
Roman numerals, invented more than 2,500 years ago, were used by Europeans for two millennia before being replaced by Arabic numerals. This happened because Roman numerals are quite difficult to write, and any arithmetic operations in the Roman system are much more difficult to perform than in the Arabic number system. Despite the fact that the Roman system is not often used today, this does not mean that it has become irrelevant. In most cases, centuries are denoted in Roman numerals, but years or exact dates are usually written in Arabic numerals.

Roman numerals are also used when writing serial numbers of monarchs, encyclopedic volumes, valencies of various chemical elements. The dials of watches also often use Roman numerals.

Roman numerals are certain signs with which decimal places and their halves are written. For this purpose, only seven capital letters of the Latin alphabet are used. The number 1 corresponds to the Roman numeral I, 5 – V, 10 – X, 50 – L, 100 – C, 500 – D, 1000 – M. When denoting natural numbers, these numbers are repeated. So 2 can be written using two times I, that is, 2 – II, 3 - three letters I, that is, 3 – III. If a smaller digit comes before a larger one, then the principle of subtraction is used (the smaller digit is subtracted from the larger one). So, the number 4 is depicted as IV (that is, 5-1).

In the case when a larger number comes in front of a smaller one, they are added, for example, 6 is written in the Roman system as VI (that is, 5+1).

If you are used to writing numbers in Arabic numerals, then some difficulties may arise when you need to write centuries in Roman numerals, a number or a date. You can convert any number from the Arabic system to the Roman number system and vice versa very easily and very quickly using the convenient converter on our website.

On your computer keyboard, just switch to English to easily write any number in Roman numerals.

Apparently, the ancient Romans preferred straight lines, which is why all their numbers are straight and strict. However, Roman numerals are nothing more than a simplified image of the fingers of a human hand. Numbers one to four resemble outstretched fingers, number five can be compared to an open palm, where thumb protruded. And the number ten resembles two crossed hands. In European countries, when counting, it is customary to straighten your fingers, but in Russia, on the contrary, bend them.

How to read Roman numerals?

We don't use Roman numerals often. And it seems that everyone knows that we traditionally use Roman numerals to denote centuries, and years and exact dates - with Arabic numerals. Just the other day I had to explain to Arab :-)) and Chinese students what, for example, XCIV or CCLXXVIII :-)) is. I learned a lot of interesting things for myself when I was looking for material. I’m sharing :-)) Maybe someone else will need it :-))

Roman numerals

Roman numerals are special characters used to record decimal places and their halves. To denote numbers, 7 letters of the Latin alphabet are used:

Roman Numeral Number

I 1
V 5
X 10
L 50
C 100
D 500
M 1000

Natural numbers are written by repeating these 7 Roman numerals.

Mnemonic rule for remembering the letter designations of Roman numerals in descending order (the author of the rule is A. Kasperovich):

M s
D we eat
C tips
L look
X ok
V well-mannered
I to individuals

Rules for writing numbers in Roman numerals:

If a larger number comes before a smaller one, then they are added (addition principle),
- if a smaller number comes before a larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one (subtraction principle).

The second rule is used to avoid repeating the same number four times. Thus, Roman numerals I, X, C are placed respectively before X, C, M to indicate 9, 90, 900 or before V, L, D to indicate 4, 40, 400.

VI = 5+1 = 6,
IV = 5 - 1 = 4 (instead of IIII),
XIX = 10 + 10 - 1 = 19 (instead of XVIIII),
XL = 50 - 10 =40 (instead of XXXX),
XXXIII = 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 33, etc.

It should be noted that performing even arithmetic operations on multi-digit numbers in this notation is very inconvenient. Probably, the complexity of calculations in the Roman numbering system, based on the use of Latin letters, was one of the compelling reasons for replacing it with a more convenient decimal system of numbers.

The Roman numbering system, which dominated Europe for two thousand years, is now in very limited use. Roman numerals are used to indicate centuries (XII century), months when indicating dates on monuments (21.V.1987), time on watch dials, ordinal numbers, derivatives of small orders.

Additional information:

To correctly write large numbers in Roman numerals, you must first write the number of thousands, then hundreds, then tens, and finally units.

Example : number 1988. One thousand M, nine hundred CM, eighty LXXX, eight VIII. Let's write them down together: MCMLXXXVIII.

Quite often, to highlight numbers in the text, a line was drawn over them: LXIV. Sometimes a line was drawn both above and below: XXXII - in particular, this is how it is customary to highlight Roman numerals in Russian handwritten text (this is not used in typesetting due to technical complexity). For other authors, the overbar could indicate an increase in the value of the figure by 1000 times: VM = 6000.

Tissot watch with the traditional “IIII” spelling

Exists "shortcut" to write large numbers such as 1999. It Not recommended, but sometimes used for simplicity. The difference is that to reduce a digit, any digit can be written to the left of it:

999. Thousand (M), subtract 1 (I), we get 999 (IM) instead of CMXCIX. Consequence: 1999 - MIM instead of MCMXCIX
95. One hundred (C), subtract 5 (V), get 95 (VC) instead of XCV
1950: Thousand (M), subtract 50 (L), get 950 (LM). Consequence: 1950 - MLM instead of MCML

This method is widely used by Western film companies when writing the year of release of a film in the credits.

It was only in the 19th century that the number “four” was written down as “IV”; before that, the number “IIII” was most often used. However, the entry “IV” can already be found in the documents of the Forme of Cury manuscript dating back to 1390. Watch dials have traditionally used "IIII" instead of "IV" in most cases, mainly for aesthetic reasons: this spelling provides visual symmetry with the "VIII" numerals on the opposite side, and an inverted "IV" is more difficult to read than "IIII".

Another version.

There are seven basic numbers used to write integers in Roman numeration:

I = 1
X = 10
D = 500
M = 1000

In this case, some of the numbers (I, X, C, M) may repeat, but no more than three times, thus, they can be used to write any integer up to 3999 (MMMCMXCIX). When writing numbers in the Roman numeral system, the smaller digit may appear to the right of the larger one; in this case it is added to it. For example, the number 283 in Roman is written like this:

i.e. 200+50+30+3=283. Here the number representing a hundred is repeated twice, and the numbers representing ten and one, respectively, are repeated three times.

The smaller number can be written to the left of the larger one, then it should be subtracted from the larger one. In this case, repetitions of a smaller number are not allowed. Let's write the number 94 in Roman:


This is the so called "subtraction rule": it appeared in late antiquity (before that, the Romans wrote the number 4 as IIII, and the number 40 as XXXX). There are six ways to use the "subtraction rule":

IV = 4
IX = 9
XC = 90
CD = 400
CM = 900

It should be noted that other methods of "subtraction" are not acceptable; thus, the number 99 should be written as XCIX, but not as IC. However, nowadays in some cases a simplified notation of Roman numerals is used: for example, in the program Microsoft Excel When converting Arabic numerals to Roman numerals using the "ROMAN()" function, you can use several types of number representation, from classical to highly simplified (for example, the number 499 can be written as CDXCIX, LDVLIV, XDIX, VDIV or ID).

From here it is clear that in order to avoid 4-fold repetition, the maximum possible number here is 3999, i.e. MMMIM

Large numbers can also be written using Roman numerals. To do this, a line is placed over those numbers that denote thousands, and a double line is placed over those numbers that denote millions. For example, the number 123123 would look like this:

And a million is like Ī, but with not one, but two features at the head.

Examples of writing numbers in Roman and Arabic numerals

Roman numerals Arabic numerals

I 1 unus
II 2 duo
III 3 tres
IV 4 quattuor
V 5 quinque
VI 6 sex
VII 7 september
VIII 8 octo
IX 9 November
X 10 December
XI 11 undecim
XII 12 duodecim
XIII 13 tredecim
XIV 14 quattuordecim
XV 15 quindecim
XVI 16 sedecim
XVII 17 september
XVIII 18 duodeviginti
XIX 19 undeviginti
XX 20 viginti
XXI 21 unus et viginti
XXX 30 triginta
XL 40 quadraginta
L 50 quinquaginta
LX 60 sexaginta
LXX 70 septuaginta
LXXX 80 octoginta
XC 90 nonaginta
C 100 centum
CC 200
CCC 300 trecenti
CD 400 quadringenti
D 500 quingenti
DC 600 sescenti
DCC 700 septingenti
DCCC 800 octingenti
CM 900 nongenti
M 1000 mille
MM 2000 duo milia
MMM 3000
MMMIM(largest number) 3999

Additional examples:

MMIX 2009
MMXI 2011

Roman numerals are the numerals used by the ancient Romans in their non-positional number system.

Natural numbers are written by repeating these numbers: I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000). Moreover, if a larger number is in front of a smaller one, then they are added (the principle of addition), but if a smaller number is in front of a larger one, then the smaller one is subtracted from the larger one (the principle of subtraction). Final Rule is used only to avoid repeating the same digit four times.

To correctly write large numbers in Roman numerals, you must first write the number of thousands, then hundreds, then tens, and finally units. In this case, some of the numbers (I, X, C, M) can be repeated, but no more than three times in a row; thus, they can be used to write any integer up to 3999 (MMMCMXCIX).

The smaller number can be written to the left of the larger one, then it should be subtracted from the larger one. In this case, only numbers denoting 1 or powers of 10 can be subtracted, and only the two digits closest in the number series to the subtrahend (that is, the subtrahend multiplied by 5 or 10) can be used as a minuend. Repetitions of a smaller number are not allowed. Thus there is only six options using the “subtraction rule”:

  • IV = 4
  • IX = 9
  • XL=40
  • XC = 90
  • CD = 400
  • CM = 900
Converting a number written in Roman numerals to a decimal number
Converting a Decimal Number to Roman Numerals
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