04/25/2016 Rosalkogolregulirovanie (FSRAR) introduced new rules accounting for maintaining balances in EGAIS and wrote a methodology for maintaining balances in EGAIS and an addition to it.
For simplification accounting remnants of the Unified State Automated Information System, they came up with 2 virtual warehouses (storage) register, in which leftover alcohol and beer are stored, which are listed in EGAIS. Let's look in more detail at what registers are in EGAIS.

What is the first register No. 1 (Warehouse) in EGAIS and what does it do:

1 register (Warehouse) - in which stored alcoholic and beer products, which came from the supplier, is listed separately By special parties, namely in certificates A and B which are accompanying documents to this product. In short, they indicate in it name of alcohol, product code and certificate identifier A, B.

Through 1 register (Warehouse) Can conduct following operations:

  • Request for balances from EGAIS
  • Return product supplier
  • Do act of balancing alcohol and beer in the first register of EGAIS
  • Move leftovers alcohol and beer from register 1 to register 2 in EGAIS
  • Write off alcohol or beer through register 1 in EGAIS

What is the second register No. 2 (Trading floor) in EGAIS and what does it do:

Register 2 (Trading room) - in which stored alcoholic and beer products, excluding parties ( certificates A and B). In short, indicate there's only name of alcohol, product code.

Through 1 register (Warehouse) you can carry out the following operations:

  • Do act of balancing alcohol and beer in the second register of EGAIS
  • Move remaining alcohol and beer from register 2 to register 1 in EGAIS
  • Carry out implementation alcohol and beer
  • Write off alcohol or beer via register 2 in EGAIS

Rosalkogolregulirovanie (FSRAR) so conceived that in All balances in EGAIS are equal to the sum of the balances of register 1 and register 2. Between the registers, warehouse and sales floor, you can move alcohol and beer as shown in the figure.

Remains of EGAIS. How to maintain balances in EGAIS for retail stores selling alcohol.

Remains of alcohol in EGAIS in part retail sales alcoholic products are written off only from register 2 (sales area). Let's take a closer look at how everything happens.

First receivinge alcohol from the supplier through purchasing registration in EGAIS, after after the alcohol has fixed there, it is done request for balances in EGAIS, come from EGAIS leftovers And fall into the first register (warehouse) for subsequent sale alcohol residues are transferred from the first warehouse register to the second register trading floor when it happens sale through the cash register a check is generated, then automatically occurs writing off balances from Unified State Automated Information System in register 2.

For On the 1st trading day it can happen like this, What on balance there will be no goods on the sales floor (register 2), then p moving from warehouse (register 1). I also want to note that in accordance with the additions from the FSRAR from 01.10.2016, even If there are no balances in EGAIS in the 2nd register, and the products are sold, the system will form a negative balance, data on negative balances until December 31, 2016 will not be controlled, but after 01/01/2017 FSRAR will begin to use them to control retail, so be careful.

Remains of EGAIS RETAIL. Maintaining balances and products that are not subject to accounting in the Unified State Automated Information System.

For organizations that had implementation on July 01, 2016 and the same public catering And organizations involved in the sale of beer(who keep a paper log of retail sales of alcohol and beer) must be done acts of write-off indicating the basis "Retail sales not subject to recording in the Unified State Automated Information System". There are clarifications on how each organization, depending on the situation, should make these write-off acts.

  • Organizations in urban areas goods sold before 07/01/16 must write off alcohol or beer, on the basis stated above, until 10/01/2016.
  • Organizations in rural settlements goods sold before 07/01/16 must write off, With on the basis specified above, no later than the next day of sale.
  • Catering and organizations selling beer and presenters in paper form must write off, With on the basis specified above, the date of the act corresponding to the date of sale alcohol or beer.

Write-offs can be done from 2 registers, If from the 1st register we write off the details of the accompanying documents, if with 2 we write off the first register and indicate only the name and alcocode.

The supplier sent the goods to EGAIS, we confirmed the purchase through UTM was made by request for balances in EGAIS, the remains of the Unified State Automated Information System were included in the first register (warehouse), after it was sent write-off act in EGAIS, a response came from EGAIS and the balances were written off from the 1st register.

Let's take a closer look at how products are written off in EGAIS through the 1st register.

The supplier sent admission goods, we recorded in EGAIS, then they did request for balances from EGAIS, the balances went to the 1st register (warehouse), from the warehouse we moved them to the trading floor (register 2), after it happened sale based on data from the cash register, generated and sent write-off act, EGAIS receives the write-off act and conducts write-off alcohol or beer from register 2 (trading floor).

Remains of alcohol in EGAIS. How to maintain balances in EGAIS when there are surpluses and shortages are re-sorted.

Adjustment of EGAIS balances. Re-sorting in EGAIS. Surplus in EGAIS.

If the organization surplus or mis-grade was discovered alcohol or beer is made act of balancing alcohol and beer. Act of statement regarding surplus and re-grading to balance can be done both from the first register and from the second. If done with first register (warehouse) V basis depending on the situation is prescribed "Surplus" or "Resort" are indicated excise stamp barcodes and details certificates A, B . If done act of putting on balance in the trading floor (register 2) in the basis, depending on the situation, it is prescribed "Surplus" or "Resort" and indicate names alcohol or beer and alcocode.

  • With surplus in On the basis, “Surplus” is written and everything is the same as stated above.
  • When re-grading“Re-grading” is written down at the bottom and everything is the same as stated above, and in addition it is necessary to indicate the identifier in the Unified State Automated Information System of the write-off act with the same name (“Re-grading”) and the same quantity of written-off products.

Adjustment of EGAIS balances. Re-sorting in EGAIS. Shortage in EGAIS.

If an organization is found shortage or re-grading of products that need to be written off a write-off act is made in the Unified State Automated Information System with the basis depending on the situation "Shortage" or "Re-grading". It can be done in two ways, through the first and second register of the Unified State Automated Information System. If you do a CT write-off in EGAIS through 1 register (warehouse) the basis is indicated “Shortage” or “Re-grading” and details of certificates A, B. If done act of writing off EGAIS through the trading floor the basis is indicated “Shortage” or “Re-grading” and the name of the alcohol code.

  • In case of shortage in On the basis, “Shortage” is written and everything is the same as stated above. If the goods were put on the balance sheet of the Unified State Automated Information System, but the products are lost or the excise stamp is not readable, this product does not need to be written off until 01.10.16.
  • When re-grading“Re-grading” is written at the bottom and everything is the same as stated above.

Remains of alcohol in EGAIS. Entering balances into EGAIS received before 01/01/2016 and not sold before 10/01/2016

Leftovers alcohol received before January 1, 2016 and which you did not manage to sell before October 1, 2016 must be placed on your balance sheet in the Unified State Automated Information System. To do this, you need to create act of registration in EGAIS With based on "Products received before 01/01/2016". You can put it on balance in EGAIS from two EGAIS registers. If you place from the 1st warehouse register, enter the basis “Products received before 01/01/2016” and the barcode of excise stamps and details of certificates A, B. If you bet from the 2nd register of the trading floor prescribe the basis "Products received before 01/01/2016" indicate name and alcocode alcohol products.

Let's summarize. Remains in EGAIS catering. Remains in EGAIS IP retail beer. Remains in EGAIS retail alcohol.

Accounting for balances in EGAIS for each type of organization will be conducted in its own way results for each organization.

This article applies to almost every organization involved in the sale of strong alcohol, as well as places catering and organizations that sell beer, because every organization has a problem with negative EGAIS balances.

Adjustment of balances


The Rosalkogolregulirovaniya Service has introduced two registers for the storage of residual alcohol products.

In the first register, the so-called warehouse, storage is carried out according to certificates a and b in the context of AlcCode, and the second register, where the data is stored in AlcCode.

When accepting the goods, after the invoice is confirmed, the remaining balances are transferred to register 1. When you sell a bottle through the cash register or write off through an act of opening the container, the write-off occurs from register 2.

The Rosalkogolregulirovanie service proposed two ways to work with balances on the second register.

First way.

After receiving the goods, you can transfer the entire invoice with all the products to the sales floor to register 2 and continue to write it off in the future.

This method is good because you don’t have to check the presence of negative balances in register 2 every day.

But this method maintaining EGAIS has a disadvantage, namely, when returning goods to the supplier, it is necessary to move products from register 2 to register 1. Not every software will be able to do this, or it will be very labor intensive.

Now let's describe second way possibility of maintaining balances on registers.

All balances are stored in register 1. During the day, sales take place, and the sold products, if the balances in register 2 are zero, go into the negative on the EGAIS balances, so that within 24 hours the organization covers these minuses from register 1. Because This is where the big problems begin.

How do errors occur on register 2?

In the EGAIS system, there is a limit on the quantity/volume of alcoholic products that can be added to the balance sheet within a month. The restriction is provided separately and applies to any alcohol - both strong alcohol and beer, mead and other similar drinks.

Limit for different products

Limit for bottled alcohol depends on the reason for putting it on balance:

  1. If the placement is due to misgrading, no more than 2,000 bottles can be placed on the balance of each register during the month (2,000 bottles on the first register, 2,000 bottles on the second).
  2. If the reason is different, within a month you can put no more than 100 bottles on the balance of each register.

Regarding draft alcohol, then no more than 100 deciliters of products can be placed on the balance of each register per month.

How does the limit apply to organizations and individual entrepreneurs?

The limit is tied to , therefore in relation to legal entities and entrepreneurs act differently:

  1. For legal entities. If the organization has several retail outlets where alcohol is sold, a limit is set for each of them. This is due to the fact that each division of the organization has its own checkpoint and FSRAR_ID.
  2. For individual entrepreneurs . Individual entrepreneurs have one FSRAR_ID - it is tied to the TIN. Accordingly, the limit applies generally to all points of the entrepreneur.

What to do if you need to supply more products

If it is necessary to put products on the balance sheet in excess of the limit, the relevant acts must be sent to EGAIS. The response will be a refusal, which will be motivated by exceeding the limit. After this, you need to send the RAR to your unit application for supply of the required quantity of alcoholic beverages. A check will be carried out for legality, after which (if in order) the placement on the balance sheet will be confirmed.

For conducting an inspection RAR may require the following data:

  • information about acts of registration that were not accepted by EGAIS - their numbers and dates of formation;
  • reasons why products are not available in the system;
  • documents that confirm the legality of the product (for example, certified copies of accompanying documents).

Contacts for contacting RAR.

Product accounting in EGAIS is carried out in connection with specific registration forms 1 and 2. The specified registration forms characterize the product and correspond to each separate item in the electronic invoice.

In "1C:UNF" registration forms correspond to elements of directories Certificates for TTN in form 1 And Certificates for TTN in form 2.

In Register No. 1, products are stored by batch in the context of Certificate 1 and Certificate 2. In Register No. 2 - in the context of alcohol name and manufacturer/importer. In Register No. 3 - in the context of Reference 2 and digital identifiers.

These certificates are downloaded automatically with documents Remains of EGAIS, Certificate of registration on the balance sheet of the Unified State Automated Information System And EGAIS consignment note (incoming) when exchanging with EGAIS.

It is also possible to download certificates by their number in the certificate selection form (command Request help).

Units for storing balances in EGAIS

In reports received from EGAIS, it is necessary to take into account in what units the products are stored in EGAIS - in pieces (if the products are packaged) or in deciliters (if unpackaged).

Product type in EGAIS – Packed or Unpackaged– determined by the supplier when sending information. In "1C:UNF" it can be viewed in the corresponding element of the directory Classifier of alcoholic products.

The volume of a unit of production or transport packaging of bottled products in deciliters is set in the directory element Nomenclature.

To reconcile balances and eliminate discrepancies in EGAIS and IS, you should:

  • Request balances in EGAIS.
  • Receive goods to the warehouse if necessary.

Request for balances in EGAIS

To send a request to EGAIS for current balances, use the document Remains of EGAIS(chapter ProcurementEGAIS).

Request for balances in Register No. 1

In order to obtain balances according to Register No. 1 of the Unified State Automated Information System, you must use the document Remains of EGAIS.

Create a document on the tab Basics please indicate Organization of EGAIS and set the switch to position Register No. 1.

Post the document. The status of the created document will automatically take the value Draft.

A request for receipt of balances will be sent to EGAIS. The document status will change to Transferred to UTM.

You can get the query result manually using the button Exchange protocolExecute exchange.

Remainings received and on the bookmark Balances according to EGAIS data The received information will be downloaded.

Go to the bookmark and click on the button Fill in according to discrepancies. Data on the balances of alcoholic products of the Unified State Automated Information System in the information bank will be adjusted in accordance with the data of the Unified State Automated Information System.

These numbers will appear in the report in the column Quantity (according to information security data).

Request for balances in Register No. 2

The request for balances in Register No. 2 is carried out similarly to Register No. 1.

The difference is that when requesting balances in Register No. 2 in the form of a document Remains of EGAIS on the bookmark Basics switch should be installed Request for balances to mode Register No. 2.

Bookmark Adjustment of accounting balances in this case it will not be available. The document (similar to the request under Register No. 1) is sent to EGAIS.

After receiving a response on the bookmark Balances according to EGAIS data The current information will be automatically downloaded.

Adjustment of EGAIS balances

Reports will help you check for discrepancies in the balances of alcoholic beverages according to the Unified State Automated Information System and our database. Balances in Registers No. 1, 2, 3.

To generate a report, go to workplace Exchange with EGAISWarehouseEGAIS reports and create a new report.

Fill in the field Organization and click on the link Request a report.

After receiving a response from EGAIS, the document status will automatically change to Report received.

The report will become available Remains of alcoholic beverages.