The phrase “The only thing more expensive than paid education is free education” is gaining more and more relevance these days. It is more profitable for parents to send their child to a private school, where he will receive high-quality educational services. To open a private school, you need to truly love teaching, since collecting documents and other bureaucratic ordeals will drive anyone crazy. Below is a business plan for a private school, which is suitable as an example for a similar regional center.

Legal information

Form legal entity: OOO.

Main activity: provision of paid educational services for students in grades 8-9 and 10-11.

Target users: parents of teenage children with average and above average income.

Tuition price: 8,800 rubles per month. An agreement is concluded with parents for two academic years, which stipulates payment by month from September to May. The summer months are not paid, the months of winter and autumn holidays are paid in full.

Lyceum opening hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00-17:00; Saturday: 08:00-15:00.

The Lyceum provides the following paid educational services:

A written agreement is concluded with each parent. Payment is made through the bank or school accounting department. The cost of services in each region is selected individually, depending on the presence of competitors and the average income of the population.

Location: rented premises in the central part of the city, area 450 sq. m. A sublease agreement is concluded between the owner and the owner of the school, since in 5 years the premises are planned to be purchased in full.

Taxation: simplified taxation system (income minus expenses).

Registration and registration

To register, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • Charter documentation of LLC.
  • License to provide educational services.
  • Accreditation.
  • Financial and economic plan.
  • Rules for admission to school for students.
  • School schedule.
  • Student certification forms, frequency.
  • Conclusion from local authorities control (fire, sanitary service).
  • Copies of the passport and TIN of the entrepreneur or all founders (if the LLC is organized by several persons).
  • Documentation confirming ownership of the premises.
  • Confirmation of legal address.
  • Application for registration.

In the application for registration of a private school, OKVED 85.13 “Basic education” and 85.14 “Secondary education” are indicated. If you plan to conduct private business in the future primary school or open on the basis of an institution professional courses, then it is recommended to indicate general view activity 85 “Education”.

To obtain a license for educational services, you need to prepare a number of documents:

  • List of teaching staff and management of the lyceum (with supporting documentation: diplomas, licenses, permits, etc.).
  • Program for general and secondary education.
  • Curriculum for 8-9th and 10-11th grades.
  • Study schedule.
  • Training programs.
  • Conclusions from the fire and sanitary services.
  • Agreement with private security company.
  • A contract for rent or ownership of premises.

The commission can consider the application in a matter of weeks or send an inspection commission to the place where the school is located and wait for three months. Without obtaining a license, your school will be able to provide educational services, but you will not be able to issue state-issued certificates upon completion of your studies.

Logistics plan

Location Features

Rentable area is 450 sq.m. m is divided into the following rooms:

  • Hall (locker room, school security location).
  • 8 equipped classrooms: Russian and literature, physics, mathematics, biology and chemistry, geography, computer science, labor room, English.
  • Gym.
  • Library.
  • 4 toilet rooms.
  • Sanitary room.
  • Teacher's room.
  • Director's office.
  • Manager's office.
  • Corridor.

The building is two-story, so all classrooms are located on the second floor. On the first floor there is a manager's office and a sanitary room where cleaning supplies are stored.

The building underwent cosmetic repairs, windows and doors were replaced in the amount of RUB 270,000. The owner is paid monthly rent in the amount of RUB 90,000. Utility payments are paid by the tenant independently, which is reflected in the sublease agreement.

The building is located in the central part of the city, there are stops nearby public transport. This allows students to easily get to school from anywhere in the city.

Material support

Cabinet name Equipment Total price, rub.
Russian language, literature Educational furniture, table stand, reference books, test tasks to prepare for the OGE and the Unified State Exam 120 000
English language Study furniture, projector, computer included, speakers, EER: “English in Focus” (Spotlight 8) 154 000
Computer science-programming Educational furniture, classroom whiteboard, projector, screen, computers (workstation: 11 pcs.), set of posters “Informatics and ICT” 320 000
Mathematics (algebra, geometry) Educational furniture, computer included, projector, speakers, drawing set for blackboard 127 000
Physics Educational furniture, projector, computer included, speakers, adjustable student laboratory table with plastic covering and side, set of weights on mechanics, set of springs with different stiffness, set of wirewound resistors, laboratory rheostat, physics tables for grades 8-10, laboratory alcohol thermometer, laboratory tribometer, laboratory ammeter, barometer, electronic scales, laboratory voltmeter, laboratory dynamometer, laboratory set “Geometric Optics”, laboratory set “Magnetism”, laboratory set “Thermal Phenomena”, laboratory set “Electricity”, stands: “ International system SI units”, “Basic physical constants”, “Prefixes and multipliers”, “Periodical table”, “Scale of electromagnetic oscillations”, EOR: “Collection of demonstration experiments for environments. general education school." 155 000
Chemistry-biology Educational furniture, projector, computer included, speakers, adjustable student laboratory table with plastic coating and side, demonstration table with side, sink, fume hood, thermometers, electronic scales, flasks, test tubes, funnels, glasses, bottles, pipettes, droppers, cylinders, a set of reagents for conducting a student experiment in chemistry, tripods, clamps, alcohol lamps, mortar, pestle, glass rods, “Periodic Table” stand, “Fibers” and “Metals” collections 157 000
Geography Educational furniture, projector, computer, speakers, political and administrative wall map of Russia, wall political map of the world 125 000
Technology Mechanical tools: lathes, milling machine, drilling machines, sharpening machines, grinding machine, circular saw, electric drill, grinder, band saw, assorted hand tools 240 000
Sports hall, playground, (locker rooms for boys, girls, training room) Gymnastic mat (10 pcs.), mounted backboard for throwing a ball at a target (4 pcs.), volleyball net (1 pc.), gymnastic bridge (2 pcs.), gymnastic parallel bars (1 pc.), gymnastic crossbar (1 pc. .), wall crossbar (1 pc.), goal for playing football with a net (1 pair), table tennis table with a net (3 pcs.), gymnastic jumping goat of variable height (1 pc.) 210 000
Teacher's room Desk (6 pcs.), bookcases (4 pcs.), shelves (6 pcs.), computer (2 pcs.), chairs (8 pcs.) 110 000
Office of the director and manager Desk (2 pcs.), computer chair (2 pcs.), regular chair (4 pcs.), wardrobe (2 pcs.), bookshelf (4 pcs.), safe (2 pcs.), computer (2 pcs. .). 170 000
Accounting Desk (1 pc.), computer (1 pc.), chair (2 pcs.) 112 000

In total, the amount of 2,000,000 rubles will be needed to equip all offices. Only high-quality equipment is purchased, since the prestige of your educational institution will depend on it. To this amount add the cost of stationery and other household needs in the amount of 20-25 thousand rubles.

Company personnel

The private school has a linear management system. Management personnel include: school owner, director, head teacher. The employees are teachers, accountants, and service personnel. Work is carried out according to employment contract, remuneration includes salary + bonus.

Number of personnel and wage costs in the table:

In addition to the basic salary, every month deductions are made for employees to funds (pension, insurance) in the amount of 252,000 rubles. In total, an amount of 827,000 rubles will be needed per month for deductions and salaries.

Project implementation

A private school business plan with calculations can be implemented within six months. It will take a long time to collect documents, recruit personnel and advertise the project. Offered next plan implementations:

Since the school year begins in September, the project must be implemented during the summer months. Advertising is carried out during the entire sales process through social media and the school's own website.

Investments and income

Starting infusions

For a private school business plan to start generating income, you will need the following investments:

Planning income

The average number of students planned for the school is:

8th grade – 25 people.

9th grade – 25 people.

10th grade – 50 people.

11th grade – 50 people.

Tuition fees are taken without taking into account the summer months, that is, from September to May inclusive. The monthly tuition fee is 8,800 rubles. The school's monthly revenue will be:

150 x 8,800 = 1,320,000 rub. Additional income will bring paid courses (on average 450,000 rubles/month).

Total profit per month will be:

1,320,000 + 450,000 = 1,770,000 rub.

To find out the school’s net profitability, subtract monthly expenses from revenue:

1,770,000 – 1,057,000 = 713,000 rubles.

The profitability of the project, on average, will be 14%.

Payback: 2.5-3 years.

In the end

A private school business plan with calculations is suitable for a medium-sized region with low competition. There is no point in opening the project in small town, where a major competitor already operates. It will be difficult to attract students to pay tuition to a little-known school. You will have to invest at least 3,527,000 in the business. The average return will be 713,000 rubles. During the summer months, the business will not generate income if you do not come up with options for generating additional income.

It is known that creative activities are beneficial for a child, they increase his intelligence, promote the development of memory and thinking. Therefore, in addition to secondary school, for many parents it is now important to engage their child in creative activities.

Just 15 years ago in Russia, basically, there were only state creative schools for children - music, art and sports. In these schools they taught and teach according to certain methodological manuals, giving the maximum load to the child, while, most often, not adapting to the characteristics of the children.

Today, parents choose other options for developing the child’s creative potential. Therefore, development schools for children of different ages are increasingly appearing.

Thus, creativity schools can be divided into several types:

1. Early childhood development schools. Designed for children to school age, most Lessons are taught in a playful way. The child receives basic concepts about the world around him, engages in physical activities and exercises appropriate for his age, develops creative abilities (sculpting, drawing), and learns to be independent.

2. Art schools, designed for school-age children, are “mono-schools,” that is, in which they study one of the disciplines. For example, artistic skills, playing musical instruments, acting. Such schools are similar to state schools, but they offer services for individual lessons with the child, there is no grading system and a clear schedule. Such schools bring together highly qualified teachers; after studying in such schools, children can acquire skills for their future professions.

3. Schools of creativity with different areas of study. In such schools, a child can choose one or several directions. Many parents understand that a child should try himself in different directions, and activities such as sports or dancing, even if they are not future profession baby, good for health. An additional benefit for children is communication with peers who are passionate about the same disciplines.

A creative school with different areas of study will be discussed in this business plan. There is competition in the market, but if highly qualified personnel (teachers and trainers) are selected, the school will quickly become profitable.

The initial investment is quite high, however, the more season tickets are sold, the higher the profit. The cost of a lesson consists mainly of the teacher’s salary and consumables. For example, such as paints, brushes in an art class, balls, rugs in sports, which can be used repeatedly.

It is also worth understanding that, being a school for children, the target audience will be adults, since they make decisions and pay for classes. Therefore, the school's marketing program should be aimed at an adult audience.

Amount of initial investment - 1 770 500 rubles;

Average monthly profit - 195 150 rubles;

Payback period - 12 months;

Break even - 2 months;

Return on sales - 38% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

The creativity school will have a premises with an area of ​​150 m2 with three rooms for a sports, art and music class, each of which will occupy at least 40 m2 and common area reception at the entrance.

The location of the school should be designed for children living nearby or in neighboring areas, so renting premises in the city center is not necessary. The first floor of an apartment building or a room in an office and entertainment center would be perfect for such a school. Since the consumers of the service are children, parents usually handle their logistics, so having parking next to the building will be a big advantage.

The School of Creativity will initially have five areas. Children will study choir and vocals in the music class. Up to seven people will study vocals at a time, and up to ten in choir. The art class will teach modeling, drawing with oils, paints, and pencils. The sports class will teach aerobics and dancing. Depending on the age group and level of preparation, children will learn Russian folk, modern and ballroom dances. There will be several teachers in all areas, the payment will be hourly, that is, it will be summed up for all lessons per month.

The school will have both beginner and intermediate groups. Each child will study in his own age group, the lesson schedule will be drawn up together with teachers and parents, for each age group in the daytime and in the evening.

The school will be open from 10.00 to 20.00, while maximum load will be from 15.00 to 19.00, and for children studying at the primary school in the second shift, classes are provided from 10.00 to 12.00.

An approximate schedule for one of the directions (choir) may look like this:


choir middle group

choir middle group

choir adult group

choir adult group

choir junior group

choir junior group

The cost of classes may vary depending on the service, or be the same for all areas. More popular activities, such as dancing, usually cost more. At the school you can purchase both a one-time lesson and a monthly subscription. The average price of a monthly subscription for all classes is 2,250 rubles.

3. Description of the sales market

A creative school can be aimed at both children and adults, but the business plan under consideration is a children's school. According to statistics, since 2001 the number of births has been increasing, and accordingly there are more and more children. Thus, in 2017, the number of children under 15 years of age inclusive amounted to a record 26.9 million people for Russia.

According to age classification, training groups can be divided into several types:

  • Preschool group - this includes children from 4 to 7 years old, often accompanied by their parents, who are taught basic skills.
  • Children from seven to 11 years old
  • Children from 11 to 14 years old
  • Teenage group from 14 to 17 years old.

The school is aimed at children whose parents can afford additional education for their child, that is, the family income level must be no lower than average.

The advantages and disadvantages of the creative school are shown in the table:

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • Choosing a creative activity for a child;
  • Quality of teaching;
  • Expensive room rental
  • Lack of solvency of parents

Project capabilities:

Project threats:

  • Development of a network of schools;
  • Organization of online training
  • Increasing the list of subjects taught
  • High competition in the market;
  • Termination of contract with one of the key teachers
  • Changes in legislation (expansion of the list of activities for which an educational license is required)
  • Lack of qualified teachers

We will describe in detail how to open a private school and what is needed for this. After all, teachers and directors often dream of such an institution, and many parents are ready to pay any money so that their child has the best, including an education.

True, in our country it is quite difficult to organize such an institution. In addition, it will be necessary to simultaneously take into account the requirements of legislation, government bodies, and the wishes of parents and children. It is believed that such a project can only be undertaken if the efforts of an experienced teacher and manager are combined in order to be able to resolve all emerging issues using their diverse skills.

Relevance of the idea

Today, many parents are dissatisfied with the general education system in our country. After all, the level of knowledge that the child receives there is insufficient, the teachers’ attention is scattered over a large number of students in the class, and individual characteristics and inclinations are not taken into account. And you won’t find additional classes for in-depth study of any subject in the average school.

And although in Russia, Ukraine and other neighboring countries only 1-2% of children are covered by private education, the market is still not full enough. Similar institutions are located mainly in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities close to them. While remote regions suffer from their complete absence.

Let's first understand what a private school is. This is a non-profit, non-governmental institution where highly qualified teachers teach children. Educational services are provided on a paid basis, but the range of subjects is much wider and more interesting than in a regular school.

Since you have to pay for training, only families with high or middle incomes can afford such education. And parents will have much greater demands on teachers and principals. Therefore, this project should only be undertaken by a person who really wants to improve the education system and is able to fully immerse himself in organizational process and will be able to find a compromise between different requirements.

We list the main requests to such institutions:

  1. Classes consist of a strictly limited number of students (no more than 15 people).
  2. It is imperative to create the most comfortable conditions for children.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the equipment of classrooms, computerization of the school, and the presence of extensive infrastructure on the territory of the educational institution.
  4. Flexible and thoughtful school program.
  5. The teaching staff should be distinguished by professional and experienced teachers with a good reputation.
  6. Often, at a private school, special teaching methods are used to develop not only knowledge in basic subjects, but also to improve personal qualities students (leadership, communication skills, business activity etc.).
  7. They try to expand as much as possible the range of additional classes, clubs, and optional disciplines (theater arts, chess class, football team, boxing, advanced study of English, etc.).
  8. Often such institutions work in close cooperation with universities, designing the curriculum in such a way as to prepare graduates for entry into a particular specialty.

When choosing a private school, parents pay most attention to the following indicators:

  • proximity to home;
  • tuition fees;
  • class sizes by number of students;
  • teacher qualifications;
  • general reputation of the establishment;
  • level of accreditation;
  • material resources, that is, equipment of offices and halls;
  • reviews from other families.

If we consider the practice of private schools around the world, we can distinguish the following variations:

  1. Located outside the city or inside the metropolis.
  2. Where children come to study only during classes or stay with accommodation (full board).
  3. Classic and elite.
  4. General education, which follows a standard program, or with developed methods for in-depth study of individual subjects.

It is better to decide which project to implement in practice before drawing up a business plan, since it will be much more difficult to change anything in the process later. After all, each case has its own requirements, costs and nuances.

It is worth clarifying the reasons why a private school is being opened. For the most part, there are three factors:

  • Individual entrepreneurs or sponsors decide to create such an institution in order to educate their children in an institution where highly qualified teaching staff are assembled and the program is well thought out. After their children graduate from school, funding gradually subsides.
  • Some large companies create similar institutions for the families of their employees. In this case, the project does not bring money, but only helps to prepare a worthy replacement of personnel and retain professionals within the system.
  • And only a small part of such institutions are focused on the profitability of the project and build the reputation of a private school for a long time.

What do you need to open?

All organizational issues begin with registration. To do this, you must register with the tax service. Theoretically, it is possible to do this as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), but it is much more more possibilities and the LLC, that is, the legal entity, will have privileges.

To do this, they submit statutory documents, write down the address of the future location of the establishment, and pay the state fee. It is important to point out that the institution is non-profit, since this is the only way private schools can operate in our country.

Please note that there used to be a special provision regarding taxation. But today most discounts and benefits have been cancelled. However, when paying taxes, you can count on the absence of VAT, for which, when submitting documents, indicate a zero rate in the appropriate column.

OKVED codes are prescribed depending on the direction of future activity and the chosen specifics:

  1. 10.2 – primary grades.
  2. 10.3 – additional training programs.
  3. 21.1 – general system.
  4. 21.2 – secondary education.

Next you need to get a license. To do this, you need to confirm that you are going to provide high-quality classroom equipment, you will work according to the approved methodology, the lesson schedule is drawn up in accordance with norms and standards, taking into account age characteristics, etc. Documents are submitted to the Ministry of Education.

Every school must have a medical center, so you will also have to obtain a medical license from the relevant authority. Usually, if all the requirements are met, which are best known in advance, there will be no problems with the issuance of such documents. But keep in mind that these organizations spend a lot of time reviewing each case.

When preparing the premises, you will also need other papers:

  • Permission from the SES, which can be obtained only after a thorough inspection of each classroom and other rooms.
  • Permission from the fire inspectorate, for which you need to ensure the safety of the building, several emergency exits, use fire-resistant materials during repairs, install fire extinguishers, draw up an evacuation plan, etc.
  • Rental agreements, for garbage removal, disinfection measures, with suppliers of products for kitchen work and much more.

In order to conduct the school’s activities in accordance with all regulations, you need to carefully study the following documents:

  1. Law on Education No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.
  2. Special resolution on granting paid services in this system.
  3. "Model provision on educational institution».
  4. SanPin
  5. A normative act regulating the procedure for certification of teachers.
  6. Federal Law No. 7, which deals with non-profit projects.
  7. Technical regulations for ensuring fire safety.


Another issue that needs to be resolved soon. But keep in mind that in the first years you will have to work without similar status, since only those educational institutions who have been operating for at least three years and have graduated at least one stream of students ready for admission.

This procedure is considered voluntary, but without it it will be difficult to attract wealthy families to the school. In addition, until accreditation is completed, children will have to take final exams in other schools, which also creates certain difficulties.

And only after a positive decision from the Ministry of Education can you count on the fact that your private school will take its rightful place in the list of educational institutions in the region or country, students will be able to receive certificates, and parents will consider the institution as competitive.

Preparing the room

Finding a suitable building for a private school is not an easy task. There are many nuances here that are worth paying attention to. First, consider whether you can rent it or whether you will have to start construction.

In each case, this entails large financial expenses, but with the first option there is a risk of ending up on the street and urgently looking for a new premises if the tenant breaks the contract or does not want to renew it. Such risks can be eliminated by drawing up a document for 10 years, which is almost unattainable in modern conditions.

It is also important to have a free area around the building itself, most of which will be planted with trees, bushes, etc. At the same time, it is desirable to organize open sports grounds for physical education, install benches for relaxation, and create walking areas.

The school should be located in such a way that it is easy to reach. Proximity to home is one of the most important factors an educational institution pays attention to. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there is a public transport stop near the institution, and it is also advisable to create convenient parking for parents who bring their children on their own.

Make sure that the premises meet all norms and standards. Let us indicate the most basic ones:

  • The building is located at some distance from various car services, factories, and large transport facilities.
  • In the adjacent territory, landscaping has been carried out on at least 50% of the area.
  • A fence and artificial lighting are needed around the perimeter.
  • It is mandatory to equip sports stadiums, children's entertainment areas and places for recreation on fresh air.
  • All educational activities organized in such a way that classes take place in one shift.
  • The ceiling height in the classroom should be at least 3.6 meters, and in the gym - up to 6.
  • The dimensions of each room are calculated so that there is at least 2.5 square meters per student. m.
  • When creating a full boarding school, where children stay for the entire school year, sleeping quarters are arranged, where up to 6 square meters are allocated per child. m.
  • Be sure to organize additional rooms such as a locker room, a first-aid post, and a gym.
  • Bathrooms are separated for girls and boys on each floor.
  • It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime in the room – 18°-22°.
  • You will also have to organize security for the territory and the building.
  • Also pay attention to fire safety.

All private schools must be provided with good electrical wiring, hot and cold water, heating, gas, telephone communications, and the Internet. The classes themselves are also organized in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, which stipulates the order of lessons, their duration and number per day, the maximum number of students in a class, etc.

School arrangement

A private institution must have good equipment. To do this, they purchase high-quality furniture, school boards, computers, office equipment, electronic magazines, interactive learning systems, various multimedia tools, connect to the Internet.

It is important that all approved educational methods are carried out taking into account the material base. You will have to think through each lesson in advance and purchase everything you need for this. They also equip a gym, sports ground, swimming pool, if there is one, dance classes, etc. The equipment is selected according to the requirements of each area.

Don't forget to purchase refrigerators, stoves and kitchen appliances for the dining room, medical equipment for the first aid station, stationery, teaching aids, manuals, sports equipment, equipment game rooms and arrange bathrooms.

Lesson plan

In order for a private school to stand out from the rest, you need to carefully consider the curriculum. Decide on the direction of education:

  1. General classes with standard set disciplines.
  2. In-depth study of individual subjects (for example, foreign languages).
  3. Specific, narrowly focused activity (if you want to open a private music school or art school).
  4. Availability of additional clubs (theater, sports, dance).
  5. In order to prepare for admission to certain universities, etc.

The equipment of the classes, the required documents, educational materials, and the selection of personnel will entirely depend on this. It is important to consider that in order to implement proprietary programs, they will need to be prepared in a special way and approved by the Ministry of Education. To do this, it is better to have a methodologist on staff who will help harmonize teachers’ ideas with the requirements of the law.

The biggest difficulty that one has to face when organizing a private educational institution is trying to simultaneously meet the standards of the Ministry of Education, the wishes of parents and the needs of children. So, in order not to lose your license, you always have to take the standard program for most disciplines as a basis. It includes the mandatory presence of the following items:

  • Russian language and literature;
  • mathematics;
  • English or any other foreign language;
  • basics of computer science;
  • physical training.

And in order to attract the maximum number of wealthy parents and not lose students, you need to come up with original teaching methods, supplement the program with interesting and popular areas, and focus on European training standards.

Often such institutions provide training in economics, linguistics, and open literary clubs, art, theater, and sports sections. Today, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is also popular, and several at once - English, German, French, etc. Some institutions are able to prepare their students to pass exams in international standards, which opens up many paths in the future.

In addition, we should not forget about the load on the child. The number of assignments and lessons should not exceed certain standards; students should not be forced to study all day long. At the same time, it is advisable to organize their leisure time, provide rest, entertain them and stimulate them as much as possible to achieve achievements and discover their inner potential.

It is worth noting that if a school takes part in various events, competitions, festivals, competitions, and, moreover, periodically takes prestigious places, then this has a positive effect on the motivation of children and on the desire of parents to send their child to such an institution.

Often one of the requirements for a private school is the ability to leave a child for an extended day. In this case, on the territory of one institution, full-fledged supervision, training, development, walks in the fresh air, food and help with homework are provided.

We are recruiting staff

The private school staff consists of many specialists:

  1. A teaching staff that provides education to children in all disciplines.
  2. The school principal and his deputy.
  3. Methodist.
  4. Accountant.
  5. Security guards.
  6. Cleaners.
  7. Nurse.
  8. Kitchen workers.
  9. Psychologist.

Teachers are selected for work through a competition or are invited individually. It is important to hire professionals in their field and ensure that they are certified every 5 years. The higher the reputation of specialized specialists, the more people want to study at your school.

Only a person with a pedagogical diploma and relevant experience can manage an educational institution. But to keep track of everyone organizational issues, it is better to get additional advice or take an experienced manager or entrepreneur as a partner.

In order for professional teachers to want to work in your institution, you need to properly stimulate them. To achieve this, high wages are required. But such measures are not always enough.

Gifted teachers often want the opportunity to develop their own methods, proprietary programs, experiment, or be creative in their work. If you can provide this to them, then good specialists will become the basis of the team for many years.

Where can I get money?

According to the Education Law, private schools are required to register as non-profit institutions. This means that even if funds are received from various sources, they can only be spent on the needs of the institution itself. Therefore, it can be difficult to attract any sponsors, since it becomes impossible to pay them direct dividends.

Investment in a private school is usually 80% at the expense of the parents. They pay entry fees(in the amount of 2-3 months of training), educational services, additional sections, special training in selected areas, charitable contributions, etc. But this does not always cover all the needs of the school.

Therefore, we often have to look for sponsors. They can be large organizations that want to train specialists for their own needs, higher educational institutions, when students are specially prepared for certain exams and admission, etc.

In order to increase funding, additional services can be provided:

  • organize specialized courses, sections, clubs and invite not only school students to them, but also children from other institutions;
  • create summer camps for everyone;
  • consulting services or tutoring based on proprietary programs;
  • release your own methodological manuals;
  • participate in the grant draw.

Pay attention and price aspect. Tuition fees are calculated using precise numbers. It must cover the costs of wages, rent, public utilities, teaching aids, classroom equipment, meals, etc. In our country, the range of prices ranges from 35 thousand rubles to 200 thousand. The more prestigious the school, the higher the pay.

In this case, you need to carefully think about what price to set for training. After all, minimum tariffs may indicate low qualifications of specialists or other shortcomings of the school. Too much high price will scare you away for training middle class who simply cannot afford it. If you are not opening an elite private school, then try to stick to the middle segment when pricing.

Perhaps things will be a little easier with organizational and financial issues if you purchase a franchise. In this case, it will be possible to create an educational institution according to the European standard with a fully developed system. You don’t have to think about what to do, how to do it, what to pay attention to, although the investment in the project will be serious.

Here you can download a free example as a sample.

Financial issues

Opening a private school is an expensive proposition. Even if we do not consider the construction of a separate building, the initial costs are quite significant.

Fixed costs will not be less. After all, it is necessary to ensure the functioning of all systems at a high level.

All this requires a constant supply of funds or financing from outside. Therefore, it is very important that the director or owner of a private school constantly pays attention to finding investors, sponsors, participating in grants, subsidies, etc. With the right approach, within a year you can reach the full payback of the project and establish all work processes.

Video: how to open a private school?

What is the article about?

How to open a private school. Private school business plan. Documents for opening a school:

There is probably no teacher who would not dream of opening a private school. Some parents and, of course, children dream of their own school. Their fantasies bear little resemblance to the real life of an educational institution.

But even teachers who have worked in a regular school all their lives have little idea of ​​how to open a private school, what it is for, and what hardships they will have to go through.

Teachers are usually bad managers, so for the successful functioning of such an institution, both are needed.

Opening a private school: three reasons

A private school is not considered by everyone as a business that generates income. Statistical studies show that in Russia there are three main reasons for their discovery.

  • Some businessmen are trying to open a school not to make a profit, but so that the children of the founders receive a decent education. Such parents finance the educational institution themselves. It often happens that after the founders’ children graduate, the school slowly dies.
  • Large companies often open closed schools in which only the children of employees study. These establishments also do not generate income, and most often are completely subsidized by the founders. Similar establishments in Russia and abroad are maintained by Gazprom and some other business giants. Purpose of training: obtaining education at the European level, preparing a reserve for your company.
  • Only a third of private schools are opened so that children can receive a decent education, and the founders and teachers can receive the same profit.

Where to start?

If we consider the school as a business project that generates profit, we will have to start with market analysis. First you will have to think not about how to create a private school, but about what kind of educational institution the city lacks and what it should be like.

General words and vague goals like “to provide quality education” are fundamentally wrong. The goal, which must be set immediately after the market analysis, as well as the entire business plan of the school, must be extremely specific. Here's a good example.

  • Short-term goal: create a recognizable name, enter the private school market, return on investment (or make a profit).
  • Long term goals:
    • creation of a network of schools;
    • expansion of the services market;
    • creating a base for preparing for international exams;
    • establishing connections with universities;
    • Creation kindergarten as a link preceding school.

The goals may be different, but no less specific. There is such a pattern: before you understand how to open a private school, you need to learn how to set goals.

What makes one school different from another?

Many of those who wanted to open “their own” educational institution made a mistake at the very beginning, trying to open a private school as an end in itself.

It should differ from those already opened not only by the level of education, but also by original author’s methods, additional courses, and an educational process that is not similar to others.

When thinking about how to open a private school in Russia, the founder must clearly understand: a good school skillfully combines adherence to established standards and all the wishes of parents. Not every manager or teacher can do this. That is why the staff of such an institution should not only include teachers, administrators and psychologists.

If the founder wants to open a school to make a profit, he must include managers, economists, analysts, marketers, and entrepreneurs on the staff.

Naturally, the institution’s budget, which consists of 80% parental money, will not withstand such a load. And then the director or founder will have to decide who will cope with the responsibilities of these specialists.

All these thoughts should be formed into the school’s business plan and its Charter.

Where does opening a private school begin?

Once the goals are defined, and worthy employees have appeared in mind, you can move on to the basics: start opening a private school in real life, not on paper. First, a legal entity is registered and an individual entrepreneur is opened.

Open an account, receive a stamp and begin obtaining a License. And here is the first difficulty.

A license to open a private school is issued only when the Founder provides:

  • Permission (duly executed) from all authorities.
  • Staffing schedule.
  • Lesson schedule.
  • Software (meaning school programs, not computer programs).

The process of collecting these documents takes a very long time, and this should be taken into account.

At the same time, you can look for a building, remembering that it must not only meet the requirements of the authorities, but also have its own parking lot: most students are brought by their parents.

If at this stage the businessman is still thinking about how to open a private school, he can start equipping it and choosing educational programs.

About programs, textbooks and chairs

The question is no less important than thinking about how to open a private school without outside help. You can take standard programs, but then such an institution will be of little demand. It is better to develop them yourself, taking into account existing standards and requirements.

Therefore, the Founder will have to take care of a methodologist who can check all the documents before submitting them to the Ministry.

Then it will be necessary to purchase the necessary textbooks, manuals, manuals, etc. This means that already at this stage the issue of financing will have to be resolved.

Not only economists and methodologists, but also business executives should worry about how to open a private school. They are the ones who buy furniture, provide repairs, and form the technical base. It would be good if the staff were recruited through competition: the best school needs the best employees.

Where to find teachers and how to attract them?

When the question of how to open a private school comes up on the agenda, the project organizers begin to look for good teachers.

They (but not only them) will become the basis of the new educational institution.

Many recruit teachers through competition, but not many know how to choose the right incentive for a teacher.

The salary, which, naturally, should be an order of magnitude higher than in regular schools, does not attract everyone.

Some teachers value the opportunity to work according to their programs, others like to experiment.

Therefore, before inviting a teacher to the competition, the leader should find out as much as possible about him.

Teachers do more than just teach lessons.

IN free time they should teach children dance and music, computer science, economics, everything that the children like and that will be included in the curriculum of the educational institution.

Opening a private school requires not only good teachers, but responsible, loving children technical staff. This too should not be forgotten.

Sample outline of a business plan

Opening a private school should start with a business plan. It can be composed in different ways. Here is a short diagram of one of the most successful options.

  • The plan begins with a statement of the essence of the project, for example, “creation of a private school full cycle for grades 1-11."
  • In second place are the short-term and long-term goals set for the school.
  • Indicate the time frame within which the project will be calculated and implemented.
  • Marketing description. This section indicates in detail what educational services will be provided, sources of funding, and the total cost of the project.
  • Advantages of this educational institution. Usually here they indicate the ability to change the number of subject hours at the request of students, atypical subjects, proprietary methods, etc.
  • Project risks. When amateur founders think about how to open a private school in Russia, these risks are not always taken into account. But they are the ones who can not only do future business unprofitable, but also lead to the closure of the school. Risks include: a decrease in demand for education due to the crisis, the opening of competing institutions, etc.

We continue to create a business plan

The second section of the plan should be devoted to a description of the proposed services.

It is necessary not only to explain in detail why children will study these particular subjects, but also to indicate how this study will be different from the same work in other schools.

It is mandatory to indicate the educational orientation of the future school: “Organization of clubs to identify and develop students’ talent.” In this section it is worth defining the pricing concept.

Since not all schools can maintain stable prices for years, some leaders report that they plan to “set tuition costs at the level of competitors, but lower than at elite schools.”

The third section should be the marketing plan. It begins with positioning the uniqueness of the school and continues pricing policy. Here you can specify the procedure for admitting students.

Financial justification for the project

The following sections of the business plan could be:

  • School capacity plan.
  • Legal status.
  • Management policy and structure.
  • Analysis of planned costs.
  • Complete financial plan.
  • Organizational plan for the implementation of the planned project.

It is good if the business plan is accompanied by diagrams, tables and diagrams. Quite appropriate, for example, would be:

  • Diagrams showing the age of children, the number of additional subjects studied, children's interests, etc.
  • Financial and time tables indicating costs, deadlines, ratings, schedules.
  • Diagrams clearly showing the management structure.

What should a future businessman take into account?

How to open a private school in Russia to make a profit? If such a question occurs to someone, then the entrepreneur should know: no way.

There is only one way to legally collect money: tuition fees, strictly fixed by agreement. It is impossible to turn a school into a closed joint stock company.

She must spend all the money she receives on herself. Private schools can enjoy preferential taxation, but it is worth opening your own production (printing house, greenhouse, etc.)

d) how it will be cancelled.

The next nuance will be more interesting to parents. An educational institution can operate without accreditation if the documents for it are in production.

However, in this case, graduates may have difficulties with the final exams, which they will have to take at a public school.

The future entrepreneur should also take into account the fact that in a private school there are more checks and commissions: in our country people are still distrustful of this type of business.

Parents and money

The success of a private school also depends on its enrollment. Research shows that today only 20% of parents are willing to pay for education.

Therefore, in order to attract students to a new school, the principal will have to convince their mothers and fathers that the education received at this school is worth paying for. This is difficult to do.

Therefore, regardless of whether a manager or teacher runs a school, he must be able to:

  • Understand the requirements of parents and popular areas of study.
  • Be an excellent speaker, be able to convince (sponsors, management, parents).
  • Create a positive image of the school using word of mouth, the Internet, and any other popular types of advertising.
  • Understand the psychology of children, parents, sponsors, etc.
  • Build the right financial policy.

Private non-comprehensive schools

A comprehensive school is not the only type of private educational institution. Private music, sports, art, and dance schools are very popular. How to open a school additional education?

The scheme of this process is similar to that described above. You will also have to analyze the market, calculate the demand for services, draw up a business plan for a private school and approve programs.

Narrowly targeted private institutions are not an alternative, but an addition to regular, public ones.

Their task should be not only to develop children’s talents (which goes without saying), but also to educate them and protect them from the negative influence of the environment.

We choose, we are chosen

Private schools take exams every year. We are not talking about state exams, but about those that parents take.

They choose a school among competing institutions, so teachers have to constantly create an image.

Winning competitions, early admission to universities, landscaping, high-tech equipment - these are the tools with which you can influence parents. But…

only adequate parents are interested in serious education, and not in getting grades for money. Therefore, when accepting children to school, you should pay attention not only to the wealth of the family, but also to its adequacy.

How can you open a private school?

Search for school premises

Private schools are becoming fashionable, but due to the fact that they are more focused on making a profit, their quality leaves much to be desired.

Only a little more than half of the parents who sent their children to such institutions did not regret the money spent.

Others felt that private schools were not worth the money.

This is no coincidence.

Such a business should be built around the idea of ​​giving children best training, which will allow them not only to effectively and at a high level cope with the secondary school program, but also to master additional subjects that will help with admission or in life. Parents of such children should feel the real benefits of their child attending a private school rather than a regular one. This will be the key point that will ensure the school’s capacity.

A private school business plan must include 3 important conditions:

  1. Separate building for the project.
  2. We have developed our own original methodological program, which is aimed at achieving high results for students.
  3. Investments, especially for the initial period

The premises of a former kindergarten would be ideal.

It will accommodate 150-200 students, while being quite small in size and does not require very high costs to pay for utilities, has its own territory. In addition, it can be rented from the state, which means the rental amount will not be huge.

You need to try hard to find and rent it. There are several options, namely:

  • rent from private individuals;
  • rent from the state;
  • buy from the state or private individuals;
  • rent land and build educational buildings.

Each of these methods has its own positive or negative sides. For example, leasing from the state is fraught with the risk that if the municipal government needs this building, it may terminate the contract early. You can resort to the following option:

  • rent a plot of land in the suburbs or outside the city;
  • build a school on it from modular structures;
  • build a school dormitory from modular structures.

In this case, the business plan of a private school will provide for the presence of children on the territory of the educational institution for the entire working week.

It is not necessary to provide for the delivery of children to such a school.

Since education is not cheap, parents are able to independently arrange for the arrival and departure of students.

For construction it is better to use modular structures. They are several times cheaper, and appearance will correspond to a modern educational institution.

Whatever method is chosen, to the common man You won’t be able to solve the problem of premises for pennies from the street.

Even if it is possible to rent a former kindergarten from the state, in which communications are in good condition, at least 3 million rubles must be provided for repairs and furniture.

But on average, for such a project it will be necessary to spend at least 15 million rubles just to resolve the issue of premises.

How to reduce project costs

It is necessary to decide on the issue of reducing your own costs for starting a project even when you are just creating a business plan for a private school.

Set some tangible end result as a goal: to provide highly trained students who will then go to study and work in some specific areas.

Teachers even from prestigious universities that train personnel for important areas of the state: diplomats, managers, designers, military, etc.

They complain that high school prepares children very poorly.

If local authorities, university management and large enterprises presenting the idea of ​​improving the quality of school education can generate a positive response.

As a result, tangible assistance will be provided to the project. For example, the municipal government can allocate some premises on very good preferential terms. Interested enterprises and institutions can finance repairs and pay for the purchase of furniture.

The mere fact that they are interested in future graduates of a private school potential employers, will create a stir and a queue of parents who want to place their own children in it. A competent approach at the planning stage, the ability to show the benefits of the project will allow you to save a lot own funds to open a private school.

Accreditation and maintenance costs

Before opening an institution, it is necessary not only to build and equip the premises, but also to obtain permission for teaching activities.

Only after this does it make sense to engage in construction, purchase furniture and everything necessary.

To obtain this permission, it is necessary to submit study programs to the relevant education department.

In practice, it turns out that the first students of private schools take the exam twice: in the institution where they study, and then in a regular secondary school.

To successfully cope with the paperwork, it is recommended to hire good teachers who have experience working as a deputy director for academic affairs. It will not be difficult for them to prepare everything they need; they already know all the bureaucratic nuances, pitfalls and ways to get around them.

Please note that for a school with 150-200 students, a teaching staff of at least 30 people will be needed. Their wages should start from 30 tr. per month. We also need service personnel and security.

The wage fund is about 2 million rubles per month. Rent and utilities range from 600 thousand to 1.5 million rubles.

Taking into account unforeseen expenses, you need to expect that the educational institution will cost 3-3.5 million rubles or more per month.

If we take the figure of 3.5 million rubles as a basis. and that there are 200 students in the school, tuition fees cannot be less than 17.5 tr. Payment of 25 tr. will bring a monthly profit of 1.4 million rubles.

In one academic year, lasting 9 months, you can return 12.5 million of the initial investment.

The value of private schools lies in the fact that their preparation is focused on admission to prestigious universities, and taking into account the fact that private kindergartens cost parents 15-20 tr. per month, the indicated cost is quite adequate.

How to open a private school

Educational activity always remains the most popular and necessary sector in our lives. But parents are not always satisfied with the level of general education institutions, and then they start an alternative for their children - private schools.

On at the moment similar educational institutions acquire all great popularity, therefore, according to demand, the number of offers also increases.

Although opening a private school is exciting and interesting activity, this type of business involves many nuances and complexities.

Experts note that to open a private educational institution, three conditions must be met:

  1. Such a project requires independent and sufficiently powerful sources of financing. Since parents can only pay 80% of the costs, investors must provide the rest.
  2. A separate building with sufficient territory is required.
  3. It is highly desirable to have your own methodology in the education and upbringing system. Original idea- the so-called 'trick' - will significantly help the development of the school.

The process of opening a private school is quite complex. Briefly, it looks like this: the first step is to obtain permission to teach.

Details about this procedure can be found in the district department of public education.

  • Those who are counting on quick profits should also not start such a project: the only legal way to make money at a private school is to charge tuition fees (about $500 per student).
  • A school cannot be turned into a closed joint stock company and a savings account for profits cannot be opened or shares sold. The educational institution must spend all funds received on itself.
  • You also need to remember that a private school will not immediately receive state accreditation, so the first students will take exams twice - at the school itself and at a state educational institution.

Private schools also have advantages:

  • In accordance with the wishes of students and their parents, the curriculum and number of hours may change
  • Teaching methods in such institutions are aimed at developing children's communication skills, leadership skills and business activity.
  • The list of subjects studied may include dancing, vocals, Italian, etc., which are not typical for regular schools.
  • In addition to one or two foreign compulsory languages, private schools study two more as electives.
  • Successful private schools focus on prestigious universities, so students are trained in a special program designed to prepare them for admission to a particular higher education institution.

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First, you need to analyze the market for educational services in your region, develop a charter for a future private school, and draw up a business plan.

The second step should be the opening of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur indicating educational services as the type of activity. You also need to open a bank account and register a seal. The main point is to obtain a license.

She is being extradited government bodies, for example, the Department of Education. Documents for obtaining a license are listed on the websites of government organizations.

Obtaining a license is a complex and lengthy process, because it is issued only to those who already have a schedule and a team of teachers, and have permission from all authorities.


The best premises for a private school may be the premises of a former kindergarten - this is a separate building in a separate territory. Such buildings are most often found in residential areas.

But it is worth remembering that a private school also needs parking, since most private school students are brought by car.

It is important to design the premises in accordance with all the requirements of the fire and sanitary services.

Training programs and equipment

You can develop training programs yourself or use existing ones. They must be compiled by specialists and approved by the Ministry of Education.

It is also necessary to purchase the necessary equipment and furniture, educational and scientific materials, textbooks, manuals, manuals, etc.

To form a library, you can enter into agreements with one or more publishing houses.


Teachers must be recruited through competition, because a private school requires the highest level of qualifications. Private school teachers must not only have a high level of knowledge and teaching experience, but also be able and love to work with children.

In addition to the main teachers, you may also need teachers for additional classes, for example, choreographers or musicians. You will also need medical staff, an accountant, an administrator, cleaners, and security.

If the educational institution plans to provide meals to students, then a cook and kitchen staff will be needed.


At first, a private educational institution will need advertising more than ever. One way to attract students is a website where you can study in detail the concept of schooling, its advantages and prospects.

You can also advertise the opening new school to local media and printed publications. Since an important factor when choosing a school is its reputation, you should not immediately count on a large number of students.

Over time, when the institution becomes well known, there will be no problems with enrollment of students.

To attract as much as possible more Private school students should develop their own proprietary programs, while not forgetting the standard curriculum of secondary schools.


The main cost items when opening a private school are:

  1. Registration of a legal entity
  2. Rent and renovation of suitable premises
  3. Creation of comfortable conditions (purchase of equipment, furniture and inventory)
  4. Salary to employees
  5. Advertising and website creation (promotion)
  6. Current expenses
  7. Development of new curricula and purchase of training material

A private school's income may consist of:

  • Monthly tuition fee (70%)
  • Grants (15-20%)
  • Entry fees (3-7%)
  • Paid additional classes (2-5%)

On average, the profit of a private school is 3-7 thousand USD, but most of it has to be spent on developing new programs, organizing studies, and covering unexpected expenses.

Open a business | How to open a private children's school, what documents are needed?

Organizing a private educational institution is a business that has many difficulties. To open a private school, you need to go through many difficult stages, prepare a lot of documents and take care of various nuances. But if everything is done correctly, the result will not take long to arrive.

Only those who understand well what a private school is - an institution that provides educational services in accordance with state standards, but may also have a number of unique courses, should engage in this business. All this is offered for a fee.

At the same time, a private educational institution is usually small (150-200 people), up to 15 schoolchildren study in classes, and it can work not the required 8 hours a day, but much more (for example, from 8:00 to 21:00).

Also, such a school must have a well-developed infrastructure - a good gym, swimming pool, computer classes etc.

If you want to open a private music school, then it should present modern and high-quality musical instruments and classrooms with excellent facilities for mastering a variety of skills.

In addition, a private school always means the presence of highly qualified staff who teach using special methods.

At the same time, the program should not only teach certain subjects, but also instill in students communication skills, business activity, leadership and other qualities important in modern world.

So, you can open a private school that will teach the basics of business, foreign languages, law, theater arts, linguistics, etc.

And, of course, a private school must offer its students food services (sometimes even full board) and leisure activities. Graduates should be able to take the Unified State Exam on the basis of their educational institution and enter universities without unnecessary difficulties.

To organize such work, you need not only documents to open a private school, but also full compliance work of the existing establishment regulatory framework– the law on education, the Government Decree on the provision of paid educational services, the Order on the procedure for certification of teachers, Model provision about the educational institution. You will also need to achieve compliance with all the rules established by the sanitary station, fire inspection, SanPiN, etc.

All this must be approved by relevant documents, and among them are:

  1. Certificate of Registration non-profit organization(private schools cannot be for-profit). An individual entrepreneur can also open a private school - an entrepreneur can work alone or with the help of hired personnel. In any case, taxation can be simplified.
  2. License to conduct educational activities– she will confirm that the school meets all regulatory requirements
  3. Accreditation (passed voluntarily) and allows you to determine the status of the institution, gives it the right to issue state-issued certificates

Accreditation is issued only five years after the school starts operating, and once accredited, the institution becomes eligible to receive government financial assistance.

Is private education profitable?

rubles monthly). Moreover, there is also an entrance fee for parents, which can range from 50 to 700 thousand rubles (depending on the school, its location, work characteristics, etc.).

However, most of these funds will be spent on teachers' salaries, running costs, the purchase of new equipment and, in general, everything that is needed to open a private school and maintain its work at a given level.

The main costs, in general, are:

  • 15-20 thousand rubles – to obtain a license
  • 85 thousand - for utility bills
  • 80-90 thousand – for meals for students
  • 600-700 thousand - for teachers’ salaries and updating the educational base
  • 1 million – for the purchase of equipment for the school, the purchase of furniture

With certain savings, the last amount can also include the renovation of the premises (after this, documents will be needed to open a private school, issued by the sanitation station, fire inspectorate, and municipal authorities). Renting a building for a school will cost from 200 thousand rubles per month - educational institutions are usually offered discounts. The new building will require investments in construction ranging from 7-8 million rubles. If you want to open a private music school, about 1 million more will need to be spent on instruments and various equipment. Similar expenses will be required to create a powerful sports section, scientific laboratories, mini-theater at school, etc.

Thus, initially an entrepreneur should have at least 1-1.5 million rubles if there is premises for rent or 9 million if there is none. The remaining costs can already be taken from education fees: if there are 150 students and minimum fee at 15 thousand

rubles, monthly income will be 2.2 million rubles. Moreover, entrance fees in the amount of 50 thousand rubles from 150 will give another 7.5 million.

This will allow you to recoup your initial investment quickly, but keep in mind: large quantity It is very difficult to reach students in the first months of work.

Usually, in order to open a private school, you need to enroll up to 30-50 students, which means that the first income will be minimal. In addition, parents may refuse to pay fees in the first month, wanting to first become familiar with the level of education.

Taking this into account, it will often be possible to achieve complete break-even only by the time accreditation is received - that is, 5 years after opening. However, this time will be enough for the private school to establish itself well and have every right to increase prices for its services.

For childrenFor womenFrom 1 million rubles up to 3 million rubles.Services

How to open an acting school from scratch

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How to make money from acting school

Many parents strive to unleash the creative potential of their children at an early age, which is why children's development studios have gained considerable popularity.

At the same time, acting is still less popular among existing schools and studios, although it is very much in demand, and therefore aspiring entrepreneurs can be advised to start their own business with this interesting business.

In order to open a children's and youth acting school, you need to know legal grounds on which it will act.

Acting school: features, nuances

When planning to create an acting school, it is important to take into account the modern needs of children, as well as their psychological and creative characteristics. This type of business will be successful if you take into account several important nuances:

  • think over the age range of future students, mentally divide studio visitors into thematic and age groups. Thus, an acting studio can be designed for children from 2 and teenagers up to 16 years old, but wider age limits can be set. To correctly determine this feature, it is important to study the existing market and consumer demand in advance;
  • calculate the required investments. Aspiring entrepreneurs often turn to in various ways: attachment equity or, in its absence, obtaining a bank loan. It is also possible to contact sponsors or try to get help state funds support for entrepreneurship or organizations involved in the development of children's creativity;
  • registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - depending on the scale of the future enterprise;
  • choosing a suitable room, working on the design and renovation of the studio;
  • purchase necessary equipment and technology, educational materials. This stage also includes the selection of the most suitable suppliers of equipment, training and consumables, and the conclusion of a cooperation agreement;
  • selection of employees for the future school, development of teaching materials;
  • concluding agreements with service companies, including sanitary and utility services;
  • attracting potential students, promotional events;
  • development of school work schedule and class schedule.

On video: How to make money at acting school

Before taking specific steps to establish an acting school, it is important to draw up a business plan in which to calculate all future costs and expected profits. It is also necessary to calculate the return on investment of the enterprise in order to predict how quickly the school will begin to make a profit.

Open an acting school for children and teenagers

Recruitment rules. Search for premises

Acting school staff are a very important link final result. It is the acting teachers who have the most important influence on the success of the school as a whole.

Since the school's students will be representatives of the most complex age groups– children and adolescents, it is important that teachers have not only professional skills, but also the necessary psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

Each teacher must have sufficient experience working with different age categories. Typically, children are divided into several age groups, but teachers must be interchangeable and have a wide range of qualifications.

In addition to teachers, the acting school must have an administrator, accountant (outsourcer), and technical staff on staff.

As the organization develops, it is also advisable for the manager to select an experienced assistant who can fully replace both the manager himself and the accountant or administrator.

A suitable spacious room for an acting school is one of the important factors that you need to pay close attention to. So, the future school should have several classrooms, in addition, a stage for staging children's plays is required.

The ideal location for an acting school would be a free-standing building, but part of a residential building is also quite suitable.

Large office centers are undesirable for such a school, since in such places there are practically no target audience, suitable for children's acting school.

On video: Theater studio for children

As for the territorial location of the school, it does not have to be opened in the city center.

Such organizations are quite in demand in densely populated residential areas where most families with children live.

It is desirable that there is a metro station nearby in the selected area, and a convenient transport interchange is required.

Attracting clients. Promotional Events

Good advertising is one of the important conditions for the success of a beginning acting school. Since this organization is designed for children and teenagers, it is necessary to disseminate information in nearby kindergartens and schools, and place advertisements in neighboring residential buildings.

The opening of an acting school will not be possible without advertising on the Internet.

You can also post relevant information on thematic forums dedicated to child development and creativity.

To promote your school faster, you can seek the help of advertising specialists who, for a fee, will develop a competent strategy.

Theater studio for children

Opening an acting school: basic steps

The first thing you need to do to open an acting school for children and teenagers is to choose a suitable organizational and legal form: LLC or individual entrepreneur.

The first option is less risky for the owner’s capital, since in the event of financial failure his personal funds will not be affected.

An individual entrepreneur risks his own funds.

An individual entrepreneur can carry out his activities under a simplified taxation system, which makes it possible to save time and money for the company owner.

Regarding the method of receiving tuition payments, such organizational form allows the use of both cash and non-cash payments.

Installing terminals for cashless payments greatly simplifies the processes of accepting payments, as well as accounting for profits.

To avoid unnecessary problems with licensing the activities of an acting school, you should not declare it as educational institution. In this case, obtaining a license will not be required.

Differences in registering individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Regarding registration the required system taxation, this procedure will differ somewhat depending on which option the entrepreneur chooses - LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Creating an enterprise in the form of an LLC should begin by contacting the nearest territorial center of the Federal Tax Service, and the branch can be visited both in person and electronically by submitting an application online on the official website.

If the future business owner does not have sufficient experience, you can use the services of intermediaries who, for a fee, can fully prepare and submit everything necessary documents.

After this, registration with Pension Fund. To create an LLC, you need to prepare a charter and have a minimum authorized capital, as well as pay a state fee of up to 5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need to order a seal of the organization and open a current account in any bank.

The next steps in organizing an LLC are to decide on the full name of the structure and choose legal address(it can display both the address of the premises purchased or rented for the school, and the home address of the founder).

Another important step– select the appropriate company activity codes, guided by special OKVED codes, they are then indicated in the application being drawn up. If this action causes difficulties, you can use the services of online resources that select codes for various organizations.

After this, depending on the number of founders, a decision on the creation of an LLC or a special protocol (if there is more than one founder) is prepared and submitted to the relevant authority.

Also, if the LLC has several founders, an agreement on establishment is drawn up and signed.

Then, having prepared the charter of the enterprise, using a special form, they fill out an application for registering an LLC, pay a fee and finally choose a suitable taxation system.

For beginning businessmen, a simplified system will be the most convenient and profitable. Having collected all the documents, they are submitted to the named authority and wait for a response. If it is positive, you can start working.

Those who want to organize a small school with one owner can start by registering individual entrepreneur. To do this, you only need to fill out a certain application with the tax office, pay the fee and wait for the final registration.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Many parents prefer private educational institutions to public schools, which is why a budding entrepreneur may be interested in the project of creating a private school.

This private school business plan is quick guide on organizing a private business in the field of educational services with a relatively fast two-year turnover of invested money.

The success of a business plan largely depends on the skillful implementation of the set goals:

  • achieve high profitability future school;
  • get a high and stable income;
  • meet the demand for educational services.

One of the main conditions for achieving these goals is the correct location of the school and obtaining a license to conduct this extremely profitable, but somewhat risky business.

You should also adhere to the timing and main stages of implementing the business plan.

The most important and one of the first points of the business plan is obtaining a commercial loan, the interest on which will need to be paid from the first month of the project.

Monetary estimate for a private school business plan

Price of this project is 3,060,000 rubles. The approximate interest rate is 24%.

What will be the main expenses:

  • rent, or better yet, purchase and renovation of a suitable premises with an area of ​​at least 1500-2500 m²;
  • registration of a license to carry out teaching activities;
  • purchase of capital equipment;
  • selection and hiring of teaching and technical personnel;
  • curriculum development;
  • organization of the learning process;
  • advertising company;
  • unexpected expenses.

In case of successful implementation of the presented business project, the income will be about 278,700 rubles.

Required Equipment

When organizing a private school, you can do without purchasing a school bus, but the following list of equipment is basic:

  • desks, chairs, boards;
  • everything for a computer class;
  • equipment for the gym, canteen, first-aid post, labor office, teacher's room, etc.

The technical equipment of a private school must meet safety regulations and increase the competitiveness of the institution.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of successful company on franchising terms. We invite you to get acquainted with.

Why starting a business with a franchise is easier and more convenient can be found out from a selection of articles published in the case studies section:

A few important points for a successful private school business plan

1. The enrollment of students directly depends on the location of the private school. Therefore, it is better to rent a room in a prestigious residential area, with good transport connections and parking. IN lately In this regard, cottage villages in the Moscow region are promising.
2. Special attention attention should be paid to selecting qualified teaching staff who can successfully work even with “difficult” children.
3. The presence of a license, certification and state accreditation will significantly increase the reputation of a private school.
4. Focus on in-depth study of foreign languages.
5. Computer class equipped with modern technology.
6. Well-established connections with prestigious universities, which students will be able to enroll in after graduating from a private school.
7. Expanding the scope of standard educational programs according to the interests of students and their parents.
8. Saving money on rent and salaries.
9. Tuition at a private school in Moscow must be at least $300 per month per student.