Glad to see you again, friends. Sergey Ivanisov is in touch with new topic earnings. Tell me, how many of you believe in the integrity of tenders that are supposedly fairly won by certain companies that ended up being owned by the brothers or in-laws of a high-ranking bigwig? That's it... And the vast majority don't believe it either.

Do you know why? Because first, young and experienced companies, headed not by someone’s relatives, but simply successful entrepreneurs, too sincerely believed in the possibility of obtaining profitable orders through fair competitive selection. And then the question arose for many: how to make money on tenders and government procurement, if everything has already been taken care of and paid for?

Yes, some bidders shared their impressions that the winning company approached the second-place bidder with an offer to give up their winnings for a certain amount and, accordingly, future front works Moreover, the tender organizers swore that bidders cannot know the names and contacts of competitors, since all information is confidential and is not published on the website.

How, then, can we explain the awareness of the winner who decided to trade his victory? And how can you measure the level of honesty of the organizers? The picture turned out to be unenviable, but not everything is so bad in our tender kingdom. Do you want me to prove that making money on tenders is still possible?

1. Who are the participants?

Only very inexperienced or very short-sighted business leaders, or very lazy managers who are not at all worried about their career growth, can miss their chance to enter the government contract market. For the rest, all suppliers of goods, services or works, and not only residents of the Russian Federation, can participate in the auction.

To participate in the auction, it is enough to have formal compliance with the requirements of the tender commission (for example, quickly organize an LLC, having learned about the lots that are interesting to you), submit an electronic application and the necessary package of documents.

Some companies take part in tenders, competing for services that they have no expertise in providing. the slightest experience, – they simply set the minimum price and wait for the result. If they win, they either re-profile and provide services themselves, or resell their winning rights to another company. But not in the same way as described above, but they advertise on thematic forums, in communities, on websites.

There are companies, let’s call them in the style of Ostap Bender “For the procurement of horns and hooves”, which participate in tenders not in order to develop the won project in stable business, but only because they know how to make money on tenders.

If you have ever seen announcements on forums like: “We will win the tender for you,” this is what they are. The comrades simply know how to win auctions and, for a certain fee, will easily and gladly win for any real company.

In order to somewhat restrain refuseniks, tender commissions introduce penalties and blacklists, but this does not frighten anyone, since you can earn so much from your own clients, who are not very experienced in tender trading, that the earnings will cover all the fines.

2. How to learn to win tenders yourself

If you constantly have doubts about the honesty of the auction organizers, then just wait until the state of mistrust passes, no, but what else can I recommend? Yes, not everything is as clean with auctions as we would like, but to refuse the opportunity to make money on government procurement and at the same time to participate in the process of shadowization of medium and small businesses, and at the same time still use the process for the benefit of your business - for this you need to be either very a self-confident or very uninitiative person.

In order to successfully develop your business or participate in tenders for other companies for money, you need to acquire at least basic knowledge about the contract system for providing government agencies and municipal organizations services and goods. If you have knowledge, then you can eliminate risks and mistakes.

2.1. Please be patient and calm to track your application.

Due to inattention or for some other reason, the customer makes a mistake. For example, the most common is a discrepancy between the total cost of the goods market price. An entrepreneur engaged in the supply of a specific product sees on the website an application for the supply of 1000 units for 2000 rubles, and on the market it costs 4 rubles individually. Such conditions - working at a loss - do not suit the entrepreneur, and he does not consider it necessary to waste his time on meaningless competition.

At the same moment, another supplier, suspecting a mistake, asks the applicant to explain the price and he finally notices the discrepancy and corrects 1000 units of goods by 500. But by this time, 85% of applicants have already abandoned the application.

Is this so bad for those remaining at the auction? Not at all! The less competition, the higher the chance of winning. But to do this you need to follow the application to the end.

2.2. Participation in suspiciously profitable trades

It is no coincidence that I emphasize the overly suspicious profitability of the application: many of them were created specifically for “their” company and the conditions there are appropriate. What the applicant would not even dare to promise to other companies, the applicant is ready to fulfill for “his own” with joy and exactly according to the conditions.

Don't ignore such requests. Using an example, I’ll give you an idea of ​​what they roughly look like: the posted project contains an amount of 10,000 rubles, while the price of the product, taking into account the margin, cannot exceed 2,000. Such a price tag confuses “not our” bidders, the first thing they think is: “This, probably just a visually similar product with much superior characteristics.”

Think what you want, but be sure to check the technical specifications. If they match, then feel free to apply. If you win, you will take advantage of all the “chocolate” conditions provided by the applicant - in the process tenders and after their completion no one has the right to change them.

2.3. Your own blacklist

If you are a frequent visitor to tender resources, you cannot help but notice which organizations behave dishonestly and give applications to the same people or companies. Study such patterns as for several years in a row two entities win a tender from a company: a certain individual entrepreneur O.P. Petrov and Peresvet LLC (name and title are fictitious, possible similarities are accidental), legal addresses which coincide.

Such monogamous firms should definitely be in your emergency situation - you won’t win from them.

2.4. Courage and integrity

The principle “Let them do what they want” in this case is inappropriate and harmful. If you notice obvious violations (wrong specified date, specific model and manufacturer), do not pass by and point them out to the applicant - he is obliged to respond. Otherwise - penalties of up to 100,000 rubles.

If the above method did not help...

You can only be a snitch in childhood, when the stakes in games are not so serious... And complaining about violators to the FAS (what an appropriate abbreviation, mind you) is a way to protect your rights. If you observe a violation of the law, complain to this agency - the Federal Antimonopoly Service - in most cases, violators are punished, and others are discouraged. Only activity with

You can, of course, continue to think that everything has long been divided, and how to make money on tenders without investments Tweet

In this section we will try to show in detail and reveal all the issues that may arise when participating in tenders. This article will be of interest primarily to those who are just starting to think about participation in tenders. We will try to figure out together what steps need to be taken at the very beginning. And is it worth trying to participate in tenders at all?

  • +3

    If you are a supplier and participate in tenders, then sooner or later you will need remove protection frompdf file. In this article, we will look at the reasons that force customers to install protection and, accordingly, ways to remove protection frompdf file to save your time and speed up the proposal preparation process.

  • +1

    After you have decided that your company needs to take part in the auction, you must select the sites where you plan to participate in the auction. Types of electronic platforms. Conventionally, ETP can be divided into...

  • +1 Participation in competitions: Application for the competition, documents for...

    Greetings, dear readers.

    We continue the series of practical articles in the “Tender Management” section. And today we will understand the competitive cuisine, we will try to find out everything about participation in competitions. Let's look at what an application for a competition is, we'll look in detail at what specific documents need to be attached to the competition, in addition, I will share with you my work and experience in preparing the application.

  • +1 Protocol for consideration of applications for participation in the competition, in...

    The application review protocol is a comprehensive document that allows the supplier to find out how the participant’s application was assessed. Let's consider the main points and features, as well as the differences between documents such as the protocol for considering applications for participation in a competition, in a request for quotations, in an auction. In the article, we will also consider in detail the cases in which a protocol for considering a single application is drawn up, and we will also consider an example of a sample protocol.

  • +1 Russian auction house: sixth platform for...

    In addition to the five federal platforms, another electronic platform “Russian Auction House” has been added, on which customers can now place electronic auctions. In the article you can find out more about this electronic platform.

  • 0

    So, you have decided to become a participant in commercial tenders or government procurement. What is needed for this?

    Let's consider two options. The first option is to participate in procurement without preliminary cash investments, or in other words free. The second option involves some cash costs.

  • 0 How to prepare a declaration of conformity for a participant...

    Hello, Colleagues. In touch, Andrey Pleshkov is the founder of the project, and today, with the help of this article, we will understand the features of drawing up a declaration of conformity when preparing an application for a tender. First, let's understand what is meant by a declaration of conformity. A declaration is a confirmation, a statement of compliance with certain requirements. That is, you draw up a document in which you write that you meet the requirements and list them. In the documentation, the customer can establish the form of such a declaration must be filled out and included as part of the application for participation in the tender.

  • 0 Tender Specialist (Tender Manager):...

    Hello, dear readers. The topic of today's article is related to such a specialty as a tender specialist. There are various variations of the names of such a position, for example, tender manager, tender manager, auction manager, competition manager, but the essence remains the same. The main activity is preparing applications for various tender procedures from the supplier's side. This specialty became popular and in demand relatively recently, after 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” came into force in 2005. This law created certain conditions under which tenders began to be used everywhere in procurement for government needs. In 2013, 8 years later, 94-FZ was replaced by 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

  • How can you win a tender?

    Participation in a tender is a very important experience for each participant. It’s clear that you really want to win it, because time, effort, and money were spent. So the question of how to win a tender remains extremely relevant. Even despite perfect compliance with the customer’s requirements, it is not always possible to win. There are cases when the customer obviously knows the winner of his tender, but still holds the competition “for show.”

    Rules for participation in the tender

    By participating in the tender, you agree to all the conditions put forward by the customer and undertake to comply with all rules of the tender.

    • By submitting an application (it must be completed exactly according to the instructions of the auction organizer), you confirm that you have all the resources that will be needed if you win and sign the contract.
    • The responsibility for completing the application falls on your shoulders. Any errors or minor nuances that do not meet the customer’s requirements may be considered as gross defects - you may be denied participation in the tender even during the pre-selection process.

    If you are tormented by the question of how to win a tender, then the first step to winning is correct design tender documentation. There are cases when a participant paid a lot of attention to the proposal itself (its development, design), but lost sight of the tender documentation, as a result of which the preliminary selection did not come.

    Tender documentation

    What does it take to win tenders? First of all, correctly compiled and executed documentation, which allows the customer to partially evaluate you and your ability to work. The conditions for submitting an application and the documentation that must be attached to it are usually agreed upon in advance. The concept of “tender documentation” includes a large number of papers, therefore, if you received an invitation to participate in a tender too late, it is better not to deal with paperwork at all - there is a high risk of wasting time and money.

    Documentation varies depending on the industry in which the tender is being held and the requirements of the customer. It is important to provide the tender organizer with documents on time and with maximum accuracy.

    Be sure to pay attention to the deadlines for submitting documents - not only the date, but also the time. It is advisable to prepare the documentation 3 days earlier than the agreed date, as it will definitely need to be double-checked.

    Assistance in winning tenders is provided by companies specializing in the preparation of documentation. These companies work with specialists who can provide truly significant assistance and prevent mistakes during the preparation of documentation.

    Package of documents required to participate in the auction:

    1. Application certified by the owner of the enterprise/company.
    2. Statement with accompanying company presentation.
    3. List of documents provided.
    4. Copies of constituent documentation legal entity and the charter.
    5. Certificates of state registration.
    6. Notarized copies of the research institute.
    7. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (statute of limitations – no more than 15 days).
    8. List of persons who represent the company.
    9. A copy of the order assigning duties to the chief accountant.
    10. Certificate stating that there are no tax debts.
    11. Financial tax reporting company certified tax inspector, for the three previous reporting periods.

    The specialist providing the service deals with a range of services: from analyzing documents for submitting an application to monitoring the fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

    How to win a tender at the stage of submitting documents?

    Considering that the preliminary selection of candidates begins with the submission of an application, you should prepare for the fact that the slightest mistake in the preparation of documentation may deprive you of the chance to participate in the competition. Therefore, pay attention to the tips below:

    1. Sign documents in blue ink and make sure your signature is legible.
    2. Use tables and graphs.
    3. Install good relationship with your client - call, clarifying certain points that you do not understand, then, after talking on the phone, send a letter thanking you for the information provided and note that you are waiting for the contract to be signed.
    4. Customers are usually skeptical, so providing a guarantee is a good idea.
    5. Show that you are a professional in your field.
    6. Use clear fonts when preparing documentation.
    7. In your offer, focus on the low price, quality and conditions of the product or service. It is also necessary to have good reputation– customers always pay special attention to it.
    8. Your capabilities must fully meet the requirements presented by the customer. If you win, but are unable to fulfill the terms of the contract, then there can be no talk of any cooperation.
    9. If you have already won once, then do not be so sure that a win awaits you here too - in the competition, each participant has an equal chance of winning.

    Remember that participation plays a big role. Even if you didn’t win, you should know that next time everything will definitely work out. To avoid making another mistake, you can seek help from a person who knows how to win tenders, having had similar experience.

    Steps to victory

    If you decide to participate in auctions, then do it regularly or not at all, otherwise there will be no return, and you will only waste precious time. Constant participation in tenders provides an opportunity to acquire the necessary skills, which will each time help to prepare all documentation and prepare proposals more efficiently and quickly. The first thing to consider is that experience matters. Try to learn how to bid on so-called “cats” - non-essential orders that are not so important in your career, but can serve as an excellent school.

    Tenders: how can you win?

    1. To begin, select employees who can participate in preparation for the competition independently, without distracting the manager.
    2. When tender proposals can only be accepted in writing, without the possibility of a face-to-face conversation, be careful - the tender may not be fair.
    3. What information should you collect? Find out contact information those decision makers and those responsible for the tender. Find out the structure of the current competition, the timing of decisions, as well as the pros and cons of the participants. What needs attention are the requirements for tender documentation, important dates of the tender organizers (you can congratulate one of the organizers on their wedding anniversary or the birthday of a child), take into account previous experience.
    4. How to win a government tender? Such bidding requires a conversation with the decision maker - ordinary employees who can answer the questions posed to them should not interest you, because they play no role in determining the winner.
    5. If this tender involves several stages, you can set aside a small percentage for bargaining.
    6. You should not offer a price lower than your usual price - your customers may find out about this.
    7. Be sure to prepare for “live” participation in the tender - work on your speech, make yourself presentable.
    8. To understand how to win a tender, put yourself in the customer’s shoes.

    Your chances of winning will increase significantly if you contact our professionals.

    A tender is an excellent chance for any company. It will allow you to make yourself known, strengthen your reputation and not last resort make good money on a large order. However, the rules for holding tenders in Russia are quite complex, and you should be aware of all the pitfalls if you want to not only participate in the tender, but also win it.

    Where to start winning tenders: selecting a customer based on their profile - step 1

    The first thing you need to do to participate in the tender is to find a suitable customer. It is worth noting right away that there are a lot of tenders, but - since most organizations, especially small ones, cannot take part in dozens of competitions at the same time - the choice of the customer should be taken very seriously. A company that wants to apply for participation in a tender needs to evaluate sensibly and impartially at least two points:

    Customer company. You will collect information in the following areas:

    • what competitions were held by the customer company;
    • who became the winner;
    • how many times;
    • how the customer fulfilled his obligations to the conscientious performer and whether they were fulfilled.

    Own capabilities:

    • financial. Participation in a tender promises profit, but also requires certain financial investments both at the stage of preparation for participation, and often during the execution of the order. Will you be able to cope on your own or will you have to resort to the help of credit institutions?
    • labor Participation in a tender requires a certain resource - you will have to prepare all necessary documentation, conduct a presentation of goods and services to the customer, etc. Do you have people in your company with appropriate qualifications or will you have to turn to specialists for help?

    In addition, when choosing a tender, the following aspects must be taken into account:

    • contract size;
    • type of tender:
    • Open or closed. Most tenders are open, meaning anyone can take part in them. You will not find information about closed tenders in the public domain, since all potential participants receive personal invitations. Most often, a closed tender is held when its execution is related to commercial or state secrets.
    • Commercial or government. Commercial tenders can be arranged by any commercial organization, it also determines the criteria for selecting the winners. Government tenders, the organizers of which can be both government bodies and state corporations, are very strictly regulated by Federal Law No. 44-FZ, which determines the procedure for conducting the tender and determining the winners.

    Studying the tender documentation - step 2

    Before you start collecting documents for participation in the tender, you need to carefully study the documentation provided by the customer himself - it is available in the UIS (unified information system government procurement) or on the ETP (electronic trading platform). As a rule, the documentation includes a draft contract, technical specifications and specifications, and, if necessary, estimates and designs. It’s not enough to just skim through all this - you need to carefully study each document, compare the customer’s requirements and your capabilities, take into account his wishes for the contractor or supplier (the company’s time in the market, experience in participating in tenders), the principles for determining winners and other conditions that may be put forward during commercial tenders.

    We clarify the details and ask for clarification - step 3

    Each tender participant has the right to contact the customer for additional information or clarifications (this is often required if the documentation is completed with errors, which happens). The request for clarification is anonymous, it is drawn up in free form and published on the ETP. It is important to know that such a request can be sent no later than 72 hours before the deadline for accepting applications (or 5 days before the deadline for accepting applications if we are talking about an open competition). In this case, the customer is obliged to provide clarifications within two calendar days. If no response is received within the time limits established by law, you have the right to file a complaint with the FAS. According to 44-FZ, up to three requests for clarification can be sent to each tender.

    We collect documents for submitting an application for participation in the tender - step 4

    This is one of the most labor-intensive stages of preparation for a tender. To participate in the tender, you must provide the required minimum documents specified by law:

    • Documents confirming information about the company (name, address, TIN);
    • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
    • A document confirming the authority of the employee submitting the application (a copy of the decision on appointment to the position or a power of attorney);
    • Documents confirming the company’s compliance with the requirements for competition participants;
    • Copies constituent documents companies;
    • Documents confirming the submission of security for the application for participation (payment order or bank guarantee).

    But in some cases, additional papers are required - for example, documents that confirm the participant’s compliance with restrictions, established by the customer. In addition, the customer of a commercial tender has the right to request any other documents - for example, a certificate of absence of tax debt.

    It is worth dwelling on the aspect of securing an application for participation in more detail - it is with this document that the main difficulties are associated. Securing an application is a kind of guarantee of the seriousness of your intentions. It ensures that if you win, you will not change your mind or avoid signing the contract. The application security is returned after signing the contract. However, until this moment you need to find funds in the required amount. There are two options: withdraw part of the funds from circulation or provide a bank guarantee - a credit product created specifically for these purposes. The second option is preferable, since you do not have to sacrifice (even temporarily) the company’s money.

    Filling out a tender application - step 5

    A sample form of a tender application can be found in the tender documentation. It consists of two parts: the application itself and the list of documents attached to it - we wrote about them above. You must fill out the tender application extremely carefully, since the slightest mistake or inaccuracy may result in exclusion from the tender.

    Submit an application for participation in the tender - step 6

    Each customer sets strict deadlines for accepting applications. The window between the tender announcement date and the last day for accepting bids depends on the contract amount. If it exceeds 3 million rubles, then there must be at least 20 days between these two dates. If the amount is less than 3 million rubles, this period must be at least 7 days.

    Before the deadline for accepting applications, you have the right to withdraw your application or make changes to it.

    Applying to electronic form on the ETP is possible only if you are accredited on this site and can provide an electronic digital signature(EDS). Both parts of the application must be submitted at the same time. After registering it, the operator will send you confirmation that the application has been received.

    Presenting the company - step 7

    Often, a customer, having paid attention to a company, wants to see its presentation. This important step- you have to demonstrate all the advantages of your organization and the benefits of cooperation with you. Therefore, the presentation should not be done in a hurry, it should be ready. You should definitely include visual videos, infographics, specific facts - everything that will allow potential customer form a complete (and flattering!) opinion about your company in just a few minutes.

    We are waiting for the results of the tender - step 8

    After all the previous steps have been completed, all you have to do is wait for the results. The protocol for summing up the results will be published by the customer of the tender on the ETP within 3 days after its preparation. And if you did everything right, you will have a very good chance of being a winner.

    Conducting tenders for a new company is not an easy process. The hardest thing is to get everything right necessary documents and provide yourself with a bank guarantee. It is for the sake of saving time and reducing the risk of errors that many companies that do not have their own tender department and those who do not have free funds, turn to specialists for help.

    How can a tender participant obtain financial support?

    For an answer to this question We turned to Andrey Tyurin, an expert at the consulting company KSK Group:

    “Usually the main stumbling block for companies wishing to take part in a tender is the need to provide the tender organizer with financial security. First of all, this applies to state competitions, for participation in which a bank guarantee is required by law to submit an application. Large commercial customers are increasingly demanding the provision of such a guarantee.

    At the same time, the deadline for submitting applications is limited, and the bank takes time to make a decision on issuing a guarantee, which sometimes does not suit the applicant. While waiting for approval, the applicant company may miss the opportunity, wasting effort on preparing the application. That is why assistance in obtaining a bank guarantee has become one of the most popular services in KSK groups.

    Consulting middle and big business on this issue, we understand that the client needs not just advice, but a comprehensive solution to his problem with a pre-calculated economic effect within the agreed time frame. Our help is to provide better conditions provision of a bank guarantee and full support of the company until it receives the document.

    When turning to the services of KSK Group, regular customers know that they can count on issuing a bank guarantee for comfortable conditions: at a lower interest rate than the market average, for a longer period and with maximum loyalty to the availability of collateral. Obtain the consent of the selected bank to favorable conditions is possible thanks to careful preparation and structuring of the transaction, as well as interaction with decision makers or those capable of influencing the final decision in the credit institution.

    In most cases, we achieve a positive decision at the bank's credit committee regarding the issuance of a guarantee. It’s also worth mentioning the promptness of resolving issues: we always meet the deadlines we commit to; we usually manage to issue a bank guarantee within 24 hours.”

    P.S. More detailed information about completed projects can be obtained on the website. You can also request a free initial consultation here.

    Editorial opinion

    From July 1, 2018, the right to issue bank guarantees remained only with banks whose credit rating is not lower than “A-(RU)” by the ACRA agency and not lower than “ruA-” by the Expert RA rating agency. This means that the number of banks working with tender participants has decreased significantly, and the processing time for applications has increased. In such conditions, contacting a broker or consulting firm, if you do not have your own tender department, has become almost necessary.

    08.09.2014 18:59

    Good afternoon, dear colleagues. We continue the series of articles devoted to GOST ORDERS, including the Federal Contract System. I would like to note that we receive a lot of negative comments on this topic; the attitude towards GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT in society is clearly contradictory. My opinion on this issue is purely subjective: “This position is due to lack of knowledge and understanding of the Law on GOSTORGA, its essence, concepts and tasks.” Another problem is the lack of information about innovations and changes in this area. The mistake many potential suppliers make is the same sales approach, as in commercial sphere, and state. But this is a completely “different monastery”, with its own rules and regulations, and this must be remembered. This, in fact, is my goal, to try to talk about this area in an accessible language, to clarify unclear or contradictory points, so to speak, to present information simply, talking about COMPLEX things. Topic of the article: " TOP 15 mistakes of newcomers in GOVERNMENT ORDERS or how to win the trading procedure and not be left without pants?

    In order to win, for example, an auction, you need to clearly know the legislation in this area, namely all the features FCC(Federal contract system). Main normative act, which regulates the activities of this area, is Federal law RF 44-FZ “ON THE CONTRACT SYSTEM IN THE FIELD OF PURCHASING GOODS, WORKS, SERVICES TO PROVIDE STATE AND MUNICIPAL NEEDS” dated 04/05/2013.
    I would like to note that theory alone will not be enough here, so I want to reveal the TOP 15 main mistakes that beginners make when participating in procurement procedures such as an electronic auction, an open tender, and a request for quotations. Some of the mistakes listed below were also made by me in my career. By the way, new procedures have appeared in the FCC format, such as a competition with limited participation, a two-stage competition, a closed auction, a closed competition, a request for proposals and some others. Accordingly, the list of major errors will grow, and we will definitely look at them together.
    1. A fairly common mistake made by a participant in placing an order is preparing an “empty consent”. That is, the auction or tender documentation generated by the customer contains a requirement to perform a certain amount of work, criteria for the materials used and requirements for them. The participant does not indicate in the first part of his application trademarks and specific indicators of materials, but simply expresses its agreement with the requirements of the documentation. The result is disastrous - such an applicant and his auction or competitive application are rejected.
    2. Insufficient specification of those offered for delivery technical characteristics goods. Let's give an example. An auction is being held. In the application, the customer indicated the need to use two-layer paper wallpaper with a thickness of 0.5 - 1 mm when carrying out the work, and the auction participant’s application contains only generalized indicators. Simply indicating the brand will not be enough; it is necessary to indicate in the application the thickness of the wallpaper, for example, 0.6 mm, that it will be two-layer and made of paper. That is, everything should be exactly as in the documentation for trading procedure. The result is rejection of the proposal. When we were not yet experienced enough and participated in auctions, we were sometimes rejected due to the fact that the characteristics of the offered product were not accurately stated. I will definitely devote one of the articles to the topic “ Preparation of an auction application"and there we will look at the whole range of similar mistakes that suppliers make.
    3. Next error is a consequence of inattentive reading of the requirements for applicants. This is a list of documents that are provided in the " second part of the application"if we are talking about an auction. For example, an open competition or auction is being held, and it is necessary to install a telephone exchange. The documentation states that a participant in an open tender must meet the requirements imposed by law on performers of this type of work. That is, we are talking about a license from the FSB. And if you win the auction and there is no license, the winner will lose the contract. You must understand that the bidder's application must meet all the requirements set by the Customer.
    4. For lately Cases have become more frequent when applicants provide false bank guarantees. What could be the consequences? The customer can suspend the STATE ORDER and the execution of the contract (supply of goods or performance of work), or terminate the contract in court with payment only for the completed part (which means extra legal costs and additional expenses). I will also attribute here the mistake that guarantor banks began to make, namely, not entering the bank guarantee into the register bank guarantees and as a result, the Customer’s refusal to enter into a contract, the winner’s loss of the application security, entry of information about the winner into the register of unscrupulous suppliers, loss of reputation and inability to participate in GOSTORGA for 2 years.
    5. According to the law, when participating in a procedure such as electronic auctions, the participant provides two sections of his proposal, and in the first section the participant MANDATORY, WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS, for goods, indicate the manufacturer or place of origin of the goods. Some applicants forget to do this or confuse the manufacturer's name with the trademark. Such a proposal must clearly be rejected. Be careful!
    6. There is such a procedure in PUBLIC PROCUREMENTS as a request for quotation - this is a method of selecting a supplier in which information about the purchased goods is communicated to an unlimited circle, that is, an application request for quotation is placed in a unified information system and the winner is the one who offered the minimum price. Without knowing the law, participants may indicate an inflated price in the offer, hoping for a subsequent price reduction. But this does not happen, since this procedure is not a tender and does not provide for step-by-step price reductions.
    7. Notice of quotation must be placed by the customer no less than 4 working days before the deadline for submission of proposals. Practice shows that most often the quotation is up to 250 thousand, and it is this quotation that is posted for a period of at least 4 days, “hangs” on the GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT website for 4 days and not a day more. No one notifies potential participants about the procurement, so you need to regularly monitor new purchases so as not to miss an interesting procedure.
    8. Failure to submit complete package documents, especially for open competition. A very common mistake is not providing a “declaration of conformity”.
    9. Errors in the submitted documents. It is necessary to clearly know what the “declaration of conformity of the participant” includes. There are two types - a declaration of the applicant’s compliance with the requirements of the law and a declaration of the participant’s belonging to small businesses (SMB).
    10. Providing certificates, expired licenses.
    11. Participants are often unaware that they have the right to request clarification of auction and tender documentation. That is, if inaccuracies arise in the technical specifications, any applicant has the right to submit a request, and the electronic trading platform forwards it to the customer. In my opinion, a “request for clarification” is one of the most effective mechanisms for the collapse of corruption documentation. Continue to work, in case of victory, with an adapted Terms of reference or a well-developed contract, it is much easier than after signing to negotiate its terms and try to change them.
    12. We once took part in an auction and signed a contract immediately after being announced as the winner. But we didn’t know that there was also a period for appeal. That is, after the announcement of the winner before the conclusion of the contract, there is a deadline for filing a complaint and must be respected.
    13. If the complaint to the FAS is recognized as justified, then the guilty person may even face criminal liability.
    14. Once a participant is declared the winner, deadline he must send the customer a draft contract signed on his part. If such a project is not directed by the participant, then he may be recognized as having evaded the fulfillment of the contract. And this threatens to be included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers and exclusion from further participation in procurement. Federal contract system, a strictly regulated Federal Law, which spells out every step of the participants, be it the Customer or the supplier, deadlines, regulations, actions in a particular case, and much more. The regulations of the Russian Federation supplement the law 44-FZ and a lot of information should be taken from there. Accordingly, you must strictly adhere to all deadlines specified in this area and all explanations like “I forgot, I didn’t have time, I couldn’t” will not even be considered.

    15. Companies that want to seriously engage in government contracts must have on their staff such an employee as a qualified tender specialist who will deal with them. Many people think that these are just additional costs. But, as practice shows, having a highly qualified specialist on staff who regularly undergoes training in tenders completely covers the costs (salary, etc.). By the way, one of my webinars: “ Effective participation in public procurement ”, just examines this issue in more detail and each manager receives an answer to the question: “What should a tender specialist be like?”

    Thus, if you want not only to participate in public procurement, but also to win them, then I recommend that you follow our practice. That is, thoroughly study the legislation and comprehend this “art” in practice.
    I wish you success! And see you again.

    Do you want to win GOSTORGI? Do you want to see your company among the winners of the tender? Contact us and you will learn to earn much more in GOSTORGA and become qualified tender specialist! You can study without leaving your home, in accordance with all laws regulating PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. Highly qualified teachers and a welcoming atmosphere will make learning simple and very effective. The training process uses the latest software, allowing you to see perfectly, hear perfectly, and make adjustments to presentations. The teacher uses latest versions teaching materials Ministries economic development and FAS Russia. Our courses have the highest density of material delivery in relation to other training centers. As a professional, you will leave everyone behind you !