A tender is a competition that helps the customer choose the most preferable offer among the many options offered by representatives of different companies. Tenders are carried out on the basis of a competitive competition, the winner of which signs a contract with the customer.

Tenders are the main way to provide services or contract work. In this case, the terms, amount and other details are agreed upon in advance. These nuances must be taken into account by the participant, since customers often choose exactly those proposals that fully meet their requirements.

Not only the state, but also private individuals

Competitions are held not only at the initiative of government representatives: they are also common among private companies. So, currently, in order to participate in such tenders, a company (potential participant) needs to contribute a certain amount, which is a guarantee of the serious intentions of the bidder. So some simply do not have the opportunity to take part in the tender. These are companies engaged in small and medium-sized businesses.

What are the advantages of tenders?

There are certain types of bidding that have their pros and cons. But if we consider them from a general point of view, we can highlight the following advantages:

  1. Efficiency. Bidding allows the customer company to consider many proposals, choosing the best, most effective one.
  2. For any participating company, this is a chance to increase not only its financial success, but also its reputation.
  3. Tenders are very convenient and economical, because there are always many applicants.

Classification of methods for organizing auctions in Russia

For more than 50 years, the United States has been actively using the technology it developed in the last century. tender system. During this time, its multiple variations appeared, some of which are used in Russia. The American term “tender” itself is practically not used in the Russian Federation - it is successfully replaced by the more familiar and established word “competition”.

Open and closed

Classification of tenders is often carried out according to the degree of accessibility for applicants. There are both closed and open tenders, as well as limited tenders. In Russia there are currently enough great popularity received closed competitions, which, however, are considered less effective. The decision to hold a closed tender, according to experts, is a tribute to Soviet traditions. While open tenders are much less common in Russia, despite the fact that they have more advantages. The main one is participation more potential suppliers. In this case, trading fulfills its main functions - openness and accessibility.

With and without pre-selection of candidates

The classification may also be based on the selection of participants carried out before the start of the event. Even in cases where the competition is open or limited, the customer can weed out candidates whose applications least meet the requirements. This procedure is relevant because many companies, even if they are the least suitable for participation in a particular competition, still submit an application. But huge amount participants are only slowed down by the process of choosing the best offer, while one of the functions of the competition is speed.

Two stages or one

Single-stage bidding does not provide for changes or negotiations during the competition, so in many cases it is unacceptable. But holding a two-stage tender is enough effective method, which is characterized by flexibility on the part of the customer. A two-stage competition, consisting of several stages, makes it possible to resolve all issues by conducting negotiations at the first stage. But, despite the undoubted advantages, two-stage tenders are not favored not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad due to the too lengthy process. Only when the order is serious enough is a two-stage auction held.

What does the tender include?

Trades have certain stages of organization:

  1. Determination of the subject of the auction.
  2. Development of a program for conducting, determination of the form of bidding (closed, limited, open).
  3. Development of criteria for documentation required to participate in the competition.
  4. Selection of bidders. This paragraph changes depending on the type of competition: if the organizer has decided to hold an open competition, he sends out invitations (according to the resolution on the conditions and rules of tenders for open tenders, the message must appear on the company’s website, and can also be posted in the press, sent to email). When the decision is made to hold a closed competition, invitations are sent to potential participants.
  5. Selection of candidates.
  6. Acceptance of proposals from selected bidders.
  7. Evaluation of proposals and selection of one of them, the most profitable, by the customer.
  8. Signing an agreement with the winner.

If the customer conducts the auction on his own, without resorting to the services of specialized companies, then the first thing he must do is organize a team that will carry out the event. The main function of this group is to draw up regulations on the tender and rules for its conduct. The manager must review these documents and approve them. The composition of the tender commission is also appointed.

Tender commission: functions and responsibilities

Main task tender commission – conducting tenders. The tender commission must prepare a message about the event (it is also called a brief), send it out certain persons or posted in the media (when an open type of competition is planned). The message contains complete information about the requirements that the customer places on its performers: requirements for proposals, criteria for evaluating these proposals, principles for selecting the winner, etc.

This commission also registers participants who have passed pre-qualification selection (such selection is carried out if open tenders are held). Selection allows the customer, who gets acquainted with the applications of potential participants, to select the most suitable applicants for his requirements. The procedure is necessary primarily because if there are quite a lot of applications (on average more than 10), then the expenditure of time and effort increases, which is not beneficial to the customer.

In addition, the qualification level of the applicant is very important. So, if the supplier’s qualifications are low, even after formally best offer, is unable to fulfill all of its obligations under the contract at the proper level. For potential candidates, pre-qualification is also a plus - they will not have to spend financial resources and strength to participate in the tender. However, it is worth considering that suppliers are usually extremely unhappy that they did not pass this selection, so the customer needs to find compelling arguments.

From the moment participants register, the participating company officially becomes a competitor of other companies participating in the competition. Sometimes participating companies submit an application, reporting all necessary information about themselves, confirm their agreement with the tender rules and give an agreement on non-disclosure of information received from the organizer. The company also undertakes to sign an agreement with the customer if it wins the competition.

Members of the tender commission register proposals received from participants and decide in what order the works will be presented at the presentation.

The tender committee evaluates proposals from potential winners within a few business days after the call for proposals has closed or after all presentations have been made. Often, all proposals received for a competition remain known only to their creators. The assessments obtained during the verification of proposals are also not disclosed. The winner is the participant who provided the maximum advantageous offer, meeting all the requirements of the brief.

Participants whose proposals were considered (if at least one proposal was not considered, the tender is considered invalid), but were not accepted, receive their proposals back - they continue to remain their property.

Conducting an open state tender

Since tenders are most often held at the initiative of state-owned enterprises rather than private entrepreneurs, it is advisable to consider in more detail the holding of an open government tender.

Participants usually find a message about an open tender in the media, on special websites, etc. The competition is organized either by the customer himself or by a group of his employees, whom he appoints responsible for the organization and conduct.

The first thing the customer does is draw up and distribute tender documentation, which contains all the information necessary for participation. This documentation is absolutely free. When the deadline for accepting applications from potential candidates expires, a tender commission is convened to open application packages. Then the list of tender participants is announced. Sometimes experts are invited to check applications to ensure they meet all requirements.

Conducting a closed state tender

Closed tenders are carried out in order to make purchases of a special nature or small volume. In this case, the customer himself chooses the suppliers who will participate. Typically, these auctions are coordinated with government authorities.

The customer sends invitations to participate to selected persons. Applicants, in turn, must request tender documentation and prepare it according to the customer's requirements along with the application for participation. Also, he can change the terms of the tender documentation, but in this case he is obliged to notify the competition participants about the changes. If they have questions, the customer is obliged to answer them.

The customer registers applications sent by invitees, and suppliers receive signatures on registration of applications. Next, in the presence of contractors, each application is checked for compliance with their requirements, after which the most profitable is selected by evaluating proposals. A contract is signed with this participant.

Who conducts tenders?

The customer can organize the auction independently. However, if the tender is carried out private company, it is best to turn to specialized companies that take on all the hassle of holding a tender, while freeing the customer from a lot of worries. Such companies usually conduct all of the above types of tenders.

Organizing companies must do the following:

  1. Organize a tender procedure.
  2. Advise the customer regarding tender procedures.
  3. Develop tender documentation.
  4. Evaluate proposals.
  5. Organize purchases.
  6. Draw up legal opinions and analyze tender documentation.
  7. Conclude a purchase agreement.
  8. Provide legal support for procurement.

Thus, entrust the organization and conduct of auctions better for specialists, if you are new to this matter. But more experienced customers can do it on their own.

The development of the tender system has been observed in Russia since the end of the last century. The concept of tender is equivalent to the concept of competition. Its meaning is to find a performer for government orders precisely on a competitive basis. The entire regulations of this system are spelled out in the winner and a contract is concluded for any work, services or supply of goods. Today we will talk about what is needed to participate in tenders.

What are tenders?

Such competitions can be open or closed, held in one or two stages. In addition, there are varieties of specialized closed tenders, single tenders and requests for quotations.

What does participation in competitions give? The winner is given the opportunity to receive a profitable large order, and if it is a start-up company, to make a name for itself in the market. Many people are put off by the rather complicated participation procedure, but anyone can figure it out. Of course, beginners often need help, practical guide, explaining what needs to be done and in what order. Have you decided to take part in tenders? Step by step instructions will come in handy.

Why is it beneficial?

Information about where and what tenders are planned to be held is constantly available on specialized websites and in the media. When the competition is announced, the tender commission begins to consider applications from applicants.

It is not typical for small and medium-sized businesses to be active in bidding for government orders - there are many apparent difficulties. It does not take into account that the lion's share of municipal budgets these days is distributed, as a rule, through tenders.

Government orders support business no less effectively than benefits and subsidies. In addition, the law obliges customers of the municipal and public sector to transfer at least 10% of the volume of work and deliveries of goods per year to entrepreneurs.

Electronic auctions

Unfortunately, only large companies They are seriously engaged in tracking promising tenders, and all because of the need to maintain a special service for this.

Government orders are placed in different ways - in the form of a request for quotation, procurement from sole supplier(performer) or by bidding. The last method is the most common.

Nowadays, most orders from the state are placed on electronic auctions, their share is over half of all trades held. Such events are recognized as an effective means of combating corruption due to the anonymity of those involved, great competition and the availability (as they say, transparency) of all information.

Participation in tenders: step-by-step instructions for beginning businessmen

Let's look at what participation in an electronic auction is.

First of all, a suitable auction must be “calculated”. To do this, you need to carefully read all notices about such events, regularly visiting the official website, which has nationwide status and publishes announcements about future auctions 7-20 days before a certain date, which serves as the last day for submitting applications. You must indicate your desire to take part in the selected tender during this period - later your application will no longer be accepted for consideration.

Officially, there are five federal platforms for electronic trading, on any of which you will find a search form for auctions of interest and a register of all tenders. It is also easy to obtain summary information on the official website of the Russian Federation, which is dedicated to placing orders.

What is needed to participate in tenders

Next you should get an email digital signature(abbreviated as EDS). It is purchased from one of the special certification centers accredited on the electronic platform you have chosen. The process of receiving it will take several business days (2 or 3). Signature gives legal status electronic document and fixes financial liability participant.

But digital signature alone does not guarantee that you will take part in tenders. The step-by-step instructions also contain the concept of accreditation. That is, in order to participate in auctions held by a particular platform, you must be accredited to it. Each of the five sites has its own accreditation. To do this, a special form is filled out on the site’s website along with an application to open an account. A number of documents are attached. Which ones exactly? We are talking about an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if you individual entrepreneur- an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs), a power of attorney giving the right to participate in these auctions, a document on the appointment of a manager (decision or protocol) with the seal of the organization, a scan of a card with the company’s details.

Next steps

The operator will review the application within five days and provide a response on access or refusal (in the latter case, with explanations of the reasons). The number of retries is not regulated, but each application will require a five-day review period.

Having successfully passed accreditation, you will have at your disposal " Personal account", from which you will conduct all further actions.

The next mandatory step is to top up your own account trading platform as a guarantee of participation in the auction. The amount is fixed - for small entrepreneurs it is usually 2% of the initial order amount (its maximum). In other cases we are talking about five percent. You can get your money back after the account is unblocked (at the end of the auction).

Submit applications

The participant can now submit an application. You need to approach its preparation extremely responsibly, having first carefully studied all the auction documentation. The first part, anonymous, consists of confirming the participant’s consent to place required product(service) with a detailed description. Its second part contains detailed information about the participant with the attachment of all supporting certificates and licenses.

In addition to the application in the established form, the application for participation in the tender must include the most complete volume of estimate and calculation documents, where tabular form the cost of materials or services is given together with VAT at the time of bidding, detailed breakdowns of additional costs (transport, design and survey, etc.), as well as taxes.

Things to remember

A submitted application automatically equates to an agreement to comply with all the customer’s terms and conditions. If it is impossible to fulfill them, the contractor should withdraw the application. It is not accepted from the participant after the deadline set by the auction organizer. Refusal to participate in the tender (withdrawal of the application) is possible only before a certain date. The deadline for acceptance may be extended by the tender commission, of which applicants are notified.

When the deadline for submitting applications has expired, the customer reviews their first parts, the results of the review are formalized in the form of a protocol, which the site operator deadline must be communicated to all participants. This way you will know whether you are admitted to trading or not.

A little about the process itself

What are the main points you need to know when planning to participate in tenders? The step-by-step instructions say that in the bidding process itself, two concepts are most important - the auction step and the time remaining until its completion. The first indicator is strictly fixed - it is 0.5% of the maximum starting price(so says the law). The transition to the next step occurs at intervals of 10 minutes, during which the participant must make a decision - to offer more low price or not.

Participants are prohibited from submitting proposals with a price greater than or equal to that previously proposed. Zero-price offers are also prohibited. "In advance" lower the price by more than a step (below the minimum by at the moment proposals) is also impossible.

Completion of trades

If the last bid offered was the lowest (within ten minutes no more advantageous offers were received), the auction is completed. Protocol with results in automatic mode is formed almost instantly, each participant appears in it only under an assigned number.

Who exactly won the tender will become known only after the auction is completed. The customer will receive the second part of the winning application, containing the details of the winning participant. He will be sent a government contract, which must be certified with an electronic signature within a certain period of time.

What's next?

In addition, an amount of monetary security for the contract must be provided, which by law is up to 30% of the original maximum price. This is done in the form of a bank guarantee, or the funds are credited to the customer’s temporary account.

Experts believe that by participating in tenders, any company receives important advantages. And although the tender system in its current form is far from perfect, it gives beginning entrepreneurs a chance to reach a major customer and increase their own status in the market.

The choice of tenders should be made wisely, without trying to cover all offers. If you fail, you shouldn’t be upset - after all, you have gained serious business experience.

What is typical for commercial trading?

Unlike state tenders, commercial tenders are organized in accordance with the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; the regulations for their conduct are established by the customer independently. When conducting them, the same principles are applied on which government auctions are based. But there are more competitive procedures - in the form of an open competition with or without pre-selection, closed, two- and multi-stage competition, request for prices, competitive negotiations, procurement from a single source, etc.

Thus, commercial tenders are mostly conducted similarly to government tenders. The only difference is the strict regulation of the latter by law. The form of private tenders is freer, and they are focused on the documentation of the customer companies themselves.

There is no single and universal law on which the organization of participation in tenders of this type is based due to the huge variety of individual areas of business, each of which has its own specifics.

Construction tenders

If your company’s activities are related to the supply of machinery (excavators, cranes, bulldozers) or equipment, as well as the sale of land for construction purposes, you will need serious clients.

This means that the company should take an active part in relevant competitions. Surely you would like to enter into a long-term contract with a large customer. Then take part in construction tenders. The principle here is the same: study the regulations for holding a suitable auction, create a package of documents consisting of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, photocopied and certified by the tax authorities constituent documents(together with the charter) and an order for the appointment of a chief accountant, evidence of work experience along with copies financial reports for the last period, as well as copies of passports of all official representatives of the supplier company and a certificate of state registration of the enterprise. The person who will officially represent the interests of the company at the auction must have a power of attorney to participate in the tender.

Do not forget that the submitted application must have monetary support. If there is no available amount in the company’s accounts, it has the right to use a tender loan.

Why are commercial tenders held?

IN lately participation in tenders is becoming a common practice. The factors determining the need for a commercial tender by the customer company include a combination of the following conditions: a clear understanding of its need for certain products, works or services, availability of technical specifications, budget for the project, difficulty in choosing between several supplier companies.

There are other reasons too. In the area of ​​corporate and government procurement policy, there is a requirement to conduct competitive procedures when placing an order. In many organizations, it is customary to make a decision on choosing a company - supplier of goods, works or services on the basis of bidding, which takes place through the announcement of an open or closed competition. Bidding in the business community is usually called a tender. The term “tender” came to the Russian economy from the world economy, where tender activity is the main mechanism for implementing the system public-private partnerships. Tenders for Russian market conducts both corporate and public sector. Today, the requirement to conduct tenders is imposed in Russia on all orders declared by state and municipal organizations, the cost of which exceeds 100 thousand rubles per quarter.

Tenders help you find optimal solutions for business development. The contract will be concluded with the company that made the most favorable offer to the tender organizer. It is not easy for a supplier to win a tender: you need to become a supplier of a product that is in demand on the market, have a good team of specialists, understand the legislation and the intricacies of competitive procedures.

Supplier companies, thanks to the tender, create a competitive environment around themselves and have the opportunity to receive an order for their products at the best price.

Commercial tenders are regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and regulations established by the customer companies themselves.

Article 448 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that trading is carried out through open and closed auctions and competitions. Any person can participate in an open auction and an open competition; in a closed competition, only persons specially invited for this purpose participate. The organizer is obliged to notify the public about the auction at least 30 days before it takes place.

The fourth chapter of Chapter 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition” provides for antimonopoly requirements for trading and specifics for the selection of financial organizations.

Systematization and unification of private procedures tenders carried out by RAO UES of Russia. The Company has applied the basic principles and standards required for commercial tenders. government tenders and prescribed in 94-FZ. The set of competitive procedures has been expanded: open competition, open competition with pre-selection, closed competition, two-stage competition, multi-stage competition, competitions (open, closed) with rebidding, price competition, request for prices, request for proposals, competitive negotiations, procurement from a single source.

Majority commercial bidding are conducted on the same principles as government auctions. The difference is that the activity government organizations when conducting tenders, it is strictly regulated by law, and commercial organizations conduct tenders in a more free form. They focus on internal documents adopted by the companies themselves.

Commercial organizations do not have such a unified and universal law for holding tenders as 94-FZ for public procurement. The reason is that each business area has many differences and its own specifics.

For commercial enterprises Procurement efficiency and optimal tender procedures are important.

Many customer companies have electronic platforms for conducting tenders; the main procurement activities are carried out on them. Thus, RAO UES has created a single Internet resource for electric power companies (www.b2benergo.ru). Commercial tenders are held on such platforms as B2B-NPK, B2B-Avia, B2B-SNG, B2B-Cold, B2B-Sport, B2B-Metallurgist, B2B-Agro, B2B-Housing and Communal Services, B2B-Auto, B2B-Telecom, B2B- Insurance and others. All these portals have unified databases (that is, companies registered on one site can take part in auctions on others), similar regulations, and a uniform interface. Each industry has portals that consolidate information about tenders; there are also inter-industry portals such as “Trade.Su” (alltenders.ru; i-tenders.ru). The main difference between b2b and information-consolidating platforms is that the latter do not hold auctions themselves and do not have procedures. Information is posted there, in particular, notices and links to the customer’s website, where, as a rule, tender documentation is posted.

The choice of place to participate in the auction depends on financial and organizational conditions, which offer different sites. Some sites charge a subscription fee, others charge a percentage of the transaction, others charge a one-time fee, and others provide free participation for either suppliers or customers.

What kind of tenders are there?

The first type of tender is the “price tender”. The customer knows exactly what goods, works or services and in what volume he will need to complete the task. And suppliers of goods or performers of work or services put forward their proposals for the supply of goods, for specific types of work, terms, period warranty service, additional services– and most importantly for the price.

The second type of tender is the “open solutions” tender. Such a tender is organized when the company’s specialists do not have a clear idea of ​​what goods, types of work and services they will need to achieve the desired result. A tender for “open solutions” can also be announced if desired result can be achieved in various ways. In the description of the tender conditions (brief), the company indicates the problem that it needs to solve or the result that it would like to achieve. Participating companies offer their vision of solving the problem.

Such a tender, of course, implies a much greater range in prices and proposed solutions, but in return the customer company gets a unique chance to consider the creative developments of various companies.

In cases where complex decisions have to be made, a two-stage tender model is used. At the first stage, the customer company selects a solution concept, and at the second - a price proposal.

Open or closed tender?

The advantages of an open competition are its publicity, which is important when carrying out large and complex procurements and selecting contractors for the implementation of large-scale projects. In this case, suppliers have more responsibility; they are more careful in preparing and submitting proposals. For suppliers, difficulties arise from the fact that the competitive procedure is clearly regulated both in terms of timing and consequences. For the customer, it is difficult to waste time resources, there is an element of unpredictability associated with the risk of the arrival of unverified companies.

Closed competition is the best procedure for purchasing in small quantities. Despite the narrowing of competition, the process of processing and evaluating applications becomes easier, and proven companies are specifically invited.

Rules for preparing for participation in the tender.

Like any business process, a tender has its own rules for preparation and conduct. The customer company describes in the tender documentation the criteria and timing for selecting participants and the winner of the tender.

Let's consider the work plan to prepare for participation in the tender.

Stage 1. Studying tender documentation and making a decision on participation in the tender.

To prepare a proposal to participate in a commercial tender, you need to familiarize yourself with the tender documentation of the company that is conducting the tender.

The customer sends a brief (invitation to participate) to potential tender participants for consideration.

The standard brief assumes the following composition:

1.description of the customer company

2.statement of the problem and description of the desired result

3.requirements for tender participants

4. Description of the application form

5.criteria for evaluating applicants

6. terms of the tender.

Let's look at the contents of the brief.

Description of the customer company.

To prepare a proposal to participate in a commercial tender, you need to get acquainted with the history of the company that is holding the tender. It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the company, the sector of the economy in which it operates, the type of business and its specific features. Booklets and brochures, Internet resources about the company, and the content of the company’s website will allow you to get an idea about the customer. Information about the company will make it possible to correctly prepare tender documentation.

Statement of the problem and description of the desired result.

This section of the brief shows what problem the client needs to solve. The tender documentation contains technical and commercial parts. The technical part provides a description and general information about the bidding object, instructions for suppliers, information cards indicating the procedure for preparing and submitting competitive applications and other required information. The commercial part indicates the price, conditions, payment schedules, and sources of financing for the contract.

Requirements for tender participants.

Among the requirements may be the requirement for experience in carrying out similar projects, reviews from previous clients, and the availability of information about the period of work in the market of the supplier company.

Description of the application form

In this section, the customer company stipulates those sections that should appear in the application (proposal) from the company participating in the tender.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation criteria include parameters such as price, project time, and absence of co-executors.

Duration of the tender

Usually they indicate the deadline for announcing the tender, the start and end dates for accepting applications, and the approximate period for consideration of applications.

As a rule, if a “price tender” is announced, 3-4 organizations are invited to participate. If a two-stage “tender for solutions” is planned, then the number of participants in the first stage can be from 5 to 9, and two or three participants who have prepared the most interesting proposals enter the second stage.

Stage 2. Clarification of positions.

At this stage, companies that have submitted initial applications for participation in the tender can contact the customer for additional information to clarify the customer’s vision of the problem and ways to solve it.

Stage 3. Preparing an application.

Quite often it happens that a company is not allowed to participate in a tender even at the stage of checking tender proposals if the application it submitted was incorrectly drawn up. Tender documents must be prepared in a professional manner.

Stage 4. Presentation of proposals.

The company ordering the tender invites the finalists of the competition to a meeting, who have the opportunity to convince that their proposal is the best. In order to win the tender, the supplier needs to present the material favorably and interest the customer. A professionally prepared presentation must be accessible and visual, must contain graphical information and comparison with the work of other companies. It would be useful to attach a list of major customers and clients of the supplier company and their reviews.

Stage 5. Final selection.

Responsible managers of the customer company collectively make decisions on choosing one supplier or another. During the discussion, the opinions of internal customers are clarified, a rating table is created, where the final score of each tender participant is determined using the weighted average coefficient method.

Stage 6. Announcement of the winners.

On general meeting or through the media during an open tender or in person if the tender was closed, tender participants are notified of the completion of competitive procedures and the selection of a winner.

There is an opinion that to win a tender, you need connections. Of course, there are costs in any business process, and yet there are three determining criteria for winning a commercial tender - the contract price, quality and qualifications.

Approved by order

No. _____ dated “____” __________ 2011


Regulations for tenders

1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation considers the procedure for holding tenders and acquiring inventory items (hereinafter referred to as goods and materials), works and services purchased for the needs of the enterprise.

1.2. These Regulations guide the activities of: service directors, chief specialists, and employees of the logistics department (hereinafter referred to as OMTS).

1.3. The Customer purchases goods and materials, works and services according to one of the following three options:

1.3.1. No competition among manufacturers (suppliers) - in case of purchasing low-value property: the cost of purchasing a unit of goods, or the monthly volume of supply of this product(services) does not exceed 30 thousand rubles and also among strategic suppliers of goods and materials, works and services, the list of which is approved by the General Director.

1.3.2. With a competition in the form of a collection marketing information by OMTS employees - in case of purchasing easily quoted, easy-to-manufacture goods and services at a cost exceeding that specified in clause 1.3.1.

Easily quoted goods mean goods for which price offers are presented in printed publications(Appendix to these Regulations) and (or) on the Internet.

The decision to carry out procurement under this option is made by the head of the OMTS.

As an exception, easily quoted goods (works, services) can be purchased from a permanent supplier without collecting marketing information in each case. Decision on this issue received by the head of OMTS.

1.3.3. With a competition in the form of a tender - in all other cases.

1.4. Exceptions to this Regulation can be made only by decision of the General Director in the case of limited time frames for the acquisition of goods (works, services), or other force majeure circumstances based on memo Head of the logistics department.

2. Creation of the Tender Commission

2.1. General manager approves the Order on the creation of the Tender Commission and the holding of the tender. The draft order is prepared by OMTS specialists and must contain:

Subject of the tender and intended purposes purchased goods (works, services);

Composition of the Tender Commission.

Meeting dates;

Dates for summing up the tender results;

Responsible person for preparing and conducting the tender.

2.2. The Tender Commission includes:

Chairman – General Director or a person appointed by him.

Deputy Chairman - service directors, chief specialists, head of OMTS.

Members of the Commission - leaders structural divisions, specialists of a profile corresponding to the subject of the tender.

2.3. Meetings of the Tender Commission are held in person or in absentia. Meetings of the Tender Commission cannot be held in the absence of its Chairman, Deputy Chairman and (or) members of the commission.

2.4. During its work, the Tender Commission:

Approves the list of tender participants;

Determines the compliance of received tender proposals with the technical specifications (requirements),

Determines the winner of the tender.

All decisions made by the Tender Commission must be documented in a protocol.

3. Selection of tender participants

3.1. At least three unrelated manufacturing companies (suppliers) of the required goods (works, services) must take part in the tender. Among them there should not be obviously unsuitable participants.

3.2. A tender participant may be a supplier (performer) who has production capacity, equipment and labor resources necessary for the production of goods (works, services), either by official dealers or representatives of manufacturing enterprises.

3.3. An invitation to participate in the tender (Appendix) is sent to suppliers of goods and materials within 3 working days after approval of the order to hold the tender.

3.4. Acceptance of tender proposals ends 2 days before the start of the meeting of the Tender Commission.

3.5. The person responsible for conducting the tender prepares a list of invited tender participants and a package of necessary documents for the meeting of the Tender Commission for the meeting of the Tender Commission.

3.6. The person responsible for the tender distributes materials to all tender participants, but no later than one day before the date of the meeting.

up to 300 thousand rubles.

from 300 thousand

up to 1 million rub.

from 1 million rub.

1. Technical or other consumer characteristics offered goods (works, services); where necessary - requirements for basic technological raw materials, components, operating conditions, personnel qualifications, conditions for installation supervision, warranty and post-warranty service

2. Total cost goods (works, services)

2.1. The cost of goods necessary to complete the Technical Specifications, with justification by the corresponding estimate drawn up in the form of the Technical Specifications

2.2. The cost of work performed by contractor/supplier employees to fulfill the Terms of Reference, with justification by the corresponding estimate drawn up in the form of the Terms of Reference

2.3. The cost of related work (services) necessary to complete the Technical Specifications and provided by third organizations with proposals from the contractor/supplier for the performer of these works and sources of their financing

3. Consent of the Tender participant to purchase the goods specified in clause 2.1 or similar by the Customer

Attached documents

4. Quality certificates for the products offered

5. License for the right to perform the proposed work and services.

6. Consumer reviews of goods and works offered by the participant. services

7. Charter of the tender participant in the latest registered version

8. The founder’s decision or other document provided for by the charter confirming the powers of the person who signed the agreement.

9a. Balance sheet of the tenderer for the last quarter with a mark from the tax authority on acceptance

9b. Balance sheet of the tender participant for the last year with a mark from the tax authority on acceptance

· certificate of registration with the tax authority;

· the latest registered version of the Charter of your company;

· balance sheets for _____ year and for ___ quarter _____ year, certificates of accounts payable and receivable (for tender finalists).

Deputy Chairman of the tender commission Full name

Note: The invitation to tender is issued on company letterhead.


Protocol No. ___

meeting of the Tender Commission for the selection ( formulation of the subject of the tender)

Determining the winner of the tender

1. The meeting of the Tender Commission was held_____________ ( date and location)

2. The meeting was attended by ______________________________( Full name and position)

3. The following documents and materials were considered at the meeting ( list of documents and materials submitted by tender participants, conclusions of commission members on these materials, as well as a comparative table with prices of works (services, goods), deadlines, payment terms, etc. essential conditions, proposed by the tender participants).

4. Decisions made by the Tender Commission:

for the tender offer of which the following positive conclusions are presented ( list of conclusions indicating who submitted)

Chairman of the Tender Commission ( signature),

Deputy Chairman of the Tender Commission ( signature),

Member of the Tender Commission ( signature),

Member of the Tender Commission ( signature).


to the Tender Regulations

Supplier Comparison Chart



Supplier 1

Supplier 2

Supplier 3

Price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Price, rub.

Amount, rub.

Name of products (works, services)

Payment terms

Delivery terms

Contact person and phone number

Chairman of the Tender Commission

Deputy chairman of the tender commission

Members of the tender commission


to the Tender Regulations


"On approval of the Contract with the Contractor for the implementation additional work ______________ not provided for in the main contract based on the results of the tender

2011 Kursk

1. Approve the Agreement from ____________ to _____________ (indication of types of work)

2. Approve the main contractual terms:

period for fulfillment of contractual obligations ____ days

settlement procedure

non-cash payments – _____

cash – _____

for the completed stage of work - in form KS-2 monthly minus the paid amount of the cost of materials according to the act

for calculation after full fulfillment of contractual obligations - the cost of the last Certificate, minus the paid amount of the cost of materials under the certificate

the amount of penalties for failure to meet deadlines for the production of work (deliveries) _____ for each day of delay, based on the cost of the Contract

2.2. Sign the Agreement with __________ within ____________

3. Taking into account the terms of the Agreement, change the financing limit for the article FOP (if necessary).


Clause 1. Order on approval of the main contract based on the results of the tender.

P.2. Draft Agreement with LLC _____________

P. 3. Estimate ______________

P. 4. Terms of reference _________________________

A tender is an excellent chance for any company. It will allow you to make yourself known, strengthen your reputation and not last resort make good money on a large order. However, the rules for holding tenders in Russia are quite complex, and you should be aware of all the pitfalls if you want to not only participate in the tender, but also win it.

Where to start winning tenders: selecting a customer based on their profile - step 1

The first thing you need to do to participate in the tender is to find a suitable customer. It is worth noting right away that there are a lot of tenders, but - since most organizations, especially small ones, cannot take part in dozens of competitions at the same time - the choice of the customer should be taken very seriously. A company that wants to apply for participation in a tender needs to evaluate sensibly and impartially at least two points:

Customer company. You will collect information in the following areas:

  • what competitions were held by the customer company;
  • who became the winner;
  • how many times;
  • how the customer fulfilled his obligations to the conscientious performer and whether they were fulfilled.

Own capabilities:

  • financial. Participation in a tender promises profit, but also requires certain financial investments both at the stage of preparation for participation, and often during the execution of the order. Will you be able to cope on your own or will you have to resort to the help of credit institutions?
  • labor Participation in a tender requires a certain resource - you will have to prepare all necessary documentation, conduct a presentation of goods and services to the customer, etc. Do you have people in your company with appropriate qualifications or will you have to turn to specialists for help?

In addition, when choosing a tender, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  • contract size;
  • type of tender:
  • Open or closed. Most tenders are open, meaning anyone can take part in them. You will not find information about closed tenders in the public domain, since all potential participants receive personal invitations. Most often, a closed tender is held when its execution is related to commercial or state secrets.
  • Commercial or government. Commercial tenders can be arranged by any commercial organization, it also determines the criteria for selecting the winners. State tenders, the organizers of which can be both government bodies and state corporations, are very strictly regulated Federal law No. 44-FZ, which determines the procedure for conducting the tender and determining the winners.

Studying the tender documentation - step 2

Before you start collecting documents for participation in the tender, you need to carefully study the documentation provided by the customer himself - it is available in the UIS (unified information system government procurement) or on the ETP (electronic trading platform). As a rule, the documentation includes a draft agreement, technical specifications and specifications, if necessary - estimates and designs. It’s not enough to just skim through all this - you need to carefully study each document, compare the customer’s requirements and your capabilities, take into account his wishes for the contractor or supplier (the company’s time in the market, experience in participating in tenders), the principles for determining winners and other conditions that may be put forward during commercial tenders.

We clarify the details and ask for clarification - step 3

Each tender participant has the right to contact the customer for additional information or clarification (this is often required if the documentation is completed with errors, which happens). The request for clarification is anonymous, it is drawn up in free form and published on the ETP. It is important to know that such a request can be sent no later than 72 hours before the deadline for accepting applications (or 5 days before the deadline for accepting applications if we are talking about an open competition). In this case, the customer is obliged to provide clarifications within two calendar days. If no response is received within the time limits established by law, you have the right to file a complaint with the FAS. According to 44-FZ, up to three requests for clarification can be sent to each tender.

We collect documents for submitting an application for participation in the tender - step 4

This is one of the most labor-intensive stages of preparation for a tender. To participate in the tender, you must provide the required minimum documents specified by law:

  • Documents confirming information about the company (name, address, TIN);
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • A document confirming the authority of the employee submitting the application (a copy of the decision on appointment to the position or a power of attorney);
  • Documents confirming the company’s compliance with the requirements for competition participants;
  • Copies of the company's constituent documents;
  • Documents confirming the submission of security for the application for participation (payment order or bank guarantee).

But in some cases, additional papers are required - for example, documents that confirm the participant’s compliance with restrictions, established by the customer. In addition, the customer of a commercial tender has the right to require any other documents - for example, a certificate of absence of tax debt.

It is worth dwelling on the aspect of securing an application for participation in more detail - it is with this document that the main difficulties are associated. Securing an application is a kind of guarantee of the seriousness of your intentions. It ensures that if you win, you will not change your mind or avoid signing the contract. The application security is returned after signing the contract. However, until this moment you need to find funds in the required amount. There are two options: withdraw part of the funds from circulation or provide a bank guarantee - a credit product created specifically for these purposes. The second option is preferable because you will not have to sacrifice (even temporarily) the company’s money.

Filling out a tender application - step 5

A sample form of a tender application can be found in the tender documentation. It consists of two parts: the application itself and the list of documents attached to it - we wrote about them above. You must fill out the tender application extremely carefully, since the slightest mistake or inaccuracy may result in exclusion from the tender.

Submit an application for participation in the tender - step 6

Each customer sets strict deadlines for accepting applications. The window between the tender announcement date and the last day for accepting bids depends on the contract amount. If it exceeds 3 million rubles, then there must be at least 20 days between these two dates. If the amount is less than 3 million rubles, this period must be at least 7 days.

Before the deadline for accepting applications, you have the right to withdraw your application or make changes to it.

Applying to electronic form on an electronic digital signature is possible only if you are accredited on this site and can provide an electronic digital signature (EDS). Both parts of the application must be submitted at the same time. After registering it, the operator will send you confirmation that the application has been received.

Presenting the company - step 7

Often, a customer, having paid attention to a company, wants to see its presentation. This important step- you have to demonstrate all the advantages of your organization and the benefits of cooperation with you. Therefore, the presentation should not be done in a hurry, it should be ready. You should definitely include visual videos, infographics, specific facts - everything that will allow potential customer form a complete (and flattering!) opinion about your company in just a few minutes.

We are waiting for the results of the tender - step 8

After all the previous steps have been completed, all you have to do is wait for the results. The protocol for summing up the results will be published by the customer of the tender on the ETP within 3 days after its preparation. And if you did everything right, you will have a very good chance of being a winner.

Conducting tenders for a new company is not an easy process. The hardest thing is to get everything right necessary documents and provide yourself with a bank guarantee. It is for the sake of saving time and reducing the risk of errors that many companies that do not have their own tender department and those who do not have free funds, turn to specialists for help.

How can a tender participant obtain financial support?

For an answer to this question, we turned to Andrey Tyurin, an expert at the consulting company KSK Group:

“Usually the main stumbling block for companies wishing to take part in a tender is the need to provide the tender organizer with financial security. First of all, this applies to state competitions, for participation in which a bank guarantee is required by law to submit an application. Large commercial customers are increasingly demanding the provision of such a guarantee.

At the same time, the deadline for submitting applications is limited, and the bank takes time to make a decision on issuing a guarantee, which sometimes does not suit the applicant. While waiting for approval, the applicant company may miss the opportunity, wasting effort on preparing the application. That is why assistance in obtaining a bank guarantee has become one of the most popular services in KSK groups.

Consulting middle and big business on this issue, we understand that the client needs not just advice, but a comprehensive solution to his problem with a pre-calculated economic effect within the agreed time frame. Our help is to provide better conditions provision of a bank guarantee and full support of the company until it receives the document.

When turning to the services of KSK Group, regular customers know that they can count on issuing a bank guarantee for comfortable conditions: at a lower interest rate than the market average, for a longer period and with maximum loyalty to the availability of collateral. Obtain the consent of the selected bank to favorable conditions is possible thanks to careful preparation and structuring of the transaction, as well as interaction with decision makers or those capable of influencing the final decision in the credit institution.

In most cases, we achieve a positive decision at the bank's credit committee regarding the issuance of a guarantee. It’s also worth mentioning the promptness of resolving issues: we always meet the deadlines we commit to; we usually manage to issue a bank guarantee within 24 hours.”

P.S. More detailed information about completed projects can be obtained on the website. You can also request a free initial consultation here.

Editorial opinion

From July 1, 2018, the right to issue bank guarantees remained only with banks whose credit rating is not lower than “A-(RU)” by the ACRA agency and not lower than “ruA-” by the Expert RA rating agency. This means that the number of banks working with tender participants has decreased significantly, and the processing time for applications has increased. In such conditions, contacting a broker or consulting firm, if you do not have your own tender department, has become almost necessary.