
Accounting and taxes
Current page: 1 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum

Get everything out of business! 200 ways to increase sales and profits


Our book is not a theory. This is practice in its purest form. Everyone who has ever been involved in sales constantly has to fight - for the client, for profit, for market share, for a place in the sun, for survival, in the end. Such is the fate of the seller. Such is the fate of a businessman. And we really like it. In the process of active struggle, we have developed over two hundred different chips, strategies and tactics that help businesses not only increase sales, but move to fundamentally

new level working with clients. And, accordingly, to a new level of profitability..

In this book we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious

financial investments After reading some of the advice, you may be scratching your head and saying, “Why didn’t we do this years ago? How much money we lost!” or “We’ll implement it immediately!” This is fine. The main thing is to start taking action. You can easily make a lot more money just by changing the way you work a little - with clients, advertising, sellers. Over two hundred

The one who goes first skims all the cream. We are absolutely sure that ninety-nine percent of your competitors are NOT using the technologies you will learn about in this book. You can be the first to do this in your niche. In this case, very soon your competitors will have no chance to keep up with you!

Nikolay Mrochkovsky(ultrasaLes.ru)

Andrey Parabellum(infobusiness2.ru)

P.S. If you find new strategy, which we have not yet included in the book, please send it to us at [email protected]. We will definitely add it to the next edition and there we will express our personal gratitude to you for your help.

Sales: system or chance?

In the vast majority of businesses, sales is a virtual black box. A business owner, at best, has only an intuitive idea of ​​the connection between what is being done and the profit that the actions taken actually bring. And often this is not the case.

At first glance, it is clear that if you carry out a lot of different activities - place advertisements in targeted media, train sales staff to properly handle clients, provide high-quality service to current clients, and so on - then sales will increase. However, what exactly will happen and what exactly will happen? financial results what will follow is not at all clear.

In this book we offer you a radically different approach. Build your business to the next sales system:

♦ controlled – so that you clearly understand what effect each step gives;

♦ transparent – ​​all elements must be clearly stated and understandable;

♦ streamlined - each element of the system must be configured - perhaps more than once, but so that it works on autopilot - with minimal participation from the director;

♦ fungible – if you rely on people, you will have big problems. Yes, it’s worth looking for and inviting good specialists. But the business should still be based on the system, and not on the personal qualities of a few key employees. If someone leaves, you quickly find a new person and replace the one who left without significant losses for the current work process.

Five Key Ingredients

To implement a sales system in your business, you need to clearly understand five main components - each of which must be of the highest quality:

♦ Inbound flow – potential customers who somehow learn about your company.

♦ First purchase - how you turn a potential client into a real one.

Average check– how much the average customer leaves at your checkout (or what is the amount of the average transaction).

♦ Repeat sales - how you work with regular customers.

♦ Profit – how much profit you make from sales.

A formula that every businessman must know by heart

There is one formula that combines all these ingredients and immediately puts everything in its place. It allows you to clearly understand which business processes should be worked on first. To better understand the “magic formula”, let’s derive it sequentially:

Profit = sales volume × margin (M),

where margin is the percentage of your profit from the cost of the product.

Sales volume = number of clients × average income per client.

In turn, the number of clients = K × Cv,

Where TO– the number of potential (learning about you) clients; Cv– conversion rate (how many of those who learned about you potential clients turns into real ones).

Average income per client = $ × #,

where $ is the average purchase; # – number of transactions (customer purchases during the period).

In total we get:

Sales = leads × Cv × $ × #.

Profit = M × sales volume = M × leads × Cv × $ × #,

under the term generally accepted in international practice leads we will understand the number of potential customers.

Now the process of increasing sales is nothing more than working to increase each of these ratios. And building a system involves establishing clear executable processes in each of these areas.

In what order should I start working?

Naturally, you need to work on all the coefficients. But you must understand that, for example, an increase in the number leads which is done mainly through publicity stunts, is the most expensive of all ways. Because, according to statistics, selling something to a current client costs about seven times less than attracting a new one.

That is, by launching advertising, we increase the incoming flow of customers. But if the next steps in the company are a mess - salespeople are rude to customers, the service is terrible, after the sale no one else works with the client - all your money will be wasted.

In this case, for example, increasing the conversion rate from 3% to 4% will ultimately lead to an increase in total sales by more than 30%.

To better understand how this happens, let's look at a few examples.

Example No. 1. Supermarket of household goods and repairs

Let's say you are the owner of a home improvement and repair supermarket. On average, eight hundred people come into your store per day (special devices on the doors allow you to keep accurate records of the number of visitors in the store, so there are no difficulties in obtaining such statistics). Of these, on average 30% make a purchase. The average bill is 1600 rubles. A client makes only one purchase from you per day (if we took a longer period - for example, we looked at data for six months - then, most likely, this coefficient - the number of transactions - would be equal to two or three - approximately the number of times every six months the average person is interested in goods for home and repair).

It turns out:

leads = 800

Cv = 30%

$ = 1600 rubles

Total sales volume per day = leads × Cv × $ × # = 384,000 rubles.

With a margin of 30%, profit per day = 115,200 rubles.

Cv up to 35%.

Now the daily sales volume = leads × Cv × $ × # = 448,000 rubles.

With a margin of 30% profit per day = 134,400 rubles. That is, 19,200 rubles more than in the first case!

Example No. 2. Wholesale

Your sales managers make an average of twenty-five cold calls per day (which is about five hundred calls per month or one and a half thousand per quarter). Of these, on average 2% are transferred to the concluded deal. The average transaction is 120,000 rubles. Over the course of a quarter (in this example, we’ll look at a different period, although daily activity can be assessed in the same way), the average client purchases products from you twice.

We get for one manager:

leads = 1500

Cv = 2 %

$ = 120,000 rubles

Total sales volume for the quarter = leads × Cv × $ × # = 7,200,000 rubles.

If we have four sales managers in the sales department, the sales volume of the entire department is 28,800,000 rubles, respectively.

With an increase in conversion from 2 to 3%, we get an increase in sales by 3,600,000 rubles.

Example No. 3. Online store of health products

On average, two thousand people visit your site per day. Of these, an average of 4% make a purchase. The average bill is 1200 rubles. The client makes only one purchase per day.

It turns out:

leads = 200 °Cv = 4%

$ = 1200 rubles

Total sales volume per day = leads × Cv × $ × # = 96,000 rubles.

Now let’s imagine that, having worked out a system for converting potential clients into real ones, you have achieved an increase Cv from 4 to 5% (that is, out of a hundred people who visit your site, on average, five instead of four people make a purchase).

Now the daily sales volume = Leads × Cv × $ × # = 120 LLC.

That is, by increasing this ratio from 4% to 5%, you have achieved an increase in sales by as much as 25%!

By the way, by increasing each of the coefficients by 15%, you will double the profitability of your business.

Thus, if previously your profit was, for example, $10,000 per month, now it will become 20,000.

If you work seriously and achieve doubling of each coefficient, your profit will increase thirty-two times! $10,000 turns into $320,000!

Of course, doubling all odds is by no means an easy task. Most likely, it will take you more than one month or even more than one year. But, as you can see, the result is worth it.

Therefore, the first key thing in increasing a company's profits is working on these five ratios. Each of them can be increased. And often quite significantly.

The myth of the magic pill

At this stage, we will have to disappoint you a little by revealing one important secret:

There is not a single magic method, the implementation of which would immediately lead to an increase in your profits by one hundred percent. However, there are hundreds of methods, the use of which will increase profits or sales by several percent.

By implementing all of them (or at least a small part), you will achieve the desired profits.

The good news is that by using different technologies to increase key ratios, you will achieve a cumulative effect - where each factor individually will bring a small increase in profits or sales, but implemented together they will bring you many times better results.

In the following chapters we will look in detail various ways, strategies, techniques and tricks to increase each of the key coefficients.

Sequence of system development

Naturally, increasing one coefficient is not always a simple task. And each specific business may have its own coefficient that is “cheaper”. However, for most companies, the most optimal sequence for developing a sales system is as follows:

Margin × Average bill × Conversion × Repeat sales × Incoming flow.

The easiest way to make extra profit is to work with margin, since this is the only ratio that directly affects your profit. There are a number of special methods for this, which we will talk about in the following chapters.

Now let's move on to sales.

The first, simplest and cheap way increase sales volume is working with an average bill. You can increase it in a number of ways, one of the fastest is to start offering customers who have already made a purchase from you to take something else “in addition.” Often many customers will agree to such a purchase.

The second most difficult is the increase conversion rate. One of the most important factors in its increase is the people who directly “close” sales. In many cases, calls from potential clients are answered by a clueless secretary, discouraging clients from any desire to buy anything. Simply eliminating this weak link can significantly increase sales. Naturally, I’m not talking about eliminating the secretary in the literal sense, but about replacing a clueless employee with a more or less adequate one, capable of answering a potential client according to a pre-prepared script.

The third factor to think about is number of transactions. Think about how you can get your customers to come to you and buy again and again. Ideally, it is advisable to put the client on a regular subscription fee. Then the work done once to attract clients will bring you money constantly.

And last on this list is the increase number of potential clients. Typically, the main resource here is various advertising campaigns, which often eat up huge budgets.

Thus, in order of increasing “expensiveness,” the coefficients are arranged as follows.

2. Average sale.

3. Conversion rate.

4. Number of transactions.

5. Number of potential clients (leads).

Therefore, before you invest a lot of money in dubious advertising, think: maybe it is much more profitable for you to work on other coefficients first?

P.S. If your business is at the initial stage or you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, you should start working with the first coefficients. And only then, having earned additional money from this, use it to increase more “expensive” odds.

P. P. S. If there are no clients at all, then, naturally, you need to start by creating an incoming flow - that is, increasing leads. Otherwise, there will simply be no one to sell.

What is marketing and is it possible to live without it?

Exists great amount marketing definitions. I once attended a seminar by Igor Mann, where he brought more than thirty different definitions this term. What I remember best is the one given by the Catholic Church: “Marketing is love for your neighbor, with which you receive God’s grace in the form of profit.”

However, I prefer the simplest definition: marketing is attracting and retaining customers. Or, to put it even more simply, marketing is everything you do to help sell your product or service.

Let's accept that working to increase all the factors that contribute to profit is marketing.

The question arises: is it possible to live without marketing? Is it possible to live without studying it, without tracking and working on ratios that help increase profits?

Let me give you an example. You've probably heard about the great luminary of marketing science, Philip Kotler. Once he spoke in America at a large sales and marketing conference, where a huge number of people gathered.

During his speech, Kotler addressed the audience from the stage: “Please raise your hand, those who believe that they do not need marketing, that everything is fine with them and they will live well without it.” Accordingly, expecting that no one will raise their hand, he is preparing to say that everyone needs marketing.

And indeed, no one raised their hand. And as soon as Kotler approached the microphone to say the next phrase, one hand rose. Kotler asked in some bewilderment: “Tell me, what do you do that you don’t need marketing at all?” To which the conference participant, who raised his hand, replied that he was the director of the Suez Canal.

And if you are the director of the Suez Canal, then most likely you can live without marketing - simply because there is no alternative to it on the market and you are sole supplier services. You can live without marketing even when you enter a new niche where demand is many times greater than supply, but in this case you should be very careful, because this situation changes very quickly. Usually, even if you enter a niche where there is almost no competition, the situation changes very quickly and competitors come. And then you simply cannot survive without marketing!

Thus, if your company is a natural monopoly, then you may not need marketing. If your business falls into any other category, then marketing is necessary. And you need to work on increasing key ratios.

What you don't measure, you don't control.

However, before jumping directly into strategies and tactics for increasing key ratios, you need to start measuring them if you are not already doing so.

It is important to understand the following fact:

What you don't measure, you don't control!

That is, if you begin to implement this or that technology in your business, but do not regularly measure the performance of your business, you will imagine what effect you got, at the level of “good” or “bad,” but nothing more. To clearly build a business, accurate measurements and careful recording of all indicators are necessary.

Measurement of key indicators in any business must be carried out at least once a week, and for companies with a large number daily sales– daily.


Athletes and coaches have known for a long time that simple constant measurement of results increases these same results. If an athlete used to run just like that, and now he begins to note his results in the training journal every day, then his performance begins to increase.

The same thing happens in business. The very fact that you start measuring all your indicators will increase the efficiency of your business.

How to measure indicators correctly

A serious mistake in monitoring indicators is trying to measure the results immediately after introducing several features. For example, you simultaneously advertised in several target magazines and newspapers, where you indicated one phone number, plus you started distributing them at the nearest large shopping center flyers. Naturally, it will be very difficult to understand which campaign worked.

Another example - you simultaneously began to use several new techniques so that the client began to leave at the checkout more money. Based on the results of the week, you determine the size of the average check. Let's say it grew by 10%. This, of course, is great, but understanding exactly why this happened and drawing conclusions - that is, determining what is worth working on more seriously - will not be easy.

Therefore, the correct approach to measuring indicators is the following: you introduce one new feature and measure the results of its use, and then analyze what effect it brought. Then do the same with the next method and so on.

We measure before, implement, measure after, draw conclusions, move on to the next indicator.

Task for development

Identify the three main sources of customers in your business. For example, this could be a website, an advertisement in a local newspaper, or a radio advertisement.

Calculate, at least approximately, five key coefficients for each source:

1. How many potential clients come to you (or call)?

2. What proportion of them, on average, make a purchase?

3. What is the average cost of this purchase?

4. What is your margin and profit per average sale?

5. How often over a period (for example, month, quarter or year) does a customer purchase from you?

Increased profit from sales

In this chapter, we will look at various methods of increasing margins. As you already know from the previous chapter, margin is the only ratio that directly affects the profit you make. All other coefficients, as components of sales volume, are the second stage.

And working with margin is one of the easiest and “cheapest” ways to increase the profitability of your business.

Many methods require virtually no financial investment at all.

Unobvious laws of pricing

One of the very important and unobvious things in business is this: the lowest price is not always the best. In classic economic theories it is said that when the price rises, demand falls, and vice versa - the lower the price, the higher the demand for the product. In reality, this is not always the case.

Let's look at a specific example. It is taken from a wonderful book Roberta Cialdini“The Psychology of Influence”, which we strongly recommend reading to all people who are involved in sales.

“Finally, in the evening, before leaving on business out of town, my friend hastily scribbled an angry note to her main saleswoman: “x 1/2 price on all turquoise,” hoping to simply get rid of the already disgusting items, even at the cost of a loss.

When she returned a few days later, she was not surprised to find that all the turquoise items had been sold. However, she was amazed to learn that because her employee read “2” instead of “1/2,” the entire lot was sold for double the price!”

Why did the clients act so irrationally? To understand this, you need to understand the behavioral characteristics various types clients.

Get everything out of business! 200 ways to increase sales and profits


In the process of active struggle, we have developed over two hundred different tricks, strategies and tactics that help businesses not only increase sales, but move to a fundamentally new level of working with clients. And, accordingly, to a new level of profitability.

In this book, we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious financial investments from you.

In this book we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious

Over two hundred specific techniques that we described in this book have actually been tested in practice (both by us personally and by hundreds of our clients) and work. You can open any page and immediately begin implementing the information received into your business.

The one who goes first skims all the cream. We are absolutely sure that ninety-nine percent of your competitors are NOT using the technologies you will learn about in this book. You can be the first to do this in your niche. In this case, very soon your competitors will have no chance to keep up with you!

Nikolay Mrochkovsky(ultrasaLes.ru)

Andrey Parabellum(infobusiness2.ru)

P.S. If you discover a new strategy that we haven't included in the book yet, send it to us at . We will definitely add it to the next edition and there we will express our personal gratitude to you for your help.

Sales: system or chance?

In the vast majority of businesses, sales is a virtual black box. A business owner, at best, has only an intuitive idea of ​​the connection between what is being done and the profit that the actions taken actually bring. And often this is not the case.

At first glance, it is clear that if you carry out a lot of different activities - place advertisements in targeted media, train sales staff to properly handle clients, provide high-quality service to current clients, and so on - then sales will increase. However, what exactly will happen and what specific financial result will follow is completely unclear.

In this book we offer you a radically different approach. Build your business to the next sales system:

♦ controlled – so that you clearly understand what effect each step gives;

♦ transparent – ​​all elements must be clearly stated and understandable;

♦ streamlined - each element of the system must be configured - perhaps more than once, but so that it works on autopilot - with minimal participation from the director;

♦ fungible – if you rely on people, you will have big problems. Yes, it’s worth looking for and inviting good specialists. But the business should still be based on the system, and not on the personal qualities of a few key employees. If someone leaves, you quickly find a new person and replace the one who left without significant losses for the current work process.

Five Key Ingredients

To implement a sales system in your business, you need to clearly understand five main components - each of which must be of the highest quality:

♦ Inbound flow – potential customers who somehow learn about your company.

♦ First purchase - how you turn a potential client into a real one.

♦ Average check – how much the average client leaves at your checkout (or what is the amount of the average transaction).

♦ Repeat sales - how you work with regular customers.

♦ Profit – how much profit you make from sales.

A formula that every businessman must know by heart

There is one formula that combines all these ingredients and immediately puts everything in its place. It allows you to clearly understand which business processes should be worked on first. To better understand the “magic formula”, let’s derive it sequentially:

Profit = sales volume × margin (M),

where margin is the percentage of your profit from the cost of the product.

Sales volume = number of clients × average income per client.

In turn, the number of clients = K × Cv,

Where TO– the number of potential (learning about you) clients; Cv– conversion rate (how many potential clients who learn about you turn into real ones).

Average income per client = $ × #,

where $ is the average purchase; # – number of transactions (customer purchases during the period).

In total we get:

Sales = leads × Cv × $ × #.

Profit = M × sales volume = M × leads × Cv × $ × #,

under the term generally accepted in international practice leads we will understand the number of potential customers.

Now the process of increasing sales is nothing more than working to increase each of these ratios. And building a system involves establishing clear executable processes in each of these areas.

In what order should I start working?

Naturally, you need to work on all the coefficients. But you must understand that, for example, an increase in the number leads which is done mainly through publicity stunts, is the most expensive of all ways. Because, according to statistics, selling something to a current client costs about seven times less than attracting a new one.

That is, by launching advertising, we increase the incoming flow of customers. But if the next steps in the company are a mess - salespeople are rude to customers, the service is terrible, after the sale no one else works with the client - all your money will be wasted.

In this case, for example, increasing the conversion rate from 3% to 4% will ultimately lead to an increase in total sales by more than 30%.

To better understand how this happens, let's look at a few examples.

Example No. 1. Supermarket of household goods and repairs

Let's say you are the owner of a home improvement and repair supermarket. On average, eight hundred people come into your store per day (special devices on the doors allow you to keep accurate records of the number of visitors in the store, so there are no difficulties in obtaining such statistics). Of these, on average 30% make a purchase. The average bill is 1600 rubles. A client makes only one purchase from you per day (if we took a longer period - for example, we looked at data for six months - then, most likely, this coefficient - the number of transactions - would be equal to two or three - approximately the number of times every six months the average person is interested in goods for home and repair).

Accounting and taxes

Current page: 1 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum

Get everything out of business! 200 ways to increase sales and profits


In the process of active struggle, we have developed over two hundred different tricks, strategies and tactics that help businesses not only increase sales, but move to a fundamentally new level of working with clients. And, accordingly, to a new level of profitability.

In this book, we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious financial investments from you.

In this book we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious

Over two hundred specific techniques that we described in this book have actually been tested in practice (both by us personally and by hundreds of our clients) and work. You can open any page and immediately begin implementing the information received into your business.

The one who goes first skims all the cream. We are absolutely sure that ninety-nine percent of your competitors are NOT using the technologies you will learn about in this book. You can be the first to do this in your niche. In this case, very soon your competitors will have no chance to keep up with you!

Nikolay Mrochkovsky (ultrasaLes.ru)

Andrey Parabellum (infobusiness2.ru)

P.S. If you discover a new strategy that we haven't included in the book yet, please send it to us at [email protected]. We will definitely add it to the next edition and there we will express our personal gratitude to you for your help.

Sales: system or chance?

In the vast majority of businesses, sales is a virtual black box. A business owner, at best, has only an intuitive idea of ​​the connection between what is being done and the profit that the actions taken actually bring. And often this is not the case.

At first glance, it is clear that if you carry out a lot of different activities - place advertisements in targeted media, train sales staff to properly handle clients, provide high-quality service to current clients, and so on - then sales will increase. However, what exactly will happen and what specific financial result will follow is completely unclear.

In this book we offer you a radically different approach. Build your business to the next sales system:

¦ controlled - so that you clearly understand what effect each step gives;

¦ transparent – ​​all elements must be clearly stated and understandable;

¦ debugged - each element of the system must be configured - perhaps more than once, but so that it works on autopilot - with minimal participation from the director;

¦ interchangeable - if you rely on people, you will have big problems. Yes, it’s worth looking for and inviting good specialists. But the business should still be based on the system, and not on the personal qualities of a few key employees. If someone leaves, you quickly find a new person and replace the one who left without significant losses for the current work process.

Five Key Ingredients

To implement a sales system in your business, you need to clearly understand five main components - each of which must be of the highest quality:

¦ Incoming flow - potential clients who somehow learn about your company.

¦ The first purchase is how you turn a potential client into a real one.

¦ Average check - how much the average client leaves at your checkout (or what is the amount of the average transaction).

¦ Repeat sales - how you work with regular customers.

¦ Profit - how much profit you make from sales.

A formula that every businessman must know by heart

There is one formula that combines all these ingredients and immediately puts everything in its place. It allows you to clearly understand which business processes should be worked on first. To better understand the “magic formula”, let’s derive it sequentially:

Profit = sales volume? margin (M),

where margin is the percentage of your profit from the cost of the product.

Sales volume = number of customers? average income per client.

In turn, the number of clients = K? Cv,

Where TO– the number of potential (learning about you) clients; Cv– conversion rate (how many potential clients who learn about you turn into real ones).

Average income per client = $ ? #,

where $ is the average purchase; # – number of transactions (customer purchases during the period).

In total we get:

Sales volume = leads ? Cv? $? #.

Profit = M? sales volume = M? leads? Cv? $? #,

under the term generally accepted in international practice leads we will understand the number of potential customers.

Now the process of increasing sales is nothing more than working to increase each of these ratios. And building a system involves establishing clear executable processes in each of these areas.

In what order should I start working?

Naturally, you need to work on all the coefficients. But you must understand that, for example, an increase in the number leads which is done mainly through publicity stunts, is the most expensive of all ways. Because, according to statistics, selling something to a current client costs about seven times less than attracting a new one.

That is, by launching advertising, we increase the incoming flow of customers. But if the next steps in the company are a mess - salespeople are rude to customers, the service is terrible, after the sale no one else works with the client - all your money will be wasted.

In this case, for example, increasing the conversion rate from 3% to 4% will ultimately lead to an increase in total sales by more than 30%.

To better understand how this happens, let's look at a few examples.

Example No. 1. Supermarket of household goods and repairs

Let's say you are the owner of a home improvement and repair supermarket. On average, eight hundred people come into your store per day (special devices on the doors allow you to keep accurate records of the number of visitors in the store, so there are no difficulties in obtaining such statistics). Of these, on average 30% make a purchase. The average bill is 1600 rubles. A client makes only one purchase from you per day (if we took a longer period - for example, we looked at data for six months - then, most likely, this coefficient - the number of transactions - would be equal to two or three - approximately the same

Accounting and taxes

Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum

Get everything out of business! 200 ways to increase sales and profits


In the process of active struggle, we have developed over two hundred different tricks, strategies and tactics that help businesses not only increase sales, but move to a fundamentally new level of working with clients. And, accordingly, to a new level of profitability.

In this book, we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious financial investments from you.

In this book we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious

Over two hundred specific techniques that we described in this book have actually been tested in practice (both by us personally and by hundreds of our clients) and work. You can open any page and immediately begin implementing the information received into your business.

The one who goes first skims all the cream. We are absolutely sure that ninety-nine percent of your competitors are NOT using the technologies you will learn about in this book. You can be the first to do this in your niche. In this case, very soon your competitors will have no chance to keep up with you!

Nikolay Mrochkovsky(ultrasaLes.ru)

Andrey Parabellum(infobusiness2.ru)

P.S. If you discover a new strategy that we haven't included in the book yet, please send it to us at [email protected]. We will definitely add it to the next edition and there we will express our personal gratitude to you for your help.

Sales: system or chance?

In the vast majority of businesses, sales is a virtual black box. A business owner, at best, has only an intuitive idea of ​​the connection between what is being done and the profit that the actions taken actually bring. And often this is not the case.

At first glance, it is clear that if you carry out a lot of different activities - place advertisements in targeted media, train sales staff to properly handle clients, provide high-quality service to current clients, and so on - then sales will increase. However, what exactly will happen and what specific financial result will follow is completely unclear.

In this book we offer you a radically different approach. Build your business to the next sales system:

♦ controlled – so that you clearly understand what effect each step gives;

♦ transparent – ​​all elements must be clearly stated and understandable;

♦ streamlined - each element of the system must be configured - perhaps more than once, but so that it works on autopilot - with minimal participation from the director;

♦ fungible – if you rely on people, you will have big problems. Yes, it’s worth looking for and inviting good specialists. But the business should still be based on the system, and not on the personal qualities of a few key employees. If someone leaves, you quickly find a new person and replace the one who left without significant losses for the current work process.

Five Key Ingredients

To implement a sales system in your business, you need to clearly understand five main components - each of which must be of the highest quality:

♦ Inbound flow – potential customers who somehow learn about your company.

♦ First purchase - how you turn a potential client into a real one.

♦ Average check – how much the average client leaves at your checkout (or what is the amount of the average transaction).

♦ Repeat sales - how you work with regular customers.

♦ Profit – how much profit you make from sales.

A formula that every businessman must know by heart

There is one formula that combines all these ingredients and immediately puts everything in its place. It allows you to clearly understand which business processes should be worked on first. To better understand the “magic formula”, let’s derive it sequentially:

Profit = sales volume × margin (M),

where margin is the percentage of your profit from the cost of the product.

Sales volume = number of clients × average income per client.

In turn, the number of clients = K × Cv,

Where TO– the number of potential (learning about you) clients; Cv– conversion rate (how many potential clients who learn about you turn into real ones).

Average income per client = $ × #,

where $ is the average purchase; # – number of transactions (customer purchases during the period).

In total we get:

Sales = leads × Cv × $ × #.

Profit = M × sales volume = M × leads × Cv × $ × #,

under the term generally accepted in international practice leads we will understand the number of potential customers.

Now the process of increasing sales is nothing more than working to increase each of these ratios. And building a system involves establishing clear executable processes in each of these areas.

In what order should I start working?

Naturally, you need to work on all the coefficients. But you must understand that, for example, an increase in the number leads which is done mainly through publicity stunts, is the most expensive of all ways. Because, according to statistics, selling something to a current client costs about seven times less than attracting a new one.

That is, by launching advertising, we increase the incoming flow of customers. But if the next steps in the company are a mess - salespeople are rude to customers, the service is terrible, after the sale no one else works with the client - all your money will be wasted.

In this case, for example, increasing the conversion rate from 3% to 4% will ultimately lead to an increase in total sales by more than 30%.

To better understand how this happens, let's look at a few examples.

Example No. 1. Supermarket of household goods and repairs

Let's say you are the owner of a home improvement and repair supermarket. On average, eight hundred people come into your store per day (special devices on the doors allow you to keep accurate records of the number of visitors in the store, so there are no difficulties in obtaining such statistics). Of these, on average 30% make a purchase. The average bill is 1600 rubles. A client makes only one purchase from you per day (if we took a longer period - for example, we looked at data for six months - then, most likely, this coefficient - the number of transactions - would be equal to two or three - approximately the number of times every six months the average person is interested in goods for home and repair).

It turns out:

leads = 800

Cv = 30%

$ = 1600 rubles

Total sales volume per day = leads × Cv × $ × # = 384,000 rubles.

With a margin of 30%, profit per day = 115,200 rubles.

Cv up to 35%.

Now the daily sales volume = leads × Cv × $ × # = 448,000 rubles.

With a margin of 30% profit per day = 134,400 rubles. That is, 19,200 rubles more than in the first case!

Example No. 2. Wholesale trade

Your sales managers make an average of twenty-five cold calls per day (which is about five hundred calls per month or one and a half thousand per quarter). Of these, on average 2% are transferred to the concluded deal. The average transaction is 120,000 rubles. Over the course of a quarter (in this example, we’ll look at a different period, although daily activity can be assessed in the same way), the average client purchases products from you twice.

We get for one manager:

leads = 1500

Cv = 2 %

$ = 120,000 rubles

Total sales volume for the quarter = leads × Cv × $ × # = 7,200,000 rubles.

If we have four sales managers in the sales department, the sales volume of the entire department is 28,800,000 rubles, respectively.

With an increase in conversion from 2 to 3%, we get an increase in sales by 3,600,000 rubles.

Example No. 3. Online store of health products

On average, two thousand people visit your site per day. Of these, an average of 4% make a purchase. The average bill is 1200 rubles. The client makes only one purchase per day.

It turns out:

leads = 200 °Cv = 4%

$ = 1200 rubles

Total sales volume per day = leads × Cv × $ × # = 96,000 rubles.

Now let’s imagine that, having worked out a system for converting potential clients into real ones, you have achieved an increase Cv from 4 to 5% (that is, out of a hundred people who visit your site, on average, five instead of four people make a purchase).

Now the daily sales volume = Leads × Cv × $ × # = 120 LLC.

That is, by increasing this ratio from 4% to 5%, you have achieved an increase in sales by as much as 25%!

By the way, by increasing each of the coefficients by 15%, you will double the profitability of your business.

Thus, if previously your profit was, for example, $10,000 per month, now it will become 20,000.

If you work seriously and achieve doubling of each coefficient, your profit will increase thirty-two times! $10,000 turns into $320,000!

Of course, doubling all odds is by no means an easy task. Most likely, it will take you more than one month or even more than one year. But, as you can see, the result is worth it.

Therefore, the first key thing in increasing a company's profits is working on these five ratios. Each of them can be increased. And often quite significantly.

The myth of the magic pill

At this stage, we will have to disappoint you a little by revealing one important secret:

There is not a single magic method, the implementation of which would immediately lead to an increase in your profits by one hundred percent. However, there are hundreds of methods, the use of which will increase profits or sales by several percent.

By implementing all of them (or at least a small part), you will achieve the desired profits.

The good news is that by using different technologies to increase key ratios, you will achieve a cumulative effect - where each factor individually will bring a small increase in profits or sales, but implemented together they will bring you many times better results.

In the following chapters we will look in detail at the various ways, strategies, techniques and tricks to increase each of the key ratios.

Sequence of system development

Naturally, increasing one coefficient is not always a simple task. And each specific business may have its own coefficient that is “cheaper”. However, for most companies, the most optimal sequence for developing a sales system is as follows:

Margin × Average bill × Conversion × Repeat sales × Incoming flow.

The easiest way to make extra profit is to work with margin, since this is the only ratio that directly affects your profit. There are a number of special methods for this, which we will talk about in the following chapters.

Now let's move on to sales.

The first, easiest and cheapest way to increase sales is working with an average bill. You can increase it in a number of ways, one of the fastest is to start offering customers who have already made a purchase from you to take something else “in addition.” Often many customers will agree to such a purchase.

The second most difficult is the increase conversion rate. One of the most important factors in its increase is the people who directly “close” sales. In many cases, calls from potential clients are answered by a clueless secretary, discouraging clients from any desire to buy anything. Simply eliminating this weak link can significantly increase sales. Naturally, I’m not talking about eliminating the secretary in the literal sense, but about replacing a clueless employee with a more or less adequate one, capable of answering a potential client according to a pre-prepared script.

The third factor to think about is number of transactions. Think about how you can get your customers to come to you and buy again and again. Ideally, it is advisable to put the client on a regular subscription fee. Then the work done once to attract clients will bring you money constantly.

And last on this list is the increase number of potential clients. Typically, the main resource here is various advertising campaigns, which often eat up huge budgets.

Thus, in order of increasing “expensiveness,” the coefficients are arranged as follows.

2. Average sale.

3. Conversion rate.

4. Number of transactions.

5. Number of potential clients (leads).

Therefore, before you invest a lot of money in dubious advertising, think: maybe it is much more profitable for you to work on other coefficients first?

P.S. If your business is at the initial stage or you are currently experiencing financial difficulties, you should start working with the first coefficients. And only then, having earned additional money from this, use it to increase more “expensive” odds.

P. P. S. If there are no clients at all, then, naturally, you need to start by creating an incoming flow - that is, increasing leads. Otherwise, there will simply be no one to sell.

What is marketing and is it possible to live without it?

There are a huge number of definitions of marketing. I once attended a seminar by Igor Mann, where he gave more than thirty different definitions of this term. What I remember best is the one given by the Catholic Church: “Marketing is love for your neighbor, with which you receive God’s grace in the form of profit.”

However, I prefer the simplest definition: marketing is attracting and retaining customers. Or, to put it even more simply, marketing is everything you do to help sell your product or service.

Let's accept that working to increase all the factors that contribute to profit is marketing.

The question arises: is it possible to live without marketing? Is it possible to live without studying it, without tracking and working on ratios that help increase profits?

Let me give you an example. You've probably heard about the great luminary of marketing science, Philip Kotler. Once he spoke in America at a large sales and marketing conference, where a huge number of people gathered.

During his speech, Kotler addressed the audience from the stage: “Please raise your hand, those who believe that they do not need marketing, that everything is fine with them and they will live well without it.” Accordingly, expecting that no one will raise their hand, he is preparing to say that everyone needs marketing.

And indeed, no one raised their hand. And as soon as Kotler approached the microphone to say the next phrase, one hand rose. Kotler asked in some bewilderment: “Tell me, what do you do that you don’t need marketing at all?” To which the conference participant, who raised his hand, replied that he was the director of the Suez Canal.

And if you are the director of the Suez Canal, then, most likely, you can live without marketing - simply because there is no alternative to it on the market and you are the only service provider. You can live without marketing even when you enter a new niche where demand is many times greater than supply, but in this case you should be very careful, because this situation changes very quickly. Usually, even if you enter a niche where there is almost no competition, the situation changes very quickly and competitors come. And then you simply cannot survive without marketing!

Thus, if your company is a natural monopoly, then you may not need marketing. If your business falls into any other category, then marketing is necessary. And you need to work on increasing key ratios.

What you don't measure, you don't control.

However, before jumping directly into strategies and tactics for increasing key ratios, you need to start measuring them if you are not already doing so.

It is important to understand the following fact:

What you don't measure, you don't control!

That is, if you begin to implement this or that technology in your business, but do not regularly measure the performance of your business, you will imagine what effect you got, at the level of “good” or “bad,” but nothing more. To clearly build a business, accurate measurements and careful recording of all indicators are necessary.

Measuring key indicators in any business should be carried out at least once a week, and for companies with a large number of daily sales - daily.


Athletes and coaches have known for a long time that simple constant measurement of results increases these same results. If an athlete used to run just like that, and now he begins to note his results in the training journal every day, then his performance begins to increase.

The same thing happens in business. The very fact that you start measuring all your indicators will increase the efficiency of your business.

How to measure indicators correctly

A serious mistake in monitoring indicators is trying to measure the results immediately after introducing several features. For example, you simultaneously advertised in several target magazines and newspapers, where you indicated one telephone number, plus you began distributing flyers at the nearest large shopping center. Naturally, it will be very difficult to understand which campaign worked.

Another example is that you simultaneously started using several new techniques to get the client to leave more money at the checkout. Based on the results of the week, you determine the size of the average check. Let's say it grew by 10%. This, of course, is great, but understanding exactly why this happened and drawing conclusions - that is, determining what is worth working on more seriously - will not be easy.

Therefore, the correct approach to measuring indicators is the following: you introduce one new feature and measure the results of its use, and then analyze what effect it brought. Then do the same with the next method and so on.

We measure before, implement, measure after, draw conclusions, move on to the next indicator.

Task for development

Identify the three main sources of customers in your business. For example, this could be a website, an advertisement in a local newspaper, or a radio advertisement.

Calculate, at least approximately, five key coefficients for each source:

1. How many potential clients come to you (or call)?

2. What proportion of them, on average, make a purchase?

3. What is the average cost of this purchase?

4. What is your margin and profit per average sale?

5. How often over a period (for example, month, quarter or year) does a customer purchase from you?

Increased profit from sales

In this chapter, we will look at various methods of increasing margins. As you already know from the previous chapter, margin is the only ratio that directly affects the profit you make. All other coefficients, as components of sales volume, are the second stage.

And working with margin is one of the easiest and “cheapest” ways to increase the profitability of your business.

Many methods require virtually no financial investment at all.

Unobvious laws of pricing

One of the very important and unobvious things in business is this: the lowest price is not always the best. Classical economic theories say that when prices rise, demand falls, and vice versa - the lower the price, the higher the demand for a product. In reality, this is not always the case.

Let's look at a specific example. It is taken from a wonderful book Roberta Cialdini“The Psychology of Influence”, which we strongly recommend reading to all people who are involved in sales.

“Finally, in the evening, before leaving on business out of town, my friend hastily scribbled an angry note to her main saleswoman: “x 1/2 price on all turquoise,” hoping to simply get rid of the already disgusting items, even at the cost of a loss.

When she returned a few days later, she was not surprised to find that all the turquoise items had been sold. However, she was amazed to learn that because her employee read “2” instead of “1/2,” the entire lot was sold for double the price!”

Why did the clients act so irrationally? To understand this, you need to understand the behavioral characteristics of different types of clients.

What do your customers want – price? quality? result?

No matter where or what you sell, you will always meet three main types of customers:

Looking for the most low price

The first and most common type of clients are those for whom the most important thing is price. The only reason they decide to buy is the best price. It only makes sense to compete for such customers if you truly position yourself as the supplier with the lowest prices.

Some companies have taken this approach quite successfully. For example, Auchan, due to its gigantic volumes, offers prices that are killer for any other business.

For many companies that choose the cheapest route, a very serious problem arises - competitors also begin to reduce prices at the expense of their profits. The price race begins. This requires a significant reduction in costs, sometimes transferring production to countries with cheap labor force, decreasing margins with increasing sales volumes.

In addition, how many suppliers can offer the lowest price? Only one. It’s far from certain that it will be you.

In general, the game “we have the lowest prices” very often turns out to be a losing proposition. Especially for small businesses that are not able to raise prices due to large sales volumes.

The good news is that there are still not very many clients of this type. If you have more than 20% of these customers, it means you have a big problem with pricing. You urgently need to raise the price.


The second type are professional clients. Their goal is to get the maximum number of advantages for the minimum amount of money. They have a good understanding of the product and optimize not money, but results. If the first type of clients is looking for the lowest price and quality is practically not important to them, then the second type is interested in getting the maximum result for their money.

Additional bonuses and gifts work very well for such buyers. Moreover, the paradox is that often bonuses that have nothing to do with your product work much better - trips, umbrellas, free popcorn, and so on. In B2B sales, such bonuses are often actually legal “kickbacks”.

Professional buyers, as a rule, are the majority, especially in the B2B segment.

Result today

The third type of clients are those who are looking for results today. They need to solve the problem and do it as soon as possible. This trait is especially characteristic of male clients.

For these people, the guarantee of results and speed of delivery are important. If such a client comes to you, then most likely he has already decided to purchase what he needs from you. And here it is necessary not to interfere, but to competently help you choose the most suitable option for a product or service.

Imagine that you are selling water. And a client comes running to you: “Our house is on fire, I need water, urgently!” Search question best price competitors don't even get up. Just have time to ship as much as they ask.

This is the nicest type of customer – they usually have the least problems with them, and the purchasing decision is made as quickly as possible. Perhaps such a person will ask for a discount, but more for the sake of decency. Simply because he is used to asking about discounts - what if they give it?

Unfortunately, there are usually not very many such clients.

Price testing

In this book, we will not go deeply into detail about why human psychology is structured in such a way that the same product, but offered at a higher price, is often perceived as being of higher quality (for more details, see Robert Cialdini’s book “The Psychology of Influence”).

In very many cases, with slightly more high price the demand for your product or service will be higher.

The question arises - how to find the optimal and psychologically comfortable price for people? The answer is simple - it is also determined experimentally: you need to set the price and see how much sales have increased or decreased.

That is, if today you are selling a product for 300 rubles, then you need to test different options - 310-333-350-390-490 rubles and so on.

How does such testing occur? It’s very simple - one day you change the price tags in the store (or on the website) and see how sales have changed. If you fall, you reject this option. At some point you will find that optimal price.

Raising prices - a path to the abyss or an opportunity?

In many companies this is one of the fastest and simple ways increase profits. At the same time, most businessmen are very afraid to take this simple step - raise prices. “My clients won’t understand this!” is a standard objection we hear.

In fact, very often the client may not even notice the price increase.

For example, if your product costs 4060 rubles, then if you set 4180, the number of sales will most likely not change. And you receive an additional 120 rubles of net profit from each sale.

It looks like nonsense - an increase in sales by some 3%. But let's look at this from the other side: with a margin of 20%, the profit from each sale of 4060 rubles was 812 rubles. Now, by raising the price, we have increased profits by another 120 rubles, that is, by all 15%!!!

So, by raising the price by 3%, we achieved a fivefold increase in profits - by as much as 15%!

Let's look at another example - when our product, on the contrary, is very cheap.

Let it cost 40 rubles, a margin of 30% = 12 rubles profit from each unit of product sold.

The business owner decides to raise the price to 48 rubles (usually, if this is not a product of daily demand, such as bread or milk, the buyer is unlikely to notice such a price change). That is, they seem to have raised the price by 20% - only 8 rubles - but this is again an additional net profit. Instead of 12 rubles of profit, the company receives 20 - that is, an increase in profit by 60%!

Bottom line: even a small price increase usually leads to a noticeable increase in profits.

Prices and leaving customers

There is one more point that needs to be taken into account. When you increase your price by, say, 10-15%, and you lose 10% of customers who stop buying the product because of the increased price, you can still end up winning.

For example, your company provides Internet access services to individuals. The cost of the package is 400 rubles per month. In this case, let’s say that 500 new subscribers connect to you every month (for the sake of simplicity of the example, we will not talk about current clients, although, of course, they also need to be taken into account). That is, every month the sales volume to new customers is 200,000 rubles.

Now let’s imagine that you increased the price for new clients by 15%, and now the monthly cost of the package is 460 rubles. As a result of this promotion, 10% fewer people came to you every month, that is, 450 people. The resulting sales volume is 460 x 450 = 207,000. That is, you not only did not lose, but also won.

In addition, you need to take into account the reduction in costs for connecting and servicing these 50 clients, which will bring you additional profit.

It often turns out to be more profitable to lose some customers, while increasing the margin.

Detachment from competitors

Increasing prices can be an effective way to differentiate yourself from competitors.

For example, let's imagine that you are selling a Rolls-Royce for $700,000. And you decide, in order to beat your competitors, to reduce the price to 550,000. What effect does this have on buyers? Do you think they are happy to rush to the cheap option? Sometimes this happens. But among a significant portion of clients, the price reduction raises suspicions: why is it so cheap?

Now let's imagine that you raised the price to 900,000. What is the first thing you hear from your clients? “Why is it so expensive?”

It is extremely difficult to keep the client’s attention in order to talk about your product. People don't like to be "loaded" on them. In this option, you get a client who is ready to listen. And you can tell him why it is profitable for him to buy the product from you and at exactly that price.

Remember for yourself: you have probably had cases when in some store you came across a product that stood out from a number of analogues at a noticeably higher price. At the very least he is interested. I would like to know why it is so more expensive.

With a low price, you need to chase customers around trying to tell them about your product. When the price is high, clients begin to come up to you and ask why it’s so expensive.

New price

If you've been to supermarkets like IKE A, you've probably seen crossed out prices. For example:


The buyer gets the impression that he can now purchase the same product for significantly more favorable price. However, this is often nothing more than an illusion - the product has always been sold at a price of 399 rubles, and line 499 was created only to create the appearance of benefit.

And I must say that it works! It is not for nothing that the largest retail hypermarkets put a price tag with the price crossed out on almost every product. They know that if the client presents the cost of the product in this form, they start buying more!

You can do the same in your business. But don’t forget that everything needs to be tested here too. Some day, replace the price tag with one of your hot selling items and see the results. Then try another option, on the third day – another one. And measure your results every time. You'll soon find the option that's best for your business.

P.S. Even things that seem absurd at first glance often work out. Let's say you sell not through dealers, but to end consumers, and the cost of your product or service is 200 rubles. Try this option in the format of a “special offer of a new price”:


New price

This sounds extremely counterintuitive, but it often works, allowing you to increase your margin. The most interesting thing is that you are not deceiving anyone: the price is really new.

And if one of the old customers says: “But yesterday there were 200,” you can answer him: “Only for you, as a regular customer, we will give a discount and allow you to purchase for 200 rubles.”

Anecdote on topic

How much are your bagels?

- 10 kopecks each.

- And in the bakery opposite they are 7 kopecks!

- So go there and buy them there!

“They don’t have any steering wheels now.”

– When I don’t have bagels, I sell them for 5 kopecks apiece!

Works quite well hidden method increasing margins - when you indirectly stimulate the buyer to buy not one unit of a product, but several at once.

Buy 10... - and we will deliver them to your home completely free of charge!

Buy 3 - get... for free!

Active offer of high-margin products

If you know that people mainly come to you to buy some product with a low margin, offer them something with a high markup in addition.

At McDonald's, along with a hamburger, from which the company earns practically nothing, they always offer potatoes and Coca-Cola, the cost of which is less than a ruble per glass (and the retail price is about 30 rubles).

If you sell laptops, offer printers, scanners, keyboards, mice, and so on.

If you are an Internet service provider, offer the client to connect expensive channels as well.

Shareware offers

Offer clients the first consultation on any issues in your industry in a shareware format.

For example, the cost of a consultation is $100, but if the client subsequently makes a purchase from you, then this amount is returned to him (or rather, goes towards this purchase). Thus, for his $100, the client gives you an hour of his time to sell him something.

By the way, this move immediately cuts off freeloading clients who don’t want to buy anything and are just wasting your time.

Unusual options for increasing margins

We offer you several unconventional ways to increase margins that look absolutely crazy, but still work.

Let's say you sell coffee and buns. Coffee costs 90 rubles, a bun 40 rubles. You can write: “Special offer – coffee + bun = 150 rubles.” And some customers will buy simply because people are used to: special offer- it's profitable.

In fact, ninety percent of purchases are made unconsciously. So don't be surprised! Naturally, this will not work well in sales of expensive and complex goods, where the buyer clearly knows market price each name.

I once saw a stall that sold DVDs. There was a large yellow sign hanging on it, with an absolutely gorgeous special offer written in huge font - “Sale! Buy 3 discs for the price of 4 and get 1 free!”

I was not lazy and even asked them whether this move really had an effect. They answered me: “What a great one!” A certain part of customers happily took advantage of the “randomly presented” opportunity to make a profitable purchase.

Note by N. Mroczkowski

The formula for text that makes your customers drop everything and buy right now is UPOD

If you want to get maximum response to your offer to customers (whether it be advertising in the media, mail or mailing list), e-mail, intended for current clients, or Commercial offer for the B2B market) - so that customers run to the ATM to withdraw the last money and send it to you, then it is necessary to use the UPOD formula in selling texts: the proposal must have three mandatory components.

Killer offer

The key to writing strong proposals is to appeal to the client's emotions rather than their logic. The feelings he experiences when he doesn't have your product. In contrast to this, you need to describe his feelings after the purchase. Moreover, you must do this in such a way that the person reading the sentence understands: “This is about me!”


Limiting supply - usually by time (although limiting the quantity of goods also works well). If there is no shortage, 95% of people will look at your proposal and say: “I’m interested in this, but I’ll think about it for now.” Naturally, most of will think forever and never buy your product.

But if you show that this super offer can only be taken advantage of now, and tomorrow it will be more expensive (or the offer will disappear altogether), then a significant part of customers will make a purchase so as not to miss their chance.


Only from March 22 to 27 you can purchase our product with a special 15% discount + receive as a gift... Only 25 sets are included in the promotion. Don't miss your chance to get a great product at an incredibly low price!

Call to action

Often the sales text describes everything simply perfectly, but it is completely unclear what needs to be done right now. Yes, I like the product, yes, I want to buy it. But what to do? Who to call, where to go?

You need to give very clear instructions: “Call this number right now,” “Click here” (in the case of a website), and so on.

Do you think your clients are smart and will understand everything themselves? Not at all! Write your texts as if Homer Simpson would read them. And you will see how much the response to your ads will increase.

It is also worth paying attention to the contacts - the phone number or website to which you attract the client’s attention: they should be indicated in large print, and not in small letters in the corner of the ad.

Overall, if you write copy using the UPOD formula, you are creating a compelling reason for the customer to buy “right now.”

Here is a letter that we received from one of our clients after another competent campaign, the proposal in which was drawn up according to these principles: “Participation in this training did not fit into my plans, financial and time, but your manager competently put the squeeze on me.

I had to borrow money. I had to give up on the guaranteed absence of part of classes and the need to practically spend the night at work. Click on your wife. In short, I am delighted with your sales service. I wish I had one like that..."

Urgency surcharge

One of the very simple ways to increase the margin on your goods or services is to create a special option “for urgency”.

For example, standard production cycle From order to delivery it takes one week. But if suddenly a client appears who needs it immediately, you do not deny him the opportunity to buy and receive additional profit for completing an urgent order.

So, using rush surcharges, you can say, “Okay, if you need it at the standard price, we'll do it within a week, if you need it in two days, we can do it, but the cost will increase by fifty percent.” In such a situation, clients understand that they are overpaying precisely for urgency and comfort. Moreover, they are usually willing to pay for it.

This technique is actively used in various fields activities. There are entire industries where the entire business rests solely on this, for example, courier services, who charge ten times the price to deliver the goods not in three weeks by mail, but in three days. For most other industries, this is a great way to increase margins and sales.

For example, in the office furniture niche there is a large segment of clients who are “moving urgently.” These are people (or companies) who knew that they had to move at some point, but for a number of reasons (they forgot, didn’t have time, something else didn’t work out) missed the right moment, and tomorrow or the day after tomorrow they need to move to new office or an apartment And, accordingly, they urgently need furniture, which also urgently needs to be purchased and delivered. Most furniture companies will not do anything to order in two or three days, but there are companies that offer a similar service with a premium for urgency. “Do you need to move tomorrow? Great! We will make the necessary furniture and deliver it, but it will cost 40% more.”

A similar principle has long been accepted in the design market. various documents. If you want to get a visa, you can collect all the documents yourself, or you can entrust this to other people who will prepare and formalize everything. You will only need to get a ready-made visa, but, accordingly, overpay for urgency. Of course, in addition you will receive service and comfort.

Look at your products: what and how you can do faster than your competitors, and how much you can raise the price for it.

This is a very simple way to increase profits, as it usually does not require virtually any additional investment. You simply increase the price for an urgent order and, accordingly, find a contractor who is willing to do it faster for more money, working, say, in two shifts, or you hire a second shift that will work at night, and so on.

Extra charge for customization for the client

If you have a product with standard parameters (length, width, color, shape), but it is possible to change these parameters for the client, and he is willing to overpay for this, this is also a great way to increase your margin. You can offer both standard standard product models and additional customization options for the client.

For example, there is furniture standard sizes, but if you need a bed twenty centimeters longer, no problem, they can do it for you, but you will accordingly pay an additional 20% of the cost of a standard bed.

Car dealerships always offer cars in both standard colors (usually three to five to choose from) and additional ones, which you can also choose by paying an additional amount (be it 25,000 rubles or 1.5% of the cost of the car). This is an option that incurs virtually no additional costs for either the manufacturer or the seller, but at the same time allows you to increase margins due to the fact that people understand that the product is designed for them, and they are willing to pay for it.

The Nike company has a whole direction: you can go to the website and order sneakers, choosing all the characteristics for yourself - the colors of all the details, including laces, and other points. That is, literally order an exclusive model that you came up with yourself. And they will do it for you! Naturally, it will be one and a half to two times more expensive than sneakers of standard modifications, but it will be made for you. And people are willing to pay for it!

Look at your products and services and think about how you can customize them for your customers and, accordingly, make an additional markup on this, that is, make additional profit by taking a better approach to the assortment own products, focusing on the consumer.

This method can be used almost anywhere! That is why it is very important to communicate with clients more often in order to better understand what they want and what additional interesting options or services you can offer them.

Possibility to pay immediately, in any convenient way

Although this point does not directly relate to increasing margins, it is indeed important.

Clients make decisions emotionally. And if they want to buy right now, we need to give them this opportunity. Tomorrow half will change their minds. And in a week eighty percent will change their minds.

The next feature applies, first of all, to those areas of activity that use the Internet to receive orders and pay for goods.

The point is that you can have the best product, great advertising and lead generation system, great sales letters. But if the client cannot pay quickly and in a convenient way your product or service, all your work will crash against this wall, like sea waves against rocks.

You can, of course, allow payment only by credit card, or by bank transfer, or using the Internet (Yandex-Money and WebMoney) - there are practically no restrictions on this today. But the problem is that:

You'll lose a significant percentage of your customers if you don't provide a payment method they know and love.

That is, by not allowing you to pay for goods using, for example, Internet money, you will instantly lose the lion’s share of buyers for whom this method is the main one.

Frustrated customers, trying to purchase your great product and unable to pay for it, will curse your carelessness with every word they know.

The ideal way is to use payment systems such as RBC-Money (www.rbkmoney.ru), Assist (www.assist.ru) and so on, which allow everyone to accept payments for products and services accessible ways– bank transfer (for example, a client can come to the nearest Sberbank branch with a printed receipt and pay for what was purchased), plastic cards, payment terminals, money transfer systems, Internet money, and so on.

Result guarantee

The margin on the guarantee is very high, since a very small percentage of people will use it and return the product demanding a refund. But the number of consumers who will make a purchase decision precisely because of the presence of a warranty is very significant.

In various fields of activity there are different types guarantees.

Buying a computer or other household appliances, a person often receives a one-year warranty from the manufacturer.

Rice. 1. An example of a guarantee offered at the home improvement and repair hypermarket “Castorama”

Some stores give additional guarantee for fourteen days, and during this time, if you have a receipt, you have the opportunity to return the product you don’t like.

You can give a guarantee regardless of the reasons - for example, for sixty days. During this time, it is possible to return the goods for any reason (for example, this is what we do when selling our products and services - see http://infobusiness2.ru/ and http://uLtrasaLes.ru/).

If you give a guarantee, then in many cases the increased sales will outweigh the possible costs. But everything needs to be calculated and tested. What works in one area will not work in another.

An example of a well-formulated guarantee is the story of two brothers who organized a pizzeria at one of the American universities and guaranteed delivery of hot pizza in thirty minutes.

They did not guarantee the quality of the food or the special recipe, only time. If the time period was not met, then the pizza was delivered free of charge. However, this practice was later canceled due to the possibility of road accidents caused by rushed pizza delivery drivers. But for several years in a row they opened pizzerias in different universities and colleges, using this guarantee alone, and made billions in profits.

Now Domino Pizza is a world famous brand.

Task for development - coming up with a guarantee

Figure out how you can provide a guarantee for your product or service.

After you have done this, test what effect this move will bring.

Increase in average check amount

The second coefficient that is worth taking is average sale(or average check). Of the remaining ratios, this is the fastest way to increase sales.

The client bought it - offer more

One of the most quick ways getting additional sales is a cross-sell (or upselling) system.

What is the essence of this system?

It is known that selling something “in addition” to a person who has just made a purchase is much easier than to a new client. Of course, this must be used.

How exactly? Start offering customers something else from your products or services along with the main purchase. Ideally, do this with an additional discount or bonuses.

Naturally, not everyone will buy, but many will want to purchase additional products or services that you offer them!

Example: if you come to McDonald's and buy a drink, they will definitely offer you a pie, potatoes or something else. Do you think the cashiers at Mac are doing this out of deep sympathy for you personally? Not at all. This is a clearly structured cross-sell system. McDonald's knows that a certain part of people will react to this offer and buy something extra.

A simpler option is when the waiter in a cafe, after you have announced your order, asks: “Anything else?”, or even better, offers some specific dishes from those that you ignored (for example, dessert).

If you buy a book in online stores like Amazon (www.amazon.com), you are immediately offered to purchase it along with some other book, receiving a certain discount.

If a customer who has placed an order is offered a product that well complements the main purchase for 30–50% of the base cost of the order, on average 20–25% of customers will be happy to buy it.

If you are not doing this yet, be sure to start using the cross-selling system in your business - and very soon you will see the additional sales that this method will bring. Moreover, it most likely will not require any additional investments from you.

Various options for additional offers

Using the technology described above, you can offer the following to the customer making a purchase:

1. More expensive product.

2. Larger number of products.

3. Related products.

Sell ​​a more expensive product

With this strategy you can sell more expensive Cell phones and computers, hotel rooms and travel packages, fertilizers and seedlings.

The main thing is to understand that when a person is focused on a purchase, he simply needs to be offered to buy a more expensive product, and then briefly explain why this option is better (or rather, that the client will benefit if he purchases it). Even if you start using this technique in such a simple form, you will soon see that it works wonders.

For example, when you come to a cafe, you ask for a mug of coffee, and the waiter immediately asks: “Large?” Without thinking, you nod your head and now you have already ordered a large mug of coffee, although, perhaps, before the doors of the establishment you were thinking about a small one. We believe it is clear that for a cafe the cost of a large and a small mug is almost the same, but the price for a client can easily differ by thirty to fifty percent.

Sell large quantity goods

Let us immediately give an example from life that is familiar to any man. Imagine that you want to buy a bouquet of roses for your other half. You go into the store, choose, show what interests you, and then name the quantity. The seller begins to pack the flowers, and then, as if by chance, offers you to buy not five roses, but nine, citing a discount.

Here you, succumbing to an emotional outburst, imagine how surprised and flattered your beloved will be, and you buy the offered quantity, after which you happily go on a date.

The girl is really surprised, but it’s not clear whether it’s because you came with flowers, or because you bought nine instead of the standard three or five roses. One thing you will now know for sure: the strategy of “selling more units of the product to the client” was applied here.

This strategy can work in your business in the same way, you just need to follow three basic steps:

After the sale has taken place, you should offer the client to buy more goods, explaining this as a benefit for him, and then make a tempting offer to purchase.

Simple, isn't it? And it works!

Sell ​​related products

Let's continue with the cafe examples. The waiter approached you and you asked for a cup of coffee. The waiter repeats your order and asks: “What dessert should you serve with your coffee?” If you don’t know, the waiter will be happy to tell you... and now you are eating tiramisu.

And the amount of your check has doubled.

This strategy makes it easy to sell computers with accessories, a car with air conditioning and alarm, and a kitchen stove with a set of frying pans.

How to increase sales even more? Probably, many of you have already guessed that you can often use not one, but two, or even all three strategies at once.

Just imagine how the profit of the same will increase flower shop, if the seller offers each client to buy not ordinary roses for 100 rubles, but more beautiful ones for 120, and in addition, packaged not in cellophane, but in a colored mesh.

And if we are talking about ordering a cigar in a restaurant, then the waiter can offer a glass of good cognac and a chocolate bar for a snack.

The most important thing is to try, experiment and act!

Basic solutions and additional options

The core products and services of different suppliers are usually similar. But the offers you make may contain many additional services, programs, systems, conditions that increase the value of the main product and provide additional value to customers.

Examples of additional options


Fulfillment: guarantee of availability, express delivery, installation, training, maintenance, disposal and recycling.

Maintenance: Specification, testing and analysis, troubleshooting, calibration, productivity enhancement.


Economic: terms and conditions, discounts, concessions and bonuses, quality guarantee, return guarantee, cost saving guarantee.

Interaction: recommendations and consulting, design, process engineering, product and process redesign, cost and performance analysis, joint marketing research, joint marketing and advertising.


Automation: Internet order management, automatic replenishment and resource planning, computer-based enterprise or project management system.

Efficiency: Internet support, expert systems and reference books, centralized management, control and quick response systems.

It is common to combine additional services and the main product, that is, the offers indicate: “By purchasing our product, you receive a 24-hour support line, a guarantee, free shipping, and so on.” As a result, when customers purchase a core product, they typically receive such services for free and often without any usage restrictions.

The problem is that many people do not need such options at all, and it is unclear why they should pay for them, while others see that they do not receive the necessary specialized services for which they are willing to pay more.

And you should consider these services from the following points of view:

1. What is their value to customers?

2. Why are they valuable to some customers but not others?

3. How can they be a source of your advantage?

Key point: Even if most of your clients' requirements and desires for your offering are the same, there are always requirements that differ. Most suppliers ignore such preferences. But they can be the source of your flexibility and uniqueness!

How can this be implemented? Separate basic solutions and additional options.

A basic solution is the necessary minimum of goods and services that is valued by all clients in a niche. Due to the fact that you cross out all the additional options, the basic solution allows you to make an offer with a very “tasty” price for those clients who want to get the minimum at the minimum price.

1. They are improvements to products and services that some, but NOT all, customers value.

2. They are offered individually to those clients who are willing to pay for them.

Very often, some services (training, equipment installation, re-equipment, etc.) are excellent candidates for optionality. Especially if, when communicating with clients, you hear from them that they do not really value such a service

You test it - make it optional and paid, and look at the reaction of consumers.

Example – a holding company selling chemicals for agriculture

In addition to the production of the chemicals themselves, the holding company offers a lot of additional services - laboratory support, consulting and conducting research in the customer’s working conditions, special seminars, and so on. These are additional and very expensive services.

Moreover, the holding offers many levels of service for each service. If a customer purchases a minimum number of core products each year, they receive a basic level of service along with the standard offering.

If the client wants to get additional options, he either increases the volume of orders or pays for them separately.

How to convert services from the basic offer to options?

There are no problems for new clients - you can only offer them the latest version of the offer. For older people, it makes sense to make a smooth transition.

Please indicate additional services separately on your invoice. Their cost is zero, but it's worth writing them with a strikethrough so it looks like this:

Additional option 1300 rubles 0

Clients are getting used to seeing these services separately, and not as part of total package. You then separate them into separate paid options.

Many companies do not want to introduce paid options for fear of losing customers. In fact, when you make a basic version that is noticeably cheaper, and at the same time offer additional options, this step allows you to find new customers due to the greater flexibility of the offer. Plus, this allows you to concentrate your efforts on those segments and customers that bring maximum profit.

It often works very well to create multiple versions of a product, tailored to different types of customers:

1. Clients who care about price – the basic version with a minimum of options and a low price (example: airline discounters like SkyExpress). It is often possible to reduce the price by 10-20% and compete on it, using advertising to actively inform consumers that you have the cheapest household appliances.

2. Clients who value speed and availability – options related to fast delivery, constant support (twenty-four hours). We have already discussed an example with an additional option in the form of urgent production of office furniture.

3. Clients who value customization – options for customizing products or services to meet specific requirements.

4. Clients who urgently need to solve a problem – a full range of services.

If there were no basic solution, then for the first type of customers who want low prices without additional services, it would be necessary to reduce the price of the entire offer. But then other clients, including those who use the services, would also require this, which would most likely turn out to be unprofitable.

Some examples of additional options

1. Fast delivery.

2. Maintenance (since it is not offered to everyone, there is no need to keep a large staff and a lot of equipment - we adapt it to orders).

3. Flexibility of supply in terms of volume. If there is none, then customers are required to order goods for a full vehicle load, an entire tank or container. Saving costs on logistics.

4. Placing orders through the website is cheaper than over the phone (the client does it himself, saving the employee’s time). Savings on personnel and warehouse costs.

5. Once agreed, the delivery date cannot be changed without an additional payment of 5%. 10% surcharge for urgent orders, 5% penalty for cancellation. This makes work planning more predictable.

6. Credit conditions - with or without receivables - affect capital turnover.

7. Customization – standard set(color, equipment, etc.) or according to the client.

8. Warranty – the ability to return goods under extended conditions.

The main product is the same for everyone, the only difference is additional services– you can and should play on this.

Adding additional service options to your offer

Even if you can't break down your current offering into a base version and options, think about what other products, services, and services you can offer. Such options can be found.

For example, dental clinic offers dental treatment for 3,000 rubles. We are adding an option to this service - a repeat inspection in six months, which the client can pay for immediately with a slight discount (relative to the standard cost). Some clients will do this simply because they have the opportunity to make such a choice.

As a result, firstly, the average check amount increased. Secondly, it is clear that in six months some clients will not come (that is, they will not use the paid service). And some will come, and the doctor will recommend that they undergo further treatment - at least coat their teeth with fluoride varnish for prevention.

Delivery cost will not change...

If you sell consumer goods with delivery, then the following method works well - when the client has already filled a full “basket” of products, offer him something else, which will not change the delivery cost.

A good example The Ozon online store (www.ozon.ru) is used for using this technique. If you buy any goods there, they show you how much the order weighs and how much you can add without changing the shipping cost.

It is clear that out of a desire to save money, a number of customers will buy something else.

Free shipping

A similar method of manipulating delivery is as follows: when a certain purchase amount is reached, you offer customers free home delivery of products. If a person is a little short of the level free shipping, in many cases he will decide to buy something else to get this option.

Help the client gain MORE

If you sell anything retail and the buyer is able to pick up a lot of your goods, then you absolutely need to give him the opportunity to carry as much as possible. Otherwise, even if he wants to buy something else, he simply will not be able to do it, since he will not take away what he purchased.

Supermarkets have long solved this problem by providing customers with baskets and trolleys. By the way, as soon as this technology was introduced, the amount of the average purchase increased sharply.

End of introductory fragment.

Accounting and taxes

Current page: 1 (book has 12 pages total) [available reading passage: 8 pages]

Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Andrey Parabellum

Get everything out of business! 200 ways to increase sales and profits


In the process of active struggle, we have developed over two hundred different tricks, strategies and tactics that help businesses not only increase sales, but move to a fundamentally new level of working with clients. And, accordingly, to a new level of profitability.

In this book, we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious financial investments from you.

In this book we have collected the most universal and strongest recommendations, which for the most part will not require any serious

Over two hundred specific techniques that we described in this book have actually been tested in practice (both by us personally and by hundreds of our clients) and work. You can open any page and immediately begin implementing the information received into your business.

The one who goes first skims all the cream. We are absolutely sure that ninety-nine percent of your competitors are NOT using the technologies you will learn about in this book. You can be the first to do this in your niche. In this case, very soon your competitors will have no chance to keep up with you!

Nikolay Mrochkovsky(ultrasaLes.ru)

Andrey Parabellum(infobusiness2.ru)

P.S. If you discover a new strategy that we have not yet included in the book, send it to us at We will definitely add it to the next edition and express our personal gratitude to you for your help there.

Sales: system or chance?

In the vast majority of businesses, sales is a virtual black box. A business owner, at best, has only an intuitive idea of ​​the connection between what is being done and the profit that the actions taken actually bring. And often this is not the case.

At first glance, it is clear that if you carry out a lot of different activities - place advertisements in targeted media, train sales staff to properly handle clients, provide high-quality service to current clients, and so on - then sales will increase. However, what exactly will happen and what specific financial result will follow is completely unclear.

In this book we offer you a radically different approach. Build your business to the next sales system:

♦ controlled – so that you clearly understand what effect each step gives;

♦ transparent – ​​all elements must be clearly stated and understandable;

♦ streamlined - each element of the system must be configured - perhaps more than once, but so that it works on autopilot - with minimal participation from the director;

♦ fungible – if you rely on people, you will have big problems. Yes, it’s worth looking for and inviting good specialists. But the business should still be based on the system, and not on the personal qualities of a few key employees. If someone leaves, you quickly find a new person and replace the one who left without significant losses for the current work process.

Five Key Ingredients

To implement a sales system in your business, you need to clearly understand five main components - each of which must be of the highest quality:

♦ Inbound flow – potential customers who somehow learn about your company.

♦ First purchase - how you turn a potential client into a real one.

♦ Average check – how much the average client leaves at your checkout (or what is the amount of the average transaction).

♦ Repeat sales - how you work with regular customers.

♦ Profit – how much profit you make from sales.

A formula that every businessman must know by heart

There is one formula that combines all these ingredients and immediately puts everything in its place. It allows you to clearly understand which business processes should be worked on first. To better understand the “magic formula”, let’s derive it sequentially:

Profit = sales volume × margin (M),

where margin is the percentage of your profit from the cost of the product.

Sales volume = number of clients × average income per client.

In turn, the number of clients = K × Cv,

Where TO– the number of potential (learning about you) clients; Cv– conversion rate (how many potential clients who learn about you turn into real ones).

Average income per client = $ × #,

where $ is the average purchase; # – number of transactions (customer purchases during the period).

In total we get:

Sales = leads × Cv × $ × #.

Profit = M × sales volume = M × leads × Cv × $ × #,

under the term generally accepted in international practice leads we will understand the number of potential customers.

Now the process of increasing sales is nothing more than working to increase each of these ratios. And building a system involves establishing clear executable processes in each of these areas.

In what order should I start working?

Naturally, you need to work on all the coefficients. But you must understand that, for example, an increase in the number leads which is done mainly through publicity stunts, is the most expensive of all ways. Because, according to statistics, selling something to a current client costs about seven times less than attracting a new one.

That is, by launching advertising, we increase the incoming flow of customers. But if the next steps in the company are a mess - salespeople are rude to customers, the service is terrible, after the sale no one else works with the client - all your money will be wasted.

In this case, for example, increasing the conversion rate from 3% to 4% will ultimately lead to an increase in total sales by more than 30%.

To better understand how this happens, let's look at a few examples.

Example No. 1. Supermarket of household goods and repairs

Let's say you are the owner of a home improvement and repair supermarket. On average, eight hundred people come into your store per day (special devices on the doors allow you to keep accurate records of the number of visitors in the store, so there are no difficulties in obtaining such statistics). Of these, on average 30% make a purchase. The average bill is 1600 rubles. A client makes only one purchase from you per day (if we took a longer period - for example, we looked at data for six months - then, most likely, this coefficient - the number of transactions - would be equal to two or three - approximately the number of times every six months the average person is interested in goods for home and repair).

It turns out:

leads = 800

Cv = 30%

$ = 1600 rubles

Total sales volume per day = leads × Cv × $ × # = 384,000 rubles.

With a margin of 30%, profit per day = 115,200 rubles.

Now let’s imagine that, having worked out a system for converting potential clients into real ones, you have achieved an increase Cv up to 35%.

Now the daily sales volume = leads × Cv × $ × # = 448,000 rubles.

With a margin of 30% profit per day = 134,400 rubles. That is, 19,200 rubles more than in the first case!

Example No. 2. Wholesale trade

Your sales managers make an average of twenty-five cold calls per day (which is about five hundred calls per month or one and a half thousand per quarter). Of these, on average 2% are transferred to the concluded deal. The average transaction is 120,000 rubles. Over the course of a quarter (in this example, we’ll look at a different period, although daily activity can be assessed in the same way), the average client purchases products from you twice.

We get for one manager:

leads = 1500

Cv = 2 %

$ = 120,000 rubles

Total sales volume for the quarter = leads × Cv × $ × # = 7,200,000 rubles.

If we have four sales managers in the sales department, the sales volume of the entire department is 28,800,000 rubles, respectively.