Today we will make funny birds - flamingos, storks, crows, parrots and yellow chicks. One of the current topics for creativity in kindergarten or holding a homework competition is bird crafts.

With children, before you start creating this craft, you can first conduct thematic lesson, talk about the life of birds in the summer, about why it is at this time that we most often hear bird voices around us.

In the event that the goal is an interesting bird craft with your own hands, for the kindergarten or center early development competition, then to create it you need to use the most beautiful and original materials.

Undoubtedly, real feathers will decorate such a craft. From them you can lay out a whole image of a bird, based on the color of the feather. For example, white feathers can turn into a charming stork. To create the beak and legs, use three-dimensional materials, and for greater naturalism, place the bird in a nest made of real straw or dry grass.

A very original postcard with a stork will be made using voluminous paper elements.

Feathers can be used as decoration finished image- create a crest, wings or tail from them. Here, for example, is what kind of parrot can be made from feathers and ice cream sticks.

You can make a bird out of paper, but place it in a large basket made from two disposable plates.

A wonderful chicken can be made from folded paper or a cardboard roll.

From painted food coloring eggshells make adorable chicks. If we plant them in halves of unpainted shells, we will get a touching “hatched chickens” composition!

And here is a lovely couple - a cockerel and an eggshell hen.

Another option for making chicken and chicken is made from felt.

This craft would make a wonderful Easter basket.

Easter basket "chicken"

You can make a wonderful souvenir in the form of a chicken with a flower from felt and satin ribbons.

Another adorable chick in a shell can be made using the quilling technique.

Watch the video “how to make a bird in a cage:”

You can add a twist to the applique by extending the bird’s paws and head beyond the cardboard base.

If you have multi-colored wings, you can make a fantastic flamingo. Its body will be an old CD, its paws will be made of chenille wire, and its head and neck will be made of felt or velvet cardboard.

You can do without feathers.

A beautiful three-dimensional stork will be made from cotton wool and thick knitting yarn.

Or from round, folded in half, white and black paper blanks. An application made from such modules looks very strict and impressive.

Instead of paper, it is convenient to use disposable plates to create semicircular modules. One plate becomes the body of one bird.

And this is a funny applique “flying birds with a feather”.

Very impressive bright birds are made from plain paper. Thin sticks are glued to two opposite sides of the paper circle. The circle is folded in half - the sticks are connected together to form the legs of the bird. They can be fixed with plasticine - then the bird will stand. The beak, wings, tail and comb are made from bright colored strips of paper.

A variety of birds can be made from natural materials. For example, a cockerel made from apples can become a real table decoration.

A smart penguin with glasses can be made from eggplant and carrots.

The penguin can be made using the appliqué technique from paper and cotton wool.

Penguin applique made of paper and cotton wool

A stunning penguin figurine can be made from painted walnut shells.

A funny turkey can be made from maple leaves.

And wings made from a variety of prints of different colors will be useful for a chic, bright parrot.

You can do the opposite - draw the body of a bird, and make the wings from a different material. For example, a disposable plate.

A spectacular lark is made from cardboard and paper folded like an accordion.

Using the same technique you can make a variety of colored birds. Look at the video on how to do this:

A paper lark can also be made using the popular origami technique:

You can decorate the finished applique with touches of paint, which will look much more interesting if you use wood glued together from wood-colored decorative film and colored paper as the main background.

The application “birds in a nest” can turn out to be very touching and spring-like. An application in which a combination of materials will be used in the nest looks interesting. For example, to make this application we used paper, napkins and plasticine.

Application “birds build a nest”

Using various creative materials, you can make a three-dimensional applique with birds and insects.

See how to make a beautiful spring applique with birds and birch trees:

Very interesting birds can be made using the trimming technique. The base of the craft is smeared plasticine. Using a small stick or toothpick, insert pieces of paper into it. We made a graceful swan using the cutting technique.

But such a charming swan can be made from a pine cone, a CD and plasticine.

The pine cones can be used to make extremely charming owls.

Another awesome way to make a swan is to glue it together from beautiful white shells.

A very beautiful bird is made from smooth pebbles.

Perhaps the most original idea making birds, making them in the form of soap.

Another wonderful bird is made from nuts.

A wonderful fluffy winter bullfinch can be made from thread.

Look at the video “how to make a beautiful bird from threads”:

A painted bullfinch will be a wonderful decoration for a winter picture or postcard.

Drawing "Bullfinch"

The smallest artists can draw birds using their palms and fingers.

Drawing with palms and fingers “birds”

Spring birds on a branch, gouache drawing:

This is how different do-it-yourself bird crafts can be, photos of which you could now see.

DIY bird craft reviews:

“How many different options) do it, you can’t change it”) (Ksyu)

I really liked the bullfinch made of threads) (Sasha)

At all times, children, regardless of age, liked activities that allowed them to express their creativity, and this is still the case today. Appliques, beadwork and many other types of creativity are available to modern representatives of the younger generation. They might also like the “bird” craft. With your own hands, invite your child to make this thing from plasticine, yarn, paper, natural or many other materials. At the same time, you can be sure that the baby will like both the process of making the product and the result obtained.

Paper peacock

One of the most beloved birds by children is the peacock, because it is the prototype of the firebird that bewitches children from the TV screen or drawings in the book. Therefore, a child will be very willing to take on a job if he is shown at least an image of it, but it is better if he already has a ready-made “bird” craft on hand for example. With his own hands, a child can make a body and a bushy tail out of paper, and then connect these parts with glue.

So, to make a bird we will need colored and white paper, scissors. To make the task easier when making the body, you can print out the template below in advance and give it to your child. In this case, all that remains is to place the blank on a colored sheet, outline, cut out and complete the missing details: crest, eyes, beak.

When making the body of a peacock, it is important to lengthen the lower part, since in the future it will need to be bent in order to make the finished “bird” craft more stable. With your own hands, in order to lengthen it, you can also glue a strip of paper to the finished body, if the initial height of the sheet on which the child drew the template was not enough.

Making a peacock tail and connecting all the parts

The tail is probably the main detail of a paper peacock, since it is what gives the bird its splendor. Therefore, it is very important to do it properly. To make this part, you will need a sheet of bright paper (green, pink or red) measuring 9x9 cm. It must be folded diagonally, and the resulting triangle be bent in half again.

From the side of the base of the triangle you need to draw the outlines of the feathers and cut them out. It is important that the vertex of the triangle remains intact. After this, the part must be laid out to the state of the first triangle and feathers drawn on both sides with a felt-tip pen. At the final stage of making the tail, it is necessary to cut the outer line of each feather with scissors.

Now all that remains is to connect the body and tail; to do this, bend the first part at the base, creating a stand, and glue a bright triangle to the back, turning it upside down. So the “bird” craft is ready. A child can create this little thing with his own hands out of paper in literally 10-15 minutes, and he will receive a huge amount of positive emotions.

Bird made from plasticine: preparatory stage

Each child needs to be conveyed the information that a do-it-yourself “bird” craft is made from natural material and plasticine can be made quite easily, in any case, no more difficult than from paper. The only difference in creating this souvenir is the trip for necessary materials not only to the stationery store, but also to the forest or park. So, you will need to find a spruce cone, several dry leaves of different shapes and sizes (you can take green ones, but you will have to dry them at home) and a rose hip. You will need to buy plasticine and toothpicks at the office supply store. For the stand you should also choose a small square board 1-1.5 cm thick.

Making a bird from natural material and plasticine

So, if everything you need is already at hand, you can be sure that in a few minutes the “bird” craft will already be on the table. The child will fold it with his own hands in less than half an hour. The body should be the tail, the wings and crest should be leaves, and the legs should be toothpicks.

You need to take the cone, turn it to a horizontal position, and attach a rose hip to the wide side using a piece of plasticine. For the tail, you will need to stick a long narrow leaf (for example, an oak leaf) into the cone on the narrow side. Attach the wings - halves of a wide leaf - to the corresponding places on the body. Stick a tuft into the rosehip head. Insert toothpicks into the bottom side of the cone and then attach ready-made craft to the board. And it would seem that the “bird” craft is already ready. However, you still need to make some details with your own hands from plasticine, namely the eyes, and attach them to the corresponding places on the head. And after that, the bird can already be placed on the shelf as a souvenir. If desired ready product covered with paint or glitter.

Bird made of threads: materials and blanks

Yarn is another material from which a magnificent bird craft can be made. With your own hands, you can make a magnificent sparrow from threads, tape, a dart, beads and a piece of newspaper. You will also need a glue gun, scissors, and a sheet of thick cardboard measuring 9x12 cm.

First you need to make blanks for the wings, breast and back. Please note that different parts of the sparrow have different colors. To make the first two parts, you need to wind the yarn across the cardboard sheet in two places. The last piece is made by winding threads along the template. The yarn must be cut at one end, and the part that will be used as wings must be knitted in the middle.

Making a bird from threads

Next, the threads for the chest and back should be folded crosswise so that the first piece crosses the second at the top. Then, with a longer winding, you should wrap around the short one and fasten the back with a thread, after which a similar action should be done with the breast. As a result of these actions, a head will be created, and soon the “bird” craft will be ready.

With your own hands, you will next need to wrap the yarn prepared for the wings around a piece of newspaper, and place this piece between two existing ones - as a result, you will get a body. Next, from the opposite end you need to tie all the threads together and trim them. The legs can be made of wire and wrapped with tape on top. Then attach them with glue to the appropriate places, and also sew beads as eyes and make a beak from a seed, gluing it to the head. Such a bird can decorate any room in the house by placing it on a shelf or hanging it on a thread.

In the master class we will tell you in detail how to make a bird with your own hands from yarn and other materials quickly and beautifully.
The idea is very simple and kids will definitely love it. You can bring this craft to school or kindergarten and decorate the interior of a child’s room or living room with it.

What we need:

Yarn in 4 different colors;
PVA glue;
wire cutters;
2 medium sized black beads;
black thread with a needle.
copper wire (jewelry).
To begin, we will prepare 3 rectangles of cardboard: 2 – measuring 9 x 7 cm and 1 – measuring 12 x 7 cm. The dimensions of the rectangles will depend on the size of the future bird.

We wrap yarn of different colors on each of the rectangles. We wind along the rectangle until the thickness of the yarn layer reaches 1 cm on each side.

When choosing the color of the yarn, it is advisable to wind darker yarn on a 12 cm long rectangle (the upper part of the future bird), on the first 9 cm long rectangle - light yarn (the lower part of the bird) and on the remaining rectangle - a combination of yarn of 2 colors (bird wings) .
Holding the wound yarn tightly, we cut it on one side, resulting in 3 parts.

Now we place the dark part (12 cm) horizontally and place light yarn on it perpendicularly. The result is a cross.

Then fold the dark yarn in half, twisting the light yarn. Then take one strand of dark yarn and tie it tightly around the dark yarn folded in half at the fold.

In the same way, fold the light yarn in half and tie it tightly around it with a thread of light yarn.

On at this stage It is also necessary to align the ends of the yarn.
Add a third group of yarn. To do this, put it under the groups already connected together perpendicularly. The knot of dark yarn should face up, as in the picture.

To form the body of the bird, take a piece of paper (newspaper) and crumple it into a ball and place it between 3 groups of yarn (see picture).

Holding the ends of 3 groups of yarn, which lie evenly on the paper ball, tightly tie a thread of any color around them.

We also straighten the ends of the yarn if necessary.

Now we will create the missing elements for our bird. From orange cardboard we cut out and glue a cone that will serve as a beak.

We will make legs from decorative wire and insert them into the yarn of the lower part of the bird, first bending the free edges of the wire.

Let's add eyes to our bird, for which we sew 2 black beads on both sides of the head.

All you have to do is glue the beak and you're done!!! We came up with such a great craft for children:

We got a simple and very cute bird made from threads, which we made with our own hands. You can experiment with different colors of yarn to create a unique bird color.

By Camilla Bellezza

For preschoolers, in addition, this is also an excellent way to develop fine motor skills and speech. Let your child work with plasticine more, even if it leads to a little chaos in the house - such a pastime is extremely useful for the development of the baby.

Prepare a simple pine cone, a modeling mat, a few pieces of bright plasticine and a glass stack. Make a head ball (you will need bright yellow plasticine), as well as orange wings and a stand, a red beak and blue eye balls. Secure all the prepared pieces onto the pine cone, and then place the pine cone itself on a plasticine stand. So the wonderful bird is ready - an excellent “tinkerer” for 3-year-old children!

Plastic bottle

You will need to prepare for work a large bottle made of white dense plastic with a handle, scissors, and a marker. First, wash the container thoroughly so that no traces of its contents remain. Be sure to remove all labels. Draw lines on the plastic surface with a marker - measure a couple of centimeters from the bottom to remove the bottom. Next, on the side opposite the handle, draw a line along the seam. Draw an arch near the neckline.

Please note that when cutting out a bottle, you should place it on a stable surface, such as a table or floor. Cut off the bottom first and then follow the seam line. To cut out the beak, you should move from the cut seam to the neck along a curve. Stop when you reach the thread line.

To make a beak, the cut piece should be turned into the neck of the bottle. Step back 2 cm from the handle and cut two arches on the sides for the wings.

Place the workpiece with the handle down. Hold it and gradually turn the side inside, now you just need to work a little to shape it and the wonderful bird is ready!

Thread craft

This craft is also quite simple and can be done together with a three-year-old child. First, cut out a cardboard rectangle with sides 20 and 14 cm. Wind about 60 turns of black yarn around it along the long side, it should be voluminous and dense. Cut in half and set the threads aside.

Now wind about 40 turns of red yarn along the short side of the rectangle, and do the same with the gray yarn.

Now start shaping the body of the bullfinch. Place the red piece across the black one and cross it. Just tie the gray threads in half.

Form a ball with a diameter of 5 cm from cotton wool or padding polyester and wrap it with gray threads. Lay black threads on top, which will play the role of the head and back of the bird, and form the sides from red threads. Secure everything from below with thread.

Release the threads and form a head, while not tightening it too tightly. The beak can be made from a seed, and beads can be used for the eyes. Your child will probably really enjoy doing this

Bird crafts have always been very popular among lovers of home crafts. Figures of feathered creatures are especially relevant on Bird Day, which is celebrated in the spring on April 1 in kindergartens and schools. The holiday is dedicated to the return of migratory birds and marks the onset of spring and the renewal of awakened nature. On this day, children of all ages make bird crafts, and older schoolchildren make birdhouses and hang them on trees.

Bird crafts can be made from a wide variety of materials: cotton pads, colored paper, plastic bottles, salt dough, natural and any available materials. There are many options for creating birds - from simple ones for small children to complex ones that schoolchildren can easily master with the help of adults.

We bring to your attention several lessons on creating birds with your own hands with step by step instructions, diagrams and tips. We hope that they will help you learn all the intricacies of this fascinating process and be filled with new bright ideas.

We will need: plastic bottles of various colors, polystyrene foam, a wooden block as a stand, a metal rod, foil and thin colored plastic, a glue gun.

Step one: Cut out the peacock's body and head from foam plastic, not forgetting to make small indentations in place of the eyes. We attach it to a wooden block using a metal rod, which plays the role of legs.

Step two. We make enough peacock feathers from plastic bottles of different colors. We will need three types of feathers: long for the tail, short for the neck and a little longer for the body. To do this, cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle and cut it lengthwise into 3 parts.

We round one end of each strip with scissors and cut its edges into thin strips so that it looks like a bird’s feather. We decorate the rounded end of the feathers intended for the tail with two or three multi-colored ovals made of foil and plastic. You can attach them using a stapler.

Step three. We cut out a beak from a red plastic bottle and fasten it in place. Next, using a glue gun, we gradually glue the feathers onto the body of the bird, starting from the tail and ending with the neck. Attach the feathers slightly overlapping, as shown in the photo. Do not forget that medium-length feathers are intended for the body, and meek ones for the neck.

Step four. We cut out a tuft of any shape that our imagination dictates from colored plastic and glue it onto the head. Using acrylic paints, draw the eyes of a peacock. You can glue eyelashes cut from a transparent plastic bottle to them.

Step five. Let's start making the tail using an abrasive mesh. We make holes at the base of the feathers and attach them to the mesh using thin wire.

We start making the tail from the end, gradually layering feathers on top of each other in rows until the bird’s luxurious long tail is completely formed. After that, we attach it to the body and place the peacock, made with our own hands from plastic bottles, in an area among flowers and greenery.

DIY firebird made from salt dough - master class

For Bird Day, you and your children can make a three-dimensional firebird from salt dough. The work will take little time, require very few materials and will provide the children with a cheerful and festive mood.

We will need: salty dough, gouache or watercolor paints, colorless varnish.

Step one. Making salt dough. To do this, mix a glass of flour with a glass of salt and knead the dough by pouring 100 ml of brewed starch into it. We prepare it as follows: dilute a tablespoon of starch in 100 ml of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water into this mixture.

Step two. Divide the salt dough into 5 pieces and paint them in different colors. To do this, add gouache or watercolor paints to each piece and lightly knead it again. Next, we draw a sketch of the firebird and sculpt the bird’s details on it: wings and body. Dry them in the oven at low temperature.

Step three. Making the tail fairy bird. We draw stencils of feathers and use them to sculpt them from pink and blue salt dough. Dry the feathers in the oven. Next, we paint all the parts of the bird with paints, cover them with colorless varnish, and connect them. We decorate a colorful festive panel with crafts. The salt dough firebird is ready!

Birds made from cotton pads - master class

Another very cute craft that is perfect for decoration. kindergarten on the wonderful holiday Bird Day. It's easy, fun and very fast. Young children can be introduced to making birds from cotton pads.

For creativity we will need: cotton pads, wooden skewers, colored paper, narrow colored ribbons, plastic eyes, glue and scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. To create one bird we take 5 cotton pads. We cut one disk into two halves, and leave four whole.
  2. We fix two pairs of cotton pads on a skewer with glue so that it is inside. One pair of disks plays the role of the bird's head, and the other - the body.
  3. We glue the halves of the cut cotton pad to the body on both sides - these will be our wings.
  4. Glue the eyes and beak, cut out from a piece of colored paper, to the head and decorate the bird with a ribbon. A cute chick made from cotton pads for Bird Day is ready!

Owl made of colored paper - master class

You can make cute owls for celebrating Bird Day at school with your own hands from colored paper. We will need the colored paper itself, scissors, double-sided tape and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. We make a cylinder from a sheet of colored paper, glue its edges on one side, as shown in the photo, and press down the middle so that we get ears.
  2. Cut out a heart from paper and glue it to the bottom of the cylinder - these are the owl's feet.
  3. We cut circles of equal size and glue them onto the central part of the cylinder as feathers. In order for the circles to give volume to the craft, it is better to stick them with double-sided tape.
  4. We cut out a triangle of the same color as the legs and glue it to the top of the plumage - this is the beak.
  5. IN last resort glue on the eyes by cutting out circles for them from black and white paper. Your handmade owl is ready!

DIY bird of paradise made of polymer clay - master class

These adorable birds of paradise are made from air-hardening polymer clay. This modern material is also familiar to us under the names “self-hardening plasticine”, “modeling mass” and “velvet plastic”. To make charming feathered creatures we will need aluminum wire with a diameter of 1 mm, polymer clay, foil, scissors, pliers, stack, glass for rolling out clay, a little patience and diligence.

Operating procedure:

  1. We create three birds at once - while we are sculpting one, the rest are drying out. We cut the wire twice as long as the planned tail. We wrap half the wire with foil, crumpling it and forming the body of the bird.
  2. We make legs from wire, as shown in the photo, and insert them into the body. We take a piece of clay, shape it into a sausage shape, then roll it out and flatten it. Carefully remove the wire from the bird, place it inside the clay sausage, rolling it up using a glass. We insert the finished colored tail back into the body. In the same way we prepare the remaining two birds.
  3. We take a piece of blue, yellow and red clay, roll them out and gradually, smearing them with our fingers, stick them around the birds until the entire foil is covered. We will get three blanks of bright birds.
  4. Starting from the center, we stick around the paws. Then we take a piece of clay of the appropriate color and make the cheeks, crown and beak. We sculpt eyes from balls of black clay, not forgetting to squeeze out the upper and lower eyelids around them.
  5. Create a tail and crest. To do this, we cut off several wires of the length we need and roll them into clay. When it dries, we round off the ends using pliers and insert the tail parts into the bird’s body. We make shorter feathers from thin clay sausages by twisting the ends.
  6. We create the plumage effect by placing pieces of clay rolled out in the form of droplets on the body and working with a needle in the direction of feather growth. Using a needle, we create featheriness throughout the bird’s body. To make the eyes shine, you can coat them with varnish. A wonderful hand-made bird of paradise is ready!

More ideas and patterns for bird crafts made from various materials

For needlewomen familiar with the isothread technique, it will not be difficult to create paintings with beautiful white swans with their own hands and decorate a holiday with them, dedicated to the Day birds. For creativity, it is better to use floss or iris. On the wrong side of the cardboard we draw a swan and draw waves. We divide the drawing into details by drawing the shapes different sizes, and embroider using the isothread technique.

Woolen threads make a very charming feathered creature. You can easily create it with your own hands according to a simple and understandable scheme.

And according to this scheme, by introducing children to creativity, you can make a bird of happiness from a beautiful bright fabric.

Even small children can create such a colorful bird from circles of colored paper.

You can even make a charming bird from a strip of colored paper and a clothespin.

A bird you made yourself for Bird Day can be placed in a nest made from paper plates.

Simple clothespins in the hands of a craftswoman can turn into an extraordinary fairy-tale bird.

And finally, ideas for bird crafts made from natural and improvised materials: cedar or pine cones, painted feathers, cardboard and plasticine.