Historically, the lumberjack profession arose in connection with the increasing need for wood as a building material, when mining and metal processing began to develop. In ancient times, growing communities needed ever-increasing quantities of wood for heating, construction, fortifications, and shipbuilding. Until the early 20th century, lumberjacks worked closely with now virtually extinct trades such as coal miners (charcoal producers) or raftsmen. Since ancient times, the tool used by woodcutters was an ax or a saw, but technological progress has significantly changed their work, which is now carried out using chainsaws or complex machines.

Lumberjack job

Before felling a tree, bushes or snow are removed around it. The lumberjack cuts down trees into gaps between other trees or in places free from forest, since it is impossible to cut down a tree on a forest wall. Trees with a diameter of more than 8 cm land in the direction of the natural inclination of the trunk, wind direction or the greatest mass of the crown (with preliminary cutting of the tree). After the tree is felled, the branches are cut off: from the butt to the top, while the lumberjack stands on the side of the trunk opposite from the branch. Tense branches are cut off after all neighboring ones have been removed. If the tree is on a slope (along a slope of 20° or more and across a slope of 15° or more), then it is secured before cutting the branches, and the lumberjack stands on the uphill side. It is prohibited to cut branches while standing on a fallen tree or while riding it. After this, the trunks are stacked.

The trunks are transported along prepared (with stones removed, holes filled in) technological corridors, or drags, in a semi-suspended or suspended state by skidders. Sometimes horses that are well-trained and calm are used for skidding. Standard instructions on labor protection “Forest maintenance fellings and selective sanitary fellings” prescribes not to skid horses on a slope of more than 30°.

After this, the cutting areas are cleared of branches and logging residues.

Today I want to touch on a few. Among lumberjacks, the specialty sounds proud. It is proud if a person who masters this difficult profession is truly a logger, and not a pitiful semblance that disgraces this name. Among the so-called fellers there are a lot of people who do not know how to make correct cuts, select a wedge, make a cut and leave the necessary uncut. They do not cut the plot using technology, which the “poor people” do not follow, but use the “square-cluster” method.

Moreover, these lumberjacks have “credentials” in their specialty, call themselves fellers and proudly beat their chests. Among the logging companies that have grown across the country (individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, ALCs, etc.), anyone who has a desire to fell is hired as a feller; however, such guys have not taken any special courses and the employer buys them a feller’s certificate, or in an equivalent case, a hasty training course is given without the necessary practice and corresponding theory. Watch the video of the “clown” that I found on the internet. The horror is that he teaches how to cut down trees. I didn't see anything funny in him.

No one checks the professional suitability of such “liars.” In state institutions (LPK, timber industry enterprises, forestry enterprises) there is always control over compliance with rules, skills, and safety precautions, because there are appropriate officials, whose specialization allows and obliges to monitor compliance with established rules. However, such state-owned facilities with rich and relevant experience are already becoming an “endangered species”, and there is an inevitable reduction in regulatory officials. As a result, qualified workers themselves “die out”, giving way to mediocrity, stupidity and indifference of newly minted colleagues. As a result, we have numerous deaths at work, chaotic logging and shameful domestic specialization, which foreigners are already laughing at.

Yes, foreign colleagues! I remember how in the late 90s, with the influx of imported saws from the market, foreign felling instructors began to come to domestic logging institutions. For example, instructors came to us from Scandinavian countries and taught us how to use their imported saws. Today, watching videos on the Internet (the work of foreign loggers), you often observe serious “jambs” in their execution of felling techniques, the presence of partial special uniforms, non-compliance with safety precautions and inconsistency of felling stages. What was it? Paid advertising campaign or sincere friendly foreign supermethodology?

I remember how I myself studied for this profession of a lumberjack and failed to fell a tree during a practical exam. The instructor confidently put a “3” in the test; I felt incredibly ashamed among my classmates in felling, as the only loser, although they all had different experience and skills in the past, for me this was the first “tree”. Later, when I had to improve my qualifications, study and pass the 6th grade ( thinning without prior branding), passed the felling exam Great, thanks to, albeit small, experience. In theory, it was great in both cases. According to the corresponding category, a forest feller is required to possess the following (I quote)

Forest feller 6th category
Characteristics of the work. Felling trees, harvesting brushwood, firewood and other assortments from small forests and bushes with gas-powered saws various types in accordance with established state standards and technical specifications. Cutting down trees and stumps flush with the ground when performing preparatory work on the laying of skidding roads, timber hauling tracks to cutting areas, the construction of timber loading points and upper timber warehouses. Using gearless gasoline-powered saws, performing a range of work in felling areas for single tree felling, limbing, marking, bucking logs and hilling assortments. Carrying out maintenance and routine repairs of various types of gasoline-powered saws, hydraulic felling wedges and other auxiliary tools, replacing saw chains, cleaning, lubricating and refueling. When felling trees individually, prepare the workplace near the trees being cut down.
Must know: the structure and operating rules of gas-powered saws of various types and a hydraulic felling wedge; rules and schemes for organizing mechanized development of cutting areas; rules for selecting trees for cutting; technical requirements to prepared assortments; methods for rational cutting of logs into assortments; rational methods for performing a complex of works on felling trees, pruning branches, marking and bucking logs, hilling assortments; state standards And technical specifications for timber; rules for pointing saw chains and other cutting tools; rules for preparing jobs at a logging site.

You should know that the feller not only must carefully place the tree at the target, because a correctly placed tree and minimal stump left does not slow down or complicate the work of the tractor driver, which is very important. The feller is obliged to follow the plan for developing the plot, which many fellers neglect. Of course, this is the work of the forest foreman, who is obliged to set the direction of the main and auxiliary portages. This is especially important during thinning, sanitary and selective felling, where technology is strictly observed. However, even in clear felling, a qualified feller must plan and carry out the felling himself, in accordance with the technological map. The schematic plan was executed optimally by foresters, which allows felling to be carried out rationally and quickly. The “linden” feller pushes the portages anywhere with a dozen turns, and the “poor” tractor driver trudges along this serpentine twice as long, breaking undergrowth and whips. It’s hard to call it logging, foresters call it upset chopping and impose appropriate sanctions. When developing a plot at the beginning of felling, I myself use a forest compass, sometimes a compass and, of course, a technological map.

Be sure to use protective equipment when felling wood. I have never neglected to wear a lumberjack helmet and demanded it of mine. Heavy “hail” of pine and aspen branches often falls from above when felling trees, especially in winter period. The ice-covered branch is so heavy that it exceeds a blow to the head with a bat from its sickly owner. The force of the blow is increased by the speed of a falling branch from a height, and believe me, it can be monstrous! I often got hit on the helmet by a branch broken off from a falling tree and, losing coordination from the blow, fell into the snow.

Well, Features of the profession: Forest feller I touched briefly and will continue this topic in the future. I'm waiting for your comments!

The forest feller is also the foreman, he is the main link in the brigade, the entire work of the brigade, consistency in work, cohesion depends on his actions labor collective. He's cutting down the forest! Using a specialized tool - in this case a chainsaw - the feller cuts the wood and drops it towards the skidding area, onto the auxiliary corridors (drags) of the cutting area, from where they are transported mechanized, using a skidding tractor and stored on a special platform (overpass) - a plot.

Forest felling is a rather labor-intensive and responsible profession. Forest worker throughout working day, excluding, of course, a lunch break, must practically not remove the tool from his hands and move with it around the work site. A professional chainsaw has significant weight and, among other things, produces vibration. The load of the tool and its vibration effect on the joints over many years significantly worsen the health of the worker. In winter, a significant amount of snow falls and the approaches to tree stands must be cleared (raked), which is also a labor-intensive process. It is necessary to have a good knowledge of the technology of tree felling: how to cut down a tree stand (dimensions, angle of cut), how to do it correctly, where the tree will fall and how correctly. It is necessary to take into account the weather, wind direction when felling trees, the condition of the tree, and interference from neighboring stands during work. Safety precautions when felling trees must be studied and applied in practice, since the work is dangerous and neglect of safety rules can lead to serious injuries and even death, both to oneself and to other members of the harvesting team.

In principle, there are some advantages to this profession. According to the sequence, the forest feller performs the first job among other members of the team - he fells the forest, which subsequently needs further processing: clearing of branches, transporting it to the overpass, sawing into assortment and stacking. A qualified feller usually has timber piled up two days in advance! That is, a “smart” feller will fell the forest for future use and he will have some time for a short rest. However, each member of the work crew must help each other, which is what the feller must do. And yet, helping is not the main job and the feller gets time to rest, which is very important.

Forest feller- it’s a responsible and respected profession, not everyone is given the opportunity to fell wood, and not everyone copes with this profession to the proper extent! A qualified feller is always in demand and offers of work. Felling trees at logging sites brings impressive earnings, a preferential pension, but, alas, loss of health. It is not for nothing that in “places not so remote” convicts are tasked with cutting down wood and doing fairly hard work.

Advantages of the profession: working with nature, creative activity.

Profession restrictions: not always comfortable working conditions.

Felling trees, harvesting brushwood, firewood and other assortments from small forests and bushes with gas-powered saws of various types in accordance with established state standards and technical conditions. Cutting down trees and stumps flush with the ground when performing preparatory work on laying skidding trails, logging trails to logging sites, constructing timber loading points and upper timber warehouses. Using gearless gasoline-powered saws, performing a range of work in felling areas for single tree felling, limbing, marking, bucking logs and hilling assortments. Carrying out maintenance and routine repairs of various types of gasoline-powered saws, hydraulic felling wedges and other auxiliary tools, replacing saw chains, cleaning, lubricating and refueling. When felling trees individually, prepare the workplace near the trees being cut down.

Professional competencies

To successfully master the profession of a forest feller, basic knowledge of biology and botany is required.

You need to know and be able to:

  • design and operating rules for gas-powered saws of various types and a hydraulic felling wedge;
  • rules and schemes for organizing mechanized development of cutting areas;
  • rules for selecting trees for cutting; technical requirements for harvested assortments;
  • methods for rational cutting of logs into assortments;
  • rational methods for performing a complex of works on felling trees, pruning branches, marking and bucking logs, hilling assortments;
  • state standards and technical specifications for timber;
  • rules for pointing saw chains and other cutting tools;
  • rules for preparing jobs at a logging site.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

For successful activities As a forest feller, you must have the following professionally important qualities:

  • a penchant for manual labor;
  • a penchant for working with natural objects;
  • penchant for creative work;
  • physical endurance.

Working conditions

A forest feller can work either independently or in a team that may consist of several specialists. Most often, representatives of this profession work outdoors. These could be forests, parks, gardens, etc. The work takes place mainly in motion, using special tools. As a rule, this is a mobile activity associated with big amount movements.

A forest feller in his work is limited by the requirements of his superiors, the rules and regulations of his profession.

Areas of application of the profession

Forest felling specialists can work in such organizations and areas as

Paths to obtaining a profession

Those wishing to master this profession must undergo training at educational institutions average vocational education. You can also take specialized courses after the main one general education. Upon completion of training, the student will be awarded the appropriate qualification.

In the Tomsk region you can obtain a qualification as a forest feller in:

OGBOU SPO "Tomsk Forestry Technical College".






Direct subordination

For the logging master


Additional Subordination

To the head of the logging station


Gives orders



The employee is replaced


The employee replaces










work in specialty


Additional requirements


3.1 External documents:

3.2 Internal documents:


  1. Forest feller's rights

The forest feller has the right:

  1. Working conditions for a forest feller
  1. Terms of payment

personnel labor.

9 Final provisions





(last name, initials)



(last name, initials)


I have read the instructions:


(last name, initials)


  1. General provisions

1.1 This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a forest feller.

1.2 A forest feller belongs to the category of technical performers.

1.3 The forest feller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the current rules. labor legislation order by order of the director of the enterprise on the recommendation of the head of the logging station.

1.4 Relationships by position:


Direct subordination

For the logging master


Additional Subordination

To the head of the logging station


Gives orders



The employee is replaced

Person appointed in accordance with the established procedure


The employee replaces


  1. Qualification requirements for a forest feller:



Primary vocational education



no work experience requirements



design and operating rules for gas-powered saws of various types and a hydraulic felling wedge;

rules and schemes for organizing mechanized development of cutting areas;

rules for selecting trees for cutting;

technical requirements for harvested assortments;

methods for rational cutting of logs into assortments;

rational methods for performing a complex of works on felling trees, pruning branches, marking and bucking logs, hilling assortments;

standards and technical specifications for timber;

rules for pointing saw chains and other cutting tools;

rules for preparing jobs at a logging site;

requirements for the use of protective equipment;

methods and techniques for performing work safely;

the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

rules for providing first (before medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

internal rules labor regulations;

rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;



work in specialty


Additional requirements


  1. Documents regulating the activities of a forest feller

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the enterprise, Orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise (head of the logging station); Regulations on the logging station, Job description forest feller, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of a forest feller

4.1. Forest feller before the start of the working day:

Undergoes periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure;

Receives instructions on labor protection and safety in accordance with the established procedure;

Receives a production task, gets acquainted with technological map production of work;

Checks the serviceability of tools and devices;

Checks the availability of first aid equipment;

4.2. During the work process, the forest feller:

Performs only the work for which he has been instructed and authorized to work;

Complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements;

Uses overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment;

Receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the completion of the task, safe practices and work methods;

Complies with the rules of use technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

Gets acquainted with the work area and marks it with warning and prohibition signs;

Treats wood of valuable species and business use with care;

Conducts maintenance and routine repairs of various types of gasoline-powered saws, hydraulic felling wedges and other auxiliary tools, replacement of saw chains, cleaning, lubrication and refueling;

Immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work;

Provides first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning emergency situations and sudden illness;

4.3. During the working day, a timber feller:

Carries out felling of trees, procurement of brushwood, firewood and other assortments from small forests and shrubs using gas-powered saws of various types in accordance with established standards and technical conditions;

Prepares workplace near trees being cut down during single tree felling;

Cuts down trees and stumps flush with the ground when performing preparatory work on the laying

skidding trails, timber hauling tracks to logging sites, construction of timber loading points and overhead warehouses;

Using gearless gasoline-powered saws, performs a range of works at cutting sites for single tree felling, limbing, marking, bucking logs and hilling assortments;

4.4. Forest feller at the end of the working day:

Cleans the chainsaw and accessories from dirt and wood residues;

Removes and washes the saw chain, carburetor screen and


Places saw and tools for storage or prepares them for transportation;

Checks for sawed, but not landed, hanging trees, lands them using a tractor;

Removes dirt from work clothes and shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

Performs hygiene procedures, performs an inspection (self-examination), makes sure there are no ticks on the body and clothing, removes them if present;

  1. Forest feller's rights

The forest feller has the right:

5.1. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

5.2. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination.

5.3. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in its implementation job responsibilities and right.

  1. Responsibility of the feller

The forest feller is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

  1. Working conditions for a forest feller

7.1. The work schedule of a forest feller is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for a forest feller are determined in accordance with the Regulations on Paymentpersonnel labor.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is drawn up in two copies,one of which is kept by the Company, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with the changeStructures, Tasks and Functions structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the enterprise.

Head of structural unit


(last name, initials)


Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)


I have read the instructions:


(last name, initials)


Logging is a profession that can only be mastered by a real man. This job requires remarkable physical strength and well-honed skills. And if the guys shouldn’t have any particular difficulties with the first, then what about the second? Where can I learn basic saw skills? And how difficult is it to master them?

Excursion into history

Let's start with the fact that this is a very ancient work. has always been essential for the survival of humanity. Wood was used to build houses, fortifications, bridges, tools and much more. Therefore, the people have always needed those who can provide them with such a valuable resource.

Naturally, in the old days it was very different from what we are used to seeing today. After all, at that time stone and then bronze axes were used as tools, which greatly slowed down the work. Only half a century before the birth of Jesus Christ, the ancient Greeks forged the first iron saw.

A modern take on felling trees

Continuing the theme of history, let's say that the first chain saw appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. It was invented by the famous German design engineer Andreas Stihl. According to records, in 1926 he patented a new invention, and in 1929 he produced his first working prototype. And from that time on, felling trees grew into something more than just swinging an ax.

Moreover, with the advent of the new millennium, this process has accelerated significantly. The introduction of new automated saws made it possible to harvest wood with unprecedented productivity. Not to mention the fact that loading and transporting trees is now done exclusively with the help of machines. Consequently, today's lumberjacks must not only have excellent strength and endurance, but also be able to use all these complex mechanisms.

A quick overview of the lumberjack profession

Today, a forest feller is a real one. He knows how not only to cut trees, but also competently plans the entire work process. And this is very important, because in this matter any mistake can lead to irreparable consequences. In this regard, there is a whole set of rules and laws that regulate the actions of this worker.

This also means that everyone who wants to get this job is required to undergo preliminary training. Upon completion, the future lumberjack undergoes certification, which decides his future fate. Please note that employment without proper documents is unacceptable, and in the event of emergency situations such negligence is punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

Where can I get a “crust” as a forest feller?

You need to understand: this is a very specific job. A forest feller is a person who knows all the intricacies of his business, is able to account for his actions and take care of those around him. Naturally, such skills will not appear on their own. But they can be taught by teachers and mentors in special preparatory courses. However, there are two ways to get to them:

  • Firstly, you can enroll in full-time study at a vocational school or forestry technical school. Often there are separate courses dedicated to felling trees. If there are none, then forestry students are also taught skills in using a chainsaw. True, in this case the training will take longer long term, because you will have to master several professions at once.
  • Secondly, most forest districts offer preparatory courses. So, having got a job here, the trainee undergoes preliminary training. He is taught the basics of the craft, told about safety precautions and allowed to try the saw in practice. As a result, at the end of the internship, he passes the certification and receives a certified chainsaw operator.

How is certification carried out?

So, how are a specialist’s skills and work assessed? A forest feller first takes a written exam. All questions are divided into three large categories: the technical structure of chainsaws, methods of felling trees and safety rules. At the same time, at the end of the exam, the commission has every right to ask a few more oral questions.

After passing the written part, you will need to show your practical skills. For example, a person might be asked to make a notch on a training deck or calculate the trajectory of a particular tree to fall.

Classes of forest fellers

According to the new law, only workers with 6th qualification according to ECTS (Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook) are allowed to fell trees. But at the same time, employees with a much lower rank may also be present at the cutting down. But their capabilities will be greatly limited. In addition, it is often their responsibility to prepare the site, remove garbage, cut down branches and destroy waste.

Naturally, over time the level can be increased. However, in the future, passing the exam for the 6th category the first time is much more profitable than working with a lower rank. After all, not only the prestige of the worker, but also his monthly salary depends on this.

Responsibilities of a 6th category forest feller

The job description of a forest feller always contains a clear list of his responsibilities. And although in some organizations this document has special subparagraphs, their essence often boils down to the following points.

  1. The forest feller is responsible for bushes and small brushwood in accordance with the standards established by the state. The same rule applies to the sorting of raw materials and the disposal of wood waste.
  2. One of the primary tasks is preparing the site for felling. At the same time, loggers must do everything possible to provide good access for trawls, as well as to secure it.
  3. A forest feller must not only be able to handle all types of chainsaws, but also carry out their technical inspection on time. However, if a malfunction or wear of parts is detected, he must immediately notify his mechanic.
  4. While working, the lumberjack must observe everything that is happening around him, since not only he, but also other people, machinery, and equipment are on the site. Therefore, he is obliged to do everything possible to keep them safe.
  5. Forestry crew workers must always remember that they can only cut down those trees that the forester has marked. Any manifestation of arbitrariness will lead to penalties that will be applied to the entire team of lumberjacks.

Requirements for a forest feller

Working as a lumberjack requires brute physical strength. Without it, a person simply cannot cut down trees, since the lightest chainsaw weighs at least 4.5 kg. At the same time, most forestries use much larger models, because they allow increasing labor productivity.

In addition, the applicant for the position of forest feller must be of age. And immediately before employment you will need to undergo a standard medical examination. And only after its approval can a person be approved for this position.

Benefits of work

The main advantage is the high demand, justified by the complexity of the work. This is especially true for those regions of Russia where the logging industry is well developed. It is also important that the relevance of this profession will not fade in the near future, since wood is one of the most important materials.

In addition, it should be noted that forest fellers receive a fairly good salary. The average of their salaries in Russia ranges from 35-40 thousand rubles per month. If we talk about work in the North, then here this figure increases by 1.5-2 times.

Disadvantages of the profession

First of all, you need to understand that this profession is very draining on a person’s health. Constant vibrations from chainsaws have a negative impact on the joints of your arms and shoulders. Not to mention the strain it puts on your back and legs.

There is also always a risk that a feller will be injured on the job. It could be a branch that bounced off unsuccessfully, a chain that fell off, or a sharp branch that pierced the shoe. In addition, there are also known cases when people died in clearing. In most cases, this is due to negligence, but sometimes it is also due to a simple coincidence.