Men of any age love to have fun and have fun. However, they cannot always afford this, because adult men simply may not have time for entertainment and fun. But there are days a year when men can have fun, and no one has the right to stop them. Such days include February 23. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are really interested in games and competitions for men on February 23rd.

Photo session in gas masks

For this competition it is necessary to prepare two gas masks, without which it will not be possible to conduct it. Participants are divided into two teams and take their positions at tables with gas masks. The presenter and his assistant stand at a distance of ten meters from the participants, and prepare cameras (smartphones) with which they will film the participants.

The participants’ task is that, at the command of the leader, the first representative of each team puts on a gas mask and runs up to the leader or his assistant. The presenter examines how well the gas mask is worn, then takes a photograph of the participant. Only after this does the participant run to his team, take off the gas mask and give it to the next participant. The team that manages to finish the photo shoot the fastest wins.

Overcoming obstacles blindly

The presenter calls two men and, before their eyes, sets up two zigzag routes from empty bottles or skittles. After this, he asks the participants to remember the route and blindfolds them. As soon as the participants are blindfolded, the presenter's assistants silently remove the bottles. When everything is ready, the presenter says that the men need to overcome the route without hitting any obstacles. At the same time, he must indicate that speed is not very important in this competition.

The presenter gives the start, and the men begin their movement in zigzags, causing loud laughter in the audience. When the men complete the blind obstacle course, their blindfolds are removed and they are allowed to see which route they took.

Kitchen attendant

Those men who served in the army know firsthand about being on duty in the kitchen. Their memories of these days are not the most pleasant. Therefore, on February 23, men can be “pleased” with a potato peeling competition for speed. The presenter calls willing men and seats them at the table. After that, he places a knife and a large potato in front of them. Participants will think that they will need to remember their army years and peel potatoes at speed. However, at the last moment, the host announces that men do not need to peel potatoes. Instead, they need to take turns naming dishes made from this fruit. The man who names the last dish that can be made from potatoes wins.

At the end of the competition for knowledge of dishes, among the men who took part in it, you can play another game as a fun bonus. This time the men will really have to peel potatoes at speed.

Each participant in the competition can be given a package of chips as a prize.

Arm wrestling

Almost no men's feast is complete without arm wrestling. So why not make a competition for men on February 23rd? Moreover, to hold this competition you only need a free table. Depending on the number of applicants, the competition can be held in several stages, with a classic ending. Surely the men at the holiday will enjoy this competition.

Pyramid of push-ups

Another really appropriate competition for men on February 23rd. However, in this competition, men compete not only with their rivals, but also with themselves. The presenter calls five men and the same number of women who will become observers in this competition. After this, he announces to the men that they need to do push-ups nai more once every three minutes. The girls' task is to observe the correctness of the men's push-ups and count their number.

The presenter gives the start, time is noted, and watches the stopwatch. Men do push-ups, and girls count. After three minutes, the girls name the results of the men they followed. The presenter writes down next to each name the number of push-ups that the man was able to perform. However, the competition does not end there, because now men will have to do push-ups for two minutes. After this time, the entire process with recording the results is repeated and the final part of the competition begins. Now men need to do the maximum number of push-ups in one minute. The man with the most push-ups in his bag wins.


A classic competition for celebrating February 23rd, which can be carried out in completely different ways. For example, you can hang up darts and hold a competition among men in this sport.

If you do not have the opportunity to hold such a competition, you can organize an accuracy competition among men, in which they will have to hit a certain place a certain number of times. For example, you can hold a competition to hit tennis balls into a bucket from five meters away. The winner is the participant who was able to accurately throw into the bucket the greatest number of times.

Exists huge amount options for holding an accuracy competition. So here you can show your imagination and surprise men.

Oh, what legs!

The presenter calls those interested and explains to them the essence of the competition. He tells the men that now they will need to catch food for the river. To do this, he pours out all sorts of little things, for example, tennis balls, sweets, cosmetics. To fully immerse yourself in the idea of ​​the competition, the presenter asks the participants to roll up their pants, arguing that men should not wet their pants in the river. The presenter says that the participant who manages to catch the largest number of little things in one minute will win. After this time, the presenter reveals all the cards and announces that the competition was for the most beautiful male legs. The women, who have been watching the “harvest” all this time, announce the winner by voting.

Air attack

Not only men, but also women can take part in this competition. The presenter asks the men to sit on chairs and place an inflated balloon on their feet. The girls' task is to run and sit down on the ball, which lies on the man's lap. At the same time, the “pilots” need to withstand this blow and not fall. The pair whose balloon burst wins.

The fastest

For this competition you need to prepare two identical toy cars and two skeins of thread. The edges of the threads are tied to the machines. At the command of the leader, the men begin to wind the threads, pulling the cars towards them. The winner is the participant whose car crosses the conditional finish line first.


In this competition, men can show not only their courage, but also their gallantry. The facilitator asks men and women to split into pairs. After this, the couples stand in a circle. The men get down on one knee, take the woman by the hand and begin to take turns complimenting the ladies, like real hussars. Compliments must be original, that is, they cannot be repeated or said by other participants. If it’s a man’s turn and he can’t say anything, then his mate is eliminated. The man who gives the last compliment wins

The time has come to talk frankly - you want February 23rd to become the most the best holiday? Then let's think together about what competitions to hold and what to do so that everyone is in the mood for an A plus. Let's watch and feel.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the favorite holidays in our country. it is celebrated by men, women, children, and old people. After all, sooner or later we will all become defenders and defend our Motherland from enemies. In the meantime, there is no danger, you can just have fun and make this day bright and funny. New competitions for guys on February 23rd are very funny, and will help you make February 23rd a special day that absolutely all participants will enjoy. Watch competitions, play them with the guys and let friendship win.

Game - guess the place.

You choose three guys to play. Better than those who are not very touchy and understand humor. They turn their backs to the guests, and signs are stuck on their backs with the inscriptions: in the toilet, in an ambush, behind enemy lines. It's important that these guys don't see the writing on their backs and the backs of their friends. When the guests have laughed, the host begins to ask them questions. For example, do you go there often? How long does this “operation” take you? do you like it? Which of your friends and acquaintances would you take there with you? And from the girls? What attracts you to this place?
The guys answer the questions seriously, but have no idea what the place is written on their back. If someone could guess, then speak. It is important here that the presenter comments on the answers, it will be more fun.

Competition – letter from the army in rap style.
In this competition, participants will read a letter from the army in rap style. If the participants can, then let them come up with a letter and words right on the go. If not, then give them a sheet of paper with the text:

Competition - who is the most attentive.
To serve in the army you have to be very careful. In this competition we will see which of the guys can serve and which cannot.
Everything is simple here - the guys stand around the table, there is one object on the table. The presenter reads the verse, and as soon as he says the number THREE, you need to have time to take the object from the table. Whoever does this first wins.
Watch the video on how to play this competition:

Competition - assembling weapons for speed.
Every soldier should be able to assemble a machine gun in a few seconds. Do your guys know how to do this? Let's check it out!
For the competition you need to draw machines on paper. And then cut them into pieces. Mix all the parts on the table. At the leader’s command, the participants assemble their machines. Whoever is first wins.

February 11, 2017

February is very rich in holidays. Emotions have not yet had time to calm down when February 23rd is already knocking on the door. And although most men claim that they expect absolutely nothing from this day (a day is like a day), in fact, many of them want attention, care and bright impressions. As you understand, neither an expensive perfume, nor several pairs of socks or panties as a gift can cause real joy. But a good party with competitions and entertainment can do this.

In order to make the strong half of humanity happy on this holiday, it is enough to organize a truly exciting and interesting celebration, where every man can express himself and prove his superiority. After all, being winners in life is in their blood. You can, of course, not bother too much and hire a good presenter. Or you can turn on your imagination and creativity and organize everything yourself. A little effort and time spent will bring long-awaited results - a joyful and cheerful mood for the heroes of the occasion.

1. Party in honor of February 23: ideas for holding

First of all, you need to decide what style your party will be held in. There are actually a lot of options: it all depends on what you want. This may well be a rather traditional military-style holiday, where guests are dressed in costumes associated with military service. Or you can not get attached to the troops, but hold, for example, a party:

  • hussar;
  • boxing;
  • gentlemanly;
  • heroic;
  • Sultan's;
  • historical and others.

There are many options. The main thing is to organize everything correctly. First of all, decorate the room where the fun will take place, choosing those attributes that will match the theme. Secondly, guests should be warned about the style of suits they should wear. Thirdly, do not forget about holiday menu: it must also correspond to the chosen style. For example, if the party is a pirate party, then there must be seafood and rum on the table. If the party is heroic, then you need a lot of meat dishes, beer and kvass. And you can come up with quite original names for the appetizers (the “Heroic Strength” salad, the “Mermaid’s Kiss” appetizer, corsair sandwiches).

And fourthly, you need to take care of competitions and entertainment. After all, they will be the highlight of your evening. You can use well-known games, or you can find more original competitions, in which you can win prizes. What these prizes will be is up to you and your budget to decide. But alcohol, various snacks, funny gifts, socks, perfume, playing cards, sweets are suitable rewards...

2. “Beer Belly” competition (for the quickest)

It's no secret that among men there are a lot of lovers of the foamy drink - beer. It is also known that the more beer you drink, the more your stomach grows. And this competition is dedicated to all beer lovers.

4 men are participating. It is desirable that they be approximately the same build (but this is not important). Each of them is given one inflated hot air balloon, which they need to place under their shirt, T-shirt or sweater (depending on what they wore to the party), imitating a beer belly. After that, 20 pairs of socks are randomly scattered on the floor in front of the participants. The socks can all be the same, or they can be completely different, depending on how difficult you want to make this task. Next, at the signal, the participants must collect socks from the floor, but the ball must not burst. In addition to collecting them, they also need to be arranged in pairs. Whoever has the most pairs of socks wins.

If you decide to use socks of completely different colors, then it appears additional condition: Socks must be paired by color and unpaired socks will not count.

3. Competition “Ladies’ Man” (for the greatest connoisseurs of women)

A real man is not only one who is strong, resilient and courageous, but also one who is ready to do anything for a woman. Even something that is, in principle, not inherent in men. In a word, a real man- this is someone who is ready to please his chosen one in everything, even the most unthinkable.

For this competition you will need nail polishes, cardboard-cut female hands with unpainted nails, and the participants themselves. The number of competitors is limited by the available number of props.

At the signal from the presenter, the competitors must carefully apply varnish without going beyond the boundaries of the painted nails. IN this competition Not only the speed, but also the quality of the work done is assessed. The winner is the one who most skillfully and efficiently copes with the task.

4. Competition “Armed and very dangerous” (for the most convincing)

What would a party be on February 23 without weapons-themed competitions? This entertainment is also good because it does not require any additional props. All you need is to prepare pieces of paper in advance with the names of various weapons according to the number of competitors. And both several people and all those present can participate here.

All participants take turns pulling out pieces of paper with the name of a weapon. For example, it might read:

  • saber;
  • grenade launcher;
  • gun;
  • halberd;
  • boomerang;
  • nunchucks.

Do not use options such as a pistol and a machine gun. They are too light.

The task is quite simple: to show, using facial expressions and gestures, the weapon that has fallen out. It is clear that the contents of the leaflet are kept secret. The winner is the one whose pantomime is solved the fastest. Therefore, in this competition the winner is determined using a stopwatch.

5. Game “Koloboks are investigating” (for the most perceptive)

It is carried out simultaneously with all guests. They are presented with three mysterious stories that need to be solved. After getting acquainted with each of the stories, the presenter can ask clarifying questions that can only be answered “Yes” or “No”. Questions requiring other answers will not be taken into account. The one who finds the answer first wins. There may be several winners, because there are also several riddles.

Secret story No. 1 "Real case"

Every night, a truck full of stones arrives at the Pyramids of Giza, which workers scatter on the ground. Why are they doing this?

Answer: Tourists really like to take pebbles with them after an excursion as a souvenir. And if everything continued like this, then there would be nothing left of the pyramids. Therefore, the authorities decided original solution the problem that has arisen.

Secret History No. 2 "Unusual Behavior"

Every day Evgeniy enters a small room, stands there for some time, after which he leaves and goes about his business. He performs this procedure several times a day. What's happening?

Answer: Evgeny gets into the elevator and goes to the floor he needs.

Secret History No. 3 "Paradox"

Business partners made a bad investment and suffered losses. But at the same time they remained millionaires. How is this possible?

Answer: They were billionaires before the failed investment.

6. Competition “Three Olives for Cinderella” (for the most dexterous)

Every man is a prince for his beloved. And princes, as you know, are ready to do various crazy things for the sake of love: find rejuvenating apples, fight a dragon or defeat a giant.

Of course, you won’t have to do any of the above. But it will be necessary to show your dexterity. Three “princes” and three “Cinderellas” (preferably, these are couples in love) participate in the competition. The girls are given an empty saucer in one hand, and a tall glass of water in which three olives are floating in the other. Young people receive sushi chopsticks and a task: use these chopsticks to get three olives onto a plate. In this case, the olives should not be damaged: they should not be pricked on sticks, crushed too much, or pulled out only with the help of sticks. The one who does it the fastest and meets all the requirements becomes the winner.

7. Competition “Family Breadwinner” (for the most resourceful)

Men, as you know, not only protect the family hearth, but also make sure that the family is provided with everything necessary.

At the very beginning, volunteers are selected who will have to demonstrate their resourcefulness, ingenuity, speed and endurance. When the participants are identified, the presenter announces the rules. They consist of finding, upon a signal, as quickly as possible in the hall an object whose name begins with a letter announced by the presenter. You cannot use anything that the players were wearing before the start of the competition. All selected items must remain with the player until the end of the competition. And this is precisely a competition, since the one who finds the object last or violates the conditions is eliminated. The game continues until only one remains. He then becomes the winner.

8. Draw “Bound by one chain” (for the strongest)

You will need two chairs, two scarves made of thick fabric and two ropes. There are also two participants. They sit on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of one meter. They are blindfolded and informed that now the left leg of the first participant will be connected with one rope to the right leg of the second participant. They will do the same with the right leg, tying it to the opponent’s left leg. The contestants' task is to lift the opponent's left leg off the floor.

The catch is that the opponents' legs are not actually connected to each other. And with the help of a rope threaded through the legs of a chair, the legs of each individual contestant are tied. So, when trying to lift the opponent's left leg with his right foot, the competitor is actually pulling his own leg.

The laughter is usually indescribable. And the reaction of the participants when their eyes are untied at the end is amazing.

9. Competition “Ships Entering the Harbor” (for the fastest)

Many people dreamed of being ship captains as children. This competition can help make unfulfilled dreams come true.

You will need several matchboxes, painted in the shape of boats. You can even make sails from matches and a piece of paper. You also need a table with a smooth surface.

The number of participants may be different, because the game will be eliminated. Two participants place their boats on one edge of the table. They need to bring their ships to the harbor, which is located on the opposite edge of the table. And you can do this by blowing on your ships. Helping yourself with your hands and other objects is prohibited. The ship must not capsize or fall. The one who brings his ship to the harbor first wins. The loser is eliminated from the competition. The winners of the pairs compete with each other. The competition lasts until only one captain remains.

Competitions for boys primary school and grades 5-6 should be distinguished by their simplicity and unambiguity; it is worth excluding tasks that may not be understandable to children, but in any case special attention You need to spend time explaining what exactly needs to be done in the competition and how the points will be calculated. You can also provide for joint competitions between boys and dads.

  • Digging trenches

Small boxes of the same size are quite suitable as trenches. Spoons can serve as shovels, and finely chopped paper confetti can serve as soil. The participants' task is to dig a trench as quickly as possible, that is, scoop confetti out of the box with a spoon.

  • Message from the signalman

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the communications operator. Each team takes turns reading their words, and after some time the participants must remember and reproduce them. The words can be anything, preferably related to the theme of the evening, but there should be no more than 10 of them.

  • Saboteurs

The saboteurs were caught on the territory of the headquarters. It is necessary to interrogate them. To do this, one participant is invited from each team, who carefully examine each other for a minute. After this, the guys stand with their backs to each other. The facilitator asks each person in turn questions regarding appearance opponent. For example, what color shirt is your opponent wearing? What are you wearing on your feet? How many buttons, etc. Whoever gives the most correct answers becomes the winner of the competition.

  • Preparing the equipment

Very fun competition. One participant from each team is called up. They will have to use a marker on a sheet attached to the board to draw as quickly as possible Not with their working hand (if the child is right-handed, then he draws with his left hand, and vice versa) the object that the leader quietly whispers to them. The team that is the first to guess what exactly their participant is drawing wins. You can draw military equipment(plane, tank, ship, missile carrier, etc.).

  • Watch

Our observation post is located in a swamp, we need to be extremely careful. There was a single, very small hummock (a thick sheet of paper or cardboard) on which the participants would have to stand on one leg. The one who stumbles will “drown in the swamp” and is eliminated from the game. Either one person from a team or several can participate.

  • Mined field

Participants will have to pass through a mined field and not get blown up. Blindfolded players must go around 8 min (pins or plastic bottles). The team whose guys hit the fewest mines wins.

  • Prisoners under guard!

Prisoners have been detained and need to be put in prison. But this is not so easy to do.

Two people from each team participate in the competition. A circle is drawn on the floor. Participants stand outside the circle at the border and join hands. At the leader’s command, they must drag the opponent into the circle, but not get there themselves. The one who crosses the border of the circle is eliminated.

  • Military backpack

Each team needs to prepare in 5 minutes a list of items that they will definitely have to take on a military campaign.

Games and competitions on February 23 for children 11-13 years old

Teenagers in grades 7-8 are quite inquisitive, so you can come up with competitions for erudition. Children also greet with great delight funny original competitions with an unexpected task (for example, “gather your will”).

  • Encryption

The children are given sheets of encrypted texts. A computer keyboard will help you decipher them. The texts are written on sheets of paper in English letters. To decrypt, you need to find this letter on the keyboard and see which Russian letter it corresponds to.

  • Gather your will into a fist

Children are informed in advance that in the next competition they will need to muster their will. After this, each participant is given a large sheet of paper on which the word “will” is written in large letters. You need to crumple this sheet into a fist with one hand. The first one to complete the task wins.

  • Nurse

At the front, you constantly have to provide assistance to the wounded, and the speed of the medical service. personnel often depends on human life. For the competition you will need gauze bandages. Players need to rewind the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible.

  • Difficult situation

Soldiers often have to find themselves in difficult situations and get out of them. A player from each team has his hands tied behind his back. A box of matches is poured onto the floor in front of each person. The participants' task is to collect matches as quickly as possible.

  • There is strength...

Soldiers must have a certain strength. The goal of the competition is to squeeze as much juice as possible out of half a lemon with one hand. The winner is the one with the most juice.

  • Site plan

Each team is shown a map of the area with schematic signs marked on it for one minute. After this, the teams are given exactly the same card, only without the signs. The participants’ task is to place the same signs from memory on an empty map in one minute. The most attentive ones will win.

  • Defuse the grenade

Each participant receives a knife, an apron, a ripe pomegranate and a container. Players need to peel the pomegranate and extract the seeds. Whoever completes the task faster than others wins.

  • Air bomb

A three-liter jar is placed opposite each team. The guys take turns, at the command of the leader, run with a coin clamped between their knees (buttons can be used) and try to “drop a bomb” into a jar without using their hands. Whichever team had more coins in the bank won.

Need to decorate the room? Download the finished stretch:

Original certificates and diplomas for children and adults:

Games and competitions on February 23 for children 14-17 years old

Competitions for February 23, in the words of the high school students themselves, should be fun and original - over the years of studying at school, they are most likely already tired of jumping in bags and carrying water in a spoon. Competitions with unexpected tasks, tasks to demonstrate creativity, and multi-level tasks are perfect.

  • Desperate snipers

A hoop is placed in the middle of the hall. Each participant has five plastic bottle caps. It is necessary to hit the hoop with the cork from a distance so that it does not pop out. This is not so easy to do. The one with the most corks left in the hoop wins.

  • Army cuisine

You need to put a knife and potatoes on the table. Participants will decide that they will need to peel potatoes at speed. However, as soon as those interested come out, you need to ask them to take turns naming dishes that contain potatoes. Enough funny competition, causing a storm of emotions among both the participants and the support group.

  • Scout

Participants in the competition have a rope tied around their waists, at the end of which a potato is attached, located at knee level. A box of matches is placed on the floor. You need to move the box to the finish line, pushing it with potatoes.

  • Well-deserved award

The players are given pins and round paper blanks. Children need to depict on blanks some merit of theirs that no one knows about. There are a lot of options, just use your wits and use your sense of humor. For example, “For victory in the battle with naughty shoelaces” or “For a modest appetite in the dining room.” The author of the most interesting and creative contribution wins.

  • Epaulettes

Shoulder straps or epaulettes are pre-cut from thick paper. The participants’ task is to put their epaulets on their shoulders, run to the commander, salute him and return back.

  • News from the front

Each team receives a piece of paper with the phrase “Hello, Mom!” written on top. The sheet is wrapped so that the phrase is not visible. The next participant writes his completed phrase, wraps the piece of paper and passes it on. When all players have taken part, the sheet is unfolded and the received letter is read out. The team whose news from the front is funnier and more original wins.

  • Dispatch

Participants are tied to both legs one at a time. balloon. At the leader’s signal, the children run to the designated line and return back to the headquarters. The task of each participant is to save their dispatches and be the first to reach headquarters.

  • Combat wound

Each participant must hit the ball into a basket or bucket. But before that, they draw out a card on which it is written which part of the body was wounded in battle. This could be “right hand”, “left foot”, “left eye”, etc. The injured part must not be used. The winning team is determined by the number of hits.

Children different ages love games, so they will be happy to take part and get a lot of pleasure from the competitions held on February 23 at school, from holiday program. Funny and interesting competitions will make any event unforgettable.

Parties and corporate events, dedicated to the Day Defenders of the Fatherland, this is not only a reason to meet and have fun in a family circle or a cheerful youth group, but also a chance to glorify the courage and beauty of the strong half of humanity.

Therefore, those are selected in which men of all ages can show off their erudition, artistry, romance, dexterity and strength.

Our collection contains funny games and competitions on February 23, which are suitable for both youth and older adult company.

1. Cool competition for February 23rd “Knight on a horse”.

To conduct this competition, the presenter must take care of the props in advance: “armor” and two “horses” (the funnier these creatures are, the better: you can sew horse heads yourself by stuffing them with foam rubber and putting them on any stick). You can use cake boxes as armor. And the spears will be long inflatable balls.

We choose future knights from among the guests; they themselves appoint ladies of heart in whose name they will fight.

The essence of the tournament is to sit on a “horse” and knock off the enemy’s armor with inflatable spears. The one who gets things done faster wins.

As a reward, the lady gives her flower to the winner (preliminarily distribute small flowers to the ladies of the heart) and, as a sign of special favor, agrees to make a lap of honor on his horse, or he does it alone to the solemn brave melody, sending her air kisses. And the lucky one is declared a knight of the “Scarlet Rose”

The battle can be repeated several times. The reward for the participants is applause and the pleasure of the audience, and the winners are rewarded with “knight” certificates and the favor of the “lady of the heart.”

For a close adult company, instead of flowers, ladies can give red garters, then the title will be appropriate - “Knight of the Scarlet Garter.”

2. A fun game for February 23rd “The general’s pants are equal on all sides.”

For this game you need huge “general” pants with stripes. Each trouser leg must be large enough for an adult man to fit into it, and the “trousers” themselves are made of durable fabric, because the candidates “woven” into the trouser legs will pull each other in them.

The presenter invites two people who want to become a general, each fit into one of their trouser legs. The goal of the players: to the song “How good it is to be a general,” to “overwhelm” the opponent, winning over to their side, and finally receive the coveted “general’s shoulder straps” (you can make specially fake shoulder straps for encouragement).

3. Competition for February 23rd “Cowboy Fun”.

For this fun, the presenter selects men (young men) dressed in jeans and announces that, with the help of simple tests, he will now identify “real cowboys” among them.

At the beginning- warm-up: each player must write down all the colors of horses known to him on a piece of paper. For each suit named, the player receives a point.

Then we evaluate the jeans, worn by the participants, by the degree of wear (or by the number of rivets) on a five-point scale. The points earned also go to the players' accounts.

Real cowboy does not part with Marlboro cigarettes, so we check the number of cigarettes in the men’s pockets. We award points as follows: one point for three cigarettes, for those with Marlboro + 5 points. Non-smoking participants are given 10 points for a healthy lifestyle.

And for a “snack” We organize a rodeo, but instead of horses and bulls, each person has one chair: we place it at a distance of five to six meters from the participant, in his hands there is a rope tied in a lasso. The player’s task is to throw his disastrous lasso over a peacefully grazing chair. Three attempts are given. The maximum number of points is ten.

To calculate points, it is most convenient to organize a jury of female spectators, they will count the points and summarize the results.

And as a gift for real cowboys, of course, you need to give something “cowboy” - toy guns, a horse, hats or a branded label on jeans.

4. "Noble Cossack."

7. “Our heroic strength.”

This is an exclusively male competition, because here you will have to do push-ups. The presenter selects five to seven candidates for the title of hero. One or two observers are assigned to them, it’s better if they are ladies.

For the first time, men do push-ups for three minutes. The number of exercises performed is recorded by observers. The results are immediately announced to the public. After a minute's rest and encouraging chatter from the toastmaster - the second round. It lasts

two minutes. Only a minute is given for the third round, and during this time passions among the fans heat up to the limit.

Of course, the winner is the one who squeezes out the most times in the sum of the three rounds. He is solemnly presented with a souvenir medal and the title of “Bogatyr”.

8. “I draw, I draw you.”

For this small competition you will need two or three easels, on which different types female faces: oval, round, pear-shaped.

We call two or three volunteers. The presenter announces that male volunteers need to draw their beloved woman blindfolded. They can choose the type of face that suits them.

We turn on the music - maybe Yak Yola’s old song “I draw, I draw you”, as soon as the song ends, the men’s bandages are removed and everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the works of the hands of men in love.

9. "Pirates of the 21st century."

From 4 to 6 men are selected for the competition (depending on how many props there are) Each is given pirate hats and given a pirate name: Bloodthirsty Joe, Ruthless Sue, Merry Smith, etc.

Participants stand in a circle, each one comes up with their own greeting using a hat. The host then warns that a real pirate needs to be very attentive and have good reflexes in order to survive. You need to remember that when the presenter says “one,” everyone raises their hat and shouts “Hey!” “4” means that you need to grab the neck of a comrade standing on your left hand and shout “Rhea!”

With music playing in the background, the presenter tries to confuse the players. The game goes to eliminations, if you make a mistake, you “die”, you give up your hat, and your comrades say to him; “Hoi-hei, Bloody Joe! (name of a specific pirate)” and wave their hats goodbye to him. So, until the most attentive remains, he gets a prize and applause.

10. "This guy is the most accurate."

This one too. To measure the degree of accuracy of the cheerful defenders of the fatherland, you can use “Darts”. In this case, the distance between the target and the player should be a meter or one and a half, so as not to throw in vain.

As an option: throwing open (that is, without a cap) felt-tip pens or markers: glue a homemade target drawn on a regular piece of Whatman paper to the wall, and hand the players “darts” - felt-tip pens. The winner, of course, is determined by the amount of points scored.

11. "Tank battle".

The presenter needs to prepare a couple of easels in advance large size with big clean sheets Whatman paper (or simply large sheets attached to something) so that there is a “field” for creativity, because they will draw with their eyes closed and collectively. It is advisable to turn the easels towards the public so that the participants in the game stand with their backs to everyone, and the process is clearly visible to the fans.

So, the rules of the game: first we recruit two mixed teams of equal numbers. We offer to examine the toy tank (this is especially necessary for ladies), and then we announce that each team member will draw a certain part of this combat vehicle with their eyes closed. The presenter invites the players to agree among themselves who draws what and, with the help of assistants, blindfolds the participants.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music and comments from the leader, the teams “create”; when the last participant finishes drawing his piece, everyone takes off their bandages and the teams admire their “masterpieces.”

You can invite the guests to determine the winners using applause. Let the losing team “bombard” the winners with kisses, and give everyone toy tanks as a prize.

12. "Fun Divers"

For this fun competition a “course” of obstacles is being prepared: skittles, bottles, etc. (or simply read aloud the route, which participants must remember and follow as accurately as possible). Participants are given equipment, for example, fins and swimming goggles or binoculars, which must be held on the contrary (if possible: lifebuoy, vest, rubber gloves). The exit of the “divers” can be formalized with the song “Wow, we’re out of the bay.”

First task: complete an obstacle course or a designed route

Second task“find a treasure” - in full gear, collect as many pearls as possible in a minute (these can be balls or marbles), for example, to the song “There Under the Ocean”,

Third task- dance your dance (pull out cards with song names and dance to it). It's better to take songs