If you play Minecraft, then your main goal is to survive. At first, you will do this in wandering mode, that is, you will travel, collect resources, make yourself weapons and tools. But as a result, everyone needs a home, so, having found the most convenient place, you can build yourself a home, and then begin to develop it. How? In the game you need food, as well as other resources, and every time you need to go to distant lands to get what you lack. However, you can create a wheat field, build a paddock, grow various edible plants, and raise animals that provide you with meat, as well as some other materials. One of the most useful domestic animals is the sheep - it has a fairly impressive number of advantages. Accordingly, every gamer needs to know how to tame a sheep in Minecraft.

Sheep in Minecraft

All animals in the game are initially wild, but you can tame them. With some this process can take a very long time - for example, with a horse or an ocelot, and some get used to you quite quickly. And if you want to know how to tame a sheep in Minecraft, then you shouldn’t have any problems here. These animals do not particularly resist and willingly follow a person. But first you need to find them - making it even easier. Very often, sheep graze on various lawns and clearings where there is grass, but no trees or other obstacles. You will almost never be able to find a single sheep - they always flock together in a herd of up to eight heads, so with the right approach you will have the opportunity to acquire a large number of animals at once. However, how do you tame a sheep in Minecraft when you find one? First, you need to do some serious preparation.

Construction of the pen

If you are interested in how to tame a sheep in Minecraft, then you should first build a pen in which it will live. The first condition is that the pen must be located close to your home so that you can always monitor the condition of the sheep and other animals, feed them, care for them, and so on. The second condition is the continuity of the fence with which you enclose the place of residence of your animals. If there are holes or gaps in the fence, the sheep will be able to escape. If you plan to keep not only sheep, which cannot jump, but also horses in the pen, then you need to build a higher fence so that the horses cannot jump over it. Well, the third condition is the presence of an entrance. If you want to have access to your animals, make a gate or gate in your pen. Just remember to close it, as animals may escape when you're not around. In the Minecraft game, a sheep will not look for a way out on its own, but if you do not close the gate behind you, it may well escape.

Taming process

In the Minecraft game, you can only get a sheep egg, which helps you create this animal at any time, in creative mode. However, if you play in normal mode, then in any case you will have to try and tame the sheep yourself, because such a function is not provided here. Fortunately, this can be done quite simply - all you need is wheat. Look for the sheep, take the wheat in your hand, and the sheep will follow you. Head to the pen, and when you get there, give the wheat to the sheep, leave the pen and lock the animal inside. That's it, you now have the first animal on your farm - you can bring large quantity sheep to receive more resources, as well as to take advantage of another useful feature.

Sheep breeding

If you have more than one sheep, then you can breed these animals, creating offspring. To do this, you will simply need to feed two nearby animals with wheat - as soon as hearts appear above their heads, you can calmly expect that after a while a lamb will appear next to them. You will also have to feed it, but at the same time you will watch how it grows. In addition, you need to know one very important thing about sheep and their breeding. A sheep's wool can be dyed in several colors, and if you cross two sheep of different colors, there is a chance that you will get a new color - this will happen if the colors are compatible. If not, then the lamb will receive the color of one of the parents at random. For those who are interested in the unusual, there are various modifications that can add different colors, for example, this is how a rainbow sheep is added to Minecraft.

Benefits of sheep

But what do you get when you raise sheep? First of all, you can periodically shear wool of different colors and use it in further crafting or as decoration. But also, if necessary, you can kill a sheep to get meat for food.

Sheep in Minecraft are friendly animals. Their main purpose is wool. Shear a sheep and make a bed, a beautiful rug or a decorative structure out of wool. If necessary, you can kill a lamb and get meat. But first, tame the animal. The sheep does not resist and will willingly follow you, but not everything is so simple.

Finding wheat to tame a sheep in Minecraft

To tame, first feed the sheep wheat. There is no other food for lambs in the game. To obtain wheat there is the following method:

  • find wheat seeds in the grass. To do this, stock up on a tool that can destroy everything, and break the grass. Collect the seeds;
  • plant wheat seeds in the garden bed. For rapid germination of seeds, water is needed, which is located no further than four cells from the bed. Take care of lighting - illuminate the crops with a torch, the light of the Sun or lava;
  • Water unripe grains with water. But do not pour water on ripe ears of wheat! Sprinkle seedlings with bone meal for faster ripening;
  • place a wheat sheaf in the central crafting cell and you will receive 9 ears of wheat.

We create a pen for taming a sheep in Minecraft

Build a pen for the sheep. You will bring a tamed animal there. The pen should be located close to the house so that you can easily monitor the animals and feed them. Make a solid fence to enclose the pen. Sheep will crawl through a fence with holes and run away. Make a wicket or gate in the pen to allow free access to the animals. Don't forget to close it, otherwise the living creatures will run away. The size of the pen will depend on the number of tamed lambs.

Taming a sheep in Minecraft

Take the wheat and go look for the sheep. Whole herds of sheep wander around the area aimlessly. Seeing an obstacle, they try to jump over it. Look for animals near the water; they often jump across the river. Like all friendly mobs, they follow the light. The sheep will see you, stop and start looking at you. After a few seconds, he will turn his head forward and continue on his way. Now it's up to you - try to tame the animal:

  • lure it with wheat, but don’t feed it right away. Show the wheat to the sheep no further than 16 blocks away from it;
  • the sheep will follow you, lead it into the pen;
  • the sheep enters the pen - quickly close the door and give away the wheat. Now you have a pet.

We raise sheep in Minecraft

Take up sheep breeding if you have tamed a couple. The breeding process is simple:

  • feed the animals nearby with wheat. Wheat is an aphrodisiac for sheep;
  • After feeding, the lamb and sheep will begin to fall in love. Everything looks cute and naive – a couple kisses, and red hearts appear above the animals’ heads;
  • After a couple of seconds, a small lamb appears near the sheep. If the parents are the same color, the baby will be similar to them. If they are multi-colored, the lamb will receive the color of one of the parents.

Create the right conditions for your farm - make a covered paddock and a small pond, plant grass and feed the herd regularly. To get wool, you get scissors and shear sheep. In order for the hair to grow well and quickly after shearing, animals need light and grass.

You won't find a single sheep to tame. Animals gather in a herd and this good opportunity tame a couple for divorce. Take wool and meat from sheep and at little cost you will have large population pets.

Most sheep created by the standard Minecraft generator have white wool. You can also find sheep with black, grey, light grey, brown or pink wool. They have light brown skin.

It is easier to obtain wool from sheep instead complex creation her from threads. You can get wool using scissors, using them on sheep, or by killing them. Sheep shearing yields 1-3 wool. If you have a sword enchanted with fire, you can get more wool than usual if the sheep dies from the fire. Since version 1.1.0, sheep restore wool by eating grass, turning it into a block of earth. To simulate eating, the sheep model bends down and moves, and the lamb's head plunges into the ground.

Killed sheep will drop one block of wool, even if they died from fire, cactus, or were killed by a wolf. You can get wool using 4 units of thread, but for the player it is not as dangerous to shear a sheep than to hunt spiders.

A block of white wool can be combined with dye to create colored wool. However, it will be much more effective to use the dye directly on unshorn sheep. To do this, holding the dye in your hands, you need to right-click on the sheep. A dyed sheep, after shearing, can produce 1-3 blocks of already dyed wool. When the sheep's wool is restored, it will retain its color, therefore, this method is an inexhaustible source of colored wool.

Like other passive mobs, sheep wander around aimlessly, usually spawning in herds of 2-8 individuals. Their occasional bleats can be heard even at some distance. When sheep encounter an obstacle, they try to jump over it, even if the obstacle is very high. Sheep can swim and do not try to get out of the water, so it is not uncommon to see several sheep jumping in the water. The color of a sheep has no effect on its behavior. The sheep eat the grass, turning it into a block of dirt. This restores its wool if the sheep has been shorn. The restored coat will have the same color it had before shearing, not the original color. Packs of wolves can attack random lone sheep.

To breed sheep, simply feed wheat to 2 of them. The wheat will put the sheep into “love mode.” Sheep in “love mode” will move towards each other and create a lamb within 10 seconds. Parent sheep for re-mating can be fed again after 5 minutes. To lure the sheep to follow you, you just need to hold wheat in your hands. They will follow you anywhere until you hide the wheat. Mating two sheep will result in a lamb that is the same color as the parents. It is most likely that the color of the lamb will be determined by the color of the ewe that was fed first (i.e. if we feed a red ewe first, then a yellow one, the lamb will most likely be born with red wool). There is no mixing of colors (e.g. orange). Ewes will produce lambs the same color as their parents, even if they are shorn. This can be used to get a large number of colored wool rather than relying entirely on potentially rare dyes such as cocoa beans or lapis lazuli.