Analysis of the influence of macroeconomic factors or external environment is one of the stages of strategic planning in the company. And planning, in turn, is the first of the four functions of management (or management), which were put forward by A. Fayol and studied in detail in his 1916 book "General and Industrial Management".

Consider the strategic planning process in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Strategic planning process

As you can see in Figure 4, the strategic planning process consists of several stages. The stage of assessing and analyzing the external environment is the basis for analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as its potential opportunities and strategic alternatives.

In terms of assessing these threats and opportunities, the role of environmental analysis in the strategic planning process is essentially in answering three specific questions:

  • - Where is the organization located now?
  • - Where do senior management think the organization should be in the future?
  • - What should the management do for the organization to move from the position in which it is now to the position where the management wants to see it?

By analyzing the external environment, an organization can create a list of the dangers and opportunities it faces in that environment.

By capital letters of external indirect factors of influence (STEP), the method of analysis (STEP-analysis) of the influence of the most important factors of the macroenvironment on the results of the current and future activities of the enterprise is called.

The abbreviation STEP is often used in the English transcription STEP. In addition, given the difference in the priority impact of certain macroenvironmental factors in terms of the strength of the possible impact and the stability of the factors for monitoring, the positions of the letters are often changed to PEST or in the English interpretation of PEST.

When conducting a PEST analysis, political and economic factors are more important, while a STEP analysis is of greater importance for social and technological ones.

Consider the methodology for conducting STEP analysis. STEP analysis is carried out in compliance with the following principles:

  • - Strategic analysis of each of the four specified components should be sufficiently systematic, since all these components are closely and complexly interconnected;
  • - You cannot rely only on these components of the external environment, since real life much wider and more diverse;
  • - STEP analysis is not common for all organizations, since each of them has its own specific set of key factors.

This type of analysis can be carried out using various formats, often two options: a simple four-field matrix, appearance which is given below in Table 1 and the tabular form of the STEP analysis (Table 2).

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. The choice of the method for conducting the analysis depends on the objectives of the analysis, the degree of readiness of the experts, and a number of other factors.

Table 1 - Quadruple matrix of STEP analysis

The matrix of analysis of external strategic factors is designed to identify and plan the impact of external social forces on the immediate environment of the company.

In order to compile this matrix, first of all, it is necessary to identify three or four of the most obvious trends in the company's macroenvironment.

Tracking (monitoring) changes in the macroenvironment in the indicated directions is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - An approximate set of macroenvironment factors for STEP analysis

Social factors

Technological factors

  • 1. Demographic changes;
  • 2. Changes in the structure of income;
  • 3. Attitude towards work and rest;
  • 4. Social mobility population;
  • 5. Consumer activity
  • 1. State technical policy;
  • 2. Significant trends in R&D;
  • 3. New products (speed of updating and mastering new technologies);
  • 4. New patents

Economic forces

Political factors

  • 1. general characteristics economic situation (rise, stabilization, recession);
  • 2. The exchange rate of the national currency and the refinancing rate;
  • 3. Inflation rate;
  • 4. Unemployment rate;
  • 5. Energy prices
  • 1. Government stability;
  • 2. Changes in legislation;
  • 3. State influence on the industry, including the share of state property;
  • 4. Government regulation industries

The political factor of the external environment is studied primarily in order to have a clear idea of ​​the intentions of public authorities regarding the development of society and the means by which the state intends to implement its policy.

Analysis of the economic aspect of the external environment makes it possible to understand how economic resources are formed and distributed at the state level.

The study of the social component of the external environment helps to understand and assess the impact on business of such social phenomena as people's attitude to work and quality of life, mobility, consumer activity, etc.

The analysis of the technological component makes it possible to foresee the possibilities associated with the development of science and technology: to reorganize in a timely manner to manufacture more promising products.

Recall that according to the principles of STEP analysis, each firm has its own set of factors.

The selected macroeconomic factors in tabular form (Table 3) are assigned numerical values ​​of the hazard for the firm, the probability of manifestation, importance, and impact on the firm.

Table 3 - Tabular form for STEP analysis

To analyze the environment, the method of compiling its profile can be applied. This method it is convenient to use for compiling a profile separately of the macroenvironment, the immediate environment and internal environment.

Using the method of compiling an environmental profile, it is possible to assess the relative importance for the organization of individual environmental factors.

The method for compiling an environment profile is as follows:

  • - individual environmental factors are written out in the table of the profile of the environment;
  • - each of the factors is assigned its own significance / assessment by the method of expert assessments or Delphi - by the method:
  • - importance for the industry on a scale:
    • 3 - large, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak;
  • - influence on the organization on a scale:
    • 3 - strong, 2 - moderate, 1 - weak, 0 - no influence;
  • - direction of influence on the scale:

1 - positive, -1 - negative.

Completed table 4.

Table 4 - Company Environment Profile

Further, all three expert assessments multiplied and obtained integral assessment, showing the degree of importance of the factor for the organization (the last column of Table 4). From this assessment, management can conclude which of the environmental factors are relatively more important to their organization and, therefore, deserve the most serious attention in developing a strategy, and which factors deserve less attention.

Another option for analyzing the external environment through the compilation of a list of external hazards and opportunities for the organization is the method of weighting each ETOM factor (to measure the significance of each factor for a particular organization).

The abbreviation "ETOM" Environmental Threats and Opportunities Matrix is ​​a matrix of threats and opportunities of the external environment. The advantage of this analysis is the implementation of a limited number of factors and events identified by experts (usually 15).

The factor is weighted from +5 (very positive) through 0 (neutral) to -5 (very negative). The impact of the factor is from +15 (strong impact, possibility) through 0 (no impact, neutral) to -15 (strong impact, serious hazard). Influence on the strategy of the company is obtained by multiplying the value of the factor weight by the importance. The sign of the result obtained depends on the mark of threats or opportunities.

For this analysis, Table 5 is used.

Table 5 - ETOM analysis matrix

Factor groups


Importance / impact

Influence on company strategy





Political and legal



After reviewing the list, management should conduct an assessment of the organization's strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, it must have a complete understanding of the internal potential and shortcomings of the organization, as well as external problems.

Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the analysis of opportunities and threats from the external environment of the organization can be performed using the SWOT analysis method.

SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment). The SWOT method used to analyze the environment (the abbreviation is made up of the first letters of the English words: strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) is a fairly widely recognized approach that allows you to jointly study the external and internal environment. The SWOT method allows you to establish lines of communication between the strength and weakness that are inherent in the organization, and the threats and opportunities that arise in the external environment. The SWOT methodology involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, and then establishing chains of connections between them, which can later be used to formulate an organization's strategy (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - SWOT Matrix

Strategic management, studying the external environment, focuses on finding out what threats and what opportunities are fraught with the external environment.

To successfully cope with threats and effectively seize opportunities, it is by no means enough to know about them. You can be aware of a threat, but not be able to resist it and thereby be defeated.

It is also possible to be aware of new opportunities that are opening up, but not have the potential to use them and, therefore, not be able to use them.

The strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment of the organization, as much as the threats and opportunities, determine the conditions for the successful existence of the organization. Therefore, when analyzing the internal environment, strategic management is interested in identifying exactly what strengths and weaknesses the individual components of the organization and the organization as a whole have.

For the successful application of the SWOT analysis methodology of the organization's environment, it is important to be able not only to reveal threats and opportunities, but also to be able to assess them in terms of how important it is for the organization to take into account each of the identified threats and opportunities in its strategy of behavior.

So, the development of a strategy for a firm's activities is not possible without an analysis of macroeconomic factors that represent various opportunities and threats for the firm. Without constant analysis and appropriate action, firms can transform opportunities and threats into their opposite.

For example, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or, conversely, a successfully prevented threat can create additional strong side in the event that competitors have not eliminated the same threat.

As noted earlier, the firm is not able to influence macroeconomic factors and only accepts them as they are, adapts to them, uses them. But, good choice strategy, based on the timely analysis of macroeconomic factors, including, is directly reflected in the results of its activities: price, profit, efficiency.

The behavior and performance of the company cannot but affect the functioning and prosperity of the entire industry, and the state of the latter affects national economy generally . Thus, the firm's well-being indirectly affects the macroenvironment.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education GOU VPO

All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute

Branch in Kaluga

Department of Management and Marketing


in the discipline "Fundamentals of Management"

on the topic: « The influence of the external environment on the effectiveness of the organization»

Teacher: Pilipchak Yu.V.

Work completed:

Gruzdova Tatiana Vladimirovna

Organisation management

No. 06ММБ01791

Kaluga 2008

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… ..3


      The concept of "external environment of the organization" ………………………………… 5

      Characteristics of the external environment ………………………………………… 7

1.2.1 Direct exposure environment ……………………………………… ..11

1.2.2 Medium of indirect impact …………………………………… 17


2.1 Brief description of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre" ………… .... 22

2.2 Key indicators economic activity enterprises of CJSC "Vtorsyrye" ………………………………………………………………… ..24

2.3 Assessment of the impact of environmental factors on the activities of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre" ……………………………………………… ..26


3.1 Measures to improve the management system and a favorable investment climate for the development of enterprises for the processing, use and disposal of waste .............................................. …… .32

3.2 Measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre" ……………………………………………………………… .34

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… ... 37

References ………………………………………………………… ..39

Appendices ………………………………………………………………… ..41


The relevance of the topic of the course work lies in the fact that in modern economic conditions, the enterprise fully realized the need to study the external environment and its impact on the development of the enterprise.

The external environment is the source that feeds the organization with the resources necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level. The organization is in a state of constant exchange with the external environment, thereby providing itself with the possibility of survival. But the resources of the external environment are not unlimited. And many other organizations in the same environment apply for them. Therefore, there is always the possibility that the organization will not be able to obtain the necessary resources from the external environment. This can weaken its potential and lead to many negative consequences for the organization. The challenge of strategic management is to ensure that the organization interacts with the environment that would allow it to maintain its potential at the level necessary to achieve its goals, and thereby enable it to survive in the long term.

In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and put this strategy into practice, management must have an in-depth understanding not only of the internal environment of the organization, its potential and development trends, but also of the external environment, its development trends and the place occupied by the organization in it. At the same time, the external environment is studied by strategic management primarily in order to reveal those threats and opportunities that the organization must take into account when determining its goals and their subsequent achievement.

Currently, the priority is the point of view that, in order to survive and develop in modern conditions, any organization must not only adapt to the external environment by adapting its internal structure and behavior in the market. It must actively shape the external conditions of its activities, constantly identifying threats and potential opportunities in the external environment. This provision formed the basis of strategic management used by leading firms in a highly uncertain external environment.

The purpose of the course work- is the study of the external environment of the enterprise, its impact on the activities of the enterprise and ways to improve the strategy of the enterprise (for example, CJSC "Vtorsyrye").

Research objectives:

    Consider the concept of "external environment of the organization" and its factors that affect the activities of the firm;

    To express the assessment of the impact of environmental factors on the activities of the enterprise (for example, Vtorsyrye CJSC);

    To develop, on the basis of the analysis, a project to improve the strategy of the enterprise, taking into account the influence of environmental factors.

Object of study- the external environment of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre".

Research methods: analysis of scientific literature on the research problem; description; explanation.

Significance of work lies in the fact that various environmental factors affecting the activities of the enterprise have been studied; the most relevant factors of the external environment of CJSC "Vtorsyrye", methods and principles of their satisfaction are highlighted. Based on the extensive scientific, educational, journalistic literature and personal production experience, recommendations have been developed to improve the motivational mechanism at the enterprise.

Work structure... The work consists of an introduction; three thematic chapters, in which: 1) theoretical questions of the study of the external environment of the organization are revealed; 2) the analysis of the influence of the external environment on the activities of the enterprise is carried out on the example of CJSC "Vtorsyrye"; 3) proposals are made to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, taking into account the external environment; conclusions; a list of references, consisting of 27 sources; two figures and three tables, appendix.


      The concept of "external environment of the organization."

In management theory, there is such a concept as "business environment", which means the presence of conditions and factors that affect the functioning of the organization and require acceptance or adaptation to them. It is customary to consider the environment of any organization as consisting of two spheres: internal and external.

The external environment is a set of active business entities, economic, social and natural conditions, national and interstate institutional structures and other external conditions and factors operating in the environment of an enterprise and affecting various areas of its activity. The external environment is due to external factors of influence.

External factors of influence - conditions that the organization cannot change, but must constantly take into account in its work: consumers, government, economic conditions etc.

The state of the external environment is of key importance for business, since the external environment in relation to the organization is an objective environment, that is, it exists independently, which leads to the need to take it into account in its activities. In this regard, the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization depends on the correctness of taking into account all aspects of the external environment.

The external environment means all conditions and factors that arise in the environment, regardless of the activities of a particular company, but which have or may have an impact on its functioning and therefore require management decisions.

However, the set of these factors and the assessment of their impact on economic activity are different for each firm. Usually, an enterprise in the management process itself determines which factors and to what extent can affect the results of its activities in the current period and in future perspective... Conclusions of ongoing research or current events are accompanied by the development of specific tools and methods for making appropriate management decisions. Moreover, first of all, the factors of the external environment that affect the state of the internal environment of the company are identified and taken into account.

One of the ways of defining the environment and making it easier to take into account its impact on the organization is to divide external factors into two main groups: microenvironment (direct impact environment) and macroenvironment (indirect impact environment).

The direct impact environment is also called the direct business environment of the organization. This environment is formed by such environmental subjects that directly affect the activities of a particular organization. We include the following subjects, which we will consider further: suppliers, consumers, competitors, laws and government bodies.

Indirect environmental factors or the general external environment usually do not affect the organization as noticeably as direct environmental factors. However, the manager needs to constantly keep records of them, since the indirect impact environment is usually more complex than the direct impact environment. The macroenvironment creates general terms and Conditions the existence of the organization in the external environment. The main factors of indirect impact include: technological, economic, socio-cultural and political - legal, as well as international changes.

A schematic representation of the firm and its interaction environment is shown in Figure 1.



Rice. 1. The environment of the organization.

A volatile external environment is an area of ​​constant concern for organizations. The analysis of the market environment includes aspects that have a direct impact on the success or failure of an organization. These aspects include changing demographic conditions, life cycles different products or services, ease of market penetration, income distribution and the level of competition in the industry.

1.2 Characteristics of the external environment.

The management of the company usually seeks to limit the accounting of the external environment in the first place to those factors on which the effectiveness of the firm's activities at a particular stage depends decisively. Decision making depends on the breadth of coverage of information about the state of the external environment and the action of its various factors. The classification of factors and qualities of the external environment, due to their diversity, is quite different and it can be based on various principles. Adhering to the generally accepted classification in management, we can offer the following list of characteristics of the external environment.

    interconnectedness of factors;




Like the factors of the internal environment, the factors of the external environment are interrelated. Under interconnectedness environmental factors is understood as the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors.

The external environment has a certain complexity.

Under complexity the external environment is understood as the number of factors to which the organization is obliged to respond, as well as the level of variability of each factor. If an organization is under pressure from government regulations, several interest groups of influence, numerous competitors and accelerated technological change, it can be argued that this organization is in a more complex environment than, for example, an organization concerned about the actions of only a few suppliers, in the absence of political "lobbies" and slow technology change.

The next characteristic of the external environment is mobility.

Mobility environment is the rate at which changes occur in the organization's environment. Many researchers point out that the environment of modern organizations is changing at an accelerating rate.

However, while this trend is general, there are organizations around which the external environment is particularly fluid. It is believed that the most rapid changes in the external environment affect, first of all, the pharmaceutical, chemical, electronic, aerospace industries, software production, biotechnology, and telecommunications. In these industries, firms are influenced by factors such as changes in technology and competitive practices. Less noticeable changes in the external environment occur in mechanical engineering, the production of spare parts for cars, in the confectionery, furniture industry, the production of containers and packaging materials, and canned food.

There is one more characteristic of the external environment that should be highlighted - this is its uncertainty.

Uncertainty the external environment is a function of the amount of information that an organization (or a person) has about a specific factor, as well as a function of confidence in this information. If there is little information or there are doubts about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than in a situation where there is adequate information and there are reasons to consider it highly reliable. As business becomes more and more global, more and more information is required, but confidence in its accuracy is diminishing. Thus, the more uncertain the external environment, the more difficult it is to make effective decisions.

The effective activity of the organization assumes that the manager has the skills to work in conditions of uncertainty in the external environment, in the absence of sufficient information in order to accurately predict the dynamics of consumer needs and changes in external factors. When the rate of change is accelerating, the organization faces a fairly high level of uncertainty. As a result, the organization needs to adapt as quickly as possible to rapid changes, but this requires significant effort, time and financial costs.

Currently, there are two basic strategies for working in a highly uncertain environment: adaptation and impact on the environment.

1. Adaptation of the organization to changes in the environment in order to make it more conducive to functioning.

Depending on the influence of the uncertainty of various environmental factors, the company's management can use various adaptation strategies, the four main types of which are given below:

    the role of observers - "diplomats"... The company can create special departments or employees who play the role of observers - "diplomats". Their task is to link and coordinate the interaction of the organization with the key elements of the external environment. First, they search for and process information about changes taking place outside the organization. Secondly, they represent the interests of the organization in the external environment, overcoming existing boundaries. People in marketing and purchasing departments, for example, do this through contacts with buyers and suppliers. As practice shows, the most promising observation of the external environment is competitive intelligence, which is often called simply espionage. Their activities are completely legitimate and include the analysis of commercial databases, newsgroups, advertisements, publications in trade magazines, product descriptions, samples, information obtained through personal contacts;

    forecasting and planning... In many corporations, the functions of forecasting and planning changes in the external environment are considered one of the most important activities. As a rule, additional planning departments are created in cases where the uncertainty of the external environment is at a critically high level. Forecasting is an attempt to identify tendencies (trends) in the development of the external environment and, on their basis, to predict its future conditions and possible events. Planning also helps to mitigate the impact of sudden changes in the external environment;

    flexible structure... The structure of the organization should allow it to effectively and quickly enough to respond to changes in the external environment. Research shows that a flexible (organic) structure allows an organization to adapt most effectively to both external changes and internal transformations. On the contrary, a rigid (mechanistic) organizational structure is most adequate to an external environment with a low level of uncertainty;

    merger and joint ventures... Merger refers to the merger of two or more organizations into one organization, as a result of which it is possible to achieve a reduction in the level of uncertainty. A joint venture is a strategic alliance or program involving two or more organizations. As a rule, such organizations are created for the implementation of complex projects associated with significant investments, when one of the companies does not have sufficient experience to conduct independent operations.

2. Impact on the environment- the second version of the strategy, within which the organization seeks to influence the factors of an uncertain external environment.

The basic strategies of influence include advertising and public relations, membership in trade associations, political activity (political lobby).

Analysis of the external environment requires constant attention from managers, therefore it is carried out on the basis of studying a large amount of information and requires concretization for making correct and timely decisions.

When considering the influence of the external environment on an organization, it is important to understand that the characteristics of the environment are different, but at the same time are related to its factors, since all of the above characteristics describe factors of both direct and indirect impact. Next, we will dwell in more detail on the features of the impact of different groups of factors on the activities of the organization.

        Direct exposure environment.

The external environment of direct influence for the organization is a set of factors that directly affect the operations of the organization and are directly influenced by the operations of the organization.

The external microenvironment of an organization can be schematically represented as a system of its (firm's) material, financial and informational connections.

Rice. 2. External relations of the organization with the factors of the microenvironment.

The direct impact environment is also called the direct business environment of the organization or the task environment. As we have already indicated above, it includes:

    suppliers of material resources, equipment, energy, capital and work force;

    government agencies and laws;

    consumers (individuals and companies, government agencies;)

    competitors - persons, groups of persons, firms, enterprises competing in achieving identical goals, striving to possess the same resources, benefits, to occupy a position in the market;


Suppliers ensure the supply of the types of resources necessary for the functioning of the organization, the main of which are raw materials and materials, energy, equipment and technologies, financial and information resources, and labor. Even a small firm can have dozens of suppliers.

There are situations when the transaction costs for supply contracts are too high, or the supplier of the main raw materials from time to time breaks the delivery time, supplies defective products. Failure to ensure supplies in the required volumes can create great difficulties for organizations.

It is more effective to build its relationship with a supplier-partner on the principles of exclusivity, which allows the organization to implement a strategy of price leadership and market conquest, and reduce costs. In the trade, dealer contracts are often used, giving the retailer (or wholesaler) the right to receive the product at the maximum discount.

Interactions with suppliers of financial resources have always been built in a special way. This group includes banking and credit institutions, investment and venture funds, private investors, shareholders. The ability to develop a business often depends on the ability to attract additional funds. Therefore, for any commercial organization it is very important how investment attractive it looks. In Russia, more and more large enterprises - industry leaders are now switching to Western reporting standards, introducing corporate culture and evaluating goodwill. Their image becomes their weapon in the struggle for the "favor of money."

Human resources are an important element of the internal environment of the organization. Many types of activities cannot be carried out without a qualified workforce, and the slogan "Personnel is everything!" becomes by no means a formulaic phrase. When designing a new enterprise, the presence and availability of the labor force of the required qualifications in the local labor market must be assessed. It is legitimate to single out two directly and constantly influencing the organization of the labor market factors: the need to continuously invest in the education and training of personnel; and the impact of production automation, location of production facilities on the distribution of labor.

Laws and government agencies

Each organization has a specific legal status, being a sole proprietor, company, corporation or non-profit corporation, and this is what determines how an organization can conduct its business and what taxes it must pay. No matter how the leadership relates to the laws of the country, it has to adhere to them or reap the benefits of refusing to abide by the law in the form of fines or even a complete termination of business.

As you know, the state in a market economy exerts on organizations both indirectly, primarily through the tax system, state property and the budget, and directly through legislative acts and the activities of local authorities. However, there are also positive examples of interaction between authorities and firms.

In the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, the factors of investment attractiveness of the territory are divided into 2 groups: exogenous (objective) and endogenous. The first is a favorable geographic location, human resources, necessary transport and production infrastructure. The second is the efforts made by regional and municipal authorities to attract investment.


The first group of influence in the market environment are consumers. These are individuals, households, as well as corporate consumers (enterprises) who use goods and / or services of a manufacturing enterprise to meet their needs.

Consumer analysis, as a component of the immediate environment of the organization, is primarily aimed at compiling a profile of those who buy the product sold by the organization. Customer research helps to better understand which product will be most accepted, how much sales an organization can expect, and to what extent customers are committed to the product, how much more potential customers can be obtained, what the future holds for the product, and much more.

A customer profile can be made according to the following characteristics:

    the geographical location of the buyer;

    demographic characteristics of the buyer (age, education, field of activity);

    social and psychological characteristics of the buyer, reflecting his position in society, style of behavior, tastes and habits;

    the attitude of the buyer to the product, reflecting why he buys this product, whether he is a user of the product himself and how he evaluates the product.

By studying the consumer, the firm also understands for itself how strong its position is in relation to it in the bargaining process. There are a number of factors that determine a buyer's trading power that must be uncovered during a consumer analysis. These factors include:

    the ratio of the degree of dependence of the buyer on the seller with the degree of dependence of the seller on the buyer;

    volume of purchases carried out by the buyer:

    level of customer awareness;

    availability of substituted products;

    cost for a buyer to switch to another seller;

    the sensitivity of the buyer to the price, depending on the total cost of purchases made by him, his orientation towards a certain brand, the presence of certain requirements for the quality of the goods, its profit, incentive system and the responsibility of those who make decisions about the purchase.

All the variety of external factors is reflected in the consumer and through him affects the organization, its goals and strategy. On the one hand, hypothetically, the influence of each consumer is strongly reflected in the activities of the enterprise, since it is the consumer who exercises the “ruble vote” for the goods or services of the enterprise. On the other hand, only the cumulative impact of the majority of consumers can have a serious impact on the achievement of a market goal by an enterprise.


The study of competitors with whom an organization has to compete for resources obtained from the external environment takes an important place in strategic management. This study is aimed at identifying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and, on the basis of this, build your competitive strategy.

The competitive environment of a firm is understood as a set of subjects and market factors that affect the relationship between the manufacturer (seller) and the consumer of products.

The competitive environment of the market is determined by the type of competition and the structure of the market, as well as by other factors in the development of various organizational and legal forms of ownership of market entities, by the nature of state regulation. The market structure is characterized by:

The degree of monopolization;

The level of differentiation of competing products;

The presence of barriers to entry into the market;

The level of integration of firms;

The degree of diversification of the production of goods;

The level and structure of costs for the production and marketing of products.

When assessing the competitive environment, it is also important to identify the competitive forces that determine the attractiveness of the industry and the position of firms in the competition. M. Porter identifies five competitive forces:

The emergence of new competitors;

The threat of replacing this product with new products;

The strength of the supplier position;

The strength of the buyers' position;

Competition among manufacturers in the industry.

The influence on the organization of such a factor as competition is manifested in many aspects of management. In many cases, it is not consumers but competitors who determine what kind of performance can be sold and what price can be asked for. Underestimation of competitors and overestimation of markets lead even the largest companies to significant losses and to crises.

1.2.2 Environment of indirect impact.

Macroenvironment is the outermost layer of elements that are most distant from the company itself, which in one way or another affect the company without having a direct impact on its current operations. Usually there are four main factors of the macroenvironment: technological, socio-cultural, economic and legislative. Richard L. Daft in his textbook "Management" highlights another consolidated factor - international change (conditions)

Indirect environmental factors or the general external environment usually do not affect the organization as noticeably as direct environmental factors. However, management needs to take them into account. The indirect environment is usually more complex than the direct environment. Therefore, when studying it, they usually rely primarily on forecasts.

Let's consider the possible directions of influence on the enterprise of each of the above factors.


Technology is a set of means, processes, operations, with the help of which elements entering into production are transformed into outgoing ones.

Technological change includes scientific and technical innovations in an individual industry and in society as a whole. Technology is both an intrinsic variable and an extrinsic factor of great importance. As an external factor, it reflects the level of scientific and technological development that affects the organization, for example, in the areas of automation, informatization, etc. Technological innovations affect the efficiency with which products can be manufactured and sold, the rate of product obsolescence, how information can be collected, stored and distributed, and what kind of services and new products consumers expect from the organization.

The state of the economic environment

Economic changes reflect the general economic situation in the country or region in which the company operates. Economic factors are the most significant, since the current and projected state of the economy can negatively affect the strategic goals of the organization. Indicators such as the inflation rate, the stability of the national currency, the international balance of payments, the tax rate, the purchasing power of the population, the dynamics of GNP, GDP, the unemployment rate, interest rates, as well as the main trends in the structure of industries and organizational forms of management, should be constantly diagnosed and evaluated. ... Each of them can represent either a threat or a new opportunity for the organization.

Management should be able to assess how general changes in the state of the economy will affect the operations of the organization. The state of the global economy affects the cost of all inputs and the ability of consumers to buy certain goods and services. It is important to understand that this or that specific change in the state of the economy can have a positive impact on some and negative on other organizations. Indicators of the state of the economic environment are indicators of business activity (decline, stagnation, recovery, stability); inflation, deflation; pricing policy market participants, etc.

Socio-cultural factors

The activities of the company take place in the community. In the course of this activity, the enterprise establishes relationships with various elements of the structure of society, which determines the influence of factors of the social and cultural environment on the enterprise. The socio-cultural factors of the macroenvironment include demographic characteristics, norms, customs and life values ​​of the country in which the organization operates. Socio-cultural factors influence the formation of the population's demand, labor relations, the level of wages, working conditions, etc.

First of all, the demographic situation is considered, which takes into account the geographical distribution and density of the population, gender and age structure, social stratification of society, national homogeneity, the level of education of the population, and the level of income. These indicators affect the demand and purchasing habits of the population; allow assessing the prospects for labor supply and the qualitative characteristics of the labor market.

Factors of the system of social norms have a great influence on the activities of firms: social behavior and cultural environment. These factors include social values ​​and accepted principles of behavior (for example, attitudes towards work, spending free time), social expectations. Important issues at the present time are the prevailing attitude in society towards entrepreneurship, the role of women and national minorities in society, changes in the social attitudes of managers, and movement to protect the interests of consumers.

Social and organizational structures play a special role - parties, trade unions, press, consumer associations, institutions, youth organizations. Of particular interest here are the principles of family building, social division and the influence of authority figures.

Often it is social factors that can create the biggest problems for a firm. In order to effectively respond to changing social factors, the firm must change, consciously transforming into a form adapted to the new external environment.

Legislative and political factors

This factor is based on federal and local laws, as well as political actions aimed at establishing control over the activities of the company. The political component of the external environment should be studied first of all in order to have a clear idea of ​​the intentions of public authorities in relation to the development of society and the means by which the state intends to implement its policy. The study of the political situation includes finding out what programs are being implemented by various parties, the government's attitude to various sectors of the economy and regions of the country, etc.

The factor of political stability is of great importance for companies conducting operations or having markets in other countries. National conflicts, the activities of terrorist organizations or unstable political regimes are conditions that impede the development of normal activities. They increase property, operational and financial risks.

The organization's leadership must also take into account the existence of diverse groups of influence, representatives of which are closely associated with the legislative and political circles and have an interest in ensuring that the activities of companies do not go beyond the socially acceptable framework. The most famous among them were fighters against smoking, for the safety of cars, and the environmental movement.

International changes

International changes in the external environment mean events taking place outside the country of origin of the company and opportunities for the development of the company's business in other countries. New competitors, buyers and suppliers emerge from the international environment, as well as form new technological and social trends. The process of globalization now covers more and more countries. Therefore, even firms that focus only on the domestic market are forced to think on an international scale, assessing the potential and threats of the external international environment. The importance of the domestic political factor is complemented by the international one due to the integration of the economies of different countries.

The factor of international change becomes especially important when companies adopt a global or pan-regional strategy, i.e. strategy implemented at the level of several countries.

Factors contributing to the action of this trend include:

    unification of regions;

    transition to an open economy;

    global investment;

    development of production and production strategy;

    the growing popularity of travel around the world;

    the rapid rise in literacy, education and urbanization in developing countries;

    convergence of consumption patterns, lifestyles and tastes;

    achievement in the field of information and communication technologies;

    the merger of global media;

    increasing the flow of information, labor, money between borders.

Strategic integration provides organizations with a number of benefits, including reducing costs through economies of scale, improving product quality, and strengthening market position and competitiveness.

To successfully integrate a company into a diverse and complex international environment, management must first of all constantly monitor and evaluate changes in this broader environment. Threats and opportunities here can arise as a result of easier access to raw materials, changes in the exchange rate and political decisions in countries that act as investment objects or sales markets, national cultures and consumer habits, etc.


2.1 Brief description of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyrye"

CJSC "Vtorsyrye" since 1996 has been actively involved in the processing and disposal of waste from enterprises in the city of Tomsk, has a large practical experience in the field of their processing based on the development of new technologies. By the decree of the administration of the city of Tomsk No. 863 of 25.04.2000. CJSC "Vtorsyrye" was designated as the base enterprise, which has licenses for the right to conduct environmental activities in the city of Tomsk.

CJSC "Vtorsyrye" provides professional service and a full range of services for the organization and implementation of industrial waste disposal in accordance with a valid license. Carries out work on the collection, removal of waste and disposal - of any complexity.

Vtorsyrye CJSC provides the following range of services:

Comprehensive services for enterprises:

    Environmental support

    External cleaning

    Internal cleaning

    Technological cleaning of production areas (paint booths, ovens, ventilation systems, grease traps with partial disassembly of elements)

    Collection, sorting, pressing of waste for recycling

    Destruction of archives, unsold and written off copies

    Waste disposal

    Utilization of waste of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hazard classes

In accordance with the issued license for the collection, use, decontamination, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste of the PTZ

CJSC "Vtorsyrye" organizes:

Collection, removal and disposal:

    Sand, rags, wood sawdust contaminated with oils and petroleum products

    Oil sludge from cleaning tanks, storage tanks; Mixtures of petroleum products

    Waste lubricating and cooling emulsions, cutting fluids

    Waste oils and lost consumer properties of the SNO group

    Waste emulsions and emulsion mixtures for grinding metals, containing oils in an amount of less than 15% and more than 15%

    Wiping material contaminated with oils (oil content less than 15% and more than 15%.)

    Oil filters, air filters, fuel filters

    Soil contaminated with fuel oil

    Oil contaminated soil

    Sediment from car wash

    Sludge from stormwater treatment plants

    Waste pickling solutions (neutralized) sludge of pickling plants (neutralized)

    electroplating waste (including chromium-containing waste)

    Waste galvanic sludge

    Waste organic solvents (including chromium-containing solvents)

    Waste from paint and varnish production; paper contaminated with paintwork materials, containers contaminated with paintwork materials

    Acids, alkalis, concentrates

    Waste salts

    Waste oxides, hydroxides

    Polymer solutions

    Chemical reagents

    Waste perfumery and cosmetic products

    Medical waste, expired drugs

    Food waste

    Expired and poor quality juices with an expired shelf life

    Waste of animal and vegetable fats from grease traps; waste from the production of animal and vegetable fats (emulsions, sludge)

CJSC "Vtorsyrye" in addition to production activities also carries out a trade direction related to the sale of products obtained as a result of waste processing. Doing business suggests that the company seeks to rationally use the available resources to generate additional profit.

The size, structure and changes in the property status of the enterprise are evidenced by the data in Table 1 [Appendix 1].

2.2 The main indicators of the economic activity of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre".

Analysis of the financial stability of CJSC "Vtorsyrye" for 2004-2006 makes it possible to establish how effectively the company manages its own and borrowed funds. The external signs of financial stability are the solvency and liquidity of the enterprise.

To assess the financial stability of CJSC "Vtorsyrye", we will conduct an analysis based on the study of absolute and relative indicators. Practical work for the analysis of indicators of absolute financial stability, we carry out on the basis of data accounting statements(form No. 1).

Indicators of financial stability of CJSC "Vtorsyrye" are presented in table 2 [Appendix 2].

Analysis of financial stability indicators for CJSC "Vtorsyrye" indicates an increase in its own working capital for 2019 thousand rubles. (from 1589 to 3608) and the total value of the main sources of funds of the enterprise for 3937 thousand rubles. (from 1589 to 5526), ​​which go to the formation of the company's reserves, which was not the basis for the full coverage of the volume of reserves, since the lack of own circulating assets for the analyzed period increased by 307 thousand rubles. Even a decrease in the lack of the total amount of sources of funds intended to cover reserves by 1611 thousand rubles. did not lead to full coverage of reserves. Here we see a crisis in the financial state of the enterprise, when stocks are not provided with sources of financing. To improve the financial condition of CJSC "Vtorsyrye" it is necessary to improve the structure of the balance sheet and, above all, the financial potential by reducing the volume of reserves.

Relative indicators of financial instability characterize the degree of dependence of the enterprise on external investors and creditors. The business owner must be interested in optimization equity capital and minimization borrowed money in the total volume of financial sources.

The calculated values ​​of the financial stability ratios for CJSC "Vtorsyrye" are shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Relative indicators of financial stability for ZAO Vtorsyrye (unit shares).

Coefficient name

To the beginning


Changes over the period

1. Ratio of financial independence

2. Debt ratio

3. Financing ratio

4. Coefficient of maneuverability

The analysis of the financial stability ratios for CJSC "Vtorsyrye" indicates the strengthening of the financial independence of the enterprise from external sources, as evidenced by the coefficient of financial independence (the share of equity in the balance sheet currency), which increased by 15.8% (from 36.8 to 52.6 %), the financing ratio (the ratio between equity and borrowed funds), which increased over the analyzed period by 53% (from 58.3 to 111.3%), indicates the possibility of the enterprise covering borrowed funds with its own capital.

Thus, the enterprise has a decrease in attracted sources, as evidenced by the debt ratio (the ratio between borrowed and own funds), which decreased by 81% (from 171.4 to 89.9%), although it did not reach the recommended value in 67% and improvement of the provision of own funds of the financial potential of CJSC "Vtorsyre".

To further improve the structure of financial capital, the enterprise needs to reduce the volume of accounts payable through the rational use of profits. Consequently, in order to restore the financial balance of CJSC "Vtorsyrye", it is necessary to implement a set of measures aimed at pursuing an independent financial policy.

2.3 Assessment of the impact of environmental factors on the activities of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre".

The factors of the external environment of the company CJSC "Vtorsyrye" can be divided into factors of direct and indirect impact. The external environment of the organization includes such elements as customers, competitors, laws and government agencies relevant to the operations of the organization, trade unions, suppliers (labor, equipment and material capital). " The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on operations, but, nevertheless, affect them. They are understood as the state of the economy, scientific and technological progress, socio-cultural factors, political factors, international events.

Consider the factors that most affect the activities of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre".

For the processing of industrial waste, ZAO Vtorsyrye requires expensive equipment, such as:

Waste disposal and recycling equipment:

    Hydraulic balers for waste

    Waste heat boilers

    Household waste containers

    Biogas plants

    Waste incineration chambers

    Equipment for the processing of polymer waste

    Waste shredders

    Wood waste disposers

    Baling presses

    Baler for non-metallic waste

Equipment for recycling:

    Equipment for the processing of polymeric materials

    Waste paper processing equipment

    Recycling equipment

    Tire recycling equipment

    Glass cullet processing equipment

    Scrap metal recycling equipment

In the company Vtorsyrye CJSC, when choosing suppliers, such parameters as the price of equipment, the speed and rhythm of deliveries, the reliability of the supplier, the constant availability of goods in the warehouse, special conditions (deferred payment, free delivery, personnel training) are taken into account. Preference is given to any of the suppliers based on the amount of points for the specified criteria, taking into account the degree of importance of each of the factors. The influence of suppliers on a company is enormous - a bad supplier can severely undermine the organization's image by delaying delivery or changing prices at the last moment. Suppliers affect the amount of the organization's profit - depending on sales policy... With the development of the economy and the increase in the productivity of enterprises in Tomsk, the amount of waste that must be constantly recycled is also growing, but the equipment that ZAO Vtorsyrye has simply cannot cope with such volumes of waste and waste. To solve this problem, the latest equipment is needed to cope with such volumes of work. The equipment is very expensive. Capital providers can solve this problem by making up for the shortage of circulating assets.

There is a problem of constantly growing costs of waste transportation, as well as the problem of downtime of garbage trucks at landfills due to the increase in the volume of solid waste - modern, technologically advanced garbage compaction equipment, which also has a strong impact on the work of waste processing enterprises. Including CJSC "Vtorsyrye".

Legislative regulation has no less greater impact on the activities of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyrye". In June 1998, the federal law "On Production and Consumption Wastes" was finally adopted, which began to be developed in the early 90s. The law defines the legal basis for the management of production and consumption waste in order to prevent the harmful effects of production and consumption waste on human health and the environment, as well as the involvement of such waste into economic circulation as additional sources of raw materials.

The key problems affecting the activities of Vtorsyrye CJSC are:

    inefficiency and imperfection of the system of accounting for waste generators and control by federal and regional services in the field of protection environment ensuring collection of payments for negative impact on the environment;

    an unacceptably large volume of waste sent for disposal, a low level of extraction of secondary raw materials from waste;

    imperfection of the system for collecting, sorting and processing waste, lack of appropriate processing technologies and poor development of the system of specialized waste processing enterprises;

    lack of a system for the disposal of bulky waste containing commercially attractive materials;

    lack of a hazardous waste management system;

    weak competitive environment, insufficient participation in this area of ​​small businesses;

    lack of economic interest in the collection and processing of production and consumption waste, including hazardous ones;

    imperfection of the regulatory framework;

    insufficient and unsettled financial sources, compensation for costs through the provision of tax incentives to stimulate the activities of small and medium-sized businesses.

All of these factors have a negative impact on this business. The unsystematic nature of the waste sector, namely the lack of a legal framework, is the main pain today.

As for the competitive environment, the Tomsk region has a very weak competitive environment, which also weakens the efficiency of the enterprise. The management of each enterprise clearly understands that if the needs of consumers are not met as effectively as competitors are doing, the enterprise will not stay afloat for a long time. This is a factor whose influence cannot be disputed. In many cases, it is not consumers, but competitors that stimulate more efficient operation of the enterprise.

The lack of a system to stimulate the sales market and secondary raw materials in general has a great influence on the sale of recyclable products. Naturally, the main component is the demand for products using waste and the environmental factor. The price and quality of the product determines the demand for secondary raw materials.

But, unfortunately, the prices for such products are sometimes comparable to the prices for a product made from primary raw materials. The ratio of prices for primary and secondary products is as follows: for polymers - 2.5-10 times, fibrous and wood pulp, waste paper - 5-8 times, ferrous metals - 1.2-1.5 times, aluminum (except for cans) - 2 , 8 times, copper - 1.4 times. The higher the quality of the waste, the smaller the difference in the ratio.

According to its consumer qualities, waste can be divided into several groups: high-quality raw materials - 15%, 60% - medium-quality waste, processing and disposal of which can be profitable, and waste that is difficult to process and requires additional material costs. Moreover, the processing costs may exceed the cost of the raw materials themselves.

Waste containers and packaging are not considered in Russia as an independent object. In accordance with the legislation, only payments are provided to enterprises for the disposal of unused waste. Such organizations can be provided with benefits. But here, too, it is necessary to focus on two circumstances: not every enterprise can take advantage of these benefits and the level of payments is indexed lower than the inflation rate by a factor of 5.

The influence of technological factors is often the most obvious and impressive. Revolutionary technological changes and recent discoveries present significant opportunities and threats that management must be aware of and assess their impact. Equipment for waste processing using the latest technologies allows you to cope with the volume of work on processing and waste disposal, which is only growing every year. At the time of the acquisition of the newest presses and utilizers by CJSC Vtorsyrye, the problem arose of recruiting and training personnel to work with new technologies (how to get rid of excess labor) and the problem of finances (how to finance the costs of new equipment).

The general health and well-being of the economy has a direct impact on the ability of Vtorsyrye CJSC to remain profitable. The macroeconomic climate as a whole will determine the level of opportunity for organizations. Poor economic conditions will affect the demand for the organization's services, while more favorable conditions can provide room for growth. When analyzing the external situation for ZAO Vtorsyrye, it is required to evaluate a number of economic indicators... This includes interest rates, exchange rates, economic growth and inflation.

Various legislative and governmental factors can limit the activities of an organization and affect the level of existing opportunities and threats. The main regulators, sources of subsidies, employers and buyers for organizations are national and foreign governments. ZAO Vtorsyrye is heavily dependent on government contracts and subsidies. This may mean that for a given organization, the assessment of the political situation may be the most important aspect of external influence on the activities of the enterprise.

Social, cultural, demographic and geographic factors shape the way we live, work, consume and have a significant impact on virtually all organizations. New trends create a type of consumer and, accordingly, cause a need for other goods and services, other strategies of the organization. The problem of environmental pollution and poor ecology is relevant all over the world, including the Tomsk region, which is an incentive for more efficient work of waste processing enterprises, a high share of the government and local authorities' interest in increasing the efficiency of enterprises in this area. And also the development of more environmentally friendly and versatile equipment for the processing and disposal of industrial waste.


3.1 Measures to improve the management system and a favorable investment climate for the development of enterprises for the processing, use and disposal of waste.

The solution to the problems of the waste processing enterprise of CJSC "Vtorsyrye" should first of all be solved at the federal level by local governments. The goal should be achieved by reorganizing the waste management system in combination with the creation of a developed industrial infrastructure on the territory of the region for the collection, disposal, disposal and use of waste. The goal is achieved in three directions:

1. Formation of an integrated, inter-sectoral regional waste management system, providing environmentally safe, economically efficient waste management in the Krasnodar Territory.

2. Execution of work and implementation of measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of environmental pollution by production and consumption waste.

3. Creation (construction) of production facilities that form the regional industry of processing, disposal and use of waste.

At the same time, the implementation of measures to monitor the environment and control over compliance with environmental legislation governing waste management.

To achieve the above goal, the following tasks have to be completed.

1. To form a normative and legal instructional and methodological base in accordance with which state regulation in the field of waste management will be carried out.

2. Create a system of intersectoral waste management, built on the basis of organizational, managerial, legal, regulatory, economic, information and control regulators.

3. In order to take urgent measures to improve the environment, carry out environmental protection measures and work aimed at eliminating the consequences of environmental pollution by production and consumption wastes.

4. Apply promising methods of waste recycling and implement new investment projects for recycling and disposal and use certain types waste for subsequent replication as the initial stage of a large-scale solution to the problem of waste accumulated in the region.

5. Tasks of local governments in the light of federal (89-FZ, 131-FZ) and regional legislation (245-KZ):

Carrying out an inventory of waste disposal sites in order to assess their impact on the environment and determine the disposal sites for waste subject to reclamation;

Development of project proposals and pre-design work to bring waste disposal sites in line with environmental requirements;

Consider the issue of involving small and medium-sized businesses on the basis of public-private partnerships in the process of collecting, transporting and recycling waste;

To organize a system of environmental education and upbringing of the population, heads of enterprises, organizations for waste management, including systematically work with the population on the separate collection of solid household waste;

Organize selective (separate) waste collection in the settlements of the region, in the process of which involve the population by applying a system of rewards and material incentives to the population for the supplied secondary raw materials, reducing the cost of essential goods at trade enterprises for participants in the process of separate collection of solid household waste.

6. Implement investment projects on the territory of the Tomsk region within the framework of creating an industrial infrastructure that meets the needs of the region in processing, neutralizing and using production and consumption waste.

The organization of work on the implementation of program activities is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation, including in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N ° 94-FZ "On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs ".

Institutional transformations aimed at reforming the waste management system in the region are carried out by the executive authorities of the Tomsk region and local authorities with the involvement of leading experts in the field of environmental management, environmental protection and waste management, as well as research organizations on a competitive basis ...

3.2 Measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise CJSC "Vtorsyre".

One of the ways to increase the efficiency of Vtorsyrye CJSC is the use of sorting and deep pressing technology. It gives great financial savings, as a result of:

Elimination of environmental pollution;

Reducing the cost of landfill construction both by increasing the service life and by simplifying systems for protecting against the spread of effluents, the release of biogas and the spread of garbage by the wind;

Reducing the need for garbage trucks and equipment at landfills (the average cost of garbage trucks is 850,000 rubles and a decrease in the number of garbage trucks will reduce the cost of purchasing them);

Reducing transportation costs for garbage collection and delivery to landfills;

Reducing the cost of waste disposal;

Improving control over waste disposal;

Exclusion of repeated reclamation of landfills after closure;

Useful land use after landfill closure;

Receiving income from the functioning of the waste sorting system.

Waste storage at landfills is still the main method of waste disposal. To reduce the area for landfills, methods of multi-level storage with multiple compaction have been developed, which significantly increase the load per unit area. With a high-rise scheme, solid household waste is stacked at a height of more than 20 meters.

The system of deep pressing of solid waste with preliminary sorting solves the most acute ecological, economic and social problems. Sorted recyclables and an economical recycling system transform it from a loss-making to a highly profitable one. The problem of solid waste is not solved due to the lack of necessary financial resources, at the same time, many times large funds literally lie underfoot. Together with solid household waste, for every 100,000 inhabitants, about 2,000 tons of metal, 10,000 tons of paper and cardboard, 3,000 tons of plastic, 1,500 tons of glass, 1,500 tons of textiles, billions of dollars nationwide are buried in the ground annually. The business plan shows that with a capital investment of $ 2 million in a plant for sorting and pressing household waste with a capacity of 200 thousand tons per year, the net income for 5 years will be $ 14 million, the profitability is 150%. One of the reasons for such high rates is the low cost of sorted recyclable materials, about $ 3 per ton, with the cost of waste paper, plastic over $ 50 per ton, aluminum cans - over $ 300 per ton. The price of waste paper for 1.5 years has increased 10 times. The sorting and pressing plant for 200 thousand tons of solid waste per year gives 70 new jobs. Based on the income received, it becomes possible to introduce expensive technologies for deep processing of waste left over after sorting. Until now, proposals for deep, up to 100% recycling of solid waste have been untenable. The newest technology, which may actually make it possible to achieve almost 100% of waste recycling, is the Swedish technology "reCulture" of separating waste in water to obtain pulverized, granular or briquetted fuel, after preliminary removal of chlorine-containing components, heavy metals and other elements that form highly toxic compounds from MSW when burning. The "reCulture" technology is expensive and its implementation is expedient on the basis of the implementation of a system of deep pressing of solid waste with preliminary sorting.

To implement such projects, it is necessary to attract new funds. ZAO Vtorsyrye can work with Western financial companies to attract investment in environmental projects in Russia. Investments are provided at 6% per annum for up to 15 years - the exact return on investment is agreed with the customer when drawing up the pre-project. To ensure a return on investment, technologies are used that maximize the production of valuable end products - which, for example, makes the operation of a used tire recycling plant profitable and significantly reduces the amount of municipal payments for the operation of MSW recycling plants.

The use of the most advanced waste processing technologies and the involvement of Western construction companies allows for full insurance of risks at the stages of construction, start-up and operation. Insurance instruments are the main guarantee of return on investment and do not require the issuance of municipal or bank guarantees.


An analysis of the state of the economy of Russian enterprises shows that their functioning in conditions of unpredictability is characteristic of the current period, and the rapidly changing market situation, first of all, depends on the presence of such an organizational principle at the enterprise that could mitigate the negative impact of the environment. It is also important that the internal capabilities of the enterprise meet or would be adequate to the requirements of the market environment, which can only be achieved through planning.

Planning allows you to link the resource capabilities of the enterprise for the production of products with the existing demand in the market.

The interconnectedness of environmental factors is the level of force with which a change in one factor affects other factors. Just as a change in any internal variable can affect others, a change in one environmental factor can cause a change in others.

If we talk about the number of external factors that an organization is forced to respond to, then if it is under pressure from government regulations, frequent renegotiation of contracts with trade unions, several interest groups of influence, numerous competitors and accelerated technological changes, it can be argued that this organization is in a more complex surrounded by what, say, an organization preoccupied with the actions of just a few suppliers, a few competitors with no unions and slow technology change. Likewise, when it comes to a variety of factors, an organization that uses only a few inputs, a few professionals, and deals with only a few firms in its country should find the provisioning environment less challenging than an organization that does not. In terms of the diversity of factors, an organization will be in a more complex environment that uses multiple and different technologies that are undergoing faster development than an organization that does not apply to all this.

Solving the problems of waste processing enterprises and increasing the efficiency of their activities is the creation of an effective management system and a favorable investment climate for the development of the processing industry, use and disposal of waste.

Today, the implementation of state policy in the field of waste processing is difficult for several reasons:

    imperfect legal and regulatory framework,

    lack of a unified information network and database for all types of waste, which makes it difficult to make the right decisions,

    improper performance and lack of control over the implementation of existing laws and other regulatory legal acts,

    insufficient funding for work.

One of the most effective measures to improve the efficiency of the enterprise of CJSC "Vtorsyrye" is the use of a deep pressing system for solid waste, solving environmental and social problems, provides the greatest economic efficiency, turns the disposal of solid waste into a highly profitable, quickly payback business. On the scale of the country, republic, region - this is a new branch of the economy, which creates the basis for the development of numerous highly profitable industries based on very cheap raw materials.


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Annex 1

Table 1

Analysis of the property status of CJSC "Vtorsyrye".


To the beginning

(calculation base)

To the beginning

To the beginning

I. Non-current assets

Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Not finished. building

Income invested in material values

Long-term financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other non-circulating assets

Total for Section I

II. Current assets

VAT on purchased assets

DZ (- "- h / z 12 months after the previous date)

DZ (- "- within 12 months after the previous date)

Short term financial investments


Other current assets

Total for Section II


III. Capital and reserves

Authorized capital

Extra capital

Reserve capital

Retained earnings (uncovered loss)

Total for section III

IV. Long term duties

Loans and credits

Deferred Tax Liabilities

Other long-term liabilities

Total for Section IV

V. Short-term liabilities

Loans and credits

Debts to participants (founders) for the payment of income

revenue of the future periods

Provisions for future expenses

Other short term must.

Total for Section V


Appendix 2

table 2

Absolute indicators of financial stability for a closed joint-stock company, thousand rubles

ON THE EFFICIENCY CREDIT ORGANIZATIONSON THE EXAMPLE OF THE POVOLGA BANK ... externalWednesday bank, her influenceon theactivitythe organization, as well as the development of optimal measures for strategic management. ExternalWednesdaythe organization ...
  • Decrease in negative influence external Wednesday on the activity tourist enterprise

    Abstract >> Physical culture and sports

    Consider influence external Wednesday on the my activity... As a result of the analysis influence factors external and internal Wednesday on the activity LLC ... and organize effective working with partners and suppliers as factors external Wednesday... Partners and ...

  • Influence communication process on the efficiency management organization (2)

    Coursework >> Management

    ... On the topic: " Influence communication process on the efficiency management organization " ... on the rice. 1.1. in Appendix 1 External communications. Communication between organization and external environment... These are exchanges of information between organization and external environment. The organization ...

  • Influence communication process on the efficiency management organization (1)

    Test>> Management

    Institute Examination on the topic " Influence communication process on the efficiency management organization " Artist: Selivyorstova ... communications: External communication - exchange of information between organization and her external environment... Any organization exist...

  • Indicators


    At the beginning of 2004.

    At the beginning of 2006.

    Changes over the period

    1. Sources of formation own funds(capital and reserves)

    2. Non-current assets

    3. Availability of own working capital (line 1 - line 2)

    4. Long-term liabilities (loans and borrowings)

    5. Availability of own and long-term borrowed sources for the formation of working capital (line 3 + line 4)

    6. Short-term loans

    7. The total value of the main sources of funds (line 5 + line 6)

    8. Total inventory

    9. Surplus (+), lack (-) own working capital (line 3 - line 8)

    10. Surplus (+), lack (-) own and long-term borrowed sources of coverage of stocks (line 5 - line 8)

    11. Surplus (+), shortage (-) of the total amount of the main sources of funding for reserves (line 7 - line 8)

    Each business entity has its own microenvironment: its consumers, its suppliers and its competitors. But all business entities function in a certain macroenvironment, where vertical ties arise between enterprises and its subjects.

    The variety of factors and conditions, in interconnection and in a complex determining the external environment of the enterprise, includes:

    • - external economic factors(the general level of economic development of the country, the level of development of market relations, the size of GDP and its fluctuations, the size of inflation, interest bank and tax rates, the exchange rate and its fluctuations, budget deficit or surplus, the level of social labor productivity and average wages);
    • - political conditions: state structure and state social, scientific and technical, industrial, personnel, economic, including tax, price, credit and customs policy;
    • -legal components: the degree of legal regulation ™ of market relations, the composition and quality of existing laws and bylaws, guarantees of ensuring the legal security of enterprises and citizens, on which the legality of the conclusion and implementation of agreements and contracts depends, the resolution of disputes and conflict situations related to the activities of enterprises;
    • - external scientific and technical factors(scientific and technological potential of the country, content and directions of fundamental and applied research; availability and level of functioning of scientific and technical infrastructure facilities, including technoparks and technopolises, incubators of advanced technologies, companies engaged in venture capital activities, leasing; research funds and programs). The presence of these factors contributes to enterprises in the release of new and modernization of obsolete products, the development of new and improvement of the applied technological processes, the widespread introduction of innovations;
    • - communication external conditions: level of development of the transport network, availability railways, highways, air, sea and river routes of communication, the degree of development of communication networks, information exchange and telecommunications, which together determines the efficiency of the production activities of enterprises;
    • - natural and climatic factors: the presence of deposits of mineral raw materials and other minerals, the state of the environment, the terrain, the area of ​​the territory, the average annual temperature and much more, which predetermines the activities of enterprises in the development and application of resource-saving technologies, substitutes for traditional raw materials and materials, certain types of energy, construction of treatment facilities, withdrawal from production of certain types of products, etc.

    Subjects macroenvironments are government agencies, local authorities and public organizations.

    Government bodies define and control the activities of business entities through legislation, depreciation and tax policies, wage policies, environmental protection and labor safety. In addition to the republican governing bodies local authorities form their own legal environment for enterprises operating on their territory. They regulate the possible location of the enterprise, the time of its operation, the types of products manufactured. Bodies of state and local government, proceeding from the interests of the state, provide economic incentives for the production of certain types of products or the development of individual enterprises. The importance of the state as a subject of the external environment can hardly be overestimated. If a change in any parameters of the microenvironment, for example, a decrease in consumer demand for a specific type of product, affects the economy of only one enterprise - the manufacturer of these products, then a change in one of the parameters of the macroenvironment, for example, the introduction of a new tax, has a significant impact on all business entities independently whether they are consumers, suppliers or competitors.

    At the present stage of economic development, the external environment of the functioning of enterprises is largely determined by the activities public organizations and movements. Speaking in defense of human rights, environmental protection, labor safety and other social guarantees, they thereby have a significant impact on the economy of the enterprise. So, for example, at the initiative of the World Environment Organization in Belarus, several projects have been implemented to protect the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which involve replacing technological processes at a number of enterprises, ozone-depleting substances are environmentally friendly.

    A special place in the system of public organizations is occupied by associations of trade unions, which control the standard of living, and above all the level of remuneration of employees. Such activity of trade unions is currently forcing enterprises to increase funds allocated for labor remuneration, which, in conditions of technological stagnation, leads to an increase in the cost of production and a decrease in its competitiveness. In this situation, the way out is seen not in an end in itself to raise wages, but in innovative and technological development and improvement of production.

    The multiplicity and interconnectedness of the subjects and factors of the environment of the enterprise, the discrepancy and inconsistency of their interests, the complexity of the relationship predetermine the properties of the external environment.

    Original document?

    3. Assessment of financial position and effectiveness financial management the organization 12

    4. Assessment of certain other elements economic activity organizations in accordance with the topic of the final qualifying work 24

    5. The main measures to solve the problems identified in the economic activities of the organization 29

    List of used literature 38

    Appendices 39

    1. General characteristics of the organization

    Private medical Center was created with the support of the Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan (a loan was received for a certain amount at a minimum interest), and was registered on May 6, 2005 by the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service No. 14 for the Republic of Tatarstan.

    The organization is a limited liability company and operates on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal law"On limited liability companies"... Is an legal entity(Art. 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and operates on the basis of the Charter, has its own property, an independent balance sheet and a current account.

    Full name of the organization: Limited Liability Company "Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Technologies".

    The firm name of the organization: "Dzhannis medical practice".

    The legal address of the organization: 420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Telman street, 23.

    Among the main activities of the organization, according to OKVED, one can single out:

    - 85.11. Activity of medical institutions.

    - 52.33.1 Retail cosmetic and perfumery products, except for soap.

    The main activity of the organization is "Activity of medical institutions", that is, the organization provides medical and diagnostic services to the population. Revenue from this kind activity accounts for ≈95% of the total, respectively, revenue for the type of activity "Retail trade in cosmetic and perfumery goods, except for soap."

    2. Impact assessment macroeconomic environment for the functioning of the organization

    Any organization carries out its activities under the influence of the forces of the external environment, which either open up new opportunities, or threaten the enterprise with new troubles. Some of these forces, which are called "Macromeda" are not amenable to the control of the organization, but it can and should closely monitor them and respond to their actions.

    Let's consider the main trends of the Russian market, where the Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Technologies LLC operates.

    The market of aesthetic medicine in Russia is recognized as the most actively growing in the world. The volume of the Russian market for aesthetic medicine is difficult to assess, since there are no official statistics. According to ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), in 2016 Russia ranked 11th in the world in terms of the number of procedures performed. In the first place is the USA, in the second place is Brazil, in the third place is China. There are 836 plastic surgeons practicing in Russia (for comparison, in the USA - 6950) and 7600 dermatologists.

    In general, experts associate the prospects of the aesthetic medicine market with products and procedures that preserve natural beauty (do not involve surgical intervention), as well as with an increase in demand for cosmetic services among men. Experts estimate the average annual growth rate of the Russian market for injectable cosmetology drugs at an average of 12%. Such a high growth rate makes the service of aesthetic medicine promising direction investing in the current economic downturn.

    We will conduct a PEST analysis of the aesthetic medicine market in tabular form.