Over the past few years, the Government of the Russian Federation has been carrying out targeted work related to reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Changes occur constantly and affect the most different areas activities of the department - from its name (it was the Police - it became the Police), to staffing level, rights and responsibilities. It was extremely rare that with all these changes, a single issue was considered and resolved positively - the amount of monetary allowance.

Current state of affairs

Over the past five years, funding for this item of expenditure for police officers has not changed. Despite loud statements by officials of various ranks, these indicators (unlike inflation, price increases, etc.) did not change. Naturally, promises to increase the salaries of department employees by 50, 100, 150% remained just simple populist statements. And only in 2018, the long-awaited change finally happened. It was decided to increase the monetary allowance by the amount of inflation. According to the Government, this figure did not exceed 4%. This is exactly how much the salary was indexed. Did she solve the accumulated problems? Did a decrease in the standard of living for people in uniform make it possible to compensate for losses? An answer to this question is not required. Just look at how much rent and utility bills have increased over the same period of time!

Forecasts for salary increases in the police in 2019

Significant practical changes in the Ministry of Internal Affairs will still begin. According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, first of all, a significant restructuring of the organizational and staffing structure will be carried out. Already at the end of 2018, the DD Security Directorate will be abolished. Next, the department will include units fire safety and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the merger of the PPS and the traffic police will take place.

Finally, from sources close to the Government, it became known that the implementation of a number of social issues, swinging all the ministry workers. The most anticipated of these issues is the salary increase in 2019. In the May decrees of the President, the task was set to increase the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by 150% compared to 2012. Most likely, the gradual implementation of this requirement will begin in the New Year.

How police salaries may change in 2019, some numbers

The state, continuing its internal policy aimed at strengthening power, will begin in the coming year the planned, gradual implementation of plans to increase police salaries in 2019. To assess the scale of the upcoming changes, you need to know how much certain employees currently receive, after the 4 percent indexation. These are the indicators:

  • Investigator (investigator) 17 thousand rubles.
  • Senior investigator 18.3 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 20.3 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 23 thousand rubles.
  • Head of department 26 thousand rubles.

It is obvious that, as in many other departments, law enforcement agencies and organizations of state subordination, there are other sections to official salaries that affect the final amount sum of money, received by the policeman in his hands. This:

  1. Allowance for military rank (taking into account the employee’s qualifications can reach 30% of the official salary).
  2. Additional payment for experience. The longer the period of service in the department, the greater the amount of DD you can count on.
  3. Allowance for special conditions of service (coefficient established depending on the region of service).

It is obvious that the salary increase for police officers in 2019, if it does begin, will include not only a change in the official salary, but also an increase in additional payments.

The latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

One of the most important conditions for successful reform of the department, along with an increase in police salaries from January 1, 2019, will also be significant structural changes. We have already talked about some of them, but these are not all the changes. With a high degree of probability we can say that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will have an MGB unit within the Ministry of Internal Affairs starting from the New Year. If you believe the information coming from some media, this body will consist of several divisions of the FSB and will be endowed with the most significant powers. This structure is not formed with “ clean slate", but is being created on the basis of the previously existing FSO. According to the new state federal Service security will remain, but its functions and responsibilities will be optimized and specified as much as possible.

The upcoming changes in the structure of the traffic police and traffic police will lead not only to functional changes, the innovation will directly affect every employee, because a significant part of them will be transferred to civilian positions.

What do the authorities, police and citizens expect from the changes? Let's sum it up

It is obvious that the priority tasks that the President and the Government are trying to solve are increasing the efficiency of the department as a whole by optimizing the number of personnel, reforming taking into account current conditions, as well as increasing the prestige of the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Hence, we expect, albeit not a sharp, but still an increase in salaries for police officers in 2019. Important attention is also paid to the ability of the police, if necessary, to take any tough measures to maintain law and order and counter any attempts by public pressure on the authorities.

For ordinary ministry employees, the priorities are also obvious. These are decent working conditions and normal wages. Officers will strive to make a career, and for civilian personnel it is important to create working conditions with standardized working hours, decent income and the opportunity to receive additional privileges.

Well, the people, as always, are waiting for changes for the better and hope that someday the famous character from Mikhalkov’s famous poem “Uncle Styopa” will return! The time will come when it will again be possible to turn to the police on the street for almost any help and be sure that every citizen will be reliably protected in the legal field.

Time will tell how everything will actually turn out!

Almost all representatives budgetary sphere activities today are concerned about the issue of increasing wages. Back in 2012, the President promised to radically change the level of their material allowance, but the crisis prevented the promise from being fulfilled, so the level of material allowance for the majority of public sector employees remained practically the same. It is not surprising that today the question of whether there will be an increase in salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 is gaining popularity, which means it needs to be discussed separately.

One of the official government web portals says that the income level of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not changed for several years. As you know, the country was hit by a strong wave, which caused the development of a serious financial deficit in the state budget and became the reason that in 2016 the authorities had to cancel even the procedure for indexing wages (multiplying workers' salaries by the established inflation coefficient).

Today the authorities say that the level of salaries of Russians who are supported by the state (including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) will definitely increase. However, before we talk about exactly what will happen to the salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that it will be influenced by the following factors:

  • official, government-set working salary (its amount varies depending on the position held and professional qualifications person);
  • allowances added to the salary for a certain military rank;
  • bonus payments, the amount of which depends on how well a person performs his work;
  • compensation for work in life-threatening conditions or the need to maintain state secrets (compensations can reach 80% of the official salary);
  • professional experience (employees of the department will have the opportunity to retire earlier than others, and they will receive special bonuses for continuing to work).

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that representatives senior management departments also increase the salaries of their employees if they show a high level of professional and personal growth (they know several languages, for example, or constantly improve their level of physical fitness).

Reforming the department

It is impossible not to mention separately the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system when discussing the increase in salaries of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees in Russia, the latest news says that the reform has been taking place for several years, but its key point today is that the police service has been renamed to.

However, in fact, the reform affects not only the renaming of the service, it is aimed at increasing the material allowance of the department’s employees, optimizing its work, normalizing pensions and reducing the number of employees on the staff. The official salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2018 in the Russian Federation is not too high, although representatives of this service have a lot of work. They ensure the safety of the population and monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, while they have to monitor their physical fitness(a weak and intolerant person simply will not be able to perform his duties efficiently professional responsibilities), and for a month of such work they receive only 20-30 thousand rubles. And you don’t even need to be an expert to understand that it is almost impossible for a family of three to live on this salary (especially at the current level of food prices and the cost of housing and communal services).

Finally, it is necessary to discuss data regarding whether there will be a reduction in the number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018, because it was already said above that the department is going through another government reform, during which some employees may lose their jobs. In 2017 we started large-scale cuts employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of which the management staff of the department should be reduced by 10%, and ordinary employees should be reduced in number by 15%. To date, more than 500 thousand people have already been laid off, and the freed-up funds from their positions were spent on increasing the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (those who remained).

However, today the reduction in the number of employees of the organization has been suspended, because the authorities understand that a critical reduction in employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs could worsen the crime situation in the state. However, we should not forget that reforming the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with the creation new organization

– The Russian Guard, which will take over some of the functions of the disbanded Ministry. Some of the dismissed employees, by the way, may try to take positions in the Russian Guard (to do this they will have to pass certain tests), while the rest will need to look for work in another field of activity.

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, launched in 2009 on the initiative of the president, has, in fact, come to an end and the time has come for conclusions. Naturally, the main question for police officers and their family members is whether police salaries will be increased in 2018. The majority of ordinary citizens did not notice anything except the change of name from “militia” to “police”, however, in fact, transformations of the department are underway full swing. For example, certification of employees was introduced, many of whom did not pass it and lost their positions. Since 2016, a number of positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been cut, after which the total number of police officers in the Russian Federation should not exceed 900 thousand people, although this is not assessed positively by everyone. Primarily through personnel optimization, it is planned to allocate resources to increase the salaries of police officers in 2018, but not everything is so simple.

Features of the formation of police salaries

The salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the following positions:

the salary itself;

bonuses for rank;

assigned regional coefficient;

additional payments for length of service;

additional payments for the complexity and intensity of the work.

All of the listed positions, except for salary, are of an individual nature, that is, they are established depending on the specifics of the service, the place of service, the risk to life, etc. As a result, a local police officer usually receives a salary greater than a traffic police inspector who is engaged only in work with paper documentation. At the same time, additional financial remuneration is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are awarded state awards.

What are the salaries in the Ministry of Internal Affairs now?

The current level of income in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is unlikely to increase the desire to join the department for service. IN Lately There are persistent rumors that police salaries will increase significantly in 2018. Before talking about increasing salaries, you should understand the indicators already achieved. So, ordinary law enforcement officers (without officer ranks) with a length of service not exceeding 5 years are entitled to 25 thousand rubles as a salary. Officers with similar experience can count on 36 thousand rubles, and 42 thousand rubles after 15 years of service in the department.

It should be noted that there is a significant difference in the level of income between officers and heads of departments (divisions). The latter's salary is at least 80 thousand rubles, and sometimes reaches 100 thousand rubles per month. However, even these figures are lower than the salaries of ordinary police officers in developed countries. If we take the USA, then the average salary of an ordinary “cop” there, in terms of domestic currency, is at least 120 thousand rubles monthly, excluding allowances. This may be why the demand for this vacancy in America is higher and the competitive selection is stricter.

Police income level for 2018

According to Vladimir Putin’s “May” decrees, by 2018 the salaries of Interior Ministry employees should increase by approximately 150%. If it were not for the economic crisis that erupted due to the fall in world energy prices, these indicators were quite achievable. Now there is no need to talk about any large-scale increase in salaries for police officers in 2018. The funds freed up after staff optimization are obviously not enough for a significant increase in salaries. Most likely, next year employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should expect the following figures:

the salary of police officers who have worked for less than 5 years in the authorities will be 26-27 thousand rubles;

police officers who have worked for at least 10 years will be able to receive 28-29 thousand rubles;

those with more than 15 years of service can count on 32-33 thousand rubles.

Employees with the rank of junior lieutenant to captain are provided with a salary of no less than 32 thousand rubles. For managerial positions (from major to general), the monthly salary will be from 40 thousand rubles. Return of 13 salaries, as well as free travel to public transport In 2018, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not expect this: official representatives of the department have already stated this.

However, there are also positive developments. Thus, at a meeting in the Kremlin, President V. Putin recalled the May decrees and the fact that some public sector employees, including police officers, were left “overboard” and the situation needs to be corrected, despite all the economic problems in the country. Therefore, there is a very high probability that an increase in police salaries in 2018 will be included in the budget, and therefore guaranteed to happen.

Additional benefits for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Despite the fact that there will be no significant increase in salaries for police officers in 2018, a number of benefits have been left for the department that can partially compensate for financial losses. This list includes: additional days for labor leave (up to 10); placement in a separate queue for official housing; the option of receiving sanatorium treatment for yourself and relatives; the possibility of free qualified medical care, including operations. In addition, law enforcement officers are provided with separate housing in dormitories upon entering the service. If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a family, the employer, that is, the department, is obliged to provide him with a separate room. In this regard, nothing has changed since the times of the USSR, when work in the police was perhaps the only reliable way for young guys from the provinces to gain a foothold in Moscow. Will there be indexation in 2018?...

According to the official statement of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in October 2017, officials will consider a bill according to which in 2018 all police salaries will be indexed by 5.5%. The allowances will help overcome the negative consequences of inflation, which experts estimate at 5-6%. If the project is approved, indexation should be expected in January-February 2017. The Ministry of Finance also expressed its intention to direct funding to improve working conditions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The funds will be used to repair premises, purchase necessary equipment, advanced training of workers.

Thus, the topic of when the police will increase salaries in 2018 is not yet closed, but we can already say that a significant increase in salaries is not expected. Ordinary employees can only hope for a miracle and for finding additional financial reserves in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

After the presidential elections, the Russian government continues to reform the security forces and allocates money from the state budget to index the salaries of public sector employees, pensions, benefits and other social benefits. An increase in police salaries in 2018 in Russia: the latest news that is heard regarding the indexation of salaries of security forces.

Increase in police salaries

The planned increase in police salaries is due to take place at the end of this year, but there are also reports that it will not affect all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reform of law enforcement agencies in the country involves not just personnel changes in the structures, but also a review of the requirements for employees.

The latest news about increasing salaries for police officers touches on the topic of future recertification; it will not only not lead to an increase in salaries, but will also provoke a wave of dismissals of workers who do not meet the standards for police officers.

Indexation of wages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may happen as early as 2018. Moreover, this will be done in a version that does not affect budget money.

Those workers who can prove professional suitability for further service in the police, will receive various amounts, the amount of which will be determined by both the starting salary and rank, length of service, the complexity of the work they perform, as well as the regional coefficient.

Sources in department circles talk about a roughly similar accrual scheme, but it will start with an increased starting rate, and the rest of the bonus accruals will be added to it:

  • ordinary employees will come on a salary of 27,000 rubles and will have the opportunity to increase the current amount over time by obtaining an education, transfer to a higher position and earned experience;
  • officers will receive from 50,000 rubles, after which this salary can be increased by achievement of merit, length of service and earned ranks;
  • the salary of senior command personnel will be approximately 100,000 rubles.

Police salaries in Russia are increasing by presidential decree; the given amount of potential salaries does not take into account the benefits/accruals due to security forces. The state budget already provides money for indexing all public sector wages by 3-4%. Before this, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, there was a moratorium on indexation of public sector wages.

This year, the inflation rate is approximately in line with State Statistics Service forecasts, and even has a slight downward trend. Therefore, it is planned to allocate certain funds to index employees’ salaries budgetary institutions.

In 2018, in addition to increasing salaries, it is also planned to carry out personnel changes. A number of police officers will be cut, including those who cannot be certified. However, the reduction will not only occur at the expense of those who are dismissed due to professional unsuitability.

The following measures could potentially be applied during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • a number of responsibilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be transferred to the National Guard and other institutions;
  • Some of the employees who are not directly involved in law enforcement will be dismissed from the ranks of the police;
  • may be closed departmental clinics, where previously employees were often screened for professional suitability through bribes;
  • a reduction in the number of employees will be carried out through the dismissal of unsuitable and corrupt personnel;
  • if the Ministry of State Security is created, the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reduced.

Reducing the number of police officers is necessary not just because of saving state budget funds, it is long overdue. The increase in personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at one time was due to a sharply negative crime situation, rampant crime and banditry. Recently, the situation has reached a certain balance, and now the state wants to take advantage not in quantity, but in the quality of training and work of law enforcement agencies. Incentive system for employees who improve their professional level, offers good bonuses for good preparation.

The current benefits for the refund of educational expenses, made through tax payments, will enable police officers to constantly improve their own level of knowledge and skills, as well as apply for further ranks.

The government has planned to raise money this year to successfully complete the police reform and increase the prestige of work in the country's law enforcement agencies. We will see very soon how well the promises coincide with reality.

Economist. Work experience on leadership positions in the manufacturing sector. Date of: October 10, 2018. Reading time 7 min.

Police salaries will increase in October 2019 by 4.3%. The change will affect official salaries and allowances by rank, but will not affect the relative expression of allowances. Eventually average salary employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2019 will be 39,000 rubles.

Will there be a salary increase for police officers in 2019?

Employees law enforcement experienced for themselves what reforms are. To strengthen the security forces, the requirements for police work were adjusted, the personnel and structure of law enforcement agencies were optimized, and recertification was carried out.

Everything changed except wages. In fact, since 2012, when salaries were increased by 2-3 times, the income of police officers has remained unchanged. The growth of average salaries was due to an increase in length of service and other allowances.

A 4% increase in wages in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in January 2018 actually neutralized the current price increase, but failed to restore purchasing power, since over the past 5 years the income of police officers has depreciated by 46%.

It is not surprising that the news about the gradual increase in salaries of law enforcement officers to 150%, compared to 2012, was received with caution. And, indeed, according to the May Presidential Decree, such a significant increase in salaries is planned, but it will occur in stages until 2024. But the new reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will start at the beginning of 2019 - preparations began in the last quarter of 2018. According to the new law, the following will happen:

  • merging of some structures;
  • transfer of some powers to other law enforcement agencies;
  • staff reduction;
  • refusal to release work units after the employee retires;
  • new certification.

Reference! Raise retirement age military personnel and persons equivalent to them for at this stage not planned. However will increase to 25 years from 2019.

Really new stage reforms will again affect most aspects except salary? Definitely, in the coming months, salaries will not immediately increase by 1.5 times. But the draft budget already includes an increase in police salaries in 2019 and the next 2 years.

Moreover, not only police pay will increase, but also pensions former employees.

Latest news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the ongoing reform and salary increase in the video:

How much will the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased?

Initially, it was planned to index the salaries of police officers by 4% annually, which was supposed to cover the depreciation of salaries due to inflation. In August 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development issued a clarifying forecast for annual inflation. A level of no higher than 3.4% was indicated, which is 0.3 bp. higher than initial forecasts. It is these indications that the Ministry is guided by when drawing up the draft budget. How will the worsening economic situation affect the salaries of security forces? Will the government reduce the indicators to the level of inflation or, on the contrary, increase them against the backdrop of depreciation of income?

The exact plans became known from official sources after submitting the project federal budget countries for consideration. It reflects that military personnel and persons equivalent to them, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are scheduled to increase budget allocations for an annual increase in wages in 2019 by 4.3%.

If the draft budget is approved in this version, police salaries will increase by 4.3% in 2019.

For reference! The budget includes an increase in wages for law enforcement officers for 2020 in the amount of 3.8%, for 2021 - 4%.

Similar innovations are planned for the salaries of federal employees. government agencies And .

Promotion deadlines

Ambiguous information is also being circulated in the press regarding the timing of the increase in wages - January, May and October are mentioned. When and to whom will payments be raised in 2019?

In January, only those police officers whose salary level is less than the minimum wage can qualify for an increase in payments. From the beginning of the year, this figure will increase by 1% to RUB 11,280. Therefore, ordinary entry-level employees, as well as trainees who receive less minimum wage labor will receive additional payments up to this level automatically. In fact, their allowance will increase by 117 rubles. Other employees whose salaries are higher than these figures will not receive any additional payments in January.

For reference! The January increase will primarily affect public sector employees, namely , teachers and doctors.

There are no plans for a May increase in 2019. In the previous year, it was associated with a repeated increase in the minimum wage.

The main indexation of wages, which will affect the salaries of all police officers, will be carried out in October 2019. The same deadlines are indicated in the law for subsequent indexations.

What will be the average salary in the police?

The increase will only affect official salaries and payments for rank. However, this is only the basic part, on which various allowances are added. It is their indexing that will not be affected. For example, the bonus for length of service will not be indexed, but will increase due to the actual length of service.

Table 1. Changes in police salaries in 2019

Rank/position Salary 2018, rub. Salary from October 2019, rub.
Private 5 800 6 050
Sergeant 6 900 7 200
Lance Sergeant 7 200 7 500
Staff Sergeant 7 800 8 130
Sergeant Major 7 900 8 240
Ensign 8 300 8 660
Senior Warrant Officer 8 400 8 760
Ensign 9 600 10 010
Senior Lieutenant 10 700 11 160
Lieutenant 11 000 11 470
Captain 12 000 12 520
Major 12 500 13 040
Colonel 13 000 13 560
Major General 21 200 22 110
Lieutenant General 23 800 24 820
Senior investigator 25 000 26 075
Colonel General 25 500 26 600
General 28 500 29 730
Deputy head of department 31 000 32 330
Head of department 41 000 42 760
Deputy minister 45 300 47 250
Minister 50 000 52 150

When calculating new salary For a police officer, not only the salary for the rank will be taken into account, but also the salary for the position, which is also multiplied by a factor of 1.043. As for bonuses, they are calculated based on the salary. Therefore, in in monetary terms they will automatically become larger.

Estimated average wage police officer in 2019 will increase to 37,500 rubles.

Dynamics of changes in police salaries over the past 10 years

Significant change The amount of salary for police officers was recorded in 2012.

Over 5 years, salaries have not increased, but the average salary has fluctuated, which is due to the introduction of new allowances and the redistribution of responsibilities. The latest 4% indexation also had a slight impact on the salaries of law enforcement officers.

Table 1. Dynamics of police salaries in 2011-2019

Year Salary amount, rub.
2010 14 000
2011 14 000
2012 35 000
2013 35 000
2014 37 000
2015 35 000
2016 36 000
2017 35 000
2018 36 000
2019 37 500

Considering that the “cost” of police salaries over the past 6 years has depreciated by 46%, and prices in the country have increased by 60%, the total indexation of 8.3% (for 2018-2019) will not provide a decent level of income for security forces. In fact, wage growth will be only 2.38%, since current inflation has “eaten up” a 5.92% increase over 2 years.

As a result, over the period from 2018 to 2021, salaries will increase by approximately 16.1%, which is far from the promised 50% salary increase. However, the actual figures for 2020-2021 are will become known only after the approval of the relevant budgets, and it remains to be seen what innovations the Government plans to introduce in relation to the salaries of security forces in 2022-2024.

Education: Higher economics, specialization – management in the production sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
October 10, 2018.