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Archeology is a science that studies the past of mankind using material sources. “Archaios” means ancient, “logos” means science. Archaeological sources - objects discovered during excavations: tools, vessels, weapons, jewelry, burials, ruins of settlements, etc.

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Scoop-tool of an archaeologist. The work of an archaeologist is painstaking and hard. Very often, in order to get to the target, they have to remove several tons of soil from the surface, but at the same time, they cannot use excavators or tractors. The archaeologist's tools are a shovel, a scoop and a brush. Why?

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People often live in one place for several thousand years. Things, garbage, dust gradually form the so-called Cultural layer. Its depth can reach 20 meters. Soil in which there are no traces of human activity is called continent. The archaeologist's task is to thoroughly study the cultural layer.

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Ancient tools. Excavations in Africa have led to the discovery of a huge number of ancient tools. They were made of stone. The stone was broken and long sharp plates were obtained - scrapers. Later, people began to process the stone, beating small pieces. As a result, flakes and stone axes appeared.

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Very often, the object of attention of archaeologists is not only the depths of our planet, but also mountains. For scientists, the discovery of rock paintings and inscriptions is considered a great success. Areas that are subject to flooding are examined especially carefully so that historical monuments do not disappear irrevocably.

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During excavations, scientists often discover the ruins of cities and ancient settlements. Before them appear the remains of street houses, things that ancient people used. All this allows us to get a fairly accurate picture of their life, culture and history.

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An object found in the ground will itself tell a little about the past. But in combination with other finds, it can provide a wealth of information. Therefore, excavations are carried out according to a strict system. The excavation is divided into squares of 10x10 m and everything found in it is immediately recorded on a special plan.

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The result of excavations and further analysis of the obtained materials is the reconstruction of the historical past. The slide shows an approximate view of the ancient settlement of Arkaim, discovered in the Chelyabinsk region.

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Ten of the most significant archaeological finds in the world Prepared by teacher of history and social studies MBOU "Kovarditskaya Secondary School" E Vseeva Tatyana Leonidovna

The tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was discovered in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor (Egypt). Countless treasures were discovered in the tomb. The mummy itself is buried in three sarcophagi of different sizes, located inside each other, one of which is made of pure gold. 143 golden cult objects were located around the mummified body. The main and most recognizable treasure of Tutankhamun’s tomb is considered to be the king’s skillfully made funeral mask. The total weight of the gold items and jewelry found exceeded 1.2 tons.

The Rosetta Stone is a stone with a decree of the Egyptian king Ptolemy V written in Egyptian hieroglyphs and in Greek. Discovered in 1799 by French sappers during Napoleon's Egyptian expedition. Thanks to the Rosetta Stone, the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs became possible, which was carried out in 1822 by the French Egyptologist Jean Francois Champollion. The stone is kept in the British Museum in London.

The Venus de Milo is a famous ancient Greek statue from the late Hellenistic period (circa 100 or 130 BC). The statue was found in 1820 by a Greek peasant in his field on the island of Milos in the Aegean Sea. The hands of the statue were never discovered. This outstanding work was acquired by the French ambassador and presented to King Louis XVIII in 1821. The statue of the Venus de Milo became over time the most famous and generally accepted symbol of the beauty of ancient art. Located in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Angkor Wat A grandiose monument of Buddhist art in Cambodia (1113-1150), part of the complex of Hindu and Buddhist temples of the 9th-13th centuries, collectively known as Angkor. Located in the north of the country near the border with Thailand. It was discovered by the French traveler Henri Muo on January 2, 1861. An entire era in the history of Cambodia was subsequently named after Angkor Wat - the era of the Angkor civilization. The towers of Angkor have become a symbol of Cambodia and adorn the country's national flag.

Troy Ilion is an ancient city in the north-west of the Asia Minor peninsula (Türkiye). Troy was known from the poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" by Homer. It was discovered in 1870 by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, who initiated excavations in the area of ​​Ghisarlik Hill, 6 kilometers from the Dardanelles Strait. As a result of excavations, 46 cultural layers were identified. The collection of 259 objects, often called the "Gold of Troy" or "Treasure of Priam", has been housed at the Museum of Fine Arts since 1945. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow.

Mycenae An ancient city in southern Greece, a major center of Aegean culture. Destroyed around 1200 BC. During the excavations started in 1874-76 by G. Schliemann, shaft tombs were found. The graves contained treasures - objects made of gold, silver and bronze, including jewelry, bowls, swords, rings, numerous gold discs and coined plates. On the faces of several of those buried were masks made of beaten gold. Outside the city, nine domed tombs, or tholos, and a large number of chamber tombs were found.

Minoan civilization A highly developed culture of the Bronze Age on the island of Crete (III-II millennium BC). It was discovered by the English archaeologist Arthur Evans and named after the legendary king Minos. As a result of excavations, which began in 1900 and continued until 1930, city buildings and palace structures, necropolises were discovered. The rooms of the Knossos Palace are decorated with rich paintings (XVII - XV centuries). The most famous find of the Phaistos Palace is a stone disk with perfectly preserved inscriptions in a language unknown to science. Kept in the historical museum of the administrative center of Crete - the city of Heraklion. Arthur Evans also created a periodization of the Minoan civilization, dividing it into the early, middle and late periods. Knossos Palace in Greece

Machu Picchu An Inca fortress, a sanctuary city in Peru, a prehistoric monument on the mountainside in Uruvamba (altitude 2438 meters). It was founded around 1440 and existed until 1532. In 1911, the City was discovered by the American scientist Hiram Bingham. The picturesque ruins of Machu Picchu are the best example of stone construction from the late Inca period. The monument includes about 200 rooms and individual buildings, a complex of temples, residential buildings, defensive walls made of stone blocks, located on an area measuring approximately 365 by 300 meters. In 2007, it was included in the list of seven new wonders of the world.

Birch bark letters Old Russian texts scratched or pressed on pieces of birch bark (birch bark), a unique source on the history of the Old Russian language, socio-economic and political relations. They were first found in 1951 during excavations in Novgorod by an archaeological expedition of the USSR Academy of Sciences (leaders: Artemy Artsikhovsky, Valentin Yanin). Later they were found in a number of other ancient Russian cities. The main part of the birch bark letters are private letters.

Princess of Ukok Mummy of an ancient woman, "Princess of Altai". Found by the expedition of Novosibirsk archaeologist Natalya Polosmak in 1993. In a mound of Scythian times on the Altai Ukok plateau, near the border with Mongolia. The age of the find is estimated at more than 2.5 thousand years. The indigenous people of Altai consider the “Altai Princess” to be their ancestor. Until 2012, it was kept in the museum of the Novosibirsk Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, where it was studied by scientists. Since September 2012, it has been in the Anokhin National Museum in Gorno-Altaisk, where a specially equipped room was built for it.

Based on materials from

What are the benefits of archaeology? Many objects that people used in ancient times are now under a thick layer of earth. These objects help restore the lives of people in the distant past (about which there is no written evidence). Therefore, excavations are necessary.

Archeology is the science of antiquity. The Greek word "archeo" means "ancient" and "logos" means word, science. Archeology is a science that studies the life of people in ancient times, based on preserved material monuments (material, written and visual historical sources)

The main occupation of archaeologists is excavation. Archaeologists do excavations (this is very hard work), patiently removing the earth layer by layer. It is very important to accurately determine the position of an object in a certain layer of the earth. This helps to establish the time of its appearance (dating it). Excavations make it possible to extract from the ground tools, weapons, human remains, remains of dwellings, shards of pottery and much more. What type of historical sources does the above refer to?

How do archaeologists work? Written historical sources are also preserved underground. During excavations of later layers, clay tablets and stone plates are found, on which ancient inscriptions containing information about events, rulers, laws, and everyday life of people are preserved. The most ancient manuscripts date back to the 2nd century. BC Determine how many centuries and years they lay in the ground.

Found objects are studied in archaeological laboratories. Thus, archaeologists not only dig, but also extract historical information from the material they extract, on the basis of which they compile reports on archaeological expeditions (descriptions). Archaeologists transfer the studied objects to museums, where some of the historical sources are stored. Where else, besides museums, are historical sources stored? Right! In archives and libraries.

Thanks to the preserved remains of people, mummies, and ancient images, we know what our ancestors looked like. Scientists have learned to reconstruct the faces of ancient people from their skulls. The science of anthropology studies and restores the physical appearance of ancient people.

Questions for self-test: 1. What does the word “archaeology” mean in Greek? 2. Why is archeology needed, what benefits does it bring to the study of history? 3. Archeology - what is it? 4. What do archaeologists do? 5. Where are archaeological materials studied? 6. Where are the studied antiquities transferred?

"Igor Oleg Olga"- Eastern direction (Pecheneg, Bulgarian, Khazar). Prince Oleg. What changes did Princess Olga make to the administration of the Old Russian state? The policy of which prince of the late 9th - early 10th centuries. brought the greatest benefit to Rus'? How were the state centers of Rus' formed? Lesson - tribute size. I. Checking homework.

"Ancient Kyiv"- The evolution of Kyiv since ancient times. Kyiv is the ancient center of the Slavs, the capital of the mighty Kievan Rus. The fame of Kyiv spread in Europe and Asia, in the countries of the West and the East. Mariinsky Palace. Andreevsky Descent. Today Kyiv is the capital of the independent state of Ukraine. The Polyans, Drevlyans, Uglichs, and Northerners united around ancient Kyiv.

"Moscow and Lithuania"- The Teutonic Order began to decline after the Battle of Grunwald. Timur (Tamerlane), the great Central Asian conqueror. Not a single prince of North-Eastern Rus' challenged the primacy of Moscow. In 1396, Vitovt and Vasily Dmitrievich agreed in Smolensk on a joint confrontation with the Horde. Submission to the Horde, weakened after the fall of Tokhtamysh, strengthened again.

"Creation of a unified Russian state"- Ivan 3. Tver 1485. Prerequisites, reasons for the formation of a centralized state. Boyar Duma. Test. 1. Match the events and dates: 1). Municipal educational institution secondary school "2. Ugra land 1499 Law code of 1497. Test. Ransom, patronage, marriages, alliances, conquest. -. Differences in lifestyle.

"Andrey Bogolyubsky"- 1111 – 1174 Andrey Bogolyubsky The work was completed by 6th grade student Olga Karaseva. Many miraculous healings and signs that occurred along the way are associated with the movement of the icon. Grand Duke of the Vladimir-Suzdal land. (Reigned from 1157 to 1174). Andrei built a beautiful Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir and placed an icon there.

"Fragmentation of Rus'"- Chernigov. The reign of the children of the rogue prince Rostislav - Vasilko and Volodar - in Galicia. The desire of princes to strengthen and decorate their cities, to glorify their deeds. +. The uprising of 1113 and the great reign of Vladimir Monomakh. Did the transition to fragmentation mean the decline of Rus'? 1068 - defeat of the Yaroslavichs in the battle with the Polovtsians on the river. Alte.

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