Deputy Chief of Police for OOP - vacancy in Moscow

The “Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region of Moscow” can offer approximately the following salary: for a vacant position. in Moscow from the company Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region of Moscow">

The direct employer "" is looking for an employee to fill a vacant position in his organization (company, firm, individual entrepreneur, private legal entity) for the position "".

Employer's company (firm, organization) Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"works in the following areas of activity: Government organizations;.

Mandatory requirement of the employer for the work experience of the desired employee: 1–3 years.

Type of employment for the vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"in a company (firm, organization, individual entrepreneur)" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" : Full time, full time.

Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" refers to the industry of activity: "Security" → "Property security" . See other latest vacancies in the following sections of the catalog of job offers in the form of advertisements: "Security, police" ;

Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" added to the database of the website about work and employment Electronic Center for Employment in Monday, June 24, 2019 year and after publication by the moderator of the web portal for job seekers, it is available for viewing to all registered unemployed (unemployed).

Date of update of the advertisement form with vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"on the website of the Electronic Employment Center: Monday, July 8, 2019 year.

Vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"in company" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"is located by address: Moscow, Novokhokhlovskaya street, 27 .

Employer of the company (firm, organization) "Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region of Moscow" can offer approximately the following salary: from 60,000 to 70,000 rub. in your arms in a vacant position "Deputy Chief of Police for OOP".

Duties of an employee in a vacant position "Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" includes the following:
  • Organization of activities of services: ODN, PPSP, convoy group, UUP.
Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"supplied by the employer" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"in the city Moscow, the following:
  • current police officer with leadership experience

Career growth

Vacation from 40-60 calendar days

Possibility of retirement after 20 years of service

Dear job applicant, to obtain a contact phone number (or other contact information) to contact the employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"from city (region) Moscow, You first need to send a letter to the employer “Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod District of Moscow” from our Electronic Employment Center with a file of your resume attached to it, or indicate in the text of the message to the employer a link to your resume on our job seeker portal or on another site .

If you don’t yet have a resume on our multi-regional website Electronic CZN, be sure to post your resume now. This greatly speeds up the speed of job search, because... employers themselves will be able to find you using the data from your resume and contact you in order to offer their vacancies.

Employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"after receiving an e-mail message from you from our website, he will review your resume and provide his contact information (phone number, e-mail, fax, Skype, ICQ), where you can contact him about an interview to take a vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP".

What to do if the employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow "from city (region) Moscow does not respond to your request for vacancy No. 2998213 " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"?
Post your resume now on our employment portal Electronic Employment Center and other employers will definitely find you soon!

Add your resume now

Please note website Electronic Labor Exchange Moscow .
Go to the page " Find a job based on vacancies on the Moscow Labor Exchange Submit your resume to the Moscow Labor Exchange ", add your resume and after its publication you will begin to receive fresh vacancies in Moscow with job offers.

Go to website Electronic Employment Service Moscow with a current database of job offers in the form of vacancies in Moscow.
Go to the page " Find a job for vacancies in the Moscow Employment Service " and look for the latest vacancies in Moscow or go to the page " Submit your resume to the Moscow Employment Service ", add your resume and after its publication you will begin to receive fresh vacancies with job offers in Moscow.

job search in the city of Moscow using the most famous vacancy database of the web resource Employment Center of the City of Moscow .
All vacancies from the web resource Employment Center , which can be viewed on the aggregator-search engine of advertisements with job offers in Russia RABOTKA in the form of lists grouped by city and area of ​​economic activity, or search for fresh vacancies taking into account the city and specialty.

The administration of the multiregional portal for employment and personnel selection of the Electronic Employment Center is not responsible for the accuracy of the content of this advertisement with vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"from the company" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"from the city (region)" Moscow".

Deputy Chief of Police for OOP

The direct employer "" is looking for an employee to fill a vacant position in its organization for the position "".

Mandatory requirement of the employer for the work experience of the desired employee: 1–3 years.

Type of employment for the vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"in a company (firm, organization, individual entrepreneur)" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" : Full time, full time.

Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" refers to the industry of activity "Security" → "Property security" .

Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"added to the database of the website about work and employment Electronic Employment Service in Monday, June 24, 2019 and after publication by the moderator of the web portal for job seekers, it is available for viewing by all registered unemployed.

Date of update of the vacancy profile No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"on the website of the Electronic Employment Service: Monday, July 8, 2019.

Company (organization, firm, individual entrepreneur) " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"job offered in the city Moscow.

Job vacancy in the company Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"is located by address: Moscow, Novokhokhlovskaya street, 27.

Employer of the company (firm, organization) "Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region of Moscow" can offer approximately the following salary: from 60,000 to 70,000 rub. in your arms in a vacant position.

Duties of an employee in a vacant position "Deputy Chief of Police for OOP" includes the following:
  • Organization of activities of services: ODN, PPSP, convoy group, UUP.
Requirements for an employee for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP"supplied by the employer" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"in the city Moscow, the following:
  • current police officer with leadership experience

Career growth

Vacation from 40-60 calendar days

Possibility of retirement after 20 years of service

To obtain a contact telephone number (or other contact information) to contact the employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow"from city (region) Moscow, You first need to send a letter from our Electronic Employment Service with a file of your resume attached to it, or indicate in the text of the message to the employer a link to your resume on another site for job seekers. Employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" will review your resume and provide your contact information (phone number, e-mail, fax, Skype, ICQ), where you can contact him about an interview to fill a vacant job position " Deputy Chief of Police for OOP".

Please note website Electronic Employment Center .
Go to the page " Find a job by vacancies in the Employment Center Submit your resume to the Employment Center

Go to Electronic Labor Exchange website with an up-to-date database of job offers in the form of vacancies.
Go to the page " Find a job based on vacancies on the Labor Exchange " and look for the latest vacancies or go to the page " Post your resume on the Labor Exchange ", add your resume and after its publication you will start receiving new vacancies with job offers.

Visit the Job Aggregator from employers in Russia and the CIS with an up-to-date database of job offers in the form of job advertisements.
On the portal a convenient job search in the city of Moscow using a complete database of fresh vacancies of the Employment Service of the City of Moscow .
All vacancies from the Employment Service portal You can conveniently browse the job offer aggregator website RABOTKA in the form of a list or search for vacancies taking into account your city of residence and the desired position.

Appendix No. 4

DeputyChief of Police for the OOP

Ministry of Internal Affairsfor the Republic of Bashkortostan-


Popov A.P.

from ______________________________



on the issuance (extension of validity) of a license,

issuance of a duplicate (copy) of a private license

security activities

I ask you to issue (extend the validity period) license(s), issue a duplicate

(copy) of a license to carry out private security activities

(indicate the organizational and legal form, full and (if any) abbreviated name, including corporate name


name of the legal entity and its location,


contact phone number)

Information about the intention to use technical and other means, weapons,

special means and the need for them __________________________________________


for the provision of the following types of security services

Protecting the life and health of citizens

Protection of objects and (or) property (including during its transportation) owned, in possession, in use, economic management, operational management or trust management, with the exception of objects and (or) property provided for in paragraph 7 of part 3 of the article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation"

Security of objects and (or) property at sites with the implementation of work on the design, installation and operational maintenance of technical security equipment and (or) with the adoption of appropriate measures to respond to their signal information

Ensuring order in places of mass events

Ensuring intra-facility and access control at facilities, with the exception of facilities provided for in paragraph 7 of part 3 of article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation"

Security of facilities and (or) property, as well as ensuring intra-facility and access control at facilities that are of particular importance for ensuring the life and security of the state and the population

In the right column, the applicant’s signature confirms the choice of a specific

type of service.

License form: ___________________________________________________

in person, by mail, electronically

Appendix: on ___ sheets.

"__" ___________ 20__ Head:_____________________

To process personal data in accordance with Federal Law



... Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia “Zarinsky” E.G. Elkin - reception of citizens in a public reception By address: st. Union Republics... Acting deputy boss police (By OOP) A.Yu. Kuznetsov 15.00-19.00 Tarasov M.I. Tuesday Deputy boss OMVD- boss police A.V. ...

  • Information bulletin of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 41 (842) dated October 28, 2013


    ... By juvenile affairs department By Juvenile Affairs Department of Precinct Commissioners police And By... shot placement Republic Sakha... university Ministry of Internal Affairs RF... deputy boss Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs By Petrograd district Z. F. Volokhov. By ...

  • The discipline program, seminar lesson plans and guidelines for the course History of the Russian State and Law. Cycle: B3

    Discipline program

    In structure OOP Bachelor's degree This... police. Bodies of political investigation. Reforms police ... By discretion of the authorized person. Representatives of the Special Meeting and their deputies..., zemstvo bosses and introduction... meetings at Ministry of Internal Affairs. Position...

  • This is a story all over the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in order to hide the “turnover” of personnel, the bosses do everything to fire an employee under a negative article, thereby protecting themselves from bad questions about the “turnover”, but they fire him under the article and sleep peacefully.

    “I, Deputy Chief of Police (for OOP) of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Novogireevo district of Moscow, police captain Igor Vasilyevich Filippenko, for health reasons, decided to resign from the internal affairs bodies, wrote a report, and on May 29, 2017 registered it in the office of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District, and went on sick leave.

    After some time, about three weeks, the assistant head of the Department of Internal Affairs A.A. Masalygin called me and asked if I was still on sick leave? To which I answered yes, when I asked what happened to my dismissal, he said that he didn’t know anything.

    After that, about 3 days later, a specialist from the Inspectorate for Personnel of the Internal Affairs Directorate called me and said that an official inspection had been ordered against me, and that I needed to give an explanation, to which I replied that by law, while I was on sick leave, I could not give an explanation. .

    On June 20, 2017, I did not receive my salary, so I tried to find out from the Internal Affairs Department why? To which I did not receive an answer. Again, the law prohibits suspending an employee’s wages while he is on sick leave.

    This is just the beginning of the chaos that is happening around my desire to resign from the police department. The salary arrived only on July 7, 2017. During my sick leave, I repeatedly confirmed verbally and also confirmed in writing by mail my reluctance to continue serving in the police department, in accordance with the law.

    The first time I came to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District, Colonel of the Internal Service V.V. Samokhvalov. June 30, 2017, while still on sick leave. When asked what happened to my dismissal, he could not give me any answer, and avoided him in every possible way.

    Having never heard an answer regarding my dismissal, I left. I was on sick leave until August 14, 2017 inclusive.

    On August 15, 2017, I again came to the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District to see V.V. Samokhvalov to find out about my dismissal, why there was still no dismissal order, what kind of official check against me, which was allegedly appointed during my sick leave, although I did not receive official documents at my place of residence?

    Samokhvalov V.V. again he could not explain or explain anything to me, saying only the same thing he always said, that an official check had been ordered against me and that I first needed to give an explanation. And then only he will decide on my dismissal.

    I went to the Internal Affairs Directorate of Personnel Inspectorate to familiarize myself with the materials of the internal inspection. After reading the material, I said that I had 2 days, according to order No. 161 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to give an explanation.

    After that, I again went to the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District to see V.V. Samokhvalov, from whom I wanted to find out where my original report on dismissal was located on the initiative of an employee, who for some reason was not in the internal audit materials, what resolution was on it, and yet why wasn’t I fired 30 days after my desire to quit on the initiative of the employee.

    Arriving again at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, Colonel of the Internal Service V.V. Samokhvalov. with these questions, he began to say that he could not show my report, since it was supposedly located in the office of the Internal Affairs Directorate and there was no access to it, which was complete absurdity, when asked what kind of official check this was, which was scheduled during my sick leave, he I couldn’t explain either, I said that I am not a slave, and this is my full right, enshrined in the Constitution, whether I want to work or not.

    It turns out to be complete lawlessness and lawlessness when an employee himself wants to quit, but he is prevented from doing so in every possible way, inventing all sorts of tricks to prevent the employee from doing as he wants according to the law.

    Samokhvalov V.V. he began to force me to work in every possible way, and said that I should be at work now, although I was already at work, but apparently the work ranks of the Department of Internal Affairs and the Internal Affairs Directorate are different, to which I again told him that I am not going to work in Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District, and you should have fired me a long time ago, upon returning from sick leave, provide a dismissal order, issue a work book, military ID, and pay. But this was not done."

    “I, Artem Vladimirovich Antonov, a policeman of the commandant group of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Marfino district of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, cannot retire on a long-service pension from April 21, 2017!

    My report received a reply that “A decision was made to dismiss me from the Department of Internal Affairs after the 2017 FIFA Federation Cup.” The response was signed by the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, police lieutenant colonel Andrei Vladimirovich Kostyuk.

    What’s most interesting is that the answer was registered on May 23, 2017, and the envelope with the answer was mailed to me on June 17, 2017, and on July 8 I received the answer in my mail.

    After that, the assistant to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, military lieutenant colonel Karnaikh Dmitry Valerievich, had a conversation with me about how I should work for another month. Unfortunately, I agreed.

    I had unpaid long service leave (15 days) and was told that after that I would be fired. I took a vacation from August 2 to August 16, but they didn’t fire me again, saying that I needed to work for another month and then they would fire me.

    Complete chaos!"

    97. Deputy chief of police for the protection of public order of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

    97.1. Organizes the daily performance of service by local police commissioners.

    97.2. Ensures the study and implementation of positive and best practices in the practice of organizing the activities of local police commissioners.

    97.3. Carries out, personally or through the head of the OUUP or the duty department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the operational management of local police commissioners.

    97.4. Organizes the preparation and conduct of briefings for local police commissioners entering service.

    97.5. When the local police commissioner receives an administrative precinct, he presents it to officials of state authorities and local self-government bodies, and, if necessary, to the heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the administrative precinct.

    97.6. Monitors the performance of service by local police officers, their compliance with the law and discipline.

    97.7. At least once a quarter, checks local police stations located in the territory served by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    97.8. Organizes recording and evaluation of the results of the work of local police commissioners, takes the necessary measures to improve its effectiveness.

    97.9. Carries out, within the scope of its competence, work on the selection and training of local police commissioners, and organizes mentoring.

    97.10. Prepares proposals for improving logistics and social support for local police commissioners and equipping police stations.

    97.11. Organizes interaction between local police commissioners and employees of criminal investigation units to prevent and solve crimes.

    97.12. Organizes the exchange of information between local police commissioners about crimes committed at administrative stations, stolen property, persons put on the wanted list, as well as the termination of the search.

    Responsibilities of the head of the department (department, group) of local police commissioners and for juvenile affairs of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in organizing the service of local police commissioners.

    Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2012 N 1166

    "Issues of organizing the activities of local police commissioners"

    98. Head of the OUUP:

    98.1. Organizes professional service and physical training, conducts individual educational, cultural, educational, psychological and social work, as well as work to strengthen official discipline and the rule of law among local police officers.

    98.2. Provides training in the system of professional service and physical training with local police officers to study the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the prevention of crimes and administrative offenses.

    98.3. Provides day-to-day management of local police commissioners, directs and coordinates their activities to protect public order and ensure public safety, prevent and suppress crimes and administrative offenses, and sums up the results of their work.

    98.4. Before the start of the briefing, checks the arrival of local police officers for duty in accordance with the schedule, the availability of weapons, communication equipment, and special equipment. If the local police commissioner fails to show up, he will organize his replacement, and if deficiencies in the equipment are detected, he will take measures to eliminate them.

    98.5. Monitors the timely and high-quality consideration by local police commissioners of messages and statements of citizens, officials on the prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses, and the detection of crimes for which a preliminary investigation is not necessary.

    98.6. Monitors and records activities to ensure compliance by local police officers with the rule of law when considering complaints and applications from citizens, messages from organizations and institutions; when carrying out urgent investigative actions and performing other duties assigned to them.

    98.7. Conducts a monthly check of the availability and maintenance by local police commissioners of official documentation (in the presence of automated information systems - completeness of completion and regularity of its replenishment) located at the local police station, reflecting the results of the check in the book of comments and suggestions of inspectors (based on the verification of all official documentation of each district commissioner at least once a quarter).

    98.8. Develops and submits to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for approval of graphics: the service of local police commissioners, their reception of citizens, reports to the population. Organizes and controls their implementation.

    98.9. Conducts an analysis of complaints and statements from citizens received by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, publications in the media, the Internet about shortcomings in the work of subordinate district police officers, conducts checks on them and takes measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

    98.10. Analyzes the activities of local police commissioners to protect the personal and property safety of citizens, prevent and solve crimes, protect public order, and implement administrative legislation.

    98.11. Organizes the participation of local police commissioners in events carried out by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to prevent, suppress and solve crimes, and protect public order.

    98.12. Monitors the conduct of preventive patrols of assigned administrative areas by local police officers.

    98.13. Provides practical assistance in organizing work at administrative sites, preparing reports, and also promptly considers issues related to comments and suggestions made by citizens during the discussion of reports.

    98.14. Provides control over compliance by local police officers at local police stations with sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety rules.

    98.15. Prepares reports, memos, as well as certificates, information and other documents to government authorities on the activities of local police commissioners in the field of preventing and suppressing crimes and administrative offenses.

    98.16. Studies, generalizes and introduces into the work of local police commissioners the positive and advanced experience of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the latest achievements of science and technology.

    98.17. Receives citizens on issues related to the activities of local police commissioners, controls the consideration of their appeals within the established time frame, and studies public opinion about the work of local police commissioners.

    98.18. Analyzes the results of the PDMU's activities for the month, quarter, half year and year.

    98.19. Makes proposals to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on encouraging local police commissioners based on the results of their activities or bringing them to disciplinary liability.

    98.20. Makes proposals to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the use of measures of material incentives for citizens who have provided significant assistance in solving crimes and administrative offenses and in ensuring the protection of public order.

    98.21. Makes proposals to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the appointment and dismissal of subordinate district police commissioners, as well as on granting them regular and other leaves.

    133. Checking the performance of service by the local police commissioner: the procedure for conducting it and recording the results.