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1. General safety requirements

1.1. An office worker is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations and work schedules in force at the enterprise, which stipulate: the start and end times of work (shifts), breaks for rest and meals, the procedure for providing rest days, alternating shifts and other issues of using working time. For the purposes of these Instructions, office workers include: ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________. (indicate the positions of employees who are classified as office workers)

1.2. An office worker is obliged to: – use serviceable switches, sockets, plugs, sockets and other electrical fittings; – do not leave switched-on equipment and electrical appliances unattended, turn off electric lighting (except emergency lighting) after finishing work; – smoke only in specially designated and equipped areas; when using flammable and flammable substances in work, remove them to a fire-safe place, and do not leave used cleaning material in the room after finishing work; – comply with current fire safety regulations.

1.3. An office worker is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene: – come to work in clean clothes and shoes; – constantly monitor the cleanliness of the body, hands, and hair; – wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet, touching contaminated objects, and after finishing work.

1.4. For violation (failure to comply) with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, an office worker is subject to disciplinary and, in appropriate cases, financial and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations.

1.5. At the workplace, an office worker receives initial instruction on occupational safety and undergoes: – an internship; – training in the design and operating rules of the equipment used; – testing knowledge on electrical safety (when using equipment powered by an electrical network), theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

1.6. While working, an office worker undergoes repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace - once every six months.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. An office worker is obliged to prepare the work area for safe work: – check the equipment of the workplace; – check by external inspection the sufficiency of illumination and serviceability of switches and sockets; – carry out an inspection of electrical equipment (checking the completeness and reliability of fastening of parts; checking by external inspection the serviceability of the cable (cord); checking the clear operation of the switch; use only standard devices).

2.2. An office worker is obliged to report to the manager if defects are detected in electrical equipment and not to operate faulty electrical equipment.

2.3. Turn on electrical equipment by inserting a working plug into a working socket for household appliances.

2.4. An office worker is required to maintain order in the workplace while working with electrical equipment.

2.5. When working with electrical equipment, it is prohibited to: – leave the electrical equipment turned on without supervision; – transfer electrical equipment to persons who do not have the right to work with it; – remove protective equipment; – pull the supply wire to disconnect; – keep your finger on the switch when moving electrical equipment; – pull, twist and bend the supply cable; – place foreign objects on the cable (cord); – allow the cable (cord) to come into contact with hot or warm objects.

2.6. An office worker is required to perform only the work with electrical equipment for which the electrical equipment is intended.

2.7. If during work a malfunction of electrical equipment is discovered or the person working with it feels at least a weak current, work must be stopped immediately and the faulty electrical equipment must be submitted for inspection or repair.

2.8. Electrical equipment must be switched off: – during a break in work; – at the end of the work process.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. An office worker must perform only the work for which he has received training, instructions on labor protection and for which he is authorized by the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

3.2. Do not entrust your work to strangers.

3.3. While at the workplace, an office worker should not perform actions that could lead to an accident: – do not swing on a chair; – do not touch exposed wires; – do not operate the equipment with wet hands; – do not swing sharp or cutting objects.

3.4. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only designated passages. Do not block designated passages and passages.

3.5. Store documentation in cabinets in a specially equipped office.

3.6. Due to the fact that most of the time is devoted to working on the computer, it is necessary to take a 15-minute break every two hours to reduce general physical fatigue.

3.7. During work, an office worker is prohibited from: – allowing the workplace to be cluttered with paper in order to prevent the accumulation of organic dust; – turn off the power while performing an active task; – make frequent power switches; – turn on very cool equipment (brought from outside in winter); – independently open and repair equipment.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In an emergency situation, you should notify surrounding people of the danger and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.

4.2. In the event of a fire or fire, you must immediately report it to the fire department, shout to warn the surrounding people and take measures to extinguish the fire.

4.3. In case of injury, poisoning or sudden illness, stop work and seek help from a medical professional, and in case of his absence, provide first aid to yourself or other victims and report the incident to your immediate supervisor, then act according to his instructions.

4.4. In situations that threaten life and health, leave the dangerous area.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. At the end of work, the office worker must clean the workplace.

5.2. An office worker must: – turn off electrical equipment; – check the fire safety condition of the office; – close the windows, turn off the lights, close the doors.

Safety issues concern not only manufacturing plants, but also any work positions. This is due to the need to maintain the proper level of comfort at work, as well as, if possible, to eliminate or minimize the negative impact of the work process on the health of workers. Employer's obligation— develop and implement a system by which control over these issues will be exercised. This also applies to office buildings.

Occupational safety and health in the office - where to start?

Office work, despite its apparent ease, is also quite demanding in terms of safety precautions. First of all, this concerns the use of office equipment, as well as rules of behavior in the workplace. Certain standards relate to the physical, sanitary and hygienic conditions in which workers work.

You can often see humorous or warning posters on occupational safety and health in the office. They are part of the overall system, those pointers that are designed to remind you of the instructions received. A pressing question arises: where does one even begin? organization of labor protection at the enterprise.

To begin, you need to contact Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It points to the need to organize appropriate service or position specialist on these issues. It is possible to conclude an agreement with third-party authorities that can provide such services. The next procedure is as follows:

  • regulations are being developed for organizing safety precautions in the office, which include basic standards of behavior;
  • an order is issued that puts the specified provision into effect, establishes the responsibility of persons and the procedure for familiarizing employees with the prescribed standards;
  • in accordance with the established procedure, all employees are informed about the rules of conduct in the workplace and instructions.

In this order, the key factor is the regulatory framework. That is, in order to properly organize the appropriate work process safety system in the office, it is important to familiarize yourself with the legislative documents.

Rules for occupational safety and health in the office for workers

The development of local standards for labor protection in the office should take into account the following aspects:

  • organizational aspects - distribution of execution functions and responsibilities, creation of a structure and line of accountability;
  • use of legal documents of federal legislation, indication of references to standards;
  • technical organization of the work process - prescription of rules of behavior in the workplace, standards for the condition of premises and office equipment, instructions for their use;
  • social issues - the norms of interaction within the team, provision of first aid if necessary, joint actions to improve work or eliminate malfunctions are considered.

In addition to these aspects, preventive measures must also be taken into account to check and detect violations. The development by the employer of all these standards ultimately raises the question of what documents should be on labor protection in the office.

Occupational safety and health in the office - regulatory framework

A set of documents on labor protection in the office has a fairly extensive list. It includes not only local regulations, but also legislative acts. Based on this, the documentation must include all the rules that relate to certain issues. They should cover the following categories:

  • technical aspects that take into account and regulate the rules for organizing the work process;
  • sanitary and hygienic issues must be regulated by documents and indicate those standards that are prescribed to maintain the proper level of health of workers;
  • organizational documents take into account the procedure for familiarization and information with the regulatory framework, the responsibility of officials, planned events and accounting for their implementation.

The documentation base must include safety instructions developed for each category of workers. Familiarization with it is mandatory, and if necessary, knowledge is checked.

Occupational safety regulations in the office

Occupational safety regulations in the office is the main document that includes not only the main safety issues, but also control over their organization. Such a standard also includes a legal framework linking federal legislative acts with local instructions.

The main objective of this provision is to adapt general recommendations to the specifics of office work in an enterprise. The regulation is put into effect by means of a corresponding order along with other regulations and annexes.

Standard instructions for occupational safety in the office

Standard instructions for occupational safety in the office are separate safety regulations developed for each position. Even if there is only one employee in the specified specialty, a safety document for him must be developed and included in the general regulatory framework.

Standard instructions are developed along with the regulations. If a position is introduced after the publication of basic standards, the corresponding instructions are included in the main list of documents. Each employee must be familiar with the standards assigned to his position upon signature.

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1.1. An office worker is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations and work schedules in force at the enterprise, which stipulate: the start and end times of work (shifts), breaks for rest and meals, the procedure for providing rest days, alternating shifts and other issues of using working time.

1.2. An office worker must:

Use serviceable switches, sockets, plugs, sockets and other electrical fittings;

Do not leave switched on equipment and electrical appliances unattended, turn off electric lighting (except emergency lighting) after finishing work;

Smoking only in specially designated and equipped areas;

When using flammable and flammable substances in work, remove them to a fire-safe place and do not leave used cleaning material in the room after finishing work;

Comply with the current fire regulations in the Russian Federation.

1.3. An office worker must observe the rules of personal hygiene:

Come to work in clean clothes and shoes;

Constantly monitor the cleanliness of your body, hands, and hair;

Wash your hands with soap after visiting the toilet, touching contaminated objects, and after finishing work.

1.4. For violation (failure to comply) with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, an office worker is subject to disciplinary, and in appropriate cases, financial and criminal liability in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and local regulations.

1.5. At the workplace, an office worker receives initial instruction on occupational safety and undergoes:


Training in the design and operating rules of the equipment used;

Testing knowledge of electrical safety (when using equipment powered by an electrical network), theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

1.6. While working, an office worker undergoes repeated instruction on occupational safety in the workplace - once every six months.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. An office worker is required to prepare the work area for safe work:

Check the equipment of the workplace;

Check by external inspection the sufficiency of illumination and serviceability of switches and sockets;

Inspect the electrical equipment (checking the completeness and reliability of fastening parts; checking by external inspection the serviceability of the cable (cord); checking the clear operation of the switch; use only standard devices).

2.2. An office worker is obliged to report to the manager if defects are detected in electrical equipment and not to operate faulty electrical equipment.

2.3. Turn on electrical equipment by inserting a working plug into a working socket for household appliances.

2.4. An office worker is required to maintain order in the workplace while working with electrical equipment.

2.5. When working with electrical equipment, it is prohibited:

Leave electrical equipment turned on without supervision;

Transfer electrical equipment to persons who do not have the right to work with it;

Remove protective equipment;

Pull the supply wire to disconnect;

Keep your finger on the switch when moving electrical equipment;

Pull, twist and bend the supply cable;

Place foreign objects on the cable (cord);

Do not allow the cable (cord) to come into contact with hot or warm objects.

2.6. An office worker is required to perform only the work with electrical equipment for which the electrical equipment is intended.

2.7. If during work a malfunction of electrical equipment is discovered or the person working with it feels at least a weak current, work must be stopped immediately and the faulty electrical equipment must be submitted for inspection or repair.

2.8. Switching off electrical equipment must be done:

During a break from work;

At the end of the work process.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. An office worker must perform only the work for which he has received training, instructions on labor protection and for which he is authorized by the employee responsible for the safe performance of work.

3.2. Do not entrust your work to strangers.

3.3. While at the workplace, an office worker should not perform actions that could lead to an accident:

Do not rock on the chair;

Do not touch exposed wires;

Do not operate equipment with wet hands;

Do not swing sharp or cutting objects.

3.4. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only designated passages. Do not block designated passages and passages.

3.5. Store documentation in cabinets in a specially equipped office.

3.6. Due to the fact that most of the time is devoted to working on the computer, it is necessary to take a 15-minute break every two hours to reduce general physical fatigue.

3.7. While working, an office worker is prohibited from:

Allow the workplace to be cluttered with paper to prevent the accumulation of organic dust;

Turn off the power while performing an active task;

Perform frequent power switches;

Turn on very cool equipment (brought from outside in winter);

Open and repair equipment yourself.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In an emergency situation, you should notify surrounding people of the danger and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.

4.2. In the event of a fire or fire, you must immediately report it to the fire department, shout to warn the surrounding people and take measures to extinguish the fire.

4.3. In case of injury, poisoning or sudden illness, stop work and seek help from a medical professional, and in case of his absence, provide first aid to yourself or other victims and report the incident to your immediate supervisor, then act according to his instructions.

4.4. In situations that threaten life and health, leave the dangerous area.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. At the end of work, the office worker must clean the workplace.

5.2. An office worker must:

Disconnect electrical equipment;

Check the fire safety condition of the office;

Close the windows, turn off the lights, close the doors.

Employees who spend their working days in closed and often cramped offices are susceptible to a number of occupational pathologies, and the office equipment with which they have to interact requires compliance with electrical safety standards. Therefore, occupational safety in the office is aimed, first of all, at preventing domestic injuries and electric shock, as well as protecting the health of workers from exposure to dry and dusty air as one of the main factors in the development of a number of chronic diseases.

A modern office is often crammed with electrical equipment, which negatively affects the microclimate in the room and creates the risk of electric shock if broken or mishandled. But this is far from the only potentially harmful factor affecting the mental and physical well-being of office workers. The specifics of labor protection in the office in 2016 involve combating the main harmful factors:

  • monotony of work;
  • improper organization of workplaces;
  • sedentary nature of work;
  • dryness and air pollution;
  • poor lighting of workplaces;
  • the negative impact of computers and copying equipment;
  • danger of electric shock.

The principles of safe behavior in the office, which form the basis of occupational safety instructions for office workers, are formulated taking into account all of the above factors and are aimed at protecting against them. If it is not possible to eliminate a harmful factor, it is necessary to at least minimize the consequences of its influence on humans.

Labor safety rules in the office

By observing occupational safety rules in the office in 2016, employees not only contribute to maintaining their own health, but also increase their productivity. At the same time, it is important to initially take care of the rational organization of the workspace - choose the right office furniture and equip the premises with light sources of sufficient power and acceptable color temperature.

When developing occupational safety rules in the office, the employer must remember the key safety issue - the use of computers and office equipment. Despite the fact that almost every workplace in a modern office is equipped with a computer, it cannot be called an absolutely safe device. Ordinary employees and their managers must comply with the safe work standards established by law:

  • allocate at least 4.5 square meters of area for each employee whose workplace is equipped with a computer with a flat-screen monitor;
  • spend no more than 6 hours at a time at the computer;
  • When working with a computer, take breaks every hour;
  • equip workplaces with comfortable furniture that neutralizes tension in the muscles of the back and neck;
  • regularly perform gymnastics for the eyes and body to avoid overstrain of the visual organs and problems with blood circulation;
  • carry out wet cleaning daily in places where electrical appliances accumulate.

The importance of the last point may seem dubious, but it is recommended to comply with it. Office workers often suffer from respiratory diseases because they spend long periods of time in rooms with dry, air-conditioned air containing huge amounts of dust. Therefore, regular wet cleaning, natural ventilation of offices and other measures aimed at neutralizing this factor will help prevent the development of acute and chronic respiratory diseases, and avoid attacks of asthma or allergies among employees.

All harmful factors in the working environment are aggravated by improper organization of office space. The employer’s task is to do everything necessary to reduce noise levels (by the way, noise above 50-55 dB negatively affects labor productivity) and prevent injuries. There should be as much free space as possible between tables and near exits from rooms.

Personnel must be familiar with the rules for working with office equipment and stationery, as well as regularly undergo fire safety training and know evacuation schemes in case of fire.

Documents on labor protection in the office

Local documents on labor protection in the office are approved by the head of the company. The development of instructions, regulations and other regulatory documents is carried out by a labor protection specialist or other authorized person. The minimum required package of documents, the presence of which will be checked by a labor inspector, is represented by internal labor regulations, labor protection orders (on the appointment of those responsible for labor protection in the office and electrical safety, on conducting a special assessment of workplaces, on establishing a fire safety regime, etc. ) and a number of provisions.

It is necessary to approve regulations on the labor protection service, the investigation and recording of accidents, special assessments of workplaces, and the procedure for conducting labor safety briefings. A regulation is also approved for the development, recording and application of instructions on labor protection in the office, in accordance with which all necessary instructions for positions are subsequently developed - for security guards, office employees, and PC operators. The set of instructions is supplemented as necessary with new documents developed taking into account the professions and positions of company employees.

Since occupational safety training is regularly conducted for office workers, it is necessary to approve training programs (this is also done by occupational safety officers) and keep log books, in particular:

  • induction training log;
  • on-the-job training log;
  • logbook for testing safety knowledge of personnel with the first electrical safety group;
  • log of labor safety instructions.

In order to comply with fire safety rules, a fire prevention plan for the office and a list of persons responsible for their implementation are approved.

Medical examinations when working at a computer

The need for medical examinations is established by two documents:

1. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 302n)1.
2. SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-032.

Working with a computer means reading, entering information, and interacting with a computer. Its duration must be at least 50 percent of working time. And it doesn't matter whether the employee works full time or not.

In this case, only the video display terminal on a cathode ray tube (hereinafter referred to as CRT) generates electromagnetic radiation of a broadband frequency spectrum (in the range from 5 to 400 kHz). This explanation was given by the chief freelance occupational pathologist of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia BUSHMANOVA A. Yu.3 Consequently, liquid crystal screens and other modern monitors are not associated with the broadband spectrum.

But you shouldn’t forget about a medical examination for office workers. Clause 13.1 of SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN) requires persons who spend more than 50 percent of their working time at a computer to undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in the prescribed manner. However, there is no reference to the broadband spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

Courts indicate that employers are required to organize preliminary and periodic medical examinations for employees who work at computers. In this case, it does not matter whether the levels of the electromagnetic field of the broadband frequency spectrum are exceeded in the workplace according to the certification of workplaces or a special assessment. The only thing that matters is the fact of working at the computer more than 50 percent of the working time (resolution of the Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District dated May 19, 2015 No. F02-1878/2015, F02-2006/2015 in case No. A33-3164/2014, left in force without amendment by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).

Various situations may arise at enterprises, and in order not to disrupt order, compliance with labor safety instructions for office workers is required. What should the content be? How is it developed and approved? How is it stored? We will answer the basic questions and provide a sample instruction that you can download for free.

Specifics of the activities of office workers

Workers frequently interact with computers, laptops, printers and other office equipment. Since electromagnetic radiation negatively affects health, the legislator introduced a standard: working time on a PC should not exceed 50% of the working time. If it is impossible to create such a work regime, workers are sent for a medical examination every six months.

The specificity of the activity lies in the fact that long-term statistical and emotional stress also causes harm. Injuries cannot be ruled out, because if there is an unsuccessful contact with the surface of furniture or office equipment, you can get hit hard. To prevent the influence of such factors, occupational safety instructions for office workers are being developed.

Brief description of the document

Occupational Safety Instruction (OSI) is a regulatory act containing rules and requirements that are aimed at preserving the health of personnel performing work duties. The document includes organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic, legal measures.

Subordinates are shown IOT when hired, transferred to another department, changed in safety rules, etc. When instructions are given and the document in question is issued, an appropriate entry must be made in a special journal. The labor inspectorate can check it in three cases:

  1. When conducting a scheduled or unscheduled inspection;
  2. An emergency occurred at the enterprise;
  3. The company takes part in tenders.

When compiling IOT, the specifics of the work must be taken into account. can be downloaded for free on our website.

The instructions usually include:

  • general requirements (list of responsibilities, when repeated training is carried out, what production factors can be affected, etc.);
  • what needs to be done before starting work;
  • requirements during and after the end of the working day;
  • what to do in the event of an emergency.

Development and approval

The legislation does not provide for any requirements for drawing up occupational safety instructions for office workers. Therefore, simply rely on the following regulations:

  • Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Labor dated December 17, 2002 No. 80;
  • SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03;
  • SanPiN;
  • guidelines MU OT RM 01-98.

When developing a document, it is advisable to involve a certified specialist who understands labor protection in the office, since the document must comply with the requirements of labor law. His supervisor approves. In the future, you need to familiarize employees with the contents (against signature) and record this fact in the appropriate journal.

  • appoint a responsible person who will monitor the relevance of occupational safety instructions in the office;
  • if there have been changes in the current legislation, review the document;
  • If your company is engaged in hazardous activities or works on hazardous equipment (radioactive production, work in transport), use the standard instructions.

How long and where are the instructions stored?

The instructions are stored in the labor protection service for 5 years, but they must be available for review. After this period, the document is reviewed and amendments are made if necessary.

In practice, changes occur much more frequently, so adjustments may be needed earlier. The main reasons: changes in inter-industry occupational safety standards, introduction of new equipment, analysis of emergency incidents, the onset of occupational diseases, etc.

If an enterprise does not have instructions on labor safety in the office, it may be held liable under Art. 5. 27 Code of Administrative Offences. Legal entities must pay 50,000-80,000 rubles, officials 2,000-5,000 rubles. In case of repeated violation, increased penalties are provided, as well as suspension of activities for up to 90 days or disqualification for up to 3 years, respectively.

The employer has the right to independently decide what is better: pay fines for the lack of occupational safety instructions for office workers or carry out a set of measures aimed at creating favorable working conditions. In the second case, the likelihood of occupational diseases and emergencies will decrease, and labor productivity will increase. Which option do you prefer?