Wedding photography is one of the genres of photography, the development of which keeps pace with the development of the global photo industry and uses all its achievements. Today's newlyweds have much more possibilities to capture in photographs the most important day of their lives, rather than their parents’. Once upon a time, it was considered the height of perfection to take staged wedding photos in a photo studio or to take photographs in the registry office during the ceremony and with the guests.

All other photographs could only appear if the owner of his own camera was present among the guests. Today professional photographers When photographing weddings, they work on the holiday from beginning to end. At the same time, any professional photographer will confirm that wedding photography is also one of the most complex and time-consuming types of photography.

Actually, wedding photography combines two styles: staged and reportage. Staged photographs are the decoration of a wedding album, pictures in a classic, romantic style, when the newlyweds pose for the photographer. Moreover, the opinion that staged photographs are necessarily shots with frozen poses and stone faces is fundamentally wrong: in modern understanding staged wedding photography is a “story”, a “story” about the wedding day, written in individual very beautiful and natural shots.

Reportage photographs are captured moments, captured real emotions and unexpected angles. All together, combined, it forms a staged and reportage style of wedding photography, in which most professional photographers work. wedding photos graphs

As you know, a wedding day is divided into several stages, and in each of them you have to use a different method of shooting. You can consider this topic in more detail using the example of a traditional Russian wedding (this is exactly the scenario it takes place in 90% of cases).

Preparation, getting ready for the bride and groom. Morning bustle, excitement and joyful anticipation: all this is good material for reporting shots. Decorating cars before leaving for the bride, the groom putting on a tie, parents blessing, etc. The bride's morning preparations are an opportunity to take both reportage and staged photographs.

The process of applying makeup, creating a wedding hairstyle, caring for friends and relatives - this makes for a rather interesting report. Staged shots are taken when the bride is already dressed in her wedding dress, the image is complete, and the festive whirlwind has not yet begun, respectively, both the outfit and hairstyle are still perfect.

Arrival of the groom and ransom of the bride. At these moments, very emotional pictures are obtained: competitions and tasks for the groom, bridesmaids who are in joyful euphoria from what is happening, friends of the groom who encourage their friend. Staged photography can be done when the whole company is already in the bride’s house and champagne is opened.

The wedding ceremony in the registry office is the main and most exciting moment of the wedding day. While waiting for an invitation to registration, the newlyweds and guests are almost always noticeably worried, so the photographer’s task is to distract them with staged “general” and group photographs, but at the same time, quietly making portrait reportage sketches. During the ceremony, reportage photographs are taken, which are actually very close to staged ones: signatures on documents, putting on rings, the first kiss of the spouses, presentation of a marriage certificate, etc.

Congratulations to family and guests immediately after registration is completed - good opportunity take a shot filled with emotions. The same can be said about the newlyweds leaving the registry office, throwing flower petals and grain at them, releasing doves, breaking crystal glasses(experienced photographers manage to capture a glass in flight, its impact on the asphalt and the scattering of fragments).

Sometimes after the registry office there is a wedding in the church. For a photographer, this ceremony presents a rather difficult task, since a wedding is a rather intimate process, one cannot interfere with or distract the newlyweds and the priest, and one cannot walk and move everywhere. In addition, it is not advisable to use a flash in a church. In order to take successful reportage shots during a wedding, the photographer has to become “invisible”. Staged shots can be taken in the interiors of the church and in front of the entrance after the wedding ceremony.

Walk. All professional photographers will confirm that the walk is the most favorable part of the wedding for photography. You can do anything: a staged photo shoot with the newlyweds against the backdrop of landmarks, natural landscapes, in the interiors of buildings (depending on where the walk takes place), and reportage photos of vacationing guests, and general photographs of guests with the newlyweds. We can say that the scope for creativity while walking is limitless. It is during the walk that the bulk of the photographs for the wedding photo album are taken, both reportage and staged.

Wedding banquet in a restaurant or cafe. With the exception of certain moments, reportage photography is done at the banquet. A colorful meeting of the newlyweds, congratulations to the guests, dancing, competitions, lighting the “family hearth”, throwing the bride’s bouquet, etc. Staged shots at the banquet are most often taken when the wedding cake is brought into the hall: before this miracle of confectionery is cut, it , as a rule, are recorded entirely for history. Reportage photography in a restaurant can be somewhat difficult for a photographer - if the room is too dark, then you have to often use the flash and carefully control the exposure so that people's faces do not come out overexposed.

It is not uncommon today to shoot a wedding with two or even three cameras: both staging and reporting are done from different points and angles, which significantly enhances the ability to compose the most successful shots.

Photographing a wedding is at the same time an interesting, complex, and responsible process (“a second take” is often impossible to do, most events happen for the first and last time), so the photographer has to skillfully combine reportage and staged shooting styles, understanding where and what style should be applied, and not forget about the creative approach: after all, a wedding in most cases is a rather beautiful event, and for a real artist this is an excellent material for creativity.

There are no identical weddings, so it is also important to convey the individuality of each couple. True, a lot here depends on the newlyweds themselves... but this is a completely different topic.

Needless to say, a wedding is one of the most memorable and exciting events in the life of every person. And it is quite natural that every beloved couple wants to preserve the memories of this day in bright and festive photographs, which could subsequently be viewed many times in moments of joy and misfortune. Wedding photography appeared as a genre at the dawn of photography in the mid-19th century. Despite the fact that at that time photographs were taken on glass or metal plates, and the photography process itself was very far from ideal, newlyweds lined up to see the photographer to be photographed in their wedding dresses.

Today, wedding photography is considered a special art form in photography. Wedding photography combines such genres as artistic portrait, reporting, subject and interior photography. For a photographer, photographing a wedding is a big responsibility, because wedding photographs will have to remind the couple for decades to come about their feelings and happy moments on this special day.

Wedding photography: staged and reportage style

Nowadays, it is common for beloved couples to turn to the services of an experienced, professional photographer who can perform wedding photography at the highest level. The demand for such services is constantly increasing, despite the fact that the genre itself wedding photography remains quite conservative.

There are two main styles in wedding photography:

— Classic staged photo

The first style includes classic, staged photography, which appeared in the 19th century. Then photographers took exclusively staged photographs, which were designed to convey the newlyweds’ feelings for each other. Such photographs were preserved as souvenirs for future generations. The staged style is still widely used in wedding photography today. In many ways, this is where the photographer’s talent is revealed as a kind of director and plot director, main goal which is the revelation of the true feelings and emotions of young people.

Staged photography involves capturing individual moments of the wedding day, mainly in the form of narrative and portrait photographs. Not only the bride and groom may be present in the frame, but also parents, friends or relatives, that is, staged group photographs are taken.

Staged photos, in particular, are taken during the ceremony at the Wedding Palace and the newlyweds’ walk. Festive shots with the cutting of a cake or the lighting of a symbolic “family hearth” are also traditional for the production style. Staged photographs allow you to convey the beauty of wedding dresses, flowers and hairstyles, as well as the feelings of the married couple. But to obtain bright and beautiful staged photographs, the photographer has to come up with some original and interesting plot, and not use simple templates.

— Reporting style

The reportage style in wedding photography arose much later, when fairly compact cameras with flashes and interchangeable lenses became available to photographers. This style is considered one of the most complex species shooting. In this case, the photographer does not interfere in any way with the special event, without indicating to the guests or newlyweds when they need to take a certain pose, look into the camera lens or smile. His task is to be invisibly present at the wedding and notice the most interesting and exciting moments of the celebration, capturing them in photographs. The difficulty of such shooting lies precisely in the photographer’s ability to see unique moments and have time to capture them in the frame, because most of such moments at a wedding cannot be repeated.

The reportage style is the complete opposite of the classical one: here the photographer needs to see an interesting shot in a constantly changing environment and work, as they say, “from the first take.” But it is shooting a wedding in a reportage style that allows the photographer to truly reveal his talent, show his individuality and his own vision of the events taking place around him. It is not without reason that many famous wedding photographers have received wide recognition thanks to their reportage photographs. Often, reportage shots from a wedding look much more interesting than staged ones, since they use unusual angles and shooting angles, and convey dynamic moments with the newlyweds dancing, sneaking a kiss, breaking glasses and throwing a wedding bouquet.

For reportage photography, the possibility of modern digital cameras shoot several frames per second, which allows you to capture truly unique moments in your photos. The peculiarity of reportage photography is that in each individual case, be it a wedding ceremony in the registry office or a festive banquet, the shooting is carried out in completely different conditions. As a result, the photographer needs to stock up on a whole set of interchangeable lenses and apply different approaches to building exposure and shooting parameters.

In addition to staged and reportage photography, there are also special types of photography in wedding photography. For example, a pre-wedding photo shoot in the style of Lovestory (“Love Story”). This is a preliminary shooting, during which the photographer, together with the newlyweds, can choose the most beautiful and advantageous places in the city or in nature, as well as determine the most successful angles and scenes for staged photographs. Since a wedding day happens only once in a lifetime and it will be impossible to repeat it (at least in this composition of the bridegrooms and guests), such preliminary photography and planning turn out to be very useful.

Currently, most wedding photographers work in both staged and reportage photography, trying to successfully combine both genres. Although each of these styles requires a special approach and special skills from the photographer. But long wedding celebrations with a ceremony in the registry office, a walk and a festive banquet allow you to take both staged and reportage shots.

Black and white wedding photographs look very good, so quite often newlyweds order just such shots from the photographer. Also, wedding photos can be digitally processed, for example, to change or blur the background, or to make them look antique. In addition, colorful wedding collages are very popular today.

Outdoor and indoor wedding photography

When performing wedding photography, a photographer should always be guided by several important points. Firstly, wedding photographs should convey warm feelings and positive emotions of the newlyweds. A sincere smile, a loving or intimate look, a pose - all this acquires great significance in wedding photos. Such emotions cannot be created software already in progress digital processing photographic images. Processing only helps to enhance or emphasize these points. That is why a wedding photographer is required to be able to feel and convey sincere emotions in photographs.

Secondly, the responsibilities of a wedding photographer include searching for the most interesting and highlights. It is very difficult and requires great experience, since he simply cannot be physically present at all events. In any case, it is advisable for the photographer to stay close to the newlyweds, since all the most important things will happen around them.

The entire ceremonial part usually takes place in the Wedding Palace, where the shooting and actions of the photographer are strictly regulated. At this stage, when shooting in the halls and premises of the registry office, the photographer is simply required to technically correctly record the ceremony in conditions where the spread of illumination in different parts of the hall can vary greatly - there is usually more than enough light under the chandeliers, but sometimes there is sorely not enough light at the edges.

You can achieve a high-quality result only if you use all available lighting wisely. In some cases, a flash can be a good assistant for a photographer. At the Wedding Palace, in addition to taking pictures of the ceremony, you can also take several staged photographs against the backdrop of the interiors.

When photographing newlyweds while walking, the photographer is more free in his actions and plans. Both staged and reportage photographs are welcome here. Outdoors you can use a lens with a larger focal length to create three-dimensional shots in which the main subject stands out from the surrounding space. In particular, a wedding photographer’s arsenal should include 85-135 mm lenses with an aperture ratio of 1.4-2.8.

The most interesting and striking shots can be taken during a walk, when the photographer can try on the role of a director and work on a variety of subjects. Footage from a walk, as a rule, turns out to be very lively and cheerful. When taking walking photographs, you should also not forget about the flash, which in cloudy weather will help smooth out the disadvantage natural light. The main thing is not to miss a single moment, since every next moment can be important.

When shooting outdoors, a photographer must have a variety of photographic equipment and a whole set of lenses with him. You never know what will happen with the weather or lighting. Sunny weather can completely unexpectedly give way to heavy rain and the photo shoot will have to be urgently moved indoors or under a roof. That's why experienced wedding photographers always take two cameras with them to shoots - one with wide-angle optics, the other with a telephoto zoom lens. It is advisable to use high-aperture and sharp optics.


One of the most important aspects Wedding photography is all about posing. Here you need to remember that wedding photographs are the fruit collaboration photographer and newlyweds. The choice of certain poses should be determined not only by the photographer’s intentions, but also based on the individual characteristics of the couple, as well as their personal wishes. Before shooting, the wedding photographer should try to relax the couple by talking with the bride and groom. It is necessary to help the newlyweds relax so that on this holiday they can calmly throw away all their worries and give free rein to their feelings. The presence of a photographer at wedding events should not distract the couple in love.

Unnaturally freezing in one position is a fairly common mistake for the bride and groom when posing in wedding photographs. You probably won't want to look at these pictures. Much more interesting are the shots in which the bride and groom smile and laugh a lot, flirt with each other and literally glow with happiness. The classic pose for wedding photography is when the newlyweds are close to each other, holding hands, and their gaze is directed directly into the camera lens. In this case, the background must correspond to the stylistic decision of the photograph.

When photographing the newlyweds while sitting, the groom can hug his beloved around the waist and hold her hand with his other hand. The bride can put her free hand on her dress or on her knees. It is important to pay attention to the position of your hands - under no circumstances should they simply be lowered limply. A beautiful and gentle photo is obtained when shooting in a “face to face” pose. This position is ideal for couples where the bride and groom are approximately the same height.

The pictures are interesting when the bride and groom stand at a distance of a meter from each other, leaning over to kiss. All you need is the right background, with the help of which you could ideally play up the symmetry of the composition. The collection of wedding photos must also include a photograph in which the bride is looking into the camera lens, and the groom is looking at her, or vice versa. This pose can be called “one look.” When photographing hugs, you need to make sure that the bride simply rests her head or leans lightly on the groom's shoulder, while he stands straight, looking either at the camera or at the bride. When photographing the newlyweds in various poses, do not forget about the smile.

Gone are the days when wedding photographers in the registry office photographed newlyweds literally as if on an assembly line, with standard poses and angles. The output was the same type of photographs, the same as those of other couples. Today, the tasks of a wedding photographer include the need to use all the equipment, experience and knowledge available in his arsenal to ensure that the finished photographs literally radiate love, happiness and romantic feelings. Naturally, such work requires from the photographer not only relevant knowledge, but also the ability to be a psychologist, to subtly feel people’s experiences and the atmosphere of the holiday.

Reportage photography is probably the most diverse category of photography. Everything that we shoot without bringing light with us, in many cases without a tripod, is a reportage. Such shooting does not require a script or development of complex details. Everything happens on the spot. The operator’s mind must work clearly and see the already mounted material.

It is the dynamics that make store openings watchable and shopping centers, but the smoothness of the frames can add the necessary charm to reportage shooting of events at a conference and in the library, and in the broad sense of the word, reportage includes absolutely everything, from the birth of a child to video filming of a large, large-scale event on the space station.

Order reportage shooting

Reportage shooting involves editing in chronological order. With the exception of a separate overview video, which, as a rule, is attached to the report. This video includes best moments from an ongoing event and is a “teaser” for a one and a half to two hour film about the event.

But there are exceptions, if the reportage shooting is accompanied by a correspondent and the finished film is divided into separate sections in the program, then the editing may not proceed chronologically, but in accordance with the direction of the stories, which depends on the severity of the news feed, in order of increasing viewer interest.

Reporting video filming news and events

This is a video filming site and naturally, I post my works here, that is, those that have to be filmed, including in a reportage style. This event, which was filmed in the winter of 2020, can confidently be called an event for reporting. But the interview with children on the bus moves this report closer to the shooting of a journalistic film.

Reportage shooting of reconstructions

Knee-deep in snow, with frozen cameras and dead batteries, we were not going into battle, but we were filming reconstructions of legendary events, which can be described as a report from the battlefield. Military historical reconstruction - page with photos In this report, graphics were made and the picture itself was completely re-voiced reconstruction. Reportage shooting was carried out with one camera.

Filming a report from the Kremlin

An exhibition of contemporary Russian sculptors and artists was filmed in one of the towers of the Moscow Kremlin. The gallery was exhibited in the premises of the presidential regiment. This report, voiced by a narrator, contains several interviews with the artist and the organizers of the exhibition. The shooting was carried out with one camera.

In such videos, the emphasis is not on chronology, but on successfully shot shots. You cannot demand something artistic or staged from a report, but if time allows and there are gaps in the action of the event, you can try to capture something beautifully. Interview spectators or participants of the event.

It is better to shoot a report from 2 or 3 cameras, only then, in the busy schedule of the action taking place, will the operator have a window of opportunity to move the camera to interesting faces or take close up event participants. Knowing that the second camera records the entire event in chronological order.

The operator of the first camera will decorate this event with those shots that will subsequently be included in a short 2-3 minute video. If there is only one camera, then you cannot expect anything bright. After all, the task is to remove everything!!! There is no escape from this. It is I who become attached to those events that have a tight time schedule. For example, a sporting event or a speech by an important person on the podium.

If from a big event you only need an overview video. Then freedom of action is not limited and the videographer can calmly choose and shoot those plans that he considers the most beautiful - the best for the video. In this case, the sound is recorded to an external recorder and you can always reproduce the required audio segment on video. The necessary fragment of speech or something else. There is always on-camera light, even during the day. Because in bright sunlight, only with this light can you remove a shadow on your face in bright sun, remove it in front of a window. It is better to use a reflector, but the reflector requires an assistant.

If the videographer is filming the report alone. He knows exactly when to shoot. Small pauses of 1-2 minutes will always help to remove interruptions, so that when editing the gluing, television reports will appear. But this applies strictly to the rules of linking to a complete event in chronological order. Now many companies have moved away from this and just want a beautiful video, reflecting all the significant moments, which means everything can be filmed with one camera.

What is required from a reporter operator. The main thing is not to yawn, so that the very moment that the customer wants to see in the final version of the video does not slip by. If you don’t shoot everything, then the operator should roughly plan the entire event before shooting, at least ask the manager and administrator. But there are also surprises. For example, a common surprise is to turn off the lights in the hall!!! But no one told you. If there is no on-camera light on the camera at this moment, then the footage of an interesting surprise feature will be lost. So you have to be prepared for anything.

Essentially, for the operator, this is combat operations with an unknown enemy. They called yesterday and said that we would be filming today. What to shoot? I'm asking. We ourselves, they say, don’t know. Just take it off! But I just don’t want to take it off. You always want to take a good picture...

Reporting video

Reportage video shooting is, at first glance, the simplest type of shooting (what I see is what I shoot.), combining landscape, portrait, household and other genres of shooting.
The most important thing here is to see. To see that moment that will convey the atmosphere of the event, its dynamics and capture it in faces, emotions and poses.
Reportage photography is used when covering concerts, cultural events, sports matches, corporate parties, anniversaries and celebrations. the videographer must reflect these events as he sees them, not forgetting that this video will be watched by the event participants and guests themselves.
So that those who watch the video report can relive the best moments together with its participants.

The peculiarity of reportage shooting is that no one will pose for the videographer a second time.
To solve such a complex task, a videographer, as a rule, has to focus his attention on key points. At the same time, he must observe a certain chronology of the event, sequentially showing the viewer all the actions taking place.

Today we come across reportage video almost everywhere – on the Internet, on the TV screen.
At first glance, everything seems quite simple, however, reportage photography requires special skill and painstaking work. Its task is to document all events.
But in such a way that a person who was not present at this event could see in detail what happened and understand the logic, emotions or drama of what was happening.

Reportage shooting is one of the most difficult genres for a videographer, because in addition to technical skills, his skills and experience are important here. For high-quality reportage shooting, you must have a quick reaction and the ability to see certain events through the lens of a video camera.
Professional intuition and experience always tell you what will happen in the next minute. Thanks to this, he can be prepared in advance to capture the most interesting moment.

Thus, the main quality that a reporting videographer should have is the ability to be at the right moment in in the right place. At the same time, he must always remember the logic of what is happening, clearly tracking various events and their relationships. A good reporting video is a specific story about an event.
the videographer must be able to quickly make decisions, while remaining unobtrusive and invisible to the event participants themselves. He must show the viewer the reality that surrounds him, but which he sometimes simply does not notice.

The scope of reportage photography today is quite wide. This is not only military reporting from the hot spots of the planet or coverage of political events, to which we have long been accustomed. This also includes filming various public events, conferences, presentations, sporting events or children's parties.

Reportage video shooting can also be carried out to cover significant home events, be it a wedding, birthday or graduation party.
A high-quality video report helps to preserve these events in memory, as well as the impressions, emotions and personal experiences associated with them. Videographers must capture the most striking and climactic moments, creating a holistic and memorable picture.

It is important that the video materials fully correspond to the text, expressing a certain idea. In many situations, textual information does not attract the viewer’s attention unless it is accompanied by a bright, interesting video.

Video frames from a simple report are subject to painting (color correction) very rarely. As a rule, color correction is done short video from a large reportage shoot. You can call it a teaser. This video is used as an addition to the main video of the event. This photo: Screenshot from a video, a video from a Maslenitsa event in Moscow on Manezhnaya, Teatralnaya, Red Squares and in the Izmailovsky Kremlin.

  • One cameraman goes to the shooting location.
  • More often, the operator brings one camera and a tripod, less often, he takes additional shooting equipment.
  • The report camera is limited in its characteristics.
  • Filming takes place without a clear plan.
  • During installation, you may end up with the same type of video, because... shooting takes place from a maximum of 3-5 angles or even from one angle. Equipment limitations do not allow smooth camera movements.
  • Filming only what is happening (or not happening - if you just need to remove the equipment).

Staged video shooting

  • A film crew arrives at the shooting location. The minimum composition is a cameraman and director. As the shooting becomes more complex, they add a lighting technician, a sharer, a focus operator, a second director, actors, a makeup artist, a production designer, a costume designer and other personnel.
  • Filming equipment: cameras, steadicam, lighting, rails, microphones, etc.
  • The cinema camera allows you to get a bright, juicy image.
  • Filming takes place according to a pre-planned script and director's storyboard, where each frame is described in detail.
  • During editing, a dynamic video is obtained, because the director provides for a smooth and private change of shot. To create smooth camera movement, they use electronic system stabilization or rails.
  • The director draws up a production schedule that guarantees that the team will create the maximum possible number of shots in one shooting day.
  • Creating scenes. When filming equipment, it is not just filmed from one angle, the camera zooms in and out, plans change, and a scene is created in which the equipment is used.

Choosing between staged and reportage photography

Your decision should be based on what you want to achieve with the video. For advertising photography, it is better to use staged shots.

Let's say you need to sell a shower stall. You expect a specific action from the viewer - he must bring you money and buy a booth. What kind of shooting will do this faster?

  • With the help of reportage photography, you simply show the fact that you have a shower stall. The viewer will say, “Oh, that’s a booth.”
  • With the help of staged photography you will show the beauty of the shower stall and its characteristics. The viewer will say: “I want the same one for myself.”

Filming for video advertising

In its specificity, professional staged photography is very close to the work of an artist and requires no less talent. There should be nothing superfluous in the frame. The main feature of staged photography is the thoughtfulness of the little things that get into the frame. The role is played by the pose of the model, the background, as well as the plot. Unlike standard photography, you do not get a moment captured by chance, but the result of the joint work of the photographer and the person who gets into the frame. Professional staged photography in Belgorod is carried out by a photographer with extensive experience who has a creative approach to solving the task. But you need to understand that preparing for filming will take a lot of time. Haste can ruin the result; it is important to pay attention to every detail. The shot itself takes a fraction of a second; most of the time is spent on preparation, which is the emphasis in this type of shooting.

Staged photography is, first of all, a preparatory progress; the photographer takes upon himself the elaboration of the plot, the selection of the ideal shooting location, the angle that is best suited in specific conditions, adjusts the light, adds additional elements to the frame, or, on the contrary, removes something. He will also help the model take a suitable pose, ideal for the photo. The main thing here is to do everything carefully and slowly, only by paying attention to details will you be able to get desired result. A professional staged photography studio offers its services at an affordable price and guarantees that you will be satisfied with the result.

Photographer for staged photography

Often, professional photographers not only take photographs, but also work with them in Photoshop to add new effects and make the frame even more interesting. In this way, you can even combine the resulting images with each other, which will make you look at them in a new way.

A staged photo allows you to realize any, even the most creative ideas, which becomes possible thanks to careful preparation. The shooting process can take place both on the street and in a professional studio, where you can choose a background and have a large selection of decorations. You can arrange a themed photo shoot by arranging the background in a certain style. This could be a family, wedding or children's photo shoot.

A talented posed photographer will help you prepare any image and get into a good position for the photo so that you are satisfied with the result. You can be made into a fairy-tale princess, a fairy-tale character, everything is limited only by your desires and imagination. As a result you get a collection beautiful photos, which will depict you or your loved ones.

The benefits we offer you:

  • Extensive experience in this area and creativity to solve the problem;
  • The use of professional equipment, which allows you to get best quality pictures;
  • The opportunity to receive original photographs, the plot of which is built depending on your wishes;
  • Prices that everyone can afford.