Scenario of the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" for preschoolers

Rules for preparing for the performance:

  • do not overload children
  • do not impose your opinion
  • provide all children with the opportunity to try themselves in different roles.

Stages of working on a performance

  1. Choosing a play or dramatization, reading, discussion.
  2. Dividing into episodes and retelling them by children.
  3. Work on episodes in the form of sketches with improvised text.
  4. Searching for musical and plastic solutions for individual sketches, staging dances and songs, creating sketches of scenery and costumes with children and parents.
  5. Transition to the text of the play: work on episodes (expressiveness of speech, authenticity of behavior in stage conditions).
  6. Rehearsal of individual paintings in different compositions with details of scenery and props (possibly conventional, with musical accompaniment.
  7. Rehearsal of the entire play with costumes, props, scenery. Premiere of the play. Discussion with children and spectators.


Storyteller, Little Red Riding Hood, Wolf, Mom, Grandmother, Flower Girls, Bugs, Butterflies, Hunters.

So, get ready! Attention!

We invited everyone in advance.

And the guests came with a mood

Look at our performance.

2 child

Today everyone is surprised

We're starting the show!

We will show you an unusual fairy tale,

Let's sing, dance and tell stories.

3 child

A miracle - a fairy tale will open the door for us,

Only you believe in this miracle!

If you listen to a fairy tale,

Those dreams will return from childhood!

Butterfly 1One simple fairy tale.

Butterfly 2

Or maybe not a fairy tale.

Butterfly 1

Or maybe not simple,

We want to tell you.

Butterfly 2

We remember her from childhood.

Butterfly 1

Or maybe not since childhood.

Butterfly 2

Or maybe we don’t remember

But we will remember.

Fairytale music sounds and the Storyteller comes in.

Sit back, viewer.

And look carefully

This is a saying, not a fairy tale.

A fairy tale will come!

Behind the mountains, behind the forests

Beyond the fields, beyond the valleys

In one small hut in a village

The daughter lived with her mother

Oh. and the fairy tale has already begun!

Music is playing.

Mom: Hello, daughter!

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello, mommy!

Mom: I was sewing a hat until dawn today, look

Your favorite color is red.

Do you like it or not?

Oh thank you for being so lovely

I need to try on a hat

Little Red Riding Hood tries on a cap and shows off in front of the mirror.


Show off, wait a minute

Better go to grandma's

We have only one grandmother

She sits alone in the house

Pies and raspberries are here

Treats better than aspirin

Little Red Riding Hood:

Oh, I'll run soon

And I’ll hug Granny


Be careful you go

Don't go astray

Mom and Little Red Riding Hood leave.

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm walking along the path

I'm walking through the forest

There is so much beauty here

There are so many miracles here

Gifts for dear grandmother

I carry in a basket

Dance of Flowers Girls in flower costumes come out

The forest woke up, the meadow woke up

butterflies woke up around

butterfly dance

Goodbye cute butterflies

(A wolf howl is heard, a wolf appears)


Hello girl, hello baby

where are you heading?

Little Red Riding Hood: I'm going to visit my grandmother

And I bring her hotels


What, a heavy basket

Let me help you

Little Red Riding Hood: gray wolf, I recognized you

Mom told me everything

I won't chat with you

Well, get out of here


Okay, okay, sorry.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hurry up and leave

The wolf leaves.

Little Red Riding Hood: This wolf is so dangerous

He lives in the Caucasian mountains


Wolf like in a fairy tale

Exactly like exactly

We need to help the girl

Forest dwellers run out (squirrels)

squirrels: Haven’t you read a fairy tale?

And you haven’t heard about the wolf?

about deceit and flattery

He can eat you

Little Red Riding Hood:

squirrels: Yes!

He's going to the hut now

And of course he will eat the old lady

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, grandma!

squirrels: Stop crying, run

Warn grandma

And we will find hunters

And we'll call for help

Little Red Riding Hood leaves, and the squirrels call the hunters

squirrels: Hey, hunters!

Come here

Girls are in trouble

Hunters come out

1st Hunter What's going on here?

Who escaped, who is being caught here?

squirrels: The wolf is coming here villain

He will destroy all people

2nd hunter: Oh robber, now

Neither should he leave us

3rd hunter: Quickly load the guns

Let's meet the wolf as needed

4th hunter: Company, attention

Everything is right

Let's hunt for glory

The squirrels are leaving

1st hunter Quiet, I think I hear a wolf

Quickly hide and remain silent.

A wolf appears

Wolf: Oh, what a beauty

The birds are singing

Well, why an evil wolf?

All children are scared.

2nd hunter: Surround him guys

Otherwise he will leave shaggy

3rd hunter: Paws up, stand still

Resistance is futile

All: One, two, three, or

The wolf runs away

Ah, the robber has escaped

I shot him first

You shot and didn't hit

Stop arguing to no avail

Let's quickly run after

They run away. Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

Little Red Riding Hood: Aw, aw

I'll never find the way

So I ran, so I ran

that I lost the path

A wolf appears

Little Red Riding Hood: Gray Wolf. are you here again?

Do you want to eat me?

Wolf: No

Little Red Riding Hood: I ran like this because of you

Save your grandmother

Wolf: What are you, what are you

How can it be that old age must be respected?

I know your grandmother

I often run past

If you want, I'll take it

And I'll show you the way.

Takes K.Sh. hand in hand and walk

Wolf: Here we turn right

And let's walk across the bridge

Past the lake, birches

Grandma has been waiting for us for a long time

The storyteller appears.

And at this time

They came to visit grandma

Her neighbors

Grandma appears

Neighbors: How are you, how are you?

Grandmother: I got sick, for some reason

Neighbor: here's a rosehip, it's useful

Protects against all diseases

Neighbor: Neighbor brought you forest honey for colds

Be sure to try it

he is bee, golden

Grandma I'll brew everything now

And I’ll drink fragrant tea

Everyone who helped me in trouble

I invite you to my place.

Sit down at the table

Grandma Help yourself, don’t be shy

Drink some fragrant tea.

clock striking

Grandma Granddaughter should come

Have I lost my way?

knock on the door

Grandma I hear rustling at the gate

she seems to be coming.

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello my grandmother

Grandma I'm glad to see you.

I won't understand

Is this really a wolf?

my dear granddaughter

Why did you bring the wolf?

Little Red Riding Hood. This wolf is not evil at all

Neighbors. We'd better go home.

AAAAAAAAA (run away)

Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma, there are pies in the basket.

Wolf: And also flowers for you.

Grandmother. Thank you!

Well then, now the three of us.

Let's have tea and pies.

Sit down at the table

Wolf. Oh how delicious, oh how delicious

I love pies with cabbage.


1st hunter That's the end of the fairy tale

The wolf was finally caught.

2nd hunter Oh robber, oh villain

You will know how to eat people.

Wolf. I don't eat people at all.

I'm cabbage pie, jam

KR. Shap. In our fairy tale the wolf is not evil

Kind sensitive golden

3rd hunter Wow

And we didn't know

It's good that we didn't hit you

4th hunter Believe it or not

The shaggy beast became kind.

1st hunter What is there to think and guess?

Everyone can become good.

KR. w. We feared in vain

The fairy tale ended beautifully

Wolf. It’s not fashionable to be angry and predatory

Believe me it's true

All: That’s why the good-natured wolf settled in our fairy tale.

Nadezhda Chapley
Fairy tale script for new way"Little Red Riding Hood" for senior preschool age

THEATERIZATION TALES Sh. PERRO « Little Red Riding Hood» .(on new way)

In France, distant and beautiful. The girl lived alone.

Her mother and grandmother loved her very much and

they gave her a red riding hood.

That's what everyone started calling this girl.

So her mother decided to send her to her grandmother.


Listen, dear daughter! You've already grown big -

I need to go to grandma and take the pie to her.

Be careful on the way and don’t start conversations with strangers.

Don’t forget about the wolf’s deceptions, okay, goodbye, good luck.

(Gives her the basket.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Okay mommy. I love my grandmother!

I'll bring her a gift. I won't give it to anyone.

I'll say your regards.


The girl took the basket and turned onto the path into the forest.

(Music sounds)

Little Red Riding Hood:

The forest has bright and joyful green grass.

Oh, where are you, where are you flowers? I love you very much!

Go out into the clearing for a walk. We will dance together with you.

(Dance of flowers.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

I hear some noise, hurry up and hide, friends.

(Wolf music)


Hey, Little Red Riding Hood, wait, don't go past the wolf!

How far are you going?

Can I have a look here?

(Looks into the basket, licks his lips)

Let me try the pie. I'll soon fall off my feet (eats)

Where are you going? And who are you bringing the pie to?

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm going to visit my grandmother. She's been waiting for me for a long time.


How far does your grandmother live? Oh, my stomach hurts so much.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Not far away, in that village over there. She must have been waiting for me.

I don’t have time to talk with you, I’ll go along the path over there...


I can go with you too. The path is long, the forest is large -

You go this way, and I take another! Let's see who comes faster!

(leave with scenes both) .

Music is playing. The cat appears in boots:

You all recognize me, friends, I am known to you as Puss In Boots.

I got tired of sitting with the owner, I decided to see the whole world.

I accidentally overheard the conversation; for some reason I didn’t like it.

How talkative all the girls are! Told all the secrets to the wolf.

It would be necessary to help, to warn so that there would be no trouble later.

(He leaves. The music of the magical forest sounds.)


Was walking Little Red Riding Hood, walked and came to a magical forest.

(Music sounds. Christmas trees appear.)

We are Christmas trees, Christmas trees, Christmas trees - prickly needles!

Whoever touches us, we will immediately enchant you!

(Dance of Christmas trees.)


It has gotten dark in the forest, and night is already coming.

The girl's eyes are drooping,

a little more and she'll fall asleep.

And a tear rolls down from fear

Little Red Riding Hood:

Oh, I think I got lost!

And I went down the wrong path.

How can I find my way now?

After all, I lost the path to my grandmother. (crying)

Bonjour, madam! Why cry like that?

Now I will help you

Let's catch up with the wolf and bring him to my dear grandmother.

Run to grandma, and I will rush after the hunters.

Scene The wolf approaches grandma's house (knocks)

Grandmother: Who's there?

Wolf: This is me, a wolf, a kind, affectionate animal...

Grandmother: What kind of miracle, good wolf?

How could you become like this?

Wolf: I don’t know, I ate the pie. Your granddaughter treated me.

Something suddenly happened to me. I immediately became kinder to everyone

I loved all the children. Invite me to visit

Tell me what I can help you with.

Woman: Okay, I’ll let you into the house and treat you to delicious tea.

We will set the table and wait for my granddaughter together.

Puss in Boots and granddaughter come up and open the door. They come in

Kr. Shap: Be careful, grandma - it’s a wolf, he could eat you.

Cat: You, madam, be careful, there can be danger with him

Grandmother: Come on in, don’t worry and admire the wolf

He became kind and good, affectionate and attractive to everyone

You treated him to your good pie.

We'll all be friends now, we can't quarrel.

Cat: And now we invite all the guys.

Let's dance a French dance together "Little Ducklings"

The Tale of Little Red Riding Hood - theatrical activity in kindergarten




Mother, Little Red Riding Hood

Wolf, Flowers - girls, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Horror - boys, Hunters

Decoration and attributes:

House Forest Bed Stuffed Animal Guns Basket


There lived in one village a little girl. Her mother and grandmother loved her very much. For her granddaughter's birthday, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. From then on the girl began to be called Little Red Riding Hood.

Once my mother baked pies...

(Little Red Riding Hood and Mom leave the house. Music plays)


Listen, dear daughter!

You've already grown big -

I need to go to grandma's

And take the cake to her.

(Gives her the basket.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Okay mommy

I love my grandmother!

I'll bring her a gift.

I won't give it to anyone.

I'll say your regards.


The girl took the basket and turned onto the path into the forest.

(Music sounds)

Little Red Riding Hood:

The forest has bright and joyful green grass.

Oh, where are you, where are you flowers? I love you very much!

(Dance of flowers.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

What do I hear, some noise!

(Wolf music)


Hey, Little Red Riding Hood, wait, don’t go past the wolf!

How far are you going?

Can I have a look here?

(Looks into the basket, licks his lips)

Where are you going?

And who are you bringing the pie to?

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm going to visit my grandmother.


How far does your grandmother live?

Little Red Riding Hood:

Over there in that village by the mill.


I can go with you too.

The path is long, the forest is large -

You go this way, and I take another!

Let's see who can go faster!

(both leave the stage. Music plays. A squirrel and a hedgehog appear.)


How talkative these girls are!


What did Little Red Riding Hood do?

The wolf will eat her grandmother.

We need to help them.


You warn grandma, and I warn Little Red Riding Hood.

(They run away. The music of the magical forest sounds.)


Little Red Riding Hood walked and walked and found herself in a magical forest.

(Music sounds. Christmas trees appear.)

We are Christmas trees, Christmas trees, Christmas trees - prickly needles!

Whoever touches us, we will immediately enchant you!

(Dance of Christmas trees.)


Everything in the forest became dark.

Little Red Riding Hood:

I'm lost, I'm scared!

(Music plays. Horror movies appear.)

We are forest horror films -

Our house is dark, oh-ho!

Everyone is funny and lively

We are not afraid of anyone!

(Horror dance.)

(Little Red Riding Hood is crying.

Music plays and a hedgehog appears.)


Little Red Riding Hood don't cry. I'll help you.

I will save your grandmother. The wolf wants to eat her.

Run to grandma, and I will rush after the hunters.

(They leave. Decoration of grandmother’s house. Music.

The squirrel knocks on the door.)


Who's there?


It's me, the squirrel. Let me go.



You need to hide the wolf is coming here. Wants to eat you!


Now we'll come up with something!

(They put the stuffed animal on the bed. They hide. Wolf music.

A wolf in a headscarf is knocking.)


It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood.


Pull the string and the door will open.

(The wolf ran into the house and attacked the grandmother.

The stuffed animal hides behind the bed.)


Ugh, what disgusting, how disgusting old ladies have become these days.

(Goes to bed, closes eyes, snores.)

(Music plays, Little Red Riding Hood appears.)

Little Red Riding Hood:

The door is open. Where's grandma? Oh, the wolf is already here! But there are no hunters yet!


And at this time the hunters came out of the forest, and with them the hedgehog.

(Hunters march to the music.)

(Dance of the hunters.)


They found their grandmother's house and...! (shot in the air)


Hands up!

(The wolf wakes up and jumps up. The hunters grab him by the arms and lead him.)


Oh, I'll be kinder.

I will love children.

Don't ruin me.

Spare me!


Let's forgive the wolf, guys, let's take him into our fairy tale.

Well, then come out and show us a friendly dance!

(General dance.)



Guzal Yunusova
Script for the play “Little Red Riding Hood in a New Way”

LLP Kindergarten "Zhanbalazhan"

Play« Little Red Riding Hood»

Senior group No. 10 "Aigolek"

Conducted by teachers: Yunusova G. M.

Abertysheva A. V

Shymkent - 2017

« Little Red Riding Hood in a new way»

in the senior group

Goals and objectives performance"Little Red Riding Hood":

Formation of skills in perceiving works various types arts, because theater is a synthetic art form;

Stimulating creative activity, freedom, emotional freedom; improving performing skills, developing a sense of partnership;

Development of imagination and associative thinking;

Development of abilities for improvisation, speech activity of children;

Development of sustainable interest in culture, literature, theater, music;

Formation of artistic and aesthetic taste;

Education of moral qualities.

Hall decoration:

Decorations of grandma's house, decorations of mother's house and forest. On the floor there are two pieces of green fabric with flowers symbolizing the meadows.

A screen on which the scenery changes depending on the action performance.

Children's roles: Storytellers, Little Red Riding Hood, Mom, Wolf, Grandma, three Mice,

Girls are Flowers, three Squirrels, boys are Frogs, girls are Butterflies.


In fairy tales, good always wins

A fairy tale always exudes warmth.

Dear listener, you will be glad.

« Little Red Riding Hood» on new way.

Fairytale music sounds and two Storytellers come in.

1 : A girl lives in the forest

And he dances and sings.

Everyone loves her and is waiting for her

The name is Little Red Riding Hood

2 : She lives here alone with her mother.

She loves her grandmother.

Sit back, viewer.

And look carefully


This is a saying, not a fairy tale

The fairy tale will be ahead.

Music is playing.

Mother "bakes pies".

Little Red Riding Hood tries on a cap and shows off in front of the mirror.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Mom, can you go for a walk?

Should I pick some flowers?


Well, of course, take a walk,

Yes, make sure you don't get lost

I need to go see grandma

Treat you to some pies.

Get ready to hit the road

And take a basket with you.

Pies with cabbage

They turned out delicious.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Okay mommy, I'll go see grandma

And I’ll bring some gifts.


Greetings to grandma

Be careful, my light.

Mom and Little Red Riding Hood goes behind the screen.

Storytellers appear.


1 : So she went on her way

In a scary forest all alone?

2 : And the forest is not at all scary

There are a lot of miracles in it.

Girls in flower costumes come out and sit on the carpet-clearing.

Dance Little Red Riding Hood, flowers and animals.

(A wolf peeks out from behind the screen, rubbing his hands)

(During the dance Little Red Riding Hood the wolf leaves and sneaks after her)


Ha-ha-ha – ha-ha-ha,

How stupid she is.

I'll catch her now

I'll scare you to death.

Oh, my hands are itching,

I'm itching with boredom!

Squirrels block his way.

All Squirrels:

Oh, you prankster, get out!

Don't scare Little Red Riding Hood,

We know you as a villain

Let's throw cones!

(Place a tree stump.)

They throw cones at the wolf and he runs away from them.

The wolf rubs his sides, the squirrels run away.


Oh - oh - oh, how it hurts me,

Hit a bump on the back

I'd rather sit on a tree stump

I'll sit for a day

I'll heal bumps and wounds,

And I will swallow the girl.

The wolf sits on a stump.

Frogs run in to the music.

Dance of the frogs.

Frog 1:

We will treat the wolf and give him bitter medicine.

Frog 2:

Let's smear the cones with fly agaric, the evil gray Wolf.

Frog 1:

You better not get sick, make some friends.

Frog 2:

Look in the dense forest, what a multitude of animals there are!


Get out of here, if it doesn't hurt you. (Growls.)

The frogs run away.


I lost my sleep and peace

I'm still a wolf and a very angry one

I'll catch the girl

Although I won’t eat it, I’ll scare you!

He sits on a tree stump and butterflies fly in.

Butterfly dance.


Where is this from? beauty?

Oh, my head is spinning!

Nose tickles ears,

I'm itching like a dog!

Music is playing.

Little Red Riding Hood walks along the path, a wolf sneaks behind her.


1 : Be careful, beware.

2 : The wolf is coming.

1 : Run, save yourself.

Wolf: Where are you hurrying, girl?

Little Red Riding Hood: To grandma's at the edge of the forest.

Wolf: Where does grandma live?

Little Red Riding Hood: Over there, there are geese walking.

Wolf: What's in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood: There are pies with potatoes.

Wolf: So you're going the wrong way

The road is safer.

Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you, Wolf, for your advice.

Wolf: Goodbye, be careful.

Little Red Riding Hood leaves, and the wolf walks along the road and dances.

Storytellers appear.


1 : Oh, how cunning is the insidious wolf

so deceived the poor thing.

2 : But he went the other way.

I'm scared for grandma.

The wolf approaches the grandmother's house.


Oh, that's where grandma lives

The village is not bad.

Oh, someone seems to be coming. (runs away).

Music is playing. A grandmother wearing glasses comes in, sits down and knits.

Runs in Little Red Riding Hood, a wolf sneaks behind her.


Granddaughter, my dear

I'm glad to see you! (Hugs granddaughter.)

I see you are not alone here

I brought a friend with me!

Little Red Riding Hood looks back, gets scared, hides behind her grandmother.

Go beyond the fence.

I'm very glad to see you

Yes, sit down at the table with us

Eat mushroom pies.

Everyone sits down.

Wolf: Well, thank you, we fed you (rubs belly).

Goes out to the middle scenes.


What a shame, what a shame

Such a kind old lady

She invited me to visit you,

She treated me to pies,

An obsession came over me

I'm ashamed of my behavior

I went to the old lady's house,

Friends found new ones here!

Little Red Riding Hood:

The door is open here for everyone

unless you're a scary beast!


1 : It's time to leave

And say goodbye to the heroes.

2 : But let's not be discouraged,

We will invite Skazka to visit.

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention the joint activities of the teacher preparatory group Abdulova D.S. and music director Odintsova.

The fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” in a new way. In a village familiar to everyone, in their native Chebul, there lived one family. Mom was great there, we're not talking about her.

New Year's party at the elementary school “Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf in a new way” New Year's party at the elementary school "Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf in a new way" Matinee for students primary school Goal: attraction.

Last year we sent the guys to another group. After consulting, we decided to organize a graduation ceremony. We were very sad to leave.

Scenario for the musical puppet show “Little Red Riding Hood” based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault Music script puppet show“Little Red Riding Hood” based on the fairy tale by C. Perrault. Goal: to teach children to participate in joint games, to pretend.

Little Red Riding Hood (as in the fairy tale by Charles Perrault) goes to visit Grandmother. On her way she meets “cheerful flowers”, and “friendly frogs”, and... Her grandmother is young, modern, and the Wolf knows how to use cell phone. And most importantly, a good, kind ending.



Script for the play “Little Red Riding Hood in a New Way”

for children 5-6 years old

(based on a fairy tale by Charles Perrault)

Goals and objectives of the play "Little Red Riding Hood":

  • formation of skills in perceiving works of various types of art, because theater is a synthetic art form;
  • stimulation of creative activity, freedom, emotional freedom; improving performing skills, developing a sense of partnership;
  • development of imagination and associative thinking;
  • development of abilities for improvisation and speech activity of children;
  • development of sustainable interest in culture, literature, theater, music;
  • formation of artistic and aesthetic taste;
  • education of moral qualities.


Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood's Mom

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother




Dancing: flowers - dance “Chamomile”, frogs - “5 cheerful little frogs”, lumberjacks - dance “With rolling pins”, general dance - “Rainbow-arc”

Songs: "Little Red Riding Hood's Song", "Young Grandmother"

On the stage the scenery is the interior of Little Red Riding Hood's house (table, bench, shelf with dishes).

Storyteller : In ancient times in one village

In a log chopped light hut

A good mother and daughter lived

They were friends, worked and did not bother.

And somewhere beyond the forest in another village

In the same strong log hut

The good grandmother lived quietly,

She knitted socks and kept house.

And the grandmother once knitted it for her granddaughter

TO frosty winter mittens

And I sewed a red cap for the cold

And I gave it to my beloved granddaughter.

And the granddaughter wore a red cap

And everyone said: “How great! Cute!"

(Little Red Riding Hood walks, showing her cap)

They recognized her by her red cap

And they called her Little Red Riding Hood!

(MOM enters)

Storyteller: A mother once said to her daughter:

Little Red Riding Hood's Mom:I baked a pie
Grandma with potatoes.
You go to her, my friend,
Take the basket.

And also take her some cow butter
Yes, better ask about her health.
There is no news from her, I am already worried.

Little Red Riding Hood I'll collect a bouquet for her
New one on the way!

Forest scenery (you can use a multimedia projector)

(Little Red Riding Hood walks through the forest,sounds like "Little Red Riding Hood's Song").

Storytellers: So she went on her way

In a scary forest all alone!

Little Red Riding Hood And the forest is not at all scary

There are a lot of miracles in it.

Storytellers: What are you doing? Are you kidding?

Little Red Riding Hood No. Flowers dance in it,

Birds and trees surprise everyone!


(The woodcutters come out)

1 woodcutter:

We saw, chop where necessary,

And we work together.

Axes in hands sing -

They praise the work of woodcutters.

2 woodcutter:

We are in a dense forest, like at home,

That path is familiar to us,

Along which the Wolf ran

And where was he going?

3 woodcutter:

Lumberjacks, lumberjacks.

Let the Wolves not bare their teeth.

We are not afraid of Wolves -

axes sharper than fangs.


(from behind a tree): Ku-ku!

Little Red Riding Hood : Oh, cuckoo! Cuckoo, cuckoo, guess how many pies I have in my basket?

Wolf: Ku-ku!

Little Red Riding Hood:But I didn’t guess right! Not two pies at all!

Wolf (in a rough voice): Ku-ku!

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh, who's fooling me? What does this all mean?

Come on, cuckoo, go out to the edge!

Wolf (exits) : Ku-ku, Little Red Riding Hood! Peek-a-boo, baby!

Where are you going, beauty?

Little Red Riding Hood:I go to my grandmother and bring it in a basket
Butter and potato pie for her.

Wolf: Apparently the granddaughter loves her Grandmother.
How many flowers are there!
How the frogs sing here!
Get some flowers for grandma as soon as possible.
It will become brighter in her house.

(The wolf runs away.)

Dance “5 funny little frogs”

Scenery: (in the center there is a house, “GRANDMOTHER comes out of the house to exercise” with dumbbells)

Storyteller : And here is grandma. Our grandmother is young, modern, like in our song!

Song "Young Grandma"

Grandmother: I'm kind of tired. Pumped up my biceps.

A cloud is wandering in the sky. Where are you, my granddaughter?

Oh, look, it’s raining, all the paths are wet!

(Goes into the house)

Storyteller: Meanwhile, the Wolf was quickly rushing along the road.
He did not spare his wolf legs.
I ran up to the hut,
There's a knock on the door.
He learned to do dirty tricks long ago.

(The wolf runs through the hall, stops at grandma’s house, knocks quietly)

Wolf: Where is grandma, I would like to know?

Should I search on my cell phone? ( dials the number)

Nobody answers, hmm.....

She probably turned off her cell phone too.

(knocks hard)

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Grandma: Who's there?

Wolf ( imitating the voice of Little Red Riding Hood)

Open to me quickly, my granny!

I am Little Red Riding Hood, your granddaughter!

I brought you gifts, lovingly,

There are pies in my basket for you!

Storyteller: And the wise grandmother - the door is on a hook!(closes the door)

Why does she need a toothy top in her hut?

He takes his beloved kitten into his hands

And hides in an old tall chest of drawers!(hides in the closet)

Storyteller : The gray one climbed into the window. I looked - no one!

I didn’t realize that everyone was hiding from him.(The wolf enters the house and looks around)

He put on his grandmother’s cap and went to bed!(the wolf puts on his cap)

He lay down and began to wait for guests!

Storyteller: Here Little Red Riding Hood approaches the house,

She’s not in the garden, she can’t find her grandmother!

He enters the hut and looks at the bed:

Little Red Riding Hood:Grandma, did you want to sleep during the day?

Wolf: Why did you come? And what did you bring?

Pies! And with what?

I got sick and lay down a little

Couldn't you sit a little closer?

Storyteller: And Little Red Riding Hood sat down next to her.

Little Red Riding Hood:Oh, Grandma, forgive me my question,

What happened to your ears?

They stick out from under the cap funny.

Wolf: I recently fell ill with otitis media.

It blew at the window on the second day,

So my ears are swollen.

Little Red Riding Hood:Why, tell me, darling,

Does the fur on your face grow thick?

Wolf : The electric razor is a little dull,

That's why I didn't shave for a week.

Can you hear the rumbling in your stomach, my angel?

Now I'll dine on you!

Storyteller : An antique chest of drawers opened with a creak!

And the formidable grandmother goes to the wolf!

Grandmother: Now I'll turn you into a mouse

Now I'll let the cat loose on you!

Storyteller: Here the gray one dropped his glasses out of fear

And he rushed into his thicket with all his might!

(the wolf drops his glasses and runs into the forest; people come out to meet him lumberjacks)

1st: Hey wolf, where are you running with all your strength?

Perhaps he did something again?

2nd: We want to visit grandma's house

Wasn't that where the wolf did something?

(the hunters detain the wolf and lead him to the grandmother’s house)

Little Red Riding Hood:

Wait! I understand why the Wolf is like this! He needs to be fed!

(Gives the Wolf a large bowl and a spoon. The Wolf sits down and eats.)

Wolf (giving the bowl to Little Red Riding Hood).

Thank you, Little Red Riding Hood! Very tasty! ( Everyone).

I wasn't raised like that! And by nature I am a good-natured person!

You, friends, forgive me, and accept my flowers!

(takes flowers out of his bosom and gives them to mother, grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood)

Storyteller: We have a happy fairy tale,

Because no trouble happened

Nobody ate anyone in this fairy tale,

Everyone is alive, healthy and the wolf survived!

General dance "Rainbow-arc"