“Cossack” means “free”, “brave, freedom-loving person”, “daring warrior”. The Cossacks arose by the will of the government - by decree of Tsarina Elizabeth Petrovna in 1746 to protect Russian borders from nomads. The Cossacks were mainly peasants. The Cossacks settled in villages, fortresses and redoubts and were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Kuren was divided into the left - female half and the right - male. Directly behind the entrance was the largest room - the hall where guests were received. The best furniture and dishes were located here. Governing bodies of the Cossack army Large Military Circle Council of Atamans Troop Ataman Ataman Board Military Headquarters Economic Council Council of Elders Audit Commission Cossack Circle - a general meeting of Cossacks, which took place on the Maidan. Maidan is a large square, usually in front of the Ataman church - the main one in the Cossacks. Esaul is the ataman's assistant. (Ataman and esauls were elected in the Cossack circle for 1-2 years.) In the churches, the Cossacks kept all the most valuable things: military awards, weapons. This was one of the traditions of the Cossacks. They take off their hat only in church, when reading the Gospel, and expose one third of their saber - this means that the Cossack is ready to defend the honor of Russia. Traditions of the Cossacks The birth of a boy among the Cossacks was considered great happiness, since every man at birth received an allotment of land - a “share”. Starting from the age of two, he was regularly put on a horse so that he could get used to the saddle. When a boy was born, it was customary to buy a horse so that they could get used to each other. The Cossacks placed the authority of their father and mother as the most important thing. The godmother taught her daughter how to do housework while her own mother was busy around the house. Well, the godfather taught his son the art of war so that he would be a brave fighter. In front of the elders, they took off their hats and gave up their place, because the word of the elder is the law. The older sister was also respected; she replaced the mother, took care of the children, and was a craftswoman. For children, those who indulged, even a stranger Cossack could have their ears pulled. Weapons of the Cossacks Men's Cossack costume Women's Cossack costume Papakha - headdress of the Don Cossack Kubanka - headdress of the Kuban Cossack Burka Kazakin - among the Don Cossacks Beshmet - among the Terek and Kuban Cossacks Bashlyk among the Don Cossacks - gray-steel color, among the Kuban - red, among the Terek - blue colors. Christmastide The Cossacks celebrated Christmastide on a particularly large scale; they organized mass celebrations and horse racing competitions. The girls spent their nights telling fortunes. Almost all Cossack celebrations were associated with fortune telling. They did not miss the opportunity to place a wreath on Ivan Kupala, to roll an apple into the apple bowl, in order to find out their fate. October 14 - Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holiday of the Cossacks of all troops. Celebrated as the Victory Day of 5.3 thousand Cossacks over 150 thousand Turks at the end of September 1641 in the Azov fortress. Cossack commandments. Each member of the Cossack society must know and follow the main principles of Cossack morality, which is based on the norms of Christian morality. 1. Love Russia, for she is your mother, and nothing in the world can replace her for you; 2. HONOR AND GOOD NAME FOR A COSSACK IS MORE DEAR THAN LIFE 3. COSSACKS ARE ALL EQUAL IN RIGHTS. REMEMBER: “THERE IS NO PRINCE, NOR SLAVE, BUT ALL SLAVES ARE GOD!” 4. SERVE FAITHFULLY TO YOUR PEOPLE, NOT THE LEADERS 5. BY YOU THEY ARE JUDGING ALL THE COSSACKS AND THEIR PEOPLE 6. KEEP YOUR WORD. THE WORD OF A COSSACK IS DEAR 7. HONOR YOUR ELDERS, RESPECT OLD AGE 8. PERISH AND RESCUE YOUR COMRADE 9. KEEP UP TO THE FAITH OF YOUR ANCESTORS, FOLLOW THE CUSTOMS OF YOUR PEOPLE 10. BE HARDWORKING. DON'T BE Idle 11. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAMILY. SERVE HER BY EXAMPLE Thank you for your attention!

Kazakh Khanate Battle formations and tactics of the Kazakh army. The formation of the Kazakh state and constant wars, both with external enemies and internecine ones for power in the steppe, raised more than one generation of sultans, khans and warriors with strategic thinking, excellent tacticians endowed with far-sighted political thinking in battles.

Military art of the Kazakh Khanate Speaking about the military art of the Kazakh troops, it should be noted that the actions of the Kazakh detachments were characterized by a certain organization. In preparation for battle, they usually carried out reconnaissance. Then, heading to the place of battle, they tried to move secretly in order to ensure surprise of the attack. Clarifications were made to the battle plans based on the results of the actions of small patrols that clarified the situation. The command of the Kazakh troops knew the terrain better and skillfully used heights, beams and bushes to deploy their main forces, ambushes and reserves.

Tactics of the Kazakh troops The tactical formation of the Kazakh troops consisted of separate parts: the vanguard, the right and left wings and the center. The main function of the unit was reconnaissance of the area and detection of the enemy. The Kazakh Khan Ablai, in one of the battles with the Dzungars, once sent forward two detachments with a total number of people under the command of two experienced warriors. The detachment was usually located at a certain distance from the main forces of the Kazakh army. When enemy forces were detected, the vanguard, depending on the developing combat situation, either accepted the battle, trying to gain time before the main forces arrived, or retreated back. In major battles, the vanguard, as a rule, was the first to begin combat with the enemy. The total number of the vanguard reached warriors.

Kenesary Kasymov The use of a reconnaissance detachment would subsequently develop during the uprising. Kenesary Kasymov placed pickets of two people on large roads, along rivers at a distance of 50 to 100 miles in all directions from the camp where the main forces were located.

Roundup hunting Roundup hunting occupied a special place in the training of nomadic warriors. In the conduct of regular round-up hunts by nomads, military maneuvers are clearly visible, with the help of which they prepare for combat operations and practice tactical techniques. It is known that Genghis Khan paid special attention to hunting in training warriors. E. Khara-Davan noted that “the Mongol, who cultivated his belligerence on animal hunting, also looks at war partly as hunting.” While hunting, commanders practiced basic tactical techniques for building troops and conducting combat operations. To do this, they first thought through the organization and order of movement of troops to the hunting site, as well as the behavior of individual detachments during the raid and when returning back. The methods of conducting round-up hunts contributed to the formation of the main type of formation of troops before battle.

Troop structure The structure of combat detachments consisted of three main parts: a center and two wings. During a roundup, two squads of beaters also move away from the center, trying to surround the game on both sides, and move towards each other, gradually creating a continuous circle with the prey in the middle. In the center of the hunting line was the chief raid manager, who gave instructions to the beaters in each wing. In the military organizational structure, the khan's headquarters was located in the center, which performed the function of control and command of the troops. Wing commanders reported directly to the commander in chief. The right and left wings were shock combat units that bore the brunt of the battle. An important role was assigned to the vanguard in the marching movement, performing functions similar to those of reconnaissance during a round-up hunt. In the rear of the nomads’ combat formation there was a special detachment (ambush, reserve), which acted at the most decisive and crucial moment. For ordinary soldiers, hunting served as a school where, through constant training, they developed their skills in using various types of melee weapons, long-range and close combat, and the skills of riding on horseback in formation.

Battle in the Orbulak Gorge An example of military valor and military art is the battle in the Orbulak Gorge. In 1643, Zhangir Khan marched together with the Samarkand army led by Zhalantos-batyr. won a brilliant victory over the Dzungars. Thanks to the skillful use of terrain and the possibility of available weapons, building battle formations, a total of 600 Kazakh warriors led by Zhangir Khan managed to defeat the 50 thousandth army of Khontaiji Batur, destroying more than 10 thousand of his soldiers. The battle in the Orbulak gorge, in its tactical plan, courageous and talented implementation, should be included in the textbooks of the history of wars and military art.

Tribal basis Based on the issue considered, it should be concluded that the military organization of the Kazakhs in the late Middle Ages was traditionally based on a tribal basis. Typically, each tribal unit within its zhuz formed militia units spontaneously and independently of each other. During the period of major military clashes, a general Kazakh people's militia was collected. The basis of the Kazakh army were warriors. In the late Middle Ages, the role of the military institution of batyrs within the military organization of the Kazakhs constantly grew. The reason was the fact that the batyrs were not only the main military-political force of the khans and sultans, but were also the custodians of combat experience and military traditions, capable of organizing armed detachments of the Kazakh militia.

Conclusion Thus, the military life of the nomadic Kazakhs had specific features, military traditions were of great importance in the life of the nomadic Kazakh society, and military service was one of the most important. The most important duty of a man was to protect his family and property, and to wage war. The population of the Kazakh steppes was an armed mass of people. The military organization of the Kazakhs was traditionally based on a tribal basis. Typically, each tribal unit within its zhuz formed militia units spontaneously and independently of each other. During the period of major military clashes, a general Kazakh people's militia was collected. The basis of the Kazakh army were warriors. The commander-in-chief of all armed forces was the khan; the khan could direct military operations either directly or through his subordinates. In cases where military events were not of a national nature, campaigns could be led by sultans or individual warriors. The military organization of the Kazakhs during this period was a structure with relatively large autonomy of individual units.

Cossack" means "free", "brave, freedom-loving person","daring warrior"
The Cossacks arose by the will of the government - by decree of Tsarina Elizabeth Petrovna in 1746 to protect Russian borders from nomads. The Cossacks were mainly peasants. The Cossacks settled in villages, fortresses and redoubts and were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding



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Slide captions:

“Cossack” means “free”, “brave, freedom-loving person”, “daring warrior”. The Cossacks arose by the will of the government - by decree of Tsarina Elizabeth Petrovna in 1746 to protect Russian borders from nomads. The Cossacks were mainly peasants. The Cossacks settled in villages, fortresses and redoubts and were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding

The kuren was divided into the left - female half and the right - male. Directly behind the entrance was the largest room - the hall where guests were received. The best furniture and dishes were located here.

Governing bodies of the Cossack army Large Military Circle Council of Atamans Troop Ataman Ataman Board Military Headquarters Economic Council Council of Elders Audit Commission Cossack Circle - a general meeting of Cossacks, which took place on the Maidan. Maidan is a large square, usually in front of the Ataman church - the main one in the Cossacks. Esaul is the ataman's assistant. (Ataman and esauls were elected in the Cossack circle for 1-2 years.)

The Cossacks kept all their most valuable things in churches: military awards, weapons. This was one of the traditions of the Cossacks. They take off their hat only in church, when reading the Gospel, and expose one third of their saber - this means that the Cossack is ready to defend the honor of Russia.

Traditions of the Cossacks The birth of a boy among the Cossacks was considered great happiness, since every man at birth received an allotment of land - a “share”. Starting from the age of two, he was regularly put on a horse so that he could get used to the saddle. When a boy was born, it was customary to buy a horse so that they could get used to each other. The Cossacks placed the authority of their father and mother as the most important thing. The godmother taught her daughter how to do housework while her own mother was busy around the house. Well, the godfather taught his son the art of war so that he would be a brave fighter. In front of the elders, they took off their hats and gave up their place, because the word of the elder is the law. The older sister was also respected; she replaced the mother, took care of the children, and was a craftswoman. For children, those who indulged, even a stranger Cossack could pull their ears.

Cossack weapons

Men's Cossack costume

women's Cossack costume

Papakha - the headdress of the Don Cossack Kubank - the headdress of the Kuban Cossack Burka Kazakin - among the Don Cossacks Beshmet - among the Terek and Kuban Cossacks The bashlyk among the Don Cossacks is steel-gray, among the Kuban - red, among the Terek - blue.

Christmastide The Cossacks celebrated Christmastide on a particularly large scale; they organized mass celebrations and horse racing competitions. The girls spent their nights telling fortunes. Almost all Cossack celebrations were associated with fortune telling. They did not miss the opportunity to place a wreath on Ivan Kupala, to roll an apple into the apple bowl, in order to find out their fate. October 14 - Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holiday of the Cossacks of all troops. Celebrated as the Victory Day of 5.3 thousand Cossacks over 150 thousand Turks at the end of September 1641 in the Azov fortress.


Thank you for your attention!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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History and culture of the Don Cossacks Anyone who does not respect the customs of his people, does not keep them in his heart, disgraces not only his people, but, first of all, does not respect himself, his family, his ancient ancestors

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Origin of the Don Cossacks The official founding date of the Don Cossacks is considered to be January 3, 1570. However, the Don Cossacks are much older than this date. Back in 1552, the first military campaign of the Don Cossacks on the Volga to the walls of Kazan under the command of Ataman Susar Fedorov was recorded. As a result, the grateful Ivan the Terrible granted the Cossacks a charter for eternal possession of the Don with all its tributaries. Among the Don steppe fields And the Kuban feather grasses, Where the Kuban and Don flow Cossacks have long lived. A proud and dashing people, they have earned honor for themselves: They carry bravery, courage, courage on their shoulders.

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The free steppes on the outskirts of the state, where the supervision of the authorities was weaker, became the habitat of the Cossacks. Cossacks (Cossacks) are a group of predominantly Eastern Slavs living in the southern steppes of Eastern Europe, Russia. The exact origins of the Cossacks are unknown; there are many theories. Kasogs, Kasakhs, Kasakis are ancient Circassian people who inhabited the territory of the lower Kuban in the 10th-14th centuries. Cossack means “free” in Turkic. Fugitives from the Horde, and later from Russian lands, became Cossacks. They fled from taxes, from duties, for “freedom.”

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On the Don, the Cossacks settled on islands so that enemies could not attack them unnoticed. Such settlements were called Cossack towns. For housing inside the town, the Cossacks first built dugouts, and then houses made of wood and stone. For their settlements, the Cossacks chose the best strategic places, using natural barriers - river capes, islands, steep banks and protected ravines and swamps. Later the towns began to be called villages.

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At first, only men settled in Cossack towns. defensive ramparts and ditches, inside of which there were dugout huts. The fortified settlements-stanitsa were surrounded by a palisade. The Cossacks were engaged in fishing, bred horses, and staged predatory raids on their neighbors. The robber life of a Cossack, who knew neither labor, nor dependence or taxes, was free and full of risk. The Cossacks were free people who did not know serfdom. This undoubtedly influenced the character of the Cossack, made him an independent person, able to defend his rights and fight for them.

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All issues of Cossack life were resolved at a general meeting - the Cossack circle. Atamans and foremen were also elected there. The Cossacks received part of their income from military booty, and part from state salaries. Economic life included hunting, fishing, farming and cattle breeding. There was no equality on the Don: the Cossacks were divided into homely (wealthy) and golutvenny (poor). The homely ones owned the best pastures and vast herds, they received a large share of the spoils and the royal salary. There were especially many brownies on the Lower Don, while on the Upper Don the brownies predominated.

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Weapons of the Cossacks The Cossack is a brave, courageous, courageous warrior: he fought on horseback with a rifle over his shoulder and a saber in his hand. Each Cossack had a personal weapon - a saber, saber, pike, riding horse. The pike was the favorite weapon of the Don Cossacks for centuries. The Cossacks adhered to the principle “there is no extradition from the Don!”: a fugitive who reached the Don became a Cossack. A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun. The Cossack himself is starving, but he feeds his horse.

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According to the nature of their service, the Cossacks were divided into city (regimental) and stanitsa Cossacks. The police included Cossacks who had not yet acquired a stable economy or who were serving in places remote from their permanent place of residence. “until we can continue it.” Village Cossacks served in their places of residence, at border posts and outposts. Cossacks enlisted for service at the age of 16 and carried it out

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Lower Don Cossack woman Upper Don Cossack woman The Cossacks’ attitude towards women has always been special. She was the keeper of the family hearth and traditions. The Cossack woman was waiting for her husband to come home. In the extreme conditions of border life, a special type of woman was forged - the Cossack woman.

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The Cossack woman knew how to stand up with dignity in arms in defense of her children, the kuren and the village. A mixture of Eastern and Slavic blood, a special free way of life in serf Russia turned Cossack women into extraordinary women. She religiously fulfilled the duties of both housewife and mother in the family, setting an example for the children of high morality and obedience to her husband. It is to the credit of the Cossack woman housewife that they take care of the cleanliness of their homes and neatness in their clothing. At the same time, she did not lose the traits inherent in the weaker sex: femininity and warmth, coquetry and love of clothes.

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On long winter evenings, the housewife would spin yarn, so a spinning wheel is an integral part of the bedroom. The bedroom walls were decorated with photographs and there were flowers on the windows. The main room, the hall, is always ready to receive guests. There was the best furniture and the best dishes here. In the front corner of this room there was a shrine that had several icons in rich silver frames.

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Cossack families A large family was considered to be a family of 13 people: father, mother, father's parents, two adult sons and seven young children. The average family consisted of 6 to 9 souls, and a small family consisted of 4 people. The head of the family, of course, was the father. He was involved in all household affairs: he was in charge of all work related to the land, with agricultural equipment, and caring for domestic animals. He took part in the social and political life of the village: he participated in Cossack Circles and gatherings. All the housework fell on the mother's shoulders. Under her constant control was everything that was connected with the family’s nutrition: observing fasts, the holiday table, the everyday table, taking care of linen and repairing clothes.

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From the age of five, boys worked with their parents in the fields: driving oxen to plow land, herding sheep and other livestock. The boys grew up brave, dexterous, and resilient. They have been preparing for military service since childhood. Raising in a family At the age of 4, the girl was taught to pick fruits and feed poultry. At the age of 5 she acquired needlework skills: sewing, knitting. At the age of 7, she worked in the garden and vegetable garden on her own, cleaning the yard, because... cleanliness must be perfect. From the age of 8, the Cossack boy learned to wield a whip. From the age of 12, a Cossack girl was taught to use military weapons - a saber (dagger) and the ability to ride horses. The girl was raised by her grandmother (the son was in the service, the daughter-in-law was at work). Kindness, tolerance, mutual forgiveness of insults, humility, obedience, respect for elders - all these components of the moral circle of life ensured a strong family in the future.

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In the multifaceted history of the Russian state, the portrait of the Cossacks, as one of the social groups of the country's population, has always attracted special attention. The culture, traditions, and customs of the Cossacks of Russia are original and interesting, worthy of learning more about them.

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Project GOAL:

learn the history and culture of the Cossacks of Russia.

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Find and study information about the history of the Cossacks of Russia Study the weapons of the Cossacks Get acquainted with the culture, traditions, customs of the Russian Cossacks Find literary, musical and artistic works about the Cossacks Find out the history of the Grechishkin Cossacks - my distant ancestors

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The formation of the Cossacks in Russia was preceded by the appearance in the XII-XIII centuries. at the junction of the borders of Kievan Rus and the so-called Polovtsian land. Brodniks - a gang of free people who combined robbery with horse trading and acted as intermediaries between the Russians and the Polovtsians.

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From a linguistic point of view, the word “Cossack” is most likely of Turkic origin, meaning an armed border guard, a daredevil rider.

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Existed in the Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania: - Kiyans - Cherkassy - Cossacks of the Seversky Principality, subject to the Kingdom of Poland-Lithuania

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Existed in the kingdom of Moscow: - Policemen - Ryazan - Moscow - Putivl - Belopomestnye

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    Duvan - military booty of the Cossacks “Duvan duvanit” - to divide the acquired goods Yasyr - prisoners whom the Cossacks freed for a ransom or kept with them for farming.

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    The bride and groom, having agreed to marriage, came together to a meeting of the people (in a circle) in the square or in the camp hut. Having prayed to God, they bowed in all directions, and the groom, calling the bride by name, said: “Be my wife.” The bride, bowing at his feet, answered, also calling him by name: “And you be my husband.”

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    The Cossacks wore their forelocks on the left side, since it was believed that on the left side of a person was the devil, who pushed him to do evil, and on the right was the angel, who inspired him to do good. The Cossacks seem to use this forelock to brush off the devil. A Cossack's MUSTACHE is a symbol of his FREEDOM

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    Don Cossack, leader of the uprising of 1670-1671, the largest in the history of pre-Petrine Russia.

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    The famous Bulavinsky uprising of 1707-1709. began with the imperial government banning the Cossacks from extracting salt on their own and an ultimatum - to hand over runaway serfs from the Don. Both of these demands were categorically contrary to “Cossack antiquity” - salt was the main income of the independent Don army, and fugitives were the main reinforcement for the Cossack army.

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    Don Cossack, leader of the Peasant War of 1773-1775.

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    Russian military man, count (1812), cavalry general (1809), participated in all wars of the late XVIII - early XIX Since 1891, ataman of the Don Cossack army. In 1805 he founded Novocherkassk, where he moved the capital of the Don Cossack Army. “Who are we, Don Cossacks? We speak Russian, we profess the Orthodox faith, but when they call us Russian, we are offended...”

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    Conquest of Siberia by Ermak. Vasily Surikov

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    COSSACKS IN FICTION Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba" (1835) Mikhail Alexandroviya Sholokhov "Quiet Don" (1925-1940)

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    Cossack tales

    are part of Russian folklore, although they have their own characteristics. - Odnosum, why did it blow your face so much? - Yesterday I was fishing - a wasp sat on my lip... - And stung? -Thank God I didn’t have time! Her brother killed her with an oar! (fairy tale-dialogue-anecdote)

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    Cossacks are famous wits. “The word is that burden that does not weigh you down along the way and does not fill your shoulders, but warms the soul, and even saves,” so the Cossacks said. Proverbs and sayings flowed from the lips of every adult. Donuts for the chieftains, cones for the Cossacks. Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around. Cheerful halts where the Cossacks began to sing. A dog's life, but a Cossack's glory. A Cossack would rather die than leave his native land. Be patient, Cossack, and you will become an ataman. There is no translation for the Cossack family. A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine from the palm of his hand. If only we could sing and have a skinnier stomach.

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    The songs of the Cossacks are not only an ideal expression of the Cossack soul, but also a true reflection of the fate of the entire Cossacks. The song surrounded the Cossacks from childhood to the grave. They were born with songs, they went to war with songs, they measured distances with songs. Drinking songs and songs of wedding ceremonies. Historical, epic and fairy tale songs. Military anthems and regimental songs. Cossack service was difficult and dangerous. In short moments of respite, a Cossack walked - his prowess and fun sounded in his songs. Each Cossack knew more than a thousand songs.