Currently, children's complexes are becoming more common. The variety is simply amazing, especially for children who love to frolic so much. Therefore, step by step ready business The plan for a children's playroom will be relevant for experienced and experienced people.

According to preliminary estimates, to open a children's playroom from scratch, you need to have funds in the amount of 900 thousand rubles.

This amount will include:

  1. Renting premises. The area will be 50 square meters. The rent will cost 60 thousand monthly.
  2. Equipping a children's room with attractions - 700 thousand rubles.
  3. Outdoor advertising will cost 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Business registration and unforeseen expenses are another 70 thousand rubles.

From this amount, the business owner can afford to make personal cash only 40%; it is planned to apply for a bank loan for the missing amount.

Services provided

A sample business plan for a children's playroom poses certain tasks - the most important aspect is that children have an unforgettable vacation separately from their parents while they go about their business. The variety of attractions will not let any child get bored.

On average, the cost of one hour of stay in a room for children will be 150 rubles per hour on weekdays; on weekends the amount will increase slightly and amount to 200 rubles per hour.


We plan to open a children's room in a large entertainment center with the highest traffic. For a game room, an area of ​​about 50 square meters is quite sufficient. m. Monthly rent will cost 60 tr. It will be located in a room on the ground floor, with a cafeteria and a hypermarket nearby.


In order to purchase equipment, it is planned to spend the main amount - 700 thousand rubles.

For the full functioning of the chosen business, we will purchase:

  • Various balls.
  • Rocking chairs.
  • Crooked mirrors.
  • Soft constructor.
  • Plastic houses.
  • Materials for creativity.
  • Labyrinths
  • Game module.
  • Massage mats.
  • Tables and chairs.

To operate the game room, according to the business plan, four employees will be required. Their work will be carried out in shifts - two days after two. Two employees will work per shift. Their responsibilities include cleaning the premises and accepting payments. Wages will consist of two parts - a fixed salary and a bonus based on performance.

In total, each employee will receive 18 thousand rubles.

Tax system

We will register a sample business plan for a children's playroom at individual entrepreneur- IP. Registration will be carried out at the local tax office. ENVR (also called imputed) was chosen for the taxation system. For an individual entrepreneur this is the most best option. The tax amount will not be large. It does not depend on the profit of the organization. The monthly amount will be fixed and paid by the owner of the gaming room once a quarter. It is not necessary to have a cash register; you can use sales receipts.

Children's playrooms - step-by-step instructions in 6 stages + list of the most cost-effective areas for playrooms.

Capital investments: from RUB 300,000.
Payback: in 7-9 months

Businessmen know that one of the profitable areas entrepreneurial activity are entertainment for children.

The most popular among them are photo shoots, holidays, and also playrooms for children.

The latter can be placed anywhere: from shopping centers to airports.

The most important thing in this matter is to never install cheap equipment, so as not to harm the health of children, and also not to skimp on toys so that little visitors always have something to play with.

We'll look into the rest of the business organization details further.

How to start a game room business?

In order for a game room to become a full-fledged business that generates considerable income, you need to go through the following stages of preparation:

  1. Register as an entrepreneur.
  2. Explore regulatory framework in the region.
  3. Review federal regulations regarding children's play equipment.
  4. Study the laws that relate to liability for harm to the health of children.
  5. Familiarize yourself with fire safety requirements.
  6. Issue medical records for staff.

1. Preparation of documents.

For a game room, you need to go through the following steps for the business to be completely legal:

  • registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity (the first option is still recommended, because in this situation the individual entrepreneur has some bonuses);
  • select OKVED code – usually 92.7;
  • registration in pension and extra-budgetary funds;
  • purchase of a cash register and equipment that is selected according to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and fire safety inspection;
  • but no additional licensing is required.

2. Market analysis.

If where you plan to do business, similar playgrounds, you can visit them in working hours, as a client, analyze their shortcomings and rely on the experience of competitors.

An effective way to check the profitability of this area are questionnaires for parents - by conducting a couple of surveys in a certain area, you can find out how many children there are and how often they play in public places.

To ensure that the investment is not wasted, a type of business such as a playroom for children must be carefully studied.

First, you should conduct a survey of parents and residents of the area where the site is planned to open.

Then you should find out which age group what games does he prefer?

3. Equipment for a children's playroom.

Specific equipment is offered for each area.

Manufacturing and installation of a standard complex takes 2-3 weeks.

To produce all the details of a playroom in a certain thematic style, for example, based on a cartoon, it will take at least 5 weeks.

The target audience is only children - accordingly, you need to think about the safety of the equipment first of all.

Game labyrinths with different obstacles for all ages are in great demand.

This is a durable metal structure with 2-4 floors, equipped with a variety of play and educational elements.

The choice of equipment for filling the game labyrinth is huge, including:

  • slide with dry pool;
  • trampoline;
  • slide with a turn or double;
  • obstacle courses with hanging, protruding and rotating soft elements;
  • woven tunnels.

In addition to game labyrinths, you should take care of areas for quiet time, where you can draw or play with interactive panels.

Such equipment does not take up much space, but requires constant availability consumables(paper and stationery).

4. Rules of conduct for visitors.

To date, there are no official requirements regarding the organization of a children's playroom.

However, there are regulatory documents to regulate the work of child care institutions.

The most important requirements are:

  • If a child has a cold, do not allow him into the playroom.
  • A child can spend no more than 4 hours in the playroom.
  • A child under 3 years old must play under parental supervision.
  • If a child behaves badly, his parents must pick him up after warning the playroom employee.
  • Children can be in the playroom only with a change of shoes, and in the labyrinths - without shoes.

These are not definitive rules for visiting a game room; they may vary depending on what equipment is used and how much space it takes up.

Where can you open children's playrooms?

Where the playroom for children will be located will affect the amount of regular income.

Therefore, you should carefully consider all possible options in advance.

The most profitable places are located where there are many children, who are potential clients.

Of the most profitable and most visited areas, it is worth highlighting:

  • stores specializing in the sale of children's goods;
  • residential areas with few playgrounds;
  • shopping centers.

Not all shopping centers can achieve high levels of traffic if they are located in remote areas or offer a poor range of products.

The largest flow of customers is observed near branded retailers.

Here people spend quite a lot of time thinking about what things to buy, and children do not like to wait for a long time while their parents choose for a long time.

On weekends, traffic in the shopping center can be up to 100 people per day, on weekdays it is half as much - 30-40.

If you want your room to accommodate more than 10 visitors, you should choose a room from 20 square meters. meters.

What State Requires a Children's Playroom?

While still in the process, it is necessary to begin searching for personnel.

All employees must maintain order and cleanliness, prevent damage to property and not conceal proceeds.

If the applicant inspires confidence and has extensive experience working with children on his resume, you can offer him a vacancy.

You can hire the following applicants:

  • students;
  • stay-at-home moms;
  • young pensioners.

A big advantage is having a pedagogical education.

The staff, not counting the manager, can work in shifts of 1-3 people, provided that the game room does not occupy a large area.

If desired, you can invite animators to the game room who will entertain and play with the children so that they do not get bored.

In addition to the basic salary, employees can receive a certain percentage of total revenue - 2-5%.

Thus, the employee is motivated to earn money more money, and will offer additional services to parents.

To clean the premises, you can invite an employee from a cleaning company on the condition hourly pay– this allows you to save some money.

How much does it cost to open a children's playroom?

It is noteworthy that for similar business One-time capital investments are sufficient.

Further expenses are associated only with promotion and advertising, as well as repair work children's playground.

As an example, the costs for opening a children's playroom with an area of ​​40 sq.m. are given:

An example of how you can arrange a children's playroom is presented in the video:

How quickly do playrooms for children pay for themselves?

Income from a children's room can vary and depend on the number of visitors, as well as demand.

After all, it is known that in summer time year, there are many more children in open areas and streets.

In addition to the main service (placing children in rooms), you can offer many additional ones that double your revenue.

For example, organizing children's carnivals, holidays and birthdays.

For such events you need to develop invitations, scripts and menus - this can be done either independently or ordered from event agencies.

Children's tastes often change with the development of technology.

Children's playrooms will generate significantly more revenue if you regularly add new elements, change equipment and open new spaces.

This way, children's interest will always be retained and they will be frequent customers.

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The attractiveness of this type of business is due to several objective reasons: When visiting a shopping center, it will be convenient for parents to leave their kids under supervision while they calmly continue shopping. The second reason is a basic lack preschool institutions in the country. On at the moment The idea of ​​opening a children's playroom is relevant and, with the right approach, will become very profitable for an entrepreneur.

Market analysis and competitiveness

A well-written business plan will help make this business effective and not waste money. Opening a children's playground cannot be called a highly profitable business: it will not pay off in a couple of months, but it will become an excellent business for the future. In addition, such an enterprise is stable, because the outflow of visitors is possible only in summer period when children and their parents spend time outdoors.

So, it is important to clarify the following aspects:

  1. The right place. It is especially important for entrepreneurs living in small town. It is necessary to select a site with the largest number potential consumers of this entertainment.
  2. Age group. Clearly decide on the least developed segment and focus on it. This will significantly reduce the influence of competitors on your entertainment center.
  3. Availability of other game rooms nearby. The ideal option is their absence in the area. If such rooms exist, then you need to visit them. Goal: to find out the marketing component, pricing policy, as well as the competitor's target audience.

Important! You can get more information about other sites by visiting one of them and asking its employees. This will make it possible to determine the popularity of the center, its workload (how long the child stays there) and various shortcomings in organizational matters.

It is recommended to use the experience of word of mouth. It is enough to place an ad on a social network linked to a locality and monitor the number of reviews received. There are calls and responses to advertising - the business is relevant. Otherwise, the market is already oversaturated with such proposals, and the project will not pay off.

Cost-effectiveness of a children's entertainment room

Before opening such an enterprise, you should draw up a business plan for a playroom for children with the following calculations: starting capital, possible risks and likely future profits. As an example, we can take an entertainment room with an area of ​​30 m2, which can accommodate about 20 children. Setting up such an entertainment center will require about 300 thousand rubles. Costs include:

  • purchase of equipment - 180–200 thousand rubles;
  • wages to employees - from 50 thousand;
  • rent - 30–40 thousand;
  • opening an individual entrepreneur or registering a company - from 15 thousand.

Proper planning and good location of such a room will play a key role in business development. Preference should be given to places with large crowds of people: a shopping center, a cinema, a hypermarket, as well as various institutions. In some cases, even a residential area can be successful in terms of location and bring significant profit. For example, if there are no similar entertainments in the area.

Registration of activities

Unlike kindergarten or the development center, the entrepreneur will not need approval from government agencies and obtaining a special license. Legitimize this type activities can be done in this way:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first one is more profitable in this regard: less tax and a simpler registration process.
  2. Get the OKVED code. In this case, “Other activities for organizing recreation and entertainment” under No. 92.7 is suitable.
  3. Register with extra-budgetary funds, including PF.
  4. Equip the premises in accordance with the requirements of Gospozhnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Buy cash register or use the form strict reporting.

The same rule applies to opening children's cafe with a games room, for example. However, then additional documents will be required. There are no official requirements for the conditions for organizing such rooms, and supervisory authorities will be guided by standard regulatory documents. There are several important rules regarding the creation of children's playrooms:

  • the site must have lighting and ventilation;
  • The room should be wet cleaned regularly;
  • employees are required to have medical records;
  • There should be no children with symptoms of acute respiratory infections, ARVI, etc. on the territory of the complex.

A fully completed and functioning entertainment center will bring a good profit to its owner. The main thing is to draw up a business plan, complete the documentation required by law, and have start-up capital. A well-designed project will allow you to successfully develop a business in the field of children's entertainment industry. You can take a competitive platform that has a good return on activity as an example.

Equipment purchase

It is important to properly organize the purchase of components for the operation of an entertaining children's room. The installation process of standard complexes can take about a week or two. If we are talking about an individual project from scratch - about a month. The target audience is children, which means the equipment must be safe. The best option is a professional manufacturing company. It is not recommended to save money by buying handicraft samples. It is better to choose a manufacturer based on the following criteria:

  1. Availability of all certificates for manufactured products.
  2. Website of the manufacturer's store with a catalog of offered copies.
  3. Reputation of the manufacturing company in this market segment.

Advice! For greater safety, as well as to monitor the work of staff and the behavior of visitors, it is recommended to equip children's entertainment areas with video surveillance systems.

Choosing the right place

Location is one of the most important points, therefore, when developing a business plan for a children's playroom, this must be taken into account. The profitability of this business will depend on the correct location chosen. It is recommended to pay attention to 2 options:

  1. Shopping mall. Everything is simple here: a large flow of people in a short period of time. Parents will be happy to leave their children to have fun while continuing their journey through the shopping center in peace. The owners of the shopping center understand this very well and provide free space to entrepreneurs who want to open a playroom for children. Rent can be discussed on individual terms. Usually this is 10-20% of the playground's profit.
  2. Sleeping area of ​​the city. A densely populated microdistrict in a metropolis with all its traffic jams and traffic is extremely inconvenient for residents who want to leave their children in the shopping center while shopping. A playground opened next to a residential building, school or kindergarten will be a good solution for individual entrepreneurs.
  1. The area of ​​the room is at least 30 square meters. This will accommodate about 20 children at once.
  2. The room should be spacious, bright, with cosmetic repairs and a ventilation system.
  3. In shopping centers, children's playgrounds should be located at the entrance. This will immediately attract the attention of parents and make them want to leave their child there.
  4. In a residential area the best option will become the first floor of the house.
  5. It is better if there are toilets next to the rooms.

When choosing a room to rent, you should be guided by your own financial capabilities. The larger the area, the higher the payment. If the starting capital is small, it is better to start with an area of ​​20–30 square meters.

Benefits of a children's playroom

When drawing up a business project on an entertainment theme, you need to take into account the main factors described above. This will help you save money and avoid many mistakes at the initial stage of opening. The advantages of such a business include:

  1. Stability and payback. This type of activity works for the future. The demand for entertainment rooms remains strong and growing. This is due to growing employment among the population, especially in megacities.
  2. Quick start. Promotion does not require significant financial investments. The purchase and installation of equipment for sites can be entrusted to professional companies.
  3. Lack of paperwork. To open such a center, you do not need a special permit or license to operate. It is enough to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  4. Significant demand. Many parents will only be happy with such a service. It's completely inexpensive and safe. Good alternative nanny or kindergarten.

To summarize, it can be noted: for doing business in children's entertainment rooms It is enough to conduct a market analysis. You cannot do without a well-thought-out business plan that will indicate the necessary financial investments, as well as all kinds of risks. Good choice premises will have a positive impact on the profitability of the business, and a high-quality advertising campaign will speed up the promotion process. All that remains is to purchase equipment and hire efficient staff.

An ideal business for a young mother is opening a children's playroom. Often the thought of this matter comes to the minds of those who have a child (or even several children) in their arms, who have nowhere to take to have fun or nowhere to leave for an hour or two. Having analyzed the market, a lady with entrepreneurial savvy understands that this problem is relevant not only for her. Baby boom, which began thanks to state support in the form of issuing maternity capital for a second child, makes the children's entertainment niche very interesting from a business point of view.

The business plan below “How to open a children's playroom” will clearly show what a novice entrepreneur needs to pay attention to at the stage of preparing a business in order to carry out effective activities in the future.

It cannot be said that a children's room is a highly profitable business. By doing this, an entrepreneur is unlikely to recoup the investment in a couple of months. However, this is a fairly stable enterprise, since demand for it drops only in the summer months, when the main flow of customers laze on the warm city beach or leave the city altogether.

Considering the summer outflow of clients, it is advisable to open a children's playroom in early autumn.

Market analysis and competitive assessment

In order to ensure that business investments are not lost forever, it is necessary to carefully study the current situation in the field of children's entertainment. So, it is important to find out:

You can find out whether there will be a demand for the room’s services by posting advertisements about its opening. If calls or messages are received in response social networks- that means the idea is relevant. If the ad does not generate interest, perhaps the market is oversaturated, the population of your city is too small or there is a low purchasing power citizens who are not ready to pay for your services.

The analysis will help the entrepreneur assess the feasibility of entering this business. If it has shown that the children's playroom service will be in demand, you should proceed to the registration process.

How to open a playroom for children: registration

Any activity that generates profit, according to the law of our state, must be taxed. In order not to break the law, we should contact tax office for paperwork. For this business, it is preferable to register as a business, since, firstly, it is cheaper than, and secondly, an individual entrepreneur can receive some tax benefits.

A license is not required to provide general educational services, which greatly simplifies the task.

The visitor to the game room must receive from the operator cash receipt or strict reporting form. Most often they use forms that are ordered from any printing house.

There are no official requirements from licensing authorities yet, so we are doing everything possible to ensure that there are no complaints against the business during possible inspections:

  • the room must be ventilated;
  • disinfection should be carried out once a week;
  • children with visible symptoms of infectious or colds should not be allowed to visit;
  • A person without a criminal record and, preferably, with a pedagogical education should keep order and work with children: a teacher, nanny or kindergarten teacher, graduates or senior students of pedagogical secondary schools, universities and colleges.

What do you need to open a children's playroom?

Deciding on the location

One of the most important factors in organizing this business is its location, because the profitability of the business ultimately depends on how many children will visit the playroom.

When choosing a location for a children's room, entrepreneurs most often choose two placement options:

  • in a large shopping center. When choosing a shopping center, an entrepreneur bases his choice on the large flow of people. Parents can leave their child and go shopping in peace. The owners of shopping centers also understand this, so sometimes, having empty space, they make concessions in terms of rent: they significantly lower the rental rate or even provide space for accommodation for free. The option of paying rent with 10-20 percent of the profit is also being considered;
  • room opening in a residential area It is interesting because a large number of people in a densely populated microdistrict of a metropolis do not have enough time to overcome the long road, often with traffic jams, to shopping centers. Therefore, it is quite convenient for them to have a small children’s room near their home, kindergarten or school.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to some details:

  • if we are talking about a shopping center, then the room should be located near the entrance, and not at the very end of the corridor, where not every parent with a small child can reach;
  • If we are located in a residential area, it is ideal to rent the first floor of the building. It’s great if you have access to a separate entrance, for example, from the end of the building;
  • the room itself must be spacious, bright, well-finished, the room must meet all the requirements of the fire department and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • toilet rooms must be located either in the rented premises or in close proximity to it;
  • The area of ​​the room must be at least 30 square meters. meters.

The size of the room depends on how much you are willing to pay for rent and on the expected number of children present at one time. If you plan that ten children can be in the room at the same time, then twenty square meters of space will be enough.

Decorating the interior of the game room

It’s no secret that children love everything bright and colorful, which is why the interior of a children’s playroom is designed in accordance with the preferences of little clients. We strongly advise against adding black or rich, dirty tones to the design of the playroom.

The game room must have at least two zones: for active games and a relaxation area. If you plan to host birthdays, parties and themed tea parties in the room, the room should have the appropriate equipment, or at least a place for it.

Game room and its equipment

When purchasing the necessary equipment for a game room, it is necessary to be guided by the direction of the business, which the entrepreneur should have already decided on by this time based on the data obtained during the market analysis.

If the bulk of future visitors will be between one and three years old, the room should be soft in the truest sense of the word. Literally everything here is made of printed material. These include houses, various construction sets with large details, and soft puzzles.

Older children will appreciate the area where they can draw and sculpt from plasticine. There can be tables and chairs, easels, cabinets with all the necessary materials.

The main cost is the purchase of children's multi-level labyrinths with many obstacles, slides, ladders, pears, ropes, etc. Bright slides, made of extra-strong carbon fiber, especially delight children, since they can slide down into a special dry pool with thousands of multi-colored balls. By the way, in the dry pool, in addition to pleasure, children also receive a full body massage.

Many people place small inflatable trampolines or sports nets in the children's room, since children of all ages love to jump.

In addition, attention should be paid to functional furniture: sofas, armchairs, hangers for outerwear, cabinets for books and materials, shelves for first shoes, a table for staff, etc.

It's no secret that the more varied the room's equipment, the more interesting it will be for children. Therefore, only your own imagination and available funds can limit here.


You need to start looking for staff to work in the game room one and a half to two months before the expected opening. Hiring the wrong person to work sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences: mistreatment of children, lack of order in the room, damage to equipment, and even withholding proceeds from the owner. Therefore, it is important to approach this stage as responsibly as possible.

Of course, the ideal option is to work in the playroom yourself for two to three months. Then, having studied the entire process “from the inside,” it will be easier to find personnel and subsequently control them. The easiest way to find an employee is to post a hiring message on a job board.

In addition, for an employee to love children and be able to communicate with them, he must do the following: tasks:

  • ensure the safety of children while they are in the playroom,
  • conduct introductory mini-excursions, showing kids what is located and where,
  • monitor the proper operation of existing equipment,
  • maintain cleanliness and order in the room.

Financial part

So, we found out how to open a children's playroom from registration to equipment. What are the financial costs and expected profit?

To purchase everything necessary equipment you will need from 200 thousand rubles minimum to one and a half million maximum. Plus, to the initial expenses - registration as an individual entrepreneur - 5,000 rubles, minor cosmetic repairs of the premises - about 10,000 rubles.

In addition, there are constant expenses, such as:

  • rental of premises - from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the chosen location;
  • salary for metropolis workers, taking into account that they will work in two shifts - 2 people * 15,000 rubles each = 30,000 rubles; wages in small locality– 7-8 thousand rubles.

The cost of a child visiting a children's playroom varies from 100 rubles in a small town to 200 rubles per hour in a large metropolis. Considering that in a large shopping center, on average, 5 people per hour will visit a room, the revenue will be about 10,000 rubles for a 10-hour shift. In a small locality, the visitor statistics are less pleasant: the room is visited by 10-12 people a day, respectively, the daily revenue will be 1000-1200 rubles.

After making calculations, we find out that average profit in a city with a million population will be about 200 thousand rubles per month, and in a sparsely populated area - about eighteen thousand rubles.

So, as the business plan for a children's room shows, in order for it to be profitable, it is enough to correctly analyze the market, find good place for location, purchase quality equipment, select personnel and conduct a good advertising campaign. Thanks to the above actions, the opened gaming room will have regular customers, bringing a stable profit to the business owner.


If a business related to children is an area in which you want to devote your time and achieve success, pay attention to inexpensive franchises that allow you to purchase a ready-made business for a small amount, for example, related to the sale of unique toys.

Thus, it provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to start a business selling unique modern dolls. They are created from environmentally friendly, high-quality materials. Handmade is distinguished by its uniqueness and aesthetic appeal. Products have great demand, therefore will bring high profits to entrepreneurs.

A franchise worth 59 thousand rubles offers favorable conditions. Partners will receive their own online store, step by step instructions, catalogs of dolls and dresses for them and much more. Cooperation will be as profitable as possible, since businessmen will require a minimum of effort for promotion.

As soon as adults become parents, the question of how to organize a child’s leisure time begins to haunt them constantly. How can you combine your business with children’s leisure as efficiently as possible for both parties? This is what children's playrooms are for.

While parents go about their business, children are supervised, communicate, play and learn something new. For parents this is help, and for the owners of the room it is business. And it can be profitable if you take all the key points into account correctly. How to open a children's playroom? Let's look at the business plan below.


To register a children's playroom, you will not need to obtain any additional licenses.

The package of documents regulating this type of activity comes down to the standard registration package for a legally operating enterprise providing services to the public.

In this case, individual entrepreneurship is quite sufficient.

Such registration takes a minimum of time, and the level of costs is very small - within the limits of official taxes.

You can deal with registration issues yourself, but then you must be prepared to spend some time in line to submit and issue documents, but you will be able to fit into the minimum budget.

If you are not ready to register yourself, have doubts about filling out the registration forms correctly and do not want to waste time on unproductive activities, you can hire someone who will complete this step for you. The cost of such services today is not so high, but it significantly simplifies the life of a future entrepreneur.

You will receive the documents in the same time frame as in the case of self-registration (and sometimes even earlier), but during this time you will be able to do for your future business what requires your direct participation.

Equipment for children's playroom

This moment is perhaps the most costly and responsible for this type of business.

You will have to work with children, and they are the most ruthless critics. If a child doesn’t like it in your playroom, he won’t come there anymore, and no mother can convince him otherwise. But if you like it, then he will be your most grateful and regular visitor.

Children's room interior

The main elements of children's room equipment may look like this:

  1. Elements for active recreation. Children's playground, slides, ladders, swings, wall bars, balls.
  2. Stationery, drawing and applied creativity, appropriate furniture.
  3. Books for children of all ages.
  4. Board games, puzzles.
  5. TV, set of cartoons and children's films.
  6. Toys (only those that can be easily handled).

This list is not mandatory for every game room. You can vary it at your discretion, based on your budget and technical capabilities of the room.

Equipping a playroom for children

So, if you have a small room, you shouldn’t squeeze a huge town in there; you can get by with a small element. Common sense should be the main determining criterion when it comes to room furnishings. There are only two mandatory conditions:

  1. The child should be comfortable and spacious enough to have enough space to play.
  2. Your visitors should be safe. This is the most important requirement. All toys and pieces of furniture must have appropriate safety certificates, be made only from materials that are safe for children (it’s good if they are natural), and be easy to wash and handle.

It is also worth noting that high-quality children's equipment is quite expensive. However, such things last much longer, they can be subjected to minor repairs if necessary, without replacing them entirely.

This is a smart investment compared to buying cheap pieces of furniture and toys that you will have to replace after a short time.

Organizational aspects

Talking about organizational issues, we will again return to safety first.

Regardless of where the children's room will be located, both must comply with the strictest sanitary and fire safety standards.

All items with which the room is equipped must meet the same criteria.

It is worth taking care of having a first aid kit (we are dealing with children, and they often know how to do the most unexpected things), as well as a sufficient amount drinking water, disposable tableware and wet and dry wipes. The presence of a bathroom and a place for washing hands is also required.

When preparing your game room for opening, make sure that as many of your friends as possible know about this event. potential buyers. If the room is located in a shopping center, it would be a good idea to post information about the center’s public address system (almost every modern mall is equipped with it), and also place advertising information in nearby houses.

If you are opening a game room in another location, then it is worth spending a little more time on advertising. Specific events and methods of communication with potential clients are determined depending on the specifics of your gaming room and the general traffic of visitors.

Children's playroom in the sports complex

Speaking about the format of a children's playroom, it is worth noting that, along with the already familiar forms that can be seen today in almost every major supermarket, today the form of coworking is becoming increasingly popular, and has already reached children's establishments.

More and more young mothers want to lead an active social life while remaining with their children. Coworking is an ideal option for such cases. Any mother with her child can come here. Each of them can do what interests him, the mother can work, negotiate or communicate with other mothers, and the child can play with peers at this time.

At the same time, the relaxed and creative atmosphere motivates them to constantly visit such spaces. Yoga, drawing and classes for the creative development of children and adults are perfectly combined in such spaces.

In the summer, coworking can be organized right on the street, in a park or square, because your visitors will then enjoy communication and fresh air at the same time.


Cheerful and interesting employees are the main value of the game room.

There are no clear criteria for age and professional education.

The main thing is that the person working with children in your playroom is psychologically balanced, sufficiently educated, and has the ability to establish contact with any child.

Naturally, the presence of a health certificate and regular examination medical examination is prerequisite for every employee dealing with children.

In all other respects, you are at your own discretion. Both young animators and older nannies can do their job equally well, meeting the assigned tasks, as well as the level you stated. In some cases, mothers themselves are also involved in working with children in playrooms because they want to spend as much time as possible with their children.

Children's products always sell well. At proper organization This business idea is doomed to success. : basic points for starting your own business.

Is it possible to open a children's clothing store from scratch and how to do it, read.

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Profitability and location

The profitability of a children's playroom is closely related to its location. Therefore, it would be good to initially worry about finding a premises located in a place with good traffic from your target audience. Traditionally, the best places to organize such places are large supermarkets, shopping centers and shopping malls.

Here parents are ready to spend a significant amount of time, and they are interested in organizing leisure time for their child during this period. Children enjoy visiting such places, and they are the ones who initiate trips to the shopping center.

Play complex in a supermarket

The malls themselves are interested in the good operation of children's playrooms, since both parties receive mutual benefit from a well-organized process.

If the level of profitability from hourly wages does not suit you, you can provide a number of additional services that will attract more visitors to you.

So, we can talk about organizing holidays for children, holding birthdays and themed parties. Children are also interested in various creative master classes, which can be held on a regular basis. This way you will have a regular source of additional income.

Business plan for opening a children's playroom

Organizing a children's playroom can become a good business and bring its owner stable income, if you approach the matter thoughtfully.

There are several key points that should be carefully thought through at the stage of drawing up a business plan:

  • registration related issues;
  • how to equip a children's room;
  • where to find premises;
  • selection of employees;
  • advertising.

Each of these stages requires a certain amount of time and cash investments. Having correctly calculated them, you can make up your own detailed plan actions and calculate the payback period and level of profitability of your business project.

It is worth noting that the need for children's playrooms in large cities is significantly higher than in small ones. However, here the level of competition will be much tougher than in a small town.

When preparing to launch a new project, it is worth starting traditionally with an analysis of the existing competitive environment. Look around the area that interests you, find out where children's playrooms are already open and what services they provide. This way you can determine the clear needs of potential buyers and offer them exactly the service that will be expected in given time and in this place.

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