Sawdust briquettes at home are a cheap and effective type of fuel, similar in characteristics to coal. It can be used to light stoves, fireplaces, boilers and barbecues. This fuel does not contain any impurities, therefore it is considered an environmentally friendly product. At the same time, emissions in environment are minimal, despite the fact that during the combustion of briquettes the extremely high temperature is maintained for 4 hours.

Deciduous and coniferous wood is mainly used as raw material for the production of sawdust briquettes. The demand for natural fuel is consistently high, so the idea of ​​making briquettes with your own hands at home is potentially promising.

Equipment for the production of fuel briquettes

From large equipment in the “fuel” business you cannot do without:

  • raw material grinder;
  • drying chamber;
  • special press.

Note that there are 4 types of presses for the production of fuel briquettes:

  1. Hydraulic.
  2. Screw extruder.
  3. Impact-mechanical.

They differ in cost and principle of operation, and are combined - requirements for raw materials (humidity 4-10%) and uniform grinding (fractions less than 25x25x2 mm).

Each press has its own advantages and disadvantages for home businesses:

Hydraulic press for the production of briquettes at home is an installation consisting of two parts: 1 mold; 2 hydraulic cylinder.

The principle of operation is similar to the operation of a jack. Raw materials from sawdust are poured into the mold, and the hydraulic cylinder presses the piston onto the sawdust in the mold. Thus, a dense briquette is formed.

Advantages of a hydraulic press:

  • the most affordable price;
  • a simple and reliable device that has virtually no high-wear components.


  • low performance.
  • requires preparation of raw materials with the addition of a binder.

For example, as a binder for fuel briquettes, you can add starch: 2% -3% of the total mass. For the binder to work, of course, you need to moisten the mixture to 40%.)

Screw extruder For home production The principle of operation is similar to a meat grinder. This type of press is described in detail in the article on the production of fuel pellets. The raw material is fed through the screw, which is compressed at the exit through the die and compacted under high pressure. The entire process takes place under hot pressing. The die must be preheated, otherwise the device will jam. Under high temperature and pressure, hydrolytic lignin is released from sawdust. This is a flammable substance that also plays the role of a binder in the process of forming briquettes.

Advantages of a screw extruder:

  • highest productivity (weight process is carried out continuously extrusively);
  • During the pressing process, ligin is released, which has a positive effect on the formation and quality of braces.


  • the press requires lengthy preparation for work (it is necessary to warm up the die and the first briquettes are discarded);
  • high friction units—screw and die—wear out quickly;
  • Due to the high operating temperatures (above 120Co) required for normal pressing of raw materials, irreversible processes occur, which reduce the quality of the product (the calorie content of briquettes is lower).

Impact mechanical press for the production of fuel briquettes, the operating principle is similar to a hammer drill. The crank mechanisms (crankshaft, connecting rod and piston) transmit shocks to the piston at a given frequency (about 20 times per second). With the help of piston blows, sawdust pre-loaded into the chamber is forced through the die.


  • briquettes can be made not only from sawdust, but also from other materials: grinding and coal dust, peat, straw, MFD waste;
  • allows the production of briquettes for various purposes - for the private market and for industrial needs;
  • the simplicity of the mechanism and the ability to work for a long time without human intervention are the main advantages of the mechanical impact press;
  • the unit has good performance;
  • The equipment utilization factor is 0.9.
  • highest price;
  • rapid wear of the crank friction units (they are affected by 2 forces at once: impact force and friction).

Press granulator- this is the same feed granulator into which sawdust is poured instead of grain.

Pros: good price/performance ratio.


  • Only fine briquettes can be produced;
  • finer grinding of raw materials is required;
  • requires preparation of raw materials with the addition of a binder for dense briquetting (starch 2%-3%).

The line along with the press often includes a variety of devices that allow you to improve the final product:

  • mixers for mixing impurities (for example, lignin);
  • nozzles for cutting certain shapes of briquettes;
  • humidifiers for overdried raw materials.

Some equipment and even some presses can be made by yourself.

Technology for the production of fuel briquettes from sawdust

It is quite simple to produce fuel briquettes from sawdust. The technology is as follows:

  1. Raw materials, which are crushed material from sawdust, seed husks, wood chips, chopped hay and straw, and coal dust. The fraction of the material should not exceed 25x25x2 mm.
  2. The crushed raw materials are dried in drying chamber up to 10% humidity.
  3. Depending on the equipment and type of production, the raw materials are mixed with a binder starch (2%-3% of the total mass), moistened to 40% and mixed.
  4. The press forms briquettes of a given shape using a die (through mold). The greater the compression of the press, the better quality briquettes For example, a briquette with a total density of 650-750 kg/m3 has a calorie content of 12-14 MJ/kg, with a density of 1200-1300 kg/m3 - 25-31 MJ/kg. During pressing, pressure is created in which the temperature rises and the raw material is dried to 4%. It is important that the pressing temperature does not exceed +120Co.
  5. The workpiece most often breaks off under its own weight into approximately equal parts.
  6. Shrink wrapping is a charm to keep the briquettes dry at 4% humidity.

The briquette production cycle using a production line is completely closed. If you plan to make briquettes with your own hands, then you need to proceed by analogy, using suitable tools and devices.

The profitability of the project is assessed highly. With monthly productivity above average (about 10 tons finished products) taking into account the costs of selling products, net profit reaches up to $350. Thus, the funds invested in the business will be recouped within six months.

With due diligence and the right strategy, you can expect high profitability from a mini-enterprise for the production of sawdust briquettes.

  1. Eurowood production process
  2. Homemade device

Sawdust briquettes are an alternative to conventional firewood. They are characterized by low ash content, have compact dimensions, are convenient for transportation and storage, and are characterized by high heat output (5 kW per 1 kg). The only negative is the price.

You can make fuel briquettes yourself from inexpensive raw materials..

Eurowood production process

First of all, it is necessary to understand industrial technology in order to further adhere to its principles.

First, sawdust, shavings, and larger wood waste are crushed. Then the raw materials are thoroughly dried until the humidity level is reduced by 90%. In addition to wood, briquettes for heating can include waste from the agricultural industry: grain husks, seed husks. If the briquetted sample consists of coal dust, it is better not to use it in everyday life.

After grinding and drying, the main production stage occurs - sawdust pressing. For this purpose, a briquetting press or an extruder is used, depending on the chosen fuel forming method. Extrusion and pressing - intensive compression of the raw material in order to obtain the binder lignin (a natural component extracted from wood). It replaces adhesives and preserves the environmental purity of fuel. With the first compression method, the hydraulic briquetting press develops a force of about 500 bar. Because of this, spontaneous heating of the raw materials occurs, the sawdust is knocked together into a dense rectangular brick.

Extrusion production technology is similar to the operation of a meat grinder. The source material enters the loading hopper and is pushed into a narrowed conical channel using a screw. A screw press for the production of fuel briquettes produces a force of 800–1000 bar. The result is a hexagonal briquette, additionally processed for high temperatures, cut into segments of equal caliber. The drawing shows the design of the screw unit in section.

Briquetting at home

Buying a press for the production of fuel briquettes is not entirely reasonable, even if you have available raw materials: the purchase is unlikely to pay off unless you start selling the finished product. Without a professional unit, it is impossible to withstand industrial technology and obtain lignin, which serves as a binding element. But there is a way to use waste wood production, introducing various astringent ingredients into the sawdust composition:

  • wallpaper glue,
  • clay,
  • paper.

In order not to purchase professional equipment for drying and pressing chips, more affordable technology is used. Wood waste is soaked in water and combined with clay in a ratio of 1:10. Instead of clay, add soaked cardboard or wallpaper glue.

After mixing, the resulting mass is placed in the mold of a homemade machine for producing briquettes and squeezed tightly with your hands. The bricks are taken out and sent to dry.

Homemade device

The design of the sawdust press includes a mechanical screw drive. A perforated container installed on the briquetter, after filling with the prepared mixture, is placed under the frame. The screw is tightened by hand and pressure is created. It’s not difficult to make a device; you don’t need a diagram or drawings, just look at the drawing.

The screw device has low productivity. Working with it requires a lot of time loading the mold and tightening the screw. It is not very convenient to remove the briquette from the mold. An alternative is a homemade press, which includes a lever element and a special ejector for extraction. finished material. To optimize production process, often equip the frame with not one, but two forms.

There is also a more advanced type of mechanized equipment. A home mini-press can be equipped with a hydraulic jack rather than a manual one, which can significantly increase fuel production. This briquetting machine requires some skill to assemble. But you should not count on providing the pressure necessary to squeeze out the lignin. It will not be possible to do without additional connecting components.

Homemade fuel: pros and cons

Ordinary uncompressed wood chips are rarely used for heating: they burn quickly, do not produce much heat, and not all boilers can operate on fine waste.

Mine boilers and equipment with an upper combustion method are suitable for burning sawdust.. These are complex, expensive devices. It’s easier to create a press for producing briquettes yourself. But this is not very profitable either.

If you buy a press, ready-made European firewood will cost less. When working with a homemade press, the quality of the briquettes will be lower, and the process will take more time.

The production of fuel briquettes from sawdust should not be introduced just for profit. You will have to spend a lot of time on the work process, equip places for drying workpieces, storing fuel, and probably buy sawdust. But if you have a lot of time and have excess waste, you can try to make fuel briquettes yourself. More detailed description video production process.

It is difficult to deny that compressed sawdust briquettes are one of the most effective types successfully used for heating residential buildings. They have a high calorie content (about 5 kW is released from 1 kg when burned) and have a low ash content. Such briquettes are very convenient to store and stack, as they fold compactly and do not take up much space.

True, such fuel cannot be considered cheap: not every family can afford to heat their home with wood throughout the entire season. This raises a reasonable question: is it somehow possible to make wonderful fuel briquettes with your own hands. This is especially true in cases where the raw materials can be purchased almost at a bargain price. Fortunately, such techniques exist, and they may differ from each other. Let's look at some of them.

To get a clear understanding of how to make it yourself, you first need to know how they are made in a factory.

Raw materials

Any of the available methods is preceded by a preparatory stage, during which the raw materials are crushed and dried.

The raw materials are sawdust and some larger parts of wood processing waste. Drying is carried out until humidity levels approach 8-10 percent. Interestingly, all kinds of agro-industrial waste (for example, husks or seed husks) and coal dust can also be used as raw materials for Eurofirewood.


The next production process is sawdust pressing, or briquetting. Today this can be done in two different ways:

  1. Extrusion method;
  2. Forming briquettes on a special hydraulic press.

In both cases, as a result of powerful compression of crushed wood, lignin, a special natural substance, begins to be released from it. It is this that becomes the binding composition for the crumbly mass of raw materials. The difference in the processes lies only in the different compression methods. In one case it is used hydraulic press, capable of developing force up to 300-600 Bar.

The force of this compression heats the shredded wood, and this contributes to the formation of a solid rectangular briquette.

With another method, extrusion, wood raw materials are poured into a special hopper of the unit, and, by analogy with a meat grinder, it is moved by a screw into a conical working channel, which narrows. It is there that the compression takes place, during which the screw press develops an incredibly powerful force of up to one thousand bar.

When ready, firewood made from sawdust comes out of the extruder in the form of hexagons. Before this, they undergo heat treatment and are cut with a special knife to exact dimensions.

Fuel briquettes at home

It is completely unrealistic to imagine a situation where someone decides to purchase such a powerful unit capable of pressing briquettes at home. Even if finances allow this to be done, and the raw materials will be obtained for free, the purchase will only be recouped if the produced fuel is sold on a large scale.

In other words, it is clear that it will not be possible to implement the traditional method, which would release lignin, at home. But numerous home craftsmen, through trial and error, learned to use other binding materials.

Raw materials and preparation

  • corrugated cardboard, paper;
  • the cheapest, for example, wallpaper;
  • clay.

To make fuel briquettes at home, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive pressing and drying equipment. At home, things are done differently.

Savvy homeowners have gotten the hang of pressing heating briquettes from a variety of available materials that can burn:

  • made of paper,
  • leaves,
  • straw,
  • cardboard,
  • seed husks and other things.
  • Sawdust is placed in water, clay is added there in a ratio of 1 to 10, stirred well, then inexpensive wallpaper glue or soaked cardboard is added to the composition.
  • The mixture obtained in this way is placed in a homemade pressing mold, and squeezed as hard as possible using hand force.
  • The formed rectangles are taken out of the mold and laid out to dry outside, naturally.

Manual screw mechanism

The simplest press for the production of fuel bars, which you can make yourself, has a manual drive.

The design of this mechanism is extremely simple. But the productivity of such a screw device is low - this explains their low popularity.

A special molding container with holes is filled with the finished mixture, the screw is tightened tightly, creating increased pressure.

When using them, a lot of time is spent filling the container, twisting the mold and removing the formed briquette.

Brick ejection mechanism

It is much easier and much faster to extrude molded briquettes on another press. It is also homemade, but features a long lever and a special device for pushing out the brick. To speed up the process, some people weld not one mold, but a pair, to the frame.

Some craftsmen are capable of producing other, more advanced equipment. How to increase the productivity of a manual machine? By installing a hydraulic jack instead of a manual drive. Of course, to produce such a unit you will have to put in a lot of effort, but the result deserves it.

Pay attention! It will not be possible to create a pressure reaching at least 300 Bar in a homemade press even with the help of a hydraulic jack. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reproduce the factory technology at home without adding water.

Screw press

However, some craftsmen, despite difficulties with parts, managed to produce a screw press. With its help, it is possible to produce heating bricks of fairly high quality.

Craftsmen write about this on forums, but at the same time they note the rather high costs of a housing made of high-strength steel and the manufacture of screw parts. Of course, in this case you cannot do without an electric drive. A motor of at least 7 kW power will be required.

Fuel briquettes at home - pros and cons

The reasons for the attractiveness of this type of fuel are quite clear.

If a person has the opportunity to purchase cheap sawdust, or if he suddenly owns a small wood production facility, then it is quite natural to want to make briquettes on his own.

Why not burn the wood waste itself?

  • The fact is that not every technique is capable of burning sawdust directly.
  • Typically, wood chips burn very quickly and ineffectively, and some of it falls into the ash pan.

Special equipment

To effectively burn small wood waste, you will need a special top-burning or shaft-type boiler.

  • It is almost impossible to make one yourself; the prospect of pressing waste into briquettes looks much more realistic. Although here everything is not as simple as it seems;
  • Purchasing factory equipment is unreasonably expensive, and few people can afford it;
  • It's cheaper to buy it yourself
  • Of course, a briquetting press can be made by hand. But the resulting fuel will be of low quality, and their heat transfer will not be that high.

Why is heat transfer low?

The fact is that it is virtually impossible to reproduce the factory technology, observing all the nuances, at home:

  • The resulting “” have low density and, accordingly, low weight.
  • The specific heat of their combustion is almost three times less than that of wood.
  • Consequently, for the same heating you will need three times more homemade briquettes.
  • The process of making them takes a lot of time and effort. Although, if they exist, why not?
  • By the way, such fuel should be stored carefully so that it does not become saturated with moisture.

Do-it-yourself fuel briquettes - yes or no?

Do on homemade equipment Real fuel briquettes, of course, are possible.

The main thing is to have enough time for this, as well as free space for drying and storing products.

The availability of sawdust plays an important role: it is desirable that they do not have to be expensively purchased or delivered from afar. In this case, the idea would not make sense at all - it would be much more effective to purchase a large truck of firewood.

Be that as it may, it is up to the owner to decide.

IN modern world Sawdust briquettes, as one of the types of coolants, are not widely used among the population. High cost is the main argument. In this regard, some people think about self-production special equipment at home or in the country.

Most will agree with the fact that sawdust pellets are one of the best and effective types solid fuel, which can be used to warm up the house. Of the obvious advantages, their high calorie content, ease of use, and very low ash content stand out.

Moreover, raw materials for making briquettes can be purchased at a ridiculous price, or production waste from woodworking enterprises can be used for this purpose.

Examples of some of them:

  • Sawdust;
  • Parts of boards;
  • Wood;
  • Straw;
  • Tree branches and dry leaves;
  • Cardboard, paper.

The production of this type of briquetting coolant is very profitable from both financial and environmental points of view.

Manufacturing technology

The principle of manufacturing such fuel pellets is not complicated. First, the raw materials are dried and then placed in a special device - a briquette machine.

There are two ways to make sawdust briquettes yourself:

  1. Heat treatment and pressure. These two methods are used in production in order to obtain high-quality products at the initial stage, as they make it possible to create a strong outer layer and maintain the density of the workpiece.
  2. Pressing of raw materials. This production method is good for equipping a small workshop for producing fuel briquettes of various shapes with your own hands.

Devices for the production of fuel briquettes

For the effective disposal of biological waste from production, there are special briquetting machines. Firewood, sawdust, dry grass, sunflower husks are the main raw materials. The final product is a strong briquette, which is also called Euro firewood.

Types of devices used for the production of fuel briquettes:

  • dryer, used for drying raw materials;
  • crusher, crushes into fractions of approximately equal sizes;
  • Granulator;
  • Device for making briquettes of various shapes and sizes.

The raw material preparation stage must be given special attention. Humidity should be at a minimum level.

Manufacturing machine - operating mechanism

The machine for making briquettes from sawdust has several components in its design. At the first stage, the raw materials are dried and then crushed into small fractions of the same size. The final stage in the production of fuel briquettes is pressing. If the amount of work is not too large, then you can get by with just one pressing device.

A hydraulic jack, which is mounted on a support frame, will cope with this task much better. In this case, the reference point is directed straight down. A form is attached underneath, which is then filled the right material. In order for the final product to have the desired shape, a nozzle must be manufactured and installed for the rod, which exactly repeats the shape of the container for forming fuel briquettes.

This scheme for producing fuel briquettes has some disadvantages:

  1. Very low performance. In one full cycle only one product is produced.
  2. Heterogeneity in material density. This is due to the fact that a hydraulic jack is not able to distribute pressure evenly throughout the entire source material that is in the mold.

If you use the technology for producing fuel briquettes given above, you can easily heat your house for one heating season.

Device calibrating raw materials

This device is used to screen large particles into a crusher.

After this, the source material is sent to dry.


The moisture level of the source material is one of the most important parameters in order to obtain good quality briquettes.

Dispersants are used for this purpose. Their convenience lies in the fact that drying occurs due to hot smoke.


On industrial enterprises use universal type briquetting presses. The beam is divided using a knife located inside the press. There is also a system of temperature sensors.

The constituent particles of a fuel briquette are linked together by lignin, a substance released at high pressure and temperature.

Additional mechanisms

To increase productivity and reduce physical stress when making fuel briquettes, you should use additional devices:

  • Conveyors supplying the starting material for drying.
  • Bunker for accumulating raw materials with a dispenser and agitator.
  • Magnets whose task is to catch and extract various metallic impurities from materials.
  • A sorter that performs work through vibration.
  • A machine that packs the finished product.

Video: making briquettes from sawdust.

Fuel briquettes from various types of raw materials

Everyone knows that paper burns very well and releases a significant amount of energy. This leaves a relatively small amount of ash. If there is plenty of such waste paper in the house, you can try to make fuel briquettes for heating from it yourself. Although this is not as easy to do as it might seem:

  1. The first thing you will need is a significant amount of paper.
  2. It will need to be chopped into small pieces somehow.
  3. Then the shredded waste paper should be soaked in water at room temperature and wait until this solution becomes liquid and homogeneous.
  4. After this, the remaining liquid must be drained, and the entire mixture that remains must be distributed into molds.
  5. When almost all the water has evaporated from the mass, it must be removed from the mold and sent to dry in fresh air.

Experienced craftsmen add a little starch to the soaked paper. Some people also use paper to make briquettes from sawdust. It acts as a connecting element. But it should be remembered that the smaller the sawdust fraction, the more waste paper is required for the production of fuel briquettes.

Briquetted sawdust is an effective and relatively cheap means of heating a home during the heating season. They can be produced by making a machine for producing briquettes. You just need to have a place free time and raw materials. If it is not possible to purchase sawdust or waste paper at a meager price, then all meaning is lost in production and it would be more rational to purchase a batch of firewood for heating. But the choice depends, of course, on the homeowner himself.