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  • Multi-purpose double column portal machine with fixed portal FD series
  • The massive cast iron design of the machine allows for maximum vibration absorption during high-energy machining.
  • The rigidity of the frame structure, consisting of a massive frame, two columns and a powerful cross, allows for high positioning stability and power during machining

bed– this is the main load-bearing unit of the machine, which is used for mounting parts and components of the machine; moving parts and assemblies are oriented and moved relative to it.

The bed is a massive structure made of modified cast iron. In order to give the frame structure and vertical columns maximum strength, a box-in-box design is used.

This design makes these elements 50% stiffer than competitors and provides increased stability and load capacity.

The same design is used in the manufacture of the portal and carriage, which provides strong support for the spindle head when processing heavy and large parts.

To achieve the best surface accuracy and rigidity of the entire structure, the joining surfaces of the base of the frame, columns and portal are scraped by hand.

Ball screws (ball screws) accuracy class C3 are used to increase the speed and accuracy of movements.

The drive screws have high rigidity, combined with high smoothness and precision, which ensures maximum processing quality. In screws of this class, the nut does not have direct contact with the screw. It does not slide on it, and the balls roll between the screw and the nut (just like in a ball bearing). That is, sliding is replaced by rolling, which significantly reduces friction (by more than 100 times). Special heat treatment of the ball screw and the absence of slipping significantly increase the working life of the pair. Gears of this type do not require frequent additional maintenance and adjustment and, with proper operation and timely lubrication, retain their high performance characteristics throughout the entire service life of the machine.

The table shows the dependence of the accuracy class of the ball screw and the axial clearance (backlash) in microns.

This series of machines uses Linear Way guides.

Linear guides (LG) are made in the form of a prismatic guide along which one or more carriages move with the help of ball (ball linear guides) or roller (roller linear guides) circulating in the cage. The linear guide is manufactured separately and attached to the base of the machine. Such guides implement rolling friction. Friction losses in the LNC consist of losses caused by the friction of the rolling elements on the cage and losses proportional to the load.

The FD series machines use roller guides, since they load capacity significantly higher than that of ball ones with equal cross-sectional dimensions (see diagram).

The dynamic load capacity of the carriage varies from 27.7 kN to 275.3 kN, static load capacity - from 57.1 kN to 572.7 kN.

Linear guide carriages provide high-precision movement (deviations in stroke geometry - within 5 microns) and positioning of the tool relative to the workpiece.

In carriages of this type, four rows of rollers are placed at an angle of 45º, so they equally absorb the load in both radial and longitudinal directions.

As a rule, a linear guide has a negative clearance (preload) between the raceway and the rollers, which is required to increase the rigidity of the assembly or improve the accuracy of its rotation. The use of preload reduces the noise level during operation and compensates for wear and compression of the rollers during operation.

Carriages of this type have large dimensions (up to 300 mm in length and 120 mm in width) and reach a weight of 11 kg.

Spindle is maximally balanced and has extremely high static and dynamic rigidity. The spindle is installed in a rigid cast housing, which eliminates vibrations and increases processing accuracy.

In the FD series, the spindle head has an optimal proportion of 1:1.25. This design reduces total weight spindle headstock, while at the same time allowing the spindle to penetrate deeper into the workpiece.

The basic configuration includes additional oil cooled spindle, which ensures uniform temperature distribution and, accordingly, resistance to overheating, preventing thermal deformation. Such internal system cooling allows for smoother precision machining.

Coolant cooler installation(optional) used for stabilization temperature conditions operation of tools and equipment, allows for effective cooling of the circulating coolant, which ensures the spindle operates at a constant temperature and maintains processing accuracy for a longer time.

It is possible to optionally use a spindle with internal coolant supply.

Thanks to the coolant supply, the entire spindle, tool, insert and workpiece are cooled from the inside.

The supply of coolant under high pressure (up to 20 bar) directly into the cutting zone promotes the formation of smaller segmental chips and allows the tool to be used for deep drilling and milling of complex contour surfaces.

The machines of this series are equipped 2-speed ZF gearbox(Germany) with a gear ratio of 1:4 (increases torque by 4 times), allowing maximum power to be transmitted with a spindle rotation range of 208-2500 rpm. Maximum torque 660N×m.

The gear wheels of the ZF gearbox are made of high-quality steel, precisely ground and rolled, hardened and stress-resistant to high loads, with a hardness of HRC 55-60.

The gear transmission provides high stability, it is capable of transmitting high powers and has relatively small dimensions.

Spindle gearbox provides high and low speed range: range high speeds for high-speed processing; Low speed range provides high torque for heavy machining.

The graph shows the relationship between spindle power and torque depending on the motor model.

For faster and better removal of chips from the working area, the machine is equipped as standard with 2 chip conveyors screw type and one belt conveyor.

The working chamber of a screw conveyor is a hollow cylinder, inside of which a screw (auger) is installed, supported by bearing units.

The performance of a screw conveyor depends on the diameter, pitch and rotation speed of the screw.

Chips from screw conveyors enter a linear conveyor and are discharged into a special tank.

The presence of chip conveyors reduces equipment downtime and greatly simplifies the process maintenance and cleaning the machine.

Tool store- device for automatic tool changer. As standard, the magazine holds 24 tools.

The tool magazine with the manipulator is located outside the working area.

The tool changing process begins with moving the spindle along the Y and Z axes to a certain extreme position, and the tool change itself is carried out using a 2-arm manipulator.

The tool magazine and spindle head of the machine are in a stationary state, which significantly reduces the time for changing tools.

Inductive sensors monitor the presence of a tool and the correct position of the tool holder in the socket.

The tool magazine is separated from the working area by a partition (casing) made of stainless material. This ensures that the tools and tool changer are protected from dirt.

As an additional option, it is possible to install 32, 40, 60, 80 and 120-position tool magazines.

Oil separator is a device for separating lubricant from the coolant circulating inside the machine.

To clean the cutting fluid, coolant filters are used, which remove microparticles from it after mechanical processing.

An oil separator is used to increase the service life of these filters, but at the same time contributes to the deterioration of lubrication due to a decrease in the amount of lubricant in the coolant.

Usage automatic workpiece measuring device(optional) ensures high positioning accuracy, reduces time for installation and positioning of the part.

This device allows you to install a part with reference to the CNC of the machine, allows you to measure the dimensions of the workpiece during its processing and to control the parts processed after readjusting the machine with automatic updating of the tool compensation.

Contact measurements eliminate the need for expensive clamping fixtures and the time-consuming procedure of manually aligning the workpiece relative to the machine axes using dial indicators. The use of measuring sensors installed in the machine spindle provides the following advantages:

  • reduction of machine downtime;
  • automation of workpiece fastening, its alignment with respect to the machine axes and adjustment of the angular position of the rotary axis;
  • reduction in scrap volume;
  • increased productivity and versatility in relation to the volume of the series of processed parts.

Tool Laser Probe NC4 or Tool Probe TS27R (optional)

The tool setting system allows you to measure the size of the tool before cutting and check for damage or breakage of the tool during machining.

The procedure for using plane-parallel gauge blocks and entering corrections manually takes a lot of time and is highly susceptible to the influence of the human factor. Meanwhile, tool setting sensors are easily installed on CNC machines and allow automated tool setting. This provides the following benefits:

  • significant time savings and reduction of machine downtime;
  • high accuracy of measuring the length and diameter of the tool;
  • automation of calculation and input of tool compensation;
  • absence of errors associated with inaccurate operator actions;
  • detection of tool breakage directly during the manufacturing process of the part;
  • reduction in scrap volume.

What is a portal processing center? The relevance of the use of machine tools in industry. Advantages and scope of operation of the units.

Gantry processing center

In industry, there is a need to use high-tech equipment, which is both reliable and speedy in performing operations. The winners are models manufactured taking into account global trends in machine tool construction. A popular option is gantry processing center, which has a wide scope of application.

The purpose of the equipment is to process large parts in various industries. Namely:

  1. Instrumental. In this case, stamps and molds are processed.
  2. Chemical. Tube sheets of heat exchangers, flanges and plugs with large diameters, and housing elements must be adjusted to the established parameters.
  3. Mechanical engineering. Various parts, covers, and plates are used for processing.
  4. Machine tool building. Housing parts of units require additional processing. These are beds, supports, headstocks, racks, etc.

Gantry milling machining centers have a special design. The unit includes a number of cast housing elements:

  • bed;
  • racks;
  • special headstock;
  • table.

For the manufacture of parts, durable cast iron is used, characterized by a high degree of rigidity and vibration resistance. It is also planned to install other components, in particular, CNC systems, ball screws, electrical automation, and bearings. The quality and durability of the elements guarantees uninterrupted operation of the units over a long period of service.

Advantages of using portal machines

These machines have a number of advantages. The equipment differs in the following parameters:

  1. fast action;
  2. resistance to high dynamic loads;
  3. powerful drive of main movement and feeds;
  4. maintaining high accuracy and reliability during operation.

Compared to single-column options, centers are distinguished by the presence of a rigid closed structure. This allows you to achieve high processing conditions for parts large size. To ensure optimal parameters during operations, special roller guides and sliding guides are used. Such centers are used to perform a number of operations. In particular:

  • milling of various surfaces (straight, curved);
  • drilling;
  • thread cutting;
  • boring holes.
  • Parts are processed using computer program, and tool change is done by a manipulator following a CNC command.

Features of the devices

Gantry type machining center presented to the consumer in several versions. The table on which the workpiece is fixed can be movable or fixed. In the first case, it moves independently, in the second, a portal with processing tools moves along it.

Movable options involve mechanical processing of large metal workpieces. Structurally, such models are made according to the traditional scheme. In this case, the portal is stationary, and the longitudinal table moves inside it. The first one is made in the form of a load-bearing beam with a transverse-vertical spindle head.

The sizes of movable tables vary, which allows you to choose the most suitable option in accordance with certain parameters. If the unit is equipped with a tool head that rotates 90 degrees, then it becomes possible to process parts of the most complex shapes.

The high degree of automation, which is achieved through numerical control, guarantees excellent device performance. Gantry CNC Machining Center minimizes human participation in the technological process.

Models from domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented on the market. In some cases, it may be advisable to purchase. The equipment is not inferior in quality to equipment from world brands, while its cost is acceptable to the consumer.


The machine is a technological unit of the MHM (Massiv-Holz-Mauer®) line.


The 5-axis portal is equipped with working units, thanks to which it is possible to carry out any cuts: longitudinal and at an angle, mill holes of any shape and size, drill blind and through holes. All types of processing do not require changing tools, so products are manufactured in a short time.




Thanks to the movable base of the portal processing center "PBA", it is possible to process parts of any length, up to 8 m wide and 48 cm thick on 5 sides.

The working area of ​​the machine can be divided into 2 parts: the operator loads the workpiece into the machine in the 1st zone, while the portal automatically processes the workpiece in the 2nd zone. Clamping of workpieces is not necessary due to special support tables and design. In the package software includes a function for importing processing data from standard CAD design programs. The operator can also enter or change machining data directly into the machine. For this purpose, a clear graphical control system is available.

The working units of the machining center can be equipped with a wide variety of tools, such as conical end mills for grooving dovetail joints, circular saws and profile cutters. Since the movement of all tools is controlled by programming, the machining capabilities are greatly increased.

Possible treatments:

Drilling at an angle Grooves and recesses Drilling patterns
Special connection types Surface treatment Angled cuts
Cuts at any angle Treatment of roof trusses Grooves
Any holes Various grooves Any shapes

Processing of SIP panels

PBA units

5 axis chain saw

The chain saw is equipped with a motor with a power of 15 kW and can be positioned in 5 axes. Thanks to the optimal sawing speed, very high quality treated surface. The saw blade can rotate 360° and tilt at an angle from 0° to 90°, which allows you to make all possible types of cuts: longitudinal, inclined and at an angle, as well as make grooves of any width on the sides. Thanks to the special geometry of the saw blade, angles can be maintained very precisely (without radii).

5 axis chain saw

Vertical milling units

The vertical milling units are equipped with motors with drive powers ranging from 7.5 kW to 22 kW. Can be equipped with various end, profile, toothed wedge or disc cutters (max. O 310 mm; max. length - 350 mm). Using vertical processing units located on top, you can mill any holes and profiles, as well as carry out all types of profiling, mini-tenon joints, grooves, tongues, etc. By adjusting the engine speed (up to 6000 rpm), you can set the optimal cutting speed for each tool.

Vertical end mill

Vertical drilling units

Using vertical drilling units (3.0 kW), workpieces up to 480 mm thick can be drilled. Thanks to the computer-controlled working stroke, it is possible to carry out all types of blind hole drilling, countersinking or end key milling. Infinitely variable speed control up to 3000 rpm.

Vertical drilling unit

Marking pencil

Using a marking pencil, you can mark the upper surface of workpieces or apply any lines (straight lines, profiles, circles, semicircles). The operator has at his disposal special pencils of blue, red, green and black colors that write on both dry and wet wood. Optional: marking device with marking chalk Ø 12 mm.

Sample marking

4-axis milling unit

The 4-axis milling unit is equipped with a 5.5 kW motor. It can be used for routing mortises and tenons or routing/drilling side holes. Thanks to the double-sided mounting, two tools can be installed simultaneously. It can be a cylindrical cutter with max. o 350 mm x 120 mm, as well as end mill, dovetail cutter or drill bit. The tool can be positioned freely.

4-axis milling unit

5-axis milling unit with tool magazine

The 5-axis milling unit with a motor power of 38 kW is equipped with a tool changer (up to 11 tools). The appropriate tool is automatically selected from the magazine depending on the requirement building material, which needs to be processed. Management and selection of tools is carried out through the PBA machining center program. In the main parameters of milling, drilling and sawing tools, in addition to information about the type, diameter, length and magazine well, there is also information about the optimal number of revolutions, which is automatically called up if necessary.

Milling and planing unit

Thanks to this unit with a motor power of 22 kW, it is possible to level the surface of workpieces to obtain the same thickness of the entire MHM panel (optional: grinding).

Milling and planing unit

5-axis circular saw unit

This unit allows you to reduce the processing (sawing) time of the part. The unit is positioned automatically in accordance with the cutting program. Saw diameter 100 mm, drive power 22 kW.

PBA Software

Hundegger's configurable control software is easy to enter and easy to use for the operator. Data can be automatically imported from any woodworking CAD software or entered directly into the control system.

  • ease of data entry
  • automatic data import
  • Free software updates for a long time!

Designable PBA control system program logo

Import data

Data can be automatically imported from any woodworking CAD software.

Import data

Direct data entry

Parts can be designed using the plant control system program.

Direct data entry


Optimization can be carried out according to various criteria. Different parts can be optimized depending on the raw material available.



Simple translation of the program into the user's language.

Language selection

Formation of specifications

With the click of a button, the program generates all the necessary specifications for the relevant construction projects.

Order sheet, cutting card, sheet with dimensions, etc.

Formation of specifications

Remote service

Thanks to remote servicing, our customer service can provide assistance to you quickly and without additional costs.

Remote service

Photos of the PBA machine in production


Portal Center PBA, is part of the MHM line.


  • Cutting tool kit;
  • Input/output conveyors;
  • Aspiration;
  • Compressor.
One of the most modern and multifunctional types of metal-cutting equipment is a CNC machining center. Machining centers are multi-operational machines that allow complex high-precision mechanical processing of products.
During the work process, the machining center allows you to combine a number of different metal processing operations: milling, turning, drilling, both in roughing and finishing.
A feature of CNC machining centers is a very high level of automation, which allows all processing operations to be performed with virtually no operator intervention, including loading and unloading of blanks and finished parts using pallet changing systems and robotic systems.

Main types of CNC machining centers:

The first two types differ only in the axis of the spindle location, vertical or horizontal, respectively. The third type is separate group with many differences.

The main difference between portal processing centers is their capabilities. Such centers are designed for processing massive and large parts.
Also, machining centers have found active use in the manufacture of dies and molds, which require the most high demands in terms of accuracy.
Thanks to their versatility, modern machining centers can perform several tasks at once, while reducing time and financial costs and significantly improving the quality of the finished product.