New Year- Darling children's party. Children are waiting to meet Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden and are waiting for gifts. Many people write a letter to Santa Claus with their wishes.

For parents, this is a chance to succeed in the development of their children, namely, they will be able to teach kids how to correctly write and format a letter, and not only to Santa Claus.

In order for kids to be able to beautifully design their letter to Santa Claus, we offer letter templates and forms for New Year's wishes. You can click on the picture you like to access the full-size image. For the little ones you will find letter templates where you only need to write the name and gifts, for older children, beautiful letter forms without text.


Download the editable template in Word document format.

Download the envelope in Word format.

Children need to be explained the basic rules for writing letters:

1. First you need to say hello and introduce yourself.

1. Write about yourself.

3. Formulate your request

4. Wish Santa Claus all the best and say goodbye.

Grandfather Frost has an official address: 162390, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, Grandfather Frost post office

There are alternative ways to deliver letters: - put the letter in the refrigerator where grandfather’s younger brother lives, and the letter will reach its destination

Place the letter on the windowsill overnight, and if the kids behave well, Grandfather Frost’s assistants will pick up the letter at night and deliver it to the residence in Veliky Ustyug.

Many Russian families with small children have a tradition of asking Father Frost. The guys are writing a letter fairy tale hero V . Moroz receives several thousand such envelopes and cannot answer everyone. To prevent the child from being disappointed, parents take on this responsibility. Now you can find it already ready letter from Santa Claus 2020. It’s easy to download the template for free and print it on a printer. You just need to take into account a few subtleties when filling out the form.

For children, this is the most desired and long-awaited time of the year. Therefore, parents should take this seriously for their child. And these are not only cool gifts, but also a letter from your favorite character.

First of all, we need to take into account that children are not as naive as we think and can guess who wrote the letter. Therefore, we offer some tips:

  • Do not address your child as in everyday life, for example, “sun”, “bunny”, including pet names Romchik, Mashunya, etc.
  • For formality, write at the beginning full name and last name. Then, in the text, address them by name, for example Anya, Misha, Olya, Sasha.
  • Write by hand, do not use printed text. Do not use New Year's poems for congratulations.

Text examples and templates

Nowadays you can find a special generator online for writing letters online. For a nominal fee, a template with the stamp of Santa Claus and handwritten text are selected. The age, gender and name of the child are also indicated. The finished form can be downloaded to your computer, printed, or ordered to have the finished source sent by mail. Not only text options for children are offered, but also for any age, for example:

  • To the mother woman
  • Parents
  • To a man-father
  • For a family man
  • To a young man
  • Funny and cool
  • To a business person
  • For a strong personality
  • For the purposeful person
  • With greetings from the Snow Maiden, etc.

If you want to write a letter personally, we suggest viewing several templates, as well as examples of texts for children of different ages.

For girls

"Hello, the sweetest girl ( Name)!

I am writing this - the good wizard Grandfather Frost. Mom and Dad probably told you that I live in the North, where it’s always cold, and only on New Year’s Day I travel around the world to give gifts to people and bring them miracles. Look how bright the lights are on your Christmas tree - I did my best. If there is snow outside the window, then that’s my job too!

Watch until the end! - EASTER in 2020

You already ( age) years, and all this time I have been watching how you live. News about you is brought by my friends the little birds, who often fly to visit me from the city (city). I know about everything: what toys you play with, when you play naughty and when you behave well. I am also very happy about how inquisitive you are, and how you strive to get to know this world better.

After all, you already know that every winter people celebrate the New Year. And also that at this time the most cherished wishes come true, because magic comes to the house. I am very pleased that you behaved so well this past year and brought your parents so much joy. Grow up kind, smart, cheerful and of course, beautiful girl. Let mom and dad be proud of your success. And so that they always have good mood, be less capricious - and everything will be great. And, of course, continue to believe in miracles. And I will definitely make sure that all your wishes come true.

Happy New Year baby ( Name)!»

"Hello, honey (Name)!

You were probably surprised by the letter from Santa Claus himself. You probably thought it was a joke. Nothing of the kind! After all, the New Year is coming, the time for miracles is coming. And one of these miracles, the smallest ones, is my personal congratulations to you!

I am now working tirelessly with my hands and beard: I need to prepare gifts for children all over the world and not forget about anyone. I couldn’t have done it on my own, but I have my faithful helpers next to me: reindeer and, of course, my granddaughter, Snegurochka. Very soon we will collect a huge bag of gifts, load it into the sleigh, and hit the road to bring people joy and happiness.

They have already told me how smart you were in the past year, how much you managed to do and achieve. I know that this year you (achievements). The good news is that you have already made so many friends: (names of friends). After all, friends are our main wealth, which cannot be bought for any money. They will always help, advise, lend a shoulder. Cherish them. I wish you strong friendship, and even more moments of joy.

The New Year is very close: it will come when the clock strikes 12 and all the holiday lights come on at once. Don’t forget to prepare for his arrival: make your deepest wish, and I will definitely fulfill it.

Happy holiday to you, (Name)!

Your kind Grandfather Frost."

"Hello, (Name)!

Grandfather Frost is writing to you. I know someone told you that I don’t exist and that believing in me is stupid. This is not true. Everyone in the world knows that I exist! I live far from your city (city), in the North, in his icy chamber. I whole year I'm busy getting ready for the next New Year. And this is, oh, what a difficult task, because I need to congratulate the whole world! But I have many assistants and my granddaughter Snegurochka, so we manage to do everything. And today I hasten to congratulate you, (Name) Happy New Year!

You are already quite big. Just think, already (age) you make everyone around you happy! And parents, and friends, and of course, me - Grandfather Frost. My assistants, the invisible elves who live in every house (yes, yours too), constantly send me letters about your successes. Congratulations on the fact that this year you (achievements).

New Year's time is a magical time when miracles happen. And I want to make you a New Year's prediction. Soon you will meet new true friends. And amazing adventures that you will experience together! You are very smart. I’ll tell you a secret, I look after boys and girls to train them to be good sorcerers. I think you are suitable for this! But let it be our secret for now. After all, the road to becoming a magician is not easy and has many challenges. I give you the first task: learn to count and write and read a few pages of a good fairy tale every day. Without this you cannot become a good wizard. All good wizards began by studying diligently, listening to their parents, helping those who were weaker - and of course, believing in miracles! Do you think this is all very difficult? Don't worry, you will soon go to school and meet the assistants - the teachers. Listen to them carefully, it will help you become a real sorcerer. And of course, I’m waiting for a letter next New Year with a story about all your achievements!

I wish you a lot of joy and fun in the New Year.

Happy New Year, (Name)!

Father Frost"

For boys

"Hello, (Name)!

Good Grandfather Frost is writing to you from the distant northern region. You already know about me, the old northern wizard, master of blizzards and blizzards? I live in a large ice chamber with my assistants and my granddaughter Snegurochka. Winter has come and my worries have increased. Let the northern winds wander all over the earth, scatter snowflakes, sweep deep snowdrifts. And my granddaughter and I and my assistants, little gnomes and funny snowmen, spent the whole year preparing gifts for children from all over the world! They even came up with a machine that wraps gifts in beautiful boxes with bows.

And today I hasten to congratulate you, (Name) Happy New Year!

And I also want to tell you a secret. Do you know that your toys come to life at night? Do you know what they do? They chat with each other, drink tea and write letters to me! They are also my good assistants and tell me everything about you. They say that even though you are capricious sometimes, (child's pranks for a year), but (good behavior for a year). And I also know that you even (achievements).

You're great. I wish you a lot of goodness and joy in the New Year. Remain the same nice and cheerful boy - make your parents happy, believe in miracles. The world is so big and interesting. Try to learn something new every day - you will soon be very big, you will definitely need the ability to read and write. Without it you will never become a wizard like me! So try, don't be lazy. And of course, remember that there are friends around! Share toys, help those who are weaker, smile! And I will help you with my magic!

On New Year's Day, when the clock strikes twelve times, be sure to make a wish. Say it in a whisper - and then a breeze will fly in through the window, pick it up and carry it to me to the North. And I will certainly fulfill it!

Your Grandfather Frost!

"Hello, my little friend, (Name)!

The good wizard Grandfather Frost is writing to you. The same one that mom and dad told you about. On a wonderful New Year's Eve, I congratulate all, all, all children and adults in the world, and I also bring gifts to obedient children. My assistants all over the world decorate the windows frosty patterns, and at the same time they look into the children’s windows and talk about them. So they told me that there is such a wonderful small child! And I hastened to write to you before anyone else to wish you a Happy New Year!

New Year is the most fabulous holiday. Christmas tree decorated with colorful balls and garland. The lights are blinking around, beautiful and so bright! And the smell is like the forest smells in winter! And you’ve probably been shown a photo of an old man with a white beard and a red hat, that’s me, Grandfather Frost! Now every New Year I will come to visit you and give you gifts. And in time, when you grow older and learn to write, I will be glad to receive a letter from you.

Happy New Year to you, (Name)! Grow up to be a big, handsome, obedient, kind boy! And for your parents you are already the best gift in the world! I know that you already (achievements). Let your eyes see something new and interesting every day, and you will soon find out how many miracles there are in the world. May they all come true for you!

With love. Grandfather Frost"

"Expensive (Name)!

I received your letter. Thank you so much! I really liked your postcard and poem, you draw and write very beautifully! I was very pleased with your good behavior - you (good behavior for a year). Well done, keep it up! I've been watching you all year! Well, baby, you haven't always behaved exactly (child's pranks for a year). This made me very upset.

Every time you misbehaved, an icicle fell from the sky on me. But when you got an A, or you were praised, bullfinches flew into my window and started chirping cheerfully, so much so that squirrels and hares came running from the forest to jump around the living, real Christmas tree that grows in my yard. By the way, I have already dressed her up with balls and garlands with lanterns, gold cones and sweet curly gingerbread cookies. And you?

(Name) in my magic mirror I saw your diary with grades for the quarter. I was upset, four lights on my Christmas tree went out from sadness, and the crows stole two gingerbread cookies. Of course, the New Year holiday is a miracle and no one should be left without gifts. My heart aches at the thought that someone will be sad on New Year's Eve.

Of course, I prepared a gift for you, because you are a good, kind boy, not greedy, you know how to make friends, and you have a lot of A’s. I know that if you try a little, you will do great! You will have the gift that you ordered for me, but not now, but when the icicles stop falling on my head, and you (what the child needs to correct)! You can be naughty, but where would you be without it? But everything should be in moderation. Agreed?

Expect pleasant surprises on New Year's Eve, I tried to choose a gift for you that you will definitely like!!!

Happy New Year!

Grandfather Frost"

For teenagers

"Hello my friend (Name)!

How you have grown and matured! You can no longer be called a child, but at heart you are still a little mischievous kid, and the New Year for you is the same magical holiday as before. There was a time when I would just put gifts under christmas tree. But these were surprises without words. It's time to turn to you with a little parting words.

Oh, I didn’t introduce myself: my name is Santa Claus. Yes, yes, I am that kind grandfather from the distant northern lands. Don't be surprised that emails and computer advances have reached me. True, communication periodically disappears here at the North Pole. But it’s still much more convenient.

Although, of course, a handwritten letter is always warmer. Unfortunately, there are not enough hands and time to answer all the letters...

You have already grown up a lot, but I still follow your progress. I am amazed at your willpower. If things get difficult or you have to make a difficult choice, remember your strong character - and you will easily cope with any tasks! I am very pleased with what you were able to achieve this year!

Don’t forget, even though you have grown up: at heart you are still a little wizard. After all, the one who values ​​​​friendship, who knows how to prove that he is right, is himself capable of working miracles. Happiness in the coming year, more pleasant surprises, interesting meetings! And I will help you in everything you think of.

WITH best wishes- Grandfather Frost.

Templates in Word and PSD format for Photoshop

Many people are looking for templates in Word and psd format. You can work with them in graphic editors and word processors. A huge advantage is that you can edit all design components to suit your needs. We offer you to download the sources for free, which are located on Google. Disk in the public domain (without registration on the Google service).

VKontakte -

Many parents are in no hurry to tell their child that their favorite New Year's characters exist only in legends. Faith in goodness and miracles develop many positive qualities, which manifest themselves throughout life. Therefore, it is very important for boys or girls this year to compose a letter from Santa Claus 2020. You can also print the finished images on a printer or scanner and write the text yourself.

There are several options for where to find a letter from Grandfather. Among them the most popular are:

  • a special generator, for example the service;
  • ordering in a designer salon;
  • ordering from a company specializing in New Year's services;
  • ordering from freelancers.

All of the above options are paid. Their monetary value depends on the popularity and reputation of the brand, the quality of materials and the cost of similar services on the market. On specialized sites their price varies from 250 to 500 rubles. You can also create it yourself beautiful letter, which will be no worse than made to order. Therefore, we suggest downloading original message templates for free and printing them on copiers.

How to write a letter from Santa Claus correctly


The first thing to consider is correct spelling appeals to kids. There is no need to address them as you always call them in the family. It is advisable to write your full name and surname, then it is better to avoid familiarity in the text.

Advice! To make the letter more personal, we recommend using a diminutive address to the child a couple of times.


After the greeting, be sure to write Merry Christmas. It is better not to use a wish in the form of a poem. Here it is very important to emphasize all the beauty and fabulousness of the holiday, and also to write that Grandfather Frost is the guardian of the winter season and does everything to ensure that the children have a fun holiday: sledding, skating, skiing, playing snowballs, making a snowman, etc.

Advice! If you did not have time to enclose an envelope as a gift, then put it in the mailbox. Ask your child to check it (if the child can already do this) or open it yourself in front of him. It will be more believable if there are newspapers along with the letter.

Must be mentioned

In conclusion, you need to write advice from Santa Claus on how the child should behave next year. Parental recommendations will be different in every family. For example, the baby needs to study better, not fight or cry less. But you shouldn’t overload with demands. Concentrate on one, most important problem. Next, be sure to write that the grandfather will monitor the behavior for a whole year, and if the baby behaves well, then for the next new year holidays will receive any gift.

Important! At the end of the letter, be sure to convey greetings from the granddaughter of Father Frost Snegurochka, as well as wishes for the New Year 2020.

Example of a finished letter

Using this example, you can create New Year's letter, both for boys and girls.

Greetings: Hello dear NAME!
Congratulation: Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! NAME, I wish that this year becomes a real fairy tale for you! Good health, success in your studies, happiness, warmth and many, many smiles on your face! May your life be filled with miracles and New Year's fairy tale will fulfill all your most cherished dreams!
Next: I received a letter from you and I know that you are expecting a gift from me. Recently, birds flew to me from Moscow to Veliky Ustyug, who, at my request, followed you for a whole year! They told a lot about your interesting life. I am very proud of your successes in 2018! You have grown up and become like a little prince/princess. You have learned/learned a lot. You have made many new friends. Your parents are very proud of you and that’s wonderful!
Advice: But next year you need to pay more attention to your studies. The birds told me that in lately you upset mom and dad with bad grades. I know that you are a very bright boy/girl and can study better. But overall, I’m very pleased with you, so accept your long-awaited gift!
Greetings from the Snow Maiden: Also, my granddaughter Snegurochka sends her huge greetings and wishes that the New Year brings you a sea of ​​fun and pleasant experiences, true friends and interesting things to do!
Conclusion: And for you I will decorate the street with fluffy snow and draw frost patterns on the windows. When you see this, remember me. I’m waiting for you to visit me in my fabulous tower in Veliky Ustyug.

I will be very glad to meet you!

Your Grandfather Frost!

Letter Templates from Santa Claus 2020

Select a letter form from Santa Claus

Select the text option for the letter from Santa Claus

Hello, Ivan! You probably received a letter from Santa Claus himself. You probably think this is a joke. Nothing of the kind! After all, the New Year is coming, the time for miracles is coming. And one of these miracles, the smallest ones, is my personal congratulations to you! I am now working tirelessly with my hands and beard: I need to prepare gifts for children all over the world and not forget about anyone. I couldn’t have done it on my own, but I have my faithful helpers next to me: reindeer and, of course, my granddaughter, Snegurochka. Very soon we will collect a huge bag of gifts, load it into the sleigh, and hit the road to bring people joy and happiness. I was already told in the past year how much you managed to do and achieve. I know that this year you went to music school, can count to 10, learned to swim. The good news is that you have already made so many friends: Anton, Styopa, Lenya, Gray, Katya, Julia. After all, friends are our main wealth, which cannot be bought for any money. They will always help, advise, lend a shoulder. Cherish them. I wish you strong friendship, and even more moments of joy. The New Year is very close: it will come when the clock strikes 12 and all the holiday lights come on at once. Don’t forget to prepare for his arrival: make your deepest wish, and I will definitely fulfill it. Happy holiday to you, Ivan! Your kind Grandfather Frost.

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Appeal: Expensive...!

You might be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And the kindest, most diligent, hardworking boys and girls receive them. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

I wish you a Happy New Year with all my heart! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, and helped adults. During the year you learned a lot of new things, did many useful and good deeds. That is why I wish you to have fun from the heart, and to have a good rest during the holidays: walk a lot (even if I pinch your nose), sculpt snowmen, ski, skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

good girl

Appeal: Expensive...!

You might be surprised, but Santa Claus also sometimes writes letters. And the kindest, most diligent, hardworking girls and boys receive them. I am very pleased that you are one of them.

I wish you a Happy New Year with all my heart! I am sure that this is your favorite holiday, for which you have been preparing for a long time: you studied diligently, actively participated in olympiads and competitions, and helped adults. That is why I wish you to have fun from the heart, and to have a good rest during the holidays: walk a lot (even if I pinch your nose), sculpt snowmen, ski, skate, sled, play with friends, read interesting books and watch funny cartoons.

Let the beautiful snowflakes take you to a magical fairy tale where all your wishes will come true!

To the strongest

Appeal: Hello, dear friend!

Thanks to my many assistants, I learned about your successes. You are a great fellow! Over the course of the year, you achieved incredible results in studies and sports, you tried to overcome difficulties, you were brave and dexterous. I am very glad that you have many friends, that your classmates love and respect you, that adults are proud of you.

I give only such strong, purposeful and sympathetic guys the Most Important New Year's Assignment: to find and protect people who need help. I am sure that you will cope with this task better than anyone!

I know that you have many glorious victories ahead, that a brilliant New Year and great gifts await you. But your main success (trust me!) will be the gratitude of those you helped!

Creative personality

Appeal: Hello, dear friend!

The real Santa Claus is writing to you from the real Russian North. Although you live very far from my home, I closely monitor your progress. I really like yours creative works. You put so much imagination, effort, soul and talent into them that it turns out incredibly well. When I sometimes feel sad, I look at your work, and my heart becomes light and joyful.

Develop your talent, compose, create, give joy to your family and friends! And you will see: the coming New Year will bring you many pleasant surprises, give you attention and love, and fulfill your most cherished dreams. I wish you creative inspiration and great happiness!!!

To the young wizard

Appeal: Hello baby!

Let me call you exactly that, although over the past year you have matured a lot and become quite an adult. But for Grandfather Frost, all the children remain kids, no matter how old they become. Once upon a time, your mom and dad, like you, wrote letters to me and expected a miracle from me, and then they learned to do miracles themselves. So you are already a magician - you just need to really believe in it! And then you will succeed in whatever you set your mind to - study well, win competitions, travel the world and discover new things... What are you saying? Is it already working? You see!

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! Be always healthy, successful, cheerful! Please convey my congratulations to your parents and be sure to tell them that I believe in them.