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Why not America? Why not America? It turns out that before Columbus there lived highly developed civilizations in America! Where did they come from, the question arises. “From where, where... From the camel!” - some may say. Well, no! No one will tolerate such treatment! Now, imagine that the Mayans, for example, were the first to find Europe, and not Spain America. If they said that about us, would you like it? Yes, yes, you who want to follow this example! "From a camel"! Nightmare! Yes, yes, yes... However, Polynesia is a very strange story. But maybe it is - as Thor Heyerdahl believed - America and Polynesia?... It may very well be! Maybe explore? And it was decided - yes!

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Mayan Migration Mayan Migration What happened? So far, no one has answered this question. What a pity! However, the Mayans still moved. Can you imagine that one day all the inhabitants of an entire state would leave their homes, palaces, and cities at once? That's it! Now almost everyone will say that this is impossible. Maybe they were driven out by hunger, maybe by war. We don't know this, it's a mystery to us. The Fall of Civilization It was a wonderful civilization! Highly developed! For example, in mathematics, calendar, astronomy, they even surpassed us! But it turned out to be easier for Spain to destroy the “barbarians” with fire and sword.

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Cognitive leisure in the senior preparatory group

Lesson summary for children 5 - 7 years old "Journey into the past of hours."

Author: Nikolaeva Olga Ivanovna, teacher
Place of work: MADOU TsRR d/s No. 121, Kaliningrad
Description of material: I present to your attention a summary of the lesson “Journey to the Past of Clocks,” which is aimed at showing children’s interest in the history of clocks, an educational dialogue with an adult, and gives an idea of ​​the importance of the work of adults. This material will be useful to teachers of senior and preparatory group kindergarten, teachers additional education, primary school teachers.
Children's age is 5 - 7 years.
Target: Formation of children's ideas about watches, the history of watch creation.
Tasks: introduce the history of watches, teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships between their purpose and methods of use, and cultivate respect for the work of people - inventors, creators, creators.
Material: pictures of different types hours; clock mechanism; different watches: hourglass, mechanical, electronic, electric; a painting of a sundial, whatman paper with a circle in the middle of the sheet; plate with yellow paint (gouache); a damp cloth (napkin) for each child.
Preparatory work: examining different types of clocks, memorizing the poem “The Clock” by V. Berestov, memorizing riddles.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, today we are going on an exciting journey! Want to take a trip back in time? Then try to guess the riddle.
No legs, let's go in
There is no mouth, but let's say:
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work.

Children: Watch.
Educator: Today we're going back in time to hours.
(They go to the first table, on which there is a picture with a cockerel).

We'll talk about watches, but what does the cockerel have to do with it? Can anyone explain?
Guys, in ancient times people found out the time by “live clocks”. This “clock” walks very importantly around the yard, and when it flies up onto the fence, it begins to crow! Have there always been cockerels everywhere? Is it possible to determine the exact time by the crowing of a rooster?
Children: No!
Educator: We conclude: although people used “live clocks,” they were very inaccurate and inconvenient.
We approach the second table.
(On the table for each child is a damp cloth, a plate with yellow paint (gouache), a large sheet of Whatman paper with a circle drawn in the middle).
Educator: Guys, let's wet our palm in a plate with paint and place it with our fingers up on our circle (shows how), then wipe our palm with a rag.
What did we get? Of course, radiant sunshine!

Educator: If the cockerel suddenly got sick or overslept, the sun would wake people up. Listen to an amazing story.
A long time ago, a man noticed that the shadow that fell from a tree to the ground did not stand still, but ran after the sun. During the day the sun made a circle across the sky, and the shadow also ran around the circle. A man watched this miracle and came up with this: he drove a post into the ground, and around the post he drew a circle and divided the circle into 12 parts, each part - 1 hour.

The sun rose, and the shadow from the pillar slowly moved in a circle, measuring every hour. This is a real invention! So man invented the dial (circle). People used these watches for a very long time, even though they only worked on sunny days!
Who invented the sundial?
Children: Human.
Educator: What can you call such a person?
Children: Creator, inventor.
Educator: Now, guys, let's go to another table.
(on the table there are illustrations depicting an hourglass and a waterglass).

Listen to another story. Scipio Nazicus, a very intelligent resident of the ancient city of Rome, watched as water oozed from a jug. The drops fell drip...drip...drip...drip. Arriving home, he drilled a small hole in the bottom of the vessel, poured water into the vessel, and began to watch how the water flowed out of the vessel, drop by drop. So an hour passed, the water level dropped and he made a line on the vessel, an hour later he made another one and continued making lines until there were 12 marks, each of which was equal to one hour. This is how the water clock was invented in Ancient Rome.
But the hourglass, they also have no hands and are somewhat similar to a water glass, only instead of water there is sand in them, and they need to be turned over all the time.
- Do you think these watches were comfortable?
- No one uses water clocks now, but sand clocks can be found in hospitals, in the laboratories of chemists and biologists.
We approach another table.
(Images on the table different hours and the alarm clock mechanism disassembled).

Educator: Time fled, new instruments for measuring time appeared. Inventor - Another smart person came up with a clock with hands and a dial. True, the clock was very large, the shaft-drum was wooden and the size of a whole log, and instead of a chain, a very thick rope with heavy weights was wound around the drum. The clocks were so bulky that they did not fit at home; they were installed on high towers.
Then “walking clocks” appeared in houses, they were hung on the wall, under the clock there was a pendulum. The mechanism of such a watch consisted of many gears and springs. Such watches were called mechanical.

Then pocket watches appeared, they were very expensive, only very rich and noble people could afford such watches, they were shaped like an egg. They wore such a watch on a chain in their pocket and wound it with a special key.
The engine of such a watch was an ordinary spring.
By that time, watchmakers - watchmakers - had appeared. They began to invent clocks in the form of boxes, turrets, gazebos, and taught clocks to play music. One of the representatives of the watchmakers was the master-inventor Kulibin Ivan Petrovich.
Physical education minute.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, -
So the walkers are knocking.

(Children tilt their heads left and right to the beat of the words.)
Knuckle-tock, knock-knock, -
So the wheels are knocking.

(Alternately, with your right and left hands, describe a circle in front of you.)
Toki-tok, toki-tok, -
So the hammer knocks.

(Represent hammers with fists).
Touki-tok, tok-tok, -
That's how the heel clicks.

(Heels click).
Educator: Now let's go to another table.
(There are images of electric and electronic clocks on the table)
Educator: Life did not stand still, people began to value their time more and more, and watches became a necessity for all people. Watches began to constantly improve. Electronic and electric watches appeared, inside which a tiny electrical station- battery. (battery demonstration).
A watch has appeared that cannot be bought, but each of you can see it in squares, train stations, and on the streets.
- What do you think is more important: a person or devices?
On the pipe and on the wall,
And on the tower above
They walk, they walk smoothly
From sunrise to sunrise.

This is the difficult path the watch has gone through so that we can see it the way we see it in our time. And we owe such amazing transformations to man - the creator, creator, inventor.
Time does not stand still, and, of course, new watches will appear over time.
- Now remember what kind of watch you know?
- Why did man invent watches?
- Thank you everyone for your active work. So we traveled in time, into the past of hours.

A person faces the problem of time every day, tearing off a piece of the calendar, every minute, looking at his watch. The child also lives in time, therefore the program of education and training in kindergarten The development of time orientation in children is provided.



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Stages of watch development

Clock - Rooster - A long time ago, people found out the time from a living clock. This clock walks around the yard, flaps its wings and, flying up onto the fence, shouts “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

A long time ago, when there were no clocks yet, people recognized the time by the sun. A man dug a pillar into the ground, and around the pillar he drew a circle and divided it into parts. Each part was equal to one hour.

Sundials were replaced by water ones. Water was poured into a tall and narrow vessel with a hole at the bottom. Drop by drop it oozed from the hole. There were lines made on the walls of the vessel - marks that showed how much time had passed since the moment when water was poured into the vessel.

Hourglass Many years have passed since then, And people understood the answer, That there is only sand, it is one And god, and king, and master!

A lot of time has passed since man invented a watch with a mechanism. I put a spring inside them, twisted it, and to prevent it from unwinding, I attached a gear wheel to it. It clings to another wheel and turns it. The second wheel turns the arrows.

Mechanical watches need to be wound every day. I forgot to wind my watch and it stopped. What watches don't need to be wound? Electronic watches do not need to be wound. They run on batteries. They don't even have arrows - numbers glow on the screen. The time is shown accurately and they are not capricious.

You guys see what a difficult journey the hours have gone through. And all this was invented and made by man. Look what beautiful watch developed by people!

Maybe you can guess what the clock on the tower is called? What is the name of the main clock of our Motherland?

If the clock hangs on the wall. What are these watches called?

If the clock is on the floor. What are these watches called?

This watch is worn on the wrist. They are called...

If the watch is carried in your pocket. Give them a name.

This is an antique clock, it usually sits on the fireplace. Try giving them a name.

The clock standing on the table, what is the name of such a clock?

Unusual table clock

Watch - pendant

Ring watch

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a lesson in mathematics with children of the preparatory school group "Journey into the past of hours"

Presentation "Journey to the Past of Clocks"

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