Opening  8.2.1. Control centers should be equipped with modern means of operational and dispatch control and communication, and, if possible, computer equipment

, associated with terminals and programmable controllers at major facilities and networks.

8.2.2. At the control center it is necessary to have operational materials in the amount corresponding to the boundaries of responsibility of a particular control center (CDP, MDP, etc.):

a) operational diagrams of main communications, structures and control devices, which are controlled by the dispatcher;

b) tablets on a scale of 1:2000, each of which covers the territory of the management facility with an area of ​​1000 x 1000 m with all underground communications and structures available in kind. The plates must indicate the numbers of wells (chambers), the equipment installed in them and control and measuring equipment;

c) communication schemes and equipment characteristics;

d) schedules and operational maps of structures and equipment; e) plans for the current and major repairs

structures; f) a complete set of current operational manuals, including these PTEs, safety rules and instructions for the interaction of the water supply network service with the fire department, and for the operational personnel of the facility ( pumping stations

etc.) servicing electrical installations - the current Rules of Technical Operation and Safety Rules of Electrical Installations; g) a list of office and home telephone numbers of management personnel manufacturing enterprise

h) a list and telephone numbers of various city services - the energy supply organization, city gas, fire department, bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, bodies managing the use and protection of water resources.

When equipping the control center with computer equipment, the specified operational materials should be transferred to floppy disks and stored in the computer memory.

8.2.3. For clarity and convenience of work of control center personnel, operational diagrams should reflect the state of structures and equipment (in operation, under repair, in reserve, accidents) with symbols, signals or symbols.

Operational diagrams of networks of water supply and sewerage systems must be plotted on the city plan, indicating the names of streets, driveways, squares and building numbers.

8.2.4. The control center consists of the following premises (or part of them): a control room with switchboards, consoles and a table with a computer for the dispatcher; equipment room with stands, relays, rectifiers, charge-discharge boards; battery, control and repair workshop with equipment and personnel; household premises.

8.2.5. Control rooms must be equipped with the following communication and control equipment (or part of them):

a) selective (selector) telephone or radiotelephone communications;

b) devices for telemeasurement of performance indicators of structures and equipment;

c) remote signaling and means of monitoring the operation of structures and equipment;

d) telemechanical controls for units, mechanisms and shut-off and control devices;

Dispatch in power supply and power consumption systems is a system of centralized control of power supply devices.

At enterprises, there are two types of dispatch control organization.

1. Dispatch control is carried out by the department of the chief power engineer, while the functions of the chief dispatcher are performed by Chief Power Engineer or one of the department specialists. The functions of duty dispatchers are assigned to substation duty engineers.

2. The department of the chief power engineer includes a dispatch service, which includes the chief dispatcher and duty dispatchers located at the dispatch center.

The control center carries out operational management and control of the operation of all elements of the power supply system, management of duty personnel in the production of operational switching and access to repair work, management of emergency response in the power supply system, monitoring the load of individual lines and substations, monitoring power consumption modes in workshops and the enterprise.

From the control center, centralized automated control of the entire power supply system of the enterprise is carried out based on telemechanics and computerization.

At the control center, the electrical load and voltage at various points of the enterprise's electrical network are monitored, switching is carried out in order to eliminate emergency conditions, as well as to bring substation and linear equipment out for repair.

The control room includes the following premises:

    control room with a dispatch panel and control panel - workplace dispatcher;

    equipment room, where various equipment is located (power devices, relay cabinets, telemechanics devices, etc.);

    a workshop for minor equipment repairs and a laboratory for its adjustment;

    auxiliary premises (storeroom, bathroom, room for repair crews).

The layout of the control room is carried out to ensure ease of installation and switching connections, monitoring of serviced equipment, and access to all premises. The control room houses dispatch panels and consoles on which control devices, alarm and automation equipment, and controls are installed.

According to their purpose, boards and consoles are divided into operational (monitoring and control) and auxiliary device boards. A mnemonic diagram is placed on the control panel, which, using conventional graphic images of the elements of the power supply system, displays the technological process and represents an information model of the controlled object or process.

According to the degree of power supply reliability, control centers are classified as: Telemechanization devices installed at the control center make it possible to obtain the necessary information about the state of electrical equipment located at a considerable distance, about the parameters of the power supply system, and the consumption of electrical energy. In this case, telemechanization means are used, which include telemetering, telesignaling and telecontrol devices.

At substations equipped with automation and telemechanization systems, local control of switches is provided for their adjustment, the possibility of inspection and repair of switchgear equipment.

The control room equipment is grounded in accordance with.

The premises of control rooms are classified as category G according to the degree of fire hazard; they must comply with the first or second degree of fire resistance according to fire safety requirements. The premises are protected from the penetration of dust and gases. The premises should have daylight. Electrical work lighting should be diffused, provided by fluorescent lamps, emergency lighting - by incandescent lamps.

The automated control system for power supply and power consumption at the enterprise is aimed at trouble-free and uninterrupted power supply, economical organization of modes and metering of power consumption, compliance with electrical load schedules and schedules of preventive maintenance of electrical equipment, management of work permits for teams of electricians.

On large enterprises dispatching is organized not only in the power supply and power consumption systems of the enterprise, but also for all energy services as part of the department of the chief power engineer (heat supply and thermal installations, water supply and sewerage, gas supply).

In power supply systems of enterprises, automated enterprise dispatch control systems (ADCS) with devices equipped provide:

    centralization of control and management of power supply modes;

    increasing the efficiency of work control electrical devices and electrical networks and their management;

    selection and establishment of the optimal operating mode of equipment and networks;

    increasing the reliability of power supply to consumers;

    reduction in the number of accidents and their faster elimination;

    reduction of on-duty personnel at electrical installations.

The operational control tasks solved by the automated control system are determined by the operating mode of the power supply system. In normal mode they are carried out

    control and regulation of electricity supply and electricity consumption, ensuring the necessary requirements for the quality of electricity and the reliability of its supply;

    collection, processing and documentation of information about the operation of devices in power supply systems;

    removal of equipment for repair and return it from repair and from reserve.

In emergency mode, automatic devices of the first level (relay protection) are activated.

In this case, the operational dispatch personnel performs the necessary shutdowns (switchings) of power supply devices. In the post-emergency mode, the task of restoring the normal power supply scheme to consumers, the specified power quality indicators, taking measures to eliminate the causes of the accident and repairing damaged equipment is solved.

Page 6 of 21

The district control center (DPR) is the center of operational dispatch control of the distribution network district and the center where the entire volume of information about the state and operating mode of the electrical network and its individual elements is concentrated. In Fig. Figure 5 shows as an example the plan of one of the existing DPR of the enterprise, combined with a general substation control center of a 110/35/10 kV substation. In addition, the DPR is located in close proximity to the repair and production base of the distribution networks area, where all production and economic activity district.
In room 1 there is a control panel and a relay panel of a 110 kV substation on alternating operating current, the duty of which is carried out by the RRS dispatcher. Room 2 is used to accommodate repair teams for substation and relay protection services. In rooms 3 and 4, in accordance with standard project organization of the workplace accommodates EOD personnel. Heating of the premises of the DPR and control room is carried out from the thermal unit 5, the control center is connected to the DPR using a transition gallery 6, in which special racks 7 are installed for storing protective equipment and devices necessary for the operation of the control center and the duty of the substation.

Rice. 5. Plan of the control center of the distribution networks area

The control center itself and its equipment are located in rooms 8-10 and 14-16. The dispatcher's rest room 8 and room 9 for issuing work permits for work at the substation are auxiliary. In room 10 there is a control panel 11, a table 12 and a console 13. In rooms 14, 15 and 16 there are battery communications, communication equipment and telemechanics.
The object of operational dispatch control is the equipment of 35-110 kV substations, distribution points, sectioning points, automatic transfer points and 6-10 kV transformer substations.

The dispatch panel is the main means of displaying information about the state of the electrical circuit of the network and serves as the basis for the dispatcher to make decisions under normal operating conditions of the network and during emergency situations. The type and design of the control panel largely determine both the convenience of the dispatcher’s work and the operational difficulties associated with maintaining the mnemonic diagram of the control panel in proper condition. In this case, the control panel must satisfy the following basic requirements:
visibility and visibility of the mnemonic diagram of individual substations, distribution points and the network as a whole;
clear indication of the on and off positions of switching devices (symbols of switches, disconnectors and separators);
convenience and simplicity during alterations associated with changes in the primary circuits of individual network elements (35-110 kV substations, power lines of all voltages, 6-10 kV transformer substations, distribution centers), as well as when performing operations to change the position of switching equipment;
the possibility of installing additional symbols on the shield, for example, portable grounding, an external power source ( diesel power plant etc.) from the consumer, designation of a dairy farm, etc.;
reliability of the operation of the switching symbols of the switchboard, especially the acknowledgment keys, which ensure the execution of telecontrol operations of switches directly from the control panel.

The specified requirements are fully met by the control panel type 1DDN-10 produced by the Experimental Automation and Instrumentation Plant (OZAP) Mosenergo. It is intended for placement of mimic diagrams of power facilities and power transmission lines with a voltage of 6-110 kV, installation of command-handling, signaling and control equipment.
The panel is assembled from panels, the number of which is determined by the volume of electrical installations served in the area. Each panel consists of sections measuring 1X1 m, the number of which vertically depends on the selected height of the control panel. For panels with a height of 2.5; 3.5 m and above, sections of size I X can be manufactured
X0.5 m. The section consists of a frame welded from an angle profile, to which is attached a shield field made of mosaic elements measuring 100X100 mm, made of polystyrene. The design provides for the possibility of connecting panels and sections to each other.
Mnemonic symbols of electrical equipment and inscriptions are also made of polystyrene and are fixed anywhere on the panel using the studs on them. To do this, holes corresponding to the diameter of the studs are made across the entire field of the shield in the form of a grid with a pitch of 10 mm. This ensures the ability to set up a mnemonic diagram of any configuration and quickly change it during operational changes in the network in situ or in the process of developing electrical networks. The mnemonic diagram of the shield is composed of standard symbols, signs and elements (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Element of the distribution network mnemonic diagram on the control panel:
I - KTP; 2 - MTP; 3 - overhead line; 4 - load switch; 5 - detailed diagram of a 10 kV transformer substation; 6 - network transformer; 7 - oil switch; 8 - cable line; 9 - disconnector

Mnemonic diagrams of power lines and buses on the control panel are made with strips of varying widths of colored polystyrene, which also have metal or polystyrene pins for fastening to the panel field. The colors of mnemonic signs are based on the color of voltages, letters and numbers are black, signs showing the disconnected position of the device or electrical installation in action are red.
The following distinctive voltage colors are accepted: 3 kV - blue; 6 kV - green; 10 kV - blue; 35 kV - yellow; 110 kV - red.
To depict cable lines, symbols of power lines of the appropriate voltage with evenly spaced extensions are used white in increments of 10-15 mm.
The information part of the control panel (equipment simulators) is composed of mosaic-type elements, which can be divided into two main types:
elements with overhead mnemonics and empty elements intended to fill the free field of the shield;
signaling and command-handling elements with electrical installation.
Mnemonic diagrams of 35-110 kV substations and the power transmission lines connecting them are located in the upper part of the switchboard; below is a diagram of the 6-10 kV distribution networks. Tablets of 35-110 kV substations, as well as some electronic substations, mainly telemechanized ones, are typed with overhead symbols, from which the primary electrical installation diagram is assembled. In this case, circuits of telemechanized objects, in particular simulators of oil switches, are typed on the switchboard using active (light) elements - acknowledgment keys. The contact system of these keys has needle terminals, with the help of which the key is installed on the shield field. On the back of the shield, special connectors are placed on the terminals, which ensures installation of the electrical circuit. Under the tablet of the telemechanized substation there is a small panel with a number board, which lights up red when the communication channel with the substation is lost. A contact connector is installed in the same socket to transfer the substation to remote control.
The on position of the switch is indicated by the position of the handshake key handle along the mnemonic line (the circuit is closed), and the off position is indicated by the position of the handle across the mnemonic line (the circuit is open). In the mismatch position, the handle of the handshake key, made of transparent material, is illuminated with a pulsating light. The supply voltage for the 9 V panel lamps is supplied from the power supply units of the control and alarm rack type SUS-10 through single-pole circuit breakers for each substation (facility).
On the tablets of non-telemechanized objects (RP, ZTP, sectioning points and automatic transfer points), acknowledgment keys are not installed. However, the symbols of oil switches have a similar appearance and are made in the form of rotary handles with locks. They do not have a contact system.

Dispatcher console

The dispatcher's control panel is the main workplace of the dispatcher and should be maximally adapted for the convenient work of the dispatcher. This is ensured by the availability of free space for keeping records, ease of use of command and signal equipment and communication devices, good visibility of the control panel, the ability to quickly find the necessary operational and reference documentation, etc.
As a rule, the district dispatcher's console contains an emergency warning display, signaling equipment for monitoring the operation of telemechanics (TM) devices, a dispatch telephone switchboard, a control panel for the central radio station, as well as a remote control for automatically turning on tape recorders for recording operational conversations. If there are telemeasurement devices (TI), indicating devices of these devices, keys and buttons for calling telemeasurements are installed.
At one of the control centers of the enterprise, a color display is installed, which is part of the operational information complex and is designed to display on the display screen upon request from the keyboard the information necessary for the dispatcher.
The remote control used is a PD-10 type remote control, which is also produced by OZAP Mosenergo. A remote control of this type is designed to operate as part of a complex of telemechanics devices for general industrial use, control and alarm racks of the SUS-10 type, a control panel ShchDN-10 and a digital display device.
The console consists of the following components: a desktop with two workstations, a console rack with command and signal equipment, two sets of EDTS-66 type communication switches, an instrument console with digital indicators and a switching device with input combs and clamps for connecting external cables.
The console stand consists of a frame with a grid for installing mosaic elements and a typesetting field on which mosaic console equipment is assembled, functionally divided into next blocks: substation call block; parameter call block; digital display selection block; block of general buttons;
emergency warning telesignaling board (APTS) with redundancy; TM device control unit.
The substation calling unit provides signaling of the presence of an automatic telephone exchange at the substation, calling it to the general telephone exchange display for decoding information and for telecontrol.
The parameter call block provides selection of a telemeasurement point using a TM device with a number of TI parameters of no more than 20.
The digital display selection block is used to display current parameters on one of the digital displays of the instrument console.
The block of general buttons ensures switching of the APTS display from working to backup, testing of alarm lamps on the panel, and removal of an audible alarm.
The APTS board provides decoding of emergency warning telesignals when calling a specific substation and indication of the number of the called substation. Both working and backup boards are used.
The TM device control unit provides signaling of serviceability and damage, turning on and off the TM power supply and alarm, requesting and acknowledging short-term television signals.
For control centers in small areas with a small number of 35-110 kV substations, PD-10 consoles of a simplified design can be used. For example, the remote control may not have a substation calling unit, one or both automatic telephone exchange units, etc.

  • 7. Requirements for the traffic control service, its elements.
  • 8. Organization of traffic control service in the crossing area.
  • 9. Organization of traffic control service in large populated areas.
  • 10.Organization of traffic control service in conditions of mass destruction, contamination, fires and in the dark.
  • 11. Purpose, organization, capabilities, armament and equipment of the traffic control post.
  • Duty schedule at traffic control post No. _______
  • 12. Purpose, organization, capabilities, weapons and equipment of the traffic commandant’s department.
  • Performance characteristics
  • 13. Purpose, design, main characteristics of technical means of traffic control. General information about technical means of traffic control
  • Electrified wands
  • Main characteristics and structure of wands
  • Preparing for work
  • Working with the wand
  • Wand care and storage
  • Electrified milestones
  • Main characteristics and design of electrified poles
  • Floating milestones
  • Small traffic light afr-2
  • Main characteristics and design of the afr-2 traffic light
  • Preparing the afr-2 traffic light for operation
  • Installation of traffic light afr-2
  • Care and storage of traffic light afr-2
  • Portable electric megaphones
  • Main characteristics and design of the em-2 electromegaphone
  • Main characteristics and design of the electromegaphone ZPEM-5
  • Preparing the electromegaphone for operation
  • Working with an electric megaphone
  • Care and storage of an electric megaphone
  • Features of caring for the electric megaphone ZPEM-5
  • Typical faults and their elimination
  • Loudspeaker installation gu-20m
  • Main characteristics and installation device gu-20m
  • Preparing for work gu-20m
  • Working with the gu-20m installation
  • Care and storage of the gu-20m installation
  • Collapsible barrier
  • Main characteristics and design of a collapsible barrier
  • Preparing for operation of a collapsible barrier
  • Road signs
  • Commandant's cars
  • 14. Tasks and methods of traffic regulation.
  • 15. Control posts on military roads.
  • Fixed control posts
  • 1. At a railway crossing (guarded):
  • Technical means and accessories for traffic controllers and traffic control posts
  • Mobile control posts
  • The procedure for detaining vehicles at regulatory posts
  • 16. The procedure for deploying and equipping traffic control posts. Locations of fixed control posts
  • Technical means and accessories for traffic controllers and traffic control posts
  • Procedure for equipping a fixed control post
  • 17. Regulation of traffic at railway crossings and at road intersections.
  • 18. Responsibilities of the head of the traffic control post.
  • 19. General duties of a traffic controller. Responsibilities under special conditions.
  • 20. Modern military movement and its characteristics.
  • Characteristics of the military movement
  • 21. Movement order. Restoring interrupted movement.
  • The order of movement on the wad
  • Restoring interrupted movement on the wad
  • 22. Standard road demountable bridges and their tactical and technical characteristics.
  • Small road collapsible bridge marm
  • Characteristics of marmas
  • Medium road collapsible bridge sarm
  • Characteristics of sarms
  • Features of the design of the material part and completeness of the sarm-m bridge
  • Large road collapsible bridge Barm
  • Barm characteristics
  • 23. General information about traffic rules.
  • 24. Causes of road accidents and measures to prevent them.
  • All accidents, according to the nature of the mechanism of their occurrence, are divided into the following types: collisions, rollovers, collisions and other incidents.
  • 25. Purpose, composition and tasks of control centers.
  • 26. Placement and equipment of control rooms.
  • 27. Organization of work of control centers.
  • 28. Types and purpose of service points on military roads.
  • 29. Main tasks of road maintenance.
  • Question 6. Medical station, its placement in the field, responsibilities of officials.
  • 30. Operational maintenance of military roads at different times of the year. Contents wad in spring
  • Maintenance of wads in autumn
  • Contents of wads in summer
  • Maintenance of wads in winter
  • 31. Communication means used in traffic control units.
  • 32. Road signs.
  • Warning signs
  • 2. Prohibiting
  • 3.Informational and indicative
  • 4. Service marks
  • Question 3. Service and military-made fencing signs and indicator signs.
  • 34. Objects on military roads that are subject to protection, security and defense, methods and means of influencing the enemy on them.
  • 35. Measures for the protection, security and defense of military roads. Protection on military roads
  • 36. Actions of the personnel of the road commandant platoon to protect, protect and defend the area where the platoon garrison is located.
  • 26. Placement and equipment of control rooms.

    Dispatcher control of traffic on the highway is carried out through a network of control centers of road commandant units and subdivisions. A single numbering is established for all control points on the VAD.

    Control rooms road commandant units and units are located, as a rule, together with their command posts (control points) and are being deployed nepo near the roads:

      in specially equipped vehicles or trailers, in prefabricated premises,

      in dugouts,

      in tents.

    Dispatcher control of traffic on the highway is usually organized :

      along the starting lines (points) of movement of troops and rear units,

      by areas of location of units and institutions of material, medical and other types of logistics support;

      at crossings through large water barriers, at passes and tunnels;

      at the intersections of the VAD of the frontal and lateral directions,

      in other places where organized passage of traffic participants, control over their passage and, where possible, traffic maneuvers are necessary.

    The distance between control centers and their locations must ensure stable radio communications, good visibility of the road, the ability to stop the vehicle for inspection without interfering with the main movement, and also satisfy the conditions of camouflage and protection from enemy influence.

    Work areas are equipped at the control center :

      head of the station,

      duty dispatcher,

    • as well as rest areas for off-duty personnel.

    In the Punk area and are equipped with:

      shelters for regular cars and motorcycles,

      areas for detained vehicles,

      seats for military personnel waiting to board passing transport,

      road exits,

      slots for sheltering personnel,

      trenches for defense.

    On the way to the control center on road are installed warning signs indicating the distances to it:

      at a distance of 5 km,

      200 m before him.

    Directly right at the control center :

      a sign with its number is placed,

      a platform is equipped to stop the vehicles of column leaders,

      The road is blocked by a barrier with a “No Entry” sign attached.

    Directly on the road near the deployed dis Petchersky point a 24-hour control post is set up with control means for day and night (Figure 11.1). The duties of the control post also include guarding the control center.

    Figure 11.6 - Control room signs (a) and their placement (b).

    Control points are provided by:

    a) established forms:

      dispatch reports,

    b) samples:


      route sheets and other travel documents,

      extracts indicating the tasks of the control center and the functional responsibilities of its personnel,

      service and negotiation tables, books for coding and decoding radiograms, documentation of the duty radio operator,

      sets of traffic logs,

      stamps of the established form for marks in travel documents of heads of automobile convoys and drivers of single vehicles,

      other official documentation,

      property in accordance with established standards and lists.

    Figure 11.7 – Dispatch report form

    Set of technical means for DP equipment:

    a) road signs:

      “Overtaking is prohibited” - 2 pcs.,

      “Entry prohibited” - 2 pcs.,

      "Limitation maximum speed" - 2 pcs.,

      “DP No.__” - 2 pcs.,

      “DP 200m” - 2 pcs.,

      “DP 5km” - 2 pcs.,

      metal stand - 12 pcs.,

    b) technical means:

      electrified traffic controller rod - 7 pcs.;

      Small-sized field traffic light AFR-2 - 1 set,

      portable electromegaphone type EM-2 - 1 set,

      round white electric lantern - 2 pcs.,

      collapsible barrier - 2 sets,

      adjuster's chest-back reflector - 14 pcs.,

      whistle - 7 pcs.,

    c) tool:

      large sapper shovel - 1 pc.,

      construction ax - 1 pc.,

      two-handed cross saw for wood - 1 pc.,

      ordinary scrap - 1 pc.,

      sledgehammer with handle - 1 pc.

    At control centers of departments there should be such documentation:

      column log book,

      log of received orders,

      extract from the column passage schedule,

      log of seized vehicles,

      combat crew and defense and security scheme of the control center (if independently located on the road).

    Figure 11.8 – Column log book form

    Figure 11.9 – Form of the journal of received (given) orders

    Figure 11.10 – Extract form from the column passage schedule

    Figure 11.11 – Form for the log of detained vehicles

    At the control center of the unit, Besides, is drawn up and a working map is maintained on which the following is written:

      VAD section assigned to the unit;

      single track sections,

      intersections with railways on one level

      bridges of small width and load capacity

      other difficult-to-traffic areas (objects) on it and the procedure for allowing traffic to pass through in these places;

      detours, detours, duplicate bridge crossings and approaches to them;

      waiting areas at crossings, large bridges, passes and other bottlenecks;

      places prepared for the concentration of equipment and personnel from the road during breaks in traffic;

      organization of road commandant service (borders of company and platoon sections, control centers, control posts, service points);

      placement of local road organizations, medical institutions, repair enterprises, communication centers (points);

      data on identified obstacles, destruction and other causes of traffic disruption;

      decisions taken by the command to eliminate them and the deadlines for elimination;

      data on radiation and chemical conditions.

    At platoon and company control centers, this data is reflected are shown on the diagram in relation to the designated area (object). If necessary, other working documents can be additionally maintained.

    In the conditions of modern combat operations, it is advisable to use air control towers (ACCPs) equipped on a helicopter to control traffic.

    TO set of equipment for such a DP on a helicopter includes:

      radio station R-105M, designed for communication with ground control centers, reconnaissance units and command posts of road commandant units and units;

      a voice recorder for recording orders given, reports received and intelligence data;

      radiation and chemical reconnaissance devices; signaling devices (flares, lanterns, pointers) for controlling columns in conditions of strong radio interference and limited limited use of radio communications;

      means of communication between VZDP personnel and the helicopter crew.

    The use of an air control tower is especially necessary in conditions of destruction, debris, fires and road contamination. In this case, the VzDP, flying along military highways, ascertains their condition, determines the position of the columns, consistently communicates with the command posts of road units, control centers and reconnaissance units, transmits the received data to them and organizes the withdrawal of columns from zones of destruction and contamination.

    To solve problems of control, security and management of technological and business processes, control centers are created at strategically important industrial, telecommunications, transport and administrative facilities.

    Mitsubishi Electric video walls in the Unified Network Management Center of Megafon PJSC

    Today the company has more than 500 large projects on its account: starting with conference rooms, objects of national importance and educational institutions, ending with museum exhibitions and theater and concert venues.

    Many years of experience, engineering potential and partnerships with leading manufacturers of multimedia equipment allow us to successfully implement comprehensive equipment of control rooms using the latest technical means, including modern systems information visualization, audio and video conferencing systems, management and control systems.

    Among the control centers we have equipped:

    • Network control centers: "Pskovenergo" , "Lenenergo" in St. Petersburg, Kingisepp, Novaya Ladoga and other cities, IDGC of the North-West in St. Petersburg, IDGC in Kostroma
    • Unified network management center of OJSC Megafon for the Eastern and Western parts of the network in Samara and St. Petersburg
    • Visualization system in the control room of the automated control system PKAD
    • 2 video walls in the central control center of Sochi, project “Double of Kurortny Prospekt” for automatic control systems traffic and video surveillance
    • Control room at Balakovo NPP
    • OJSC "Nizhnekamsk Neftekhim" - control room and two video walls in the conference room
    • Monitoring Center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Tyumen Region
    • Control room of the Electropult plant
    • Observation point of the assistant governor of St. Petersburg
    • Dispatch room of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rostov-on-Don
    • Control room of the State Museum-Monument "St. Isaac's Cathedral"
    • Unified dispatch service, Krasnodar, etc.

    Features of control rooms

    Distinctive features of control rooms and monitoring centers from other facilities are several factors:

    • Operation mode 24 hours 7 days a week 365 days a year
    • The need to work with an array of heterogeneous data and dynamic information flows
    • High ergonomic requirements for the organization of workspace and working conditions for dispatchers

    The core of control rooms is a screen for collective use (split screen), implemented, as a rule, in the form of a video wall assembled from video cubes, or, in some cases, from thin-seam LCD panels.

    Features of equipment of dispatch consoles

    Requirements for equipment of the dispatch center

    When creating or reconstructing a control room, we take into account the individual requirements of a particular facility and the overall ergonomics of the room:

    • The amount of information displayed in the form of multi-format data: mnemonic diagrams, diagrams, planograms, network diagrams, geographic maps, measurements coming from control, accounting and signaling equipment, information from automated systems management technological processes
    • Control room area
    • Architectural and planning solution for premises, for example, large windows that create light, or niches and columns, which must be taken into account when creating a technical solution
    • The number of dispatchers, operators or engineers who work with a large-screen system for displaying information for collective use
    • The most convenient relative position of the video wall and workstations
    • Convenience and quick access to information and reference materials on paper or some office equipment
    • Availability and necessity of location of other equipment and hardware cabinets in the control room

    Special requirements for the collective viewing screen (video wall)

    Specific requirements for a shared screen always depend on the specific area in which it is intended to be used - what matters, first of all, is the size of the video wall, its resolution, as well as the number and type of output sources. However, requirements often differ within the same application area. It is for this reason that it is especially important to have a flexible and customizable solution.

    Based on the requirements for the system, the following imaging technologies can be proposed:

    • Video wall assembled from several projection modules
    • Video wall assembled from several seamless LCD panels
    • Video wall assembled from LED modules

    The main advantages of video walls over other technologies are:

    • Image Uniformity
    • High reliability
    • Ability to work continuously 24/7/365
    • Output as much as possible detailed information, instant response to emergency situations and fast decision problems in emergency situations
    • Advanced monitoring and control capabilities
    • Intelligent display system with special capabilities, for example, the ability to script alarm management, predefine output layouts, operating modes, etc.
    • Collaborative problem solving
    • Simultaneous display of various data
    • Ability to display large numbers various sources signal / information / scenarios

    The optimal solution for building a multi-screen system in control rooms that require round-the-clock uninterrupted operation of equipment is graphic video walls based on projection modules (video cubes). Each projection module is a full-fledged means of displaying information, and thanks to the high basic resolution, a system built from several modules as a whole has a large information capacity.

    The modular principle of building video walls allows you to create an optimal configuration and, if necessary, expand the system. On the graphic wall it is possible to implement flexible scenarios for displaying information. For example, in normal mode operation of the system, you can display generalized information about the state of the system, and in the event of an accident, in one auxiliary window you can display the problem area in large and detailed manner, and in the other - a description of a predetermined algorithm for personnel actions in an emergency situation.

    On the video wall you can organize windows of information from CCTV cameras and television broadcast channels, display images received via video conferencing, graphs, tables in real time, etc.

    In our work, we use visualization systems from leading developers in the multimedia technology market:

    • Mitsubishi Electric,
    • Christie Digital,
    • MultiTaction, and also guarantee a high level of support from these manufacturers.

    Stages of creating a dispatch center

    Scope of work to create a control center:
    • Selection of premises, provision of layouts (performed by the Customer)
    • Development, coordination and approval of technical specifications for the creation of a control center (performed jointly by the Contractor and the Customer)
    • Signing of the Agreement (with work schedule)
    • Development of a design project for premises
    • Repair and decoration of premises
    • Development of specialized furniture
    • Development of a technical, informational, software control center
      Note. If necessary, can be performed in two stages:
      1. Stage P (dramatic design)
      2. Working documentation.
    • Supply and installation of equipment, creation of initial information base, software adjustment
    • Carrying out acceptance tests, transferring the control center into trial operation