
The main purpose of undergoing practical training is to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired during training, to acquire practical skills in the specialty in the conditions of the enterprise’s transition to market relations.
Since this practice is pre-graduation, it is a stage of implementation thesis, during which the selection, accumulation and analysis of information on the topic of the thesis is carried out.

Introduction………………………………………………………………………………….1. Characteristics of the enterprise and analysis of the activities of CJSC SvyaznoyLogistics………………………………………………………..3
1.1 a brief description of CJSC "Svyaznoy Logistics" ...................................3
1.2 Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics.17
1.3 Enterprise management……………………………………………………………...43

1.5 Assessing the enterprise strategy……………………………………………………….54 1.6 Assessing the market and competition……………………………………………………….56

The work consists of 1 file

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….1. Characteristics of the enterprise and analysis of the activities of CJSC SvyaznoyLogistics………………………………………………………………..3

1.1 Brief description of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC ...................................3

1.2 Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics.17

1.3 Enterprise management……………………………………………………………… …...43

1.4 Product and sales analysis……………………….………………………..46

1.5 Assessing the enterprise strategy……………………………………………. 54 1.6 Market and competition assessment…………………………………………………………. 56


List of used literature...71


The main purpose of undergoing practical training is to consolidate and deepen the knowledge acquired during training, to acquire practical skills in the specialty in the conditions of the enterprise’s transition to market relations.

Since this practice is pre-diploma, it is a stage of the thesis, during which the selection, accumulation and analysis of information on the topic of the thesis is carried out.

Practice objectives:

  1. study and analysis of all types of enterprise activities in the conditions of transition to market economy;
  2. familiarization with the content of technical and economic planning methods and mastering the skills of developing economic and social development enterprises;
  3. acquisition of practical analysis skills economic processes, selection and justification management decisions in specific production situations;
  4. familiarization with economic and mathematical methods and electronic computer technology used in forecasting, planning, management and organization of production and labor;
  5. collection, systematization and analysis of factual information on the topic of the thesis for its further use.

The group of companies CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics is located at the address: Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 19. The company’s structural divisions are also located in the Tver region. The place of internship is a structural unit - the Svyaznoy cellular communication salon, which is located at the address: Tver, st. Comintern, 47 a.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise and analysis of the activities of CJSC SvyaznoyLogistics

1.1 Brief description of the enterprise CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics

Svyaznoy is a federal retail chain specializing in the sale of services mobile operators, personal communications equipment, accessories, portable digital audio and photographic equipment.

The date of foundation of the company is considered to be October 9, 1995. From its inception until 2002, the group's main activity was the wholesale trade of DECT telephones and personal audio equipment. Starting with minimal working capital, the Company short term has become a large and rapidly developing commercial enterprise. By 2000, direct contracts were signed with leading manufacturers of personal audio equipment and communications equipment, such as Siemens, Motorola, Philips, Ericsson, etc. By the beginning of 2002, the company managed to take a leading position - market share by wholesale sales audio equipment and telephony reached 10%.

As a result of assessing the prospects for the development of the sales market cell phones, in 2001 a strategic decision was made to concentrate development efforts retail sales. On April 23, 2002, the official launch of the network of centers took place mobile communications under the brand name “Svyaznoy”. By this time, the Company had 81 retail outlets.

After the launch of the Svyaznoy brand, the company’s retail network continues to develop rapidly, and not only in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the fall of 2002, the first Svyaznoy mobile communication centers opened in St. Petersburg. By mid-2003, there were already 25 retail outlets. The next stage of Svyaznoy’s extensive development is the opening of stores in Nizhny Novgorod.

By 2004, the Svyaznoy network already included 292 mobile communication centers. This year was a turning point for the mobile retail market. Retail chains began to actively develop in the regions, develop new territories and change assortment policy. Svyaznoy decided to differentiate itself towards portable digital technology and create a unique Russian market project - gallery of digital technologies "Svyaznoy 3". They were first put on sale in these showrooms digital cameras and players, laptops and portable TVs, as well as unique opportunities for open customer access to goods and printing digital photos from any media.

By 2007, the total number of Svyaznoy mobile communication centers was more than 1,400 in 282 cities Russian Federation. Having opened the first salon in the Far East in August 2006, the Company completed its global regional expansion - now there are mobile communication centers in every region of Russia. At the end of 2006, the market share of the Svyaznoy network of mobile communication centers in Russia was 14.6% in terms of the number of GSM phones sold.

At the end of 2007, the Svyaznoy Group of Companies included 1,577 retail stores in 389 cities of Russia, and by the end of 2008, Svyaznoy already had 1,823 stores of 2 formats - Svyaznoy mobile communication centers and Svyaznoy 3 digital technology galleries - 1,752 stores in 455 cities of the Russian Federation and 71 stores in the Republic of Belarus.

At the end of 2009, the Svyaznoy Group of Companies has 1,984 stores of 2 formats - Svyaznoy mobile communication centers and Svyaznoy 3 digital technology galleries - 1,918 showrooms in 536 cities of the Russian Federation and 66 showrooms in the Republic of Belarus. The market share of Svyaznoy in terms of the number of GSM phones sold in 2009 was 22.5% (by quantity) and 20.4% (by turnover).

The turnover of the Svyaznoy group of companies, which includes revenue from the sale of goods and services, payments for mobile communications and VAT, for 2010 amounted to 145.8 billion rubles. In 2010, the increase in retail turnover was 62.9% compared to 2009.

By the beginning of 2011, the staff of Svyaznoy Group of Companies totaled 19,100 people.

Location and postal address of the Company

The location and postal address of the Company is 115280, Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 19.

Organizational and legal form of the enterprise CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics:

Closed Joint Stock Company "Group of Companies "Svyaznoy" (hereinafter referred to as the Society, Company), registered on November 29, 2004 by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. 46 for Moscow.

Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for OGRN No. 1047796913735 dated November 29, 2004.

The full corporate name of the Company in Russian is Closed Joint-Stock Company"Svyaznoy Group of Companies"

The abbreviated corporate name of the Company in Russian is CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics.

Full corporate name of the Company on English language– Closed Joint-Stock Company “Svyaznoy Group”.

CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics does not have separate divisions.

As of December 31, 2009, the authorized capital of the Company is 1,100,000,000 (One billion one hundred million) rubles.

The authorized capital of the Company is divided into 110,000 (One hundred and ten thousand) ordinary registered uncertificated shares with a par value of 10,000 (Ten thousand) rubles each.

The number of persons registered in the register of shareholders of the Company - as of December 31, 2009 - 3.

The register of shareholders of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC is maintained by the Open Joint Stock Company Central Moscow Depository.

License of the Federal Service for financial markets to carry out activities related to maintaining register No. 10-000-1-00255 dated September 13, 2002.

President of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC Nogotkov Maxim Yurievich, date and place of birth - 02/15/1977, Moscow, period of work in the company - from 03/02/2005 - 12/31/2010. Period of work in position from 03/02/2005 – 12/31/2010 Participation share in the authorized capital of the Company - none, Shares of ordinary shares of the Company owned - none.

Report on the development results of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC:

The main commercial results of the activities of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC for 2010:

    • The number of salons is 2,387, of which 2,317 salons are in 667 cities of Russia, and 70 salons in the Republic of Belarus;
    • Number of employees – 19,100;
    • Number of checks – 213,288,230;
    • Average bill– 1,751 rubles (commodity) and 686 rubles (including payments);

Turnover of CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics is 150.1 billion rubles. (including the turnover of payment terminals, including VAT further and everywhere within the framework of section “5. Report on the development results of CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics”);

    • Retail turnover – 145.8 billion rubles. (including turnover of payment terminals).

Network development: as of December 31, 2010, the number of mobile communication center stores was 2,317 in 667 cities of the Russian Federation:

    • Svyaznoy - 1,975 TT;
    • “Svyaznoy 3” - 300 TT;
    • Kiosk – 7 TT;
    • Online store – 35 TT.

The year-on-year growth was 21% (399 salons).

Salon area – 115 thousand m2, average salon area – 49.4 m2

The turnover of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC in 2010 amounted to 150.1 billion rubles, which is 60% more than in 2009. Retail turnover in 2010 was 145.8 billion rubles, year-on-year dynamics were + 63%, while the dynamics of payment turnover was +112%, commodity turnover increased by 21%.

In 2010, 8.2 million new cell phones were sold (not including wholesale sales and sales of used phones). The results for 2010 compared to the same period in 2009 are 37% higher, while the Russian GSM market in unit terms grew by 28%. Phone sales volume in in monetary terms amounted to 34.6 billion rubles. Compared to 2009 sales results mobile phones in monetary terms grew by 18%, while the market grew by 11%. The average retail price in 2010 was 4,268 rubles, which is 13% lower than in 2009. The average price has been declining for four years now. On the Russian GSM market, the average price fell by 14%.

In 2010, 8.2 million SIM cards were sold, which is 18.8% more than in 2009. Beeline remains in first place in terms of the number of connections with a share of 50.1%. MTS reduced its share in the company’s sales structure by 0.6 percentage points, i.e. the share in 2010 was 34.8%. Megafon's share in 2010 was 14.6%, which is 1.2 p.p. more than the same figure in 2009

In June 2007, the Svyaznoy Club program was launched - a bonus program for regular customers. The program makes it possible to receive points in the Svyaznoy network and in partner networks and exchange them for phones, cameras, audio and video equipment and any other goods and services at Svyaznoy mobile communication centers. Federal rollout of the program was completed on November 27, 2007

In 2008, the project “Rebranding of a retail chain” was launched, preparatory work on which took 2 years with the participation of leading Russian and international companies. A clearer and brighter image of Svyaznoy Group symbolizes the company’s transition to a new qualitative level. Svyaznoy Group of Companies plans to complete the redesign of all stores in the retail network by the end of 2010, making them even more attractive to customers.

In the annual ranking of valuable Russian brands for 2008, Svyaznoy took 32nd place. According to the famous Swiss branding company Interband Zyntzmeyer & Lux AG, the value of the Svyaznoy brand is 108 million US dollars.

Based on the results of 2010, Svyaznoy is among the top 20 best brands in Russia according to the consulting agency Interbrand. The value of the Svyaznoy brand is estimated by the agency at 141 million US dollars.

Table 1 - Types and volumes of services provided

Types of services

Volumes of services, thousand rubles.

Number of retail outlets without online stores (pcs.)

Number of cities (pcs.)

Turnover of Svyaznoy Group of Companies (billion rubles)

Retail sales (billion rubles)

Wholesale sales (billion rubles)

Commodity turnover: telephones (billion rubles)

Commodity turnover: other categories (billion rubles)

payments: OSS+other (billion rubles)

Financial payments (billion rubles)

Cell phone sales (million units)

Sales of cell phones (billion rubles)

Svyaznoy company share in the market (million units)

Share of the Svyaznoy company in the market (billion rubles)

Sales of SIM cards (million pieces)

Number of participants in the Svyaznoy Club program

Share of turnover under the Svyaznoy Club program from the turnover of the Svyaznoy network (millions)

Number of purchases under the Svyaznoy Club program

Report on practice using the example of Svyaznoy-Logistics JSC


1. General information about CJSC Svyaznoy-logistics……………………….4

2. History of Svyaznoy-Logistics CJSC……………………………………………………....5

3. Financial performance indicators of CJSC “Svyaznoy-logistics”………………………………………………………………………………………..…..8

4. Organizational structure of CJSC Svyaznoy-logistics……………..9

5. Analysis of the personnel policy of Svyaznoy-Logistics CJSC………………..18

6. Priority areas of activity of Svyaznoy-logistics CJSC……………………………………………………………………………………….23



Industrial practice is part of the curriculum provided for by the specialty “Organization Management”. The internship took place from June 1, 2014 to September 1, 2014 at the enterprise Svyaznoy-logistics CJSC. Main view economic activity of this enterprise is trade and entrepreneurial activity.
The purpose of industrial practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in the field of management.
- explore general information about the organization;
- study the history of the organization;
- study the organizational structure of the company
- analyze financial indicators activities
- study personnel policy organizations;
- develop proposal recommendations.

1. General information about CJSC Svyaznoy-logistics
Closed joint-stock company "Svyaznoy-logistics" was registered on November 29, 2004 by the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia No. 46 for Moscow, Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for OGRN No. 1047796913735 dated November 29, 2004.
The full corporate name of the Company in Russian is Closed Joint Stock Company “Svyaznoy Logistics”.
The abbreviated corporate name of the Company in Russian is CJSC Svyaznoy-logistics.
The location and postal address of the Company is 115280, Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 19.
As of December 31, 2013, the authorized capital of the Company is 1,100,000,000 (One billion one hundred million) rubles.
The authorized capital of the Company is divided into 110,000 (One hundred and ten thousand) ordinary registered uncertificated shares with a par value of 10,000 (Ten thousand) rubles each.

2. History of the company Svyaznoy-logistics CJSC
Svyaznoy is a federal retail chain specializing in the sale of cellular operator services, personal communications equipment, accessories, portable digital audio and photographic equipment.
The date of foundation of the company is considered to be October 9, 1995. From its inception until 2002, the main activity of the group was wholesale DECT telephones and personal audio equipment. Starting with minimal working capital, the Company in a short period of time has grown into a large and rapidly growing commercial enterprise. By 2000, direct contracts were signed with leading manufacturers of personal audio equipment and communications equipment, such as Siemens, Motorola, Philips, Ericsson, etc. By the beginning of 2002, the company managed to take a leading position - the market share in wholesale sales of audio equipment and telephony reached 10% .
As a result of assessing the prospects for the development of the cell phone sales market, in 2001 a strategic decision was made to concentrate efforts in the development of retail sales. On April 23, 2002, the official launch of a network of mobile communication centers under the Svyaznoy brand took place. By this time, the Company had 81 retail outlets.
After the launch of the Svyaznoy brand, the company’s retail network continues to develop rapidly, and not only in Moscow and the Moscow region. In the fall of 2002, the first Svyaznoy mobile communication centers opened in St. Petersburg. By mid-2003, there were already 25 retail outlets in the northern capital. The next stage of Svyaznoy's extensive development is the opening of stores in Nizhny Novgorod.
By 2004, the Svyaznoy network already included 292 mobile communication centers. This year was a turning point for the mobile retail market. Retail chains began to actively develop in the regions, develop new territories and change their assortment policy. Svyaznoy decided to differentiate itself towards portable digital technology and create a unique project for the Russian market - the Svyaznoy 3 gallery of digital technologies. In these showrooms, digital cameras and players, laptops and portable TVs were launched for the first time, as well as unique opportunities for open customer access to goods and printing digital photographs from any media.
By 2007, the total number of Svyaznoy mobile communication centers was more than 1,400 in 282 cities of the Russian Federation. Having opened the first salon in the Far East in August 2006, the Company completed its global regional expansion - now there are mobile communication centers in every region of Russia. At the end of 2006, the market share of the Svyaznoy network of mobile communication centers in Russia was 14.6% in terms of the number of GSM phones sold.
At the end of 2007, the Svyaznoy Group of Companies included 1,577 retail stores in 389 cities of Russia, and by the end of 2008, Svyaznoy already had 1,823 stores of 2 formats - Svyaznoy mobile communication centers 4 and Svyaznoy 3 digital technology galleries - 1752 stores in 455 cities of the Russian Federation and 71 stores in the Republic of Belarus...
As a result of the internship, the acquired theoretical knowledge in the course “Organization Management”, as well as related disciplines, the acquisition of practical skills in the field of managing a specific area of ​​management, as well as the acquisition of practical skills in the specialty were applied and consolidated.
In progress production practice The theoretical knowledge acquired during training was consolidated. Solution practical problems made it possible to establish how, in fact, at a particular enterprise, issues of managing an organization are resolved.
While writing this internship report, I also analyzed the main issues related to the personnel management system. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC is a well-functioning organization that has great competitive advantages, however, against the backdrop of successful economic prosperity, the organization is tracking staff turnover. During the study of various areas of the functioning of the employee management system, it was concluded that this fact was initially associated with the psychological dissatisfaction of the staff with the process of work activity.
As proposals, a plan of measures was also drawn up, one that would help relieve the tense psychological situation in the company, as well as improve interpersonal relationships between employees.

1. Ansoff N. Strategic management. – M.: Economics, 2010. – 450 p.
2. Bykova A.A. Organizational management structures. – M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2011. – 604 p.
3. Vissema Hans. Strategic management and entrepreneurship. – M.: Finpress, 2009. – 1002 p.
4. Glukhov V.V. Management: textbook. – St. Petersburg: Specialist, 2010. – 507 p.
5. Management: textbook / Edited by Gusinov F.M. - M., FBK Press, 2010. – 320 p.
6. Muller A., ​​Kieser A. Organizational communication: structures and practices. – M.: Humanitarian Center, 2011. – 504 p.
7. Official website of the Svyaznoy company - info/ (Date of access: 10/19/2013)
8. Enterprise management. Lecture notes. – M.: Phoenix, 2011. – 316 p.
9. Fedorova N.N. Organizational structure of enterprise management. Tutorial. – M.: TK Velby, 2008.

VAT is one of the main sources of replenishment of the state budget. On the one hand, it is very convenient for collection, since it is initially included in the cost of the goods. On the other hand, part of the VAT, according to current legislation, is subsequently returned to the taxpayer (for example, a trade organization must return the VAT that it paid when purchasing goods from a supplier). Exporters have the right to a full refund of the VAT they paid. This is why fraud with VAT, aimed at returning this tax from the budget, is so popular in Russia, and in Europe too.
To overcome these and other disadvantages of VAT, various proposals have been put forward in the literature. In particular, it is proposed to replace VAT with a new sales tax, which is easier to administer. As an alternative proposal, the Government of the Russian Federation has prepared a bill on the introduction of VAT accounts.
In addition, it is proposed to introduce a special registration of VAT payers, according to which only those firms that meet certain requirements can pay this tax. In particular, such firms must operate for a certain period of time and have a fairly large turnover in the sale of goods and services. At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Finance has not determined threshold value in terms of turnover for taxpayers.
There have been proposals to introduce a system of VAT payments, for which it is proposed to modify payment orders and transfer VAT amounts from the auxiliary field to the main one. According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, the VAT amounts going through accounts will in this case become more transparent, including for the tax authorities. For example, if the difference between the amount received from the buyer and the amount paid by the supplier, as well as the amount transferred to the budget, is significant, then this may become the basis for an on-site tax audit companies.
A system for controlling the import and export of goods outside the Russian Federation is being developed, which will allow tax authorities to quickly receive information from customs authorities about exported goods.
Despite the significant degree of study of value added tax in economic and legal science, the impact of VAT on the financial condition of a commercial organization has been practically not studied. With the theoretical study of the economic nature of VAT, systematic methodological research, the subject of which would be an assessment of the impact of VAT on the tax burden of the organization and on its financial position, are missing. In light of the above, the relevance of the chosen issues, its theoretical and practical significance is obvious.
The purpose of pre-graduation practice is to study the procedure for applying VAT.

Thus, based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn.
Economic and legal nature Value added tax in the Russian Federation is determined by the fact that this tax is indirect. Indirect taxes include those taxes that, through expenses, indirectly affect the income of the end consumer.
The following reasons for the emergence and spread of VAT can be identified: expansion of the tax base, inclusion of services in the object of taxation; eliminating the cascade effect; neutrality of VAT in relation to the organization of production and the competitive environment; built-in mechanism for avoiding double taxation; self-administration of VAT.
Value added tax in the Russian Federation is based on the following principles:
1) the tax is ultimately paid at the expense of the final buyer purchasing goods, works and services for consumption purposes on the territory of the Russian Federation;
2) organizations and entrepreneurs selling goods, works, services or transferring property rights, transfer tax to the budget in the part corresponding to their increase in the cost of the goods ("added value");
3) for reasons of legal logic, economic feasibility, stimulation of socially useful activities, the need to protect economically weaker taxpayers, various tax exemptions and benefits are provided;
4) a fair balance is achieved between the public interest, which consists in ensuring timely and full payment of taxes, suppressing tax evasion and other abuses, and the interests of bona fide taxpayers;
5) in order to protect Russian exporters and importers, stabilize the international turnover of goods, works and services, harmonization is carried out legal regulation in the field of VAT in different countries.
The economic essence of VAT is that at each stage of the movement of goods (works, services), the payer compensates for his costs and adds tax on the newly created value. At the same time, at the stage of movement of goods (works, services), the tax is transferred by one payer to another in excess of the price. Ultimately, the entire amount of VAT is included in the price of the goods purchased by the final consumer (the actual payer).
The economic nature of VAT as a consumption tax is based on the mechanism of value added taxation, which functions only when the following conditions are met: the tax is transferred between payers in excess of the price; the payer who paid the price for the product generates “VAT paid” and can attribute it to reimbursement from the budget if the payer who received this tax generates “VAT received” and pays it to the budget.

Description of work

The purpose of the practice is to deepen familiarity with the tasks, structure and organization of work of the organization’s departments in order to concretely consolidate the knowledge acquired in the disciplines of the specialty. Open Joint Stock Company "Svyaznoy Logistics", hereinafter referred to as the "Company", is commercial organization created in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law Russian Federation “On joint stock companies”.

1. General characteristics of the enterprise……………………………………4
2.Organizational structure of the enterprise………………………….…..5

4. Familiarization with the structure and functions of marketing
services carried out by marketing activities…………...…10
5.Market opportunities of the enterprise and its target market……….…15
6. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise………………………....22
7. Suggestions for increasing sales efficiency……………..….25
List of references………………………………………………………27

The work contains 1 file

Industrial practice report

OJSC Svyaznoy

Introduction………………………………………………………… ……..…….3

1. General characteristics of the enterprise……………………………………4

2.Organizational structure of the enterprise………………………….…..5

3. Analysis of the personnel management system……………………………6

4. Familiarization with the structure and functions of marketing

services carried out by marketing activities…………...…10

5.Market opportunities of the enterprise and its target market……….…15

6. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise……………………… ....22

7. Suggestions for increasing sales efficiency……………..….25


List of references………………………………………………………27


The purpose of the practice is to deepen familiarity with the tasks, structure and organization of work of the organization’s divisions in order to concretely consolidate the knowledge acquired in the disciplines of the specialty. Open Joint Stock Company "Svyaznoy Logistics", hereinafter referred to as the "Company", is a commercial organization created in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Joint Stock Companies".

The location of the company is 115280, Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, house 19. Certificate of registration of a legal entity OGRN No. 1057748731336 dated October 24, 2005. The company has branches, one of which is located in the city of Yekaterinburg and is called the Ural branch of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC. Location of the branch at the address: 620014, Ekaterinburg, st. Khokhryakova, 74

Svyaznoy is a federal retail chain specializing in the sale of cellular operator services, personal cellular accessories, portable digital audio and photographic equipment. The company is the official distributor of leading manufacturers of GSM phones and DECT phones, as well as a dealer of the largest cellular operators. The purpose of the activity is to obtain profit from business activities.

Objectives of industrial practice:

1) Deepening familiarity with the tasks, structure and organization of work of the organization’s departments for concrete consolidation of knowledge acquired in the disciplines of the specialty.

2) Systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge to solve specific production and socio-economic problems.

3) Development of independent work skills and mastery of practical skills in a creative approach to solving problems and issues developed in the final qualifying work.

4) Collection of the necessary data on the topic of the final qualifying work in accordance with its plan.

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

The main activity of the company is the sale of cell phones and accessories for them, as well as the provision of cellular communication services (the organization is a dealer of cellular communication services). OJSC Svyaznoy cooperates with such cellular operators as Beeline, MTS, Motiv.

Main services provided by OJSC Svyaznoy

  • makes connections to the tariffs of the above cellular operators;
  • provides consultations to consumers related to changes in information in tariff plans;
  • changes the tariff plan;
  • sells express payment cards of the above operators;

OJSC Svyaznoy has a network of retail outlets. They are presented in the form trade pavilions in shopping malls and other shopping places. Some retail outlets are located in the city center, some in residential areas.

The mission of the organization is to help people in their quest to step into the world of limitless possibilities of mobile communications, which unites and makes them free in time and space.

The goal is to act quickly and flexibly, trying to anticipate the needs of tomorrow and achieve the highest quality of services provided.

The company strives to become a leading Sverdlovsk region, providing people with everything they need to use mobile communication services. The company's goal is to capture 15% of the cell phone market and 25% of the cellular accessories market in the Irkutsk region through assortment policy.

2.Organizational structure of the enterprise

Thoughtful and planned enterprise management can significantly increase its competitiveness and reduce production costs.

The structure of this organization is linear-functional (Fig. 1). This structure is the most common at present. It successfully combines linear units that carry out the entire volume of production activities (selling goods and providing communication services to customers) with departments that implement specific management functions throughout the organization (accounting, development department).

The main advantages of the structure in this company are: freeing linear departments from solving general organizational problems, increasing control over linear departments and achieving corporate goals.

There are shortcomings in this structure. One of them is the narrow specialization of employees, which can lead to a decrease in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization.

Fig.1 Structure of OJSC Svyaznoy

Each employee of the organization has their own responsibilities and functions that must be performed to improve the efficiency of the company. All functions are specified in job descriptions.

Properly selected personnel is not the last thing when opening a company. The company does not have a specialist involved in personnel selection. This function is performed by the development manager. In a given company, each employee has certain functions that must be performed to achieve the goals of the organization.

All sales managers have certificates confirming their right to:

  • production of connection of subscribers to the GSM 900/1800 network of OJSC Svyaznoy;
  • advising subscribers on basic services and tariff plans provided by Svyaznoy OJSC.

To obtain a certificate, it was necessary to undergo a week-long training at Svyaznoy OJSC; certificates for dealer companies are issued free of charge. The training includes a course of lectures about the Svyaznoy company. To obtain a certificate, you must pass a test that includes: knowledge of the company’s history, knowledge of tariff plans and additional services provided by the company. The certificate must be changed every year.

3. Analysis of the personnel management system

Mostly young people under 30 work in this area of ​​business. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that trading requires a lot of emotional investment, and it is difficult for an older person to cope with such stress. In addition, young people are more progressive, are actively interested in various new products and it is easier for them to master the assortment, which large companies reaches 1500 types of devices and accessories.

Large companies create enough comfortable conditions for its employees, observing the Labor Code and offering work in a convenient 5-day

working week, training, paid lunches.

The retail division of Svyaznoy (salons themselves) has the following management structure:

  • store manager - the head of one store, subordinate to whom are sales managers and financial product sales managers. The tasks and essence of the work are very diverse, ranging from monitoring the quality of the store and increasing economic efficiency, ending with solving minor problems with customers;
  • operational manager (OM) - oversees from 5 to 30 retail outlets, direct supervisor of store managers;
  • manager of managers (UM) - controls 5-10 operational managers in several regions (Rostov region, Nizhny Novgorod Region etc.);
  • director of trade operations (DTO) - controls the work of the management in 1 of 9 “regions” (South, Volga region, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Moscow region, Far East, Ural, Siberia).

Several sales managers and 1 financial product sales manager per outlet work at the outlet during one working day. Each outlet has either a head of the outlet (RTT) or an administrator (in case of temporary absence of the RTT). Several retail outlets are combined into an operational zone. The operational area is managed by an operational manager. Regardless of the operational manager, there are offices in the operational zone on a permanent basis that deal with the necessary document flow and support of activities trade organizations, the operational zone may also include specially designated vehicles (a driver or several drivers), a representative of the repair service in the operational zone. The operational manager largely manages the retail outlets in his OH and personnel. Above several operational managers is a managing manager. At OJSC Svyaznoy this moment 2 managing managers for “macro-regions”: East and West. I would like to say a few words about rotation management personnel and a change in their place of work or promotion (demotion) in position. The company uses the practice of rotation - managers, as a rule, often go on business trips, change jobs, and are promoted or demoted in positions. This may be due both to their personal effectiveness and to the personal wishes of managers (for example, a person nominated for the position of operational manager has the right to refuse this position).

Sales managers and financial product sales managers are directly subordinate to the head of the outlet. Sales managers are specialists in the specific technical characteristics of each product sold at the outlet. Sales managers of financial products are specialists in all types of financial services (loans, NPF “KIT-Finance”, money transfers through the “Golden Crown” system, insurance of purchases, additional products, additional services). At the same time, there are general functions for each employee of a retail outlet, including the manager - general consultation and resolution of all possible questions that arise from customers and visitors, compliance with communication rules, compliance with safety precautions, maintaining cleanliness at the retail outlet, opening and closing the outlet, servicing at the checkout, demonstrating goods, accepting payments, working with corporate mail, etc.

In addition, any sales manager or financial products sales manager can “grow” to the head of a retail outlet, operational manager, managing manager, director of trading operations, and even to general director. Any manager can also move up the vertical career ladder. Namely, start working in the office of the operational zone, or move to another department, become a trainer, an expert - while remaining in your position.

A system of business trips has been developed, the purpose of which is to develop new sales points. When opening new communication stores, entire teams are sent to other regions in order to organize the process in the new location. Sometimes, seconded managers stay in another city. In this case, the Svyaznoy company fully bears the cost of living for this employee in another city - a special “corporate apartment” is rented.

The concept of manager, adopted in most theoretical works, presupposes that the manager has people subordinate to him. It follows that “managers” are employees holding the position of head of a retail outlet or higher.

Let's list the tasks of senior managers and the office:

RTT tasks:

1) monitor the work of employees;

2) monitor the design of the Point of Sale;

3) send and sign documents for senior management on time;

4) draw up work plans for the month, comply with the implementation of plans;

5) hold meetings with employees about work and improving the quality of service;

6) notify Om in writing what goods are needed at the Point of Sale (PP).

Tasks of the operational manager (OMa):

1) monitor the work of the operational zone;

2) control the work of RTT and employees subordinate to it;

3) award bonuses for work;

4) hold meetings with RTT (calculation of plans, conduct trainings);

5) check the correctness of the design of retail outlets;

6) monitor the timely receipt of goods at TT;

7) cooperate with operator companies and branded representatives of companies (for example, Samsung, Nokia).

UM tasks:

1) monitor the work of OMs in their “macroregion”;

2) open new TT (decide where).

The office deals with:

1) organization of goods distribution (throughout the region)

2) collecting contracts from cellular operators with TT, submitting them in a timely manner to the office of each operator;


Closed Joint Stock Company "Svyaznoy Logistics", hereinafter referred to as the "Company", is a commercial organization created in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Joint Stock Companies".

The full corporate name of the Company in Russian is Closed Joint Stock Company “Svyaznoy Logistics”.

The abbreviated corporate name of the Company in Russian is CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics.

The full corporate name of the Company in English is Svyaznoy Logistics.

The location of the company is 115280, Moscow, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, house 19.

The company has branches, one of which is located in the city of Yekaterinburg and is called the Ural branch of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC. Location of the branch at the address: 620014, Ekaterinburg, st. Khokhryakova, 74

The purpose of the Company's activities is to obtain profit from business activities.

The authorized capital of the Company is 1,100,000,000 (one billion one hundred million) rubles. The authorized capital of the Company is divided into 110,000 (one hundred ten thousand) ordinary registered uncertificated shares with a par value of 10,000 (Ten thousand) rubles each.

Svyaznoy is the largest independent federal retail chain engaged in distribution mobile devices, as well as providing operator and financial services. It has been operating since 1995. To date, 2,589 Svyaznoy stores have been opened in Russia and Belarus, which are visited daily by about 1.5 million customers.
In Svyaznoy stores, customers can purchase mobile phones, audio and video devices, computers, cellular operator contracts and many other products and accessories from leading manufacturers.
The Svyaznoy retail network also offers a wide range of goods and services, including payments for the Internet, digital TV, utility payments etc. We offer financial services, in particular money transfers, loans and insurance.
The company's more than 20,000 employees provide the highest level of service, which is reflected in the constant growth of customer loyalty indicators. bonus program loyalty program called “Svyaznoy-Club” is the largest coalition loyalty program in the country and has more than 14.8 million participants.

The main purpose of an organization's existence is designated as its mission.

The mission of an organization is a general idea that shapes the purpose of the organization in society.

The successful implementation of goals depends on how correctly they are chosen and formulated. When setting goals, certain requirements must be met. Goals should be specific and measurable. Specific and measurable forms provide a reporting basis for subsequent decisions and evaluation of results.

Goals must have a time dimension. Not only must it be precisely defined what and when the organization wants to do. Usually goals are long-term (calculated for five, sometimes more years), medium-term (from one year to five years) and short-term (within a year).

Goals must be achievable. If goals are unattainable, employees' desire for success will be blocked and their motivation will weaken.

To be effective, an organization's multiple goals must be mutually supportive, i.e. actions and decisions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other goals.

Based on the goals of the organization, the goals of its divisions, groups and individual employees are formed. The organization enables people to achieve personal goals, to realize collectively what they are not able to achieve individually.

Thus, a hierarchy of goals is formed. The manager must coordinate the goals of the departments, separate groups and individuals, direct them to achieve the goals of the entire organization, avoiding the emergence of acute contradictions and conflicts that affect the behavior of the organization.

Determining the goals of an organization—whether it should operate to maximize profits or “serve customers”—is a critical moral issue that every leader must decide. And although it has long been proven that attention to the consumer and clientele determines the sustainability of an enterprise and ensures its long-term interest, this truth is difficult to grasp even in countries with developed markets.

An organization is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is organizational culture: what people became members of the organization for, how relationships are built between them, what stable norms and principles of life and activity of the organization they share; what they think is good and what is bad, and much more that relates to values ​​and norms. All this distinguishes one organization from another and significantly determines the success of the functioning and survival of the organization in the long term. If we can say that an organization has a “soul,” then this soul is organizational culture.

Carriers organizational culture are people. But in organizations with an established organizational culture, it is separated from people and becomes an attribute of the organization, actively influencing members of the organization, modifying their behavior in accordance with the norms and values ​​that form its basis.

Organizational culture is often interpreted as accepted for the most part organization's management philosophy and ideology, beliefs, expectations, dispositions and norms that underlie relationships and interactions both within and outside the organization. Viewing organizations as communities sharing a common understanding of their purpose, their meaning and place, their values ​​and behavior, gave rise to the concept of organizational culture.

In the literature, along with the concept of “organizational culture,” the concept of “corporate culture” is often found. In colloquial language, a certain meaning of the concept “corporate culture” has developed as a specialized term. We will consider “organizational culture” and “corporate culture” synonymous, however, legally, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, there are certain restrictions on the use of the term corporation.

The mental image of the corporation is most likely an American multinational company (TNC). It is obvious that a small enterprise or public organization will not be called a corporation. Not every company is a corporation, therefore, the concept of “organizational culture” is broader than the concept of “corporate culture.”

Corporate culture is a key component in fulfilling the company's core mission and achieving its core goals, improving organizational performance and managing innovation.

The importance of culture increases over time because its roots lie deep in the beliefs of people. It reflects the experience of past decisions that led to the success of the business.

Forming an organizational culture is a complex process that must take into account the strategic and operational objectives of the company, the daily activities of people focused on solving these problems. This activity can be formally described in the form of plans, technologies, business processes, qualification requirements etc. But there is also a whole complex of established beliefs, habits, norms and stereotypes of behavior of managers and employees, which manifest themselves in an informal way, but at the same time determine how all work in the organization is actually structured. Impact should be taken into account external environment on the organization, namely: the impact of the market and sociocultural factors. In general, the process of creating a company’s organizational culture can be represented in the form of a diagram (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 – The process of creating a company’s organizational culture

There are seven main elements of a formed organizational culture:

1. Ideal. The formulation of the ideal state of the company is what it strives for as the highest achievement, often going beyond the scope of the organization’s activities. It is essential that this ideal is shared by the company's leaders and employees.

2. Values. Those concepts are formulated that are recognized as good for the company, although sometimes in order to understand values ​​it is possible to formulate the opposite - what is bad, unacceptable in the organization.

3. Goals It is necessary to formulate the main long-term goals that truly serve as a guideline for the company. IN strategic planning such goals are sometimes called "mission".

4. Knowledge. One could say " core competencies", or "strategic competencies" if such terms are used in the company. We are talking about the most general formulations of knowledge and practical skills necessary to achieve set goals.

5. Behavior style. The most striking techniques and principles of behavior that distinguish the company, used in working to achieve its goals.

6. Climate. The simplest and most immediately noticeable principles of relationships in the company, as well as external attributes, right down to the interior and branding.

7. Procedures. Requirements to management technologies company, such as goal setting (planning), motivation system, personnel management policy, etc.

This description can be compiled either by working groups of managers and employees, or as a result of individual interviews. A combination of both methods is considered ideal. When formulating descriptions, it is necessary to remember that there is usually some discrepancy between the existing and desired corporate culture, as well as between the points of view of different people, so each time you will have to find a balance between different formulations.

Let's carry out short review business of the Svyaznoy Group of Companies, we will analyze the stated mission, goals and values ​​of the organization.

"Svyaznoy" is a federal retail chain specializing in the sale of cellular operator services, personal communications equipment, accessories, portable digital audio and photographic equipment. The company is the official distributor of leading manufacturers of GSM phones and DECT phones, as well as a dealer of the largest cellular operators. Today there are more than 1830 salons of the Svyaznoy Group of Companies.

"Svyaznoy" is commercial network European level with excellent quality of service. Our own Training Center helps the company’s personnel constantly improve their skills and develop motivation.

The real advantage of Svyaznoy is the quality of communication with the consumer. The quality of communication means a whole range of marketing activities - from direct advertising to the design of points of sale. At the same time, based on such factors as price level, assortment and convenience of sales points, the Svyaznoy network is among the best.

Our mission

We serve people. We are creating a fascinating world of mobile communication, communication and new opportunities - a world in which every person finds understanding and joy. With us it’s simple, convenient, interesting.

Our Vision

In a world where devices and technologies are born and become obsolete at a tremendous speed, only human relationships and trust remain unchanged.

Our values

We strive for constant development. The thirst for new knowledge, gaining experience and determination based on accurate calculations allow us to choose from the many new products of the modern world and be the first to offer those that can bring pleasure to people.

We love what we do, and for us there is no greater happiness than sharing the joy that learning new things gives with others. We give in order to receive, we extend our hands in the hope of trust in return. We help you look beyond the horizons of tomorrow. We make life more convenient and interesting.

We are reliable partners. They trust us because we say and do only what we believe in ourselves. We are responsible, honest, clear and consistent.

Based on the classification of the organization’s missions, we can classify the mission and vision of Svyaznoy Group of Companies as a mission – “universal human purpose”.

In addition, we can highlight key words - semantic constructs that are used in formulating the mission, vision and values ​​of the company: “serving people”, “fascinating world”, “new opportunities”, “understanding and joy”, “simple, convenient, interesting”, “human relationships and trust”, “constant development”, “happiness”, “pleasure”, “ modern world”, “knowledge of the world”, “we love what we do”, etc.

Thus, a powerful positive background is created for the organization’s activities at the level of business vision, the key values ​​of the organization are actively promoted through various means corporate culture.

Due to the fact that Svyaznoy Group of Companies unites 10 structural units, the goals of each unit may vary. However, there is a general formulation of the goal of Svyaznoy Group of Companies.

Development strategy The Svyaznoy group of companies aims to increase market share, diversify suppliers, expand the product range, increase brand value and expand into new market segments for high added value services in telecommunications and financial services.

Svyaznoy management sees the main company business goal in increasing shareholder value by increasing revenue and profitability, as well as increasing market share in Russia and in the cities where showrooms are located through the use of key competitive advantages trademark "Svyaznoy".

It can also be noted that the main goal is achieved through basic areas of activity, which can be classified as subgoals.

To achieve these goals, Svyaznoy implements corporate strategy, which includes the following key elements:

1. Market share growth

2. Strengthening the main advantages of the brand

3. Focus on profitability

Economies of scale;

Continued investment in the IT system;

4. Development of new directions

The company intends to expand the range of financial services for individuals. In addition to operations with consumer loans and accepting a wide range of payments, Svyaznoy mobile communication centers in all 465 cities of their presence began to provide money transfer services together with the Russian payment system"Gold Crown".

By the end of 2009, Svyaznoy plans to carry out transfers Money in the amount of over 7 billion rubles. and take a strong position in this market segment. Now for financial services.

Based on the theoretical definition of the characteristics of a formed corporate culture mentioned above, namely: ideal, values, mission, knowledge, style of behavior, climate, procedures - it can be argued that Svyaznoy Group of Companies has a distinct corporate culture. In particular, let us pay attention to the presence of clearly stated values, the presence of a training portal to support employee knowledge, a clearly defined style of behavior in communication with clients, well-established procedures for hiring, coordination, and employee support, and established standards of communication between employees throughout the organization.

Let's give next example: In the Svyaznoy company, it is customary for employees to address each other as “you”, since the majority of the company’s employees are young people and addressing each other as you complicates the communication process, because psychologically creates “alienation”; on the contrary, when using this style of communication it ensures close contact and an atmosphere of cooperation.

In general, the logic of building structures in Svyaznoy Group of Companies is more similar to a divisional organization with separate sectors and priority for trading operations, because the essence of the business of Svyaznoy Group of Companies is retail And highest value has the way the system of the network of cellular communication salons is built. A separate communication salon is a key business unit of the company. The remaining divisions are engaged in optimizing the activities of key business units. Let's not delve into the organizational structure in the communication salon for now. We will limit ourselves to the fact that the communication salon is directly a point of sale at Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC. The remaining divisions ensure its effective functioning. Let us list them and briefly describe each one.

1) communications department. Responsible for telecommunications between departments, telephone operation hotline, serves as an information desk in the organization.

2) business development department. Dealing with lease agreements and developing new projects from the point of view of their economic efficiency.

3) department trade marketing. Engaged in the development of sales promotion methods, assortment policy, selection of suppliers.

4) trading operations department. Engaged in the development of working methods at specific points, in narrowly defined areas, and general coordination of the activities of retail outlets. One of the main departments in the company as a whole. Ultimately, each outlet falls under the purview of this department.

5) department of complex merchandising. The department is developing standards for placing goods on display, monitoring the implementation of standards, and developing the appearance of cellular communication stores.

6) operational accounting department. Monitors compliance cash discipline, for the availability of the declared goods in the warehouse, identifying cases of negligence in relation to the company’s property, developing fines and incentives, calculating and paying wages.

7) personnel department. Engaged in conducting personnel documentation, compliance with labor laws, personnel planning, interaction with employees regarding hiring; regarding transfers to other positions, regions, retail outlets; regarding layoffs.

8) department of accounting and activation of services. Accounts for work with contracts for cellular communication services, loan agreements, and organizes document flow for additional services.

9) legal department. Responsible for the implementation of Svyaznoy Siberia OJSC with the current civil legislation on all kinds of issues, settlement labor disputes, legal conflicts with buyers and customers, with suppliers.

11) security service. Responsible for organizing the security of retail outlets, assessing employees’ personal files, and developing compliance requirements trade secret, prevention of economic crimes, fraud on the part of employees and visitors.

12) training center. Engaged in competency-based training of personnel. Trains, organizes corporate events, develops corporate culture, fills the educational portal, develops training events, organizes curricula, trainings.

14) pricing department. Involved in setting prices for goods and services in Svyaznoy showrooms, assessing the competitive situation of each retail outlet, product items, and brands.

15) department of PR, brand management. The tasks of this department include organizing the company’s interaction with the external information environment, organizing internal corporate culture together with training center, publishing a corporate newspaper, maintaining the corporate website and access to it, developing and maintaining a website for external users, developing the image and image of the company, creating values ​​at the company level, setting strategic goals along with senior management, preparing press releases.

The most complete company structure is presented in Appendix A.


The company Svyaznoy Logistics JSC is developing in different directions. Buyers, coming to one of the Svyaznoy outlets, can buy a phone, navigator, laptop, apply for a loan, connect a home or wireless Internet, apply for a Svyaznoy Bank card and enter into an agreement to transfer the funded part of your pension with the help of NPF Kit Finance, send a transfer throughout Russia and the CIS countries, repay a loan from any bank.

Now let’s look separately at the development of each type of company activity over the past 3 years.

Mobile phone market (pieces)

According to analysts from Svyaznoy Group, sales of mobile phones in December could reach about 4.3 million units. Thus, it is expected that the number of mobile phones sold in the 4th quarter of 2010 compared to the 4th quarter of 2009 will increase by 19% and amount to about 10.5 million units.

The mobile retail market is emerging from the crisis. By the end of 2010, 35 million mobile phones will be sold. The growth by 2009 will be 26%.
The mobile phone is becoming more than just a means of voice communication. Mobile phones will soon be used everywhere as a payment tool. The phone will become a “mobile wallet.”
We expect the mobile phone market to continue to grow in 2011, reaching a record high of 39 million mobile phones.

Mobile phone market (RUB)

Based on the results of the 4th quarter of 2010, the mobile phone market in monetary terms will amount to 47 billion rubles, which is 15% more than the same period in 2009. The growth compared to the 3rd quarter of 2010 will be 11%.

Based on the results of 2010, the mobile phone market in monetary terms will reach 155 billion rubles.
Due to a significant reduction in the average cost of a mobile phone, the market volume in 2011 in monetary terms will be about 180 billion rubles.

The Svyaznoy retail chain sold 8.3 million mobile phones in 2010. The company's market share was 24%.

A comprehensive review of the organization of the entire retail space of Svyaznoy stores was carried out. The chosen concept allowed us to add new retail store equipment with open access and introduce new product categories (laptops, netbooks).

Retail network Svyaznoy provides services for concluding compulsory pension insurance contracts together with Pension Fund KIT Finance also processes applications for entry into the state pension co-financing program.
In 2010, about 340 thousand NPF policies were sold through the Svyaznoy network. Svyaznoy is one of the three leaders in issuing NPF policies in Russia. The program of state co-financing of pensions in our country will actively develop, helping to increase the pension savings of citizens.

Svyaznoy Group of Companies has been providing a service for transferring funds abroad since the end of 2008. During this time, the company's share in the money transfer market continues to grow steadily.
The volume of transfers to Svyaznoy Group in 2010 increased by 359% compared to 2009. If at the beginning of 2009 the share of Svyaznoy Group of Companies in the market of money transfers to the CIS countries was less than 0.1%, then at the beginning of 2011 the share was already 8%. Based on the results of the first quarter. By 2011, the company's share had already reached 9.3%. According to the Zolotaya Korona system, the market share of the system, with the help of which transfers are made to the Svyaznoy Group of Companies, in the main directions of transfers from Russia exceeded 30%.


This section will present the balance sheet for 2010 and data from the quarterly reports for the 2nd quarter of 2011.

Main commercial results of Svyaznoy Group of Companies for 2010

The number of salons is 2,387, of which 2,317 salons are in 667 cities of Russia, and 70 salons in the Republic of Belarus;

Number of employees – 19,100;

Number of checks – 213,288,230;

Average bill – 1,751 rubles (commodity) and 686 rubles (including payments);

Turnover of Svyaznoy Group is 150.1 billion rubles. (including the turnover of payment terminals, including VAT further and everywhere within the framework of section “5. Report on the results of development of the Svyaznoy group of companies.”);

Retail turnover – 145.8 billion rubles. (including turnover of payment terminals).

Network development

As of December 31, 2010, the number of mobile communication center stores was 2,317 in 667 cities of the Russian Federation:

Svyaznoy - 1,975 TT;

“Svyaznoy 3” - 300 TT;

Kiosk – 7 TT;

Online store – 35 TT.

The year-on-year growth was 21% (399 salons).

The salon area is 115 thousand m2, the average salon area is 49.4 m2.

Financial performance indicators of the Company

Balance sheet CJSC Svyaznoy Logistics for 2010 and for the 2nd quarter of 2011 will be presented in Appendix B, C.

Results of financial and economic activities of the issuer

For the 2nd quarter of 2011

Profit and loss

Unit of measurement: thousand roubles. Indicator name

Gross profit

Net profit (retained profit (uncovered loss)

Return on equity, %

Return on assets, %

Net profitability ratio, %

Product (sales) profitability, %

Capital turnover

Amount of uncovered loss as of the reporting date

The ratio of uncovered loss at the reporting date and balance sheet currency

Economic analysis of the issuer's profitability/unprofitability based on the dynamics of the given indicators. This includes disclosure of information about the reasons that, in the opinion of the issuer’s management bodies, led to the issuer’s losses/profits reflected in financial statements as of the end of the reporting quarter in comparison with the same period of the previous year (previous years): During the specified period there was no net profit, and therefore the calculation of these indicators is impossible. To calculate the above indicators, we used the methodology recommended by the Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of issue-grade securities, approved by order Federal service on financial markets dated October 10, 2006 No. 06-117/pz-n.

The net profit indicator for the 2nd quarter of 2011 increased and amounted to 3,572 thousand rubles. in comparison with the results of the 2nd quarter of 2010.

Profitability reflects the Issuer's ability to earn a profit on its equity capital and existing assets. Growth of the Issuer's return on equity in the 2nd quarter of 2011. compared to the 2nd quarter of 2010 due to an increase in net profit. Based on the results of the 2nd quarter of 2011. return on equity is 0.30%.

The net profit ratio shows the share of profit in the Issuer's revenue. In the second quarter of 2011, the value of this indicator was 16.34%.

The capital turnover ratio is characterized by the ratio of revenue to equity. The low value of capital turnover is explained by the specifics of the Issuer’s activities as holding company based on the results of the 2nd quarter of 2011 it is 0.02.

Issuer liquidity, capital adequacy and working capital

Unit of measurement: thousand roubles.

Economic analysis of the liquidity and solvency of the issuer based on economic analysis dynamics of the given indicators:

To calculate the above indicators, we used the methodology recommended by the Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of equity securities, approved by Order of the Federal Service for Financial Markets dated October 10, 2006 No. 06-117/pz-n.

Decrease in the indicator of own working capital from 1034643 thousand rubles. up to 905166 thousand rubles. in the second quarter of 2011 compared to the second quarter of 2010 is due to an increase in the volume of non-current assets.

The permanent asset index during the analyzed periods was below a value equal to one, and indicates the Issuer’s low dependence on external sources financing, since the Company’s non-current assets are fully financed by own funds. In the second quarter, the permanent asset index was 0.25.

During the period under review, the Issuer's current and quick liquidity ratios had high values, significantly exceeding one, which indicates a high level of solvency and liquidity of the Issuer. Liquidity reflects coverage current assets short-term accounts payable.

In general, liquidity and solvency indicators indicate a high level of credit quality, low dependence on external financing and financial stability of the Issuer.

Size and structure of the issuer’s capital and working capital

Unit of measurement: thousand roubles. Indicator name

Size authorized capital

total cost shares (shares) of the issuer purchased by the issuer for subsequent resale (transfer)

Percentage of shares (shares) purchased by the issuer for subsequent resale (transfer), of the issued shares (authorized capital) of the issuer

The amount of the issuer's reserve capital, formed through deductions from the issuer's profit

The amount of the issuer's additional capital, reflecting the increase in the value of assets identified as a result of revaluation, as well as the amount of the difference between the sale price (placement price) and the par value of shares (shares) of the company due to the sale of shares (shares) at a price exceeding the par value

The amount of the issuer's retained net profit

The total amount of the issuer's capital

The amount of authorized capital given in this paragraph corresponds to constituent documents issuer

Indicators of financial and economic activity of the issuer

Unit of measurement: thousand roubles. Indicator name

Issuer's net asset value

Ratio of the amount of raised funds to capital and reserves, %

Ratio of the amount of short-term liabilities to capital and reserves, %

Coverage of debt service payments, %

Overdue debt level, %

Accounts receivable turnover, times

Share of dividends in profit, %

Labor productivity, thousand rubles/person

Depreciation to revenue, %

Plans for future activities of the issuer

Due to the fact that the Issuer is the holding company of the Svyaznoy Group, this paragraph provides information about the plans of the Issuer and the Svyaznoy Group.

The development strategy of the Svyaznoy group of companies is aimed at increasing market share, diversifying suppliers, expanding the product range, increasing brand value and expanding into new market segments for high added value services in telecommunications and financial services.

Svyaznoy's management sees the main goal of the company's business as increasing shareholder value by increasing revenue and profitability, as well as increasing market share in Russia and in the cities where showrooms are located through the use of the main competitive advantages of the Svyaznoy trademark.

To achieve these goals, Svyaznoy is implementing a corporate strategy that includes the following key elements:

1. Growth of market share.

The Svyaznoy company intends to increase the total number of mobile communication centers by opening new showrooms with acceptable level profitability in the regions of presence, as well as in other regions with growth potential. This plan, in particular, provides for:

Rapid expansion into new cities;

Increasing market share in cities where there are already chain stores;

Increased sales in existing stores;

Use of a single store format;

Ensuring the best location of chain stores.

2. Strengthening the main advantages of the brand.

The Company strives to increase brand awareness and customer loyalty in order to increase the total number of customers visiting its stores and convert the growing number of store visits into actual sales. To achieve this, Svyaznoy intends to:

Make your own stores best place to purchase new products and ready-made solutions;

Improve customer service;

Improve the store concept;

Create and develop new projects to increase the number of regular customers.

3. Focus on profitability.

The Company intends to continue to improve the operational efficiency of its business, focusing on the following:

Economies of scale;

Product range management to maintain profitability;

Improving supply chain management and strengthening logistics;

Continued investment in the IT system;

To the staff how key business asset;

Introduction of highly profitable telecommunications services.

4. Development of new directions.

The company intends to develop e-commerce and terminal trading, and expand the range of financial services for individuals. To achieve this, Svyaznoy plans the following:

Development of the online store of the Svyaznoy Group of Companies - it is planned to make it one of the leaders in online trade in Russia by the end of 2011 with a turnover of about $100 million;

Development of the terminal trade project - opening of 500 new terminals in 2011, increasing the turnover of retail outlets by 10%.

The Issuer and the Group are engaged in the sale of services of cellular operators, personal communications equipment, accessories, portable digital audio and photographic equipment throughout the Russian Federation, as well as in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, in connection with which there are plans regarding the organization of new production, expansion or reduction of production , development of new types of products, modernization and reconstruction of fixed assets the Issuer does not have.

Prospects for the development of the SVYAZNOY group of companies

The number of new Svyaznoy mobile communication centers increased by 25-30 outlets every month in 2010, which gave the company the opportunity to generally stick to the schedule - 2,282 stores by the end of 2010. In 2011 it is planned to increase the number to 2650 stores.

Main goals that face the company:

Accelerating network growth and achieving a market share in mobile phone sales of 25%, a 28% share of smartphones in 2011;

Development ecommerce And electronic catalogs;

Development of financial services: money transfers, non-state pension funds, bank cards, consumer loans and insurance products, acceptance of payments for repayment of consumer loans and other payments.


As part of the practical work, the task was to understand in general terms the essence of the processes observed in practice using the existing theory in the field of economics and financial management.

The work analyzed all financial indicators of the activities of Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC, considered organizational structure enterprise and its main activities.

By all indicators, Svyaznoy Logistics CJSC is a stable and developing company with which major Russian banks and the company's partners work.