New form "Information on the sale of goods by wholesale and retail(form 1-TORG)" officially approved by the document Order of Rosstat dated July 30, 2018 N 466.

More information about using the OKUD form 0614004:

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    1. A public contract is an agreement concluded commercial organization and establishing its responsibilities for the sale of goods... goods and the rules for accepting goods in retail trade organizations. In retail trade, goods are received for resale from manufacturing organizations and wholesale trade organizations that trade... goods and contains information about the supplier and payer (name , addresses and bank details); information about the product and packaging (article number, name and... trade-... form...

  • Retail trade of books

    1. Under a retail purchase and sale agreement, the seller carrying out entrepreneurial activity for the sale of goods... standard forms and could... GOODS IN RETAIL TRADE ORGANIZATIONS In retail trade, book products are supplied for resale from manufacturing organizations (publishers) and wholesale trade organizations... of goods and contain information about the supplier and payer (name , addresses and bank details); information about the product and container (article number, name and... invoice bidding-12,...

  • Trading Rules

    About the forms of service used when selling goods. Forms of sale can be, for example: sale of goods at home, sale of goods by... information is provided on: 1) the name of the medicinal product and the international nonproprietary name; 2) name of the organization - ... organizations wholesale trade And pharmacies in the sphere of circulation medicines, including wholesale and retail trade of medicinal... drinks containing ethyl alcohol, he will be able to trade only in drinks...

  • Market research for the extraction, production and sale of precious metals in the Russian Federation

    Sale of 49% of shares of gold mining LLC Sovrudnik. The auction was scheduled for July and... the store. The main services are wholesale and retail trade, acceptance of products on consignment, ... organizations and individuals without quantitative restrictions and licenses issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade... of the Russian Federation. 1.1. Customs... forms (7108 12 000 0 TN FEA of Russia). [ 33 ] Information about the quality of goods...

  • Features of retail trade in air conditioners and ventilation equipment

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  • Accounting and tax accounting of discounts

    In wholesale and retail trade. This is one of the most common methods of attracting buyers. 1. ... goods and other inventory items are produced by order of the head of the organization and are documented in an act. Form... 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), because to submit information about the buyer who received the gift in... the main product. Example 6. A retailer sells televisions. To speed up the sale of TVs... the first ones will have to be replaced primary documents about the sale of goods. Secondly, the buyer...

  • Features of trade in certain types of products - 2

    Sales and price of goods, information about precious metals and precious stones used in artistically designed weapons, information about... information about the procedure for making a preliminary order for the purchase of non-periodical publications, if this form of trade... contains ethyl alcohol, he will be able to trade only in drinks..., at metro stations, wholesale food markets, military facilities... 2. Organizations holding licenses for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages as of January 1...

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  • Shortages

    State body; 7) disclosure of information constituting a secret protected by law (... transactions of purchase, sale, authorization for payment and other forms and types of cash turnover... ACCOUNTING for shortages of goods Quite often, trade organizations (both wholesale and retail) having wide range goods and significant turnover... of goods to assess the loss of goods as a result natural decline you should use the unified form No. TORG... -01-04/1/146 “On expenses for losses from shortages and (or) ...

  • Requirements for the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products

    Its copies and compliance of the goods sold with the information specified in the certificate are carried out by the Federal Service... from July 1, 2006, only organizations can engage in retail trade in alcohol. Individual entrepreneurs trade... and monitoring compliance by organizations with the requirements for the procedure, form and timing of submission of declarations on retail sales..., at airports, metro stations, wholesale food markets, military facilities...

  • Review of legislative changes for September 2016

    Forms “Questionnaire of the insured person”, “Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance”, “Individual information about... 16 No. 03-03-06/1/51687 The organization paid for the training of the applicant for... (municipal) contract concluded by the winner bidding and the customer, if there is between them... goods to entrepreneurs on UTII for the sale of goods at retail. The company provided discounts to entrepreneurs and... as a group of companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade. The tax authorities have proven that...

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    Will be closed From January 1, 2006, to sell strong alcohol... 4,000 organizations selling alcoholic products, and sometimes small shops trade unknown... centers are tightening the procedure for selling vodka and requirements for wholesale suppliers(each sold... registered by cash register (the established form is issued by the inspectorate). Information about passwords (issued by... engaged in wholesale, small wholesale and retail trade, also includes the expenses of the taxpayer - the buyer for the delivery of goods (if...

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    And performances unified forms Federal State Statistical Observation: No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and... areas trading floor retail trade in auto parts, subject to UTII, and wholesale trade in auto parts, the taxation of which... concluding retail sales contracts, as well as for bidding. To this... sale (resale without modification) of finished goods in the organization’s facilities catering applies to retail...

font size


Instructions for filling out form N 1-tenders

8. State (municipal) customers, when placing orders for the supply of goods (works, services), must be guided by the provisions of the Law.

According to the law, placing an order can be carried out through bidding in the form of a competition, auction, auction in electronic form, without holding a tender (request for quotations from a single supplier (performer, contractor), as well as in the form of joint tenders.

14.2. The law provides for the obligation of state (municipal) customers to place orders with small businesses in the amount of no less than ten and no more than twenty percent of the total annual volume of supplies of goods, performance of work, provision of services in accordance with the list of goods, work, services established by the Government Russian Federation, by conducting special procedures provided for small businesses (except for cases of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of national defense and state security) (Law).

14.3. Columns 4 and 5 “Tenders”, columns 6, 7, 8 “Auctions” take into account special tenders for small businesses held in the reporting period in accordance with the List.

C) applications for participation in a competition or auction did not contain proposals for the supply of goods of Russian (Belarusian) origin.

15.3. Line 101 “Number of trades (lots) held with the provision of preferences for domestic and Belarusian goods” takes into account the number of actually announced competitions, auctions (lots), with the exception of those canceled by the customer, the authorized body of trades (lots).

Line 101 in column 3 is defined as the sum of columns 4 to 8.

When completing line 101, line 301 must be completed.

Line 102 “The number of concluded contracts based on the results of tenders conducted with the provision of preferences for domestic and Belarusian goods” takes into account contracts for the supply of domestic, Belarusian goods concluded in the reporting period (regardless of whether they were subsequently terminated in the reporting period or not) according to the results of auctions conducted with the provision of preferences for domestic and Belarusian goods, and their value is indicated on line 302.

When completing line 102, line 302 must be completed.

Line 201 “Number of applications submitted for auctions (lots) at which preferences were provided to domestic and Belarusian goods” takes into account all applications submitted for auctions (lots) held with priority given to domestic and Belarusian goods.

Line 202 “Number of applications that won auctions (lots) at which preferences were provided” takes into account applications from participants who won auctions (lots) conducted with priority given to domestic and Belarusian goods for the supply of domestic and Belarusian goods.

On line 301 "Total starting price contracts (lots) put up for auction, held with the provision of preferences for domestic and Belarusian goods" indicates the entire amount of the initial (maximum) prices of contracts indicated in the documentation of the auctions held with the provision of preferences for domestic and Belarusian goods.

In accordance with clause 5.5 of the Regulations on Federal service state statistics, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 N 420, and in pursuance of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, I order:

1. Approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:

quarterly from the report for January-March 2013:

N 1-bidding "Information on bidding and other methods of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs" ();

semi-annual from the report for January-June 2013:

N 1-purchases "Information on procurement activities" ().

2. Establish the provision of data on the federal statistical observation forms specified in this order to the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.

If, as a result of bidding, requests for quotations, contracts were concluded in agreement with the body authorized to exercise control in the field of placing orders with sole supplier(contractor, performer), then the number of contracts is reflected respectively in columns 4, 5 (tenders), 6, 7 (auctions), 8 (request for quotations) according to,

If, as a result of bidding, requests for quotations, not a single application was submitted, and subsequently contracts were concluded in agreement with the body authorized to exercise control in the field of procurement with a single supplier (contractor, performer), then one winning application is shown (for reliable accounting of suppliers and performers in placing orders). Also, line 215 reflects the application if all applications except one were rejected, and a contract was concluded with this participant.

This line indicates the entire amount of the initial (maximum) contract prices indicated in the bidding documentation, including the amount of funds put forward by customers for joint bidding, and the initial prices of other methods of placing orders. If tenders (purchases) were carried out in one reporting period, and a contract was not concluded in this period, but will be concluded in the future, the total (initial) price of such contracts (lots) put up for tender, and the amount of contracts for other methods of placing orders by is not taken into account. They are shown on line 301 in the reporting period when the contract is concluded (in order to correctly calculate the amount of savings).

If, as a result of bidding, requests for quotation, contracts are not concluded due to refusal to conclude contracts, and also if contracts are not concluded as a result of failed bidding and requests for quotation, for which no applications were submitted or one application was submitted, then the total (initial) price of such contracts (lots) is taken into account according to.

If auctions (purchases) were held in one reporting period, and a contract was not concluded in this period, but will be concluded in the future, the total (initial) price of such contracts (lots) put up for auction and the total maximum price specified in the notice requests for quotations are not taken into account. They are shown on line 302 in the reporting period when the contract is concluded (in order to correctly calculate the amount of savings).

Not valid Editorial from 06.06.2007

Document typedecree, order
Receiving authorityRosstat
Document number45
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date06.06.2007
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
Statusdoesn't work
  • "Statistics Issues", N 8, 2007 (Resolution)


The procedure for filling out and submitting form N 1-TORG

1. Form N 1-TORG is submitted by all legal entities whose main activity is wholesale or retail trade (except for small businesses) of all forms of ownership, their separate units. Organizations whose main activity is maintenance and repair of vehicles and motorcycles (OKVED codes 50.2, 50.40.4), as well as repair of household products and personal items (OKVED code 52.7) in form N 1-TORG "Information on the sale and inventory of goods in wholesale and retail trade organizations "They don't report.

The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with constituent documents, registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - a short name.

In the line "Postal address" the name of the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated, legal address with postal code.

The code part must include a code All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by state statistics bodies.

2. In Form N 1-TORG, information is provided by a legal entity in total for all its divisions (including branches), except for territorially separate divisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions). Geographically separate divisions located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit data to the statistical authorities at their location. If separate divisions (branches, representative offices) do not have information to fill out the form, then information for each such separate division is filled out on a separate form by the parent organization and sent to these separate divisions (branches, representative offices) for subsequent submission to the state statistics authorities. their location within the established time frame.

Legal entities submit form N 1-TORG, as a rule, at their place state registration. An exception to this rule are cases when a legal entity registered on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation does not carry out activities on the territory of this constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In this case specified form presented at the place of actual implementation trading activities.

3. In the case of carrying out activities on the basis of a simple partnership agreement (joint activity agreement), the cost of goods sold by the partners as a result of their joint activities, when each partner fills out form N 1-TORG, is distributed among the partners in proportion to the value of their contributions to the common cause, unless otherwise provided by the simple partnership agreement or other agreement of the partners. If the cost of these goods cannot be distributed among partners, then information on them is shown on a separate form of state statistical observation by the partner who is entrusted with keeping records of common property.

4. Wholesale trade organizations (committors, principals, principals) selling goods under a commission agreement, commission or agency agreement, i.e. transferring goods to another organization or individual entrepreneur (commission agent, attorney or agent) for resale to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, reflect the sales volumes and balances of these goods in section 1 “Sales to inventories of goods (products) by type” in columns 6, 7 and 8 and in section 2 “Turnover of wholesale and retail trade by months of the reporting year” on line 155. Commission agents (attorneys, agents) carrying out transactions in wholesale trade fill out only section 2, where lines 155 and 156 reflect the amount of remuneration (in this case p. 155 = p. 156).

Organizations carrying out transactions in retail trade in the interests of another person on the basis of commission agreements, commissions or agency agreements, fill out sections 1 and 2. The cost of goods sold to the public by commission agents (attorneys, agents) is reflected in section 1, columns 9 and 10 and in section 2 lines 157 - 162; The principals (principals, principals) who are the owners of these goods do not reflect the proceeds from their sale (retail trade turnover) in form N 1-TORG, since this information is filled in by the organization (usually a commission agent) that directly sells goods to the public.

5. Section 1 “Sales and inventories of goods (products) by type” in terms of wholesale trade (columns 6 - 8) is also filled out by retail trade organizations if they carried out reporting year wholesale of goods. Similarly, wholesale trade organizations that sold goods to the public in the reporting year fill out columns 9 - 10.

6. Line 01, column 7 shows wholesale trade turnover, which represents revenue from the sale of goods previously purchased externally for the purpose of resale to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for professional use (for processing or further sale). Wholesale trade turnover also includes the amount of remuneration of wholesale trade intermediaries, i.e. commission agents (attorneys, agents) carrying out transactions for the purchase and sale of goods on behalf of or at the expense of other persons or firms (committents, principals, principals) under commission (assignment) agreements or agency agreements, but this amount is not reflected on line 1 of section 1, but is shown on line 156 of section 2 and is included in the data on line 155 of section 2.

Wholesale trade turnover is indicated in actual sales prices, including trade margin, value added tax, excise tax, export duty, customs duties and similar mandatory payments. A mandatory feature of an operation classified as wholesale trade is the presence of an invoice for the shipment of goods.

Product sales and inventory data own production columns 6, 7 and 8 are not shown.

7. Columns 6 and 7 provide information about wholesale by product groups, certain species goods in physical and value terms, respectively.

The data in column 7, line 01 must be equal to the sum of lines 02 and 59 in this column.

The data in column 7, line 02 must be equal to the sum of lines 03, 08 - 10, 12 - 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 30 - 45, 52, 53.

The data in column 7, line 59 must be equal to the sum of lines 60 - 88, 92 - 98, 100 - 105, 107, 108, 110 - 113, 116 - 120, 125 - 127, 129 - 143, 145, 148, 149.

Please note that the data on line 106 “Window glass (sheet)” in columns 6 and 8 is given in thousand m2, and on line 146 “Cement” in columns 6 and 8 - in tons.

Data expressed in pieces, decalitres, kilograms, conventional boxes, cubic meters, dense cubic meters are given in whole numbers.

Data expressed in thousands of rubles, tons, thousands of tons, thousands of pieces, thousands of standard cans, thousands of decalitres, thousands of linear meters, thousands of pairs, thousands of square meters, millions of cubic meters are given with one decimal place.

8. Column 8 shows data on inventories of goods at the end of the year purchased externally and intended for resale to legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. Information on inventories in wholesale trade is given in the units of measurement indicated in column 4. For lines with the unit of measurement in thousands of rubles, inventories are reflected at purchase prices (excluding VAT and excise tax). Data on inventories of goods are provided for all storage locations (in warehouses, refrigerated warehouses, warehouses, etc.), including rented ones. This column also reflects inventories of goods transferred by the reporting organization for safekeeping. Goods accepted for safekeeping or located in leased areas and owned by other organizations are not shown in column 8. Data on inventories of goods of own production in column 8 is also not shown.

9. Line 01, column 9 shows retail trade turnover (excluding public catering turnover), which represents revenue from the sale of goods to the public for personal consumption or use in household for cash or paid by credit cards, by bank settlement checks, by transfers from depositors' accounts, by means of payment cards, which is also counted as cash sales. The cost of goods sold to the population at a discount (fuel, etc.), on credit, by mail and by sample, as well as the cost of medicines dispensed to certain categories of citizens free of charge or with preferential prescriptions, is included in retail trade turnover in the amount full cost.

The cost of goods sold through retail is not included in retail trade turnover. trading network legal entities (including organizations social sphere, special consumers, etc.) and individual entrepreneurs.

A mandatory feature of an operation classified as retail trade is the presence cash receipt(invoice) or other document replacing a check.

The cost of goods sold to the population is given in retail prices- actual sales prices, including trade margins, value added tax and similar mandatory payments.

10. Column 9 provides information on retail sales by product groups (goods) in value terms.

The data in column 9, line 01 must be equal to the sum of lines 02 and 59 in this column.

The data in column 9, line 02 must be equal to the sum of lines 03, 08 - 10, 12 - 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 30 - 45, 52, 53.

The data in column 9, line 59 must be equal to the sum of lines 60 - 88, 92 - 98, 100 - 105, 107, 108, 110 - 113, 116, 125 - 127, 129, 132, 133, 136, 145, 148, 149 .

11. Column 10 shows information about inventories of goods in retail trade at the end of the year. Inventories are reflected at selling prices, including trade margins and VAT. Data on inventories of goods by retail trade organizations are provided for all places where goods are stored (in warehouses, refrigerated warehouses, stores), including rented ones. Wholesale trade organizations engaged in retail trade, in column 10, show inventories of goods intended for sale to the public directly by this organization. Not included in scope inventory in retail trade, goods accepted from the public on commission.

12. Information on sales and inventories of goods not listed in column 1, but occupying total volume sales of more than 10% are reflected on free lines. Lines 54 - 58 show information about the products that occupy the largest specific gravity in others food products(line 53), and on lines 150 - 154 - respectively in non-food products(line 149).

13. Section 2 “Wholesale and retail trade turnover by month of the reporting year” provides information on wholesale trade turnover on line 155 and on retail trade turnover on line 157, broken down by month of the reporting year.

The data on line 155 minus the data on line 156, column 3 of section 2 “Wholesale and retail trade turnover by month of the reporting year” should be equal to the data on line 01, column 7 of section 1 “Sales and inventories of goods (products) by type.”

The data on line 157, column 3 of section 2 “Wholesale and retail trade turnover by month of the reporting year” must be equal to the data on line 01, column 9 of section 1 “Sales and inventories of goods (products) by type.”

14. Line 158 in Section 2 provides data on the cost of goods sold on credit (at the time the goods are released to the buyer), in the amount of the full cost of the goods.

15. Line 159 provides data on the volume of sales of goods by order of the population by mail, through television and online stores, as well as in kiosks, tents, through auto stores, auto shops, etc.

16. Line 162 indicates the cost of goods sold in rural areas (revenue from the sale of goods in rural stores, tents, kiosks, as well as revenue from outbound trade V countryside, through auto shops, vans, auto shops).

17. In the “For reference” section, line 163 shows revenue from the sale of products and goods, receipts associated with the performance of work and the provision of services, the implementation of business transactions, which are income from ordinary activities. The data on line 163 must correspond to the indicator “Revenue (net) from the sale of goods, products, works, services (minus value added tax, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments)” of Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” and a similar indicator of the form Federal State Statistical Observation No. P-3 "Information on financial condition organization." In columns 4, 5 and 6, line 163 provides data on revenue received as a result of wholesale trade, retail trade and other types of activities, respectively. In line 163, the data in column 3 must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 4, 5 and 6.

Organizations (commission agents, attorneys, agents) carrying out trading activities in the interests of another person under commission, commission or agency agreements indicate the cost of services in the amount of remuneration.

Line 164 from line 163 shows the amount of remuneration for the provision of intermediary services for the sale of goods accepted on commission to the public.

Line 165 reflects the recorded costs for the production of goods, products, works, services in the share related to the goods, products, works, services sold. When carrying out trading activities, line 165 reflects the purchase price of goods, the proceeds from the sale of which are reflected in line 163.

The data on line 165 must correspond to the indicator “Cost of goods sold, products, works, services” of form N 2 “Profit and Loss Statement” and a similar indicator of the federal state statistical observation form N P-3 “Information on the financial condition of the organization”. On line 165, the data in column 3 must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 4, 5 and 6.

  • Electronic signatures for participation in electronic trading
    and work on government portals
  • Auction selection

How the service can help

Get an electronic signature certificate

To participate in the auction:

To work in state systems And electronic interaction with marking and tracking systems:
  • LesEGAIS
  • EFRSFYUL (Fedresurs)
  • FCS portal
  • signature for registration of cash register according to 54-FZ
  • Rosobrnadzor
  • Disclosure systems

Simplified application procedure
Application for receiving electronic signature can be issued in the 1C program directly at the workplace. The organization details in the application are filled in automatically. An application can also be generated and sent on the website

Help with submitting your application
If the application is sent with an incomplete package of documents, the manager will contact you and add the necessary documents.

Eliminating errors
The application is fully verified by service organization and at the Certification Center of JSC Kaluga Astral (operator of the 1C-ETP service), which allows you to obtain an electronic signature without factual errors in the data.

Accelerated information processing procedure
Application processing time is 1 day.

Automatic installation of electronic signature
After the application is processed by the partner, the certificate is automatically uploaded to workplace user.

Select auctions

The service searches for auctions on five federal sites under 44-FZ.

  • Intelligent selection – automatically compares item items from information base 1C with codes OKDP and OKPD, which allows you to choose exactly those auctions that suit you.
  • Templates – the ability to quickly repeat a search using previously saved settings.
  • E-mail notifications about the publication of current auctions.

Terms of Use

Working with the service is possible in the following configurations:

  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting, editions 2.0, 3.0 (KORP, PROF, basic)
  • 1C: ERP Enterprise Management, Edition 2
  • 1C:Accounting CORP IFRS, edition 3.0
  • 1C:Holding management , editions 1.2, 1.3, 3.0
  • 1C:Accounting government agency, editions 1.0, 2.0 (PROF, basic)
  • 1C: Accounting for a non-profit organization, edition 3.0
  • 1C: Integrated automation, revision 1.1, 2
  • 1C: Retail, edition 2.2 (PROF, basic)
  • 1C: Managing our company, edition 1.6 (PROF, basic)
  • 1C:Management manufacturing enterprise, revision 1.3
  • 1C: Trade Management, edition 11 (PROF, basic)

You can also create an application for an electronic signature from personal account on the website


Rate Price for 1 certificate
"1S-ETP. OFD" 900
"1C-ETP. Basis" 2000
"1C-ETP. FTS" 1700
"1C-ETP. EGAIS" 2000
"1C-ETP. SMEV" 2000
"1C-ETP. Rosobrnadzor" 2000
"1S-ETP. Universal" 5000
"1S-ETP. AS UNIP" 2500
"1C-ETP. Rosreestr" 2000

Additional extensions

"1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFYUL and EFRSB" 500
"1C-ETP. Extension for the Information Disclosure System" 500
"1C-ETP. Extension for Alta-Soft" 1300
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Electronic Volga region systems" 1400
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Remote Trading Center (organizer)" 2000
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Remote Trading Center (participant)" 4500
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP State Order" 2450
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Implementation Center" 2450
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Regional trading platform" 3000
"1C-ETP. Extension for commercial ETP" 3000
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Fabrikant" 3000
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP Gazprombank" 4000
"1C-ETP. Extension for ETP "Auction" tender center" 2000
"1C-ETP. Quick start" 1000
"1C-ETP. Extended license" 590

The tariff "1C-ETP. Basis" can include all additional extensions, with the exception of "1C-ETP. Extension for Alta Soft".
The "1C-ETP. Universal" tariff includes the following extensions free of charge:

  • "1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFYUL and EFRSB"
  • "1C-ETP. Extension for the Information Disclosure System"
  • "1C-ETP. Extension for ETP State Order"
  • "1C-ETP. Extension for commercial ETP."

The tariff "1C-ETP. Basis FL" can include "1C-ETP. Extension for EFRSFYUL and EFRSB".
Extension "1C-ETP. Extension for Alta Soft" only for the tariff "1C-ETP. FTS".
Additional extensions are available for all tariffs:

  • "1C-ETP. Quick start"
  • "1C-ETP. Extended license"

The cost of using the "Auction Selection" functionality is included in the price of 1C-ETP line products.

Order Tariff selection>>>

Technical support

  • through "1C-Connect", service "1C-ETP: Customer Support";
  • single free federal number 8-800-700-39-84;
  • e-mail: [email protected].