The volumes of the state defense order (GOZ) are approaching peak levels, and then they will decrease. In this regard, the importance of the conversion of the modernized capacities of the defense industry is growing - a reorientation towards the production of modern civilian products. But not all circumstances contribute to the execution of this plan.

In connection with the growth of military spending, they constantly mention the State Armaments Program for 2011-2020 (GPV-2020; 23 trillion rubles, of which over 19 - for the Ministry of Defense), but much less often it comes to the target program for the development of the military-industrial complex, which in In the same period, it is planned to pump up to three trillion rubles.

These huge investments are directed to the technological re-equipment of production, but with one condition: the development of the production of not only military, but also competitive civilian products, that is, the conversion of a significant part of the new capacities to the civilian sector after the completion of large-scale work on the state defense order.

The first comments on this matter were made at the start of both programs in 2011, but they were repeated more like mantras. The country kept a budget with a surplus and did not feel the need for funds, and the main task at that time was the placement and implementation of the state defense order, and not what would happen “after the SAP”.

Again, the phrase "conversion of the defense industry" sounded in the fall of 2015, and in the spring of 2016 it was repeated several times at high levels, including by President Vladimir Putin.

The question is not idle: in 2016-2017, the peak of defense orders passes, after which the purchase of new weapons, despite the “GPV-2025” looming on the horizon (in the current version, with an expected start from 2018, rather “GPV-2028”), will begin to decline steadily, which will immediately affect the military industry.

It's time to do something else

The notorious frying pans, irons and titanium shovels at rocket factories are the first things that start the demagogy of the opponents of the conversion, which already in the early 1980s had no alternative. She has no alternative now.

At that time, proposals for restructuring the economy were put forward from within the Soviet system of economic management - from specialized institutions. In particular, Yuri Yaremenko (one of the leaders of CEMI, and since 1987 - the head of the future Institute for National Economic Forecasting) suggested relying on competitive advantages"defensive distortion" of Soviet industry: the highest concentration modern equipment, the ability to carefully work with high-quality raw materials, advanced technological processes and well trained staff.

It was this imbalance in the distribution of quality resources, people and technology (rather than a gross overstatement of military spending) that created the main problems in the Soviet economy, draining civilian industries and giving rise to a regime of increased consumption of resources in them.

Based on these broadly understood "capacities", according to Yaremenko, at minimal cost, within one five-year plan, it was possible to bring the production of consumer durables to new volumes and quality standards. household appliances, cars, radio electronic equipment etc.), as well as to make a breakthrough in the production of modern building materials. The latter in the same reform project was supposed to be used for a sharp increase in infrastructure (including roads), but mainly housing construction, with a gradual transition to the free sale of housing in the conditions of developed state lending to the population.

It was not just about issuing a side civil “load” to defense plants, but about a large-scale re-profiling of entire industries - with the preservation of personnel and technological level. The defense industry was engaged in the production of civilian equipment before, but this was done according to the residual principle, first of all, the directorate did not want to take on the task - because of the low profitability.

It is paradoxical, but where the leadership of the instrument-making associations themselves wanted (and could, according to the available opportunities) to make competitive civilian equipment, for example, radio equipment or sound amplifiers, including for export to the CMEA countries and the third world, the leadership of the main departments and the Central Committee cut down these initiatives, demanding to concentrate resources for defense tasks.

The offers remained unclaimed. They began to increase the production of new TDPs only in 1989-1990, when the situation escalated to the limit and a latent growth of labor conflicts began at defense enterprises, which began to cut off the state defense order in 1988. And by the way, latest generation Soviet household appliances, produced at defense plants as part of this scanty program until the mid-1990s, with a somewhat condo design, had good consumer properties and an enviable reliability of the main units. Although, of course, pans are more memorable.

However, this was done inconsistently and too late. In addition, the bulk of the production lines freed from the dwindling state defense order was simply put into mobilization capacity instead of reprofiling. Subsequently, it was this segment that was useless from the point of view of the consumer sector technological equipment will become the number one goal both in case of open plundering of fixed assets of enterprises, and in case of forced optimization of assets in order to save at least some personnel and working production.

Integration coming to an end

One of the most important factors influencing both the implementation of the state defense order and the prospects for conversion is “holding construction”: the active integration of defense enterprises into specialized holdings. Now more than 60 percent of the output of military products is concentrated in approximately 60 integrated structures.

In essence, behind this process, which began in the mid-2000s and went on a wave at the turn of the 2010s, there was nothing else but the implementation of privatization proposals formulated in 1991-1992 by a group of experts, one of the leaders of which was Alexander Titkin ( Minister of Industry during this period). They immediately proposed to maintain closed production complexes in industries, which would give at the first stage from 500 to 700 independent economic units (state industrial concerns), which could later be privatized by selling part of the stakes to strategic investors and transferring about 10 percent of the capital to labor collectives. .

With some specific nuances, this is the very process that began anew in the late 2000s, mainly under pressure from Rostec as the main operator and beneficiary of the reorganization of the defense industry. At the same time, it should be noted that similar processes in export-oriented civilian industries, fragmented during privatization (metallurgy, chemistry), started back in 1998-1999 and were directed by private initiative.

The whole difference with Titkin's proposals is from 15 to 20 lost years, not counting the loss of technology, personnel and markets. By the way, the defense industry, in addition to its foreign currency flagships and recipients of money for a few strategically important R & D, all these years, if not privatized, then simply lay on the balance sheet of the state, without a unified strategy and industry policy (which the holding could set) turning into personal lands of management.

However, decisions on the privatization of industry in the 1990s were made not for economic reasons, but for political ones. The reform team took seriously the directors' corps (including the defense corps), which had gained considerable influence in the USSR by the 1980s, as a personal threat to their power. The proposals promoted by Titkin, in some implementation features, were the program of the “red directors”, who, among other things, sought to maintain monopoly control over the flow of resources in the economy.

The attempt of the reformers to eliminate this powerful, secured and merged with the regional authorities has led to a completely destructive scheme for the privatization of industry by isolated enterprises under the slogan of the inevitability of a rapid reverse recovery of technological chains in "market-based" industries. Only after the transit of power was over was it time to take up industry.

On the this stage, however, as industry experts note, the effect of growth from integration has been exhausted: assets have been cleared of debts, production chains have mostly been restored or rebuilt. Large structures are moving towards organic growth, and diversification of products, rather than focusing on the defense budget, should play a key role here.

The centralized assembly of industry into holdings here is capable of producing a twofold effect. On the one hand, with proper market motivation of management, this will simplify and accelerate the conversion of production and the development of new types of civilian products. In a number of areas, including new structural materials (ceramics and composites, in particular), medical technology and automated systems management, it's already happening.

On the other hand, the absence of such motivation automatically makes the holdings the headquarters of the future sabotage of the conversion, associated with lobbying for high military spending, regardless of the real needs of defense, with the manipulation public opinion with the help of active "sale of threats", from which only the growth of the state defense order can save.

Whether they want it or not

Despite regular reports of a steady increase in the share of civilian production at defense plants, the problem of diversification nevertheless remains acute.

Moreover, already now there are many examples of completely opposite behavior. For example, the Severodvinsk Sevmash, loaded with the construction of nuclear-powered ships of project 955 and 885 (delivery of 15 boats under current plans by 2020, realistically - by 2022-2023), simply refused even those civil orders that were ready to be placed on it. It was about premium-class yachts for private orders and offshore platforms for the oil and gas sector. He also refused to participate in the construction of the FNPP ( floating nuclear power plant), the project was transferred by Rosatom to Baltzavod. There are no personnel or capacities to carry out these works - everything is occupied under the state defense order, but most importantly, there is no desire: the profitability of defense programs turned out to be higher, as in the Soviet Union, and sales are guaranteed by large long-term contracts with the state.

Such a line of behavior of highly specialized defense industry monopolists is tactically explicable (the state defense order needs to be handed over somehow), but strategically it will easily lead to the fact that by the 2020s we will hear the same well-learned in the 1990s song that there is no money, production collapses, cadres scatter, the country was plundered, life failed.

At the same time, ersatz budget financing The defense industry is actively looking now. On the this moment The biggest prospects, in addition to restrictions on the purchase of foreign equipment at state expense in the presence of domestic analogues, are provided by an amorphous process called "import substitution".

Adding to the bureaucratic slang of dignitaries (as "modernization", and even earlier "nanotechnology") "import substitution" opens up the broadest prospects for conversion without conversion. The reason for this is the growing plans for state subsidies for the creation of import-substituting industries.

Such a "conversion of budget expenditures" is, of course, convenient for everyone and is even potentially capable of creating significant added value in industry. However, the question remains whether this is the process that the country's leadership is waiting for, having promised three trillion rubles in exchange for civilian products, and how much it is ready to push through the significantly strengthened defense directorate, forcing it to work "under the threat of a frying pan."

The course towards the diversification of the military-industrial complex was set by President Vladimir Putin in his annual Address to the Federal Assembly on December 12, 2013. The Address especially emphasized the vital need for the transition of organizations of the military-industrial complex (DIC) to production high-tech products civil purpose, in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. This should work both for the economy of the entire country and for ensuring the stability of the military-industrial complex itself. The President instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to ensure an increase in the share of high-tech civilian and dual-use products in the total volume of products manufactured by defense industry organizations by June 1, 2017. By 2020, it should grow to at least 17%, by 2025 - up to 30%, by 2030 - up to 50%.

The Rostec State Corporation, which unites more than 700 enterprises, most of which belong to the military-industrial complex, has developed a Development Strategy until 2025 that meets the objectives of conversion. Rostec companies are united into 14 holdings structured into 4 clusters: aviation, radio-electronic, bio- and weapons cluster. The largest projected average annual growth is in the electronics cluster - 22.4% in rubles over the next 8 years. In it, the share of civilian products by 2025 should be at least 60%.

The need for production conversion is increasing due to several trends.

First, a gradual change in the dynamics and trends of the State Defense Order (SDO). The peak load on defense industry enterprises will be passed in the medium term. In particular, the GWP-2020 program will end, and the next GWP-2025 program will be significantly reduced compared to the previous one.

Secondly, a decrease in the volume of purchases from Russia's traditional partners: India, China and Algeria. The world arms market is in long-term stagnation. The share of Russia on it has been declining for the last 6 years, including due to the increase in volumes by importing countries Russian weapons own production.

Thirdly, the growth of the export potential of civilian products. Thus, the share of exports of machinery and equipment from Russia in the total export structure in 2014-2016 almost doubled.

The loading of defense industry enterprises in the context of a reduction in the state defense order and the development of high-tech civilian production are related tasks. Stimulating the growth of the production of "citizen" is due not only to the cyclical state defense order and the need to load defense industry enterprises to maintain labor collectives and economic indicators. The key priority is to secure a leading position in global technology markets through the production of high value-added products.

The development of civil production will help to smooth out the volatility of capacity utilization, and the transition to large-scale production will help to gain a foothold in the short list of the world industry in the next 15–20 years.

The most promising market, where defense industry enterprises have competencies and competitive technologies, is the medical equipment market. The President stressed that “today the defense industry has significant innovative capabilities that need to be fully utilized to modernize the economy and strengthen Russia's position in the markets in global competition. One of the priorities of the defense industry is the production of advanced medical equipment and products medical purpose».

Five tasks for the defense industry

“Over the past 25 years, the Russian medical industry has lost its dominant position. In the Russian market of medical equipment and medical products, about 80 percent of the market is occupied by foreign companies, - Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who is in charge of the military-industrial complex of Russia, stated. “Purchasing a significant part of medical equipment and medical products abroad results in significant tax losses for us, a reduction in employment, including in high-tech industries, and an increase in the price of products due to an increase in the exchange rate.” “Under these conditions, the task of import substitution is of paramount importance,” Rogozin said at the exhibition “Russian Defense Industry – New Opportunities for the Medical Industry”.

The Deputy Prime Minister outlined 5 priority tasks facing the defense industry in order to reduce the share of imported purchases of medical equipment.

The first task is the creation of specialized design teams and scientific schools with potential defense industry, academic and applied science.

The second task is to create motivational mechanisms for teams involved in the development and production of medical products.

The third task is the accelerated formation of a scientific and technological reserve for the development of import-substituting and innovative medical devices, the beginning of large-scale R&D and the implementation of their results in practice.

The fourth task is the technological re-equipment of defense industry enterprises involved in the production of medical equipment.

The fifth task is to create conditions for attracting Russian and foreign investments in the defense sector for the development of medical technologies and the production of related products.

The medical equipment market in Russia and the world is developing

The growth of the global medical equipment market is expected at an average rate of 5.5% annually, from 2015 to 2020, to a size of $429 billion. At the moment, the medical equipment market in the world is estimated at 344 billion dollars. Russia occupies only 2% of the world market. The development of technologies that can be used in medical technology (optics, lasers, etc.) has a great influence on the development of the market, and most of technology is produced by defense industry enterprises.

Volume Russian market medical products (only medical products, excluding accessories) in final prices in 2016 - 245.5 billion rubles (+10% compared to 2015).

The share of medical devices of domestic production in monetary terms in final prices in 2016 in total volume Russian market - 20.2%.

Exports of products of the Russian medical industry (including accessories) in 2016 amounted to 75.36 million US dollars (+4% compared to 2015).

The volume of imports of medical devices in 2016 amounted to 2.87 billion US dollars (-3.5% compared to 2015). According to the Health Development Concept, by 2020 the volume of domestic medical equipment and medical products produced through the commercialization of advanced technologies should be 200 billion rubles, and the share of domestic medical equipment in monetary terms should be 40%.

Since 2011, defense industry enterprises have already received more than 5.6 billion rubles for the implementation of projects in the field of medicine, which is more than 15% of the total funding allocated by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade for the development of scientific, technical and innovative potential in the medical industry.

As of January 1, 2017, within the framework of the state program, 65 import-substituting medical devices and 10 innovative medical devices have been developed and brought to the market. In 2016, 36 import-substituting medical devices were registered, including the SVR X-ray imaging system, the Altdef automatic small-sized defibrillator, balloon-expandable coronary, peripheral balloon-expandable, peripheral self-expanding stents and delivery systems, full-flow heart valve prostheses "Medinzh-ST" from pyrocarbon with attached cuff, with accessories, polymeric heart valve prosthesis EvRos-MI, aortic heart valve prosthesis with transcatheter delivery system MedLab-KT, biological heart valve prosthesis Meding-Bio, multifunctional surgical microscope, modular patient monitor MPR7 .

Rostec activates the production of medical equipment

Today, the defense industry already produces a wide range of high-tech civilian medical products. Defense industry enterprises have significant scientific, technological and production potential for launching the production of new types of equipment and medical products.

Moreover, many of the domestic developments have no analogues in the world and may well replace foreign medical equipment in various areas of medicine: oncology, ophthalmology, hematology, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery and emergency medicine.

First of all, these are telemedicine technologies, laser technologies, anesthesia and respiratory devices, equipment for neurosurgery, microsurgery and dentistry, neonatal equipment, devices for ultrasound diagnostics and therapy, mobile blood sampling points, refrigeration equipment for storing and transporting drugs.

The Shvabe holding, which is part of the Electronic Cluster, is one of the good examples conversions. Revenue from the sale of civilian products increased by 25%. Shvabe occupies 50% of the Russian perinatal equipment market. In the overall structure of revenue from 2012 to 2015. the volume of civilian production fell in relative values from 25% to 20%, while in absolute terms, revenue from civilian products showed an increase of 1.9 billion rubles.

POZiS, which is part of Techmash, also produces civilian products. The main directions are refrigeration and medical equipment. In 2016, POZiS reached the level of revenue from the sale of refrigeration equipment in the amount of RUB 5 billion. with an annual growth rate for 2 years of 28%. The share of civilian products in the volume of its total revenue is 56%. The described indicators were achieved due to the restructuring of industrial capacities in 2015–2017, the development of our own innovation and technical center that implements civil products projects, the introduction of high-tech equipment and advanced technologies, the creation of an industrial design competence center and an increase in the efficiency of marketing services.

OPK Holding is actively developing the medical equipment market. One of the priorities is the creation of an import-substituting line of blood service equipment, where the share of foreign equipment and consumables is especially high. One of the latest developments in this direction is the platelet incubator "Platelet". It is equipped with a microprocessor control system that maintains the required temperature in the chamber with high accuracy, performs self-testing and self-diagnosis, and has protection against unauthorized access. Such equipment is necessary for blood transfusion stations and departments, polyclinics and research institutes for resuscitation, treatment of oncological and hematological diseases with replacement transfusion therapy for platelet deficiency, as well as for cardiological and other operations.

In the next two years, the Vega concern will complete the development of several complex products. Among them are a neurostimulator for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases, a magnetic stimulator for research and treatment of patients with lesions of the central nervous system, a surgical navigation station that allows the surgeon to see a complete 3D picture of the patient's body during the operation, as well as a portable express diagnostic system. Reader”, which identifies pathogenic microorganisms and their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs.

The development of the system for automated planning and monitoring of the results of surgical treatment "Avtoplan" and the apparatus for minimally invasive treatment of tumors "Maloinvasiya" is at the final stage. The first Russian three-chamber pacemaker Vegaritm, the device for sterile connection of lines for blood transfusion "Vega-SM-01" and special expendable materials for him, which are now purchased exclusively abroad, 2-3 times more expensive than the Russian counterpart.

Thus, the speed of development and implementation of innovations and new design solutions begins to play the most important role in the development of the industry.

The production of medical equipment is a core business for only a few hundred domestic companies. At the same time, most enterprises produce medical equipment along with other products for individual and industrial consumption.

An analysis of the medical equipment market shows the need to address a number of issues. It is necessary to expand R&D support mechanisms and promote an increase in orders. To solve this problem, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for existing qualified personnel and training new ones.

The state should actively help to promptly "re-equip" production, develop cooperation within the industry and with foreign partners, and take measures to improve legislative framework, unification and standardization. And, of course, strict monitoring of all these processes will be required.

There is a problem of a rather low average level of service personnel. Often, expensive devices are not used at all due to the fact that there are no people who know how to work on them.

What should be done?

Medical equipment is designed to meet the requirements, needs and capabilities of users. The benefits of a user-centric design approach include improved patient safety, better treatment outcomes, and improved user satisfaction. To increase the production of such devices, developers must have a clear and accurate understanding of the specifics of work. medical personnel, patients and caregivers who will be using the device.

One can single out a trend associated with mobile diagnostics: first of all, these are stations for primary diagnostics in regions and hard-to-reach places. This is remote obtaining of results, holding discussions, boards of doctors. The emergence of various devices for home use, in particular, mobile medicine, can reduce the cost of treatment.

It is necessary to catalog not only the medical equipment already produced by defense industry enterprises, but also to conduct a competitive analysis of foreign equipment purchased through public procurement.

The task of import substitution of medical equipment and medical products can be largely solved by using the available in the military-industrial complex Russian Federation scientific and technical groundwork, ensuring effective interaction with the medical community.

Due to the lack of a number of competencies necessary to bring products to the civilian market, it is necessary for defense industry enterprises to initiate the creation of centers for additional vocational education at enterprises or in the regions aimed at training the management staff of enterprises.

Civilian products of one of the Ural defense enterprises will appear on the streets of cities. Photo from

They explain to the directors of defense enterprises of the Russian Federation that the golden budget rain has already ended for them. And now the defense industry needs to start producing civilian products. Meanwhile, officials acknowledged yesterday that enterprises of the military-industrial complex (DIC) are not ready to produce high-quality products and integrated solutions for civilian industries. Not everyone in the defense industry can count money and offer competitive goods.

In order to diversify production and switch to the production of civilian products, enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex will have to change their business model and management model, deputy chairman of the board said yesterday at the Technoprom-2017 forum in Novosibirsk Military Industrial Commission RF Oleg Bochkarev.

He acknowledged that the main problem of the defense industry is high overhead costs. “This is a payment for the creation of weapons and military equipment. We have to pay such a high price, but this will not work in civilian life,” he said.

In the same place, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin proposed launching a process of rapprochement between the standards of the defense and civil industries. He noted that the defense industry remains a “state within a state”, and this trend is supported by a number of barriers, including pricing, contract financing models, control and licensing procedures, as well as the psychology of participants in this market. “We need to bring the parameters of the corporate environment in the defense and civil sectors closer,” Rogozin said. In his opinion, the diversification of the defense industry should involve not only the movement of military suppliers to civilian markets, but also a counter movement: the organization of the production of military products at civilian non-state enterprises.

The concern about the state of affairs in the industry is understandable: from 2020, a significant reduction in budget financing of the state order for armaments is expected. This was unambiguously warned by President Vladimir Putin last fall at a meeting in Tula. “By 2020, in accordance with our plans, the large-scale rearmament of the army and navy will be completed, the peak of supplies within State program development of weapons will be passed, - then Vladimir Putin said. “We will continue to improve our army and navy, but there will be no such volume of orders for the defense industry.”

At the same time, he proposed to pay attention to the development of the production of civilian products at defense enterprises. The President believed that the defense industry had the potential to solve these problems: “they have a strong production, technological and personnel base, they have good scientific and technical groundwork,” he said. At the same time, the president asked not to repeat the negative experience of the Soviet conversion, when the military giants produced frying pans, but to focus on the needs of modern medicine, energy, aircraft and shipbuilding, space, information technologies. In December 2016, during an address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin called for an increase in the share of civilian products in military-industrial complex up to 50% by 2030.

It is known that the State Armaments Program for the period 2011-2020 envisaged financing the re-equipment of the armed forces in the amount of about 20 trillion rubles, and another 3 trillion rubles. should be spent on the technical re-equipment of the defense industry. In 2017, more than 1.4 trillion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the state defense order.

The rain of money may have prevented the defense industry from realizing the impending new reality for now, and restructuring is proceeding slowly.

Deputy Chairman of Vnesheconombank Petr Zolotarev said yesterday that the defense industry has submitted 95 projects to the bank for a total of 86 billion rubles. “Less than 10 of them are standing,” Zolotarev said and demanded that defense industry enterprises improve the quality of the development of diversification projects and the production of civilian products. “The quality and quantity of projects, the level of readiness of these projects leaves much to be desired,” Zolotarev said.

There are many enterprises in the country that are ready to abandon expensive imported equipment in favor of those produced at conversion facilities. For example, Gazprom told the government that it was ready to buy about 250 products worth 1 trillion rubles from defense industry enterprises. to replace imports. But he put forward a condition: the products must be absolutely competitive, high-quality, reliable, and the price should not be higher than that of foreign analogues.

1 trillion rub. Oleg Bochkarev believes that this would be more than enough to load capacities, but for this, enterprises must provide high-quality products and integrated solutions. “So far, the defense industry is not ready for this,” Bochkarev stated.

To remedy the situation, he called for the involvement of specialists from the civilian market in order to master marketing, service support and the ability to work in the market. And Zolotarev proposes to separate civilian production from defense industry enterprises and concentrate them in technology parks, the creation of which is financed by Vnesheconombank.

In turn, Dmitry Rogozin invited companies to send their proposals to the board of the Military-Industrial Commission, which, according to him, will lead enterprises either to consumers of products or to subcontractors with whom cooperation can be organized.

“Defense industry enterprises are far from always concerned with such things as the demand for products, their convenience and attractiveness, and their profitability. But our defense industry has great potential for development and is able to change in the right direction with a new approach to management,” the first vice president told NG Russian Union engineers Ivan Andrievsky. – A strong plus of OPK products is their reliability and relative durability. BUT weak sides- this is high price, lack of attractive service and design. Although with the right marketing approach even design flaws can be wrapped in market advantage: there are many who want to use something that has a truly military spirit. According to the expert, the new business model should teach to understand the laws of the market functioning. “Our defense industry enterprises are managed by engineers. Competent marketers and private investors should appear next to them. Good example is the Kalashnikov Concern, which increased the share of private investment to 75%, developed an attractive form style works for the buyer."

“We believe that cluster structures are an effective tool for diversification, when a belt of small and medium-sized enterprises is built around defense industry enterprises that use production facilities on commercial terms, as well as technologies, licenses, intellectual property, defense industry patents, and based on these technologies themselves produce products, - Andrey Shpilenko, director of the Association of Clusters and Technoparks, told NG. - That is, a defense industry enterprise may not interact with the end customer, but act as a technology partner. Due to this cooperation, the period for promoting products to civilian markets is significantly reduced. In addition, this creates growth points for the regional economy, as small and medium-sized businesses receive a stable order from defense enterprises.”

“It is high time for defense industry enterprises to learn how to monetize the results of their scientific and technical developments,” says the head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Logistics of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov Dmitry Zavialov. - It's no secret that one of the success factors of Silicon Valley in the US was military orders and military funding. Under the military order, developments were carried out and inventions were patented, which then fell on the civilian market. That is why the division of technologies into only civilian or only military ones is not appropriate.”

Zhurenkov Denis Alexandrovich, Trushkova Elena Alexandrovna

The Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation decided to develop a strategy for the diversification of the defense industry until 2030. The first draft should be ready in October.

The strategy should reflect the goals, objectives, mechanisms, main stages and directions of defense industry diversification.

5 months for development

The decision was made following the results of the military-industrial conference "Diversification of the production of high-tech civilian products by defense industry organizations" in Perm on March 6, 2018.
By October 1, 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia - jointly by the state corporations Rosatom, Roscosmos and Rostec - must develop a draft Strategy for the diversification of defense industry organizations until 2030.
In addition to the goals, objectives, mechanisms and directions of diversification, the Strategy should define the role and place of government bodies, development institutions, defense industry organizations and private business.
At this conference, a number of decisions were made, which, most likely, will also be reflected in the Strategy-2030 on a systematic basis.
1. Together with the fuel and energy complex, banks, infrastructure corporations and telecom operators, it is necessary to submit proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on possible mechanisms for the formation subsidiaries or joint ventures created by organizations DIC for the production of PGN and PDN. With attraction in their authorized capital financial resources from parent companies. According to the plan, these same companies should become customers and main consumers of these products.
2. The idea of ​​holding an all-Russian competition “Make in Russia and buy Russian” was supported. It is also necessary to develop proposals for the status of the national award given to the winners of the competition for success in solving the problems of diversifying the defense industry.

3. It is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of existing state support measures for domestic manufacturers of high-tech civilian products.
4. Already before July 1, it is necessary to submit proposals to the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the legislation, enabling domestic manufacturers of high-tech civilian products to conclude long-term contracts for the implementation of R&D, mass production and service maintenance.
5. Together with the companies of the fuel and energy complex, a decision was made to create industrial testing grounds that provide pilot commercial operation of the relevant defense industry products.
6. Roskosmos must submit proposals for the implementation of the "Space Medicine" and "Space Energy" projects to the board of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, and Rosatom, together with the Ministry of Health of Russia, on the project "Radiation Medicine". The project of nuclear scientists should provide for the creation of mobile (mobile) complexes that provide medical services to the population in hard-to-reach regions of Russia.
7. The Rostec State Corporation must submit proposals to the board of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation on opening regional representative offices and branches of NPO Conversion LLC. The activities of NPO "Conversion" are designed to systematize the process of creating and bringing to the market new samples of high-tech products and preparing capacities for their production. Virtually all R&D support instruments in sectoral state programs and system-wide import substitution mechanisms work to solve this problem.

Diversification infrastructure

Accelerated Development of Diversification Strategy 2030 Linked to Already Decreasing Costs federal budget. The share of expenses under the section " national defense” amounted to 3.1% in 2017, 2.8% is planned in 2018, 2.7% in 2019 and 2.5% in 2020. By the way, at the end of 2017, GDP at current prices amounted to 92 trillion rubles.
The share of high-tech civilian and dual-use products (hereinafter referred to as CPG and PDN) in the total volume of defense industry products: 17% by 2020, 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2030 was established by order of the President of Russia dated December 5, 2016 No. Pr- 2346. According to preliminary estimates, the 2020 target has already been reached, at 17.2%.
In pursuance of the lists of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2016 No. Pr-1845, dated December 5, 2016 No. Pr-2346 (subparagraph "g" of paragraph 1), on measures to use the potential of the defense industry for the production of PGN and PDN by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia together with interested federal executive authorities and development institutions, a system of tools is being formed financial support projects to diversify the production of defense industry organizations and promote such products to domestic and foreign markets. The key tools created include:
1) on the basis of the state information system industry (hereinafter - GISP) created interactive catalogs of high-tech products, an electronic trading platform, a service for collecting data on projects of defense industry organizations;
2) a catalog of civilian products of defense industry enterprises was formed, as of April 25, 2018, 6,811 positions of products of enterprises in various industries were included in the catalog. Of these: 2,609 positions of high-tech PGN and PDN produced by defense industry organizations (“radio-electronic equipment” - 655, “medical equipment” - 452).
3) on a systematic basis, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia holds congress and exhibition events aimed at promoting on the domestic and foreign markets PGN and PDN produced by defense industry enterprises;
4) a number of organizations responsible for the diversification process have been identified:
established commercial organization specializing in the promotion of PGN and PDN to the domestic and foreign markets - NPO Conversion LLC (joint venture State Corporation Rostec and Vnesheconombank). In addition to linking supply and demand, the activities of NPO Conversion are focused on introducing the principles of project management, opening centers of competence and comprehensive analytical support for defense organizations;
By order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated February 2, 2017 No. 293, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute" Center "was determined by the organization that performs the functions of a center of competence for information and analytical support for solving the problems of diversification and development of the production of high-tech PGN and PDN by defense industry organizations - the Center for Diversification of Defense Industry Organizations.
To create optimal conditions for diversification, the State Corporation Roscosmos, as part of JSC United Rocket and Space Corporation, created the Diversification Center - a single coordinator for the creation and promotion of non-core high-tech civilian products to the domestic and foreign markets.
5) The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, together with the Rostec State Corporation, the ANO Corporate Network Academy, the Industrial Development Fund, the National Intellectual Development Fund (Innopraktika) the format of a competition among technological entrepreneurs in the defense industry. The competition is aimed at developing the competencies of defense industry organizations to promote and increase demand for high-tech civilian products.

Read the full version of the article in the printed issue of the magazine.

One of the key issues of the forum will be the promotion of civilian products of defense industry enterprises.

The need to increase the share of high-tech civilian and dual-use products in the production of enterprises of the military-industrial complex (DIC) to a level of at least 50% by 2030 was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his message to the Federal Assembly at the end of 2016. According to the list of instructions for the implementation of the President's message, published on the Kremlin website, by 2020, the share of civilian products in the defense industry should be at least 17%, by 2025 - at least 30%, by 2030 - at least 50%. The President noted that the time has come "to aim the industry at the creation of modern, competitive civilian products for medicine, energy, aviation, shipbuilding, space, and other high-tech industries."

Adaptation to the market

Diversification of the production of the military-industrial complex has become the only way for many Russian military enterprises to survive in the face of an inevitable reduction in the volume of state defense orders. But the current diversification should not repeat the mistakes of the 90s, when everyone defense enterprises rushed to production enough simple goods wide consumption. Even the rocket factory was then called a pot factory.

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about "smart conversion" more than once.

It should be taken into account that the situation for defense enterprises is becoming more complicated today because Russia will have basically completed the re-equipment of the army and navy by 2020, and this, in turn, will lead to a reduction in the state defense order. Therefore, today the state has created a complete toolkit to support diversification projects. Are there any difficulties? Oh sure.

“Now the main pool of the Ministry of Industry and Trade includes more than 170 projects to diversify the defense industry, planned for implementation in the next four to five years. Only from Rostec, Rosatom and Roskosmos we received more than 110 specific project proposals related to the production of civilian products,” Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, said in early November.

However, many heads of defense industry organizations still do not know what to produce, they lack marketers, technologies for the production of civilian products, they lack production staff and, importantly, there is no money for modernization. It would seem that the problems are unsolvable, especially since defense industry enterprises have never thought about "citizen" before.

In the summer of 2017, the NPO Konversiya (a joint structure of Rostec and Vnesheconombank) was created to help defense industry workers who do not have experience in civilian areas.

Another significant help for the defense industry this year was the new special program of the Industrial Development Fund with the same name - "Conversion". “Its participants get access to cheap and long money. The main parameters of the program are preferential loans from 200 to 750 million rubles for up to five years with an interest rate of 1% in the first three years of the loan and 5% for the remaining period. The target volume of sales of new products is at least 50% of the loan amount per year, starting from the second year of serial production. Only enterprises included in the register of defense industry organizations can participate in the program,” Denis Manturov noted.

But today we can already say that the country has examples of successful organizational transformation and adaptation of an enterprise for the production of civilian products: the Shvabe, Kalashnikov and Radioelectronic Technologies concerns, as well as the Almaz-Antey enterprise.

Besides in Russia today there is also a positive experience of separating the civilian direction into a separate division . For example, the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, which manufactures Sukhoi Superjet aircraft and is part of the United Aircraft Corporation.

And here are the first serious results.

"Kalashnikov" will also master dry cargo ships

Arms Concern "Kalashnikov" decided to engage in cargo transportation of grain: for this the company will build eight dry cargo ships and create its own operator - the Volga-Don Shipping Company , as detailed by RIA Novosti.

To implement the idea, Kalashnikov and Delta-Agro OJSC (an agro-industrial company in the Volgograd region) create the Volga-Don Shipping Company (VDSK), dry cargo ships of which will carry out up to 160 voyages a year and transport up to 900 thousand tons of grain and crops .

A good moment has been chosen for the construction of new dry cargo ships: in the region average age ships are 35–40 years old, the decommissioning of old ones is faster than the appearance of new ones.

According to experts, there is a shortage of river-sea fleet on the market, so the construction of new river-sea vessels will simplify logistics. The state is pursuing a policy for the development of inland waterways, projects for two hydroelectric facilities are planned to be completed by 2021, which practically coincides with the dates of the Kalashnikov.

At the same time, the Kalashnikov concern does not need the services of NPO Conversion, says Vasily Brovko, Director for Special Assignments of Rostec. “The concern will continue to develop innovative products: electric motorcycles, civilian boats, drones, anti-drones, and so on. But, unfortunately, most enterprises do not have such energy, competencies, and money,” said the top manager of Rostec.

The ratio of military and civilian products today at Kalashnikov is 80/20, but the company expects to increase the share of civilian products to 50% in the next five years and bring EBITDA to 7 billion rubles, the concern's CEO Alexei Krivoruchko told TASS.

The most popular products for export from Kalashnikov are Saiga and Tiger carbines, which are supplied to the CIS countries, Pakistan, and Indonesia. Thus, the Saiga-12 isp.030 gun was supplied to the National Administration for Combating Illicit Drug Traffic in Indonesia. And the Belarusian Biathlon School buys BI-7-4 rifles. At the same time, the concern produces about 500-600 biathlon rifles per year, the main deliveries are made to Russian sports schools, although in terms of quality and reliability, the concern claims, they are in no way inferior to the German Anschutz rifles - popular among the world's leading biathletes.

"Almaz-Antey" will be engaged in radio technical support of flights and air navigation services

In December, Almaz-Antey will present advanced technologies for civil use in the field of telecommunications in St. Petersburg. On December 4, 2017, within the framework of the panel session "Development of telecommunication technologies in the Arctic zone", representatives of the concern will present solution for organizing digital television broadcasting in hard-to-reach and Arctic regions . Within the framework of the working session, it is planned to exchange views on the most important aspects of state policy in the field of telecommunications development in high latitudes.

As the main manufacturer and system integrator of equipment for unified system air traffic management Concern VKO "Almaz-Antey" at the forum site will present advanced developments in the field of radio-technical flight support and air navigation services.

By the way, the Almaz-Antey East Kazakhstan concern has already equipped a new airport in Rostov-on-Don, called Platov, with equipment, as detailed by the Eye of the Planet. Within the framework of this project, JSC Concern VKO Almaz-Antey was the general contractor for the system integration of the entire complex of surveillance, navigation, communication and airport control facilities, as well as the supplier of equipment for equipping the airport with complexes and facilities for monitoring air traffic in the airport area, monitoring and control over the movement of ground facilities and aircraft on the surface of the aerodrome. In addition, the Concern has equipped new object communications equipment and meteorological support for civil aviation flights.

Recall that the Almaz-Antey VKO concern is the main manufacturer and system integrator of the air traffic management system of the Russian Federation. The Concern created the conditions for ensuring maximum flight safety and efficient use of airspace during the APEC summit in Vladivostok, the World Summer Universiade in Kazan and the Olympic Games in Sochi. In November of this year, the concern took part in the International Aviation and Space Exhibition "Dubai Airshow - 2017", where it presented models of anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) and complexes of various ranges, radar stations (RLS) for monitoring airspace, as well as a full-scale model radar station protection of objects.

All major air traffic control centers in the country, including one of the largest in Europe, the Moscow Center, are equipped mainly with the Concern's equipment. The enterprises that are part of the Concern have supplied and implemented hundreds of radar facilities and systems both in Russia and abroad, and equipped a number of air traffic control centers with surveillance, communication and automation equipment.

Shvabe has developed high-frequency mirrors

The Shvabe holding (part of Rostec. - site) produces optical and laser devices: from sights for hunters to traffic lights and microscopes, telescopes and equipment for observatories. The holding's products are in demand in 95 countries around the world. In addition, Shvabe produces medical equipment, including for newborns. For example, Shvabe incubators save the lives of children in Indonesia.

The main activities of Shvabe are the development and mass production of optical and laser systems and complexes, modern optical materials and technologies, machine tool building, high-tech medical equipment, photodetectors, aerospace monitoring systems and remote sensing of the Earth, instruments for scientific research, energy-saving lighting technology, nanomechanics , as well as other high-tech products. The range of products manufactured by the Holding exceeds 6500 units.

And now the Shvabe holding has developed and manufactured a unique system for adapting high-precision mirrors with a diameter of up to 1100 mm. The novelty is currently successfully used in the production of civil and special products for optoelectronic ground and space-based systems.


On the prospects for the development of the defense industry in Russia, in June this year, an article was published by RT journalist Alexei Zakvasin, where the author explained in detail and reasonedly how and why the defense industry will adapt to the realities of the market.

In an interview with RT, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, said that the huge potential for the conversion of the defense industry is concentrated in radio electronics. In 2020, the volume of growth in the output of such products should increase by 3.7 times, and in the aviation segment - by half.

And Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova believes that the defense industry has great opportunities in the medical device market. As of September 2016, the share of the defense industry in this market was only 1.3%. The head of the Ministry of Health is convinced that defense companies can meet the needs of medicine in domestic equipment.

“According to our calculations, in three years, by 2020, defense industry enterprises could have at least twice - up to 15% of the Russian part of the market, that is, 6% of the entire medical device market. This is the minimum,” Skvortsova said at a meeting chaired by the head of state last year.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade sees the road construction equipment market as another promising direction for defense industry enterprises, in the key segments of which - excavators, bulldozers, loaders - the share of imports now exceeds 85%. Kovrov Electromechanical Plant, for example, has developed a sample of a remote-controlled backhoe loader. The project was supported by the Industrial Development Fund, and KEMZ sets itself a very ambitious goal - to take up to 10% of the domestic market for this equipment by 2020.

In general, the Ministry of Industry and Trade records an increase in demand for Russian dual-purpose and civilian products, the share of exported defense industry products currently exceeds 12% . Among the most promising macro-regions for cooperation in this area, the Ministry of Industry and Trade singles out the Middle East and, in particular, Saudi Arabia. “Russian defense industry enterprises are ready to supply competitive products in the fields of power engineering (from pipe fittings to steam boilers), automotive and transport engineering, medical industry. One of the most promising directions export deliveries to Saudi Arabia - radio electronics and telecommunications equipment. In these areas, Russian defense enterprises have unique competencies and can offer our partners a whole range of innovative solutions,” Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov told TASS.

It remains to be added that the Made in Russia International Export Forum has been held since 2012 and has become a significant event for the professional community. The event traditionally brings together government officials, market participants, experts and analysts, drawing the attention of the general public to the topic of developing non-commodity exports and finding effective solutions existing problems economy.