Of all possible options Business organization can identify a niche for the production of decorative products. Experts note an increased demand for products for interior decoration. And even the economic crisis has little effect on people’s desire to decorate their own home. This includes making candles. Production of church candles, as well as decorative and aromatic products in lately is actively developing in the domestic market.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 10,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

This is understandable if you analyze the modern consumer market and the demand for products of this kind:

Considering all the advantages of the candle business, you can safely begin the project. What should an entrepreneur take care of when launching own business in this area?

Range of products offered

A promising niche is the production of church candles

Receiving technology finished products is very variable, which makes it possible to obtain a wide variety of products using the same materials and equipment. And what candles to bet on when opening own production paraffin candles, will depend on the specific market. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to analyze the potential audience here.

Are there several large churches in the region? Then it makes sense to produce large quantities of church candles. And in villages and villages, for example, ordinary household candles will be in demand.

The range of products can be huge:

  • church,
  • household,
  • nominal,
  • aromatic,
  • candles in a sleeve,
  • curly.

Each designated type of product involves the use of very different raw materials. This means that similar products may ultimately differ in appearance and properties.

It is not practical to plan the production of only one type of candle. It would be great if the workshop could produce a wide variety of products – from household items to original ones made by hand. But in the case of small business, it is unlikely that it will be possible to produce large quantities of goods - homemade candle making as a business, as a rule, is limited to the production of only decorative products of various directions.

What raw materials will need to be purchased?

Both the production of candles at home and their production in a full-fledged workshop will require the purchase of certain raw materials. And the difference here is only in the volume of supplies of the necessary components. Depending on the type of product being manufactured, the following raw materials may be required:

  • paraffin,
  • wax,
  • stearin,
  • gel,
  • wicks,
  • flavorings,
  • decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, sparkles, dried flowers),
  • metal sleeves,
  • glass container.

The main raw materials include paraffin substances. To organize production, they will have to be purchased in large quantities. But the auxiliary components that are used to decorate candles can be ordered from suppliers as needed.

This business is good because the candle production machine processes inexpensive raw materials. Here are the average prices for components:

  • Paraffin – 50-80 rub./kg.
  • Cord for wick – 2-8 RUR/m.
  • Pigment – ​​1000-2000 rub./kg.
  • Flavors, dried flowers, fillers – 1500-4000 rubles/kg.

When launching a mini-factory for the production of candles, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to work hard on the final recipe of the candle composition in order to obtain high-quality products. By experimenting with the ratio of the components used, you can find your own ideal recipe. But purchasing a ready-made and “tested” raw material composition will cost the entrepreneur a tidy sum. In this regard, making gel candles is much simpler - all you need to do is find a supplier of high-quality candle gel.

Description of the technological process for making candles

The ability to organize a business at home becomes possible thanks to simple technology. The process is carried out using one of two methods - casting and pressing.

Casting technology for candle production involves pouring a molten paraffin mixture into pre-prepared molds. The work here is done manually. When using the pressing method, the process is performed using special equipment - a press machine. Here in automatic mode The wax turns into a candle strip, into which a wick is inserted using spinnerets.

The choice of technology is obvious - when planning the production of large quantities of goods, it is advisable to use the pressing method. In the case of original decorative products, casting technology is being introduced.

Having decided to invest certain investments in mini candle production, it would be profitable to open 2 workshops at once, one of which would produce products for the mass consumer (household and church candles), and the other - original products to order.

As for personnel, to work with technological equipment no need to hire highly qualified specialists. But to produce decorative handicrafts, ideally, it is necessary to hire both designers and candle makers. The production of carved candles is especially difficult in terms of implementation - you cannot do without special skills. And products supplied to the market will only be in consumer demand when they are made with high quality.

Equipment required for making candles

Once it has been decided what assortment will be supplied by the workshop to the market, it is important to equip it with equipment and available supplies.

Only mass production can be produced using special machines. Original candles are cast by hand according to pre-prepared sketches.

Which candle machine to buy will depend on the planned production volumes and the amount of investment that the entrepreneur is willing to spend on equipping the workshop. Suppliers today offer for sale both semi-automatic and fully automated equipment. And this directly affects its market value. Domestic equipment of medium power can be purchased for 300,000-400,000 rubles. And the price of a machine for the production of candles of the same power, but of a foreign brand, is slightly higher - from 550,000 rubles. But according to entrepreneurs experienced in this matter, foreign equipment is better both in quality and functionality, and therefore it’s hardly worth skimping on it

You can save on the technical equipment of the plant by purchasing used machines. But in this case, there is a high risk of running into an unscrupulous seller who will sell devices that are already out of order.

A standard line for the production of candles with a capacity of up to 200 candles per hour is equipped with the following set of machines and automatic machines:

  • tank for melting paraffin mixture,
  • press extruder,
  • packaging machine,
  • automatic wick weaving machine,
  • forms.

The complete set of the line may vary depending on the manufacturer. And if necessary, additional equipment, which will greatly simplify the process, will have to be purchased separately. And this applies in particular to molds - to expand the range, it is important to have at least 15 matrices in your arsenal. Their price starts from 1500 rubles/piece. (the simplest ones).

And if you plan to make church candles with your own hands, you won’t expect to spend much on equipping your workplace. All the master needs is forms. And they also need to be purchased in sufficient quantities so as not to waste the time that goes into hardening the candles. There are several options for making injection molds:

  • plastic,
  • aluminum,
  • silicone.

Depending on the material of manufacture, the mold for making candles
cost starting from 100 rubles/piece. But there are also completely unique matrices that allow you to make original multi-layer candles. The cost of these can reach 2000 rubles/piece.

Sales channels for finished products

According to experts, the production of decorative candles, regardless of the chosen business development option, should pay off fairly quickly. But in order to reach the break-even point, it is necessary to fine-tune the sales channels. And since the product sales market is huge, profits will not be long in coming.

It is important to think through sales channels even before launching the workshop. finished products. It’s great if the equipment works “for a specific customer.”

Of course, equipment for carved candles will pay for itself much faster if the finished products are sold in wholesale quantities. But as practice shows, large supermarkets are very reluctant to cooperate with small and medium-sized businesses. No problem – it will be easy to find interested buyers:

  • Church candles will be distributed to local churches, churches and church shops.
  • Services for the production of original products can be offered by anyone commercial firms. For example, candles with a company logo are very popular today in big cities.
  • Decorative items can be offered to souvenir shops, pavilions and stalls.
  • Can be opened own store selling candles. But in this case, the list of capital costs will include not only the price of equipment for the production of church candles, but also the cost of renting space and all commercial equipment.

Warp profitable business– well composed commercial offer. If there is competition in a particular region, you can offer products to customers at better prices.

In the case of a home business, difficulties with selling finished products are also not expected. Candles can not only be offered to private stores for sale, but also exhibited at handmade exhibitions. The Internet will also provide great chances for development - launching your own online store will attract customers. But souvenir, scented and themed candles are always in demand as gifts. By fulfilling customer orders with high quality, you can create good reputation, and over time there will be more than enough buyers. But in this case, wait big profits It’s hardly worth it, because it’s impossible to manually produce large batches of goods. But as you get better client base and attracting income, it is quite possible to buy machines for making candles and launch a full-fledged workshop.

Profitability of a candle making business

It will be difficult to name specific profitability indicators for the candle business - much depends on the specific region, the type of products produced and production capacity.

And before moving on to profitability indicators, you need to calculate the capital costs of organizing a workshop. To buy equipment for the production of medium-power candles, rent premises and provide a raw material base, an entrepreneur will spend at least 600,000 rubles. Investments will be significantly reduced if we start talking about home business- here it is quite possible to spend 10,000 rubles on the purchase of everything necessary for the production of the first batch of products.

And if, in addition to the fact that you plan to buy a machine for the production of church candles, the entrepreneur also plans to provide customers with delivery of finished products, the business plan will also have to take into account the costs of creating your own fleet of vehicles.

To prove that the business of making candles (church, household or decorative) is highly profitable, you can give the following figures. The wholesale cost of 1 household candle is ≈6-15 rubles, while its cost is about 3-10 rubles. If we talk about decorative products, the price of the final product is much higher - from 50 rubles. But in the case of original products self made, the markup on the product is at least 100%.

We were born to make a joke come true...

The well-known joke about how good it is to have your own candle factory is not a joke at all, if you look at it from the perspective modern business. Not only is this a completely profitable area of ​​the petrochemical business (since candles are made from paraffin, and paraffin is a product of oil refining and petrochemical production), in principle, candle production in its original form is a very, very knowledge-intensive production, that is, it is quite suitable for very relevant now the parameters of venture funds.
If we take the above seriously, it is not surprising that the largest candle production plant in our country is located in Tataria. The fact is that in the century before last, Moscow factory owners, the Krestovnikov brothers, when choosing a place to build their own candle factory, considered it useful for their future business to have a university in Kazan with a world-famous galaxy of chemist scientists. Yes, no matter how strange it may seem now, but 150 years ago a large candle factory was taken quite seriously chemical production, one might even say, to science-intensive, at that time, of course, production.
Generally speaking, candle production technology has not undergone radical changes over the past 100 years, but former factory The Krestovnikov brothers can now produce more than 700 tons of candles per month.

Every year in Russia up to 20 thousand tons of candles are produced. And by the way, market demand confirms that the production of candles can be increased. Any experienced sales manager will quickly understand that the shelf life of candles is practically unlimited (unless, of course, they are stored in a too warm room), and the candles themselves are among the goods with a high degree of liquidity, which are also quite well sold for cash . You just need to know where to sell. You can, for example, analyze the activities of RAO ES, or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or at least inquire about the technical condition of local power grids. There is another sales area - interior design (we are talking not only and not so much about apartments, but about restaurants and other establishments that seek to attract the public with original furnishings) and business in the field of gift and souvenir products. Very popular now, especially among the romantically inclined and at the same time financially prosperous public, are all kinds of carved and figured candles made from high-quality paraffin using special dyes and flavoring additives or candles made from foamed paraffin. Oddly enough, candles can also act as a very attractive export item. There is information that from the 19th century to the present day, Russian candles have been highly valued in England.
The main raw material for the production of candles is the product of oil refineries - a mixture of petroleum paraffins with stearic acid and ceresin. Volume Russian market paraffins and wax compositions are estimated at about 60 thousand tons. About 30% of petroleum paraffins are used for the production of candles. Almost the entire raw material base for candle production is domestic. The cost of candles is 95% determined by the cost of paraffin. So almost every oil refinery or petrochemical plant could, in principle, have its own candle factory. However, it can be frustrating that you have to worry about packaging the candles, which may be more expensive than the candles themselves. But creativity and search hidden possibilities our chemical enterprises, will certainly minimize these costs.

Now about science intensity and venture potential. Just like 150 years ago, highly qualified chemists are constantly working to improve candles. The main goal of the research is to ensure that candles burn even longer, do not smoke, and smell pleasant. The frontal mechanism of candle combustion, by the way, is described by a very complex mathematical apparatus, and the process itself, from a scientific point of view, is similar to the frontal processes that occur, for example, in some objects that ensure the defense capability of our country. In addition, the chain nature of the combustion process fits well into the theory of chain reactions, for which the famous Soviet scientist, academician N.N. Semenov received the Nobel Prize. Permanent job works on both the recipes for new household candles and the recipes for decorative candles.

And finally, about the most pleasant thing - income. Enterprises operating in the industrial sector in the sense that we usually understand it are almost never able to accurately indicate the financial and economic indicators of candle production. But here is another segment of candle manufacturers, which usually remains outside marketing research- factories producing church candles are more frank in their reporting. Candle production, by the way, is an integral part economic activity churches along with movable and immovable property and fees for services. According to official reports, in the total income of the dioceses of central Russia, up to 55% comes from the sale of candles, and for a rural church, the sale of candles brings up to 80% of the income. Traceable data allows us to estimate the profitability of candle sales at 5000%. And this despite the fact that the candle factory itself is usually a small room in which electric stoves, containers for kindling paraffin, and a machine for producing candles, which consists of two rotating drums with thread-wicks stretched between them, are installed. Sometimes a special worker is involved in weaving the wick and preparing it for production, because a correctly selected wick is a high-quality candle. The wicks first pass through a container with molten paraffin, then through dies that regulate the thickness of the candle, and finally through a cooling system, that is, simply put, through a bath of water. The result is a paraffin rod, which is cut into candles of the required length with a special cutter. About ten people are employed at this candle factory. It would seem that everything is simple, but what dividends!
Maybe your business is much more attractive and more profitable than you think? Perhaps the time is coming when success in business will be achieved not only thanks to intuition, combined with accurate calculation, but also thanks to creative approach to the point, a new, unconventional look at seemingly familiar things.

In the New Year, I wish you to realize your creative plans, including in business. Let the flight of fancy, supported by financial opportunities, with the active assistance of the navigation service represented by marketing, take you to the planet of Happiness and Prosperity!

L.R. Guseva, independent expert

Kursk resident Sergei Mauser was planning to become a monk, but could not withstand worldly temptations: other novices posted his photo on a dating site to test the seriousness of his intentions, he met a woman and left. And to feed his family, he became an entrepreneur. First he sold candles to churches, then equipment for their casting and production. Having provided customers with products for years to come, he almost ruined his business, but teamed up with competitors, reformatted the business and plans to expand the range. His company, Preobrazhenskoe Candle Brotherhood, produces from 200 to 500 kg of candles per day, revenue for 2016 is 13 million rubles. The entrepreneur told Inc. how he circumvented the monopoly official suppliers Russian Orthodox Church, what digital marketing skills helped to find clients in rural parishes and why we need chocolates with Orthodox symbols.

Sergei Mauser (Kargopoltsev) learned to make church candles at the Prophet Elias Monastery in Bashkortostan, where he spent almost ten years. In 2010, he left the monastery and settled in Belgorod, worked as a storekeeper and forwarder in the Ignatius-Stavropol sisterhood - he traveled around Russia with icons, candles and other church goods. There was enough money for himself, but when Sergei decided to get married, he realized: in order to feed his family, he had to create a business.

He decided to cast and sell church candles - he ordered a mold from the Ukrainian company Sirius for 30 thousand rubles, bought wax and paraffin and started the business right from his mother-in-law in the barn.

I decided: I will become number one in this topic - or I will disappear. To stay afloat and feed the family, you needed 500–1000 rubles a day. “I started selling candles for 300 rubles per two-kilogram pack,” recalls Sergei.

"Preobrazhensky Candle Brotherhood" in numbers

source: company data


kg candles per day is produced by the company.


thousand rubles the company spends a month on promotion on social networks.


million rubles - revenue for 2016.


rubles - cost price of 2 kg of candles.


rubles Temples pay for 2 kg of candles.

Gain the trust of believers

The goods market for the Russian Orthodox Church has always been closed and it was extremely difficult to enter it. Sergei offered his candles in the surrounding churches - but he was refused. We had to develop a special methodology:

I understood: I would live comfortably for the next five years if 12 churches regularly bought candles from me. All that remained was to find these temples and become “one of our own” for them.

Sergei traveled to nearby cities, lived in hotels at pilgrimage centers and became a parishioner of local churches: he went to services, communicated with abbots, and helped collect donations.

Wherever he could, he showed himself - and after a few weeks he was going to leave, and the abbot asked me: “Sergius, why are you leaving?” I said, they say, family, we need to earn money. “What are you doing?” - candles. This is how a loyal client appeared.

The number of “loyal clients” grew. Sergei sold 2-4 packs of 2.5 kg each (standard measure for church candles), or 5-10 kg of candles per day. To increase sales, I began to study - I watched videos on the Internet by business coach Andrei Parabellum on Internet promotion and even took a training course in Moscow. After the training, he took the sonorous pseudonym Mauser and began to apply the acquired knowledge in the conservative environment of the Russian Orthodox Church.

You can’t visit all the temples in person, and Sergei came up with more effective way promotion. During the training, he learned how to create landing pages - one-page sites with a form with only three fields: “Name”, “Phone” and “E-mail” - and sent them to monasteries to collect contacts potential clients. According to Sergei, he created more than 50 such sites at once in order to clog up the search results with them.

On these sites I mentioned free shipping and indicated his name everywhere so that it would become known in the church community - this helped overcome mistrust, he says.

So Mauser created a database of potential clients - now there are almost 5 thousand churches - to whom he could offer his services.

Rise and fall

In 2012, a familiar church rector from Belarus suggested that Mauser make aluminum molds for candles. After studying the market, Mauser found out that the main manufacturer was the Ukrainian private design bureau Sirius. Their forms are quite expensive - one piece costs from $135 to $900 depending on the design - and Sergei saw a niche: he decided to make a product accessible to rural parishes.

At that time, a mold cost 25-30 thousand rubles, and a rural church could spend no more than 10-15 thousand on it. I set myself the task of making such equipment at half the price,” says the entrepreneur.

He found a way: to make forms not from aluminum, but from wood (this is how candles were poured in the old days). Sergey registered an individual entrepreneur, rented a premises in Belgorod for 15 thousand rubles a month and bought it for 1.2 million rubles milling machine. To raise money, he sold his inherited room in Ufa for 900 thousand rubles, borrowed 200 thousand rubles from friends, and another 100 thousand rubles were savings from selling candles. He hired a milling machine operator (for 1 thousand rubles a day), and he himself became a process manager (later he hired an assistant for 15 thousand rubles a month).

The quality of candles made from wooden molds was lower, but Mauser sold them for an average of 15-20 thousand rubles (with a cost of 4-5 thousand rubles). To make churches more willing to place orders, he was ready to send forms without prepayment throughout Russia, donate 100 m of wick and open access to a training video course on starting candle production.

I immediately came up with this promotion so that it would be difficult to refuse my offer and to be head and shoulders above competitors if they appeared,” says Mauser.

The clients were familiar abbots and churches from the previously collected database. Northern monasteries began to order wooden forms (Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery in Severodvinsk Arkhangelsk region), for the sake of tourist excursions: monks in bast shoes demonstrated the way of the monastery in the old days - including candle production.

Due to the low price, demand was great - 4-5 forms were ordered daily, revenue was about 100 thousand rubles per working day. At that time, Mauser moved away from producing candles - selling molds was much more profitable:

If we sold candles at a price maximum twice the cost, then molds were 3-4 times more expensive.

According to Mauser, as a manufacturer of candles or molds, he did not encounter resistance from the monopolist in this market - the Sofrino art and production enterprise, for which small manufacturers were “like a fry against a whale.” However, in 2014, I encountered an unexpected difficulty - the Patriarchate “strongly advised” churches to buy candles and molds only from certified manufacturers (that is, Sofrino). However, churches buy candles where they are cheaper, so the market lives, explains Sergei:

Father is also a human being; as a rule, he also has 4-5 children at home, and he has to work around. It is more profitable for him to buy from small manufacturers.

But in 2015, mold sales plummeted. After analyzing the situation, Sergey realized that there are many competitors on the market, in addition, the equipment for casting candles is designed for 15-20 years and has not exhausted its resource from those who purchased it:

I started calling my base, asking if they needed more forms, and the priests said: “Sergius, where should we salt them, or what?”

As a result, in 2015, Mauser sold his equipment for 350 thousand rubles and refused to rent a workshop.

Nikolai Mitrokhin

sociologist of religion, researcher at the University of Bremen:

The sale of candles brings temples 70% of income, and the markup on candles can reach up to 5 thousand%. This is hundreds of kilograms of candles per year for one temple. A candle is a form of financial contribution from believers to the temple so that it is heated, illuminated and something goes to the priest and workers. In Russia, people in churches are not very willing to donate money, but they are happy to buy candles. Within the framework of the church system, the value of a candle is well understood, so there is a serious struggle to ensure that people only light candles purchased in the church, and not buy them at a hardware store for pennies, depriving the church of self-sufficiency.

At the same time, the production of candles is a narrow and high-risk market; in order to get there, you need to be strictly Orthodox with the appropriate acquaintances. It is almost impossible for an outsider to enter here and do business.

"Preobrazhensky Candle Brotherhood"

How to start candle production

Depending on the scale, candle production comes in three types:

Mini block

Initial investment (cost of equipment plus costs for wax and wick, molds, consumables) - from 10 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. For this money you can buy 3-4 aluminum molds for the production of church candles - and cast them even in the kitchen.

Middle block

From 100 thousand to 300 thousand rubles. This is an average production for people with minimal business experience and connections in the church market to negotiate distribution.

Large block

from 300 thousand to 2 million rubles. This is a drum line, where the machine itself pours wax, disassembles and cuts candles, with minimal human participation.

Wax costs on average from 200 to 750 rubles per 1 kg (from beekeepers). But the cost of a two-kilogram pack of pure wax candles will be at least 400-500 rubles - this is unprofitable, since churches buy such packages for 350 rubles. To reduce the cost, candles are made from paraffin (it costs from 130 to 150 rubles per 1 kg, wholesale from 100 kg - 150 rubles / kg, 20-30 tons - 30 rubles / kg), and pure wax in the composition - only 10%. Taking into account additives, the cost of a pack of candles is 90-100 rubles.

There are two ways to sell candles to a church, says Sergei Mauser: register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, or informally negotiate with the metropolitan to open a workshop on the territory of a church. The second path is illegal, but it is the one chosen by many entrepreneurs: the Russian Orthodox Church has tax breaks, the absence of tax audits. You can try to quietly negotiate directly with the rector of a particular church, but this is “at your own peril and risk,” warns Mauser: the metropolitan may find out and close the workshop. In any case, it will not be possible to sell candles to temples without his approval. But if there is a blessing, there will always be demand:

Candles are like printer cartridges: necessary consumables, which are also wildly popular, because the mentality of the Russian people is that the more candles you put in a church, the more good things you will get.

Today the company is engaged in the production of candles and candle equipment, with candles and drums (machines) produced in Kursk by Gedakyan, and molds in Ivanovo by Vladimirov. “Brotherhood” produces from 200 to 500 kg of candles per day. automatic line and 40 kg of hand-cast candles. The largest portion of revenue comes from the sale of production lines - the company sells 7-8 such machines per year at prices ranging from 350 thousand to 2.5 million rubles (each takes up to 45 days to manufacture). The total revenue of the project for 2016 amounted to 13 million rubles (Mauser does not disclose profit, but notes that the margin on molds is 50-70% and is now declining).

Candle production: how to make a candle at home + registering an individual entrepreneur + premises for a candle factory + purchasing equipment + whether it is necessary to hire workers + which candles are most profitable to produce + where to sell products + profitability of the candle business.

Candles can not only help out when there is a power outage in the house, but also give a special coziness to the house, set the mood for romance and relaxation. This is not the most required product on the Russian market, but, nevertheless, there is and will be demand for it.

Moreover, sometimes this product is simply swept off the shelves. For example, as soon as the media spread another canard in 2012 about the end of the world, people rushed en masse to buy candles.

You can create candle production yourself from scratch - either at home or open a small factory. A big plus: the candles are durable, so you don’t have to worry about the product getting damaged.

How to make candles at home?

If you are just trying your hand at this niche, then you should first try making a candle at home.

Everyone has most of the materials for this at hand, so there is no large financial investment for starting stage there is no need to do.

What you will need to make a candle at home:

  1. Mold for candles (cost - from 300 rubles). They come in metal, silicone and plastic. Based on the material of the mold, the price will vary.
  2. The wick costs, on average, 9 rubles. for 1 meter.
  3. Dye or colored sand (from 50 rubles per 200 grams).
  4. Paraffin (from 100 rubles per 1 kg).
  5. Aluminum pans of different sizes - 2 pieces.
  6. Plate.
  7. Thermometer.

Once we have purchased everything necessary equipment to make candles at home, let's start preparing them:

Step 1.Heat the paraffin in a steam bath to 85 degrees.
If you overheat it and bring it to 200 degrees, it will explode! Be
be careful during the first stage of production.
Step 2.Take a candle mold and grease it with vegetable oil.
We secure the wick from below with plasticine, and from above with a toothpick.
As a result, it should be taut and located exactly in the center.
Step 3.We add dye or sand to the heated paraffin, then
pour the mixture into a container to shape.
Step 4.Wait until the material cools down. If there are
voids form, fill them with paraffin. After complete
Once cooled, cut off the excess wick along with a toothpick
and pull the candle out of the mold.

Above we described casting method, which is used for manual production. There is also a method like pressing. You will need a special machine for it.

By pressing, your raw material is transformed into a strip. You need to insert a wick into it through the holes (die). After this, the machine cuts the candles, cools them and packs them.

Candles can be made in different colors, fragrances, essential oils, etc. can be added. It all depends on your imagination.

As you can see, candles are easy to make at home. Please note: you will have to wait a long time for the paraffin to cool, so we advise you to purchase as many different forms as possible to speed up production.

It is also worth mentioning the types of candles:

  1. Canteens are the most simple models, straight or curved.
  2. Church - made exclusively from wax.

    In turn, they are divided into the following subspecies:

    • for parishioners;
    • official;
    • polyeleaceae;
    • numbered;
    • patriarchal;
    • wedding;
    • Easter;
    • deacons;
    • altarpieces;
    • episcopal.
  3. Decorative – gel or hand-carved.
  4. Household - made from paraffin, used in household, in particular in villages.
  5. Tablet-shaped candles in aluminum sleeves with the addition of essential oils– have great popularity, used in beauty salons and offices.

There are a lot of technologies for producing candles. Some people prepare them using wax or only paraffin. Now a gel for making decorative candles is sold and available to everyone. In this business you can develop and create, in fact, ad infinitum.

We are expanding our candle business – registering an individual entrepreneur

Handmade candles are beautiful, but they take a long time to make, so don’t expect big profits. If you want to increase your income by making your own mini-factory, even in your own private home or in rented premises, you need to register your business.

We suggest that this form of case registration is best suited in this case.

What you need to register as an individual entrepreneur:

  1. Go to the tax office at your place of residence, write an application (form No. P21001 - https://www.nalog.ru/cdn/form/4162994.zip).
  2. Select a tax form (simplified is recommended).
  3. Decide on OKVED (36.63.7 – production of other goods not included in other groups of the classifier).
  4. Pay the state fee (800₽).
  5. Receive documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Information about yourself as an entrepreneur, in Pension fund there is no need to carry it, because Since 2017, Tax Service employees have been doing this on their own.

1) We are looking for premises for a mini-factory for the production of candles.

The equipment for the production of candles is small in size, so a room of up to 20 m2 will be enough to accommodate it. It could even be a barn on the territory of a private residential plot, a garage or a rented utility room.

The main thing is the availability of light and water supply, because without this, candle production machines will not work.

The room must have good ventilation, because candles must be stored in a cool place. Don't forget to buy fire extinguishers, because... Working with wax and paraffin may cause a fire.

You must obtain a work permit from the fire inspectorate. Consult in advance which safety regulations your plant must comply with. Prepare everything for the arrival of the inspector, do not forget about the fire evacuation plan, smoke and fire detectors.

As always, we cannot do without the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. You are also required to obtain a work permit from this authority. Unlike firefighters, the SES will check the production technology, whether there are any dangerous impurities in the candles, how the equipment is set up, etc.

2) Equipment for the production of candles: list.

In this section, we propose to consider the minimum set of equipment for the production of church and paraffin candles.

If you want to expand your business and make decorative candles, then you will need to purchase additional special molds and dyes.

EquipmentQtyPrice (RUB)
TOTAL: 278,800 rubles
1. Machine
1 250 000
2. Paraffin
20 kg.2 400
3. Stearin
20 kg.3 000
4. Wax
20 kg.1 400
5. Wick cord
100 meters900
6. Table
1 3 300
7. Chairs
2 1 500
8. Laptop
1 15 500
9. Telephone
1 800

Think about how you will sell your product:

  • If you want to make decorative candles, you can pack them in special film or purchase small cardboard boxes.
  • You can also purchase aluminum sleeves and make small candles in the form of tablets.
  • Gel decorative candles are sold in special glass containers.

Before purchasing raw materials for the production of candles, let’s look at the advantages of each material:

  1. Stearine is used as a base for carved candles. It burns for a long time due to high temperature melting.
  2. Paraffin is cheap and can be bought anywhere.
  3. Wax is an environmentally friendly product and has a pleasant smell.
  4. Soy wax is a product that is not saturated with chemical additives, burns for a long time, but melts quickly during candle production.
  5. Gel – used for decorative candles, burns for a long time, is not harmful to the environment.

Each raw material has its own pricing policy, this fact is especially important for. Therefore, when choosing, you need to take into account not only the properties of the materials, but also the available budget.

3) Are hired workers needed?

A candle business can easily be run by one person, but it still cannot be done without an assistant. We are talking about accounting reports that must be submitted on time and in accordance with all standards.

To do this, today it is not necessary to hire an employee. Find an accountant who will work remotely, i.e. only at your request, carry out reporting and pay taxes remotely, as well as perform other monetary transactions.

If this family business, then there shouldn't be any problems. Someone alone will prepare the candles, and the other will deal with sales and advertising. If you expand your business, only then will you have to hire workers.

4) What channels are there for selling candles?

Now let's talk about distribution channels. It is best to strive to reach the audience as widely as possible, i.e. sell both souvenir and church candles.

As a rule, decorative wax figurines are in demand for holidays - March 8, Easter, Christmas, New Year etc. You can deliver them to stores, on Instagram (since this business idea will allow you to constantly have beautiful visual content).

Church candles are needed all year round. You can enter into a wholesale supply agreement with churches in your city or even an entire region.

You can produce relaxation tablet candles and supply them to beauty salons, offices, and massage rooms.

Of course, the wider the girth, the more equipment, molds and materials will be needed for production, but the profit will be greater.

An interesting feature is that this business does not need intensive advertising. To find a client, it is necessary, first of all, to personally negotiate with all possible partners - owners of souvenir shops, temples, shops, holiday organizers, etc.

The second option is to open your own shop. It must be located in an area where there will be demand for the product. For example, in the tourist area of ​​your town or at the market. But you should understand that a store that sells only candles cannot be particularly profitable.

For your business to develop, look for more points of sale and offer to existing partners favorable conditions cooperation, and use the profits to purchase new equipment and expand the range.

DIY candles. How to make heart-shaped candles?

The best gift for loved ones. Step by step instructions execution.

5) What is the return on investment for candle production?

Summing up, I would like, first of all, to pay attention to how much is needed.
Expense itemPrice in rub.
TOTAL: 358,800 rubles
1. Equipment.278 000
2. Opening an individual enterprise, obtaining permission from the SES and fire inspection.From 10 000
3. Payment of utilities, costs of transporting goods to the consumer, advertising.From 15,000 per month.