In practice business communication A special place is given to compliance with the norms and rules of speech etiquette in letters of various contents. Speech etiquette of a business letter is a manifestation of the culture of the addressee.

The opening address and closing form of politeness are generally accepted standard formulas.

Opening address- This is a way to attract the recipient’s attention and establish contact with him.

In the practice of domestic correspondence, until recently, the address was traditionally used in letters of a semi-official nature; in letters of invitation addressed to specific persons (honored figures of science, art, culture, deputies, persons occupying a high social position, etc.) or a group of persons related to the nature of their activities; in commercial correspondence. In modern official letters the role of appeal has increased; it is used in cases where the situation requires direct appeal to official or persons.

The appeal is placed on a separate line in the center. The exclamation mark gives the letter an emotional character and indicates special meaning, given by the author to the content of the question being posed.

When contacting the addressee, one should take into account his official position, field of activity, the nature of the relationship between the parties, the purpose of the letter, etc.

If a letter is sent to an institution, organization, enterprise, company or is addressed to an official whose name, surname and gender are not known, then the generally accepted addresses are the following:

- Dear Sirs!

- Gentlemen!

When addressing persons of the same professional circle, it is possible to address:

- Dear colleagues!

- Dear colleagues!

For Russian speech etiquette, gender leveling is a characteristic feature, since before 1917 there were practically no women in the civil service, and in the Soviet period the asexual address “comrade” was common (Comrade N. S. Ivanova). In recent years, when addressing a letter to a female official, a masculine noun is used (investigator, general director, manager, etc.).

If the recipient of the letter is a particularly important person: a high official (governor, mayor), an honored figure of science and culture, a famous public figure, president (chairman) of a society, campaign, company, etc., then use the following appeals:

- Dear Alexey Petrovich!

- Dear Pavel Anatolyevich!

It is possible to apply with a position and without a surname:

- Dear Mr. Minister!

- Dear Mr. Governor!

- Dear Mr. Deputy!

- Dear Mr. Publisher!

- Dear Mr. Chairman!

When addressing a person with a title, you can use the following option:

- Dear doctor!

- Dear Professor!

Authors of letters should keep in mind that today, more than ever, a personal appeal is important, which arouses increased interest in the letter among the addressee and demonstrates the sender’s attention and respect for the business partner.

The inclusion of the addressee's surname in the address formula gives the text of the document a polite and official character. If the address indicates the first and patronymic, but does not name the last name, then it takes on a somewhat personal character. Addressing by first name and patronymic is allowed in a letter of invitation, letter of message, letter of gratitude and some others. These differences are due to the traditions of Russian speech culture:

- Dear Mr. Petrov!

- Dear Mrs. Petrova!

- Dear Mr. Smirnov!

- Dear Mrs. Demina!

- Dear Mr. Gorsky!

- Dear Mrs. Pronina!

- Mr. Martynov.

- Dear Dmitry Ivanovich!

- Dear Ksenia Petrovna!

-Igor Konstantinovich,...

Final form of politeness completes the main text, is placed on the right side on the same vertical with the date located at the top, and is separated from the body of the letter by two or three intervals. At the end of the final politeness formula, as a rule, a comma is placed, but its absence is also acceptable. The “Signature” detail (name of the position of the person who signed the document, personal signature and its explanation) is placed below the final courtesy formula in accordance with GOST R 6.30-97. In letters issued on official letterhead (as well as in some private letters), the name of the position and the signature are not included.

In business correspondence, there are several options for the final politeness formula. If the letter begins with the phrase: Dear Sir ..., then it should end with the phrase: Sincerely,...

In letters of congratulations and thanks, in letters of a personal nature, the following language formulas are used:

- Sincerely yours; ...

- Sincerely yours...

- WITH the bestwishes, ...

- With the best wishes and greetings, ...

-With warm regards, ...

- With heartfelt greetings and wishes, ...

-With gratitude. Your...

- WITH friendly greetings,...

- With friendly greetings,...

- Our best wishes to Mr. (name).

In a real situation, the sender must be guided not only by the standard, but also by the rules of good manners.

In letters to unfamiliar people or business partners, you should use formal language:

- Sincerely,...

- With gratitude and respect, ...

- With deep respect, ..


As a rule, such letters are personally addressed.

Words of gratitude are appropriate both at the beginning and at the end of the letter. A letter expressing gratitude can have different contents, for example: a letter of request, a letter of confirmation, a letter of invitation, a letter of response to an invitation, a covering letter, a letter of request, etc. When choosing one or another wording for expressing gratitude The nature of the business and personal relationship between the sender and recipient of the letter should be taken into account.

At the beginning of the letter, you can testify your respect, respectful attitude towards the addressee, recognition of his merits, positive assessment of the business partner’s intelligence, etc. or express gratitude for the correspondence received:

-Very kind of you ...

- I greatly appreciate your kindness...

- Recognizing and appreciating your contributions to...

- We were happy to receive...

- This is a letter - expression of deep gratitude (appreciation) ...

- We gratefully acknowledge receipt of your order for...

- Thank you very much for the fax from...

- Thank you for the catalog we received...

- Thank you for your letter from...

- Please accept my sincere (deep) gratitude for...

-I would like to express my deep gratitude for...

-I am (sincerely) grateful for your...

- Let me express my gratitude for participating in...

- Let me thank you for...

- Let me express my gratitude to you

- We are grateful to you for...

- We express our gratitude on behalf of...

- Thank you for your participation...

At the end of the letter You can also once again use words of gratitude, express hope for a quick response, for continued cooperation, for possible prospects for business relations, etc.:

WITH I remain grateful for your interest in this matter, ...

- Thank you in advance for your assistance, I remain, Your...

- I will (we will) be very grateful (grateful) for a quick (urgent) response.

- We would be very grateful if wouldYou answered as soon as possible.

- Thank you very much for your (kind) assistance.

- Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

- With heartfelt greetings and gratitude for your action (patience) in this matter.

- I truly appreciate your patience and continued progress. interest.

- We are waiting for your kind response.

WITH best wishes and confidence in the development of mutually beneficial cooperation...


A letter of congratulations is proof of the sender’s goodwill towards the recipient

Congratulations and wishes are most often the main aspect of a letter, postcard, telegram, but they can also be part of a multifaceted letter. In this case, words of congratulations and wishes are usually placed after the address and greeting.

For letters that are written and sent long before the significant date, it is possible to place congratulations at the end of the letter.

In official letters of congratulations the most common formulas are:

allow me to congratulate you;

Let me congratulate you;

Please accept my (our) congratulations.

Please accept our congratulations

with a new appointment.

Happy New Year and upcoming Christmas.

Happy anniversary.


on the occasion of the national holiday.

on the occasion of your anniversary.

in connection with the opening of the international conference.

On occasion

electing you to the post...

allow me (allow me) to congratulate….


successful defense of your dissertation

Please accept my (our) congratulations...

Allow me

Let me


Much success to you, health, prosperity, happiness...

Good luck to you in implementing your plans

Please accept our (sincere, warm, heartfelt, etc.) wishes

new successes.

great achievements.

health, fulfillment of hopes (wishes)


A letter of invitation can be addressed to a specific person or several persons, or to institutions. An invitation to a specific person should be drawn up taking into account the status of the addressee, the nature of the relationship between the parties, as well as the degree of formality of the event.

The most common expressions in business correspondence are the words: allow me to invite; let me invite.

Expressions that are neutral in style emphasize the interest of the inviting party. Such expressions also have the nature of a discussion, that is, a unilateral invitation without the consent of the other party. In the event that the other party agrees, an official invitation is sent.

- We would be glad to see you at...

- We will be very grateful for your participation in ...

-We would be grateful if you could accept our invitation to...

In the case when the initiator of the invitation is the other party (We would like to take part in your owl longing), In a response letter of invitation, the following expressions are appropriate:

- We will (with great) joy receive (meet) your representatives (your delegation).

- We are glad to invite you...

- We agree to receive your delegation ...

- We can accept your representatives.

- We have no objection to your participation in the meeting.

- For our part, we are (with joy) ready to receive (invite, meet) your representatives.

If the first party is particularly interested in agreement, then after the actual invitation phrases the following expressions are used:

- We hope that you will accept our invitation.

- We would like to hope for your consent.

- We express our hope that you will accept our invitation (offer).


The generally accepted formulas for expressing regret are as follows:


- To our great regret, ...

- To my great regret, ...

- With regret...

- We are very sorry ...

- We are extremely sorry ...

- I'm very sorry that...

- I regret to learn from your letter that ...

- Regret ...

Expressing regret about a failed transaction, late payment, delay in delivery of ordered goods, etc. may not be enough to maintain good relations between both parties and the possibility of further successful cooperation, therefore, the rules of business etiquette recommend that you apologize for the inconvenience caused. Apologies in letters can accompany requests (Sorry for asking you), failures (Sorry, but unfortunately we cannot fulfill your request) etc.

The typical and most commonly used apology formulas are the following:


A covering letter is drawn up when sending any material assets to the addressee; documents that do not have an address part; documents requiring additional clarification. Covering letters are also required in cases where the documents being sent include several sheets. Covering letters indicate the name of the document being accompanied and the purpose of its sending, the deadline for execution, the reason for the delay, etc., is explained.

- In response to your letter from...

(to your request, to your request)

Referring to your (our) letter from... (your request, our agreement, our

telephone conversation), ...

According to your request

According to our agreement

In accordance with the additional protocol for... a year (with our agreement, with your request)

Based on an additional protocol for... a year (your request, our agreement)

In connection with your request (our agreement)

In confirmation of our agreement (our telephone conversation)

we direct

we send

we send

we forward

    We direct

    We send

    We send

    We forward

    We return

in the application...

with this letter...

separate package...

registered parcel post...

today's mail...

by postal parcel...

separate postal parcel...

With pleasure

we send we send we forward

We are glad

In the application

At the same time

Due to this




we direct

we send

we send

we forward

are being sent

are sent

are sent


- (We) attach...

- We send an application to ...

- We send (to you) cash on delivery ...

- I submit for approval ...

- We forward (to you) for consideration ...

- According to the attached list ...

- We are sending you samples along with this letter...

    In response to

Your letter from

Your request

your request

we direct

we send

we send

we forward

    Referring to

Your request

our agreement

our telephone conversation

    According to

your request

our agreement

    In accordance with

additional protocol

our agreement

by your request

    Due to

by your request

our agreement

    In confirmation

our agreement

our telephone conversation


In the first part of the letter, no more than one paragraph, write what kind of person you are and greet the leadership of the prospective partner on her behalf. Here it is appropriate to use phrases such as “Our company wishes prosperity to your business”, “on behalf of such and such we express our respect to you.” Be sure to include the name of your organization. Remember that any company receives more than a dozen letters in the form of spam with an offer to conclude an agreement, so the addressee must immediately understand whose proposal we are talking about.

In the next part of the letter, remind the potential partner that your companies have already had preliminary agreements on a specific contract or service. You can use phrases such as “our negotiations...”, “We have considered your wishes regarding...”. Let the recipient know that this proposal is not template and basic, as for all clients, but is developed specifically for this company, and takes into account all the features of this particular business.

In the largest part of the proposal, indicate exactly what services or products you offer, what they are, and delivery times. Information presented in tables is easier to perceive. Offer the client several options with different prices, quantities and volumes of services provided so that he can choose the most suitable combination. Emphasize the benefits that the client will receive by concluding an agreement with your organization. Here you can indicate discounts, special offers permanent partners, the possibility of concluding contracts for the provision additional services or supply of other goods on extra-favorable terms.

Dedicate the last part to wishes and farewell words. Use standard phrases, for example, “We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation...”, “With best wishes...”. Be sure to sign and leave your contact information so that if the client makes a positive decision, he does not have to look for a phone number or address email where you can be contacted.

Video on the topic

Please note

Business proposals for cooperation are usually made to representatives various organizations, enterprises and firms. We are driven by the desire to use the opportunity for mutually beneficial cooperation. If you start with business correspondence, in which you briefly outline the essence of your proposal, must be accompanied by a letter of proposal for cooperation. A positive response to a proposal for cooperation depends on how you make it.

Useful advice

The point is that in normal commercial offer as the main content and semantic component, there is everything necessary to divide the parties into the seller and buyer of goods or services. A business proposal for cooperation may also present specific positions for market discussion and bargaining, but still to a small extent. The text about cooperation should contain an element of persuasion and influence not on the buyer, but on the future partner.


  • business proposals about cooperation
  • Positive response to a letter with a proposal for cooperation
  • How to write a letter about a cooperation offer



noun, With., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? respect, what? respect, (see) what? respect, how? with respect, about what? about respect

1. Respectfully refers to someone's feeling of deep respect for someone.

To have humble respect for someone. | Express your respect to someone. | Show respect to your neighbor. | Instill deep respect. | Show respect to someone. | Treat your parents with respect. | Speak to someone without due respect. | Happy is the one who shows proper respect to others and does not expect the same for himself. | By his behavior he earned the love and respect of all his comrades.

2. If anyone conveys (testifies) to anyone your respects, then this means that this person ceremonially sends greetings to someone, expresses his respect through someone.

I had the honor to pay my respects to her.

3. Phrase My respects sounds like a greeting when meeting or parting with someone.

My respect to the society! | Ladies and gentlemen! My respects.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what “reverence” is in other dictionaries:

    REVERENCE, reverence, plural. no, cf. (book). Deep respect felt for someone or something. To treat someone or something with respect, without any respect. Show respect. Feel respected. Lowest respect (polite obsequious... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Respect, reverence, attention, adoration, worship, admiration, obsequiousness, deference, honor, honor. To enter in honor, to inspire respect, to impress. He managed to present himself well. .. Prot. contempt. Wed... Dictionary of synonyms

    Reverence- Reverence ♦ Estime A special type of respect; not the respect with which we treat every human being, but that which we show to those whom we consider the best, if their valuable qualities do not exceed the average or our own standard (in ... ... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    REVERENCE, I, Wed. Deep respect. Refer to whom n. with respect. With perfect respect (polite final formula of the letter; obsolete). My p.! (greeting when meeting or parting; in the speech of men; colloquial). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    respect- great respect great respect greatest respect deep respect perfect respect ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

    respect- My respects (colloquial fam.) 1) greeting when meeting or (less often) when parting with someone. Ah, my respect... said Rshikov. Chekhov. 2) in meaning predicate, usually in combination with the word simply about what n. very unpleasant, unacceptable or... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

    respect- I, Wed. Deep respect. In speech etiquette, a form of expressing friendly disposition and greetings; an exclamation about something amazing. The newcomer went to make visits to all the city dignitaries. I visited the governor with respect. //… Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words from works of Russian literature of the 18th-19th centuries

    Give / give respect to someone. Mord. Greet someone SRGM 1980, 11. Let someone go with our respect. Jarg. corner, arrest, mil. Free someone from custody, but remain under supervision. Baldaev 1, 298; Baldaev 2, 48; Homeowners' Home, 125... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Reverence- (related to the word honor, honor) - deep respect. Possible manifestations are removing the headdress, bowing, shaking hands with both hands, kissing the hand. Wed: Vast spaces evoke respect, which suggests an incipient feeling of fear... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    respect- to testify to perfect respect demonstration... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • Masterpieces of Chinese Art, Rhonda Cooper, Jeffrey Cooper. This publication is a magnificent overview of the artistic masterpieces of Chinese civilization from the Neolithic era to the end of the 20th century, which includes works in the field of sculpture, painting, calligraphy and…

7 original and non-standard examples texts of a thank you letter about cooperation. Choose best option and edit for yourself, all texts can be downloaded in Word. What should be the ideal thank you letter? simple tips which will help you write best letter with gratitude for your cooperation.

Letter of thanks Many experts recognize it as one of the types of business letters. As a rule, this type letters are used in collective organizations related by profession or study. The closest definition to a letter of gratitude can be considered the well-known diploma, which is usually awarded in schools and sports clubs for achievements.

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to both a specific person and the organization as a whole, for example, for fruitful cooperation. In this article we offer several options for writing a thank you letter for cooperation. The texts of the letters are given below.

The procedure for writing such letters is discussed in the article: .

1. Text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to the employee.

Dear Zinaida Valerievna!

Surely you know that our young company cannot yet boast of significant work experience and a rich pedigree. But our company has something much more significant: employees like you!

Let me express to you warm words of recognition and gratitude for the fact that you have been honestly working for the benefit of our company almost from the very first day! Our team remembers how you, together with everyone else, steadfastly overcame all the difficulties of the initial stage of development of our common brainchild; how they helped less experienced colleagues with good advice and supported them with warm words at the right time.

Largely thanks to you, our company is now rapidly developing and opening up tempting horizons for all of us. Your intelligence, your experience, your kindness played an extremely important role for the common good!

We are sincerely interested in continuing cooperation, we wish you warmth, health and love!

2. Example of the text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to staff

Dear colleagues, employees of our wonderful Hypermarket LLC!

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we congratulate you on successfully achieving your business goal this year! Our common success is great!

Throughout the whole year, you have worked courageously and selflessly to complete the tasks assigned to you. And you did it! Thanks to your common efforts, your collective spirit, our company will enter the New Year one of the most prosperous in the city.

We appreciate you and sincerely wish you warmth, love, family comfort and high salaries!

Best regards, General Director.

3. An example of the text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation addressed to partners

Dear partners!

I express my sincere gratitude to you for our fruitful cooperation! Our joint efforts led us to a natural business victory! I believe that in the future you and I will be able to maintain and continue our partnerships.

I wish you health, personal prosperity, new mutually beneficial projects and conquering even more inaccessible heights in our difficult business.

4. An example of a letter of thanks for cooperation to a partner

Dear …!

We greatly appreciate our cooperation with your company over the past 5 years.

We are well aware that the success we have achieved in recent years is the result of painstaking teamwork and constant daily interaction with your specialists. Thanks to your openness, desire to understand and satisfy your partner’s needs, and focus on improving performance indicators, our relationship grows stronger every year, and we conquer new heights in capturing the attention of consumers.

We express our gratitude to you for your joint work and hope for further strengthening of existing relations and growth of indicators achieved during joint activities.

We wish your company prosperity and success!


5. An example of a text of gratitude for cooperation to the partner’s team


On behalf of our company, we express our deep gratitude to the _________ team for the mutually beneficial cooperation and support provided during advertising events aimed at developing new customer channels. The dedication and integrity of _______ employees allowed us to achieve amazing results. Our company has reached new market sales, thanks to the professional approach of the ________ organization team to carrying out advertising company our product.

We sincerely hope that this interaction between our companies was not the last, and we look forward to strengthening and expanding partnerships in the future!


6. Example of an official thank you letter for cooperation to a partner


LLC "___" represented by general director _______ expresses gratitude to the team and management of ___ LLC for successful long-term cooperation. Over the years of interaction, the relationship between our companies has strengthened, and thanks to common interests, the best results in our work have been achieved. We hope for further development our relationships and access to new level cooperation with closer relationships.


7. Text of the letter of gratitude to the supplier for cooperation

IP ___ expresses gratitude to LLC ___ for long-term cooperation and uninterrupted supply of products to our company’s warehouses. The professionalism of your specialists, attention and understanding of our needs have ensured the most positive history of the relationship between our companies.

We hope that partnerships will only grow stronger over the years, and no obstacles will stand in the way of strengthening the relationship between our companies.


Video - how to write the best thank you letter

Usually compiled in relation to companies with which the organization cooperates on on an ongoing basis. Allows you to express your positive attitude regarding, for example, a successfully completed project. I express my deep gratitude for the productive cooperation. We work with you throughout the year.

During this time, with your help, we were able to attract new customers and expand our sales market.

Thank you to partners for cooperation Samples, letter templates.

Letter of gratitude to partners for cooperation.

Author Egen Kurveeva. Regardless of how the gratitude is written, the main thing is that it will be written. Most people, at the end of a job, transaction, etc., forget even about a basic “thank you,” not to mention expressing gratitude in writing.

Sample document: Letter of thanks for cooperation

Dear Sergey Vasilievich! We highly appreciate working together with your company and hope for further close cooperation.

We wish you and your company success and prosperity!

Simple tips on how to express gratitude for cooperation

Many of us are faced with the fact that when building business communications With people, it is necessary to express gratitude to them for their cooperation. Let's briefly look at the most basic and simple ways of expressing such gratitude.

The most in a simple way expressing gratitude is the creation of the text of a letter of gratitude signed by the head of the organization.

Such a certificate must have a seal.

Examples of thank you letter texts for cooperation

In this article we offer several examples of the text of a letter of gratitude for cooperation. We also recommend reading the article with examples of thank you letters for organizations at this link.

Letter of thanks to partners

We express to you our sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for the fruitful cooperation in the past 2009.

We believe in maintaining existing business and friendly relations, and hope for further mutually beneficial cooperation in 2010. We wish successful development and achieving new heights in business.

Director of Indigo LLC Ivanov Ivanov I.I.

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How to write a letter of gratitude to an employee, manager or business partners - text examples

What is a thank you letter

A letter of thanks is considered business document, but some deviations from the rules are allowed here. The header is indicated if necessary; it is an optional element.

Online magazine for accountants

The successful development of a company largely depends not only on the actions of management, but also on how productive the work of employees is. When there are incentives, people will definitely try. The company can provide incentives not only financially, but also morally – by expressing gratitude for the work.

Thank you letter - all the nuances of design The practice of writing thank you letters came to us from Western countries. Europeans and Americans everywhere send words of admiration and joy for the event, the assistance provided, and thank you for your cooperation and joint work.

The text of writing such documents will be discussed in detail in this article. The importance of letters of gratitude is undeservedly downplayed in Russia.

Texts of a thank you letter for cooperation A thank you letter for cooperation is written by an organization to express gratitude for a long and mutually beneficial relationship, for successful work within a certain period of time, for goods delivered or services provided on time.

A letter of gratitude is issued to letterhead organization and is transferred to the partner in person or by mail.