects in the following areas:
– Custom software development (including mobile applications, Web applications);
– Promotion of CAD solutions (including domestic ones) at the sites of 400 enterprises and organizations of the ROSATOM State Corporation;
– Automation in the field of Digital marketing and Internet promotion (including SEO, SMM);
– Implementation and development for Sharepoint, trading platforms;
– Integration with payment systems;
– Implementation and integration of Avaya Aura contact centers. Integration of contact centers with CRM systems;
– Implementation of information security systems;
– Implementation of automated collection, analysis and reporting systems;
– Installation and configuration of servers and data centers. Virtual environment, Active Directory, mail systems, backup systems;
– Setting up monitoring of IT infrastructure and industrial equipment. Connection of non-standard equipment for monitoring;
– Computer games, incl. development of games for mobile platforms using various software engines.

November 2011 - December 2018
7 years 2 months
National Union of Lobbyists, NPO
Russia, www.lobby.rf
Vice President
Ensuring the achievement of the main goal of the Union’s activities: an association of citizens and (or) legal entities, based on voluntary or, in cases established by law, mandatory membership and created to represent and protect common, including professional, interests, to achieve socially beneficial goals, as well as to promote development of the institution of lobbying in the Russian Federation.

Promotion of Union services:
1. Representing the interests of Union members in government and public organizations (invitations to projects, advertising, lobbying, etc.).
2. Promotion and management of projects in GR through specialized associations and associations on the sites of budget-forming and systemically important enterprises (organizations) of various sectors of the economy using the capabilities and resources of the National Union of Lobbyists.
3. Assistance in organizing participation in government tenders and tenders of large companies with special monitoring and support.
4. Project offices. Development and management of projects with the participation of members of the Union and with third-party organizations.
5. Assistance in forming a budget for doing business (ASI, Federal Target Program, etc.).
6. Providing GR support in the regions.
7. Providing comprehensive technological support for political projects of Union members.

August 2011 - December 2015
4 years 5 months
MFPU "Synergy"
Commercial Director
* Development of sales and marketing strategy. Creation, analysis (audit), operational management of the company's sales technology. Project management. Systematization of sales. Regular management and management of the sales department: goal setting, intermediate control, obtaining the required result, analytics, reporting.
* Recruitment, adaptation and motivation of personnel.
* Implementation of a CRM system.
* Drawing up sales plans and production capacity, monitoring the implementation of these plans. Planning and control of sales of goods and services, participation in the development of new positions in the Company’s product portfolio. Development of special promotions and additional services.
* Management of the marketing system in the Company (analytics, advertising, PR, marketing events, budgeting, media planning, analysis of the effectiveness of advertising events and investments in marketing).
* Attracting new clients, creating a set of lead generation activities.
* Development of SMM strategy and content plan. Development and implementation of an online promotion strategy (increasing traffic, reducing the cost of attracting customers, increasing conversion). Increasing the quality and quantity of traffic channels (direct, SEO, SMM, email).
* Formation of uniform work standards for sales departments. Analysis of existing scripts (speech modules), adjustments if necessary.
* Participation in the development of the Company’s websites, setting tasks and monitoring work to attract the target audience to the Company’s websites. Development of content for the Company's websites.
* Organization of business development in the company in several areas (Digital marketing services and solutions, ECM and enterprise automation, automation of input (including streaming) of paper documents and electronic archives, comprehensive security) based on established contacts and established business relationships with manufacturers and suppliers of products and services, with representatives of budget-forming and system-forming organizations from various sectors of the economy and the public sector.

Functionality and responsibilities of the Business Development Director and Commercial Director within the framework of supervising 3 areas (businesses) within the Holding:
1. Synergy Soft -> development of solutions and provision of services in the following areas: Digital marketing (using innovative technologies of BTL advertising and DIGITAL direction); WEB technologies (websites, portals), design and creativity; custom software development, etc. etc.
2. TerraLink & TKset -> automation of enterprises and ESM (document flow management, enterprise content, automation of input of paper documents into accounting systems and electronic archives, outsourcing of manual and automated data entry).
3. Ultima Security -> Business intelligence. Comprehensive information and analytical support for business. All types of security, fire alarm systems, alarm systems, video surveillance. Engineering and technical systems for protecting objects. Consulting and audit of personal security, organization of personal security (“turnkey”).

For all 3 business areas, as part of sales systematization, the following was done:
- Creation of a planning and operational reporting system (weekly/monthly/quarterly);
- Creation of a system of continuous training on Product and Sales Skills;
- Certification (more often than once a quarter) - including what is described above;
- Implementation and use of CRM and IP telephony automation systems - listening to calls, making and analyzing operational reports, operational work in DashBoard;
- Creation of a system of motivation and competitions, forcing managers to make extra efforts;
- Working with existing client base...
September 2006 - August 2011
5 years
Brand name system integrator / Menfis Company

Business Development Director / Commercial Director
Functionality and responsibilities of the Business Development Director and Commercial Director:
1. Regular management, management of the sales department: setting goals, intermediate control, obtaining the required result, analytics, reporting.
2. Development of a system of key performance indicators for contact center managers and customer service managers, monitoring the implementation of assigned tasks by managers.
3. Personnel selection, adaptation and motivation of personnel.
4. Implementation of a CRM system.
5. Conducting trainings for staff (structured enrichment of experience, showing examples, traveling together to meetings, assistance in communication with clients).
6. Drawing up sales plans and production capacity, monitoring the implementation of these plans.
7. Monitoring the activity of competitors, developing a plan for counter-initiatives, analyzing the competitor market, participating in the formation of pricing policy.
8. Increasing work efficiency, optimizing departmental business processes.
9. Development of long-term strategy and short-term development plans for departments.
10. Development of sales and marketing strategy. Creation, analysis (audit), operational management of the company's sales technology. Project management.
11. Attracting new clients, creating a set of lead generation activities.
12. Planning and control of sales of goods and services, participation in the development of new items in the Company’s product portfolio.
13. Formation of uniform work standards for sales departments.
14. Analysis of existing scripts (speech modules), adjustments if necessary.
15. Development of special promotions and additional services.
16. Management of the marketing system in the Company (analytics, advertising, PR, marketing events, budgeting, media planning, analysis of the effectiveness of advertising events and investments in marketing).
17. Development of content for the Company’s websites.
18. Development, execution and analysis of a set of activities aimed at audience development.
19. Development of SMM strategy and content plan.
20. Development and implementation of an online promotion strategy (increasing traffic, reducing the cost of attracting customers, increasing conversion).
21. Increasing the quality and quantity of traffic channels (direct, SEO, SMM, email).
22. Development, implementation and analysis of a set of measures aimed at increasing conversion.
23. Development of the Company’s website, setting tasks and monitoring work to attract the target audience to the Company’s website.
24. Organization of business development in the company in various areas (in particular, development of products, services and solutions) on the basis of established contacts and established business relationships with vendors, manufacturers and suppliers of products and services.

April 2005 - September 2006
1 year 6 months
ESET Software / LETA IT-company

Business Development Director/InfoWatch Director
ESET Software -> Establishing a partner network in the Russian Federation and attracting large clients as part of the promotion of software in the field of information security (anti-virus software).

LETA IT-company -> Development of a new business direction in the company in the field of DLP, related to comprehensive solutions for detecting and preventing leakage, distortion and destruction of confidential information. Sales and support of projects based on InfoWatch software technology designed to protect confidential data from internal threats (Anti-Leakage Software)

May 2003 - April 2005
2 years
The IT company is a system integrator in the field of infrastructure business, information and technical security

Head of Business Development Department. Project Manager - Deputy Director. Project management
1) Design and sales of integrated security systems for commercial enterprises and other economic facilities. Creation and implementation (sale) of projects within the framework of technical and information security, namely, electronic anti-theft systems (EAS), security video surveillance (CCTV), control of cash transactions (Cash Control), access control systems (ACS), firewalls, corporate anti-virus security systems (KSAB), for the creation of complex IT solutions, infrastructure of business facilities and organizations (cable systems, LAN, PBX, IP telephony, business applications), etc. etc.;
2) Creation of security services for the company’s key clients (from the development of methodological and regulatory documents to personnel selection), further support of the created Security divisions, training of security personnel;
3) Creation and development of branches in the regions of the Russian Federation.
Supervised by 12 people.
Work results and achievements: Implemented projects. There is a reference list.

November 2001 - March 2003
1 year 5 months
OJSC "InterResurs" - metal trading company / ROSbuilding

Head of Department of the Directorate for Economic Security and Business Development / Head of the Information Retrieval Group
The main task: the development of a branch in Moscow and the implementation of a number of activities aimed at this, consisting mainly of ensuring purchase and sale transactions and establishing economic relations in the regions within the framework of these transactions.
To ensure the life of the branch, the following tasks were performed: 1) Maintaining electronic databases in a constant working condition and periodically updating them in accordance with contractual obligations with the relevant companies, installing databases in departments; 2) Obtaining information necessary to perform the tasks of ensuring economic security; 3) Information (competitive) intelligence, development of new technologies in the field of information retrieval; 4) Participation in activities to verify business partners, companies of interest and specific individuals; 5) Implementation of signaling information about negative trends identified from aggregate information coming from various sources; 6) Participation in the verification and implementation of the most important signaling information related to the protection of the economic interests of the company; 7) Monitoring the dynamics of the development of the situation regarding problems put under control, in order to timely prevent undesirable developments of events; 8) Prompt execution of requests from the company’s management to find and provide the necessary information documents.
Progress and achievements: Improvement of methodology in the field of information retrieval. Implementation of the "Global Search" mechanism.

August 1996 - November 2001
5 years 4 months
Civil Service of Russia ///// JSCB "Russlavbank" - the fight against economic crimes

Information and economic security specialist ///// Group leader in the economic security department
State service of Russia. Work to ensure regime, information and economic security.
Tasks within the Bank department. Using sources of information in the Bank’s environment, among employees of the main divisions of the Bank and other means and opportunities, activities were carried out in two main directions: 1) organizing the acquisition of timely information on strategic issues and operational tasks, as well as for the Bank’s management to develop rational management decisions in financial -credit practice; 2) ensuring the repayment of debt under loan agreements.

1996 National Research Technological University "MISiS" (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), Moscow
Faculty of Informatics and Economics, Department of Automated Control Systems. Specialty: “Automated information processing and control systems.”, Systems engineer. Diploma of higher education (Master).
Advanced training, courses
2011 Strategic management in conditions of change.
GC "Training Institute - ARB Pro", business school "Arsenal", Strategic business management. Secrets of the company's indestructibility.
2008 Project Management. Basic Course P102: Planning and Control Using Primavera 6
PMSOFT, training duration 32 hours, practice 4 months
2005 Mini MBA. Preparatory course for the specialty "Specialist in sales of InfoWatch solutions."
InfoWatch Training Center, Certificate issued.
2004 Mini MBA. Trend Micro course for Sale- & Product-Manager.
Trend Micro Training Center (Research Center for CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics"). Certificate issued.
2000 Training course: 1) Fundamentals of ORD; 2) Legal basis of activity; 3) Basics of economics. theory, accounting and taxation.
Institute for advanced training of executives at the ANP FSNP of Russia. Certificate of advanced training was issued.
1998 "Specialist in integrated information security in technical means of information processing."
Intersectoral Special Training Center (MSTC) under the Ministry of Atomic Energy of Russia (Obninsk). Issued a Certificate of Advanced Training.
1997 (H5001S): HP course of study in "HP-UX System Security."

1997 (51434S): HP course of study in "Fundamentals of the Unix System".
Hewlett Packard Training Center. Certificate issued.
1989 Enhanced school program for grades 10-11 to prepare for entering a university.
ZFTSH at MIPT (Correspondence School of Physics and Technology at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology). Certificate of completion issued.
Tests, exams
1997 Training in scuba diving (Diving) under the Open Water program.
Scubapro Educational Association (S.E.A.), Issued a Certificate of Compliance with S.E.A. requirements, giving the right to carry out scuba work in “open water” no deeper than 40m
1992 Swimming.
MISiS., 2nd category in swimming.

Key skills
Language knowledge Russian - Native
English - B2 - Intermediate-Advanced
Skills Business development Sales Project management System integration Company management Recruitment Key Account Management commercial strategy Administrative management Systematization of commercial activities Audit Economic security Information security Information technology Internet Marketing Digital Marketing EDMS Document flow automation ECM Regional development Personnel security Internal control Conducting internal investigations
Driving Experience
Have your own car
Category B license

Additional information
About me In short, Business Development, Sales & Marketing - at the same time, I get a thrill when I come to a disaster zone and restore order there. At the same time, I turn the sales department into a shipping department, guaranteed to create an imbalance of requests (customer needs) and the ability to process them.

If expanded, then:

Experience in project management, company business development (in particular, development of any area of ​​products, services and solutions). Based on established contacts and established business relationships with vendors, manufacturers and suppliers of products and services, it is possible to organize business development in various areas in a “system integrator” class company.

Creation and implementation (sale) of projects to create complex IT solutions (CAD, ECM, ERP, BPM, BI, etc.), infrastructure of household objects and organizations (cable systems, LAN, PBX, IP telephony, business applications, MPLS networks), projects within the framework of technical and information security, namely, electronic anti-theft systems (EAS), security video surveillance (CCTV), control of cash transactions (Cash Control), access control systems (ACS), firewalls, corporate anti-virus security systems (KSAB), etc. etc.

Specialist in working with VIP clients (VIP manager, Key-Account). Experience in direct sales and procurement (IT, security systems, metal trade), contacts and interaction in the regions. Design and sale of integrated security systems for commercial enterprises and other economic activities.

Experience in valuation activities (full cycle from inspection to drawing up reports) of residential real estate; experience in attracting partnership agreements with banks for the appraisal company in the field of business appraisal, real estate and other objects.

Experience in the service market in obtaining permits (product certification, service certification, licensing).

Experience in managing and creating security services, information departments in organizations (from the development of methodological and regulatory documents to personnel selection, training of security personnel). Knowledge of regime norms (requirements) for government agencies: 2nd form of admission. Certified as a “Specialist in integrated information security in technical means of information processing” (MSTC, Obninsk). Contacts in unitary enterprises "Eleron" and "EVRAAS".

Experience in personnel work (recruitment), project supervision (for example, the creation of federal information systems).

Information (competitive) intelligence and information retrieval. Configuration, programming and use of software and information resources intended for this purpose, including the Cronos DBMS (with the creation of a virtual search engine operator "Global Search"). Well-established methodology for organizing information search (competitive intelligence).

Economic and information security using ORD (4 years of operational work in the Russian Civil Service and other organizations, communications, contacts, operational positions). There is significant experience in the field of identifying violations by employees of an enterprise and its counterparties (economic and internal security, work in the economic security departments of organizations). top personnel (top managers, directors, senior managers) job description secretary "

There are no similar entries.

Are you looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our example of filling out a resume for the position of commercial director (an experienced specialist or a newcomer without work experience) will help you. A competent resume will greatly increase your chances of getting hired.

Commercial director resume template is available in two types

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those who have no experience yet.

Advantages of the template

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what doesn’t. This sample resume for a commercial director has been tested by practice.

2) Standard format. Every HR manager and director will instantly find the necessary information in their resume. It's simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets of your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of how to properly write a resume for a job as a commercial director.

4) Important things at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in personnel selection. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) The resume can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find a good job, the most effective way is to slightly change your resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our example of how to write a resume for a commercial director. It allows you to make changes instantly.

To download a commercial director resume sample, click on the link below.

We offer to your attention a completed sample resume for Branch Director, Head of Sales Department (template), which you can use as an example when drawing up your resume

Sample resume Branch director, head of sales department

Full name: Ivanin Fedor Dmitrievich

Date of birth (age): 06/13/1967, 46 years old

city: Livny

Education: Higher

work experience: more than 10 years

Desired work schedule: full time


Branch director, head of sales department (Romashka LLC)

  1. - Anti-crisis management of an enterprise with foreign investment (> 100 pharmacies)
  2. - organization of efficient operation of the enterprise;
  3. - organization and coordination of the work of reporting structural units;
  4. - preparation and presentation of reports to investors within the time limits specified by them;
  5. - conducting business negotiations and meetings;
  6. - personnel (selection, mentoring, motivation), holding meetings and conferences;
  7. - achieving planned profitability results;
  8. - monitoring of KPI performance indicators of the company;
  9. - budgeting and cost control;
  10. - organization of commercial activities;
  11. - development and signing of marketing agreements with domestic and foreign manufacturers;
  12. - development and signing of sales contracts with distributors of medicines, cosmetics, medical products, medical equipment;
  13. - analysis and management of sales, marginal income, turnover;
  14. - control over the implementation of the product sales plan;
  15. - procurement planning and control;
  16. - changing the pricing scheme;
  17. - opening new pharmacies and coordinating the work of departments that take part in this;
  18. - interaction with regulatory organizations.


  • - increase in EBITDA margin
  • - brought the network to a profitable level from a state of stagnation
  • - reduced the number of unprofitable pharmacies
  • - opened 7 new pharmacies
  • - introduced a tender procedure for the procurement of works and services, a system for monitoring the expenditure of enterprise resources, which resulted in 20% cost savings
  • - optimized inventory balances (reduced illiquid products in the amount of > 4 million UAH),
  • - created a category management department
  • - developed and implemented an effective online pricing scheme
  • - reduced transportation costs by 30%
  • - reduced costs for renting premises (savings > 100 thousand UAH / year)
  • - ensured achievement of planned profit volumes
  • - developed and signed more than 70 new marketing agreements and more than 50 new supply agreements on favorable commercial terms
  • - increased income from commercial activities by 25%


Lviv National Medical University named after. Danila Galitsky (Lvov) Faculty of Pharmacy, pharmacist-organizer, master’s degree

Professional skills

People management experience

Organizational skills, including team building

Ability to plan and forecast

Negotiating, concluding sales and purchase agreements, marketing agreements

Building an assortment and pricing policy

Sales and logistics management

Ability to make adequate management decisions and act effectively in conditions of economic crisis

Additional education

Training course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship” (Livny) 2014,

obtaining a certificate of completion of a training course in the direction of “Fundamentals of Pedagogical Activities”

Courses on organization and pharmacist (Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Galitsky) 2013,

obtaining a certificate confirming the title of a specialist

Marketing management of a pharmacy chain (Kyiv) 2008

Personnel management (Kyiv) 2007 Contact information for this candidate indicating in the subject line the position for which he is potentially applying for in your company

The presented example of a resume for the position of Project Manager can be used by you when drawing up your own resume

Vasiliev Vyacheslav Kharitonovich

Target: obtaining the position of deputy director, head of department, director

Education: higher.

Marital status: not married, has an adult daughter

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Lenina 176, apt. 56

From 1982 to 1984 Service in the USSR Armed Forces.

Mobile phone: +796599233 33-75

Email:[email protected]


1985 -1991 - Electron software

Position: Radio mechanic 4th category.

1991-1992 - Mkapa "Vostokinvestmore"

Position: Commercial agent

1992-1993 - LLC "Universal Russia" LTD.

Position: Deputy Director

  • organizational work:
  • search and selection of personnel,
  • management of the unit and coordination of its activities,
  • setting tasks for employees,
  • interaction with contractors, creating project reports,
  • solving all problematic situations at work.

Number of subordinates: 16 employees.

Achievements: increase in income up to 70% by optimizing work with contractors and reducing costs.

1993-1998 - PKF "Kepling"

Position: Director

  • concluding contracts and conducting negotiations for the supply of petroleum products;
  • operational analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.
  • market analysis;

Number of subordinates: 60 employees.

Achievements: during the period of work in this position, the company's turnover increased by 160%.

1998-2000 - PE "OilPromServis"

Position: Director

  • market analysis;
  • justification and preparation of estimates;
  • attracting partners to cooperation

Number of subordinates: 35 employees

Achievements: gross trade turnover reached the equivalent of 600,000 USD. per month.

2000-2010 - NPP "Roskhimresurs"

Position: Director

  • project planning, formation of a calendar plan, deadlines and implementation goals;
  • Interaction with the customer on all aspects of the project;
  • organizational work:
  • search and selection of personnel,
  • staff management and coordination of its activities,
  • setting tasks for employees, communications with contractors,
  • solving all problematic situations in work, creating project reports (presentation, documentary)

Achievements: scientific and technical developments, obtaining patents for them.

2010-2011 - Deacon LLC

Position: Deputy General Director

  • Negotiating and concluding contracts for work and materials and selling products;
  • market analysis.

Foreign languages Russian - native; Polish - fluent;

Skills: Advanced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Power Point), Internet skills (MS Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera) and E-mail (Outlook Express), good with technology. Driving license - all categories (B, C, D, E). Permit for rifled weapons.

Personal qualities: Communication skills, creativity, stress resistance, responsibility, punctuality. With a well-developed sense of humor.

When communicating, I understand from the first time and point of view.

I perceive the necessary information quickly and with gusto.

I have analytical thinking and perception.

Well developed sense of taste and tact. I love live communication with nice people who have something to learn from.

Interests and hobbies- pets, fiction.

Skiing, hunting, fishing. Development of projects and technologies. I have my own developments, patents, and experience in filing them.

Sample resume for HR Director (Deputy Director)

Petrov Vladimir Vasilievich

Address: St. Petersburg, st. Lenina, 70, apt. 10
Telephone: 8 900 0-65-32
Email: [email protected]
Date of birth: 16.03.1971
Marital status: married, two children

Target: Obtaining the position of HR Director.

Education level: higher (specialist)
1986-1991 St. Petersburg Humanitarian Institute.
Faculty: management, personnel management.

1995-1996 Training center “Managment Service”.
Management, Human Resources.

2001 - currently outsourcing company "Metro Group"(1500 people).

Job responsibilities:

  • * strategic planning,
  • * interaction with customers
  • * optimization of organizational structure,
  • * development of bonus policy
  • * organization of human resource management work,

1996 - 2001 Chain of stores "Azbuka Vkusa"(1000 people).
Position: HR Director.
Job responsibilities:

  • * development and implementation of a personnel motivation system,
  • * personnel planning,
  • * supervision of objects, maintaining documentation
  • * development of employee certification systems,
  • * selection of middle and senior managers

1992 - 1995: International Service Check LLC(500 people).
Position: Head of Personnel Department
Job responsibilities:

  • * organization of the educational process,
  • * recruitment,
  • * personnel document flow,
  • * certification

Professional experience:

  • * Personnel requirements planning, strategic planning.
  • * Development of a bonus system, staff motivation system,
  • * Formation of a personnel reserve, personnel certification.
  • * Corporate culture management
  • * Management of a corporate training center.

Additional information:

Ready to work individually and in a team. Stress-resistant, sociable. I complete the work at the appointed time (I can clearly calculate the deadlines for completing a task).

I am interested in sports, philosophy and psychology

Spoken English and French. Have experience of overseas business trips

The main feature of the modern sales market is great competition. In order for the company to have successful development, the staff of organizations, as a rule, provides for the position of a commercial director, whose responsibilities include organizing sales marketing and logistics of the enterprise.

Commercial director resume, a sample of which will be discussed in this article, will help to correctly reflect the accumulated experience in the document and increase your chances of success in employment.

Commercial director resume example

Many educational institutions train high-level specialists, conduct relevant courses and trainings, so it is difficult to get this prestigious job.

The duties of the commercial director include searching for promising sales areas, working with product suppliers and customers. Professional education and practical experience can help with this. In some cases, you have to communicate with representatives of foreign companies, so knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be a plus when applying for a job.

To stand out from the competition " profitable“, you must correctly present yourself to the employer, while remembering that the information must be presented in a concise form so that important information is not lost among unnecessary phrases.

Do not forget that the head of the company or the person involved in personnel selection looks at dozens or hundreds of applicant profiles every day. First of all, he will pay attention to a resume with specific information, without unnecessary “water” and self-promotion.

Work experience in a commercial director resume

Getting a position as a commercial director is difficult, so if you want to get noticed, pay special attention to information about your work experience.

In this case, it is very important to focus on the skills of wholesale and retail sales, since the prosperity of the company often depends on this. Tell us about your experience managing a large team and what exactly you know how to sell. The employer must see leadership qualities and real evidence of professionalism in the applicant.

An example of one of the work experiences

Each person has his own life experience, as evidenced by his work record, but this does not mean that filling out a resume for a commercial director, it is necessary to indicate places of work that are not related to the future position. Pay special attention to sales practice and management of commercial projects, but construction experience will be useful, perhaps, if we are talking about employment in a construction company. Tell the employer about job responsibilities and functions, as well as personal achievements expressed in numerical values.

Example of work experience of a commercial director:

    04.2013 - 05.2018


    LLC "Consult-Group"

    Job title:

    Commercial Director


    — Drawing up a sales plan
    — Conducting financial and economic activities of the company
    — Negotiating with clients, concluding agreements on the supply of products
    — Interaction with suppliers
    — Management of managers and sales agents: development of a sales plan and monitoring its implementation
    — Recruitment and training of personnel.

    Achievements (over 2 years):

    — Increased the company’s turnover by 2 times
    — Concluded 15 contracts with new suppliers
    — Increased the number of trades. points from 250 to 320
    — Introduced 3 new product brands to the market

Resume of a specialist without experience

Getting a job as a commercial director without work experience is difficult, but you need to try your hand, especially if you feel that you can cope with the task. The quality of education received and your persistence can help you find a job. Even if your experience is not documented, tell us about any sales practice and perhaps you will be lucky. A quote from Leonard da Vinci can inspire you to achieve your goal:

“Every obstacle can be overcome with perseverance”

Education in a commercial director's resume

When studying the resume of an applicant for the position of commercial director, an employer or HR specialist will definitely pay attention to the section that describes the education received.

It is important to indicate in the accompanying document:

  • name of the educational institution that issued the diploma;
  • name of the faculty;
  • acquired specialty.

Your chances will be significantly increased by specialized education.

Education example:

    College of Business and Technology St. Petersburg State Economic University


    Economic management


    Management and Economics

    Year of graduation:

Remember also that special courses and professional training can increase your chances. Therefore, do not forget to indicate information about their completion, including the name of the educational institution and the name of the course, as in our example:

Example of additional education:

    Year of graduation:


    Wholesale sales technology

    Conducting organization:

    Business school "BizOne"

Commercial director skills

The section indicating the skills acquired is also important to fill out correctly, but it is worth remembering that this is the only section in which improvisation is allowed. Here you can indicate knowledge that is not related to the vacancy, but do not forget about the brevity of your thoughts. It is also not worth mentioning that it has a rather distant relation to the vacancy of a commercial director. For you can use responsibilities of commercial director specified in the vacancy text.

What to write in the “about yourself” section

By announcing the search for a candidate for the position of commercial director, the employer hopes to see in the candidate a reliable assistant capable of taking the business to a new level and taking responsibility for decision-making. Only a purposeful and persistent person can do this. And a sociable person with the makings of a leader can organize the work process and organize the work of a large team.

Provide additional information that will be of interest to the employer.

An example of “About yourself” in a commercial director’s resume:

  • I have an analytical mind, I make important decisions independently, and I am focused on the end result. I have experience in negotiating with top company officials. I conduct an economic assessment of the organization’s performance in order to increase sales and reduce the tax burden. I successfully resolve conflict situations.

Contact information in your resume

By sending a resume to an employer, the applicant has the main goal of receiving an invitation to an interview. In order not to miss important information, you need to correctly fill out contact information. The long-awaited message can come not only via SMS or email, but also as a message on Viber or WhatsApp, you can also indicate the address of your social network accounts.

An example of filling out contacts in the form:

    7 812 000-00-02





To summarize what has been said, I would like to once again remind you how important it is to fill out correctly commercial director resume, a sample of which was discussed above. It should contain only the necessary information, presented in a concise form.

Do not enter false information into the form, as any information related to work activity can be easily verified.

Remember also about literacy, and before sending, do not be lazy to re-read the text of the document several times.

Complete it on our website in a convenient format and send it to the employer by email. Also, be sure to take one copy with you to the interview. To avoid missing an invitation, check your email and instant messengers regularly during your job search.