
Sad statistics show that most people who profess faith in Jesus have never fully read the Bible. Many people start reading the Bible and give up halfway through. The Bible has 1189 chapters and 31102 verses. We offer you several different Bible reading plans for the year. A similar Bible reading plan for every day will help you get acquainted with the Holy Scriptures in a year, reading 3-4 chapters in laziness.

By dividing the Bible into 365 daily readings, you can easily reach your goal of reading the Bible in a year. Reading the Bible daily is one of the great habits you can develop! Simply create your personalized Bible reading plan and stick to the schedule. We offer you several Bible reading plans for every day - just choose the one that suits you.

Start reading the Bible daily today!

Everyday Bible - Reading Plans.

The Bible reading plan for every day is created in the order of the Bible Books - first you read the books of the Old Testament, then the New Testament. There are no surprises in this regard. You just read the entire Bible from beginning to end, from Genesis to Revelation.

This plan is interesting because you will read about events in chronological order. As you know, the books of the Bible are not arranged in chronological order. The plan offers you a better understanding of Biblical history and the development of the Christian religion. In this regard, for example, the Book of Job is read along with Genesis, since Job lived before Abraham.

The Bible for the Year with Professor Horner. A unique, but not simple reading plan, according to which you have to read 10 chapters daily.

  • Bible reading plan for the year - only on weekdays.

Annual Weekday Bible Reading Plan.

  • Everyday Bible - 2 year reading plan.

This plan is suitable for busy people, it is designed for two years.

  1. Start reading the Bible today - you won't have a better time, there's no reason to put it off!
  2. Set aside a specific time to read the Bible every day. Set your schedule and always stick to it.
  3. Read the Bible for understanding and learning, not just to achieve a goal. Remember, you do not read the Bible to read the Bible, but to understand the Word of God and His wisdom.
  4. Take notes. Write down key phrases.
  5. Ask yourself questions, reflect on what you read every day.
  6. Personalize the meaning. Remember, God speaks to us through scripture.

The first commandment given by God to humanity is about fasting. Having created man, the Lord began to teach him love. For this reason, He gave Adam and Eve the commandment not to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. By fulfilling the command of God, people could thereby show their love for Him. After the Fall and expulsion from paradise, the commandment to fast as a manifestation of our voluntary love for God became even more necessary. However, fasting involves not only the exclusion of lean food from the diet. This is, first of all, proper organization spiritual and prayerful life and efforts to make relationships with others deeper, full of love and sacrifice on our part. This is especially evident during the period of Lent, the purpose of which is to prepare oneself for the great joy of Easter. And today we offer you a collection of soul-helping teachings, which was published by Lepta Book Publishing House. It’s called “Lent is coming.” Readings for every day of Lent." Below is our story about this book.

We present to your attention a unique publication that contains texts for soul-helping reading during the days of Lent. According to the publishers, the book was compiled with an orientation towards the ancient Orthodox tradition, according to which the Gospel and the Apostle are excluded from everyday services and in general from daily reading during the period of Lent. New Testament readings are also not recommended for home prayer rules. Instead of them, to create a repentant, spiritually contrite mood, the church charter offers believers Old Testament, prophetic readings, numerous teachings of the great ascetic teachers of antiquity, the “Ladder” of St. John Climacus, as well as “Lavsaik” Bishop. Palladia is a collection of the lives of ancient saints, who especially pleased the Lord with their fasting, abstinence and love for God and their neighbors.

This structure of reading, according to the publishers, is also a kind of spiritual fast, symbolizing our unworthiness, the desire for repentance and fervent anticipation of the joyful news of the Resurrection of the Savior. This is one of the most important facets of preparation for the Easter holiday, preparation that constitutes the main goal of Lent. The book is supplemented by sermons and words of saints close to us in time, new martyrs, outstanding pastors of our time and the recent past, which reveal various aspects of the true Christian doctrine against the background of Lenten ascetic work, show the true meaning of Orthodoxy, its mission in the modern “post-Christian” , a sin-infested world.

The structure of the book is built in such a way that the collected teachings sanctify each day of Lent, starting from Monday of the first week and ending with Holy Saturday and, of course, the Easter celebration. I believe that most of our television viewers know that each Lenten Week is dedicated to a specific holy or significant event that occurred throughout church history. For those who are just learning the basics of Orthodoxy, let me remind you that on the first Sunday of Great Lent the so-called “Triumph of Orthodoxy” took place, established under Queen Theodora in 842 as a reminder of the victory of the Orthodox at the Seventh Ecumenical Council. In the second Week Russian Orthodox Church I remembered one of the great theologians - St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki, who lived in the 14th century. In accordance with the Orthodox faith, he taught that for the feat of fasting and prayer, the Lord illuminates believers with His gracious light, as the Lord shone on Tabor. For the reason that St. Gregory revealed the teaching about the power of fasting and prayer, and it was established to commemorate his memory on the second Sunday of Great Lent.

In the third Week, during the all-night vigil, after the Great Doxology, the Holy Cross was brought out and offered for veneration to the believers. When venerating the Cross, the Church sings: “We worship Your Cross, O Master, and we glorify Your holy resurrection.” This song is also sung at the liturgy instead of the Trisagion. In the middle of Lent, the Church exposes the Cross to believers in order to, with a reminder of the suffering and death of the Lord, inspire and strengthen those who fast to continue the feat of fasting. The Holy Cross remains for veneration during the week until Friday, when, after the reading of the hours, it is brought back to the altar before the Liturgy. Therefore, the third Sunday and fourth week of Great Lent are called the Worship of the Cross. And on the fourth Sunday St. John Climacus, who wrote an essay in which he showed the ladder, or the order of good deeds that lead us to the Throne of God.

On Thursday, in the fifth week, the memory of St. Mary of Egypt. According to tradition, on Wednesday evening the day before, Matins is served with the so-called “Standing of Mary,” when the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete, the same one that was already read in the first four days of Great Lent, and the life of St. Mary of Egypt. This evening service lasts 5-7 hours and is accompanied by many prostrations. On Saturday in the fifth week, i.e. Today “Praise to the Most Holy Theotokos” is performed. The day before, on Friday evening at Saturday Matins, an akathist to the Mother of God is solemnly sung. In some churches, the singing of the festive akathist is performed not only by the church choir, but by all parishioners together. This service was established in Greece in gratitude to the Mother of God for Her repeated deliverance of Constantinople from enemies. In our country, the akathist “Praise to the Mother of God” is performed to strengthen believers in the hope of the Heavenly Intercessor.

And of course, I would like to especially celebrate this day, namely, to read a fragment of one of the sermons dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. Thus, in the 19th century, Metropolitan Arseny (Moskvin) said that “we are all and always obliged to praise and bless the Most Holy Virgin Theotokos: for with Her our salvation began and through Her was accomplished. Her blessed Seed finally erased the head of the ancient serpent and crushed the power of the devil (Gen. 3:15). Her fertile womb contained the Inconceivable One neither with heaven nor with earth, and thus united both heaven and earth within itself. By it we flow to the throne of grace; through Her also abundant streams of blessings flow upon us. How can Her Most Immaculate and Most Blessed not be pleased and praised by the mortal race, so blessed by Her?”

According to Metropolitan Arseny, “St. The Church, as the teacher and guardian of the ways of God, the ways of truth and holiness, deeply feels this duty, and therefore daily and hourly forces us to lift up Her name with the name of Christ the Savior, and in Her the imams are a quick Helper and a warm Intercessor, and in Him a true Intercessor and the Deliverer. For this reason, all sacred rites established by the Church, all prayers performed by it, all songs sung by it are usually announced and decorated with an appeal to the Ever-Virgin. Moreover, how many days and weeks of the year are dedicated exclusively to Her memory! Among such days is the present day, which is primarily called the day of praise of the Most Holy Theotokos.”

After the Saturday of the Akathist, we don’t have much time left to adequately prepare for the meeting of the Resurrection of Christ, to mourn and correct what is faulty in Repentance, and through in-depth reflection on the suffering of the Savior to enter into sympathy and compassion for Him. After all, ahead, in a few days, is Lazarus Saturday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and the free Passion of the Lord that follows. According to Archbishop Averky (Taushev), “Blessed is he who, living the life of the whole Church, experiences this time of fasting with all his heart, delves into all the deeply edifying thoughts associated with the Lenten Divine Service and absorbs all those soul-elevating feelings that he strives for.” awaken the saint in us. Church with liturgical readings and chants and connected with on different days Lent with celebrations and remembrances.” This is what this book is intended to do.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your increase; and your barns will be filled to overflowing."

The following story happened in America: the unbelieving children of a rich and very virtuous Christian woman rebelled against their mother and took away her entire farm, leaving her only a small piece of the worst land that was on their farm. They did this with the intention of depriving the mother of the opportunity to donate to the cause of God and help the poor.

But soon after the trial, while the children and many of their friends were gloating, a gush of oil suddenly began to flow in her worst plot. Experts arrived and, after carefully examining the site, determined that there were large oil reserves under this area. There were rich people who undertook to develop this oil field, and the poor woman suddenly became a millionaire. After that, she began to donate even more to the cause of God and help poor people.

God is never indebted to those who give generously to His cause and help the poor and disadvantaged people. But let no one be deceived and give to God for the purpose of getting what is his back with interest. God knows the heart of every person and will not accept the victims of a profiteer.

Charity is the provision of material assistance to the poor. A benefit brings happiness not only to the one to whom it is given, but also to the one who performs it. By doing good to others, we do good to ourselves. The hand that does good to one’s neighbor opens the hand of God’s goodness. By giving to man, we receive from God.

The hand of the poor is the treasury of Christ; whatever the beggar receives, Christ receives. Give to the One who gives you everything, and you will receive a hundred times more from Him. Nothing will be wasted from what we give to Christ. Everything that is given to Christ is rewarded. Even a cup of cold water given in the name of Christ will not remain without reward in the eternal Kingdom of Christ. Let us give Him ourselves and everything we have!