Every year on May 9 - on the glorious Victory Day - every conscious person pays tribute to those who bravely fought for the future of their country, family and new generations. Our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers sacrificed their lives in the name of the Motherland, and their deep history was involuntarily imprinted in our hearts. In order not to forget about the great exploits of Soviet soldiers in a duel with the German occupiers, the guys in kindergarten, schoolchildren and students participate in various events. In elementary and high schools, exhibitions of children's drawings, reading competitions, military patriotic song shows, guard duty in the city park, excursions to the WWII museum, “Gifts for Veterans” events, etc. are organized. In universities there are meetings with children of war, historical quizzes, military sports games, rallies, concerts in the cultural center. A mandatory number at almost every such event was, is and will always be short funny scenes for May 9 or sad dramatizations of “At a Rest” about soldiers. They instill in children and teenagers patriotism and a sense of gratitude to the heroes for peace in the country, and remind adults of the terrible and sad panoramas from the military life of Soviet soldiers.

Simple scenes for the holiday of May 9 in kindergarten

Teachers draw up the script for the matinee for May 9 in kindergarten in advance and be sure to include in it not only poetry, dances and competitions, but also simple skits. Thus, in an accessible and unobtrusive form, educators introduce children to the historical past of the country, teach them to honor and respect the merits of veterans who gave a tremendous rebuff to the enemy back in 1945.

Since children 5-7 years old are not able to cope with too large a volume of text to memorize, the best option There will be simple scenes for the holiday of May 9 in kindergarten in the form of an illustration of one of the most popular military songs. For example, “Katyusha” by M. Isakovsky, “Farewell of a Slav” by V. Agapkin, “Darkie” by Y. Shvedov and A. Novikov, “Dark Night” by V. Agatov and N. Bogoslovsky. It is worth considering that such performances require the preparation of themed costumes for children, suitable decoration of the hall and long rehearsals. The selected song can be performed by all the children in chorus, or by one soloist accompanied by partial accompaniment.

Sketch “By the Campfire” for Victory Day for preschoolers

Scene on military theme“By the Campfire” is designed for the participation of a teacher and four children. All the characters in the dramatization sit on mock-ups of stumps around a makeshift fire and begin to play their roles. The teacher soulfully reads a poem about a heroic mother saving her son from enemy bullets. And the guys, in turn, tell the audience short poetic excerpts on the topic: the first boy - the words of a rescued son from the past, the second - a verse request to remember the merits of veterans, the third - a rhymed promise to be an honest representative of the new generation and to protect military history of his people.

Funny scenes for May 9th for elementary school

Funny scenes for May 9th will perfectly dilute the sad atmosphere of the matinee for the memorable Victory Day. primary school. Short and funny sketches from soldiers' everyday life will amuse not only young people, parents and teachers, but also invited guests - veterans, eyewitnesses, children of war. Basis for funny skits may be military jokes or stories on army themes. Little schoolchildren enjoy trying on the role of frightened recruits or brave soldiers. And camouflage suits and the necessary attributes will help you get used to the role.

Funny skits for primary schoolchildren on Victory Day

We suggest learning it with children in elementary school funny scene for the holiday of May 9 about the sergeant major and recruits. In it, the acting characters are popular templates from the typical Russian army, and the lines are realities from life situations.

Recruits who had just arrived in the army lined up on the parade ground. The foreman approaches the guys and starts a dialogue.

Sergeant major. So, let's start getting acquainted. First question: are there any musicians in the ranks?

Three guys step in front and answer.

Soldiers. Yes, yes!

Sergeant major. Great. Step by step march to the commander, he urgently needs to raise the piano to the 5th floor! Let's move on. Who wants to get a sergeant?

One recruit is out of action.

Soldier. I want!

Sergeant Major. Great. Well done. Run to this address (gives a piece of paper) and get our sergeant from the sobering-up station. Are there any electricians?

Another soldier leaves the line.

Soldier. That's right!

Sergeant Major. You have a task according to your specialty. Every evening you will check whether the lights are turned on everywhere. And the last outfit: who will go to the commander tomorrow to harvest potatoes.

Two fail.

Soldiers. We're ready!

Sergeant Major. Well done! The rest will run after the car on their own. For now - at ease. Disperse!

Short skits for Victory Day on May 9 for children

As you know, there is not just one military holiday in our calendar, there are several of them: May 9, February 23, December 27, etc. Short skits for Victory Day can be used for children's events in honor of each of them. In kindergarten they are more primitive, without long monologues and complex semantic content; in elementary school - more meaningful and even fun; in high school - serious, lyrical and sometimes tragic. Boys in such dramatizations can play the roles of recruits, ground forces soldiers, pilots, commanders, and superiors. Girls are more suited to the roles of mothers, wives, nurses, etc. The main thing is that scenes for May 9 and other military holidays should be short, aesthetically pleasing and understandable for children.

A short children's skit for Victory Day “Jokes of army life”

The Colonel lined up the soldiers and addresses them.

Colonel. Comrade soldiers! Autumn has arrived, which means it's time to change colors. Now half of you are running to the trees and untying the green leaves from them. And the rest tie yellow leaves to the trees. Is everything clear? The captain is appointed responsible for this event!

The captain waited for the colonel to leave. Addresses the soldiers:

Captain. Here the colonel gives it, he got hit hard on the head yesterday during the exercises - untie and tie the leaves!? Have you lost your mind, or what? Listen to my command! The colonel's order is canceled, we all go to the warehouse, get brushes and yellow paint and repaint the leaves! Everything is clear!

Lyrical sketches for May 9 for schoolchildren and students

For older schoolchildren and students on May 9, you can choose more touching lyrical scenes about military operations and love at the front, with elements of sad field letters to mothers and with tears about heavy losses. The soundtrack for such dramatizations is cult military melodies with heart-warming lyrics. Within the framework of one deep plot, two or three storylines can unfold. For example,

  • monologue of a girl looking out of the window of her beloved soldier;
  • dialogue of a guy meeting new comrades;
  • the sad cry of a mother carrying a letter “out loud” to the front for her own son;

By closely intertwining three such emotional lines, you can get the most lyrical scene for May 9th for schoolchildren and students. The main thing is not to escalate the degree of sadness to the limit. If there are elderly people as invited guests, it is still better to dilute the tearful moments with cheerful ones, so as not to disturb the hearts of the elderly.

Text of a lyrical sketch for Victory Day for students and senior schoolchildren

The curtain opens. On stage is a modern school classroom. Pupils are preparing for the lesson. A schoolgirl runs in.

Schoolgirl. Hello! We heard that today after school we will meet with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and then we will go watch a film.

1 - y. Again!

2 - y. Yes, as much as possible!

3 - y. It would be better if they came up with some kind of disco!

1 - y. What movie?

Schoolgirl. They said, “The dawns here are quiet.” About the war.

1 - y. And I love comedies. And let it all end happily.

2 — y. Of course, whatever war you want, give you comedy.

3 - y. Let's not go. Why do we need this?

4 - y. I'll go.

Schoolgirl. Of course go. You will represent our entire friendly class.

4 - y. I'm not going to class. I'll go for myself. My grandfather, my mother’s father, died at the age of 18 near Berlin. And my grandmother’s sister went missing in 1944.

1 - y. It's like you're the only one. My family still has a funeral memorial for my great-grandfather.

2 - y. And my great-grandmother worked as a nurse in a hospital during the war.

3 - y. And my relatives also died in the war

4 - y. You see. We did not know this war, but it passed through our families. Do you remember how many people died then?

Schoolgirl. It seems to be more than 20 million.

4 - y. Like b. Just think about this number. After all, many of them were a little older than you.

Shkl. How scary!

4 - y. Yes, it's scary. But we must not forget the terrible pages of our history. Because to forget means to betray. Betray those who did not return from the war.

1 - y. Shall we go to meet the veteran?

2 - y. Yes. And let's go to the cinema.

Children read against the background of music.

Schoolgirl: The alarm sounds over the country

Look back through the years

1 student: Forty-one... Burning houses

Then the soldiers went into battle to the death

2 student: Forty-fifth... Victory marches.

3 student: Those guys were a little older than us

4 student: We have no right to forget

Those years that were covered with glory

5th student: And we will tell our children

How our people responded to the enemy

6th student: How I went through fire, through troubles

Together: We are the heirs of that Victory.

Sketch “At a halt” about soldiers on Victory Day on May 9 in the House of Culture

Even small children know that war means suffering, grief and thousands of deaths. What can we say about adults? Gathering annually on May 9 at the Palace of Culture, military personnel, veterans and ordinary civilians renew their memories of the terrible military events and bitterly swallow tears for their fallen grandfathers and great-grandfathers. And senior schoolchildren and students demonstrate from the red stage, hung with the legendary victory symbols, the sketch “At a Rest” about soldiers on Victory Day on May 9 in the House of Culture. Along with welcoming words for veterans, themed songs and dances, and a speech by the city mayor, military performances look even more touching and heart-warming.

A funeral was flying from the front
On a young boy
And he lay alive in the crater...
Oh, how merciless the war is!

And tanks passed by...
Someone else's speech... and he lay there,
And I remembered my sister and mother,
He lay there and died quietly.

The chest was pierced right through,
And the blood flowed into the black snow,
And he has blue eyes
I met my last dawn.

No, he didn't cry, he smiled,
And I remembered my home,
And overcoming the pain he stood up,
And, lifting the machine gun with difficulty,

He has distorted faces
The hot lead splashed out,
Zooming in on this for a minute
The war, merciless, is over.

A funeral was flying from the front,
The postman was already knocking
The soldier, his eyes closed in the funnel,
He was ahead of her by a moment.

Scenario of the military-patriotic holiday game “One day in army life” for students

Purpose of this event:

Organization of children's leisure time

Celebration Defender of the Fatherland Day

(military-the sports game takes place in the form of a journey through stations)

Objectives of the event:

Cultivating patriotism, love for Homeland, respect for the Russian army;

Development of thinking, imagination, dexterity;

Establishing friendly relations between children and adults, involving orphanage workers in organizing leisure time for pupils.

Equipment and tools: computer, speakers, Russian flag, poster and drawings on military theme , signs with the names of stations, route sheets, insignia of the two teams (green and blue khaki scarves, bandages, scissors, pins, task cards, self-adhesive stars.

Place and time: KGBOU Children's home 34, 02/22/2012

Teams of participants: 7th-8th grade students

Supervisor: Boroday A.V.

Progress of the event

Day Defender of the Fatherland is holiday not only professional military, but also all men. Therefore, this day It is customary to congratulate both those who served in the army and those who are serving in at the moment, and those who will face it in the future.

A good gift for boys would be a sports one. holiday. What is the best way to organize it for children so that they not only compete, but also learn a lot of interesting things about serving in the army? How to involve girls in it?

Rules games and participants

Participating in competitions students 5-8th grades, 6 people per team. Girls act as fans and assistants at certain stages.

Competition program

Program holiday includes:

Grand opening military-patriotic game “One day in army life”;

Passage of task stations by participants games;

Summing up games, awarding the winners and prize-winners;

Organization games

Start games

Fanfares are heard, the command sounds “Parade be equal! Attention". Teams are lined up in their pre-designated places. Squad leaders submit a report to the judge in front of the participants.

Commander's report: Comrade chief judge, team (team name, our motto (they say the motto, in military-dedicated to a patriotic game holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day, built. Team Leader (F.I.O.).

Greetings from the Commander-in-Chief:

February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day. Our game is dedicated to this significant day. Now, as in the old days, our army is proud of its victories. She has a glorious past and, we hope, a worthy future. And the future of our army is you, our boys and girls today. The strength of our army depends on how you grow up. I congratulate you and everyone present in this hall on the upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Alignment with the flag (Russian anthem plays)

Military-patriotic game “ One day in army life” is declared open.

Presenter Borodai A.V. introduces the program holiday.

Teams, level up, at attention. And so we begin. Today this is not just a gym, but your place of military battles. It will consist of three rounds.

1. Tour. "Landing to the battlefield", where you will need to go through an obstacle course, get and collect a map for further progress games.

2. Tour « Military training» - in accordance with the map, the passage of stations where you show your military training.

3. Tour "Combat Battle", where the final test awaits you, in which you will show your combat power and accuracy.

After this the first part begins holiday, 1st round – “Landing to the battlefield”

Teams need to run across the bench, go through a tunnel in which to find one of the map elements, after leaving the tunnel, perform a somersault on the mat, return to the team and place the finished card element on the chair. The following participants repeat these actions. After collecting all the elements of the map, the team proceeds to collect it (mosaic) Having completed the collection, the captain raises his hand.

(after this, the team fastens all the elements of the map with tape).

After collecting the card, the teams go to the second round - « Military training» .

Station 1 – “Company, rise!”

Inventory: sports short uniform (T-shirt, shorts).

Sportswear sets have been prepared for the players - T-shirts and shorts. Their task is on command "Rise" put the uniform on over your clothes in 15 seconds. Only those who are fully dressed and neat are considered to have completed the task. For neat appearance and good posture, students are additionally awarded 1 star.

Station 2 - "Brainstorming"

Inventory: sheets of paper and pencils.

Exercise: for a certain time, name military ranks and types of troops. The number and correctness of names are assessed. Task completion time – 3-4 minutes. The team that gave the most complete answer receives 2 stars.

For reference:

Types of the Armed Forces:

Air Force(BBC)- assault fighter, army, strategic aviation;

Navy(Navy)- surface, underwater;

Ground forces - tank, artillery, engineering, special forces.

Branch of the military:

1. Space forces.

2. Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces).

3. Airborne troops (Airborne Forces)

Military ranks:

private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, junior warrant officer, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of Russia.

Station 3 – "Medical unit"

Inventory: bandages and cotton wool.

Chief judge at the station: nurse.

Exercise: within a certain time, the team must apply a cotton-gauze bandage to the arm, leg, and head. The correctness and accuracy of completing the task is assessed - from 2 to 4 stars.

Station 4- "At a halt"

Chief judge at the station:


About whom they say that he is only mistaken once? (Sapper)

Which troops retired? (Cavalry)

What are shoulder marks called? military? (Epaulettes)

4. What does the word ram mean? (Direct strike from an airplane, tank, ship.)

5. What types of bladed weapons do you know? (Mace, sword, sword, knife, bayonet, saber.)

6. Which year is considered the year birth of the Red Army? (1918th).

7. What medicinal plant is used for bruises and abrasions?


8. What forest plants or parts of them are used to brew tea?

(Leaves of strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries.)

9. What is the name of a teenager - the youngest sailor on a ship? (Jung)

10. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk.)

Station 5. "Checkpoint"

Chief judge at the station:

The children are invited to work as signalmen who, using a key, decipher various ciphergrams containing intelligence reports.

Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, who can decipher it faster and more correctly.

Card 1.

25, 19, 1, 2, 3, 12, 6, 18, 20,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 15, 19, 4, 15, 17,

15,.22, 17, 1, 14, 31, 30, 19, 5, 3, 6,

16, 20, 25, 11, 9, 15, 5, 9, 14, 19, 1, 14, 11.

(Encrypted text cards: headquarters in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two cannons, one tank).

Card 2.

15, 22, 17, 1, 14, 1, 13, 15, 18, 19, 1

5, 3, 1, 19, 1, 14, 11, 1, 8, 1, 17, 6, 11, 15, 10,

18, 12, 6, 3, 1, 3, 15, 3, 17, 1, 4, 6, 15, 5, 9, 14,

(Encrypted text cards: guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, in a ravine one tank).

Cipher key card:

a b c d e g h i j k l m n o p s t u v x c w y j.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31.

Third round "Landing in battle"

Inventory: Balloons(16 pcs., skate (2 pcs., darts (2 pcs., mats) (2 pcs.).

Exercise: At the signal, the first participant lies down with his stomach on the skate and moves like a swimmer "sails" to the gymnastics mat, leaves his skateboard there, where the judge is waiting for him. The participant performs a somersault on the mat, receives two darts and shoots at a balloon hanging on the wall, the player has two attempts, then performs a somersault forward or backward on the mat, lies down on the skate and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next participant, who continues the game. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. The team that comes to the finish line first receives 2 stars, for every two balls knocked down an additional star.

After the final stage, the teams are lined up. Chief referee of the team blowing:

Stand at attention! I ask the captains to hand over the cards for completing the stages.

Cards with stars are dealt to the jury, which sums up the results while the chief judge says the final word.

Our game today has reached its final stage. Today in this hall you have shown and demonstrated combat power and courage. You all, as a single unit, as one cohesive team, passed all the tests of our games. Summing up games, sweet prizes and military games are awarded to winners and participants games.

Teams, level up, at attention. Game « One day in army life» I declare it closed." Congratulations to all participants and those present in this hall on Defender of the Fatherland Day (applause).

Organized care with holiday.

A teenage boy sits on the stage and draws something on the ground with a stick.


(against the backdrop of the sounds of the sea surf) He loved to draw in a dog-eared notebook while sitting on the sandy beach and dreaming about what he wanted to become. Maybe an artist? Or an engineer? Or a sailor? But no one yet knew that he was destined to become a brave intelligence officer.

(The sound of a bombing sounds. Boy gets up)


Nobody knew that this could happen
That our childhood dreams were broken,
War will one day knock on the door,
Changing all plans in one fell swoop.
fell on our weak shoulders,
Hard, not a child's game.
And we, not daring to contradict her in anything,
We felt what war means!

I gave all my youth to the war,
And, unfortunately, I didn’t see my childhood!

A girl in an overcoat appears on stage.


They dreamed of something completely different: swimming in clean river water, running barefoot on young green grass, sleeping peacefully under a peaceful sky, having fun and playing, but life had other plans.

Girl(in an overcoat):
We were not trained
They didn't know what to do.
A little accustomed to work
We were all there.
I'm not afraid of bloody wounds
Now I work for a nurse.
I help at the front,
I save soldiers' lives!
I gave my childhood to the war,
This is how she grew up amidst the battle.
(Appears on stage completely little baby With balloons in hands).


The war became the common biography of an entire generation of children. Even the children behind the lines are still children of war and their memories and stories last a lifetime.


My childhood is inseparable
It was connected with the war.
They looked to the sky with hope:
If only there was peace today!
In the morning, we woke up and ran
Get something to eat.
Even this happened
We had nothing to drink.
We fled from the bombings
Horror frozen in the eyes
We lived in fear, we didn’t know
How to survive this... how...

We gave all our childhood to the war
We haven't seen anything good!


They will grow up and become courageous, resourceful, and courageous. Their dream will definitely come true, there will be a peaceful sky above their heads, and the sonorous laughter of children will be heard on the street. But all this will happen if... they survive.

(under lyrical music and dim lighting, everyone leaves the stage)

Several children dramatize S. Mikhalkov’s poem “We are warriors too.” They are distributed throughout the hall, put on costumes, and take the necessary attributes.

Signalman (the child sits on a chair, pretending to be a signalman, with headphones on his head, and a microphone or telephone in his hands).

Hello, Jupiter? I am Diamond
I can hardly hear you at all
We occupied the village with a fight.
What about you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages an equal sitting on a chair, he groans).
Why are you roaring like a bear?
It's just a matter of patience.
And your wound is so light,
That it will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks at the sky through binoculars).
There's an airplane on the horizon.
On course - full speed ahead!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Set aside - our fighter.
Two pilots look at a map in an open tablet.

1st pilot.
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,
The flight to the target is seven minutes.

2nd pilot.
The combat order is clear.
The enemy will not leave us

Submachine gunner (walks along the central wall, holding a machine gun).
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?
We clean the house behind the house.
All together.
We will find the enemy everywhere. (S. Mikhalkov)

Sketch for Victory Day for elementary school “What do you know about the war?”

(Four guys dressed in soldier’s uniforms are standing on the stage. A girl approaches each of them in turn and asks questions).

Girl(first soldier):

Soldier, what do you know about war?
Please answer me?

1 soldier:

I know a lot about war
He spent the entire war in the trenches.
War is grief and misfortune
This is devastation in cities.
This is hunger, and believe me,
To be on the verge of death!
In a word, the pain cannot be conveyed,
God forbid you never know war!
Girl (approaches the second soldier):
It became interesting to me
Who started the war?

2 soldiers

Started in June
When in forty-one
The fascist began to bomb cities.
He started bombing from Kyiv,
Leveling all the houses to the ground.
Hatched a plan for a couple of months
Deal with our country!
But the plan failed miserably
After all, the Russian soldier distinguished himself!
Courage equal to feat,
Defeated the fascist army!

Girl(approaches the third soldier):

What is Victory Day?
Do grandfathers celebrate it?

3 soldiers:

What is Victory Day?
This is a holiday parade
These are tanks and soldiers
Everyone is marching!
This is a colorful fireworks display
What takes off here and there.
These are songs at the table,
This is my grandfather's album.
These are gingerbread cookies, sweets,
These are the smells of spring,
What is Victory Day?
This means - no war!

Girl (approaches the fourth soldier):

On this day, I want to know
Congratulations to veterans?

4 soldiers:

We thank the soldiers
For silence, for a peaceful home.
For childhood, joy, for dreams,
For the world in which we live.
And even though many years have passed,
We will not forget this feat.
And every year on May 9
We will remember the heroes.
And congratulate the veterans,
And glorify their heroism!


Thank you, dears,
Because we live.
Without knowing tears and grief,
Without knowing war!

(All veterans are given flowers)

Characters: girl, mother, father, grandmother.

Tell me, mommy, what does war mean?
And why does it arise?


War is grief
War is death
And nothing is worse
Not in the world, believe me!
War is the tears of relatives, mothers,
When funerals are sent for their sons.

War is horror
War is moaning.
Dead and wounded
The count is millions!
War doesn't matter
Are you old or young
Returns home
Gray-haired guys.

Dad(puts down the newspaper and joins the conversation)

Yes, Hitler completely miscalculated
The Soviet soldier fought with dignity!
He wanted to seize territory
Enslave the entire Soviet people.
But they gave him a firm rebuff.
And we drove the Germans all the way to Berlin!


evenings on the military-patriotic theme “To remember...”
Dedicated to twenty-year-olds,

Those who have lived so little

Having lived so long!

Against the background of the melody from the song “Cranes,” the poem is read:

Presenter 1.

The boys were leaving

From Afghanistan

Through the passes

And Salang...

The boys were leaving

And there was a prayer

Like salvation

What guys

Allah will protect...

Don't forget February and Sunday,

Joy and smiles

On the lips.

Presenter 1. Stinging wound - Afghanistan. For those who have lost loved ones. For those whose youth was scorched by war and the hot Afghan sun. The war ended a long time ago, but the pain of loss is a living pain, it will last for the rest of your life, and with the death of nineteen-year-olds, more than one Slavic surname was interrupted...

Whatever they say today, those who fought there, in foreign mountains, understood one thing: they were fighting for their country, defending the southern border of the USSR. They carry out the orders of the Motherland.

They did not compromise the honor of Russian weapons in Afghanistan. And we didn’t lose that war, because it’s not the soldier who loses the war.

Presenter 2. How Afghanistan began...

Spring 1979... In Afghanistan in full swing There is a civil war going on.

August 11 H. Amin urgently requests that Soviet units be sent to Kabul. The request is granted.

On December 10, at the board of the Ministry of Defense, D. F. Ustinov announced that, obviously, a decision would be made to send troops to the DRA.

On December 12, at a meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (L.I. Brezhnev, M.A. Suslov, V.V. Grishin, A.P. Kirilenko, A.Ya. Pelshe, D.F. Ustinov, K.U. Chernenko, Yu.V. Andropov, A.A. Gromyko, N.A. Tikhonov, B.N. Ponomarev) unanimously decided to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

Reader 1.

Time has chosen us

Spun in an Afghan snowstorm,

Friends called us at a terrible hour,

We put on a special uniform.

And in the fire of mountain difficult roads

They sprinkled their blood on their campaigns,

Didn't notice in the whirlwind of worries,

How minutes are compressed into years.

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes.

Time has chosen us!

Through the pages of times

They walked to the victory marches.

Many famous Russian names

Inscribed on granite eternity.

And when it was hard at times,

Strength melted in the roar of battle,

We were thrown into pillboxes more than once

The unyielding audacity of the heroes.

Loyalty, valor, courage and honor -

These qualities are not for show.

The Motherland has countless heroes.

Time has chosen us.

Presenter 1. B different times in Afghanistan, as it was then believed, more than 300 Yerevan residents were “fulfilling their international duty.” They remained faithful to the military oath, carried out orders, as befits warriors, while showing courage and bravery. Seven of them died. Let's remember them by name ( on the screen are photographs of the dead, the phonogram “Roma” by A. Marshal sounds).

Alexandrov Gennady Petrovich.

Lieutenant, born in 1958 in the city of Yelets. In 1980, while a tank column was marching, a tank driver was killed by a sniper. The tank lost control and fell into the gorge. The entire crew, including Lieutenant Alexandrov, were killed. Awarded the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "War to the internationalist."

Golovachev Evgeniy Alexandrovich.

Private, born in 1961 in the village of Khitrovo, Yeletsk district. In total he took part in 29 operations. During the last operation in 1981, he quickly put out a fire in an infantry fighting vehicle that was set on fire by a shot from a grenade launcher, and helped evacuate a wounded comrade. When he got out of the car, he was killed by a grenade thrown from the blower.

He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "War to the Internationalist", and the medal "War to the Internationalist".

Popkov Alexey Vladimirovich.

Sergeant, born in 1960 in the city of Yelets. In 1981, during a combat operation, he was blown up by a mine and was seriously wounded. The platoon commander began to carry him out of the battlefield, and they were blown up a second time. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Merenkov Pavel Vasilievich.

Sergeant, born in 1960 in the city of Yelets. In 1982 he died while performing a combat mission. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "War to the Internationalist", and the medal "War to the Internationalist".

Popov Yuri Alexandrovich.

Sergeant, born in 1964 in the village of Kamensky, Yeletsk district. In 1984 he died while performing a combat mission. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "War to the Internationalist", and the medal "War to the Internationalist".

Ivanov Gennady Nikolaevich.

Private, born in 1967 in the city of Yelets. In 1987, during military operations in the area of ​​the city of Kandahar, he was wounded in the head and died from his wounds. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "War to the Internationalist", and the medal "War to the Internationalist".

Tatkov Oleg Nikolaevich.

Private, born in 1968 in the city of Yelets. He died on April 17, 1988 while performing a combat mission at the Salang Pass. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR "War to the Internationalist", and the medal "War to the Internationalist".

Presenter 2.

A funeral funeral struck the mothers' windows like a black, ominous wing. How many tears were cried, how much grief fell on the woman in an instant!

But no mother can come to terms with the death of her son. She waits and hopes all her life: what if a miracle happens and a son, her little blood, appears on the doorstep. Failed brides are waiting for their loved ones.

Reader 2.

Mom, I am writing these lines to you,

I send you my filial greetings,

I remember you, so dear,

So good, there are no words!

We were careless, we were stupid,

We didn't really value everything we had,

But they understood, maybe only here, during the war.

Friends, books, Yelets disputes -

Everything is a fairy tale, everything is hazy, like snowy mountains.

So be it. We'll come back and appreciate it twice!

Reader 3:

A star is burning over the city of Kabul.

My farewell star is burning.

How I wanted the Motherland to sigh,

When I fell into the snow while attacking.

And I lie there and watch it cool down

There is a blue star above the minaret.

Someone is remembered or forgotten

And they will never know us. . .

The December star is burning, alien,

And under the star the snow smokes with blood.

And I say goodbye with my last tear,

Everything I’m parting with forever for the first time.

Presenter 1. These nine years and fifty-one days of fierce battles in a foreign land brought our people a lot of grief, troubles and suffering. But even there, in distant Afghanistan, Soviet soldiers showed the best human qualities: courage, perseverance, nobility. In the incredibly difficult conditions of combat life, far from home, hourly exposed to danger, and sometimes mortal, they remained faithful to the military oath, military and human duty.

Reader 4:

Poems written about mountains

The number is so big that you can't count it

But only these mountains are grief

Although there is something in grief.

There is such silence around,

That you can hear the distant barking of a jackal,

We have another night without sleep,

And we are waiting for a short break

We are taking a leap into the mountains,

The stomach is empty, the flask is empty,

And sand creaks on your teeth,

It's like I'm eating something with a crunch.

The sand creaks, the path is not visible,

And every step is not an easy step.

And suddenly it becomes offensive,

That the enemy is slipping away again.

There is such silence around,

That a whisper can be heard three meters away,

Yes, this strange war

We were scorched by a sultry wind.

I don't believe this silence

To the mountains I silently shout:

“You are extinguishing something in me,

Like a burnt out candle"

But clenching his teeth and the machine gun,

I wiped my face from sweat,

I whisper to myself that the way back

Free only for scoundrels.

And I go into the silence of hell,

And I go into the silence of hell,

Since the Motherland needs it,

Since the Motherland needs it,

Since the Motherland needs it -

I need it!

Reader 5:

I am changing the seventh crew -

What is it like to fight in a foreign land!

Our yesterday's voyage to the dushmans

Ended on an enemy mine.

My driver is calm

And, not taking the wound into account,

He took four of us from the battlefield,

Gasping, he whispered: “It will pass.”

He went after the fifth with a bang,

May God grant him to bear the burden,

But they hit the sniper right away.

Like a bull’s eye, in Alyosha’s heart.

He lay in my arms

Like my inescapable wound,

In parting, he said three words:

“Guys, save your guitar...”

Well, the guitar is now an orphan

On a nail in our company quarters,

And the owner is not the same, and the song is not the same,

And the gallery in the barracks is empty.

Life only happens to us once,

And we won’t lend the second one,

But to protect your neighbor from a bullet

Someone has to fight, someone has to.

The night will be in the Afghan region

I should marry death as a couple,

I’ll repeat Alyosha’s words: “Guys, take care of the guitar...”

(Song with guitar)

Presenter 1.

On February 15, 1989, the last armored personnel carrier with our soldiers crossed the Friendship Bridge across the Amu Darya, along the fairway of which the border with Afghanistan runs. The commander of the 40th Army, Hero, brought up the rear of this huge column. Soviet Union Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov. This courageous man put all his pain into these lines:

Our pain and fears are a shadow

Merged with your worries,

Finally the last day has come

Finally we waited for him.

Who stood up, who fell under fire,

You can’t ask fate what or who,

For nine years you lived this day,

For nine years they fought to reach him.

How to measure the pain of hot wounds?

Ease the grief of mothers?

Afghanistan will burn your heart

And in the arms of your Motherland.
February 15, 1989, for many, was the day when the count of losses of our soldiers and serving people ended. A difficult, sad outcome. Many mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, and they did not say “Mom, I’m alive...”.
Presenter 2. Those “Afghans” who returned, for the most part, were able to overcome the “Afghan syndrome”, received an education, became good specialists, created families, and raised children. However, many people's health is compromised and other problems arise.

Currently, Yelets has a city and district public organizations veterans of Afghanistan and the fund for the disabled, enterprises LLC "Grad" and "Serpentine".

Together they are trying to help the families of those killed not only in Afghanistan, but also in Chechnya. Conduct military-patriotic work in educational institutions, if necessary, defend the rights of those who happened to serve in hot spots, assist in resolving their everyday and other issues.

Presenter 1. On May 15, 1992, a memorial sign to Afghan soldiers was unveiled in the Zasosenskaya part of the city (Ya. Fabritsius Street).

The forces of former “Afghans” erected a chapel at the city cemetery in memory of those killed in hot spots ( photo). On May 16, 2008, the chapel was consecrated.

Reader 6.

Obelisks frozen on the mounds

They froze, guarding the silence.

They will not replace our loved ones,

Those who gave their lives in the last war.

They will not replace our loved ones,

Those who gave their lives in the Afghan and Chechen wars.

We are on the face of cold granite

We put flowers, but we don’t cry bitterly

And we say: “Nothing is forgotten,

None of the fallen are forgotten."

Presenter 1.

The battles end, but history is eternal. The Afghan war is also a thing of history. But she will live long in human memory, because her story was written with the blood of soldiers and the tears of mothers. She will live in the memory of orphans left without fathers. It will live in the souls of those who participated in it. The generation scorched by its fire, like no one else, learned the military and moral lessons of that heroic and tragic Afghan war, undeclared by anyone. We left Afghanistan. But not all bullets were recovered. And this wound will not heal soon. And we are obliged to extend a helping hand to those who honestly followed the order, so that the war will finally end for them.

Reader 7:

I'm in a hurry again, as always,

Through meetings, farewells and disputes,

And memory takes me there again,

Where mountains rise to the sky.

Where the “Afghan” covered the sky with dust

And the sun is burning at its zenith,

Where a plane circles over the takeoff for a long time

And a fan of rockets scatters.

Where the mountains ring garrisons

In an unkind and terrible silence,

Where the face is gray with dust

And then the jacket is soaked,

Where a detachment leaves for the mountains in the morning,

The path winds between the hills,

Where the dushman's bullets whistle again

And someone will not return again.

And you need to not be afraid, make up your mind, have time

And complete the task by night -

Fate will divide us into life and death

And he will assign a share to everyone.

And my memory won’t let me fall asleep again -

And courage fights with fear,

And again my memory leads me under bullets

And cries silently over a friend.
Interview with Afghans:

In your opinion, what are the main lessons of that war?

- What you have experienced cannot be forgotten. How did your service begin, how did you get into a clear army rhythm, what do you remember about Afghanistan?
- Soldier's service consists not only of difficulties and problems. No. I think there were a lot of joys and bright moments. Do you remember similar episodes today?
- From time immemorial, our people believed that helping a friend, saving him, is the highest honor. This unwritten principle helped Soviet soldiers win during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, he also helped on the ground in Afghanistan. Have there been similar cases with you... (questions for conversation)