First lesson on the work. After downloading, please combine all parts into one presentation. Solveig's song, film fragments: or 28). Grieg "Morning" 10). "Anitra's Dance" by E. Grieg - slide 18. Symphony concert No. 1, part 1 Grieg - slide 7 - 9.



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I have seen life. No matter what they tell you about her, always believe that she is amazing and beautiful. I am an old man, but I gave my life, my work, my talent to the youth. I gave everything without return, that’s why I’m maybe even happier than you, Dagny.


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Topic: K. Paustovsky “Basket with fir cones.”

Goals: 1. Continue working on improving the skill of meaningful, expressive reading.

2. Show that a person becomes truly happy only by discovering the beauty of the world around him.

Tasks: 1. Contribute to broadening the horizons of children, introducing them to art and spiritual culture.

2. Contribute to the development of musical and artistic taste.

3. Develop students’ speech and ability to formulate the idea of ​​a work.

4. Contribute to the formation of creative imagination through words, music, and visual arts; justify your point of view.

5. Cultivate love and respect for nature, people’s feelings, and the ability to empathize.

Equipment: 1. Multimedia presentation.

2. E. Grieg. Peer Gynt: Morning. In the cave of the mountain king. Solveig's song.

E. Grieg. Symphony concert No. 1, part 1.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Org moment.
  1. 1. Slide 1.

Working with text before reading. Predicting the content of a story based on the title and illustrations.

What did you imagine when reading the title and looking at the illustration?

2. Slides 2, 3, 4. Information about the life of K. Paustovsky.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born in Moscow, in the family of a railway statistician, on May 31, 1892. The writer recalled that his father was an incorrigible dreamer, so he often changed jobs. After a series of moves, the Paustovsky family settled in Kyiv. Konstantin Paustovsky studied at the First Kyiv Classical Gymnasium in Kyiv. When he was in the 6th grade, his father left the family, and young Kostya began to earn a living and study independently by tutoring

What do you see at the writer's grave? Is this a coincidence?

- Why do you think there was a basket of fir cones there?

We will try to answer this question during the lesson.

3. In his works, K. Paustovsky reveals himself to us. We feel a warm-hearted, spiritually generous and unusually friendly person. His stories are filled with a surprisingly warm, bright and reverent feeling of love for the nature of his native land. However, this story is about something else. The fact is that Paustovsky wrote not only about nature, but also about composers, artists, writers - that is, about people who subtly sense the beauty of the world around them and tried to introduce everyone to the world of beauty with their creativity. The story we are going to read today will introduce us to the extraordinary world of musical creativity of the Norwegian composer and pianist Edvard Hagerup Grieg.

4. Slides 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Information about the life of E. Grieg.1843 – 1907 (64)

“In Bergen everything was the same. Everything that could muffle the sounds - carpets, curtains and upholstered furniture - Grieg had long since removed from the house. All that was left was the old sofa.It could accommodate up to a dozen guests, and Grieg did not dare to throw it away. Friends said that the composer’s house looked like a woodcutter’s home. It was decorated only with a piano.”

III. Slide10 Basket with fir cones.

1. Slide 11 Vocabulary work.* - search in the explanatory dictionary

Bergen is a city in Norway.

An insignificant part is a small part.

Forged - upholstered in iron.

Curtains * - thick heavy curtains for windows or doors.

Over the knee boots * - high boots.

Fragrance - aroma, pleasant smell.

Brocade, silk, velvet, felt - types of fabrics.

Spurs * - a metal bow with a wheel at the end, attached to the rider’s boot and used to urge the horse.

Sword * - piercing weapon with a straight long blade.

2. Reading part 1 . Identification of primary perception of the text

– Teacher reading the beginning of the story.

Dramatization by trained students p. 47 – 50. Slides 12, 13, 14, 15.

- Why does Grieg want to give music to Dagny?

Let's try to find the answer to this question in the second part.

3. Slide 16 Reading part 2 by the teacher and students.

How did you understand what Grieg wrote music about? Why?

Which listeners did he value most? Why

Why did Grieg write music specifically for the girl?

4. Slide 17 - Which words of the 2nd part are the most important?

Do all the people around you think the same way as Grieg? Is it more pleasant for everyone to give than to take? What is your position?

5. Reading parts 3 and 4. Slides 18, 19, 20, 21.

Try to live this time with Dagny. Listen to your feelings.

What did Dagny feel and experience? What about you?

What pictures did Dagny imagine? Why did she cry while listening to music?

Find in the text and read the thoughts of Grieg, who wrote the music.

Now find and read the thoughts of Dagny, who heard the music.

What did you notice? (Similarity: they thought the same thing.)

The music conquered distance and time, managed to convey the feelings of the composer and Dagny and recalled the pictures of nature in his native Norway.

  1. Slide 22. 1. What do you think is the main idea of ​​this story?

Why does a person live? Dagny understood this, and you?

A person becomes truly happy only by discovering the beauty of the world around him.

What do you think makes people write music, poetry, stories, paintings?

2. Slide 23. Why Paustovskycalls Grieg a wizard?

Paustovsky calls Grieg a wizard because thanks to music, Dagny remembered her childhood. Childhood is that wonderful moment that cannot be returned. They need to have time to enjoy it, not to miss the time in which they can do a lot and learn a lot. When a person remembers his childhood, he understands how much nature has given him. When Dagny heard the melody, she immediately remembered all the most wonderful moments of her life and the person who did so much for her, expressing her childhood years in music. Have time to enjoy your childhood, and you will understand that living in peace is the best gift from nature!

3. Slide 24. The writer K. Paustovsky and the composer E. Grieg are great masters: one with words, the other with music, awakens pure and good feelings in us. K. Paustovsky believed that giving people a “fairy tale of life” - the ability to discover the beautiful and romantic in the most ordinary - is the main task of man on earth.

  1. Slide 25. Lesson summary.

Reflection: What do you particularly remember about the work? In class?

VII. Homework pp. 47-54 expressive reading, drawing by Dagny.

In our textbook, the story is not fully printed. The ending is on your desk. Read at home andprepare an answer to the question: Why did Uncle Nils know that her life would not be in vain?

Draw how you imagine Dagny.

VIII. Slide 26. Fragment of a slide film to the music of E. Grieg “Solveig’s Song”.

Dagny walked along the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Nils, sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and muttered something about the miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But the northern dawn was already beginning to glow faintly in the windows. Dagny went out to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a feeling of the beauty of this world that was not yet clear to her, but which gripped her entire being.

Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.” And she laughed, looking with wide open eyes at the lights of the steamers. They bobbed slowly in the clear gray water.

Nils, standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm about Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.

Dagny walked along the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Nils, sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and muttered something about the miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But the northern dawn was already beginning to glow faintly in the windows. Dagny went out to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a feeling of the beauty of this world that was not yet clear to her, but which gripped her entire being.

Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.” And she laughed, looking with wide open eyes at the lights of the steamers. They bobbed slowly in the clear gray water.

Nils, standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm about Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.


Dagny walked along the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Nils, sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and muttered something about the miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But the northern dawn was already beginning to glow faintly in the windows. Dagny went out to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a feeling of the beauty of this world that was not yet clear to her, but which gripped her entire being.

Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.” And she laughed, looking with wide open eyes at the lights of the steamers. They bobbed slowly in the clear gray water.

Nils, standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm about Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.


Dagny walked along the deserted streets. She did not notice that behind her, trying not to catch her eye, was Nils, sent by Magda. He swayed like a drunk and muttered something about the miracle that had happened in their little life.

The darkness of the night still lay over the city. But the northern dawn was already beginning to glow faintly in the windows. Dagny went out to the sea. It lay in deep sleep, without a single splash.

Dagny clenched her hands and groaned from a feeling of the beauty of this world that was not yet clear to her, but which gripped her entire being.

Listen, life,” Dagny said quietly, “I love you.” And she laughed, looking with wide open eyes at the lights of the steamers. They bobbed slowly in the clear gray water.

Nils, standing at a distance, heard her laugh and went home. Now he was calm about Dagny. Now he knew that her life would not be in vain.


K. G. Paustovsky "Basket with fir cones" 4th grade UMK "Harmony"

Strelnikova N.V.

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 s. Novoselitsky

K. G. Paustovsky

Edvard Grieg

Hands raised and shook. These are trees in the forest. They bent their arms and shook their hands. The wind blows away the dew. Let's wave our arms to the sides, smoothly. These are the birds flying towards us. We'll also show you how they sit. The wings were folded back.

Let's hear everyone's opinion

1 group “Meeting in the forest”

1. Where and how did the main characters of K. Paustovsky’s work meet?

2. “By roles” read the dialogue between Dagny and Grieg.

3. Find similes and personifications in the text.

Group 2 “In the Composer’s House”

1. What literary devices did the author use in the story? Write your answer in the table.

2. Which listeners did Grieg value most? Why were they dear to him?

3. What “bloomed in the sun” for Dagny? Find the main words in part 2.







Group 3 “Away”

1. Why did Dagny leave the house?

2. Retell the chapter on behalf of Dagny.

3. Draw in words a portrait of the girl Dagny who came to the concert.

Group 4 “In the Composer’s House”

1. Find in the text the words with which the author conveys the whole range of Dagny’s feelings at the concert.

2. What did the girl hear in the music?

3. Convey the girl’s state and her spiritual qualities by making a collage.

How should a person live?

The beauty of nature

Human relations

"No matter what they tell you

about life, always believe,

that she's amazing

and beautiful..."

- If you think that the lesson was interesting for you, you showed yourself, worked well - attach a red cone to the tree (the ripest one).

- If not everything has worked out yet, there are some problems, something didn’t work out - yellow.

- If it was difficult for you to understand, there are difficulties - green, you need to mature a little.


Prepare a spiritual gift for your classmates.

Do your choice of task 3 on page 82 or task 7 on page 86 of the workbook

Technological map of a literary reading lesson in the 4th grade of the educational complex "Harmony", teacher Mukhina E.V.


K. G. Paustovsky “Basket with fir cones”


Educational:Continuing the study of creativityK.G.Paustovsky; improving the ability to work with text; development of reading skills;develop artistic taste, love and interest in reading and classical music. Form creative imagination through the ability to imagine pictures. Work on the content of the work using various critical thinking techniques. Develop students' speech and ability to work in groups.

To educate: moral qualities, creative abilities of students, a culture of behavior during front-line work, individual work.

Form a UUD :

Personal UUD: Form moral and ethical guidelines.

- Regulatory UUD:Plan activities. Accept and complete the assigned learning task. Develop the ability to control and self-control when reading.

Communicative UUD:Enter into communication, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. Give reasons for statements. To develop cooperation skills when conducting games “Radio Theater”, “Theater”.

- Cognitive UUD: To navigate the text of the work. Analyze the work in order to determine the idea, from the point of view of compliance with proverbs.

Planned result


Be able to: determine the topic of the text from the pictures; work with illustrations; create a short oral text on a given topic.

Personal : Know and adhere to moral and ethical guidelines.


Be able todetermine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher;plan your action in accordance with the task; make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made(Regulatory UUD).

Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).

Be able tonavigate your knowledge system;analyze objects;find answers to questions in the text and illustrations;transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions (Cognitive UUD).

Basic Concepts

Idea, main idea

Interdisciplinary connections

literary reading, music, Russian language, geography


- basic

- additional

Textbook “Literary reading”, grade 4, part 2. O.V. Kubasova

Notebook for the textbook “Literary Reading”, 4th grade, O.V. Kubasova

Educational presentation

Organization of space

Frontal work, individual work, pair work






Tasks for students, the completion of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Planned results



I. Motivation for learning activities (2 min)

Goals: - updating the requirements for the student from educational activities;

Creating conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities; clarifying the type of lesson; clarification of the thematic framework.

They discuss the rules of behavior in class and explain why these rules need to be followed.

They pronounce the lesson motto and determine the type of lesson.

Clarifies the thematic framework.

Music by E. Grieg sounds (emotional mood) and a slide show with views of Norway.

Guys, today we are going on a trip again. Who guessed where? (anagram on slide RYANIGOVE) Norway is the birthplace of the great composer Edvard Grieg. But why did we talk about a musician and composer in a literary reading lesson? Pay attention to the lesson motto:“Everyone understands happiness in their own way. Everyone has their own…” (K.G. Paustovsky.)

Be able to express your thoughts orally; negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them (Communicative UUD).

II. Formulating a lesson topic, setting a goal (3 min)

Objectives: formulation of the topic of the lesson by students;

Organize the setting of lesson goals by students.

With the help of the teacher, they formulate the topic of the lesson. With the help of the teacher, they set the goal of the lesson.

Organizes goal setting and lesson topic formulation by students

Try to combine the versions you hear. Can we immediately identify the topic of the lesson and what role music plays in this? What works of K. Paustovsky do you know? What are they about?

Predicting work based on the title of the work.

Be able to express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).

Be able todetermine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher (Regulatory UUD).

III. Preparation for perception (5 min)

Goals: completing preparatory exercises; working with reference material

They answer the questions asked.

Perform speech warm-up tasks.

Organizes preparatory work.

Message from group 1: biography of K.G. Paustovsky. At the end of the message there is a gift basket with pine cones.

A strange gift, unusual. What should we do with it?

Speech warm-up: Tongue twister“There are pine cones on the tree, books on the table” ( whisper reading, slow reading with acceleration, reading in pairs)

Answer questions by constructing speech statements.

(Communicative UUD)

IV. Primary reading. Discussion of what you read (15 min)

Purpose: familiarization with the text, initial discussion of what was read.

Participate in combined reading.

Answer questions based on content.

Work in pairs

Organizes initial reading.

Asks questions about the content of what was read.

Monitors the completion of assignments by students.

Primary reading combined

How did the story make you feel?

What impressions and thoughts did you have while reading? What is the nature of this story?


Now let's turn to the work and remember how many parts there are in it.

What does each part say?

(1 - meeting between the composer and the girl; 2 - about how Grieg wrote music for Dagny; 3 - Dagny at her aunt’s; 4 - at a concert)

I suggest you draw up a verbal and picture plan for the story.

Summarizing your statements, you can make the following plan:

1. Meeting.

2. In the composer's house.

3. Dagny is visiting.

4. At a concert. Slide 4.

Identify the main idea of ​​the work.

Answer questions about reading comprehension.

Enter into communication, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication; justify statements.

(Communicative UUD)

V. Expressive reading and analysis of what is read (13 min)

Goal: teaching expressive selective reading, analyzing what is read.

Perform selective reading in accordance with the teacher’s assignment.

Complete the assignments in the textbook.

Creates problematic situations for selective reading.

Reading in parts Part one

How did the heroes of the work meet? Re-read their dialogue.

What gift did the composer decide to give to the girl and why to her?

What did Dagny hope to receive as a gift?

Why did Grieg delay the gift?

What artistic means of language does the writer use? Group work

Assignment for each group:

Group 1 - description of the composer's house.

Group 2 - description of summer, white nights (p. 54, paragraph 3)

Group 3 - description of music (p. 56, paragraph 4)

Group 4 - description of winter (p. 51, paragraph 4.5)

Group 5 - description of autumn (p. 47, paragraph 5)

Fill out the table in your notebook




What did we call the second part?

What did friends compare the composer's house to?

What was the only decoration of this house?

The house was poor and empty. Was Grieg happy there?(p. 139) - selective reading

What was happiness for the great composer?

How long did Grieg write music as a gift for Dagny?

What has changed in nature during this time?

Why again does K. Paustovsky include a description of nature?

Time passes, Dagny leaves her home.

For what reason is she doing this?

Where did Dagny like to go in the city? Why did she cry after the performances?

(She remained as sensitive and impressionable as she was in childhood)

What miracle happened to her one day at a concert?

What feelings did she, Magda, Nils experience when the dedication was announced?(read out)

Read what Dagny heard in the music dedicated to her?(p. 143)

Why did Dagny cry while listening to Grieg’s music (These are tears of gratitude. People cry not only from grief, but also from great good feelings, in addition, Dagny is sorry that the composer died, and she will not thank him.)

What feelings do you think arose in her soul:

Perform selective reading in accordance with the assigned task.

Find your bearings in the text; analyze the work. (Cognitive UUD).

Enter into communication, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication; justify statements.

(Communicative UUD)

VI. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson, instructions on homework (5 min)

Objectives: Assessing the quality of your work in the lesson; performing reflection on one’s activities.

Evaluate their work in class

Organizes reflection and marks the lesson.

Gives instructions for homework.

Writer K. G. Paustovsky and composer E. Grieg are two great masters: one with words, the other with music, they inspire good feelings in us

Think at home about the question “How should a person live?”

Working with a reflective poster

AT HOME: p.69-82, prepare excerpts for a radio play, message about Grieg, questions p.83-84

Summarize your activities in the lesson. Answer questions to identify the idea of ​​the work.

The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities (Personal UUD).

Be able to make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made (Regulatory UUD).

Slide 2


We believe that if the girl had not gone into the forest for pine cones, she would not have met E. Grieg. Consequently, the music that K. Paustovsky spoke about the creation of did not appear.

Slide 3


Clarify the nature of which country K. Paustovsky describes. What artistic means does the writer use when showing the homeland of E. Grieg. Find out why the girl collected fir cones. Present the results of our work. Draw conclusions.

Slide 4

Composer E. Grieg spent the autumn in the forests near Bergen. Where is it?

We found the city and country on the map. We read about the rich nature of this region. We drew pictures for the story.

Slide 5

It turned out that Bergen is in Norway.

Norway is a northern cold country. The land is rich in coniferous forests, mountains, and sea bays. Many people in Norway are fishermen.

Slide 6

Reading the story, it was as if we had visited Norway.

We show our impressions in the drawings:

Slide 7

In the story the writer uses:

Simile (“echoes like a mockingbird”). Personification (“aspen leaves are trembling”, the echo is “just waiting”, “the fog has shrouded the city”, the snow “flyed, clinging”, “the snow stopped and hung in the air”).

Slide 8

When E. Grieg met the girl, she was collecting pine cones.

We were interested - why did Dagny do this? There were several possible answers: The girl liked the smell of pine cones. They contain a lot of resin, therefore: - they could heat a stove; - boats, ropes, barrels were tarred; - smoked fish. The forester grandfather taught the girl to grow young spruce trees.

Slide 10


The story “Basket with Fir Cones” was named to show the importance of a simple meeting between a girl and the Great Master of Music. Namely, the moment of collecting cones, thanks to which E. Grieg wrote music, the creation of which was described by the writer K. Paustovsky.

Slide 11

Literature used.

Magazine "Primary School", No. 8, 2004, pp. 45-49 K. Paustovsky. Storybook. – M., 1987 Rumer M.A. and others. Music. Book for secondary schools. 4th grade.-M., 1983, p. 103 Thank you for your attention!

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