Cheburek business idea is time-tested. Cheburek, the most widespread and most popular representative of fast food in our country.


This is a high-calorie product that can quickly satisfy your hunger, and for little money. Freshly prepared, hot, delicious - that's what makes it such a popular product among those who want to snack on the go. Cheburechnayas can be found in every market, train station, near educational institutions, office centers and in places of mass celebrations and recreation. Cheburek business is a profitable business that can be opened with minimal investment.

Before you open a cheburek shop, the first rule you need to learn for successful trading– You must serve the visitor a freshly prepared cheburek, fresh, hot, only such a product will provide you with a large regular clientele, there can be no talk of any pre-prepared chebureks; a cooled cheburek loses its taste properties.

A buyer who buys a high-quality cheburek from you will become your regular customer, who will also bring his friends to your cheburek, and so on, that is, word of mouth works here, you will have to cook with four hands in order to serve the queue.

Cheburechnaya can be closed like a cafe and open with take-out sales. To open an open-type cheburek shop with take-out sales, you will need a small room, a pavilion of 10 m² or more located in a public passage, it would not be amiss to place tables nearby on the street so that a person, in addition to chebureks, can take tea, coffee and have a quiet snack at the table.

To organize a cheburechnaya business, you will need to obtain permission from the sanitary-epidemiological service; for this you need to provide them with certificates of conformity of equipment, a certificate for products from the veterinary service, a rental agreement for premises, a technological map with the indicated stages of product production.

Equipment for cheburechka.

To prepare pasties you will need the following equipment:

Dough mixer.


Dough sheeter.

Meat grinder for preparing minced meat.


Cooking pasties.

Exists large number recipes for making chebureks, here is the traditional recipe: – knead the dough (flour, water, salt) and leave for half an hour. Thin round flatbreads are rolled out from the dough, a tablespoon of minced meat (minced meat, salt, pepper, onion) is placed in the middle, the flatbread is folded in the shape of a crescent and the edges are connected. The flatbread is dipped into heated boiling sunflower oil, after a few minutes the cheburek is ready, it is pulled out of the oil with tongs and placed on a tray to drain off excess oil. Ready pasties are served on a disposable plate or in a paper bag.

Cheburechka profitability.

The cost of one cheburek is 15 rubles, ready-made cheburek is sold for 40 - 50 rubles. Quite often, the buyer takes a couple of pasties, coffee or tea at once. Therefore, it is recommended to put additional tea, coffee, and soft drinks on sale.

The number of chebureks sold per day when the point is placed in a pass-through place reaches more than 500 pieces, but more often it is about 200 - 300 pieces. Good trade starts in September most buyers students and office workers, by summer the number of sales decreases by about 30%.

Cheburek business idea is time-tested.

Popular business ideas

The article describes a business idea for opening your own cheburek. Several business development options, premises requirements, list and cost of equipment, personnel.

Profitability and payback period of a business idea

You can open your own cheburechka in several formats:

  • - closed kiosk - a retail outlet in a crowded place with high traffic;
  • — a restaurant or cafe with a stylized interior.

In what form to implement a business idea depends on the financial capabilities of the novice businessman. Provided that the product is of high quality, the cheburek plant will be profitable in both the first and second cases.

Just the payback period of the project related to the size starting capital, will be different. Cheburechnaya cafe or restaurant, after all, is more rational to open in large cities or in cities where the population exceeds 500,000 inhabitants.

Once again I would like to emphasize, no matter what format is chosen, the secret to the success of this business is tasty and high-quality pasties. Therefore, the option of using semi-finished products, which many entrepreneurs resort to in order to reduce the costs of equipment, raw materials and hiring qualified personnel, is not considered in this context.

Certificates and licenses

Any establishment catering must obtain permission to operate by passing an inspection at the SES. The premises and equipment are certified for compliance with all norms and regulations, a veterinary certificate is issued for the products, and the enterprise draws up a technological map.

In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from the fire department. The kitchen should be equipped with powerful hoods, water supply and sewerage systems.

Let’s take a closer look at the implementation of the cheburechka business idea in the format of a retail outlet with take-out products. This option will require less start-up capital and will allow you to save on decorating the interior for visitors due to its absence as such.

A network of such retail outlets can be a good springboard for gaining experience and developing a client base. The funds received from selling chebureks through kiosks can later be invested in opening your own cafe or restaurant.


The area of ​​the cheburechka must be at least 10 square meters. The rental price will depend on the location.


Minimum kit:

  • Cheburechnitsa – $700;
  • Dough mixer – 900-1000 USD;
  • Dough sheeter -$1400;
  • Meat grinder – from $300 and above;

Tables, sinks, small kitchen utensils, storage containers, hoods, refrigerator - another 2.5-2.8 thousand dollars.

Cost and profitability

To prepare chebureks according to the traditional old recipe, steep unleavened dough is kneaded from flour, salt, and water. He needs to stand for half an hour.

Then roll out round cakes 2-3 mm thick, brush the edges with raw egg.

Minced meat is placed in the center, preferably from fatty lamb (but, as a rule, pork, beef or a mixture of several types of meat is used), previously minced through a meat grinder with onions, spices, and herbs.

The edge of the cakes is pinched by hand. The finished crescents are dipped into hot boiling oil. Minced meat consumption is approximately 1 tablespoon per flatbread.

Cheburek is served on a disposable plate with a napkin or in a special paper package. The cost of packaging is 3-5 cents per piece.

The cost of a cheburek is on average 0.4-0.5 dollars. They retail for 1-1.5 dollars. One person, as a rule, buys 2 chebureks.


As for promoting your services, you can spend money on developing and installing a bright sign above the outlet ($500-600).

In general, the main thing in marketing cheburechka is quality. Your delicious and lovingly prepared chebureks - best marketing and the best advertising.

People will quickly and happily buy them not because you praise them, but because the buyers themselves will praise them.


Three staff members are required. A cook preparing dough, minced meat and making chebureks. Another employee responsible for frying, as well as a salesperson who takes orders, money, and serves customers.

The main problem of operating retail outlets is monitoring the work, integrity and honesty of staff. The solution to the problem is to install surveillance cameras and a touch terminal for recording orders and printing receipts. The cost of such equipment will be 2.5-3 thousand dollars.

If the chebureks are really tasty, made from fresh ingredients, you can make client base won't be difficult. Volumes from one point located at passable place, near office buildings or in the city center, can reach 400-600 chebureks per day.

The business project will pay off in 1 year of operation.


Additional sources of income can be in the following areas:

  • — sale of chebureks with cheese, feta cheese and herbs;
  • - trade in unleavened flatbreads;
  • - V summer time– sales of soft drinks, ice cream, and in winter – tea, coffee, cappuccino.

In addition, chebureks can be sold not only at retail to end consumers, but also wholesale for restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments.

In this case, it will be necessary to purchase additional equipment to provide frozen pasties to customers. These are refrigerated cabinets, minced meat mixers and professional dough mixers, cargo trolleys and more.

Additional costs for this will be about 12-15 thousand dollars.

It is most profitable to open a cheburek shop in the fall, since in the summer there is a slight decline in the heat-breathing chebureks. But with the onset of cold weather, demand is guaranteed.

The “Cheburechny” business, namely the opening of a point selling this dish, has its origins in the distant past. The sale of hot pasties began in the USSR. To this day, this direction of trade in food industry is not only popular, but also profitable. In this article we will talk about the profitability of opening a cheburek. How and where to open it, what options exist and how much it will all cost.

In the USSR there was funny riddle- hot, juicy, crispy with meat? The correct answer is cheburek, everyone knew!

Cheburek (çiğbörek – from Turkish literally “raw pie”) is a pie made from unleavened dough with meat filling. Traditional cheburek is prepared with a filling of minced meat (lamb, less often beef) with spices, everything is wrapped in an unleavened flatbread and fried in animal fat at a temperature of 200°C. In the modern (post-Soviet) recipe, minced beef and pork can be used, and animal fat is replaced with vegetable fat.

Also, as a substitute for meat filling, you can use rice or an egg with onions, cheese, potatoes, mushrooms and cabbage. But, traditionally, the most popular chebureks among buyers are chebureks with meat.

Why exactly chebureks as a business line?

Firstly, it should be noted that despite great competition, there is great demand for chebureks among the population of different age groups. Cheburek is popular both among young people and among older generations.

Definitely, if you decide to open a food-related business, but are limited in finances, then cheburek is one of the suitable options. Cooking chebureks does not require special ingredients or a set of complex professional equipment.

Let's consider options for the “cheburek” business.
Mobile cart, street vending

This option is one of the easiest, and at the same time less expensive. Suitable for those regions where street trading from mobile points is allowed. What will you need for this? We buy a cart (30,000 – 75,000 rubles + additional costs). We prepare chebureks at home (according to our own recipe, or one found on the Internet or cookbooks). We deliver a cart with ready-made pasties to the point of sale (although some, more expensive, models of shopping carts require built-in equipment, that is, cooking takes place directly in the cart itself).

It is advisable that your point is located next to some educational institution or university, not far from the metro. Of the large flow of people, there will be many who want to have a snack.

The disadvantage of this approach depends on the region. Installed in each region own rules Street vending and in some cases street vending of prepared foods is severely limited. Therefore, before buying equipment and planning a business, check with your local administration about the possibility of such trade.

Kiosk selling pasties

A more expensive option (200 - 300 thousand rubles + additional expenses, including rent) involves opening a kiosk.

Advantages: having purchased equipment, the preparation of chebureks will be carried out right at the point of sale, which will have a positive effect on customers (the smell will be better marketing method attraction).

In addition to chebureks, kiosks can increase the range of prepared dishes (samsa, shawarma, tandoori flatbread, pizza, hamburgers, etc.), as well as offer for sale various carbonated drinks and juices that go perfectly with hot cheburek.

You can also consider a mobile kiosk on wheels. If it is possible to move, we choose a place in the same way as in the option of trading from a tray. Again, on this type There may be restrictions on trade established in each region by the local administration.

Small cafe (bistro), snack bar

Perhaps the most expensive, but at the same time (subject to good administration of all processes related to advertising, attracting clients and pricing policy) the most profitable. Advantages: by creating an original design and attracting customers through various promotions, discounts, bonus cards, etc., you can create a very serious business.

Of course, in such cafes dedicated to a specific dish (in this case, cheburek), the main emphasis is on this product, but the menu should not be monotonous. So where else if not in a cafe to do this? Only in a stationary kitchen can you cook a lot of chebureks with a variety of fillings.

Therefore, in a cafe there should be a larger assortment and more varied dishes. This is the only way you can attract more and more new clients. It should be added that in the case of a cafe (bistro), one of the most important components successful business is the place.

Choose a place that is more or less easily accessible. In addition, each cafe-bistro should have its own feature, something that will distinguish the establishment from the rest and set it apart from the competition.

Wholesale production of chebureks for sale

Suitable for workshops producing semi-finished products. Quite a voluminous and expensive business. At the same time, with proper selection of assortment and the necessary equipment, the profit of this business is the highest. All that is required is to produce chebureks with a variety of fillings. And, either freeze them or fry them.

In the first case, a semi-finished product is obtained with long term storage, in the second ready dish with a deadline of 1 day.

All this is supposed to be delivered to catering outlets for sale or wholesale sales. Frozen products will be gladly purchased by delis, cafes, bistros and other catering establishments that can fry cheburek. Ready-made chebureks, for example, can be ordered by catering services or retail outlets selling fast food. True, the parties will be, in this case, small.

Self-employed business on Cheburek

In regions where there is an experiment on self-employed taxation, cheburek can become the main one for a good home culinary business. For the most part, all culinary bloggers, social media accounts, and other culinary specialists offer consumers standard set- cakes, pies, bread and other simple homemade baked goods.

Chebureks are also simple-minded. But there will definitely be a queue for the right cheburek, and a self-employed person will quickly “grow” with regular clients. It’s like “khinkali” or “manti”. They look like big dumplings, but try to cook them correctly and authentically. It’s not for nothing that khinkali are extremely popular trends in catering today. And home delivery of ready-made khinkali and manti is ordered very often. What's worse than a juicy cheburek?!

What will you have to spend on when opening a cafe?

In case of re-equipment of the premises, the most expensive will be: repairs, purchase of equipment, purchase of furniture, dishes, installation ventilation system. Then you will have to spend on advertising and staff salaries in the first months of work. An amount in the range of 2 – 2.5 million at the initial stage of equipping the cafe will be sufficient. What about the area of ​​the room, it is highly desirable that it should not be less than 50 - 100 m². The area can be different, but there is a limitation - the ratio of the kitchen to the hall should be 1 to 2. That is, with a hall of 100 “squares”, the kitchen should be at least 50.

Staff: Chef, regular kitchen staff, technical process specialist. At the first stage this is enough. In the future, if you expand and your establishment gains a positive reputation, you can think about a bar counter with your own bartender.

Organizational and legal form

If you are not going to sell alcohol in your cheburechka, then you can choose individual entrepreneur as the legal form ( individual entrepreneur). But what is a cafe without alcohol? The law prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages in food establishments unless the business is registered as an LLC.

In other cases, registering a simple individual entrepreneur is sufficient. As an OKVED code for trade kiosk for the sale of chebureks you can use: 52.24.21 “Retail trade in flour confectionery products", and for a cheburechnaya cafe: 55.30 "Activities of restaurants and cafes."

As for payback, the money you invested will return to you in the form of profit within 1-2 years, perhaps less with a competent marketing policy.

You can open a cheburek business by first presenting it in two forms: as a small kiosk with customer tables and boxes for wrappers, or as a restaurant or cafe. Of course, you can open a restaurant or cafe only in cities with at least half a million population. Otherwise, you may not see any profit.

It's no secret that many owners of elite restaurants once started with cheburechka. After all, with very little investment, this business is very profitable - both adults and children love chebureks. When thinking about where to start, it is important to choose good place for the location of a cheburek stall or cafe. You should also decide on the initial costs. After all, if you sell chebureks as semi-finished products or prepare this product yourself, then completely different expenses and different areas of activity will be required.

A business selling semi-finished products may turn out to be unprofitable - it is difficult to be sure of their high quality. It is practically impossible to know under what conditions the manufacturer stored the products or how fresh the original products were. We will have to constantly take into account that dear food products may turn out to be unclaimed by customers, just like cheap ones, but of poor quality.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 6/10.

Entrepreneurship business plan - to reality

A business plan must be submitted to the bank to receive a loan. It should contain detailed material with answers to the main question: what is needed to open a cheburek? The plan will also serve as a guide to action at the initial stage of work.

A properly developed business plan should be the entrepreneur’s first assistant in resolving any unexpected circumstances that arise at the first stage. If all necessary actions are coordinated in advance and competently, such unforeseen situations should not arise.

A business plan for opening a cheburechka shop should include sections such as a description of the idea of ​​entrepreneurship, the intended staff of employees and the volume of products produced per day and per month. An analysis of the food market with the intended range of products, the basic concept of the establishment and pricing policy will be useful here. The plan needs to consider in detail the marketing strategy and advertising activities. Sections on stimulating sales of finished goods and analysis of the product itself would not be out of place. existing market sales

It will be very useful to take ready business plan cheburechnaya, already operating somewhere in small town, as indeed, any food-related enterprise and understand it well. There is plenty of such information on Internet sites. If you don't allow serious mistakes and miscalculations in work, then pretty soon a large establishment with a high level of income will grow from a small cheburek.

When wondering how to open a cheburek shop from scratch, you need to decide on initial funding. You can try to borrow money from relatives and friends, you can apply to the bank for a loan or start looking for an investor. Of these options, you also have to choose the least risky one.

If you have your own cheburek shop as a business, then you need to cook very tasty food there, while selling only fresh products at prices that will suit your customers. Focusing on the seasonal characteristics of this business, you should know that chebureks sell better in winter, and in summer more emphasis should be placed on various soft drinks and ice cream.

Having managed to find funds and opened a cheburek cafe, you will have to think about a good atmosphere in it, which will contribute to the influx of customers and give them pleasure.

Registration of private entrepreneurship

Real first-order actions in discovery cheburek business permits for activities of this nature will be obtained from all relevant supervisory organizations. Only after this is it possible to register an emergency.

The legal form of cheburechka will have to be chosen from two options: individual entrepreneurship or limited liability company. And only after deciding on the form, you can start preparing documents. If the cheburek shop is small and there are no plans to sell alcohol there, then you should definitely choose an individual entrepreneur. Both various state duties and possible fines will be lower.

List of documentation for opening a cheburechka:

  • permission from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • registration certificate;
  • rental agreement for premises;
  • filled out sanitary books for personnel.

In addition, you will also need documents to open a cheburechka shop. This is permission from firefighters to commission a new building (if one is built) and approval from the Department of Internal Affairs for the placement of a cafe in this location. To operate legally, you also need a trade license and a trade patent from local authorities. Any sound, various broadcasts and playback of recordings must be approved by the cultural department.

The selected or constructed premises must fully comply with all the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the district, and the supply of raw meat must be regularly checked by the veterinary service. Must be technological maps preparation of products, personnel must be trained and have the necessary qualifications.

Equipment for cafe-cheburechka

The next step after preparation business plan and the beginning of obtaining permits for entrepreneurship in the field of public catering is to buy equipment for cheburek. What types of equipment and inventory should a full set of equipment for an establishment consist of? On modern market You can buy literally everything, but you can decide on the necessary equipment only by knowing the specific features of fast food preparation technology ( fast food). Namely, these products include the main dish of a cheburek cafe - chebureks.

The range of mini-cheburechka dishes and their specificity will determine necessary equipment for fast food kitchen. Literally “on the run”, clients must choose from the offered dishes what suits them in a particular situation. The menu should include a sufficient number of deep-fried dishes, quickly consumed drinks and light flour products.

It’s logical to start with the main kitchen equipment - equipment for frying pasties and heating semi-finished products that come to the cafe in the form of frozen foods. It includes: convection oven, pizza oven, electric stove, microwave oven. The price of equipment in this group will not exceed 100,000 rubles.

The second row of equipment includes waffle makers, donut makers, toasters and pancake makers. These devices will cost much less.

This is what is needed for complete equipment cuisine of the Cheburechka cafe. It is not at all necessary to start work by purchasing all these types of equipment at once. Some of them may not be purchased at the initial stage, but first of all it all depends on the planned cheburechka menu.

Additional kitchen equipment includes: a work table, an exhaust hood, a washing tub and a hand dryer.

Do not forget about additional equipment, which includes all kitchen equipment and catering hall equipment. These are client tables, chairs and upholstered furniture. The cheburechnaya franchise is one of the modern finds, consisting of a successful combination of dishes, service, cheburechnaya interior, furniture and external design of a mini-cafe. Convenience and benefits for customers can determine a lot in the success of a business. We should not forget about the internal design of the cheburechka. Original finds and unusual developments in this regard will also contribute to the comfort of clients and contribute to successful trading.

Modern fast food technologies have stepped forward very far. Just look at the EXTRO machine for baking pasties.

This is some kind of miracle device, just a magic furnace, at the entrance to which the initial components are placed, and at the output finished products are obtained.

Such a device, no matter how much it costs, will pay for itself very quickly - after all, it will replace real kitchen workers and reduce the establishment’s service staff. The cost of a dumpling machine with an attachment for frying pasties currently does not exceed 130,000 rubles.

Marketing and profit of the cheburek business

It is important not to forget when planning production that pasties can only be consumed freshly prepared. Only with a large influx of buyers can this business be successfully run. It is known that the main clients of a cheburek kiosk are always office workers and students. Here next to office complexes, with large educational institutions and it makes sense to have a mini-cafe.

Advertising cheburechnaya is a special matter. Certainly, best advertising Any public catering establishment is characterized by the quality and low price of the dishes offered. But it is also necessary to advertise your services. Noisy advertising campaigns and constant advertising in the form of visibility in the surrounding areas of the town should be thought out in advance. After all, information now rules the whole world!

On average, one cheburek costs about 8 rubles, and baked goods cost up to 30 rubles. Even a cheburek machine on wheels in the form of a trailer can bring a profit of 25,000 rubles per work shift. Here is the answer to doubts about whether it is profitable to do this. For a month successful work You can already earn up to 400,000 rubles. Even when the cost of semi-finished products, mini-cafe rent, taxes and wages personnel, all costs are recouped within one and a half to two years of work.

Public catering is an industry that provides businesses with “real money”. After all, in this case there is no need to wait for a bank transfer from the customer, which may be delayed or may not be sent on time. The Cheburechka client pays for the services right there, on the spot. And the cashier calculates the revenue at the end of each shift. This means that money for new purchases of semi-finished products and for the implementation of any current plans will not keep you waiting. In these conditions, it is easier for an entrepreneur to plan profits - after all, everything is in his hands.

Beginners in this field are wondering what cheburekka is like as a business, how to draw up a business plan and whether it is worth doing. Definitely, this is an activity that does not require special knowledge and large investments. But it can also become a starting point in building a full-fledged restaurant or fast food chain. Don't forget that you can always sell related products, which will significantly affect your profits.

Enterprises of this type are quite common; their main essence is the sale of fried pasties. It is worth noting that this is an area where the product is sold hot. If you decide to cook and then sell, the product will lose its taste. And visitors mainly pay for the fresh and unique taste of fried pasties. This Cheburechka business plan superficially shows the essence of this activity.

Target Audience:

Products that can be sold:

  • pasties;
  • hot dogs;
  • donuts;
  • puff pastries;
  • coffee and tea;
  • milkshakes.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

First, you need to decide on the size of the establishment. The number of employees required and the set of equipment for cooking and frying will depend on this. Don’t forget to take feedback from customers, this will help you develop and accumulate a base of regular guests.

Stages of preparation for opening:

  1. Market and competitor analysis.
  2. Finding a suitable room in a walkable location.
  3. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  4. Obtaining permits.
  5. Hiring employees.
  6. Purchase of equipment.
  7. Purchasing ingredients and products for sale.

Places near which it is better to open:

  • offices;
  • universities;
  • train stations;
  • bazaars.

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

Availability permitting documents depends on the size of your establishment.

Minimum set necessary documents:

  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • product quality certificate;
  • SES certificate;
  • fire service certificate.

Stage 2 – search for premises

The premises depend on the format of the establishment. This could be a stall or a cafe. If you are planning to open a cafe, be prepared to obtain a license to sell alcohol, as in most cases, the demand for it will be huge. If you are opening a small kiosk, be sure to set up high tables without chairs near it. It will be convenient for your client to consume hot pasties and tea at the table.

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

In this business plan, we will take into account an ordinary cheburek shop, opened in a kiosk, in a walk-through place. Of course, if you are planning to open a mini cafe in this area, the list will increase several times.

Required equipment:

  • kitchen oven for frying (from 45,000 rubles);
  • microwave oven (from 5,000 rubles);
  • coffee machine (from 10,000 rubles);
  • electric kettle (from 3,000 rubles);
  • modeling table (from 5,000 rubles);
  • refrigerator (from 10,000 rubles).

Stage 4 – selection of employees

For the type of cheburechka we are considering, a minimum number of employees will be sufficient. The main rule is to give the cook the opportunity to do only cooking, and to hire a separate person to handle settlements with clients. Cleaning should be daily, and complete disinfection preferably weekly.


  • seller (30,000 rubles);
  • cook (35,000 rubles);
  • cleaning lady (15,000 rubles).

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

The main advertisement of this type of establishment is delicious pasties. Your clients will be mostly the same people, unless you are located near a train station. And all you have to do is attract people with delicious products.

Ways to increase customer flow:

  • stock;
  • distribution of leaflets.

Financial plan

These miscalculations are relevant for a small stall located in a passable place.

  • employees (80,000 rubles);
  • equipment (78,000 rubles).

Total: 158,000 rubles.

Possible risks

All risks depend on the quality of the products sold. By ensuring sanitary standards of cleanliness, a high level of service and high taste of pasties, the risks are minimal.

  • customer complaints;
  • low cross-country ability.

Video "Cheburechnaya"

This video shows the mechanism of cheburek operation, types of chebureks and their history.