Accounting and taxes

What does the profession of PR manager mean? This is a public relations manager, in other words, an intermediary between the company and its target audience (potential clients and employees). The main responsibilities of a PR manager include informing the public about the company’s activities, distributing publications and reviews about it, posting news, etc. The PR manager bears great responsibility for the image and reputation of the company or brand. The functions of a PR manager also include representing the company and speaking on its behalf at various events.

Places of work We can say that everyone needs the services of a public relations specialist. big company

, press service and independent PR agency. The knowledge and skills of a PR manager are also in demand in politics, show business, the Internet and media projects.

History of the profession The concept of Public Relations and the profession of a PR manager appeared in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, when a public relations department appeared at Harvard University, and the US Democratic Party used the services of a publicity advisor. In the period from the 30s to the 60s of the twentieth century, PR manager positions appeared in many companies, and Public Relations was already considered as independent direction


Responsibilities of a PR manager IN job responsibilities

  • PR manager includes:
  • development and implementation of the company's PR strategy;
  • promoting the company's brand in the market;
  • formation of a PR activity plan;
  • working with social media (SMM);
  • writing and posting articles, press releases, news, interviews and official messages in the media and on the company website;
  • monitoring of the competitive environment;
  • organization of events, specialized seminars, conferences, etc.;
  • analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of PR campaigns.

Requirements for a PR manager

Among the requirements for public relations specialists are:

  • higher education in specialties related to marketing, journalism, philology and Public Relations;
  • Experience in PR, marketing or IT technology;
  • public speaking skills;
  • PC skills (MS Office, graphic editors and other programs);
  • copywriting skills;
  • Correct oral and written language.

Quite often, employers require applicants to know in English.

PR manager resume sample

How to become a PR manager

To become a manager in the field of PR, you need to obtain a higher education, including training in the basics of Public Relations - many universities provide this opportunity. Applicants with basic journalism and economic education can also become public relations specialists.

PR manager salary

The salary of a PR manager varies from 20 to 70 thousand rubles and depends on the type of employment, the specialist’s schedule and the scope of duties performed. The average salary of a PR manager is 40 thousand rubles. The level of income of a PR specialist is also influenced by the region in which he works.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training on the market, usually lasting from a week to a year.

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Irina Davydova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The term “Public Relations” (like the profession itself) came to us from the USA. It was there that, at the beginning of the 20th century, a department responsible for public relations was formed at Harvard. Afterwards, already in the 30-60s, the position of “PR manager” appeared in almost every company.

Today, “Public Relations” is an independent direction in management.

The essence of the work and professional responsibilities of a PR manager

Who is a PR manager?

First of all - public relations specialist. Or an intermediary between the company itself and its future clients.

What does this specialist do and what are his professional responsibilities?

  • Informing the target audience about the company's activities, working with the media.
  • Maintaining the company's image and reputation.
  • Representation of the company at events of various sizes.
  • Development of a strategy for communication with the media, etc., corporate identity company, action plans related to the company’s image, etc.
  • Drawing up forecasts of the impact of certain planned actions directly on the company’s image, determining the budget for each PR campaign.
  • Organization of briefings, interviews, press conferences.
  • Preparation and placement of news, publications, press releases, etc., preparation of reporting documentation.
  • Direct interaction with centers for the study of societies/opinions and informing your management about all the results of surveys, questionnaires, etc.
  • Analysis of competitors' PR strategies.
  • Promoting your company's brand on the market.

The main qualities and skills of a PR manager - what should he know and be able to do?

First of all, for efficient work Every conscientious PR manager should know...

  • Key Fundamentals of Marketing and market economy, jurisprudence and politics, advertising.
  • PR basics and key “tools” of work.
  • Ways to define and identify the target audience.
  • Methods of organizing/conducting, as well as principles of planning PR campaigns.
  • Methods of working with the media, as well as their structure/functions.
  • Basics of organizing briefings and press releases, all types of PR.
  • Fundamentals of sociology/psychology, management and administrative management, philology and ethics, business correspondence.
  • Basics computer technology, software for automation/processing of information, as well as for its protection.
  • Principles and basics of information that is a trade secret, including its protection and use.

Also, a good specialist must have...

  • Qualities of a leader.
  • Charismatic.
  • Relations in the media and business environment (as well as in government agencies).
  • Journalist talent and creative guts.
  • Knowledge (perfect) of 1-2 or more foreign languages, PC.
  • Sociability and “plasticity” in communication.
  • Talent - making the right impression.
  • Broad-minded, erudition, solid amount of knowledge of a humanitarian nature.
  • Ability to listen carefully, quickly analyze and synthesize new ideas.
  • Ability to work with any budget.

The traditional set of employer requirements for these specialists:

  • Higher education. Specialty: journalism, marketing, philology, Public Relations.
  • Successful experience in the field of PR (note - or marketing).
  • Oratorical skills.
  • Computer skills and foreign languages.
  • Literacy.

Man or woman? Who do managers want to see for this vacancy?

There are no such preferences here. The work is suitable for everyone, and the managers here do not make any special requirements (unless personal).

Training to be a PR manager - courses, necessary books and online resources

The profession of PR manager, which has long been common in our country, has become increasingly popular in recent years.

True, without a higher education there is no point in counting on a solid job. You will have to study, and, preferably, where in educational program includes the basics of Public Relations, economics and at least basic journalism.

For example, in Moscow You can get a profession...

In universities:

  • Russian economic school. Tuition fee: free.
  • Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Tuition fee: from 330 thousand rubles/year.
  • All-Russian Academy foreign trade Ministry of Economics/Development of Russia. Tuition fee: from 290 thousand rubles/year.
  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Tuition fee: from 176 thousand rubles/year.
  • Moscow Theological Academy of the Russian Orthodox Church. Tuition fee: free.
  • Russian Customs Academy. Tuition cost: from 50 thousand rubles/year.

In colleges:

  • 1st Moscow Educational Complex. Tuition cost: from 30 thousand rubles/year.
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering. Tuition fee: free.
  • Vocational College Moskovia. Tuition fee: free.
  • College of Communications No. 54. Tuition fee: from 120 thousand rubles/year.

On course:

  • In the center vocational training"Metropolitan". Tuition fee: from 8440 rub.
  • Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia A. Rodchenko. Tuition fee: from 3800 rub.
  • School of Business "Synergy". Tuition cost: from 10 thousand rubles.
  • Center for online education "Netology". Tuition fee: from 15,000 rub.
  • RSUH. Tuition fee: from 8 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting that employers are most loyal to specialists with diplomas from RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, MGIMO and Moscow State University.

Also will not be superfluous international level certificates and certificates of additional training.

As you know, absolutely everyone in Russia understands two things – politics and football. Everyone knows how to run a country and how to win a World Cup. However, sometimes it seems that in the field of PR, or, in Russian, public relations, we have every first - largest specialist. There is an opinion that this profession does not require any special skills other than a well-spoken tongue. Let's try to figure out if this is really so.




Entry barrier


The image of the profession and its essence

The image of a creative slacker whose language is strictly rooted in society stable salary brought it. In another interpretation, a public relations manager is an anecdotal “PR girl.” Like any copy of the Western model, before taking its rightful place in Russian reality, the profession of a PR specialist has come a long way through criticism, misunderstanding, silent acceptance - to the realization of its necessity.

What is this incomprehensible public and why do you need to contact it?

If we give a clear definition, then Public Relations is the provision of a favorable information environment around the subject.

The subject can be either a private commercial company or a government agency. In addition, a separate project can become a subject, be it a book, an art exhibition, or even an invention.

The market economy, among other things, introduced foreign business models into Russian reality and established new rules of the game. And one of these rules - transparency of companies' activities for investors, the state, consumers, and society. It's not just about tax returns and annual reports, but also to ensure the availability of sufficient information about the company and its work, to form a positive public opinion, to create the right reputation and to increase the weight and authority of the company. This is if we are talking about commercial sphere. Government structures, of course, have their own rules, but these structures do not exist in a vacuum - and one way or another they are obliged to inform the public about their actions.

We live in the information age. And the task of a PR specialist is to make information work for themselves, and not vice versa.

Advertising Connection

PR activities are at the intersection of communication and communication. By the way, quite often many people confuse advertising and PR. Moreover, according to latest version educational standard, the specialty that bachelors receive is called “Advertising and Public Relations.”

Unlike advertising, PR does not set itself the task of selling or selling. His task is to form an opinion and convey information correctly. Therefore, a PR specialist must first of all learn to work with information. You need to develop the skills of searching and processing information, learn to present it correctly and competently: at the next stage, he will have to identify exactly the audience that needs this information, choose a method of delivering information. And after all this is done and the message is sent "to the masses", he must obtain feedback from the "public".

When choosing this profession, you must be prepared to play the role of a one-man orchestra every day for an encore. A PR specialist is a press secretary, copywriter, event manager, strategist and journalist rolled into one. Of course, ideally managers should work as a team - and each person should have their own function. But the desire to save human resources and “optimization” of business leads to the fact that most often all these functions are combined in one employee.

What to read

What books should you read before deciding to choose this particular profession? Oddly enough, the best thing to recommend here is fiction, and not at all textbooks and “working notes” of honored figures in the field of communications. It is unlikely that today something better has been written about the career of a PR specialist than the book “They Smoke Here” by Christopher Buckley, and something more interesting has been filmed than the film “Cunning” (there are several options for translating the title of this film into Russian, in the original it sounds like “Wag the Dog”). And in order to get rid of unnecessary illusions, George Orwell’s book “1984” is a must-read.

Practice or theory?

Although in Lately Almost every major university has opened a “Public Relations” department; higher education in this area has not yet achieved serious success. And more often than not, people who join the ranks of PR specialists come from: related areas- from journalism, sociology, even philology. Moreover, only recently have truly useful and serious textbooks begun to appear, most often based on the experience of their authors. After all, initially PR in Russia was built almost on an intuitive level. Foreign developments helped, but their adaptation to Russian reality also took a sufficient amount of time.

Public relations is a strictly practice-oriented specialty. You can try to understand the basics of communication theory, learn (finally!) the rules of the Russian language, memorize the structure of Maslow’s pyramid of needs, and so on. But only practice allows you to really understand what’s what in this area. However, it will never be possible to “know everything.” PR is a constant learning from your own and others’ mistakes, it is analysis and introspection.

What to study

Let's try to translate these arguments into the plane of knowledge and skills that need to be acquired and developed.

Of course, communication skills are the basis of everything: personal communication skills, negotiation skills.

It is also necessary to learn how to work with sources: documents, tools mass media and their representatives.

Let’s not forget about competent oral and written communication: anecdotes about the already mentioned “PR girls” were born mainly from press releases with grammatical errors and unsuccessful attempts to negotiate with journalists.

The choice of target audience most often follows from strategic and marketing objectives. Therefore, you will still have to delve into the essence and specifics of the activities of the company you work for. Yes, and you need to expand your horizons in any case. Methods of delivering information are standard in most cases, but no one will stop you from inventing something new. It is at this stage that creativity begins...

About the tasks that are set for a PR specialist during daily work, I can talk endlessly. Moreover, each area has its own specific issues and problems that cannot be known to an outside observer.

Work experience

You should begin to accumulate experience during your studies. I in no way encourage you to skip lectures in search of a job, but I also don’t recommend neglecting various internships.

PR specialists can find work under the wing of the company and become full-time employees (most often they are assigned to marketing departments so that they are closer to the consumer). Or they can join a team of their own kind at one of the many communications agencies.

It is clear that the big business of formation public opinion It starts small - with assistant work, with preparing press releases and editing other people's texts, with coordination work in preparing events. In the future, functions and responsibilities will grow exponentially - and it will be the turn of planning, searching non-standard solutions, process management. This path is approximately the same for both a full-time employee of a company and an agency project manager.

The media is the main tool and lever of work. Therefore, it will be quite useful to get into the shoes of a journalist, at least for a short time, that is, to be “on the other side of the barricades.” Even if it’s to be a freelance writer for a regional newspaper. In any case, the experience you will gain is invaluable.


There is now a lot of debate about whether the PR profession in its current form will die out with the advent of the era social networks. Discussions are held and round tables, workers are frantically studying the Western experience of working in virtual space. Even beautiful definitions are given for new types of activities - SocialMedia Marketing, New Media PR. And it is no longer possible to ignore these new ways of delivering information and receiving feedback. But learning to work with them is possible and necessary.


Until now, PR specialists often face a lack of understanding of their purpose and their work on the part of the very “general public” with whom they try to contact every day. However, once you think about it, it becomes clear that most of our judgments and opinions are the result of the subtle and painstaking work of PR managers. Remember what book or movie you discussed with your friends yesterday. Are you sure that you learned about them directly from space? Remember what motives prompted you to go or not go to the recent elections. Think about why you bought and read this particular magazine or visited this particular news portal today. As newsmakers like to say - no comments.

A PR manager is a person on whom the formation of a positive image of an enterprise and its further support depend. The position of this specialist is very important for both large and small company, which is why it is quite in demand on the labor market. By the way, they offer him high wages.

Who is a PR manager?

The abbreviation PR itself comes from the English phrase “public relations”, which translates as “public relations”. Thus, the PR manager is the specialist who is responsible for maintaining the company's image for the public and the media.

The “PR man,” as he is simply called, must actively interact with external environment, analyze and predict factors that may affect general image enterprises and their further development. This is precisely where he differs from a manager who deals only with advertising - the latter’s functionality includes only promoting a service or product.

PR manager: responsibilities

Since the functionality of a PR manager includes ensuring the company’s cooperation with the media, society, government at all levels and the population, he has a number of responsibilities that he must fulfill. The process of ensuring interaction is very complex and multifaceted, sometimes it takes up everything free time specialist

A PR specialist prepares press releases about the company and submits them to the media for further distribution, and also responds to media requests about the activities of the enterprise. Its functionality also includes organizing press conferences and conducting interviews with company executives. Interaction with authorities, the population and financial circles (including investors) is also included in its functionality. Among other things, he is the one responsible for organizing and conducting advertising campaigns. Thus, a PR manager, whose responsibilities are quite broad, can completely control the appearance of the company for the benefit of which he works.

Where are PR people needed?

Almost everything large enterprises have PR specialists. Enterprises working with international partners, form entire departments and departments that are engaged in creating and maintaining an image, as well as public relations. In many ways, this is what helps businesses achieve high results.

In addition, there are advertising agencies, which have a huge range of customers, all their specialists are divided into two large groups. The first is creators (copywriters), who come up with concepts for holding events. The second group (technologists) conduct press conferences, PR campaigns, exhibitions, presentations and other events.

A PR manager can also find himself in politics. Politicians will be happy to hire a good PR person who can help create the right image to help win the trust of potential voters.

What should a PR specialist have?

A competent public relations specialist must be able to do many things. The job description of a PR manager does not clearly outline the range of skills that he needs. Firstly, we are talking about basic knowledge of the principles of PR, management, advertising, marketing, economics and management.

A PR manager often has to actively work with business correspondence, draft advertising strategies, he also needs media planning skills. Not always copywriters can come up with interesting idea or write an unusual article, then the PR specialist gets down to business.

Of course, a PR specialist must be able to organize events such as press conferences, exhibitions, seminars and meetings. Do not forget about the need to master a standard package of office programs; knowledge of English at a fluent or at least conversational level is also welcome.

How to learn to be a PR specialist?

If you are thinking about how to become a PR manager, you can immediately take documents and go to university to study advertising, journalism or philology. Although PR professionals argue that an interdisciplinary approach is very important in the work, since the work of a PR specialist is associated with a number of disciplines, which include sociology, some types of psychology and even psycholinguistics.

Employers welcome an applicant for the position of a PR manager if he has a diploma from Moscow State University, Russian State University for the Humanities, MGIMO or RUDN University, however, if you graduated from some other university, there is nothing wrong with that. Among other things, it is welcome to have international certificates, as well as documents indicating that the applicant has passed extra education at short-term courses in PR.

Self improvement

An advertising manager should always be thinking about how to become a good PR manager. Experts say that it is necessary to constantly improve your own skills, otherwise you will not be able to achieve good results. The most important thing here is the ability to learn to communicate with absolutely different people, regardless of their social status.

Diplomacy, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts and the desire to work hard - these are the qualities one must have good specialist Public Relations However, even having these qualities does not guarantee success. Each manager is individual, but if he believes in himself and his strengths, and is also ready to work hard, he will find himself in the profession.

What should a PR specialist be able to do?

In addition to knowledge of the basics of PR, advertising, economics, management and marketing, a PR manager must be able to process correspondence, formulate strategies and conduct campaigns aimed at improving the image of the enterprise. He may also need skills in writing articles, press releases and other promotional materials.

It is important that the public relations specialist has experience in participating in seminars, press conferences and other meetings, because now the organization of such events will fall on his shoulders. A standard requirement is to be proficient in standard office programs, and recently large firms have been trying to hire PR people who own foreign languages at least on a conversational level.

Work in the capital

The city to which a novice provincial PR manager often strives - Moscow - is not always ready to accept strangers. That is why experienced public relations specialists recommend first gaining experience in your region, and only then going to another city.

In the capital, PR managers are in great demand; they average salary ranges from 70 to 100 thousand rubles per month. Finding a place is quite easy, but the requirements are serious. Also in Moscow you can find a large number of advanced training courses, where anyone can learn to become a PR manager.

How to write a resume?

The most important indicator that will tell the employer what a PR manager is is a resume, and in this case it plays a decisive role. “If it is clear from the resume that the applicant cannot advertise himself and his own skills, then how will he advertise my company?” - this is exactly how business owners who are looking for a PR manager think.

An applicant for the position of public relations manager must include information about education and work experience in his resume. Some employers pay Special attention for work experience, but if you don’t have too much of it, don’t despair; it’s quite possible that you’ll prove yourself quite brightly during an interview with your immediate supervisor.

Portrait of a modern PR manager

Leaders of large organizations see a universal image of a PR specialist as a person under 30 years of age with a humanities education. Such a professional must be very sociable, able to influence, demonstrate his broad outlook and pick up absolutely any conversation. It doesn’t matter where exactly he ends up, he should be able to become part of any company.

With all this, the advertising and PR manager must constantly generate ideas or draw up New Product from those available. In addition, he must be able to interact with the media, which is a rather specific type of activity. Journalists are the main way of transmitting data about the enterprise in which a public relations specialist works.

Career growth of a specialist

What are the prospects for a future PR manager? Once he has gained sufficient experience in the field of public relations, he becomes eligible for promotion. wages about one and a half to two times. As a rule, this happens within two to three years, when the specialist has already developed a base of contacts with journalists, knows how to develop a PR strategy and has many connections.

If a PR manager manages to become a real star in professional field, they will pay a lot of money for his work. Most often, representatives of the fair sex become masters of advertising; men in PR make up no more than 30% of the total number of specialists. Almost all PR managers are no older than 30 years old.

The most important indicator of the success of a PR specialist is a portfolio in which you can find materials on all the projects he has completed. Using various mechanisms potential employer can check whether a PR manager candidate was able to bring a particular project to the market, whether he managed to increase brand awareness and form a positive customer opinion about a service or product.

PR manager, that is, a public relations manager, is a specialist who works to create a positive reputation for a company, brand, product or service.

The profession of a PR manager requires knowledge in the field of journalism, sociology, psychology, and marketing. The work is creative and requires a constant search for new solutions, non-standard moves, and an instant change of tactics.

PR specialist begins with familiarization with the corporate website and interacts with external and internal audiences at various levels.

The direct responsibility of the PR manager is to increase employee loyalty to the employer within the organization and to create a certain image of the company in the external environment.

Main functions of a PR specialist

The main function of a PR manager is to evaluate, analyze and predict those factors that influence the positive image of the company and its development. Very often, a PR manager is confused with an advertising specialist who promotes services or products. However, caring for the positive reputation of a company, brand or product as a whole, and market promotion are two different things.

The functions of a PR manager depend on the industry in which the company operates and, in general, they can be different. This depends on the specific tasks that are posed in a particular business and on the solution of those issues that the manager faces.

Here is a list of the main functions of a PR manager:

  1. Choosing the direction of PR activity.
  2. Development and organization of a PR company .
  3. Assessment of resources and funds for the implementation of planned PR programs.
  4. Forecasting effectiveness and final results.
  5. Formation and support of an appropriate image of the organization, its policies, products, services and personnel activities.
  6. Assessing the company's reputation and communicating this information to management.
  7. Informing the public about policies, activities, products, services and personnel to achieve maximum knowledge and understanding.

Responsibilities PR specialist

The responsibilities of a PR manager depend on the size of the company in which he works. The larger it is, the more employees are required for the PR department and for PR activities, the more responsibility the person who coordinates all their actions has.

Large holdings may have an entire structure, an entire PR press service. It usually has a press service director and a public relations director, several managers are responsible for various public relations channels, several analysts collect and process media information about the company, and they monitor all open sources.

Typically, a PR manager communicates with clients, manages communications with the media, and monitors publications and reviews about the company or product. That is, everything that people say and write about (regarding his company) obliged to track and react correctly, in time.

In general, the PR manager is responsible for a large amount of PR. work to coordinate the efforts of its specialists and client representatives. It depends on him how justified these efforts will be and what the positive result and effectiveness of the work will be. In addition, the manager plays a major role in the process of preparing proposals for potential clients of the company and in public relations.

Any public relations tactic is about constantly maintaining this very connection with all its participants. And here all means are good. These means are press releases, brochures, flyers and advertising on radio, TV and of course the Internet.

Tasks of a PR specialist

  1. Development of a brand promotion strategy;
  2. Creation of articles, press releases and other publications in the media;
  3. Creation and implementation of promotions and campaigns;
  4. Organization of image events;
  5. Drawing up a budget and forming a development program for the PR campaign as a whole;
  6. Analysis of PR campaign effectiveness.

Required knowledge and skills PR specialist

  1. Knowledge of the basics and principles of PR management and advertising;
  2. Ability to understand the basics of marketing, management, economics;
  3. Ability to work with business correspondence;
  4. Ability to draw up PR strategies and knowledge of the principles of PR campaigns;
  5. Media planning skills;
  6. Ability to write articles, reviews, press releases, create promotional materials;
  7. Experience in organizing exhibitions, various specialized seminars, press conferences;
  8. Possession of modern software, for example, MS Office; ability to use the Internet and graphics programs;

Necessary personal qualities of a PR specialist

  1. Communication skills. Such a specialist must have many connections and contacts in various industries, as well as be able to establish new contacts at any level.
  2. Proactivity. A PR manager must understand where, with whom and what to talk about, what important meetings to attend, and give reports and presentations. And the main thing is to understand why and why all this is needed.
  3. Self-confidence and presentability. The PR manager represents the face of the company, so all his statements must sound confident, reliable and convincing.
  4. Activity, ability to work.
  5. Originality of thinking, ability to find a way out of a difficult situation.
  6. Knowledge of etiquette rules, the ability to find a common language and ways to properly communicate with media representatives.
  7. Organizational skills.
  8. The ability to speak and persuade, clearly express your thoughts, the ability to listen to your interlocutor.
  9. Stress resistance.
  10. Ability to get things done using creative thinking psychological techniques, personal charm, ability to understand.

And one more important point: not a single exit calculated to the smallest detail target audience will not become truly effective without a creative plan and a flight of imagination.

ABOUT features of this profession, pros and cons

  1. Constant “drive” - there is always something new: clients, acquaintances, topics.
  2. In the process of work, you come across interesting, extraordinary people.
  3. The work is creative. There is a constant need to search for new solutions, extraordinary moves, and an instant change of tactics.
  4. The work is stressful. The disorganization of some people with whom you collaborate is reflected in the results of your work.
  5. High responsibility. Any undetected mistake or incorrectly spoken word can undo the hard-won result.
  6. Often there is a misunderstanding of the situation by the customer representative.
  7. Irregular working hours.

To be a PR manager, you need to have very strong self-confidence, be able to speak in public and inspire confidence. In any situation, you need to be able to not lose face and find answers to the most difficult and provocative questions.

In addition, you need to be an educated person. The work of PR managers is based on special disciplines: sociology, psychology, social Psychology. Therefore, graduates of the faculty of journalism, advertising and PR, and philology are valued.

As statistics show, 70% of representatives of this profession are girls, and only 30% are men, and almost all of these specialists are not older than 30 years.

PR managers can work in all areas of business. In each state reputable company there is at least one PR specialist, and if it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work, an entire PR department is organized. Concerning small organizations, then they prefer to have generalist employees in their ranks.

How much does he earn PR specialist