Primeval world

Slides: 37 Words: 324 Sounds: 0 Effects: 19

Primitive world first steps of humanity. Put the historical eras in the correct order: Choose what time do you live in? Select historical sources: Distinction. Similarity. How did people in the Primitive world store and transmit knowledge and experience? Why is the Primordial world called “the childhood of humanity”? What is the Primordial World? The primitive world is the first era of world history. What is a historical era? A historical era is a long period of time, part of human history. Did primitive people know how to grow plants and animals? At what age does a person develop acquired signs? - Primeval world.ppt

Primitive history

Slides: 10 Words: 165 Sounds: 4 Effects: 44

Familiarization with the surrounding world. History of mankind. Primitive history. history of the ancient world. history of the Middle Ages. history of modern times. history of modern times. The beginning of human history. The history of the emergence of man is complex and contradictory. Therefore, there are different versions of human development. Hunting and fishing. Primitive artists. Primitive history lasted hundreds of thousands of years. Questions: What eras do scientists divide human history into? What era in history was the longest? Why is the most ancient era of human history called primitive? What difficulties do scientists experience when studying the life of primitive people? - Primitive history.ppt

First people

Slides: 34 Words: 722 Sounds: 0 Effects: 99

Lesson assignment. Write in your notebook how ancient people differed from animals? How do we know about primitive people? ... Based on the remains of skulls, bones, tools, excavations of ancient dwellings. A long time ago, people looked completely different. Australopithecus - Lucy. 3-4 million years ago. Medina. Mecca. Homo habiles. 2.4-1.5 million years ago. Pithecanthropus / Sinanthropus. 800-500 thousand years ago. Neanderthal. 300-40 thousand years ago. Cro-Magnons. The first places of residence are caves. The main occupation of ancient people was gathering. But even being content with the gifts of nature, ancient people made tools. - First people.PPT

Ancient people

Slides: 33 Words: 760 Sounds: 1 Effects: 110

The emergence of religious beliefs and art. Messages from the depths of millennia. Ancient people believed in the presence of supernatural forces of nature. 1. Secrets of the caves. 1.1. Secrets of the burials of ancient man. Ancient people believed in life after death. Archaeologists find burials of ancient people in caves. Why were weapons, food, and jewelry items placed in a person’s burial? 1.2. Secrets of ancient images. Drawings of animals pierced with arrows and spears were found in the caves. Modern ritual of northern hunters. “Sorcerer” during a hunting ritual Rock art. Ancient people believed in witchcraft. - Ancient people.pps

Human Traits

Slides: 32 Words: 471 Sounds: 0 Effects: 56

Origin of man. The science of human origins is anthropology. Humans are characterized by the main features inherent in the Chordata type and the Vertebrate subtype. Humans are also characterized by the main features of the class of mammals. Also of the Placental subclass. And the Primates squad. Limbs of the grasping type Presence of nails Location of the eyes in the same plane Replacement of milk teeth. Humans and apes have many common characteristics: However, there are fundamental differences between humans and animals: True upright posture The average mass of the human brain is 1350-1500g. There are four stages of anthropogenesis. - Human traits.ppt

Human Ancestors

Slides: 45 Words: 2992 Sounds: 0 Effects: 191

Anthropogenesis. Lesson – learning new things. Today you have to independently study the human evolutionary tree. Prepare your notebooks. As the lesson progresses, you need to fill out the table: Purpose of the lesson: Objectives: Identify the features of Dryopithecus, Ramapithecus, Australopithecus, Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon. Study of the main stages of human evolution. Get acquainted with the main stages of anthropogenesis; Fossil remains of ancient apes and early humans are extremely scarce. It was there that most evidence of human evolution was found. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882). - Human Ancestors.ppt

Ancient man

Slides: 10 Words: 204 Sounds: 0 Effects: 58

The most ancient people. Lesson plan. 1. The appearance of our distant ancestors. 2. The most ancient tools. 3. How did the most ancient people hunt? 4. Mastery of fire. Saudi Arabia. Kenya. Tanzania. Ethiopia. Sudan. Indian Ocean. Red Sea. For example, in East Africa. Ancient man very much like a monkey. People's gait was not yet completely straight, it was jumping. The arms were long and hung below the knees. In a word, animal-like features predominated in the appearance of ancient people. People didn't know how to talk yet. - Ancient man.ppt

The earliest people

Slides: 15 Words: 60 Sounds: 0 Effects: 29

The most ancient people. History of the ancient world. Lesson plan. Settlement of ancient people of Russia. Europe. Asia. North America. South America. Australia. Africa. The appearance of an ancient man. Dwelling of an ancient man. The most ancient tools. Chopped. Hunting of ancient people. Hunting for mammoth. - The most ancient people.ppt

Types of ancient people

Slides: 71 Words: 5434 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Origin and evolution of man. Human ancestors (hominids). A number of ancient (Miocene) hominids. Sahelanthropus tchadensis. On the possible relationships of S. tchadensis with other hominids. Orrorin tugenensis. Ardipithecus kadabba. Ardipithecus ramidus. Australopithecus anamensis. Australopithecus afarensis. Kenyanthropus platyops. Kenyanthropus platyops has distinct cheekbones. Australopithecus bahrelghazali. Maximum age of finds. Lots of broken baboon skulls. Australopithecus. Australopithecus africanus. Australopithecus garhi. Paranthropus, or. Paranthropus aethiopicus. - Types of ancient people.ppt

People of the Ancient World

Slides: 23 Words: 543 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Primitive human herd. Scientists still argue about where humanity originated. Herds of mammoths roamed the savannas and woodlands. Saber-toothed lions and tigers lay in wait in the wooded area. Our most ancient ancestors were very similar to monkeys. Primitive people already walked on two legs. The ancient man was called Australopithecus, which means “southern ape.” The tools were very simple and crude. Not every stone was suitable for chopping. Alone, man was powerless in the fight against large animals. Together it was not only easier and safer to hunt, but also to survive in difficult conditions. - People of the Ancient World.pptx

The first ancient people

Slides: 24 Words: 587 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

The most ancient people. Origin of man. Lesson assignment. The first people appeared in East Africa. Austalopithecines were small in stature. Australopithecus lived in trees. Tools. The most ancient tools. The choppers were fragile. Flakes. Needles and awl. Hunting of ancient people. Mastery of fire. If the fire went out, the culprits were expelled. Many tribes. Use of fire. Pithecanthropus. - The first ancient people.ppt

The first people on Earth

Slides: 28 Words: 828 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

How man appeared on Earth. Lesson objectives. The first people on Earth. Dryopithecus - "tree monkeys". Evolution. Ability to make tools for labor and hunting. Australopithecus. Skull of a female Australopithecus. Poor jaw development. Reconstruction of a female Australopithecus. Jaws and cast of a baby Australopithecus. A skillful man. Tools of a skilled man. Homo erectus. Erectus. A reasonable person. Neanderthal. Neanderthal child 4 years old (Institute of Anthropology, Zurich). Cro-Magnon. Cro-Magnon dwellings. Rock painting. Cro-Magnon tools and jewelry. Chimpanzee. - The first people on Earth.ppt

Ancient people on Earth

Slides: 16 Words: 606 Sounds: 1 Effects: 59

The most ancient people. Lesson assignment. Origin of man. Austalopithecus. Place of your home. The most ancient tools. Chopped. Flakes. Animal bones. Hunting of ancient people. Mastery of fire. A method of producing fire. Tribes. The use of fire changed people's lives. Choose the correct answer. - Ancient people on Earth.pptx

Evolution of primitive man

Slides: 10 Words: 280 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Primitive people. Some species are dying out, others are developing and improving. Hominid. The first guns. Great changes occurred about 2 million years ago. The next step was to use fire. Hominid brains continued to grow. The descendants of primitive people were the Neanderthals. Neanderthal. In the process of hunting and labor, primitive people developed a need for articulate speech. Gradually, primitive people acquired a modern human appearance. As a result of long-term development, humanity gradually reached modern level. But most scientists believe that at least two million years have passed. - Primitive people.ppt

Life of an Ancient Man

Slides: 16 Words: 614 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

The most ancient people. How did ancient people differ from animals? Origin of man. Austalopithecus. People lived in herds. The most ancient tools. Chopped. Flakes. Needles and awl. Hunting of ancient people. Mastery of fire. Fire. Friction. Use of fire. Pithecanthropus. - Life of an Ancient Man.PPT

Lifestyle of ancient man

Slides: 16 Words: 693 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

The most ancient people. Teacher's story. Origin of man. Austalopithecus. Ancient people. The most ancient tools. Small pieces. Flakes. Animal bones. Hunting of ancient people. Mastery of fire. Fire. Tribes. Mastery of fire changed human life. Pithecanthropus. - Lifestyle of Ancient Man.PPT

Primitive people

Slides: 15 Words: 358 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

How do we know about primitive people? Based on the remains of skulls, bones, tools, excavations of ancient dwellings. Australopithecus - Lucy. 3-4 million years ago. A skillful man. 2.4-1.5 million years ago. A skilled person uses tools. 2.4-1.5 million years ago. Treated quartz/pebbles. Pithecanthropus / Sinanthropus. 800-500 thousand years ago. Neanderthal. 300-40 thousand years ago. Neanderthals - life in a cave. 300-40 thousand years ago. Hunting of Neanderthals. Cave bear. Neanderthal tools. 300-40 thousand years ago. Cro-Magnons. Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. Rock painting. 30 thousand years ago and later. - Primitive people 1.pps

Life of primitive people

Slides: 14 Words: 404 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Life of primitive people. A long time ago, people looked completely different. People were like monkeys and could not talk at all. People ate wild berries and fruits, and bird eggs. Medina. Mecca. They could not hunt yet, so they took prey from predatory animals. People used sticks and clubs. All people, animals and birds were very afraid of fire. People realized that fire gives warmth and meat baked in coals tastes better. Many years passed and people learned to hunt and make wooden spears. They ate animal meat, made clothes from their skins, and made tools from their bones. Gradually, people invented the bow and arrow and it became easier for them to hunt birds. - Primitive people 2.pps

Lesson Ancient People

Slides: 8 Words: 270 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

Life of primitive people. Repeating and generalizing lesson. Purpose of the lesson. Systematization and quality control of knowledge on the topic “Life of primitive people.” Traveling through stations. Rasskazkino. Zadachkino. Crossword. Terminal. Draw a conclusion. Card No. 2 Prepare a detailed answer to the question “Why did inequality appear?” Task No. 1. Task No. 2. Task No. 3. Task No. 4. Summing up. Grading. - Lesson Ancient people.ppt

Hypotheses of human origins

Slides: 7 Words: 100 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Hypotheses about the origin of man. Goal: What hypotheses about the origin of man exist in our world. Hypothesis of semi-aqueous origin. Hypothesis of the origin of human ancestors in the open spaces of savannas. The ancestral home of man. Conclusion: - Origin of Man.ppt

Development of ancient people

Slides: 8 Words: 511 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Completed by: Kristina Pavlovskaya, 11th grade student at Teplovskaya secondary school. Stages of human evolution. Further. Resources. Back. The earliest people arose about 1 million years ago. The mass of the brain reached 800-1000 g. It had a primitive structure. The most ancient people successfully hunted buffalo, rhinoceroses, deer, and birds. Hewn stones were used to butcher killed animals. They lived in caves and used fire. The most ancient people. On the menu. Ancient people arose about 200 thousand years ago. Neanderthals were a very heterogeneous group. One line went in the direction of powerful physical development. Ancient people (Neanderthals). - Development of ancient people.ppt

History of Ancient Man

Slides: 39 Words: 820 Sounds: 2 Effects: 120

"Historical duel" History of the ancient world. Life of primitive people. Timeline. Activities of ancient people. Inventions and discoveries. History in architectural monuments. History of things. History in symbols and signs. Religion. Timeline (10). How many days does a year last? Timeline (20). When did the first people appear? 2 million years ago. Timeline (30). What is the name of a period of time of 10 centuries? Millennium. Timeline (40). How many years ago did “Homo sapiens” appear? 40 thousand years ago. Timeline (50). 40 BC for 80 years. Activities of ancient people (10). - History of Ancient Man.ppt

Agriculture and cattle breeding

Slides: 25 Words: 426 Sounds: 25 Effects: 5

Primitive farmers and pastoralists. From gathering to farming. Hoe farming. This is how agriculture appeared. Hoe, sickle, stone axe. Stages of agricultural labor. The harvest was collected using a sickle made from bone. Stone blades were inserted into the sickle. Agriculture originated more than 10 thousand years ago in Western Asia. Wheat and barley were grown. Grain grater. Taming animals. Cattle breeding arose from the ancient occupation of people, hunting. Dog. Sheep. Goat. Poultry. Pig. Donkey. Horse. Cow. Appropriating economy. Producing farm. Gathering. - Agriculture and cattle breeding.ppt

Primitive culture

Slides: 13 Words: 437 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Primitive culture. Paleolithic art. - art of the era of primitive society. Primitive art. Anthropologists associate the true emergence of art with the appearance of homo sapiens, who is otherwise called Cro-Magnon man. Drawings of primitive man in the La Moute cave in France. Religious beliefs and cults. Animism Totemism Fetishism. Animism (from Latin animus - “soul”) - belief in the animation of objects - is an integral part of every ancient culture. Totemism is one of the most striking forms of manifestations of ancient culture. Totems personified the connection between man and living nature. - Primitive culture.ppt

The culture of primitive society

Slides: 11 Words: 441 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Physical culture of ancient people. The goal is to create an idea of ​​the physical culture of ancient people. tasks: introduce physical culture In primitive society, hunting played a special role. Hunting is the most important industry economic activity ancient man. Games were an ancient form of organizing physical education. The games directly reproduced elements of hunting or combat. Hunting for mammoth. War games reproduced all the elements of combat. The man is a warrior. Differences in the upbringing of girls and boys. So, for example, boys play hunting, arrange chases, ambushes. - Culture of primitive society.pptx

The art of primitive man

Slides: 34 Words: 538 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Primitive art. Primitive art, the art of the era of the primitive communal system. Primitive art arose 30-40 thousand years ago. The primitive era is the longest in human history. The reason for the emergence of art was real needs everyday life. Primitive art reflected man's first ideas about the world around him. Bear. Fragment of a primitive sculpture. Venus. Venus de Milo. Paleolithic Venus. Male images in the Paleolithic era are very rare. Animals were also depicted: horses, goats, buffalos, reindeer, etc. - The art of primitive man.ppt


Slides: 19 Words: 595 Sounds: 1 Effects: 108

Lesson topic: Classification of dolmens. Construction of dolmens. Purpose of the lesson: To introduce students to dolmen culture, classification and design of dolmens. Lesson plan: The legend of the origin of dolmens. 2. Dolmens - burial structures of the ancients. 3. Types of dolmens. The Circassians have a legend about mysterious dolmens. This is what the legend is about. In the Caucasus lived a tribe of small and smart people. They worshiped the Sun, the God of life and health. They raised livestock. Dolmen "Sun". Dolmen "Moon". So what is a dolmen? Dolmen - translated from Breton language means “stone table”. The name is used in France, Russia and some other countries. - Dolmen.ppt

Development of agriculture and cattle breeding

Slides: 26 Words: 1141 Sounds: 0 Effects: 114

The emergence of agriculture and cattle breeding. About 12 thousand years ago the Ice Age ended. Rafts and boats. Grain harvest. The first farmers. The earth was loosened with a wooden hoe - a stick with a strong knot. Sickles were made from flint fragments attached to a wooden handle. By mixing coarse flour with water, a dough was obtained. To constantly grow crops, you had to live in one place. Animal domestication and cattle breeding. Later sheep, goats, cows, and pigs were domesticated. Neolithic revolution. The greatest revolution in the life of ancient people. Perfect and varied tools. - Development of agriculture and cattle breeding.pptx

The emergence of inequality and nobility

Slides: 17 Words: 515 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

The emergence of inequality and nobility. A group of primitive people. Activities of primitive people. Fill in the missing words. What is inequality? The emergence of inequality. Craftsman. Metal processing. Division of society into rich and poor. Large groups of people. Society management. Know. Scheme of the birth of the state. Crossword. - The emergence of inequality and nobility.ppt

The emergence of art and religious beliefs

Slides: 13 Words: 542 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Life of primitive people. The emergence of art and religious beliefs. Algorithm for solving creative problems. Determine the main occupation of the inhabitants of the Teshik-Tash grotto. Archaeological finds. Why do archaeologists dig up people's graves? Religion. Drawings on the walls of caves. Algorithm independent work with an electronic textbook. Petroglyphs. Art is a creative reflection of reality. What word can be used to replace it? -

Municipal treasury educational institution Korzhevskaya high school

Project on the topic:

« Primitive people»

5th grade

Head: Maskova Yu.N.,

history and social studies teacher

School phone number: 88424177555

2016 - 2017 academic year


II.Main resource

    Who are primitive people?

    How did primitive people live?

III. Conclusion.

IV.List of used literature.


Subject Primitive people.

This topic attracted me relevance because I was very interested in the topic “Primitive people” and I wanted to know more about them, and I also wanted to know how primitive people lived.

Target: find out who primitive people were and what they did.

Z adachi :

      View resources on this topic.

Hypothesis: ancient people behind short term learned to: make tools, sew clothes, get food, learned to draw.

Item work - the main stages of development of primitive people.

Practical significance this study is to use this material on classroom hours, additional information in history lessons of the Middle Ages.

Research methods :

    Searching for reliable sources of information using documents, books, and the use of computer technology;

Stages of the project:

    Preparatory: - selection of a topic and its specification (relevance - determination of goals and formulation of tasks).

    Search and research: - appeal to parents with a request to join the project; - correction of deadlines and schedules - carrying out search and research activities.

    Translation and design: - work on the presentation - design of the project - pre-defense of the project

    Finalization of the project taking into account comments and suggestions: - writing a script for defending the project - preparing for publication of the project.

    Final: project defense.

Chapter 1.Who are primitive people.

In 1856, German miners discovered an old skeleton in a limestone quarry in the Neyanderthal Valley. His skull was very similar to that of a monkey, and his leg bones were strong and slightly curved. At one time, scientists even thought that the skeleton belonged to a soldier who died in the war that took place in these places 50 years ago. Later, researchers found that in their hands was the skeleton of a Neanderthal, a representative of one of the species of primitive people that went extinct 50,000 years ago!

Since then, many ancient remains of prehistoric people have been discovered. It has been established that humans and modern apes had a common ancestor. Presumably, he was Aegyptolopithecus, who lived 35 million years ago in the territory of modern Egypt.

Thirty million years later, the first apes were already climbing trees in East Africa. From them came modern chimpanzees and gorillas, as well as the long-extinct australopithecus. The skeleton of Australopithecus was found in Africa in 1974.

Chapter 2.How did primitive people live?.

The earliest written evidence of the life of our ancestors was made about 5.5 thousand years ago. Preserved fragments of dishes, weapons, and buildings tell us how people lived before this time. But the history of man goes back millions of years and its beginning goes back to the period when man goes back millions of years and its beginning goes back to the period when apes learned to walk upright.

Scientists are bit by bit recreating the way of life of ancient people. They study their skeletal remains to gain insight into human development. Research shows how, over time, people learned to hunt, use tools, live together, and build homes. The appearance of speech became the most important stage in human evolution.

About a hundred years ago the climate in all parts of the globe was much colder than it is now. This period is called the Ice Age. It ended approximately 10 thousand years ago. Vast areas of Europe, Asia and North America were covered with ice. To survive in this harsh time, people had to unite. This helped them hunt giant animals, mammoths. For hunting they used wooden spears with stone tips. People built their homes in caves or made something like huts from branches and animal skins.

People started drawing on cave walls during the Ice Age. They did this by the light of fires, and used powders from crushed stones or dried plants as paints. Perhaps the drawings they made were intended not only to decorate the caves. Images of bison, deer and mammoth symbolized animals without which man could not exist. Wall painting could serve as a kind of offering to the gods so that they would favor hunting. This kind of rock art was discovered in different countries world, including South America and Australia.

The Ice Age gave way to warming. People discovered that they could collect plant seeds and plant them in fields. Some plants produced grain. It was ground into flour to then bake bread. The first farmers lived in villages next to their fields. They also domesticated wild herbivores. Cattle and pigs gave people milk and meat.


Humans evolved from apes. Humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. The first humanoid animals to stand upright and walk on two legs.

List of used literature.

    Search for information - book - golden book of knowledge.

Presentation on the topic "The Ancient People"(§ 1 of the textbook History of the Ancient World for grade 5) consists of 11 slides containing 3 videos (“Climate change”, 01 min 47 sec, “Tools of labor”, 00 min 22 sec and “Hunting methods”, 01 min 16 sec), 10 illustrations and diagrams.

Slides 3, 5, 7-10 have internal transitions.

View presentation slides (without animation):

To simplify the transfer of the resource on the Internet, the files are packaged in a zip archive.

The self-running file for this presentation is called 01_drevn_ludi.pps.

The presentation “Ancient People” was prepared as illustrative material designed to help the teacher use the method of immersion in the past in the classroom.

Each teacher will create his own lesson architecture, but at first we all pay more attention to laying the foundation in the form of basic knowledge and skills.

Slide 4 with the video “Climate Change” should show the relationship between Nature and Humans.

As the video progresses, the teacher can talk about changes on Earth that contributed to the evolution of the human ancestor.

Teacher: The earliest man was very similar to an animal, not only in appearance, but also in the ability to adapt to environment. 8 million years ago, Africa was an impenetrable forest that provided our ancestors with food, shelter, and protection. But at a thousand-kilometer depth of the ocean, processes began to occur that influenced both the appearance of Africa and the appearance of the human ancestor. Volcanic eruptions moved plates, changing the surface of the earth. Where the future Hindustan collided with Asia, the plates began to creep on top of each other, forming the 5-kilometer mountain ranges of the Himalayas. Here in the mountains, severe storms and monsoons formed, pouring rain, and Africa stopped receiving life-giving moisture from the air. The African tropics began to die out, and after millions of years only sparse trees remained in the place of dense forests. And the ancestors of man, in order to survive, were forced to get on their feet on all fours in order to see further while running from tree to tree and to free their hands for the tools necessary for obtaining food. To survive, the human ancestor was forced to evolve.

Slide 5" Appearance ancient man"

The tasks of this slide are aimed at developing various forms of cognition in students. The proposed image of a primitive man is accompanied by the teacher’s task - to describe the person, find differences from modern man, to conclude why primitive man had exactly such external features.

In the course of the work, empirical research methods are activated: observation and description, and as a result of analysis based on the knowledge and ideas of students, conclusions are drawn that bring with them new knowledge.

The results of students’ independent analytical work are checked (and confirmed) by the theses of the slide.

Similar work can be carried out on Slide 10, which examines the impact of mastering fire on human development.

Students may be asked to consider how fire affected early life and how people might have benefited from it. The transition of the image on the slide also tests (and confirms) students' inferences. Moreover, sometimes students’ conclusions are broader than the thesis of the slide.

Teacher MBOU "Lyceum" Arzamas

Sukhanova Iraida Anatolevna

Theories of the appearance of man on Earth

Human -

God's creation



ground conditions

person - product



Human -




Primitive people are called people who lived before

invention of writing, before the emergence of the first states

and big cities.

Gathering – collecting prepared foods:

roots, wild fruits, shellfish, etc.

In primitive society, gathering

coexisted with hunting and fishing.

The Stone Age is the oldest period in development

humanity, when the main tools and weapons

were made mainly from stone,

but wood and bone were also used.

According to the characteristics of stone products, the Stone Age was divided into:

  • paleolithic Old Stone Age;
  • Mesolithic Middle Stone Age;
  • Neolithic new stone age.

Art – creative reflection

actually a person.

Religion - belief in existence

highest divine power.

What new views among people does the ancient funeral rite indicate?

The territory of our region at that time was

tundra and forest-tundra

Glacier melting in Western Asia drought

death of many animals and plants.

The environmental crisis forced people to start artificially breeding plants and raising animals.



9 thousand years ago



9 thousand years ago



10 thousand years ago



15 thousand years ago



9 thousand years ago



7 thousand years ago



5.5 thousand years ago



6 thousand years ago

Homo erectus (Homo erectus) –

first person to leave Africa


1 million

years ago


500 – 700 thousand

years ago



400 thousand l. back

V brain -

V brain -

1000 cm3 .

V brain -

1000 cm3 .

  • - 900 cm3 .

Homo sapiens ( Homo sapiens) .

30 - 40 thousand years ago.


V brain -