"Small social group" - Small group- as a socio-psychological phenomenon. Leading positions. Group. Exercises for diagnostics. Outsider. Participants' positions. A small group consists of: a limited, small number of people. Group in dynamics. Create conditions. What you need to be able to see in a children's team. How many people make up a small group?

"Elites" - Social mobility. Partitioning into clusters. Elites and hypoelites. Change of elites. "Normal" mobility. Elites 28. Middle class. General idea. Elites and modernization. Elites are functional and normative. Publications. Duality of elite goals. Picture of a seven-link social structure. Elite shifts. Specifics of the position of the IC detachments.

“Large group” - Types of masses. Uniting people. Contagion has integrative and expressive functions. Self-test questions. Power. Ridiculous rumors. “Mirroring” and “synchrony” techniques. Hearing concept. The framework of direct experience. Mass consciousness. Ordinary everyday attitudes. Hearing is desire. Signs of mass consciousness.

“Psychology of the group” - Political psychology. Types of small groups. Group of socio-psychological phenomena. Small group. National psychology. Small group structure. Psychological phenomena. Group. The concept of a group. Characteristics of group psychology. Professional pedagogy and psychology. Methods for studying group psychology.

“Student group” - Object-object interaction. Trends in teacher self-determination. Proposals for joining forces. Problems of group leadership. Development of subjectivity of student groups. Leadership skills that need to be developed. The problem of leadership and management in managing a student group. Subjects of management.

“Social communities” - Random crowd. Nominal groups. Secondary groups. A collection of people. Kinds social groups. Aggregations. Group communities. Individual behavior in a crowd. Types of social communities. Active (expressive) crowd. Forms of contact communities. Imaginary communities. Social circles. Formal groups.

There are 8 presentations in total

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7

The presentation on the topic “Small Group” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Sociology. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 7 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Small group

Completed by: Radnabazarova E

Slide 2


A small group is a small-sized association of individuals based on a common quality or characteristic. V.P. Poznyakov

Slide 3

Slide 4

Differences between a small group and others:

the presence of a common cause (goal, activity, etc.), personal acquaintance with each other, direct interaction with each other, the existence of established personal and business relationships between group members, the presence of internal organization: leadership, distribution of roles, group norms, etc. P.

Slide 5

The main criteria characterizing a small group as a subject of socio-psychological research:

similarity of motives, goals, value orientations and social attitudes of members, identification of individuals with their group (awareness of their belonging), awareness by group members of the similarities and commonalities between them and the differences of their group from others, the presence of socio-psychological characteristics that are inherent in the group as a whole , and not to individual individuals (cohesion, socio-psychological climate, etc.).

Slide 6

Small group parameters:

1) composition or composition of the group 2) group structure 3) group processes 4) group norms 5) position1 of the individual in the group 6) group expectations 7) group sanctions

Slide 7

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

Slide 10

The presentation on the topic “Small Groups” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Sociology. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Slide 2

The concept of a small group

A small group is a small group of people whose members are united general activities(goals and objectives) and are in direct personal communication. Characteristics: Psychological community Presence of “we-feelings” Behavioral community Basis: Communication and joint activities are the basis for the emergence of emotional relationships in the group and special group values ​​and norms of behavior.

Slide 3

Small group as a system

Social system Dynamic system Open system Self-sufficiency

Slide 4

Classification of small groups

Conditional groups Unite people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other. Real groups Really existing associations of people connected with each other by certain relationships and aware of their belonging to it. They arise: in connection with the needs of society; at the request of people included in this group.

Slide 5

Laboratory groups Created specifically by social psychologists to carry out experimental tasks in accordance with the goals of their research Natural groups Arise during the development of society. They are divided into: large and small; primary and secondary Primary - there are direct contacts between people Secondary - there are no direct contacts between its members, and various “intermediaries” are used for communication

Slide 6

Formal groups are created by certain organizations with specific tasks to achieve any specific goals. It clearly defines the roles, statuses of its members, the system of leadership and subordination. Informal groups Voluntary communities of people that are formed on the basis of common interests, friendships, and mutual sympathy. They arise on their own. May occur within formal groups. Statuses and roles are not spelled out, but there are unwritten rules and regulations regarding acceptable behavior and responsibilities.

Slide 7

Reference groups

Reference groups are real or conditional groups that are significant for a person, with which he relates himself as a standard, the norms, values, opinions and assessments of which he shares, and compares his views and actions with them. Functions of the reference group: Normative Comparative

  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.
    1. What is a small group?
    2. What types of small groups are there?

    The concept of a small group

    Small group –……?

    The concept of a small group

    Small group –
    a small group of people, members
    which are united by common activities (goals and
    tasks) and are in direct personal

    A small group is a small association of people from 2-3 to 20-30
    people engaged in some common business and in direct contact
    relationships with each other. The small group is an elementary
    cell of society. In it a person spends most own life.
    Small groups can vary in size, nature and structure
    relations existing between their members, according to their individual composition,
    features of values, norms and rules of relationships shared
    participants, on interpersonal relationships, goals and content of activities.
    Examples of small groups, the most
    significant for a person are family,
    school class, work collective,
    bringing together close people and friends.


    Do you think there is a single
    opinion of sociologists by definition
    lower and upper limits of numbers
    small group?


    Groups of more than 30-40 can
    are people defined as small?
    WHY? (sl. 4)
    Give examples of obvious small groups
    in accordance with the definition of the concept
    "small group"

    Characteristics of a Small Group

    There are certain characteristics
    small groups?
    (next slide)

    Characteristics of a Small Group

    Based on the fact that people
    realize their
    to belong to
    a certain group -
    group that has its own special
    interests, norms, values,
    The basis for the emergence
    emotional relationships in
    group - ???
    Group norms –
    certain rules
    which have been developed or
    accepted by the group and by whom
    must obey
    behavior of its members.


    Types of groups

    Conditional (nominal) –
    groups that bring people together
    without direct
    relationships and contacts with each other
    Real –
    actually existing
    association of people connected
    themselves by certain relationships and
    aware of their belonging to
    Created specifically
    social psychologists
    for experimental
    They arise during the development of society.
    Large Ethnic,
    Sex and age.
    Small Classes,
    Sport. teams,
    company of friends.

    Natural groups

    Between people there are
    contacts. This group
    identified with small
    Family, group of friends, team.
    Groups where no
    contacts between members
    groups, and for communication
    are used

    Small groups

    Are created by a specific
    organization with
    objectives to achieve
    any specific
    goals (relationships according to
    folding on
    based on common interests,
    mutual sympathy
    (horizontal relationships)

    Reference groups

    Groups, real or fictitious,
    significant for a person with whom he
    relates itself to a standard, norm,
    values, opinions and assessments of which he
    shares and compares his views with them
    and actions are called referent
    groups (G. Hayman)
    Reason for allocation
    reference groups – DEGREE

    Functions of reference groups:

    Consists of influence
    groups for norms
    behavior, social
    attitudes and values
    orientation of the individual.
    It manifests itself in the fact that
    system of values,
    rules and regulations of the group
    stands for the individual
    a kind of standard
    behavior, with the help
    whom he can
    evaluate yourself and others.

    Three ways a person can react
    to group pressure
    CollectivismSuggestibility unconscious
    line acceptance
    behavior, opinions
    (conformism) external agreement
    with internal
    discrepancy with
    group opinion
    agreement with opinion
    groups, acceptance
    and active
    its values
    norms, ideals.

    Interpersonal relationships in a group are a complex system of connections with the group and each of its members. These relationships are felt and subjectively experienced

    Interpersonal relations in the group
    Interpersonal relationships in a group are a complex system of connections with
    group and each of its members. These relationships are also felt subjectively
    experienced by the individual.
    Types of relationships:
    Vertical relationships
    Horizontal relationships


    Formulate 3 questions that you can
    would be used for securing
    studied material.

    Slide 2

    A person is associated with small groups from the moment of his birth. In small groups, he receives information about the world, builds relationships with other people and organizes his activities. In small groups, general patterns of each of the three aspects of communication appear: exchange of information, understanding, interaction. Through such a group, a person learns the values ​​and norms that are formed in society.

    Slide 3

    SMALL GROUP - a small group of people whose members are united by common activities (goals and objectives) and are in direct personal communication. WHAT IS A SMALL GROUP Psychological community Behavioral community People are aware of their belonging to a certain group - a group that has its own special group interests, norms, values ​​and goals. We are feelings - a characteristic of a group. GROUP NORMS are certain rules that are developed or accepted by a group and to which the behavior of its members must obey.

    Slide 4

    Small group size:

    A small group begins with the union of 2-3 people. On the issue of the upper limit of the size of a small group, different points of view are expressed - from 8-10 to 30-40 people. Most often, groups with more than 20 people are not defined as small. The reason for this is that the direct interaction of group members and personal influence on each other, which are the hallmarks of such a group, are less pronounced.

    Slide 5

    Characteristics of a small group:

  • Slide 6

    Types of groups:

    Conditional (or nominal) are groups that unite people who do not have direct relationships and contacts with each other. From the residents of one or another constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a group of people with a certain level education, or a certain disease, or those in need of separate housing) People are also grouped into conditional groups according to such characteristics as the nature of their activity, gender, age, nationality, etc. Conditional Real Real groups are actually existing associations of people connected with each other by certain relationships and those who are aware of their belonging to it (family, team of workers, student group, school class, yard company).

    Slide 7

    Real groups

    Laboratory groups are created specifically by social psychologists to perform experimental tasks in connection with the goals of their research (to conduct sociological research). Laboratory Natural arise during the development of society Large Small Ethnic groups, professional groups, gender and age groups (in particular, youth, pensioners, etc.). School classes, sports teams, neighborhood groups of friends.

    Slide 8

    Laboratory Natural The presence or absence of direct contacts between members Primary Secondary (family, group of friends, team, etc.) there are direct contacts between people. Is a small group. These are groups where there are no direct contacts between its members, and various “intermediaries” are used for communication. If a student group can be considered a primary group, then all students of the course and faculty constitute a secondary association.

    Slide 9

    Small groups

    (organized, formal) Formal groups are created by a specific organization with specific tasks to achieve some specific goals. It initially defines the status of its members, strictly distributes roles, a system of leadership and subordination (football team) Formal Informal (informal, spontaneous) Informal groups are voluntary communities of people that are formed on the basis of common interests, friendships, and mutual liking. Neither statuses nor roles in such groups are prescribed, they do not have a given system of relationships, but they have their own unwritten rules and norms regarding acceptable behavior and responsibilities (buddies in a school class).

    Slide 10

    Slide 11

    Reference groups

    The basis for identifying reference groups is the degree of significance of the group for the formation of an individual’s attitudes, his orientation towards group norms and values ​​in his behavior, assessment of the behavior of other people and self-esteem. Membership groups are considered by an individual only as a place of his stay and do not affect his system of values, social attitudes (purchase of a voucher, securities, tourist package).

    Slide 12

    groups, real or conditional, significant for a person, with which he relates himself as a standard, norms, values, opinions and assessments of which he shares, compares his views and actions with them.

    Slide 13

    company in the yard or close friends Real Conditional Heroes of books, writers or scientists of past times... A person makes his own assumptions about the possible opinion of this group about himself. For a teenager, the conditional reference group often consists of the father, close friend, idol, literary hero, performing musician, etc.

    Slide 14

    Functions of the reference group

    The comparative function is manifested in the fact that the system of values, norms and rules of the group acts for the individual as a kind of standard of behavior with the help of which he can evaluate himself and others. The normative function consists in the influence of the group on the norms of behavior, social attitudes and value orientations of the individual.

    Slide 15

    Interpersonal relationships in groups

    Psychologically, a group consists of various types interpersonal relationships people to a common cause and to each other.

    Interpersonal relationships in a group are a complex system of connections between an individual and the group and each of its members.

    Slide 16

    Relationships arising on an official basis are usually called official. They are established by approved norms and rules (law, instructions, regulations, charters, etc.). On the basis of the personal relationship of a person to a person, informal relationships develop in a group. There are no generally accepted norms, rules, requirements and regulations for them. In connection with the main joint activity for the group, business-to-personal relationships arise. They are conditioned official position members of the group and the performance of their functional responsibilities. Regardless of the main activities of the group, personal relationships arise. They are determined primarily by likes and dislikes. There are vertical relationships (interpersonal connections formed between people occupying different positions in the official or unofficial structure of the group) and horizontal relationships (interpersonal connections of people occupying the same position in the official or unofficial structure of the group). There are rational relationships, in which people's knowledge of each other and their objective characteristics come to the fore, and emotional relationships, which are based on the individual perception of a person by a person.

    Slide 17


    Sociometry is the measurement of relationships within a group according to criteria (questions) covering the most significant communication situations for a given group. The sociometry method is based on the fact that the definition of relationships in a group is associated with the behavior of people in a choice situation. The sociometric method consists of analyzing the choices made by all people in a group. In this case, one choice is possible (for example, for a question you need to indicate one person) or several choices according to the degree of importance (“Who do you choose first, second, third, etc.”).

    Slide 18

    Integration in groups of different levels of development

    One of the aspects of studying a small group is group integration (from the Latin integer - whole) - a state of a group characterized by signs of psychological unity, its integrity as a social community.

    Slide 19

    A developed small group is considered to be:

    A fairly differentiated system of all types of relations has developed; these relations are moral, corresponding to social norms and meet the requirements imposed by society on the individual and social association.

    Slide 20

    Slide 21

    Integration problems

    Group integration has a downside. Associated with it is the process of deindividuation of the individual in a group, when the feeling of “We” becomes stronger than the feeling of “I”. This can lead to a weakening of individual responsibility for their behavior. Integration in groups based on humanistic values ​​is associated with the formation and development of good personal, emotionally favorable, trusting, and friendly relationships. Friendly relationships are characterized by a deep emotional attachment of people to each other.

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