The last modernization of the Mi-8 helicopter was completed in 1989. All the improvements led the designers to create a qualitatively new machine called the Mi-17. The helicopter was developed at the Mil design bureau. The new helicopter had a more powerful engine than the previous model. The Mi-17 helicopter is used in more than 20 countries around the world. The first helicopters of this model began to be manufactured in early 1991. The Mi-17 was put into service in 2009 Russian Federation, this machine is completely manufactured for military order, taking into account all the wishes of the customer. Mi-17 - this is exactly the name the Mi-8MT helicopter has when supplied to the world market. Over the thirteen years of production of the Mi-17, 3.5 thousand helicopters were produced.

Description of the Mi-17 helicopter

The Mi-17 is a multi-purpose helicopter, which is classified as a middle class helicopter. Due to previous developments of helicopters, designers could already take into account all the nuances when creating a new machine. The main feature of the new device was the installation of more powerful engine. Also, one of the features of this model was the transfer of the tail rotor to the left side, which made it possible to improve flight characteristics and ensure wider use of this machine.

The airborne transport version of the helicopter was designed and developed for convenient landing and loading of troops, and fire support from the helicopter was thought out. With this unit you can transport cargo in the middle of the helicopter or hook it to the external sling. The cargo area has 24 seats that can be folded down. Military modifications can be equipped with weapons in the bow and stern compartments.

Military helicopters are also equipped with the Lipa system, which creates electronic interference on enemy equipment. For commanders who control tank formations, there are specially equipped helicopters - flying headquarters. The Mi-17 helicopter is equipped with an engine that can operate at high altitudes. The power supply system for the machine's equipment has been improved.

The main rotor is equipped with vibration dampers to reduce vibrations in the helicopter. The blades themselves are made of high-quality fiberglass, which reduces their weight without reducing their strength. But the design itself remained the same, as it was in the Mi-8. Regarding power plant helicopter, then it should be noted that it has an automatic system that maintains rotor speed. Since the Mi-17 has 2 engines, it has a synchronization system that allows it to maintain flight even if one of the engines fails.

Due to the new high-quality on-board equipment, flights on this machine can be carried out at any time of the day and even in very difficult weather conditions. The Mi-17 is equipped with a radio station and radio compasses. There are also instruments for measuring altitude and the latest navigation system at that time. For protection in combat conditions, the helicopter is equipped with an LTC ejection system, which is located in the tail section.

There is a large hatch in the floor of the helicopter that allows you to install an external sling, to which you can attach loads weighing up to 5 tons. The helicopter cabin itself can carry loads of up to 4 tons. The Mi-17 is equipped with a retractable winch, which can be used to lift loads up to 300 kg. There are helicopters of this series for civil transport, which have a more comfortable interior. This vehicle can also be equipped as a hospital where the wounded can be treated. Excellent flight characteristics made it possible to use this machine as a combat helicopter, which is equipped with air-to-air missiles or an Attack or Sturm combat system.

The Mi-17 helicopter largely repeats the configuration of the Mi-8, but still most parts and assemblies have been significantly improved. Regarding appearance, then in the new car all the hoods have a different shape, and better dust protection systems are installed on the air intakes. The nozzles for exhausting gases from the engine are oval in shape. The Mi-17 has an additional power unit, which is located behind the gearbox. It serves to power the start of the main engine.

The installed APU system provides the helicopter with electricity. In case of emergency situation There are emergency exit hatches on board the helicopter. War machine has a fully armored cockpit. The landing gear in this helicopter model is not retractable.

Operational characteristics of the Mi-17 helicopter

The Mi-17 helicopter was first presented to the public in 1991 at an aviation exhibition in France. The production of helicopters of this model is currently carried out by the Kazan plant and the aircraft plant in Ulan-Ude. These factories built more than 2 thousand different modifications of the Mi-17 helicopter.

Main modifications of the Mi-17

Because this multi-role helicopter, it has many layout and equipment options. The standard option is transport helicopter. There is also a passenger model that can carry 13 passengers in fairly comfortable conditions. This car has a compartment for luggage and wardrobe. A passenger helicopter has ventilation and heating in the passenger compartment. A VIP-class model called “Elephant” has been created; it is designed to transport from 9 to 11 passengers over a fairly long distance - up to 1.7 thousand kilometers.

A model of a rescue helicopter equipped with a winch with a boom that can carry out rescue operations has been developed and manufactured. Powerful spotlights of this modification make it possible to carry out rescue operations at night.

The landing helicopter has the ability to transport 30 paratroopers or, in a hospital configuration, it can transport 12 wounded soldiers on stretchers. This model has mounts for machine guns or cannons on the sides of the fuselage; sometimes bombs weighing up to half a ton can be attached to these mounts. The door openings have the ability to mount 8 machine guns. To increase the safety of the crew and soldiers on board, the helicopter body is equipped with armored plates.

In addition to armor, the helicopter has a protection system against enemy missiles, this is both an active and passive system. Paratroopers can make jumps both through the cargo doors and through the sliding door on board the helicopter. A helicopter was developed for military purposes, which is equipped with a radar installation that helps jam all enemy radio signals.

For control environment Another version of the Mi-17 was produced, called the “ecological laboratory”. It is equipped with the latest equipment that maps the territory, as well as analyzes the earth's surface and the state of the atmosphere. The helicopter equipment has the ability to monitor background radiation and perform analysis ecological situation generally. On such a model you can install photographic equipment, with the help of which you can take aerial photography from a height of 50 to 6000 meters, even at high speed.

For civilian purposes, the Mi-17 helicopter was manufactured, which serves people as a firefighter. Its main task is to extinguish fires in hard-to-reach places. It has a drainage device, which has a volume of 2 m3. In addition, it has the ability to bring up to 20 firefighters to a fire, who will parachute from a height of about 45 meters.

The latest and most improved modification can be considered the Mi-17MD helicopter. It differs from its counterparts in the structure of the fuselage. First of all, the width of the door was increased, which allows the landing and unloading of paratroopers at high speed. In addition, the number of seats has increased to 36. This model can transport cargo weighing up to 5 tons. In case of an emergency over water bodies, the helicopter is equipped with swimming capabilities, which ensures the evacuation of people on the water. And the biggest advantage is that it can fly 1,600 kilometers without refueling; this was achieved by installing additional tanks.

Today, the production of various modifications of the Mi-17 helicopter continues. The most popular model is the Mi-17-1V. Moreover, up to 90% of these helicopters are exported; this model can have different configurations. For Russia and the CIS countries, the more popular model for operation is the MI-171SH.

Characteristics of the Mi-17:

    Maximum speed - 250 km/h

    Cruising speed - 230 km/h

    Maximum flight range with main tanks - 610 km

    Practical ceiling - 6,000 m

    Static ceiling outside the influence of the earth - 1,760 m

    Mass characteristics

    Maximum take-off weight - 13,000 kg

    Maximum payload on external sling - 4,000 kg

    Maximum payload in the transport cabin - 4,000 kg

    Interior dimensions

    Interior length – 5.34 m

    Cabin width – 2.34 m

    Interior height – 1.8 m

    Flight crew - 3 people

    Passengers (in passenger seats) - up to 26 people.

When, back in the 15th century, the brilliant inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci created his project aircraft, he had no idea how ahead of his time he was. Only in the 20th century. The first operating machines using the principle of the great Italian appeared.

A Brief History of the Helicopter

The first experiments in the construction of an operating one occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century, when gasoline engines appeared with power sufficient to provide lift main rotor. Among the pioneers of helicopter construction were Russian designers: (created two operating models) and Boris Yuryev (invented the rotor skew mechanism). The outbreak of World War II spurred research in the field of helicopter engineering, and in the 40s the first production models of rotorcraft were created. Almost immediately, the military became interested in the new ones, but only the US war in Vietnam fully revealed the combat potential of helicopters.

The birth of the legendary "eight"

In the Soviet Union, they tried to keep up with the potential enemy in the creation of helicopters, so two design bureaus, Kamova and Mil, were created to develop rotorcraft. Aviation enthusiasts know that these aircraft designers use different designs for their aircraft. If Kamov helicopters have two coaxial rotors rotating in the opposite direction relative to each other, then Mil machines use a tail rotor to turn. By technical specifications, the development of the Mi-8 was planned as a modernization of the main Soviet Air Force Mi-4 helicopter, and began in 1959. But the designer managed, with the support of N.S. Khrushchev, to insist on creating an almost new machine. This is how the legendary G8 was born - the most popular and most recognizable Soviet helicopter. Based on it, many modifications were created, some of which are secret machines to this day.

Modification for export

Due to the fact that the G8 very quickly became popular not only in the USSR, but also attracted the interest of foreign allies, it was decided to create a special modification of the helicopter for delivery to foreign markets. If we compare the Mi-8 and Mi-17, and this is the index the export machine received, then the main difference between this helicopter immediately catches the eye: the tail rotor on the tail boom is located on the left (for the Mi-8 it is on the right). It was also envisaged to make changes to the design of the seventeenth, according to the requirements of a particular operator. The Mi-17 helicopter is produced in Kazan and Ulan-Ude.


Structurally, the Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters are actually one model. The main difference is the location of the tail rotor, its direction of rotation and the shortened nacelles of the power units. The main rotor is equipped with a vibration damper; its blades are made of fiberglass. The Mi-17 helicopter is equipped with two gas turbine power plants with a power of 1400 kW. If one unit breaks down, it is possible to continue flying on the remaining engine. A VR-14 gearbox is used as a transmission. The Mi-17 helicopter uses equipment that allows piloting in difficult weather conditions and at night, and on military versions, a device for shooting heat traps and dipole reflectors. The weapons used are the GSh-23 cannon and a heavy machine gun. It is also possible to place a variety of combat installations on an external sling.

Mi-17 helicopter: technical characteristics

Power 2x1400 kW, main rotor with a diameter of 21.29 meters, speed: maximum - 250 km/h, cruising - 240 km/h, flight range - 465 kilometers. As we can see, the characteristics of the Mi-17 are at a fairly high level and do not lag behind the parameters of more modern machines.

Main modifications

Since 1981, when the Mi-17 helicopter received its start in life, it has been produced large number its modifications, both in civilian and military versions. Let's look at some of them. The Mi-17P is designed to carry passengers; there is a “Salon” version, which is used for VIPs. The Mi-17 rescue helicopter, the photo of which is given in the article, has an M index, is equipped with a boom with a winch and an on-board searchlight for searching for objects at night. Mi-17-1V is a transport vehicle with increased engine power and payload capacity. Among other things, it is also intended for landing troops. In this case, standard weapons are installed on the external sling.

Modern options

At the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, the Mi-17 was modernized, which began to be produced under the symbol Mi-171. On its basis, the Mi-171VA flying hospital, equipped with an operating room, was developed. Intended to provide emergency medical care and evacuation of the wounded from hard-to-reach areas. Mi-172 is a helicopter for transporting passengers with increased power from a new power plant. A flying “ecological laboratory” has also been created on the basis of the Mi-17, which is designed to monitor the state of the environment. The helicopter is equipped with equipment for sensing the earth's surface and atmosphere, radiological monitoring, and analysis of the ecological state of the area. The fire option is designed to localize and eliminate fires in hard-to-reach and remote areas and in the forest. Equipped with a drainage device with a total volume of 2 cubic meters. The next modification of the helicopter - Mi-17PL - is a jammer with It is designed to suppress radar stations aircraft and anti-aircraft missile systems, disruption of enemy air defense systems. The system allows you to choose the most efficient look interference for specific radio sources. Mi-17MD is a modernized Mi-17 helicopter (photos of the improved contours of the nose fuselage are presented in the article). For quick loading and unloading of paratroopers, the sliding doors of the cabin on the left side were increased to 1.25 meters. In case of an emergency landing on water, a buoyancy support system is provided, consisting of four balloons, which are filled with gas within half a minute and keep the helicopter afloat for up to thirty seconds. The helicopter can be equipped with additional equipment and tanks.

Main operators

From the very beginning of their production, Mi-17 helicopters have gained immense popularity in different parts of the globe. And even now, having passed their thirtieth anniversary, these machines conquer the skies of almost a hundred countries and serve in the United Nations. They can be found on all continents: from cold Antarctica to hot Africa. Helicopters deliver a variety of cargo and passengers, put out fires and evacuate the wounded, and fight. The most numerous Mi-17 fleet belongs to Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space. Among the foreign countries that use these machines both in the civilian and military spheres, we can highlight India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Sudan and Turkey. I would especially like to mention the aviation of Iraq and Afghanistan. To replenish it, the Pentagon entered into a contract with Rosoboronexport for the supply of about a hundred Mi-17 helicopters. The United States, which has a very developed aircraft manufacturing industry, recognized that the Russian helicopter is most fully adapted for operation in high mountains and deserts, is reliable and unpretentious in maintenance. Because of these supplies, a conflict even arose between the US Army and American legislators: the Pentagon demanded that the sanctions imposed against Russia not concern the contract for Mi-17 helicopters. It is also of interest that countries such as Romania, Sudan, Turkey and South Korea. Based on all of the above, we can conclude: time itself has no power over such successful machines as the Mi-8 - 17, and although more than 50 years have passed since the first helicopters of this model took off, this machine is still is in demand and has a good resource for further modernization.

The Pentagon prefers Russian Mi-17V-5

The next batch of three military transport helicopters, manufactured in Russia under a contract with the US Department of Defense, was supposed to leave for Afghanistan in June. As a source in the Russian military-industrial complex (DIC) reported, at at the moment As part of the contract with the Pentagon, Rosoboronexport remains to supply five batches of Mi-17V-5 military transport helicopters, three units each, to Afghanistan.

The main contract for the supply of 21 helicopters, signed by Rosoboronexport with the US government on May 26, 2011, was completed by mid-2012. In 2013, Russia completed the transfer to the customer of another 12 military transport Mi-17V-5 under an agreement concluded as part of an option to the main contract.

In 2013, Rosoboronexport and the White House agreed and signed an agreement for an additional batch of 30 helicopters for delivery in 2014. Their purpose is the joint fight of countries against international terrorism.

In total, in accordance with bilateral agreements, the Afghan army will receive 63 Mi-17V-5 helicopters. All lighting equipment of the vehicles is adapted for the possibility of flying at night. The total value of the contract is about $1.2 billion. The Russian helicopter acquisition effort is part of a broader U.S. and ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) effort to enhance the capabilities of the Afghan National Security Forces.

According to Western sources, the air corps of the Afghan National Army ANA (Afghan National Army) currently has ten strike Mi-24/Mi-35, eight military transport Mi-8 and 48 Mi-17V-5, the total number of which by the end of the year it will increase to 63 units. Under a contract with Rosoboronexport, the Mi-17V-5 is manufactured by the Kazan Helicopter Plant (KVZ). The vehicles supplied to Afghanistan have 17 Western-made components that were integrated into Russian on-board equipment.

As experts noted, these Mi-17V-5 are capable of performing combat missions. “In accordance with the design agreed upon with the American side, the helicopters are manufactured in a military transport version, which is equipped with weapons, in particular blocks of unguided rockets, gun containers with a 23-mm cannon,” said a representative of the Russian defense industry.

Reliable in the storm

Before the direct contract with Rosoboronexport, the Americans tried to retrofit new Russian helicopters on their own at a repair base in the UAE (the city of Sharjah). Today, within the framework of the contract for the supply of Mi-17V-5, all work is carried out at KVZ, which has proven its effectiveness both in terms of production time and highest quality execution. They are carried out under the control of the helicopter developer, the Moscow Helicopter Plant, as well as representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense. “Thanks to this, the American side, for the first time in its practice, received ready-made Mi-17V-5 helicopters that do not require modifications and meet the requirements and conditions of the region in which they are operated,” a source in the defense industry emphasized.

Previously Deputy Director Federal service on military-technical cooperation of Russia, Vyacheslav Dzirkaln reported that the US delegation visited Kazan Helicopter Plant, where helicopters for Afghanistan are produced. “American representatives inspected the plant, including the already manufactured fuselages. They were pleasantly surprised by the level of production organization and technical equipment of the enterprise,” Dzirkaln noted. – We have constant contact with representatives of the US Department of Defense, a working group to monitor the implementation of the contract on both sides. There are no contradictions with our American partners.”

According to general director Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin, the helicopter contract with the Pentagon was one of the most complex due to conflicts related to American legislation. “We have never worked under such conditions,” he said. “Now we may have prospects for supplies of other types of weapons for the Afghan army under a similar scheme.”

All helicopters assembled at Kazan Helicopter Plant are transported to Kabul by An-124 Ruslan transport aircraft of Volga-Dnepr Airlines. On one An-124 flight, three vehicles are delivered to Afghanistan, placed in the cargo compartment with the main rotor blades undocked.

“The US Department of Defense positively evaluates the quality of the Mi-17V-5 helicopters received for Afghanistan from Rosoboronexport,” emphasizes Dzirkaln. According to him, recognition of the high flight qualities and reliability of the Mi-17V-5 on the American side was the presentation on November 9, 2011 of a certificate of recognition of procedures for ensuring and maintaining the airworthiness of helicopter equipment existing in the Russian Federation. US officials have repeatedly said they chose Russian helicopters because of their unprecedented reliability, including in desert conditions where severe sandstorms are common.

In a letter from the leadership of the NSRWA (Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft) department of the Ministry of the Army, it is noted that the Russian side has done an excellent job of adapting foreign flight navigation instruments for the use of night vision goggles. A representative of the military-industrial complex informed that from the very beginning of deliveries in 2011, the American side did not have any complaints about the quality of aircraft: “All helicopters arrived in Kabul on time, they were assembled, flown over and after signing the corresponding acceptance certificate, the customer used them for their intended purpose . Serviceability of the supplied fleet Russian helicopters exceeds the required level of 80–90 percent, and this figure satisfies all the requirements.” The source informed that the average annual flight time of one Mi-17V-5 in Afghanistan is more than 200 hours: “This figure is higher than the average annual flight time of conventional operators.”

The service life between overhauls of the Mi-17V-5 helicopter is 2000 hours or 8 years. Currently, the Russian side is working to increase the assigned service life of the helicopter (the period of time between the introduction of the rotorcraft into service and its disposal). Today, the service life of the Mi-17V-5 military transport helicopter can reach 35 years.

Despite the fact that the United States government does not take advantage of the opportunity to purchase spare parts for the operation and repair of Mi-17V-5 helicopters directly from Russian special exporters, in the future, when implementing overhaul Americans, according to the source, will still have to turn to the manufacturer. Abroad, of course, there are a number of enterprises that are capable of working with Russian aircraft, for example in the Czech Republic or the UAE. Zaporozhye JSC "Motor Sich" has the capabilities to repair engines. “However, the United States will have to turn to Russia to maintenance gearboxes, transmission bushings, and so on - to the manufacturer of these important components,” says a representative of the defense industry. According to him, in Afghanistan and Iraq, taking into account newly supplied and decommissioned helicopters, a total of more than 200 Russian-made aircraft are operated.

Senators are against, the military are for

Rosoboronexport drew the Pentagon’s attention to the need for proper and legitimate after-sales service for Russian Mi-17V-5s supplied to Afghanistan under contract. According to the data available to the Russian side, the current expected need for overhaul repairs of all types of helicopters operated in Afghanistan and other countries in the interests of the United States is over 170 units.

"All necessary conditions The Russian side has the resources to carry out repair and restoration work and meet such a high demand for maintaining the airworthiness of previously delivered helicopters,” emphasized Anatoly Isaikin.

The US military considers the implementation of the contract for the supply of Russian helicopters for Afghanistan to be very important in the light of the fight against international terrorism and ensuring the expansion of the capabilities and potential of the Afghan national security forces. This was stated by Defense Department spokesman George Little.

When asked to comment on the ongoing efforts of the Republican opposition in Congress to block further purchases of Russian military equipment for the Afghan armed forces, Little said that the acquired vehicles are an important asset for the Afghan Air Force: “They need exactly this helicopter, it is very important for them because it complements the fleet used helicopter technology."

Earlier, an amendment was introduced in the US Senate to the bill on assistance to Ukraine regarding the gap business relations American government agencies with Rosoboronexport. The submitted document contains a proposal to ban any American or foreign company, in turn, interacting in the field of development, production and sales with Rosoboronexport. Prior to this, a number of members of the House of Representatives of Congress appealed to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel with a request to suspend cooperation with the Russian exporter of military equipment.

Despite constant pressure from congressmen and calls for sanctions and a refusal to purchase the Mi-17V-5 for the Afghan armed forces, the military takes the exact opposite position. “The problem is that Pentagon officials are quietly asking them (Congressmen) to delay these measures because Rosoboronexport supplies helicopters used by the Afghan Air Force, which is currently experiencing difficulties,” Christian Science Monitor cites Senate sources. “When they talk to us, they use the word ‘flexibility,’ which means they want us to make a serious exception for Rosoboronexport,” a congressional staffer told the newspaper.

The sanctions imposed against Russia do not affect the contract with Rosoboronexport for the purchase of Mi-17V-5 for the armed forces of Afghanistan, Pentagon press secretary Rear Admiral John Kirby confirmed in a conversation with reporters. According to him, the Afghans are in dire need of Russian equipment. “They are used to these cars. This helicopter meets their security needs,” Kirby explained. “That’s why we continue to support them through this contract.”

From Kazan to Leningrad region Three modernized Mi-8MTV5-1 helicopters flew to Levashovo airbase. The pilots appreciated the combat “new things.” “These are 3 vehicles that we received. They are equipped with new equipment and the systems have been improved. A new radio station has been installed, which is much better than the old one,” said helicopter flight commander Sergei Varnakov. Eighteen more such helicopters will be delivered by the end of the year. The updated Mi-8MTV5-1 is designed to transport cargo and equipment weighing up to 4 thousand kg and can carry out various tasks, including search and rescue operations. The cockpit has special night vision equipment. It allows you to fly in dark time days at low altitudes, as well as landing and taking off from unequipped sites. In addition, the helicopter is equipped modern complexes communications. Main characteristics of the helicopter:
Maximum take-off weight - up to 13000 kg
Number of transported paratroopers - up to 36 people
Number of wounded transported on stretchers - 12 people
Flight range at maximum take-off weight (with emergency fuel reserve for 30 minutes): with main fuel tanks - 580 km
Flight range at maximum take-off weight (with emergency fuel reserve for 30 minutes): with two additional fuel tanks - 1065 km
Engine power in emergency mode: TVZ-117VM (Mi-8AMTSh) - 2x 2,100 l. With
Engine power in emergency mode: VK-2500 (optional) - 2x 2,700 l. With.
Main weapons
Armament with unguided missiles - S-8
Cannon armament caliber - 23 mm
Small arms (up to 8 firing points): bow PKT machine gun, stern PKT machine gun, AKM assault rifles, PK and RPK machine guns on the sides
Transportation and prompt disembarkation
Transportation on a stretcher accompanied by medical staff
Cargo transportation in the cargo compartment - up to 4000 kg
Destruction of enemy forces, including armored vehicles, surface targets, structures, fortified firing points and other moving and stationary targets
Airborne fire support
Escort of military convoys
Search and rescue operations, reconnaissance operations, patrolling. Over many years of operation, this type of helicopter has been recognized as one of the best in the world in its category. To date, over 12 thousand aircraft have been produced and delivered to more than 100 countries. Today, the Kazan Helicopter Plant of the Russian Helicopters holding produces two types of Mi-8MTV helicopters:
Mi-8MTV-1 is a multi-purpose modification, on the basis of which helicopters for various purposes are produced, including a flying hospital;
Mi-8MTV-5 is a military transport modification (the helicopter is designed to transport cargo inside the cabin and on an external sling, can be used for rescue operations, and also carry weapons). According to experts, Mi-8/17 helicopters will remain leaders in this niche is at least 15-20 years away. Photo: Konstantin Semenov

That the Armed Forces of Belarus received new Mi-8MTV 5-1 helicopters.

The transfer of six Mi-8MTV-5 helicopters took place in September this year. The vehicles were placed at the disposal of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus. The delivered helicopters are the first batch under the contract for the supply of twelve Mi-8MTV-5 military helicopters, which was signed by representatives of the Russian Helicopters holding company during the International Military-Technical Forum Army-2015. The delivery of the next batch of six vehicles is scheduled for 2017.

Combat survivability means include: armor protection of the cockpit and vital systems, screen-exhaust devices for engines that reduce infrared radiation, protection and polyurethane foam protection of fuel tanks, a fire protection system, duplication and redundancy of hydraulic and electrical power sources and main control circuits.

The Mi-8MTV-5 is equipped with beam holders, which can accommodate: bombs with a total weight of up to 2 tons, up to 4 pieces, blocks of unguided rockets, guided missiles, removable cannon mounts of 23 mm caliber. Small arms (up to 8 firing points): bow PKT machine gun, stern PKT machine gun, AKM assault rifles, PK and RPK machine guns on the sides

The cockpit has special night vision equipment. It allows you to fly in the dark at low altitudes, as well as land and take off from unequipped sites. In addition, the helicopter is equipped with modern communication systems.

Transportation and prompt disembarkation;
Transportation on a stretcher accompanied by medical staff;
Transportation of goods in the cargo compartment - up to 4000 kg;
Destruction of enemy forces, including armored vehicles, surface targets, and fortified structures; firing points and other moving and stationary targets;
Airborne fire support;
Escort of military convoys;
Search and rescue operations, reconnaissance operations, patrolling/

In the Mi-8MTV-5, the doors and hatches and the shape of the bow have been changed. A left door widened by 0.4 m and an additional right door were installed standard size. Instead of manually folding cargo flaps, a ramp is installed that opens using a hydraulic drive, which reduces the time it takes to prepare the helicopter for loading and unloading and avoids manual operations. The fuselage design makes it possible to modernize the helicopter and equip it with additional equipment. The helicopter may be equipped with a dust protection device. The forward part of the fuselage has a nose cone that rises upward, which allows access for servicing the equipment located there.