Tests are carried out on samples, the design, composition and manufacturing technology of which must be the same as those of the products supplied to the consumer (customer).

The number of samples, the procedure for their selection, the rules of identification and storage are established in accordance with regulatory or organizational and methodological documents for the certification of these products and test methods.

The applicant submits the necessary technical documentation for the sample(s), the composition and content of which is established in the procedure for certification of homogeneous products.

The selection of samples for testing is carried out, as a rule, testing laboratory or on its behalf another competent organization in accordance with the standard for sampling of a given homogeneous product. In the case of testing in two or more testing laboratories, the selection of samples for testing can be carried out by the certification body (if necessary, with the participation of testing laboratories).

Sampling is carried out in accordance with the Certification Rules PR 50.3002-95 “ General procedure handling of samples used during mandatory product certification."

When contacting an accredited certification body, applicants are informed about the procedure for selecting samples, the sample size, the regulatory documents on the basis of which the selection is made, and the procedure for the circulation (movement) of samples during the certification process in this certification body.

Sampling is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for product certification in Russian Federation and draw up an act in the appropriate form. Selected samples are isolated from the main products, packaged, sealed or sealed at the sampling site.

At all stages of storage, transportation and preparation of samples for testing, as well as during the testing process, the requirements established in regulatory documents for products (including operating instructions for specific products) must be observed, violation of which can lead to damage to samples or their failure building.

When certifying products, samples are taken from the applicant - manufacturer in the presence of his representative finished products, verified and accepted by the relevant services and officials of the manufacturer and prepared for use (sale) for its intended purpose.

The release of selected product samples is formalized in accordance with the procedure established by the organization.

When certifying the products of the applicant - seller, the selection of product samples is carried out in the presence of the applicant or his representative, and for imported products that have not passed certification before entering customs, the selection of samples for testing is carried out in the presence of officials customs authorities.

All stages of the movement of product samples during certification work are recorded in a journal and confirmed by the signature of the persons responsible for the selection and storage of samples.

Upon completion of the tests, samples (or sample residues) not used during testing are returned to the applicant with registration determined by the procedure for certification of homogeneous products.

In cases where during testing the selected samples are used up or rendered unsuitable for further use for their intended purpose, an act for their write-off is drawn up. The report is drawn up by the representative of the applicant and the head of the laboratory or persons authorized by them.

A testing laboratory (center) or certification body, if established by the procedure for certification of homogeneous products, may include in the sample selected for certification tests one additional sample of each type of product (except for perishable ones) for storage in the laboratory (authority) as control samples with in order to preserve the visibility of certified products in the event of a possible future need for its identification and (or) external description. The laboratory (authority) provides storage conditions for control samples established regulatory documents for this product.

The storage period for control or test samples in the laboratory (authority) must correspond to the validity period of the certificate or the shelf life of the product, after which the samples are returned to the applicant. The shelf life, requirements for labeling and recording of samples, the procedure for their return and write-off are established in the documents (quality manual) of the laboratory (authority) and for each specific application these conditions are agreed upon with the applicant.

Sampling during inspection control of certified products must be carried out by an accredited laboratory or body in accordance with the Procedure for product certification in the Russian Federation.

Product identification is carried out in accordance with GOST R 51293-99 “Product Identification” using one of the recommended methods or combinations thereof.

When identifying products, the identity of the product submitted for certification is established with its name and other characteristic features, allowing unambiguous correlation of certified products with the certificate of conformity issued for it. Identification is carried out according to the characteristics, parameters, indicators and requirements necessary to confirm the compliance of specific textile and light industry products with the requirements of regulatory documentation.

To identify products, standard indicators are used, technical specifications, design, operational and other documentation characterizing the product.

Identification indicators, as decided by the certification body, can be confirmed by relevant documents submitted by the applicant. In case of absence, insufficiency or unreliability of the information received, additional testing of the product is carried out.

Tests for certification are carried out in testing laboratories accredited to conduct those tests that are provided for in the regulatory documents used for certification of these products.

In the absence of a testing laboratory accredited for competence and independence, or its significant remoteness, which complicates the transportation of samples, increases the cost of testing and unacceptably lengthens their time, it is allowed to carry out tests for certification purposes in testing laboratories accredited only for competence, under the supervision of representatives of the body for certification. certification of specific products.

The objectivity of such tests, along with the testing laboratory, is ensured by the certification body that entrusted the testing laboratory with conducting them. In this case, the test report is signed by authorized specialists of the testing laboratory and certification body.

Test reports are submitted to the applicant and the certification body. Copies of test reports must be kept for at least the validity period of the certificate. Specific storage periods for copies of protocols (including for the case when the applicant cannot be issued a certificate due to non-conformity of the product established requirements) are established in the certification system for homogeneous products and in the documents of the testing laboratory.

The applicant submits to the certification body the documents specified in the decision on the application, including documents on product compliance with established requirements, issued by federal executive authorities within their competence, if this is established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation. If the applicant does not have these documents, the certification body ensures interaction with the authorized bodies in order to obtain them (taking this into account in the scope of work on product certification).

The applicant may submit to the certification body test reports, taking into account their validity periods, carried out during the development and production of products, or documents on tests performed by testing laboratories accredited or recognized in the certification system.

After checking the submitted documents, including checking the compliance of the results contained in them with the current regulatory documents, the timing of their issuance, changes made into the design (composition), materials, technology, the certification body may decide to issue a certificate of conformity or to reduce the scope of testing or to conduct missing tests, which is reflected in the relevant documents.

Production assessment

Depending on the certification scheme, an analysis of the state of production of products is carried out (Schemes 2a, 3a and 4a), certification of production or quality systems (Schemes 5 and 6).

The procedure for analyzing the state of production of certified products is established in the rules for certification of homogeneous products. The results of the analysis of the state of production are reflected in the conclusion, which is taken into account when issuing a certificate.

Information (documents) on the analysis of the state of production, production certification or quality system certification is indicated in the product certificate.

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 29, 2012 N 1812-st

Interstate standard GOST 31814-2012


Conformity assessment. General sampling rules for products testing during attestation assessment

Introduced for the first time


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Procedure for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"


Selection of samples for research (testing) and measurements is an important operation aimed at ensuring the reliability and validity of the results of mandatory confirmation of product conformity.

Sampling is carried out in accordance with the requirements establishing sampling and testing methods, in the quantity necessary for conducting research (testing) and measurements.

In relation to mandatory confirmation of conformity, especially with the participation of a third party, in addition to the technical aspects of sampling, questions arise regarding the organization of work, including the interaction of the applicant, the accredited certification body (hereinafter referred to as the certification body), the accredited testing laboratory (center) (hereinafter referred to as the testing laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the testing laboratory). center) not only in the process of selection itself, but also when using samples.

The purpose of this interstate standard is to establish general rules for the selection of samples and their use in the implementation of mandatory confirmation of product compliance with established requirements.

The standard applies to work on mandatory product certification and declaration of conformity with the participation of a third party.

1 Application area

This standard specifies general rules sampling, their use in confirming product compliance with established requirements.

The standard applies to work on mandatory product certification and declaration of conformity with the participation of a third party.

The standard is intended for applicants, certification bodies and accredited testing laboratories (centers) involved in carrying out work on mandatory confirmation of conformity.

2 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

2.1 sampling: Extraction of samples representing the object of conformity assessment according to the procedure.

2.2 product sample: A unit of a specific product, part or sample used as a representative of this product during research (testing) and measurement.

2.3 unit of production: A separate instance of piece products or a certain quantity of non-piece products.

2.4 sample: A certain quantity of non-piece products, extracted from it and used as a representative of this product in research (testing) and measurement.

2.5 product batch: A set of specified number of product units of the same name and designation, submitted by the applicant for confirmation of conformity.

2.6 sampling: A set of samples taken from a batch or during serial production of products to make a decision on the compliance of the batch or serially produced products with the established requirements.

2.7 third party: Certification body or testing laboratory, recognized as independent of interested parties (manufacturer, seller, purchaser of products), accredited in the prescribed manner and providing services to the applicant to confirm conformity.

3 General provisions

3.1 Selection of samples with mandatory confirmation of conformity is carried out for their research (testing) and measurements in order to distribute the results obtained to the totality of products (presented batch of products or serial production of products) from which these samples were extracted.

3.2 Sampling should be carried out according to pre-established rules, information about which should be available to interested parties (individuals).

The rules for sampling are established in standardization documents (standards and other documents), methods, programs and test methods.

3.3 In relation to confirming product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the rules for sampling are established in documents that are contained in the duly approved list of documents in the field of standardization, containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including rules for sampling necessary for application and execution of the adopted technical regulations and conformity assessment.

In the absence of these documents, in relation to individual requirements of technical regulations or objects of technical regulation, the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, approved in the established manner, are applied, including the rules for sampling necessary for conformity assessment.

3.4 The selection process generally takes into account:

Batch homogeneity;

Representativeness of the sample in terms of composition;

Representativeness of the sample in terms of quantity;

Compliance of samples with product identification characteristics.

3.5 The selected samples must be the same in design, composition and manufacturing technology as the products intended for sale to the purchaser.

3.6 To take samples from a batch of products, including those located in transport containers or cargo spaces vehicles, a sample extraction scheme should be used that takes into account the possibility of heterogeneity in the submitted lot. Results external examination samples taken from different places make it possible to judge the homogeneity of the lot, which is prerequisite admission of samples to the procedure for confirming the conformity of a product batch.

3.7 The selection according to the composition of the samples must reflect the entire set of homogeneous products that are the object of confirmation of conformity, taking into account the differences in the properties of individual types (brands, models) of such a set.

Example - When confirming the conformity of a standard size range of homogeneous products, to exclude the possibility of the influence of a scale factor, samples of the largest and smallest representatives of the range can be included in the sample.

3.8 Sampling by the number of samples should ensure informed decision-making on the conformity of the manufactured product or the submitted batch in the event of positive test results of the sample. The sample size is determined not only based on the conditions of statistical reliability, but also taking into account economic costs applicant in case of destructive tests.

3.9 Sample identification is carried out for two purposes:

To establish the identity of product characteristics with its essential features;

To establish the identity of samples of the products that are submitted for confirmation of conformity.

Product identification is carried out: in case of mandatory certification - by the certification body or, on its behalf, by another competent organization; in case of declaration of conformity - by the applicant.

3.10 Selected samples are isolated from other units of product, packaged, sealed or sealed at the sampling site. Samples in the form of samples and in the form of units of production are assigned numbers (codes). If individual designations (numbers) are applied to the selected samples during production, then these numbers are used to identify the samples during research (tests) and measurements.

3.11 At all stages of storage, transportation and preparation of samples for testing, as well as during the testing process, the requirements established in the product documents: manual or operating instructions (for use), etc. must be observed.

3.12 Upon completion of the research (testing) and measurements, the samples are returned to the applicant, except in cases where the applicant, with the consent of the certification body, testing laboratory (center), considers the return of the samples inappropriate.

4 Procedure for circulation of product samples when confirming conformity

4.1 Requirements for work related to the circulation of product samples, performers and the nature of their interaction are applied taking into account the accepted form of confirmation of conformity: mandatory certification or declaration of conformity.

4.2 Mandatory certification

4.2.1 The certification body sends the applicant a decision on the application for certification, which contains all the main conditions for product certification, including necessary information according to the procedure for selecting product samples,

4.2.2 Sampling is carried out by the certification body or, on its behalf, by a testing laboratory (center), unless otherwise contained in the technical regulations, depending on the certification scheme, which provides for research (testing) and measurements of standard samples of serially produced products, batches products or a single product (product unit). Certification schemes for specific products are established by technical regulations or relevant regulatory documents (for products for which technical regulations have not entered into force).

4.2.3 Sampling is carried out:

For mass-produced products - in the manufacturer's finished product warehouse;

For a batch of products - at the location of the batch (at the manufacturer’s finished product warehouse, temporary storage warehouse, customs warehouse or at the recipient’s warehouse for safekeeping, in a vehicle container);

For a single product - at the location of the product unit (at production site manufacturer, at the place of installation of the product at the purchaser, in a temporary storage warehouse).

4.2.4 The certification body, in agreement with the applicant, may additionally include in the sample selected for certification tests product samples for storage in the certification body or in a testing laboratory (center) as controls in case of disagreement regarding the ownership of individual units of products sold on the market to products that have passed certification. The certification body or testing laboratory (center) provides the storage conditions for control samples established by regulatory documents for these products. Control samples sealed in accordance with 3.10 by a representative of the certification body or a specialist from third-party organizations.

The period and conditions of storage of control samples, their quantity are established in the sample collection report. The storage period for control samples is determined by the certification body.

4.2.5 Simultaneously with the sampling, product identification (identity of characteristics) of the certified (certified) product is carried out according to the characteristics established for this product in the technical regulations or technical regulatory legal act, technical documentation, product information, namely: product name, bar code , name and location of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, expiration date (shelf life), designation of the document according to which the product is manufactured, volume of the presented batch, type of packaging, etc.

4.2.6 The results of sampling are documented in a sampling act. The form of the act is given in Appendix A. The act is signed by representatives of the organization carrying out sampling and a representative of the applicant. When taking samples of products, if possible or where necessary, the storage conditions of the products are also checked.

4.2.7 Upon completion of the tests, as well as after the expiration of the storage period for control samples, product samples suitable for further use for their intended purpose must be returned to the applicant. The form of the return certificate is given in Appendix B.

For products subjected to destructive testing, as well as in cases provided for in the agreement with the applicant, product samples that are not suitable for further use for their intended purpose are subject to write-off. The form of the write-off act is given in Appendix B.

The write-off act is signed by representatives of the organization that carried out the selection and a representative of the applicant. The applicant may refuse to be present when the samples are written off. In this case, instead of the applicant’s signature, the details of a letter or other document containing the applicant’s refusal to write off the samples should be indicated.

4.2.8 Sampling during inspection control of certified products is carried out similarly to sampling during certification in accordance with 4.2.2 - 4.2.6.

4.3.1 Sampling is carried out by the applicant or, on his behalf, by a testing laboratory (unless otherwise contained in the technical regulations) depending on the scheme for declaring conformity and the need to generate evidentiary materials provided for technical regulations, as well as taking into account the type of object of conformity assessment: serially produced products, a batch of products or a single product (product unit).

4.3.2 Sampling locations are similar to those specified in 4.2.3.

4.3.3 The results of sampling are documented in a sampling act. The form of the act is given in Appendix D. The act is signed by representatives of the applicant.

4.3.4 The applicant identifies product samples and submits a certificate of their selection to the accredited testing laboratory (center) simultaneously with the provision of samples.

4.3.5 If sampling is carried out by a representative of the testing laboratory (center), then the sampling report is drawn up by the testing laboratory (center) in the form given in Appendix A.

4.3.6 Return and write-off of samples are carried out in accordance with 4.2.6. The act of writing off product samples is drawn up by the testing laboratory (center).

Appendix A

Third Party Sampling Form


Sampling N ___

Certification body ___________________________________________________

(name and address of certification body)

(mandatory certification scheme)

Product name _____________________________________________

Identification features _____________________________________________

(batch size, date of manufacture, etc.)

Unit of measurement and sample size _____________________________________________

For testing ______________________________________________

For control samples _____________________________________________


from the certification body ____________ _________________________________

(signature) (position, full name)

Note - In the case of sampling by a testing laboratory (center), the words “certification body” should be replaced with the words “testing laboratory” or “testing center” with the relevant information.

Appendix B

Sample return form


Sample returns N ___

From "___" _________ ______

[(name and address of testing laboratory (center)]

Applicant ______________________________________________________________


(name and address of the applicant)

Unit of measurement and number (number) of samples returned ___________

Sample return date _________________________________________________

Condition of samples _________________________________________________


from the test

(signature) (position, full name)

from the applicant ____________ _________________________________

(signature) (position, full name)

Note - If samples are returned by the certification body, the words “testing laboratory (center)” should be replaced with the words “certification body” with the relevant information.

Appendix B

Sample write-off certificate form


Sample write-offs N ___

From "___" _________ ______

Applicant ______________________________________________________________

(name and address of the applicant)

Testing laboratory (center) _____________________________________________

(name and address of testing laboratory (center))

Product name _________________________________________________

Unit of measurement and number (quantity) of written-off samples ______________

Date of write-off ______________________________________________________________

Place of write-off ______________________________________________________________

Reason for write-off _________________________________________________


from the test

laboratories ____________ _________________________________

(signature) (position, full name)

from the applicant ____________ _________________________________

(signature) (position, full name)

Note - If the samples are located in the certification body, the words “testing laboratory (center)” should be replaced with the words “certification body” with the relevant information.

Appendix D

Form of the act of sampling by the applicant


Sampling N ___

From "___" _________ ______

Applicant ______________________________________________________________

(name and address of the organization that provided the samples)

Purpose of selection ____________________________________________________________

(declaration of conformity scheme)

Product name _________________________________________________

Unit of measurement and sample size (including for identification) ______

Selection date _________________________________________________________________

Selection place _________________________________________________________________

Sampling was carried out in accordance with _________________________________

Result of external examination of samples _________________________________

(condition of packaging, labeling)

Result of sample identification _________________________________


____________ _________________________________

(signature) (position, full name)

Recently, in one of the articles we looked at. One of the main elements of some certification schemes is product testing. In Russian, you need to provide a sample for testing.

A combined approach to this issue will ensure that the certification body performs high-quality work in terms of sampling when minimum costs from your side.

Selection of samples for testing during serial production (Scheme 1c) is carried out at the manufacturer’s finished product warehouse.

Where and how is a sample selected for testing when certifying a batch of products?

Diagram 3c – at the location of the party. This may be a warehouse of the manufacturer's finished products, a temporary storage warehouse, a customs warehouse or a recipient's warehouse for safekeeping, as well as a vehicle container.

Scheme 4c – at the location of the unit of production. For example, at the manufacturer’s production site, at the site where the product is installed at the purchaser’s place, or at a temporary storage warehouse.

The selected samples must be the same in design, composition and manufacturing technology as those for sale to the consumer.

How to prepare a sample for testing and what features are taken into account during selection

In the process of selecting samples for testing, the following are generally taken into account:

— homogeneity of the batch;

— representation of the sample in terms of composition;

— representation of the sample in terms of quantity;

— compliance of samples with product identification characteristics.

…..And these are the formulations from GOST. Let's try to deal with this in order.

Batch uniformity- These are products from one group. For example, pumps, compressors, industrial pipeline fittings, and so on.

Representation of the sample by composition– if products of one group are applied for certification, taking into account the differences in the properties of individual types, models, brands, etc., then their availability must be ensured in the finished product warehouse.

Sample representation by number– in the finished product warehouse, samples of products of the same group, taking into account the differences in the properties of individual types, models, brands, etc., must be presented in quantities sufficient for selection.

Compliance of samples with product identification features– comparison of selected samples in terms of labeling with technical documentation submitted along with the application for product certification.

Now comes the fun part!

Will one sample be required for testing or how many samples will be taken in the end?!

When products with many types, brands, models, etc. are declared, according to the rules, the certification body must select at least 1 piece of the presented type, brand, model of product. And this may not be one test sample, but a lot. And, most likely, it will be very expensive for you. Therefore, in justified cases, the certification body may decide on the number of selected samples that will be able to fully characterize and represent all the declared products during testing.

Based on the results of sampling, a sampling act is drawn up and signed by both parties.

The selected test sample (or several samples) is isolated from other units of product, packaged, sealed or sealed at the sampling site.

All. Your samples are ready for testing and must be submitted to the testing laboratory. But the method of submitting them for testing must be agreed upon in advance with the certification body.

Law "On Technical Regulation"

Article 20. Forms of confirmation of conformity

1. Confirmation of compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation may be voluntary or mandatory.

2. Voluntary confirmation of conformity is carried out in the form of voluntary certification.

3. Mandatory confirmation of compliance is carried out in the following forms:

mandatory certification.

4. The procedure for applying forms of mandatory confirmation of compliance is established by this Federal Law.

The procedure for product certification in the Russian Federation

This document is used for mandatory certification of products, including imported ones. It can be used for voluntary product certification. The federal executive body*1, within its competence, can develop a procedure for certification of homogeneous products, taking into account the specifics of its production, testing, supply and operation.

General requirements for the certification procedure comply with the Guidelines International organization on standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC Guides 7, 16, 27, 28, 40, 44).

Basic terms and definitions are given in the “Rules for Certification in the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the State Standard of Russia of February 16, 1994 No. 3 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 21, 1994, registration No. 521).

3.3.2. The selection of samples for testing is usually carried out by a testing laboratory or, on its behalf, by another competent organization. In the case of testing in two or more testing laboratories, the selection of samples for testing can be carried out by the certification body (if necessary, with the participation of testing laboratories).

Samples that have passed the tests are subject to storage during the shelf life of the product or the validity period of the certificate. Specific storage periods for samples are established in documents establishing the procedure for certification of homogeneous products.

on certification in the Russian Federation

I. Definitions

The following concepts are used in these Rules.

1.2. Product certification (hereinafter referred to as certification) is a conformity confirmation procedure through which an organization independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer (buyer) certifies in writing that the product meets the established requirements.





Conformity assessment


Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The procedure for development, adoption, application. updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 PREPARED Open joint stock company"All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Certification" (JSC "VNIIS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandar-

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 42-2012 dated November 1, 2012).

Short name of the country no MK (ISO 3166" 004-97

Country code

according to MK (ISO 3166] 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization organization



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus

National Agency of Georgia


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation








Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated November 29, 2012 No. 1812-st, the interstate standard GOST 31814-2012 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2013.

5 This standard has been prepared on the basis of the application of GOST R 54011-2010 INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the monthly published information index " National standards».

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annually published information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”. In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the relevant information will be published in the monthly published information index “National Standards”

© Standardinform. 2013

in the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

4 Procedure for circulation of product samples when confirming conformity. Appendix A (recommended) Third Party Sampling Report Form


Selection of samples for research (testing) and measurements is an important operation*. aimed at ensuring the reliability and validity of the results of mandatory confirmation of product conformity.

Sampling is carried out in accordance with the requirements establishing sampling and testing methods, in the quantity necessary for conducting research (testing) and measurements.

In relation to mandatory confirmation of conformity, especially with the participation of a third party. in addition to the technical aspects of sample selection, questions arise regarding the organization of work, including the interaction of the applicant, the accredited certification body (hereinafter referred to as the certification body), the accredited testing laboratory (center) (hereinafter referred to as the testing laboratory (center) not only in the process of selection itself, but also during using samples.

The purpose of this interstate standard is to establish general rules for the selection of samples and their use in the implementation of mandatory confirmation of product compliance with established requirements.

The standard applies to work on mandatory product certification and declaration of conformity with the participation of a third party.


Conformity assessment


Conformity assessment. General sampfcng rules for products testing during attestation assessment

Date of introduction - 2013-09-01

1 Application area

This standard establishes general rules for the selection of samples and their use when confirming product compliance with established requirements.

The standard applies to work on mandatory product certification and declaration of conformity with the participation of a third party.

The standard is intended for applicants, certification bodies and accredited testing laboratories (centers) involved in carrying out work on mandatory confirmation of conformity.

2 Terms and definitions

The following terms with corresponding definitions are used in this standard:

2.1 sampling: Extraction of samples representing the object of conformity assessment according to a procedure.

2.2 product sample: A unit of a specific product, part or sample used as a representative of this product during research (testing) and measurement.

2.3 unit of production: A separate instance of piece products or a certain quantity of non-piece products.

2.4 sample: A certain quantity of non-piece products, extracted from it and used as a representative of this product in research (testing) and measurement.

2.5 product batch: A set of specified number of product units of the same name and designation, submitted by the applicant for confirmation of conformity.

2.6 sampling: A set of samples taken from a batch or during serial production of products. to make a decision on the compliance of a batch or mass-produced product with established requirements.

2.7 third party: Certification body or testing laboratory, recognized as independent of interested parties (manufacturer, seller, purchaser of products), accredited in the prescribed manner and providing services to the applicant to confirm conformity.

3 General provisions

3.1 Selection of samples with mandatory confirmation of conformity is carried out for their research (testing) and measurements in order to distribute the results obtained to the totality of products (presented batch of products or serial production of products) from which these samples were extracted.

Official publication

3.2 Sampling should be carried out according to pre-established rules, information about which should be available to interested parties (individuals).

The rules for sampling are established in standardization documents (standards and other documents), methods, programs and test methods.

3.3 In relation to confirming product compliance with the requirements of technical regulations, the rules for sampling are established in documents that are contained in the duly approved list of documents in the field of standardization, containing rules and methods of research (testing) and measurements, including rules for sampling necessary for application and execution of the adopted technical regulations and conformity assessment.

8 In case of absence of the specified documents in relation to individual requirements of technical regulations or objects of technical regulation, the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, approved in the established manner, are applied, including the rules for sampling. necessary to carry out conformity assessment.

3.4 The selection process generally takes into account:

Batch homogeneity;

Representativeness of the sample in terms of composition;

Representativeness of the sample in terms of quantity;

Compliance of samples with product identification characteristics.

3.5 The selected samples must be the same in design, composition and manufacturing technology. as products intended for sale to the purchaser.

3.6 To take samples from a batch of products, including those located in transport containers or in the cargo compartments of vehicles, a sampling scheme should be used that takes into account the possibility of heterogeneity of the submitted batch. Results of external examination of samples. selected from different places, make it possible to judge the homogeneity of the batch, which is a prerequisite for the admission of samples to the procedure for confirming the conformity of the batch of products.

3.7 The selection according to the composition of the samples must reflect the entire set of homogeneous products that are the object of confirmation of conformity, taking into account the differences in the properties of individual types (brands, models) of such a set.

Example - When confirming/compliance with the size range of homogeneous products, to exclude the possibility of influence of the scale factor in the selection*/, samples of the largest and smallest representatives of the series can be included.

3.8 Sampling by the number of samples should ensure informed decision-making on the conformity of the manufactured product or the submitted batch in the event of positive test results of the sample. The sample size is determined not only based on the conditions of statistical reliability, but also taking into account the economic costs of the applicant in the case of destructive tests.

3.9 Sample identification is carried out for two purposes;

To establish the identity of product characteristics with its essential features;

To establish the identity of samples of the products that are submitted for confirmation of conformity.

Product identification is carried out: in case of mandatory certification - by the certification body or, on its behalf, by another competent organization; in case of declaration of conformity - by the applicant.

3.10 Selected samples are isolated from other units of product, packaged, sealed or sealed at the sampling site. Samples in the form of samples and in the form of units of production are assigned numbers (codes). If individual designations (numbers) are applied to the selected samples during production, then these numbers are used to identify the samples during research (tests) and measurements.

3.11 At all stages of storage, transportation and preparation of samples for testing, as well as during the testing process, the requirements established in the product documents: manual or operating instructions (for use), etc. must be observed.

3.12 Upon completion of the research (testing) and measurements, the samples are returned to the applicant, except in cases where the applicant, with the consent of the certification body, testing laboratory (center), considers the return of the samples inappropriate.

4 Procedure for circulation of product samples when confirming conformity

4.1 Requirements for work related to the circulation of product samples, performers and the nature of their interaction are applied taking into account the accepted form of confirmation of conformity: mandatory certification or declaration of conformity.

4.2 Mandatory certification

4.2.1 The certification body sends the applicant a decision on the application for certification. which contains all the basic conditions for product certification, including the necessary information on the procedure for selecting product samples.

4.2.2 Sampling is carried out by the certification body or. on his behalf, a testing laboratory (center), unless otherwise contained in the technical regulations, depending on the certification scheme, which provides for research (testing) and measurements of standard samples of serially produced products, a batch of products or a single product (unit of production). Certification schemes for specific products are established by technical regulations or relevant regulatory documents (for products for which technical regulations have not entered into force).

4.2.3 Sampling is carried out:

For mass-produced products - in the manufacturer's finished product warehouse:

For a batch of products - at the location of the batch (at the manufacturer's finished product warehouse, temporary storage warehouse, customs warehouse or at the recipient's warehouse for safekeeping. in a vehicle container);

For a single product - at the location of the product unit (at the manufacturer’s production site, at the place of installation of the product at the purchaser, at a temporary storage warehouse).

4.2.4 The certification body, in agreement with the applicant, may additionally include in the sample selected for certification tests product samples for storage in the certification body or in a testing laboratory (center) as controls in case of disagreement regarding the ownership of individual units of products sold on the market to products that have passed certification. The certification body or testing laboratory (center) provides the storage conditions for control samples established by regulatory documents for these products. Control samples are sealed in accordance with 3.10 by a representative of the certification body or a specialist from third-party organizations.

The period and conditions of storage of control samples, their quantity are established in the sample collection report. The storage period for control samples is determined by the certification body.

4.2.5 Simultaneously with the sampling, product identification (identity of characteristics) of the certified (certified) product is carried out according to the characteristics established for this product in the technical regulations or technical regulatory legal act, technical documentation, product information,” namely: product name, bar code . name and location of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, expiration date (shelf life), designation of the document according to which the product is manufactured, volume of the presented batch, type of packaging, etc.

4.2.6 The results of sampling are documented in a sampling act. The form of the act is given in Appendix A. The act is signed by representatives of the organization carrying out sampling and a representative of the applicant. When taking samples of products, if possible or where necessary, the storage conditions of the products are also checked.

4.2.7 Upon completion of the tests, as well as after the expiration of the storage period for control samples, product samples suitable for further use for their intended purpose must be returned to the applicant. The form of the return certificate is given in Appendix B.

For products subjected to destructive testing, as well as in cases provided for in the agreement with the applicant, product samples that are not suitable for further use for their intended purpose are subject to write-off. The form of the write-off act is given in Appendix 8.

The write-off act is signed by representatives of the organization that carried out the selection and a representative of the applicant. The applicant may refuse to be present when the samples are written off. In this case, instead of the applicant’s signature, the details of a letter or other document containing the applicant’s refusal to write off the samples should be indicated.

4.2.8 Sampling during inspection control of certified products is carried out similarly to sampling during certification in accordance with 4.2.2-4.2.6.

4.3.1 Sampling is carried out by the applicant or. on his behalf, a testing laboratory (unless otherwise contained in the technical regulations), depending on the scheme for declaring conformity and the need to generate evidentiary materials provided for by the technical regulations, as well as taking into account the type of object of confirmation of conformity: serially produced products, a batch of products or a single product ( units of production).

4.3.2 Sampling locations are similar to those specified in 4.2.3.

4.3.3 The results of sampling are documented in a sampling act. The form of the act is given in Appendix D. The act is signed by representatives of the applicant.

4.3.4 The applicant identifies product samples and submits a certificate of their selection to the accredited testing laboratory (center) simultaneously with the provision of samples.

4.3.5 If sampling is carried out by a representative of the testing laboratory (center), then the sampling report is drawn up by the testing laboratory (center) in the form given in Appendix A.

4.3.6 Return and write-off of samples are carried out in accordance with 4.2.6. The act of writing off product samples is drawn up by the testing laboratory (center).

Third Party Sampling Form

sampling N9


Certification body Purpose of selection_

(name and address of the applicant)

(name and address of certification body)

(mandatory certification scheme)

Product name_

Identification features_

(batch size, date of manufacture, etc.)

Unit of measurement and sample size_

for testing_

for control samples_

Selection date_

Place of selection_

Sampling was carried out in accordance with_

from the certification body _ _

(signature) (position, full name)

from the applicant


(position, full name)

Note - 8 in the case of sampling by a testing laboratory (center), the words “certification body]” should be replaced with the words “testing laboratory” or “testing center” with the relevant information.

(name and address of the testing laboratory (center)]

Testing laboratory (center) Applicant_

(name and address of applicants)

Product name_

Unit of measurement ischispo (number) of returned samples_

Sample return details_

State of repair_

Signatures: from the test

laboratories _ _

from the applicant _ _

(signature) (POSITION, full name)

Note - If samples are returned by the certification authority, the words “testing laboratory (center)” should be replaced with the words “certification body” with the relevant information.


(name and address of the applicant)

Testing laboratory (center)

(name and address of the testing laboratory (center))

Product name_

Unit of measurement and number (number) of samples written off

Write-off date_

Place of write-off_

Reason for write-off_

Signatures: from the test

laboratories _ _

(signature) (position. Full name)

from the applicant _ _

(signature) (position, full name)

Note - 8 if the samples are located in the certification body, the words “testing laboratory (center)” should be replaced with the words “certification body” with the relevant information.


(name and address of the organization that provided the samples)

Purpose of selection

(declaration of conformity scheme!

Product name_

Unit of measurement and sample size (including for identification)_

Selection date_

Place of selection_

Sampling was carried out in accordance with_

Result of external inspection of samples_

(condition of packaging, labeling)

Sample identification result_

(signature) (position, full name)

UDC 658.562.014:006.35 MKS 03.120.20

Key words: confirmation of conformity, declaration of conformity, certification, sample. sample, sampling, certification body, accredited testing laboratory (center), identification, inspection control

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