(2 slide)

Today there is reason to assert that the development of innovative activities is one of the strategic directions in education. Innovative activity changes the traditional management pyramid and puts at the forefront not the leaders of the educational institution, but the teacher and students, scientific and methodological assistants, their professional requests and needs.

It is not administrative will and pressure that become the driving force for the development of an educational institution, but the real, creative potential of teachers: their growth, attitude to work, ability to reveal the potential of students, and ability to work in a team.

(3 slide)

Clip about the team

(4 slide)

What is innovation? Innovation is a new or improved product or new or improved technology used in practical activities.

Although other people's knowledge can teach us something,
You are only wise by your own wisdom.
M. Montaigne

(5 slide)

Task 1. There are sheets of blanks on the tables (Appendix 1). You are asked to come up with a logical series of conclusions within 5 minutes, answering the question “Why do you need to study?” The sample is in front of you on the board.

Why do you need to study?

Everyone looks for the answer to this “childish” question on their own. Even for us, adults with higher education (and sometimes more than one), it can be difficult to formulate it, although everything is intuitively clear. And children who are just beginning the path to knowledge need clarity.

“You need to study in order to know more.” Why know more?

“You need to study in order to enter a university.” Why go to university? To study again?

“You need to study in order to be able to truly live in real adult life.” How does this relate to studying?

(6 slide) - while the groups are working

(7 slide)

Each of us is faced with the need to achieve a goal. We must realize

what we want;

plan the path to achieve;

select the necessary funds;

master the necessary methods and,

adjusting your actions as necessary to accomplish what you planned.

This path is as universal as it is differentiated, and because of this, it is often unconscious. Many have mastered it through the well-known “trial and error method”, hitting a lot of bumps and stepping on a rake many times. As you understand, children need to be taught in other ways at school, but what can we offer?

Each subject teacher operates within the framework of a class-lesson form of teaching, strictly defined by the educational standard. In algebra lessons, students solve equations and simplify expressions. Do you need this in adulthood? Have you ever personally needed one? (We exclude mathematics teachers from the number of respondents.)

In biology lessons they teach what separate phases sexual and asexual cell division consists of. Is this knowledge in demand in adult life? Why do we teach children what they won’t need? Probably because the learning process itself contains the necessary knowledge, without which it is impossible to survive in the modern world. This is knowledge about how to obtain knowledge.

How do you think using which method allows children to acquire knowledge on their own?

(8 slide)

The requirements for high school graduates list not only the knowledge, but also the skills that they must master. Graduates should be able to read, write, speak (including in foreign languages!), count, analyze information presented in the form of tables or diagrams, sing, draw, swim and much more... From this variety of skills it is difficult to choose the truly important ones. What is more important - singing, writing or counting?

Today you need to be a narrow specialist. It is no longer possible to do without a laboratory with instruments, without computers, without combining the knowledge and skills of many people in research centers. Does this mean that there is a need to teach children in an even more differentiated manner?

But children need not only to get a finished result. They should do something like this themselves, from the very beginning. They need to understand that each trick is preceded by a long period of preparation, that the rabbit must be placed in the cylinder.

We must teach the child methods of achieving results that are universal and work regardless of the specific content. This can be done within the traditional class-lesson form of teaching, but it is difficult; it is much more convenient to use the project method. Its essence briefly boils down to the fact that the child is taught the stages of achieving a goal, offering to complete a specific task.

The main feature of the project method is learning on an active basis, through the student’s expedient activities that correspond to his personal interests.

(9 slide)

Project method- this is a set of techniques, actions of students in their specific sequence to achieve a given task - solving a specific problem that is significant for students and formalized in the form of a certain final product.

The main goal of the project method is to provide students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. If we talk about the project method as a pedagogical technology, then this technology presupposes a set of research, search, problem-based methods that are creative in nature.

Within the project, the teacher is assigned the role of developer, coordinator, expert, and consultant.

(10 slide)

In pedagogy, the method of educational projects has been used for almost a century. The founder is considered to be the American pragmatist philosopher, psychologist and educator John Dewey (1859-1952), although he did not use the word “project” in his works. In the book “School and Society” he wrote: “From the child’s point of view, the greatest disadvantage of school comes from the inability for him to freely, fully use the experience acquired outside school in the school itself. And, conversely, on the other hand, he is unable to apply in everyday life what he learned at school.”

A follower of John Dewey, professor of pedagogy at Teachers College at Columbia University, William Hurd Kilpatrick, considered it extremely important to show children their personal interest in the acquired knowledge that can and should be useful to them in life. “Imagine a girl who made herself a dress. If she put her soul into her work, worked willingly, with love, made the pattern and came up with the style of the dress herself, and sewed it herself, then this is an example of a typical project, in the most pedagogical sense of the word.”

The project method, in the minds of many, is a purely American invention, like cowboy jeans or a hamburger.

But, as with jeans and hamburgers, it's not all that straightforward. Back in 1905, a small group of teachers appeared in Russia under the leadership of S.T. Shatsky, who tried to actively introduce new educational methods into teaching practice, very reminiscent of American projects. The implementation turned out to be insufficiently thought out and consistent. After the revolution of 1917, the young Soviet state had enough other problems: expropriation, industrialization, collectivization... But in the series of serious affairs, there was a place for pedagogy. In 1931, by a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, the project method was condemned and its use in school was prohibited.

(11 slide) - audiobook

A description of the method and the reason for the prohibition can be found in V. Kataev’s novel “Two Captains”. “The old teacher Serafima Petrovna came to school with a travel bag on her shoulders, taught us... Really, it’s even difficult for me to explain what she taught us. I remember we passed the duck. These were three lessons at once: geography, natural science and Russian... I think it was called a comprehensive method back then. In general, everything came out “in passing.” It is very possible that Serafima Petrovna mixed up something in this method... ...in the opinion of Narurobraz, our orphanage was something like a nursery for young talents. The People's Commissariat for Education believed that we were distinguished by our talents in the fields of music, painting and literature. Therefore, after classes we could do whatever we wanted. It was believed that we freely develop our talents. And we really developed them. Some ran to the Moscow River to help the firefighters catch fish in the ice holes, some jostled around Sukharevka, keeping an eye on what was lying badly... ...But since there was no need to go to classes, the whole school day consisted of one big break... ...From the fourth school- Famous and respected people subsequently left the commune. I myself owe her a lot. But then, in 1920, what a mess it was!”

In the USSR, there was no rush to revive the project method in school, but in English-speaking countries - the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand - it was actively and very successfully used. In Europe, it has taken root in schools in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland and many other countries. Of course, changes have occurred over time; the method itself did not stand still, the idea acquired technological support, detailed pedagogical developments appeared that made it possible to transfer the project method from the category of pedagogical “works of art” to the category of “practical techniques.” Born from the idea of ​​free education, the project method gradually “self-disciplined” and was successfully integrated into the structure of educational methods. But its essence remains the same - to stimulate students’ interest in knowledge and teach them to practically apply this knowledge to solve specific problems outside the school walls.

SOS “Soft” adaptation of participants to the training environment

Psycho-gymnastic exercise.

All participants sit in a circle.

Presenter: “I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number was announced should stand (no more and no less). For example, if I say “four,” then four of you should stand up as quickly as possible. They will be able to sit down only after I say “thank you.” The task must be completed silently. Tactics for completing a task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on each other’s actions.”

It is better to call 5-7 at the beginning, 1-2 in the middle. During the exercise, it is necessary to block attempts by group members to discuss and accept any form of algorithmic work.

Questions to the group in conclusion: “What helped us cope with the task and what made it difficult to complete it?” “What did you focus on when you made the decision to get up?”

Purpose: Relieving fatigue.

Group members should, without talking to each other, rank by height, then by eye color, then by hair color (from lightest to darkest), then by birthday.

Exercise “One word, two words” (greeting)

Goal: to create a favorable, relaxed psychological atmosphere in the group.

The trainer invites group members to create a general greeting from each and everyone to each and everyone. The training participants, in order of priority (the leader starts), speak one word at a time. Each subsequent member of the group complements the previous one. The trainer commands “STOP” when the greeting text becomes complete.

(12 slide) Interactive game (group)


What is a project?

Let's turn to the dictionary: “Project (Latin projectus - “thrown forward”) -
1) technical documents - drawings, calculations, models of newly created buildings, structures, machines, instruments, etc.;
2) preliminary text of a document, etc.;
3) plan, intention.”
The definition already contains diversity, but all options contain a common feature. Which one?

the project involves defining a goal

Where does work on a project begin?

from goal setting

What is the driving force behind the project?

If we follow the logic of project definitions, then almost everything in our lives is a project: receiving guests, choosing a gift for a holiday, buying household appliances, traveling, repairs (of course); and if you think about it, projects should include marriage and raising children... Based on these concepts, define the word “Project”

1) draw up a project; 2) to propose to do something, to plan


Determine the type of project: aimed at collecting information about an object or phenomenon for the purpose of analysis, synthesis and presentation of information to a wide audience



Determine the type of project: involves the most free and unconventional approach to the implementation of the project and presentation of its results



Determine the type of project: by participating in which, designers take on social roles or the roles of literary characters in order to recreate various situations of social or business relations through game situations



This is what we call the entire complex of didactic, psychological, pedagogical, organizational and managerial tools that allow, first of all, to formulate the student’s project activity, to teach the student how to design...

project-based learning

Determine project type by duration: projects requiring 4-6 lessons to be completed, which are used to coordinate the activities of project teams. The main work of collecting information, making a product and preparing a presentation is done in extracurricular activities and at home

Short term projects

Determine the type of project by duration: it can fit into one lesson or part of a lesson

Mini projects

Determine project type by duration: projects that can be completed in groups or individually. It is advisable to carry them out within the framework of a student scientific society. The entire implementation cycle of a year-long project is carried out outside of school hours.


Determine the type of project by duration: projects are completed within 30-40 hours. When implementing such a project, a combination of classroom and extracurricular forms of work is possible. It is advisable to hold a project week

Medium term

The most interesting

Determine the type of project: it is aimed at solving social problems that reflect the interests of project participants or an external customer


The most interesting

Determine the type of project: the structure resembles a scientific research) - it includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, setting research objectives, mandatory putting forward a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, discussion and analysis of the results obtained


The most interesting

Determine the type of project: they are implemented, as a rule, within the framework of one academic subject or one area of ​​knowledge, although they can use information from other areas of knowledge and activity. The leader of such a project is a subject teacher, and the consultant is a teacher of another discipline.


The most interesting

Determine the type of project: carried out exclusively outside of class hours and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge. They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of problem formulation

Interdisciplinary projects

For a snack

Cognition of objects of the surrounding reality; studying ways to solve emerging problems, mastering the skills of working with primary sources; setting up an experiment, conducting experiments - what are these goals?


For a snack

Mastering self-organization skills; the ability to set goals and plan activities; develop group work skills, master discussion techniques - what are these goals?


For a snack

Creative goals, construction, modeling, design - what are these goals?


For a snack

What is the main goal of any project?

formation of various key competencies

(13 slide)

Let's summarize.

There are several classifications of projects.

Here are some of them

In terms of complexity, mono-projects and interdisciplinary ones.

By duration, mini-projects are short-term, weekly and annual.

(14-18 slide)

Sequence of work on the project

Stage of work on the project

Student activities

Teacher activities


Determining the theme and goals of the project, its starting position. Selection of a working group

Discuss the topic of the project with the teacher and receive additional information if necessary

Introduces the meaning of the project approach and motivates students. Helps in defining the purpose of the project. Supervises the work of students.


a) Identification of sources of necessary information.
b) Determining ways to collect and analyze information.
c) Determining the method of presenting the results (project form)
d) Establishing procedures and criteria for assessing project results.
e) Distribution of tasks (responsibilities) between members of the working group

Create project objectives. Develop an action plan. Select and justify their criteria for the success of project activities.

Offers ideas, makes assumptions. Supervises students' work.


1. Collection and clarification of information (main tools: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, etc.)
2. Identification (“brainstorming”) and discussion of alternatives that arose during the project.
3. Selecting the optimal option for the project.
4. Stage-by-stage implementation of the research tasks of the project

Work actively and independently:
1. Each in accordance with his role and together.
2. Consult if necessary.
3 Obtain missing knowledge.
4. Prepare a presentation of the results.

Does not participate, but:
1. Consults students as necessary.
2. Unobtrusively controls.
3. Provides new knowledge when students need it.
4. Rehearses with students the upcoming presentation of results.

Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions

Perform research and work on a project, analyzing information. Draw up the project

Observes, advises (at the request of students)

Presentation (defense) of the project and evaluation of its results

Preparation of a report on the progress of the project with an explanation of the results obtained (possible forms of report: oral report, oral report with demonstration of materials, written report). Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes and failures) and the reasons for this

1. Understanding the problem, goals and objectives.
2. Ability to plan and carry out work.
3. Found way to solve the problem.
4. Reflection on activities and results.
5. Provide mutual assessment of activities and their effectiveness.

Accepts report:
1. Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained.
2. Summarizes the training.
3. Evaluates skills: communication, listening, justifying your opinion, tolerance, etc.
4. Focuses on the educational aspect: the ability to work in a group for a common result, etc.

(19 slide)

Project passport

(20 slide)

Design of the project folder

Project folder (project portfolio) is one of the required

outputs of the project presented at the defense (presentation) of the project.

The purpose of the protected folder is to show the progress of the project team.

In addition, a well-designed project folder allows you to:

Clearly organize the work of each member of the project team;

Become a convenient collector of information and reference throughout the work on the project;

8) a brief description of all the problems that designers have to face and ways to overcome them;

9) sketches, drawings, sketches of the product;

10) materials for the presentation (script);

11) other working materials and drafts of the group.

All group members take part in filling out the project folder.

Student entries should be as brief as possible, in the form of small sketches and annotations.

(21 slides)

Group assignment. You have sample projects on your desks. It is necessary to analyze the content of projects in accordance with the table.

A specific feature of such lessons is their focus on teaching children basic techniques for joint activities during the development of projects. The age characteristics of children in each class should be taken into account. In this regard, lessons containing project activities should be drawn up taking into account the gradual increase in the degree of independence of children and the increase in their creative activity. Most types of work, especially at first, are a new interpretation of tasks already familiar to children. In the future, they increasingly acquire specific features of project activity itself.

Let's look at the main features of lessons using project-based lessons. All lessons have approximately the same structure.

First stage includes an organizational aspect. At this stage, children become familiar with the specifics of project activities in general (the first lesson of the cycle) and specific activities in a given lesson (all other lessons). During this same stage, children are divided into initiative groups. Taking into account work with first-graders, these groups could be: analysts, experimenters, illustrators, testers. In lessons in other classes, such division into groups is cross-cutting. To create optimal conditions for joint activities, it is necessary to transfer children in accordance with the formed groups. The composition of the groups should be thought out in advance, taking into account a differentiated approach. The strongest children are united in groups of “analysts” and “testers”.

Second stage aimed at formulation themes and goals of the activity. It is structured differently depending on the content of the lesson.

Third stage is preparatory. During the first lesson of the cycle, a general plan of activities for developing the project is prepared. In further lessons, this plan is only adjusted if necessary. The third stage is also necessary to determine the main sections of the project. Here it should be clarified that in our case the project is considered as the development of a specific topic, the result of which is a specific product. At the first stage, such a product of joint activity can be: reference tables compiled by children, used to prepare reports on the topic; illustrated albums; didactic games. It is better to determine the sections of such projects in the form of a “brainstorming”. This is one of the specific methods of joint activity, used among groups of younger and older age. The technique itself is somewhat difficult for first-graders. Therefore, the teacher can guide the children's work so that the brainstorming results in a choice that is close to the choice planned by the teacher. The role of the “analysts” who will have to correct the proposals of the other children is very important here.

Fourth stage represents the stage of the project activity itself. During this stage, the main sections of the project are developed. The work is carried out in groups. Moreover, work can be organized in different ways. Each section can be developed by each group in turn. Then the result of the design of each section will consist of intermediate products of the groups’ activities. This form of organization is convenient in the first lessons of the cycle, when students are learning and the teacher’s leadership role is necessary. In the future, each group can be assigned to develop its own section and thereby increase the degree of independence of children. At the fourth stage of the lesson, the role participation of children in the project is very important. This is where each participant must contribute according to their chosen role. Common to all lessons in the cycle is a unified technology for group work. The “experimenters” begin their work. They make observations that allow “analysts” to draw conclusions and systematize their in the form of rules, schemes, drawings and so on. Visual support for each section of the project is provided by “illustrators”. “Testers” are responsible for practical application, testing of individual parts and the entire project as a whole.

The fifth stage is the stage practical application of the developed project. At this stage, the main role is assigned to the “testers”. But this does not detract from the importance of the other groups, since each of them monitors the “work” of their part of the project and, if necessary, can make adjustments.

Sixth stage represents a self-analysis of project activities. This is mainly a learning stage during which children learn to analyze the positive and negative aspects of their activities.


Seventh stage consists of summing up the results of the work as a whole.

It is very important that the teacher’s guidance is hidden, unobtrusive, variable and very delicate, ensuring the greatest independence of the student. During the work on the project, the teacher is a coordinator and consultant, sometimes an expert or a source of information, but his role is secondary, and the student is in the foreground.

Project with middle group children “Air Country”

Participants project: educators, students, parents.

Duration project: short term.

Type project: experimental.

Relevance project: insufficient development of children’s knowledge and ideas about the phenomenon of non-living nature - air, its properties, influence on living nature.

Target project: Create conditions for developing children’s interest in experimental activities, give an idea of ​​air, its properties, its meaning.

Tasks project:


Expand children's understanding of the importance of air in human life;

Introduce children to some of the properties of air and how to detect it;

Activate and expand children's vocabulary.


Develop mental operations and the ability to draw conclusions.

Develop cognitive interest in the process of experimental activities;

Develop environmental consciousness.


Cultivate interest in the life around you.

Planned results: Upon completion project, preschoolers will be able to:

Show interest in the natural world, independently formulate questions and look for answers to them (independently and together with adults).

Search for information (independently and together with adults).

Collect, summarize and evaluate facts, formulate and present your own point of view (independently and together with adults).

Problematic issues resolved during project:

What is air?

What is he like?

Why do people, animals and plants need it?

How can you see air?

How can you hear air?

How can you feel the air?

Does air have a form?

Does air have color?

Expected result:

Presentation project at preschool educational institution;

Creative presentation with the participation of children;

Experiences and experiments at home.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1: preparatory.

Creation of a technical base for children's experimentation. Equipping an experimentation center on this topic.

Reading an encyclopedia.

Questioning parents on this issue.

Consulting parents.

Familiarity with safety rules during experiments.

Statement of the problem, determination of the goals and objectives of the research work.

Children love to bring soap bubbles to kindergarten. Once again, when the child brought it and began to blow bubbles, I said: “Do you know that there is air inside the bubbles?” Many children laughed. The children were surprised how air? Then we took a container of water and started blowing into the water through the tubes. Bubbles began to appear in the water. Where did they come from in the water? So, through a logical chain, we assumed that this air. The children identified the problem: “What is air?”, “Where does it come from?”

In accordance with the problem, the children, together with the teacher, set tasks for further research of the problem:

1) Find out about air, as much as possible.

2) Conduct experiments with air.

Stage 2: basic.

Organization of research within project.

To motivate interest in experimentation, some problem situations were formulated on behalf of a fairy-tale hero. So, in our experimentation center a bear-traveler appeared in a hot air balloon, having flown in from an airy country, on whose behalf tasks were proposed, and to whom the children told about their experiments and conclusions.

Theoretical part:

Drawing up a long-term plan for working with children,

Questioning parents,

Description of experiments;

Consulting parents on the topic “Experiment with children at home.”

Practical part:

Observations while walking (when we exhale, we can see the air because it’s cold outside).

Experimental games on this problem in preschool educational institutions and at home:

1.How to see the air;

2.How to hear the air;

3.How to feel the air.

Experimentation center: water containers of different sizes, balloons, soap bubbles, cocktail tubes, rubber and inflatable toys, shampoo, fans, napkins, whistles, plumes, turntables, properties diagram air.

Regarding the problem of air pollution, the guys and I decided to build a city from a construction set, in the center of which a factory was built, the cars were standing chaotically, in a disorderly manner. The city residents were not comfortable; there were no green recreation areas, trees, or roads. Then the guys were asked the question: “What do you think needs to be done to make the air cleaner in our city? And the residents felt cozy and comfortable.” “Can you help solve this problem?” “Of course yes!” - the guys exclaimed and began to rebuild. The plant was moved outside the city, trees and a park with a pond and ducks appeared in the city itself, and a road outside the city was built for cars.

Stage 3: final.

Presentation p project at the preschool educational institution.

Result project.

Students can independently conduct experiments on

detection air.

Able to talk about detection methods air.

Have an idea of ​​the properties air.

Aware of the need air to people, plants, animals.

They know that the air should not be polluted.

Extracurricular activity for 1st grade in the course “Learning to create a project”

Topic of extracurricular activities: “ Project goal"

Type of lesson: ONZ

Lesson equipment: teacher’s laptop, students’ laptops, interactive whiteboard, presentation, students’ workbooks R.I. Sizov, R.F. Selimov “Learning to create a project” 1st grade, “labyrinths”, arrows for dividing into groups and for reflection, targets with the image of Luntik.

Objective of the lesson: create conditions fordeveloping the ability to set achievable goals.

Planned results:

Subject: to form a positive attitude towards design and research activities, mastery of educational activities with language units of project technology and the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems.

Personal: be able to conduct self-assessmentbased on the criterion of success of educational activities.

Metasubject: be able todetermine and formulate the goal during the lesson with the help of the teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in class; evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;express your guess.( Regulatory UUD).

Be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of conduct and communication in class and follow them.( Communicative UUD).

Be able tonavigate your knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using your life experience and information obtained in the classroom.(Cognitive UUD).

Technologies used during the lesson: ICT, system-activity approach, gaming, health-saving, control and evaluation activities.


Hello guys! Today we have another lesson on project activities, which is attended by many guests who came to look at your work. (slide 1)

Let's smile at them, now let's smile at each other and at me and get ready for fruitful work.

I wanted to start today’s lesson a little unusual. Attention to the screen.

(cartoon “Luntik”) the beginning...

Have you looked? Do you know this cartoon? Who and what is it about? Well done….

We will come back to it and definitely watch it...

A now if you are ready to work, let's divide into groups: (slide 2)

I thought for a long time about how to do this and decided...to take a magic basket like Baba Kapa’s, in which there are arrows of different colors. These arrows are also depicted on the tables. When you get your arrow, sit down at the desired table.

What do we do in project activities classes? (in the classes of the course “Learning to create a project” we get to know what components a project consists of, relax during entertaining breaks, get acquainted with new terms necessary for working on our project)

You are already familiar with some concepts. It's time to test yourself. (slide 3)

What do you think needs to be done? (you need to choose an explanation for each term). Formulate the task. (Connect the parts)

But first, let's remember the rules of working in groups (do not interrupt each other, be united, negotiate and come to a common opinion)

Get started and remember the rules.


This is a summary of the message

Project topic

This is a hobby, a favorite pastime


This is a separate moment (step, step) of the project

Project stage

Someone who helps someone with something.


What you get after you seriously work on a topic is: ideas, thoughts, plans.


This is an assumption to explain some phenomena.


This is a complex issue, a task that requires solutions, research


Guys, you connected all the words. Compare your work against a standard. (slide 4)

What term was there no explanation for? (for the term "goal")

Why? (because we haven’t covered it in our classes yet)

-(slide 5) Try to determine the topic of our lesson today: (project goal)

What will we do? Set goals for your lesson! (slide 6)

(1. Define the term “Goal”..2 Learn to set a goal)

Right! Why do we need this? (without a goal we cannot make a project)

The term goal is…….

(slide 7)

Now make a micro summary. What were we doing now? (remembered all the terms related to the project, determined the topic of the lesson, set goals)

Now remember the beginning of our lesson. Maybe you can determine the purpose of Luntik’s appearance on our planet? (he came here to find new friends)

That's right, guys. Are you ready to become his friends? (yes) (slide 8)

(physical education minute)

Now let’s think and immediately answer without preparation: what kind of holiday is coming for us, which not only children are looking forward to, but I’ll tell you a great secret, and...adults (New Year). And without what is the New Year impossible (without a Christmas tree)..

Well done….

Well, now let’s watch the cartoon to the end... (watching the cartoon)

Why is Luntik so sad? (He doesn’t want the Christmas tree to be cut down) What appeared in front of him? (a problem has arisen). And if it does arise, should we give up? (no)..To solve this problem, what should he do? (set a goal)… What goal can Luntik set for himself? (discuss in groups and offer your solutions). If you come to a common opinion, show with a sign)….Well done..That’s right…

Let's see how Luntik finally solved this problem. What goal did he set?

Summarize. What did we do during this part of the lesson? (analyzed the cartoon, identified the problem, set a goal, looked for a way out of it)…

Well, now on your desks there is a sheet of paper with a labyrinth... (slide 9). You all need to work together to find the correct path for Luntik to Mila, but not to get to Vupsen and Pupsen and indicate it with arrows... (whose group will complete the task, show a sign), but not only correctness is taken into account, but also accuracy, and rate yourself using the evaluation rulers: Accuracy and Correctness) (all mazes are posted on a magnetic board)

What were we doing now? (determined the correct path of Luntik to Mila)

Why go to Mila and not to the caterpillars (because they are harmful and do not always act honestly)

Let's summarize the lesson. (slide 10) What goals did we set for ourselves for this lesson?

(1. define the term goal. 2. learn to determine the goal of the project)

Have we achieved them? (Yes)

- (slide 11) Well done. And finally, Luntik would like to know where in your life your knowledge of project activities might be useful? (children's answers)

- (slide 12) Look at the board: in front of you are 3 targets with images of Luntik: joyful, serious and sad. Who guessed why I chose targets for reflection... (because this is the TARGET at which they shoot). Right. Take your arrows and attach them wherever you see fit...

Now thank each other for your work by smiling and holding hands. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work….(slide 13)

- Well done. Luntik is glad that he has so many friends in 1a grade...

Objective of the lesson:
apply the skills acquired while working with standard programs;
At the same time, contribute to the development of independent work and public speaking skills.
cultivate responsibility and creative abilities.
Lesson progress
I Organizational moment
II Setting lesson goals and objectives
III Homework check
IV Features of the organization of activities
Educational project activities are organized so that:
the purpose of the students’ cognitive actions was to solve a specific problem; there was an active use of acquired knowledge to obtain new knowledge;
Students had a clear idea of ​​how the theory they had learned could be used in practice.
Using the project method, the teacher creates a strong motivation for learning and contributes to the generation of interest in subsequent activities, encouraging schoolchildren to actively use existing knowledge and acquire new ones; develop skills and abilities, solutions to specific problems.
The project method allows students to actively develop basic types of thinking, creative abilities, the desire to create on their own, and to recognize themselves as creators. In the design process, students develop and consolidate the skills of analysis, evaluation of ideas and possibilities, and the ability to choose the optimal (shortest and simplest) method of producing an object of design activity - in our case, a book.
The student’s field of self-realization is expanding: through communication, receiving his own product of activity and recognizing its significance, an expansion and fairly rapid change of interests and preferences occurs.
When creating a book, ready-made drawings from collections, photographs, etc. can be used. Stages of work:
1. Selecting a topic;
2. Selection of material;
3. Project implementation;
4. Preparation for the performance;
5. Presentation of the project.
Most of the time is occupied by the third stage (at least two lessons). Students can select content for the book outside of class time.
Throughout the work on the project, the teacher acts as a consultant. During the presentation - like an ordinary listener.
V Summing up
At the end of the work, a presentation is made. For example, books can be printed and an exhibition can be organized where the author will talk about his work. You can hold an auction of works, where the book will be “sold” for the maximum price - five points.
One of the evaluation options is to calculate the average score by rating all components of the project on a five-point scale:
correspondence of the scope of work to the task;
availability and quality of illustrations;
presence of table of contents;
presence of voiceover;
presentation of the project (oratory skills are assessed).
VI Student reflection
- What did you expect from working on the project? Has the goal been achieved?
- What feelings and sensations did you have during your work?
- What was the most unexpected for you?
- What did you most succeed in, what parts of the work were completed most successfully?
- What difficulties did you experience during your work? How did you overcome them?
- You got acquainted with the works of your classmates. What would you like to take from their work?

Target: develop the ability to present the results of project activities and adequately evaluate one’s achievements.

Planned results: Students will expand and deepen their knowledge on a chosen topic, learn to give a prepared message, answer questions, and adequately evaluate their own knowledge and skills.

Lesson plan:

1. Preparatory stage. Work planning. Immersion in the problem.
2. Research activities. Collection and processing of information. Solving intermediate problems.
3. Evaluation of the process and results of the work.
4. Presentation of the finished product. Project presentation. Evaluation of the process and results of work.


1. Organizational moment

2. Updating knowledge

1. Why do people keep pets?
2. What should you think about before getting a pet?

3. Self-determination for activity

– learn different breeds of dogs and cats
– learn how to properly care for your pets
– learn many interesting stories about animals
– expand your vocabulary

Many domestic animals have lived next to humans for a very long time - several thousand years. People tamed them in ancient times, tamed them and made them their reliable helpers and friends. Domestic animals provide humans with milk and eggs. meat and wool, honey, fluff and even silk. They transport cargo, perform guard duty, and help plow the land. travel. It would be difficult for a person without pets. or maybe he simply wouldn’t have been able to survive without them.

View slides about pets

Who loves dogs
Or other animals -
Serious cats
And carefree kittens.
Who can love
And the donkey and the goat,
The one to people forever
He won't do any harm.

4. Presentation of the finished product

Live on earth
Creatures of unearthly beauty.
I think,
You guessed it - it's... (cats and cats)

Song "Kitty-kitty meow"

Cats are among the strong and unusually dexterous animals. All cats walk slowly, carefully and silently. They run fast and climb trees well. Even though cats don't like water, they are still good swimmers. Cats know how to curl up their beautiful bodies. If you pet a cat, it immediately comes into a cheerful mood. The cat tenderly becomes attached to its owner, seeks his affection and is distinguished by gratitude. The character of cats combines calmness, cunning, and courage.

a) Riddles about cats.
b) Cat breeds.
c) Rules for caring for cats.
d) Poems about cats.
e) Interesting story

Game "Let's get to know each other"

My cat's name is... (children pass the toy and call the nickname)


What does the name Galapagos Islands mean when translated into Russian? (Turtles)

a) Riddles about the turtle.
b) Types of turtles.
c) Rules for caring for turtles
d) Poems about turtles
e) Interesting stories


– Guys, who can guess which fish’s name sounds the same as an old man’s name? (Carp)


A fisherman is catching fish; his entire catch floats into the river.

a) Riddles about fish.
b) Types of fish
c) Rules for caring for aquarium fish.
d) Poems about fish.
e) Interesting stories about fish and fishermen.

Game "Name it kindly"

Cat - cat.
The cat is a cat.
A dog is a doggy.
Fish - fish, little fish.
A horse is a horse.
Rooster is a cockerel.
Cow - little cow.
Chicken - chicken.

Game "Collect a figure"

Can all parrots fly? (Kakapoa parrot that has forgotten how to fly! It has wings, but the muscles are too small for flight.)

a) Riddles about parrots.
b) Types of parrots.
c) Rules for caring for parrots.
d) Poems about parrots.
e) Interesting story

Game "Who eats what"

Cow - chewing
Dog - gnawing
Cat - squawk
The parrot is pecking.

Slide View

There are different professions: geologist, archaeologist, doctor, lawyer. Who is a dog handler? What does he do?


We're barely
We slightly overtook the monkey,
Taking steps towards the heights of progress, -
Get them now
They started skipping

We sometimes go astray
(It’s dark all around, and you can’t see anything),
But they won't give us
Get completely lost -
Muzzle, tail and four legs.
Let in more often
Fierce predators howl -
You are not afraid of any enemies.
– Don’t be afraid, we are close! – they will calm you down
Muzzle, tail and four legs.
And if sometimes
The melancholy gnaws at you
(There is such melancholy, even if you run),
Believe me,
That no one will help you like that,
Muzzle, tail and four legs.
A little meat
A little porridge...
(In short, you won’t have to go into debt!)
Mattress in the corner...
And here they are - ours
Muzzle, tail and four legs.

a) Riddles about dogs
b) Dog breeds
c) Rules for caring for dogs
d) Poems about dogs
e) Interesting story

When do they say that?

– Like a dog in the manger (About a person who does not use himself and does not give to others)
- Eat the dog (Be an expert in something)
How do cats and dogs live? (About people constantly quarreling)

View slides.

Dog professions: shepherds, watchmen, border guards, divers, geologists, customs officers. Not long ago, dogs mastered the profession of gas workers. They walk along the gas main, checking for gas leaks. Dogs are used to search for crashed planes)
Monuments to dogs and cats.
Man did not remain indifferent to the actions of animals. There are a huge number of monuments to man's true friends in the world.

View slides.

Recently, a large number of stray dogs have been roaming the streets of cities. A stray dog ​​is an abandoned friend. A friend who was betrayed and driven to despair.

Ah, life is hard
Without a friend-master,
That's why we all
And we howl desperately!..
But who will love us?
Who will take pity on us?
Not a bit about this
He won't regret it!

– What to do with stray dogs?
A person cannot bring all homeless animals into his home. Therefore, adults built nurseries and veterinary hospitals. There are veterinary pharmacies. Also in our country, rescue services for homeless animals have been created, where they are cared for, treated, and vaccinated.

– What do you mean I love a dog, a cat? turtle, parrot? (I feed him, treat him, look after him, take him for a walk and feel sorry for him)

Song "The Dog Is Missing"

5. Reflection(self-analysis and self-evaluation of the work done, your impressions)

– Which performance did you like?
– What did I learn new?


  1. Disc with student presentations,
  2. Lesson developments for the course "The World around us",
  3. Pets (cognitive tasks and questions)