The Russian anti-aircraft missile and gun is an unsurpassed weapon in the air defense system, says a military analyst for The National Interest.

In his opinion, in Syria this air defense system, one of which was allegedly destroyed, gained fame as the most effective means of countering drone attacks, so the lack of an analogue of such a complex in the United States is a significant drawback of American air defense. About the unique characteristics of the “Shell” - in the RT material.

The US armed forces lack an effective short-range air defense system like the Russian anti-aircraft missile and gun system. This conclusion was reached by American military expert Sebastian Roblin in an article published in The National Interest magazine.

According to the analyst, the drone attack on Russian military facilities carried out on January 5 will sooner or later be repeated, but terrorist UAVs may already be directed at American bases. Meanwhile, the US is deprived anti-aircraft complex, which is capable of repelling a simultaneous attack from several UAVs.

“The US armed forces do not have a short-range air defense system similar to Pantsir. This is due to the fact that the ground forces have come to rely on the ability of the Air Force to neutralize all air threats.

Russian ground forces, on the contrary, always expect an attack from the air - and therefore have such a diverse arsenal of air defenses,” writes Roblin.

Director of the Air Defense Museum in Balashikha, military expert Yuri Knutov, agrees with the point of view of his American colleague from The National Interest. According to him, since cold war The United States tried not to engage in combat without ensuring complete air supremacy. In the USSR (and in Russia), on the contrary, they placed emphasis on the development of defensive systems.

“Russian military air defense, to which Pantsir belongs, is rightfully considered the best in the world. We have always been forced to take care of countering enemy high-tech aircraft.

Participation in local conflicts gave our designers invaluable experience, which helped them create effective anti-aircraft systems and radar equipment,” Knutov said in an interview with RT.

"Efficiency - cost"

On the night of January 5-6, Pantsir-S crews repelled an attack by militant drones on the Khmeimim airbase and the Navy logistics support point in Tartus. The complexes hit 7 drones out of 13, the remaining six devices were disabled by electronic warfare (EW).

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, in 2017, Pantsirs shot down 16 drones and 53 missiles from rocket systems volley fire(MLRS) militants.

“The S-400, S-300B and Pantsir complexes, together with fighter aircraft, ensured the complete superiority of our aerospace forces in Syrian airspace. There was not a single violation of the security zones of the Russian bases in Tartus and Khmeimim,” says the report of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu dated December 22, 2017.

Analyzing attacks on Russian bases, Roblin doubts the ability of US troops to effectively repel jihadist drone attacks on US targets.

Over more than three years of presence in Syria, the United States military has shot down several drones. The UAVs were destroyed by aviation, which led to unreasonably high costs for fuel and missile weapons.

From an economic point of view, this method of combating drones is too wasteful, the analyst points out.

“American missiles are several times more expensive than their Russian counterparts. This is, in principle, a redundant weapon for defeating homemade terrorist drones. On current moment it is “Shell” that is the most the best remedy combating UAVs according to the criterion “efficiency - cost,” noted Knutov.

On one combat platform

Among American military air defense systems, the functionality is closest to the Pantsir. artillery complex Raytheon Corporation Centurion. It includes a 20-mm six-barreled M61A1 Vulcan cannon and a three-dimensional radar. All weapons are placed on a four-axle HEMTT A3 army truck.

Centurion is capable of destroying large-caliber mines, multiple launch rocket systems, UAVs, armored vehicles and shelters. However, the range of destruction of M61A1 targets is limited to 2 km.

The combat radius of the Pantsir-S in conventional equipment exceeds 12 km, and the modernized versions can fire at a range of up to 20–40 km. The Russian air defense missile system is designed to intercept all types of low-flying targets and destroy ground equipment, including tanks (if a projectile hits the side).

The main feature of the Pantsir-S is that it is equipped with both anti-aircraft guns (30-mm 2A38M assault rifles) and missile weapons (57E6E installations). Along with the Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile system, Pantsir is the only air defense system capable of firing at targets on the move.

“Only our country was able to realize the excellent idea of ​​placing artillery and missile weapons on one combat platform. This was an extremely successful move.

The Americans, as far as I know, are forced to artificially form such an anti-aircraft battery, placing artillery and missile guns nearby,” Knutov emphasized.

The result of painstaking work

Roblin drew attention to great popularity"Shell" on the foreign market. Russian MANPADS were purchased by Algeria, Iraq, Syria, the UAE, Oman, Jordan and Brazil. The price of one complex is $13–15 million. Total cost export contracts exceed $1.5 billion.

Instrument Design Bureau (Tula) together with other enterprises defense complex is modernizing the Pantsir line. Since the end of 2016, the Ministry of Defense has been purchasing Pantsir-S2. Since February 2017, these complexes have been responsible for the air defense of the naval base in Vladivostok.

In 2017, the VKS received over 200 Pantsir-S combat kits, including modernized versions. In 2019, the development of Pantsir-SM will be completed.

The updated air defense missile systems feature more advanced radar equipment, an expanded range of targets and an increased range of destruction. Thus, Pantsir-S2 intercepts not only cruise missiles, but also ballistic missiles.

Roblin believes that important advantage The "shell" is the ability to function at extremely high and low temperatures. For example, in Syria, Russian MANPADS are on combat duty at temperatures of +50°C, and in the Arctic - at -50°C.

“The incredible characteristics of the Pantsir were the result of very long and painstaking work by Russian designers. The first prototype was assembled in 1994, but the complex was put into service only in 2012. However, we see that the invested money and labor brought the results that the military sought,” Knutov noted.

Alexey Zakvasin

ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" in its original form, created by order of the Air Defense Forces
Containers of 9M335 missiles and 2A72 gun
Firing missiles and artillery at a range

Rocket 9M335
ZRAK "Pantsir" combat vehicle at MAKS-95
A combat module with a reduced number of missiles, between which the cone-shaped fairing of the Roman target tracking radar is visible.
A prototype of the Pantsir air defense system at the MAKS-95 exhibition
Radar 1L36-01 "Roman" in the museum of JSC "Fazatron-NIIR"
One of the subsequent versions of the Pantsir air defense missile system
Lightweight version of the "Pantsir" only with an optical-electronic guidance module on the BMP-3 chassis

ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" with radar "Helmet" with a new combat module on various chassis
Radar station target and missile tracking 1PC2-E at MAKS-2005 © S. Aminov

Options for placing elements of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system on a tracked chassis
Minsk tracked chassis GM-352M1E for the Pantsir air defense missile system, which has not yet been useful to anyone © Andrey Dmitriev, 2005
One of the latest versions of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system on the KAMAZ-6350 chassis with a new combat radar

Poster depicting one of the latest versions of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system on the KAMAZ-6350 chassis
Model of one of the latest versions of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system on the MZKT-7930 chassis

SAM 57E6-E
The extreme appearance of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system, apparently in this form, after testing, it was adopted by our army to cover the S-400 air defense system
Testing of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system at the Kapustin Yar training ground © State Unitary Enterprise "KBP"
Assembly of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system at JSC Shcheglovsky Val (assembly plant of the State Unitary Enterprise KBP) © Vedomosti

The long road to Pantsir
The history of the creation of a new air defense complex at the turn of the collapse of the Union and the emergence of independent Russia

Said Aminov

The development of the promising anti-aircraft complex 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" for the USSR Air Defense Forces was assigned to the Instrument Design Bureau back in 1990. The air defense complex was supposed to protect mobile units and units, strategically important military and industrial facilities (airfields, military bases, communications centers and economic facilities), as well as surface ships. The complex was supposed to provide cover for long-range anti-aircraft missile systems of the S-300P type from air attack weapons at close approaches and at the same time hit lightly armored targets and infantry. Taking into account the assigned tasks, "Pantsir" was created on the basis of the one already adopted by the air defense units of the ground forces ZRPK "Tunguska" .

An 8x8 Ural-5323.4 all-terrain vehicle with a KamAZ-7406 engine producing 260 hp was used as the chassis of the new complex. The purpose of using a vehicle chassis is to reduce the cost of the complex, which is supposed to cover rear facilities, and not troops in battle formations. Later, the complex was offered to the Ground Forces and began to be considered as an interservice one.

In 1994, the Instrument Engineering Design Bureau created a prototype combat vehicle of the Pantsir complex, which was tested and demonstrated to the general public in August 1995 at the air show in Zhukovsky.

The Pantsir-S1 complex (model 1995) is equipped with 12 9M335 missiles, externally and in layout similar to the 9M311 missiles of the Tunguska air defense missile system (the launch range has increased to 12 km, the height of the targets hit is up to 8 km, more powerful engine, the mass of the warhead was increased, while its caliber increased to 90 mm, the diameter of the instrument compartment remained the same - 76 mm). The rocket body is bicaliber, the engine is located in the second separable stage. The rocket has a short flight time at the launch site. The affected area is 12 km in range and 8 km in height. The mass of the warhead, consisting of rod striking elements, is 20 kg. The rocket uses an air-dynamic steering gear. The complex can guide up to 3 missiles simultaneously. The missile guidance system is radio command.

The Pantsir's artillery armament consists of two 30-mm 2A72 automatic cannons. Single-barreled guns. Selective feeding from two cartridge belts with high-explosive fragmentation incendiary and armor-piercing projectiles.

The combat module, installed on the roof of the combat vehicle, includes 2 blocks of 6 anti-aircraft missiles, two guns located on the inside of the missile defense launch containers, a target detection radar and a target and missile tracking station. There is also an optical channel of the fire control system. In the back of the combat vehicle there are workplaces for guidance operators and the commander of the combat vehicle.

The Roman target and missile tracking radar or product 1L36-01 was developed at Fazatron-NIIR OJSC in 1994-95. by order of the State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument Engineering Design Bureau". The 1L36-01 "Roman" radar is a dual-band multi-purpose radar operating in the cm and mm ranges and designed to provide target tracking and guidance of missiles at them.

It was reported that the complex could not fire while moving and, according to specialists from the special interdepartmental commission and a number of research institutes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system cannot fulfill its assigned tasks and fight high-precision weapons at ranges over 12 km. In this connection, in conditions of a landslide reduction in purchases military equipment The Air Defense Forces and the Ground Forces lost interest in him.

Work on the Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system was resumed only in the second half of the 90s. The UAE showed interest in the Pantsir, demanding to significantly improve its characteristics, which led to the creation of almost new system: new combat module, including 2A38M rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns, new 57E6-E anti-aircraft missiles with a controlled flight range of up to 20 km, others Detection radar targets and fire control.

In May 2000, the Instrument Design Bureau signed a contract with the UAE for a total amount of $734 million, of which 50% was paid by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation to pay off Russia's national debt to the UAE, for the supply of 50 Pantsir-S1 complexes (24 on a wheeled chassis , 26 on a tracked chassis).

The conclusion of the contract with the Emirates was also not without scandals. This contract was claimed by another Russian enterprise- IEMZ "Dome" with its serial production of the Tor-M1 air defense system, which also successfully conducted demonstration firing at the UAE training ground. Apparently the power of the personal charm of the head of the State Unitary Enterprise "KBP" Academician A.G. Shipunova made it possible to persuade the Emiratis to buy a non-existent complex.

In accordance with the terms of the contract, the Instrument Design Bureau was to carry out development work on the updated Pantsir by the end of 2002 and, within three years (2003-2005), deliver 50 complexes (12, 24, 14 combat cars). To carry out R&D, the UAE transferred an advance payment to the instrumentation design bureau, not more than 100 million US dollars ( Taking into account the specifics of the contract, KBP could receive no more than $50 million from the UAE to repay the state debt- approx. S. Aminov).

In November 2006, during a visit to the State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument Engineering Design Bureau" by the Minister economic development and trade G.O. Gref, the scientific director of the enterprise, A.G. Shipunov, said that the “Shell” theme is being carried out exclusively through advances in the total amount of 259 million dollars, transferred by three companies ( foreign customers- note by S. Aminov), whereas Russian budget provided only 30 thousand US dollars.

The creation of the Emirati complex, despite a number of technical and organizational difficulties, was generally successful. However, the terms of the contract were missed. It is believed that the main reason for the untimely fulfillment of obligations is the problem with the creation of a target tracking and missile sighting station (SSTS).

The development of the fire control radar was entrusted to the long-time partner of the Instrument Design Bureau for the previous version of the Pantsir - OJSC Fazotron-NIIR. Taking into account the experience in creating the 1L36 "Roman" radar, Phazotron began work on a new dual-band radar 1RS2-E "Helm".

The basis of the station is a dual-band radar (cm+mm), which ensures the operation of air defense systems (including in motion) against a wide class of targets - airplanes, helicopters (including those in hovering mode), remotely piloted aerial vehicles (RPA) , high-precision weapons (HPE), mobile ground objects.

The combination of high-potential transmitting devices operating simultaneously in two bands, a single antenna system and a powerful combined computing system with an open architecture provides increased resolution, high accuracy of target designation and weapon guidance, noise immunity and system reliability.

The modular design principle of the SSCR makes it possible to use it for air defense missile systems placed on various chassis (tracked, wheeled, ship and shelter versions).

The developer of the Helmet radar not only delayed the creation of the station, but also failed to complete a number of technical requirements customer, and therefore the development was rejected. At the same time, according to information received from officials at Phazotron, this enterprise “fully fulfilled its obligations to KBP.”

The current situation led to the fact that KBP decided to create a multifunctional fire control radar with phased array on its own with the involvement of RATEP OJSC (the company participated in the development and production of prototypes of the phased array beam control system).

Due to the current situation, in 2005 KBP proposed a design for an almost new complex, the development of which took more time. The UAE agreed to the change in timing. In accordance with the new deadlines, the first complexes should be handed over to customers in 2006 and then the delivery of this complex to the UAE army should be completed within three years.

At the "2006 model" complex provision is made for the installation of a new multifunctional tracking locator with a mm-wave phased array antenna, developed at KBP. This modification will significantly improve TTX complex. Thus, the number of simultaneously hit targets has been increased from 2 to 4. The target acquisition zone is 200...20000 m in range and 0...15000 m in height (previously it was stated 0-10000 m). The speed of targets hit is up to 1000 m/s. The KBP promises high resistance of the new air defense missile system to radio countermeasures. The installation of the complex on a tracked (GM352M1E of Belarusian production) or a number of wheeled chassis (MZKT-7930, KamAZ-6350, MAN, etc.), as well as placement in the form of a stationary protected air defense facility complex, was studied. Apparently, the systems supplied to the UAE will be placed on the KamAZ-6350 and GM352M1E chassis.

In mid-2006, the Pantsir-S1 air defense system was successfully tested with missile launches at the Kapustin Yar test site. The UAE has extended the contract and delivery dates for Pantsir-S1, which will be carried out during 2007-2009. in the sequence that was approved earlier: 12 - in 2007, 24 - in 2008 and 14 - in 2009. All complexes will be delivered on an 8 x 8 wheeled platform, for which the Emirates wants to choose MAN vehicles. At the end of 2006, KBP delivered a demonstration model of Pantsir-S1 to the Emirates to conduct the first stage of testing on the territory of a foreign customer. The second stage of testing is planned to take place in the summer of 2007.

At the same time, the export geography of the Pantsir-S1 complexes is expanding. It recently became known that a contract has been signed with Syria for the supply of 36 systems. In addition, in 2006, the State Unitary Enterprise "KB Instrument Engineering" entered into a third contract for the supply of Pantsirs - now to Algeria.

It is planned that upon completion of testing the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system will be adopted by the Russian army.

Production of the main elements of the complex will be launched at subsidiary State Unitary Enterprise "KB Instrument Making" - JSC "Shcheglovsky Val", as well as at JSC "AK "Tulamashzavod", JSC "KEMZ". The 1RS1-1E radar station for detecting targets in the dm range was created at VNIIRT. An automated communications complex (ACSS) designed To ensure data exchange between combat vehicles (BM), the Voronezh Research Institute of Communications and JSC Concern "Sozvezdie" were created. Data transmission tools were developed at the Center for Fiber-Optical Information Transmission Systems. The ideology of the thermal imaging channels of the optical guidance subsystem of the complex was proposed by the NPO "State Institute". applied optics".

Currently, the first 10 combat vehicles of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system are already in serial production in Tula.

In May 2007, photographs of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system on a KAMAZ wheelbase, apparently taken during its testing at the Kapustin Yar training ground, were published on the website of the Aerospace Defense magazine. Some of the photos are posted on our website .

Sources of information

Said Aminov, Evgeny Erokhin. Tula-based KBP Completes New Pantzyr Air Defense System // Russia & CIS Observer No. 4 (15) November 2006

M. Barabanov. "KBP" // Arms export, 2006

A. Shirokorad. "Shilka" and other domestic self-propelled anti-aircraft guns. Armor collection No. 2, 1998

I. Safronov. Russia presented defense products in the UAE // Kommersant, 02.19.2007

The Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system will undergo field tests in the United Arab Emirates // ARMS-TASS, 01/26/2006

The director of the FSMTC of Russia today will attend the demonstration firing of the Russian anti-aircraft missile and gun complex "Pantsir". // ARMS-TASS, 02/19/2007

Deliveries of the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system to the Emirates will begin at the end of 2007 // ARMS-TASS, 02/20/2007

Development of mobile air defense systems for Russian army- a priority task, taking into account the conditions and provisions of the military doctrine Russian Federation. Creation of a complex to counter aircraft, drones and ground vehicles in budget execution priority of the military industry.

A striking representative of this approach was the Pantsir-S1 missile and gun complex.

History of the creation of the Pantsir S1 air defense system

The development of air defense systems kept pace with changes in aviation. To create aircraft of perfect design, ground forces had to respond by modeling means of countering air attacks.

In the 21st century, the threat of air destruction of ground troops is greater than ever.

Taking into account the improvement in the design of airframes of airplanes and helicopters, the emergence of drones armed with guided munitions and the creation of long-range cruise missiles.

To cover ground units and strategic objects, the Russian army uses a number of mobile air defense systems, a prominent example of which is the Pantsir-S1 air defense system. The history of formation included stages.

70s of the 20th century - the beginning of development of the Pantsir S1 air defense system, the characteristics of which would make it possible to combine missile and cannon weapons. Prior to this, ground forces used mobile air defenses as anti-aircraft weapons. The missile weapons were in service with stationary systems and could not provide adequate cover for equipment and personnel on the march. The combination of missiles and guns made it possible to recognize the multifunctionality of the system and increase the combat power of the complex.

The system was named "Tunguska". However, despite the arsenal of weapons from missiles and a 30-mm cannon ZRPK Pantsir The C1 could not fire missiles on the march, but only when in visual contact with the enemy, which reduced the range of detection and destruction of the target.

In the mid 80s with the advent of cruise missiles and weapons with high-precision electronic filling, the Tunguska complex could not effectively protect equipment and troop concentrations. American Tomahawk cruise missiles hit army units 60% of the time in theoretical strike simulations.

Characteristics of anti-aircraft missile complex The C1 shell, with its poor range, engagement height and target acquisition station, required modernization. The Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau began to modernize the system to meet the needs of the Soviet army.

1994 - the appearance of a prototype, called "Tunguska-3".

The complex is installed on a wheeled chassis of the Kamaz or BAZ variation to reduce the cost of the design and increase mobility.

The Ministry of Defense was not interested in the system, as it considered the target destruction range of 12 kilometers and the destruction altitude of 10 kilometers insufficient for launching at serial production and adoption. The complex was used as an exhibition item at arms exhibitions and a promising example of military equipment.

2002- representatives of the UAE military department showed interest in the system with the condition of concluding a contract when the system is finalized. Based on the contract, the UAE army ordered 50 complexes and financed developments to modernize the system. As a result of design research, all the main components and assemblies of the complex were changed. Deliveries were completed in 2009.

Firing training of the Pantsir-S2 complex

2012- adoption of Pantsir 1 into service with the Russian Army. A contract has been concluded for the production and supply of 38 complexes to the army by 2016.

2016- The Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau presented a modernized version of the Pantsir-S2, which is intended to replace the Tunguska short-range air defense systems.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Pantsir S1 missile and gun complex (TTX)

The tactical and technical characteristics of the Pantsir S1 complex in service include:

Conducting cannon fire of the complex

Design and equipment of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system

The complex has expanded functionality and includes both missile and cannon weapons. A shell with performance characteristics of this kind began to fight aircraft classes: airplane, helicopter, drone, and also hit cruise missiles and aerial bombs. When designed for the Russian army, the complex is equipped as follows.

Missile weapons (57E6-E)

The missile armament is represented by an anti-aircraft guided missile, which has the following characteristics:

Due to the heat ray guidance of the Pantsir missile system and the presence of a maneuvering system, the missile is capable of hitting highly maneuverable targets (in the Pantsir-S1 version, the missile weapons are capable of hitting ballistic missiles). In the 2015 versions, the missile confirmed its status and effectiveness in repelling attacks by Islamist militants.

Cannon armament (2A38M)

The 2A38M gun is a modernization of the 2A family guns. This gun, in a simplified version, was installed on previous modifications of the Tunguska, and in other versions it is installed on armored vehicles and helicopters. It contains armor-piercing incendiary shells.

Characteristics of the Pantsir S1 missile system detection system

The target detection station is equipped with a phased array and an automatic autonomous post with television guidance. As part of the complex, it is possible to capture and maintain targets as a single combat unit, or as part of a separate unit (division) in combination with other air defense systems.

In the SM version, the detection range is increased to 40 kilometers, the maximum number of simultaneously tracked targets is 40, and the acquisition speed is 10 units per minute.

The main differences between the characteristics of Pantsir C1 from other complexes

The distinctive features of the Pantsir air defense system are:

  • Standard lightweight chassis based on a tractor. The chassis based on the Truck provides greater speed on the highway and cross-country ability when marching with troops;
  • A combination of both missile and cannon weapons. Foreign manufacturers differentiate air defense systems into missile and anti-aircraft (these systems are removed from service and declared obsolete). However, modern conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Libya have proven the effectiveness of cannon weapons in the fight against light aircraft devices - UAVs, shooting down homemade drones with a missile is expensive and ineffective, and the use of a burst of several projectiles allows one complex to destroy such targets in flocks;
  • Modular design of the chassis and the entire complex allows you to install other weapons and retrofit the complex with additional detection modules. The scope for system modernization is large.


During operation and development, the characteristics of the Pantsir complex underwent dramatic changes:

  • 1994- development and construction of the prototype Pantsir 1. The first copy was made on the chassis of a standard army Ural;
  • 2005- after a 10-year break, a production model of the Pantsir S1 air defense system with the ZPRK index 96K6 was presented, the KamAZ-6560 was taken as the chassis. The production model had different characteristics - 2 guns: 2A72, and 8 57E6E missiles, with optical system weapons control;

The export car received the index E. A special feature is the foreign chassis MAN-SX45. The main armament of the Pantsir S1 air defense system is the SAM-9M311 from the Tunguska complex.

Pantsir S1 air defense missile system in export version

Pantsir-S1 BM 72V6E - the system is designed with a BAZ chassis.

The arctic design complex received the SA index. The DT-30 transporter is used as a chassis. It has an ammunition capacity of 18 missiles.

Pantsir-SM is a version of the complex with an improved target detection and tracking station. The detection range was 75 kilometers, and the damage increased to 40 kilometers.

In service

The Pantsir complex is in service with 10 countries. The UAE Army has a stock of 50 units, which were delivered under a 2003 contract. Algeria also has an impressive stock of systems of 38 units of the export version of Pantsir-E (the cost of the export complex is $13.5 million).

The Russian Federation has 50 complexes of various modifications in service.

Supplies are actively going to the armies of Iraq and Syria. Southeast Asian countries are showing interest in the system

Action of Pantsir-S1 in Syria

Combat use

The complex received combat use during the conflicts in Iraq and Syria.

Location Used by Result
Territory of Iraq Iraqi Army As a result of an attack by Islamists on the armed forces of the Iraqi army in 2017 using drones, the Pantsir S1 complex was used. Of the 8 targets, all were hit with cannon fire; there were no casualties among Iraqi army personnel
Territory of Syria (Khmeimi airbase) Syrian Army, Russian Aerospace Forces The attack on the Syrian airbase in 2017, where Russian air forces are based, was carried out using drones loaded with explosives; out of 80 targets, 40 were suppressed by means of electronic warfare(electronic warfare), 30 targets were destroyed by the Pantsir S1 complex using cannon and missile weapons. There was no damage to the airbase property

The creation of the short-range anti-aircraft complex 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" (according to NATO codification - SA-22 Greyhound) was a logical continuation of the development of the "Tunguska" theme. Even externally, the 96K6 Pantsir-S1 ZPRK resembles the Tunguska, although their capabilities are different. The fact is that “Tunguska” is intended mainly for operations in combat formations of troops. Hence the armor protection of the crew, and various systems, ensuring the operation of air defense missile systems on the battlefield, in conditions of direct contact with the enemy. 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" has other tasks. First of all, it was created to provide air defense of rear and strategic facilities.

And here, as you know, the threat of destruction of air defense systems by artillery and small arms is minimal. That is why the 96K6 Pantsir-S1 does not have armor protection. The air defense missile system is capable of combating tactical aircraft, helicopters, ballistic and cruise missiles, guided bombs, and high-precision weapons.

The complex is mounted on the basis of a Ural-5323 truck with an 8x8 wheel arrangement, which makes it very mobile, easy to maintain and cheaper to manufacture. The car is equipped with a 4-stroke Y-shaped diesel engine YaMZ-238B liquid-cooled with turbocharging and direct fuel injection. Diesel displacement is 14.86 l, power is 300 hp. This engine in various modifications is installed on many combat vehicles.

The creation of a family of engines of this type began in the distant 1960s. And although several modernizations of this power unit were made, over a quarter of a century engine building has stepped far forward. Now, diesel engines of this design, as the production workers themselves note, do not meet durability, efficiency, environmental standards, or power indicators modern requirements, especially considering that the most advanced designs today have a service life of 800 thousand vehicle kilometers, and their specific power is at least 31 hp. per liter of engine displacement. These figures for the YaMZ-238B are significantly lower.

However, there is no need to get hung up on the power unit, since it can be replaced at any time with another, more advanced one, which is already being done. In addition, it is not at all necessary that the base vehicle for the 96K6 Pantsir-S1 in the final version will be the Ural-5323. The four-axle all-terrain vehicle produced by the Kama Automobile Plant is quite suitable for these purposes. This ZPRK is already installed on it. In addition, a car is just a carriage for a combat complex, which, by the way, can also be used in a stationary version.

The 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" complex consists of a turret installation with weapons, power drives, radar and optical-electronic systems placed in it information systems detection and tracking and a special body in which the control equipment is mounted. The combat crew, consisting of a commander, operator and gunner, is also located here.

Anti-aircraft missile and gun system 96K6 Pantsir-S1 The missile armament of the 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" complex is twelve anti-aircraft guided two-stage bicaliber missiles SAM 57E6-E with a starting engine that can be separated in flight. The sustainer stage consists of a warhead, contact and non-contact fuses and on-board equipment. The rocket reaches a speed of 1,300 m/s in two and a half seconds. Its length is 3,200 mm, weight in container is 90 kg, warhead weight is 20 kg. Anti-aircraft missiles are capable of hitting targets in the altitude range from 5 to 15,000 meters at a distance of 1 to 20 kilometers with a probability of 0.6 to 0.8. The reaction time of the complex is 5-6 seconds.

The artillery armament of the ZPRK 96K6 "Pantsir-S1" consists of two automatic 30-mm 2A72 cannons. These guns are very common in the Russian army. They are installed on infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles. The gun has a dual belt feed mechanism, allowing the operator to switch from firing armor-piercing tracer shells to firing high-explosive fragmentation and fragmentation tracer shells. The gun is capable of hitting targets at ranges from 200 to 4000 m and at altitudes of up to 3000 m. Initial speed projectile is equal to 960 m/s. The total rate of fire of both guns of the complex is 700 rounds per minute, and this main drawback artillery weapons of the complex, because the same “Shilka” has a rate of fire of 2640 rounds per minute, and for the “Tunguska” this figure is “off scale” - 4810 rounds per minute. However, in lately designers are considering the possibility of installing faster-firing guns on air defense systems.

SAM 57E6-ED To control the fire of the 96K6 “Pantsir-S1” complex, a unified multi-mode and multi-spectral radar-optical-electronic control system was developed. It includes: Target detection radar - a UHF station with automatic measurement of azimuth, range, elevation and speed of a target, capable of detecting enemy air at ranges of up to 36 km; Target and missile tracking radar operating in the millimeter and centimeter ranges and capable of auto-locking and tracking targets at a range of up to 28 km; as well as two independent optical-electronic systems for tracking air and ground targets from a range of up to 18 km, operating in the infrared range.

The 96K6 Pantsir-S1 is capable of firing simultaneously at two targets and firing at up to 12 targets within one minute. According to the developers, the air defense system has a unique ability to fire all types of weapons while moving, and can also hit not only air targets, but also ground and surface targets.

The 96K6 “Pantsir-S1” complex was created in 1994 and was first demonstrated at MAKS-1995. Since that time, the complex has been significantly modernized, the last known modification was demonstrated at MAKS 2007. On March 18, 2010, the first production 96K6 Pantsir-S1 entered service with the Russian Armed Forces. According to known contracts, the price of one 96K6 Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system for export deliveries ranges from 13.15 to 14.67 million US dollars.

Pantsir S-1 (ZRPK) is one of the most effective Russian ground-based and sea-based self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems. Used for air defense.

Created back in 1994, it is still in service.

History of creation

The S-1 shell was developed in Tula, at the Instrument Design Bureau. The complex was first demonstrated at MAKS - 1995. However, the creation of the complex was completed in 1994. The complex was created to replace the Tunguska air defense system, which was considered at that time already obsolete.

Initially, the complex did not attract much attention among the military. He could not fire on the move, and it was also believed that the effective range of this type of weapon was very limited. The exact figure was at least 12 kilometers. The factor of the economic crisis of the 90s also played a role in the decision.

Changes in plans for the complex came suddenly. The UAE armed forces became interested in the shell. However, foreign partners demanded qualitatively new characteristics from the combat vehicle. From now on, the damage radius has increased and, of course, the function of shooting on the move has been added. This decision changed the opinion about this type of weapon among domestic experts.

Combat characteristics

The S-1 is armed with an ammunition load of 12 warheads. The affected area ranges from 12 to 20 kilometers. The combat crew of the vehicle is 3 people. The complex is equipped with a 1RS1 detection and target designation station, as well as a target and missile tracking station. In addition, some factors should be noted regarding the 57E6-E anti-aircraft guided missile.

  • The mass of this weapon is 94 kg.
  • The caliber is 170 mm.
  • The length of the rocket is 3160 mm, while the speed developed by the rocket is 1300 meters per second.

In addition, on the Pantsir-S1 base there are two 30 mm double-barreled assault rifles.


The design of the complex is quite simple, thanks to which it can be placed on either a wheeled or tracked chassis. In addition, it is possible to transfer it to the station location. The developers foresaw some problems during hostilities and equipped the complex with a system for protecting against communication interference. In addition, three locators were built into the complex.

The first is an early detection and target designation radar, the second is a tracking and guidance radar. And the third is a simple optical radar. In general, it is worth noting the special advantages of the radar, which can, in addition to detecting up to 20 objects at once, also determine the type of target and its possible nationality.


Speaking about the shortcomings of the military unit, it is necessary to mention that during tests the complex showed an extremely low ability to hit targets that are in motion at a speed of two to three kilometers per hour. Due to the absence of a missile cruiser engine, a missile launched from the complex may fly with some errors in aiming at an actively maneuvering target.

Separately, it should be noted the influence of weather conditions such as fog and rain on the systems’ ability to detect a complex of enemy targets. The large dimensions of the complex do not allow its use on the front part of the front or pre-battle formations of covered troops. In addition, the wheelbase suffers greatly from the exposed body.

Weapons on a wheeled base, again due to their own dimensions, cannot be transported by loading onto a train. However, it should be noted that opportunities for such actions exist. But for this you need to use a special tap. Loading by crane will take approximately 3 hours. Unloading will take about the same time. The last of the minuses can be considered quite big time loading a full load of ammunition, which is from 25 to 30 minutes and in conditions of military operations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Use of Pantsir S-1

The kit has been used in a number of countries around the globe. It should be noted that among them are: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Oman, UAE, Brazil, as well as Algeria. In addition, this type of weapon is part of the troops of the Russian Federation. Basically, these complexes found their use on the territory of the designated countries during conflicts.

  • Initially, the possible fate of the Pantsir S-1 complex could have been much sadder due to the fact that the military elite did not want to take the complex into service, however, thanks to the military from the UAE, they decided to modify this weapon and, to begin with, simply sell it abroad. Only then was the obvious effectiveness noticed and mass use began in the country of origin.
  • It should also be noted that in fact the complex is the heir of two well-known systems - “Shilka” and “Tunguska”.