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Raster and vector graphics Lesson topic:

EXAMPLES: RASTER VECTOR Scanned photos Images Pictures Drawings Autoshapes Flowcharts Drawings Objects Word Art WordArt

COMPOSITION: RASTER VECTOR Consists of pixels, for each of which you can set a color. It consists of graphic primitives, for each of which the coordinates of anchor points are specified, as well as the color, thickness and style of the line. X 1 ,Y 1 X 2 ,Y 2 X 1 ,Y 1 X 2 ,Y 2 X,Y R X,Y

FORMATION: RASTER VECTOR When scanning When using digital photo and video cameras When watching TV programs on a computer Using raster graphic editors Using vector graphic editors Using converters in the process of converting raster images into vector drawings

Paint gallery

IMAGE QUALITY: RASTER VECTOR You can create an image that is close to artistic (real). There is always a clear boundary of the object, which gives the image an artificial appearance.

EDITING: RASTER VECTOR Individual pixels or selected fragments. Each object separately.

SCAling: RASTER VECTOR When scaling, the image quality deteriorates (step effect). When scaling, the quality is not lost.

MEMORY SIZE: RASTER VECTOR A drawing takes up a lot of memory, since the color of each pixel is encoded in 2-3 bytes. The image takes up significantly less memory, since only the type of object and its parameters are encoded.


Graphic editor is an application program designed for creating and editing graphic images.

GRAPHICS EDITORS: RASTER VECTOR Paint Adobe Photoshop Corel Photo- Paint Photo Finish Micrografx Picture Open Office Image Gimp Portable Corel Draw Adobe Illustrator Micrografx Designer Microsoft Draw Open Office Draw Compass 3-D

Complete the task: Task 1.9 (p. 24) Match each drawing to a type of computer graphics

Homework: §1.2 Prepare for the “Computer Graphics” test

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Raster and vector graphics

Subject: Informatics and ICTClass: 7 Program: N.D. Ugrinovich, 2008 Textbook: “Informatics and ICT. 7th grade" N.D. Ugrinovich – BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007....

COMPUTER IMAGES - Formed from points of different colors (pixels), which form rows and columns - Formed from basic graphic objects, for each of which the coordinates of the reference points are specified, as well as the color, thickness and style of the line of its contour

RASTER GRAPHICS Raster graphic images are formed in the process of converting graphic information from analogue to digital form, for example, during the scanning process, when using digital photo and video cameras, using a graphics editor. Raster graphic images are formed in the process of converting graphic information from analogue to digital form, for example, during the scanning process, when using digital photo and video cameras, using a graphics editor.

When a raster image is reduced, several adjacent dots are converted into one, and therefore the clarity of fine details of the image is lost. When a raster image is reduced, several adjacent dots are converted into one, and therefore the clarity of fine details of the image is lost. Raster images are sensitive to scaling (enlargement or reduction).

When you enlarge the image, the size of each dot increases and a step effect appears that can be seen with the naked eye. When you enlarge the image, the size of each dot increases and a step effect appears that can be seen with the naked eye. Normal image Enlarged image fragment

VECTOR GRAPHICS Vector graphics are the optimal means of storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams), for which it is important to maintain clear and clear contours. Vector graphics are the optimal means of storing high-precision graphic objects (drawings, diagrams), for which it is important to maintain clear and clear contours.

Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, rectangle), which are stored in computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and formulas describing them. Vector images are formed from objects (point, line, circle, rectangle), which are stored in computer memory in the form of graphic primitives and formulas describing them. The advantage of vector graphics is that files storing vector graphic images are relatively small in size. The advantage of vector graphics is that files storing vector graphic images are relatively small in size.

Vector graphics objects are described by mathematical formulas. a point is specified by its coordinates (x,y); a point is specified by its coordinates (x,y); line – coordinates of the beginning (x1, y1) and end (x2, y2); line – coordinates of the beginning (x1, y1) and end (x2, y2); circle – coordinates of the center circle – coordinates of the center (x, y) and radius R; (x, y) and radius R; rectangle - the size of the sides and the coordinates of the upper left corner (x1, y1) and lower right corner (x2, y2), etc. rectangle - the size of the sides and the coordinates of the upper left corner (x1, y1) and lower right corner (x2, y2), etc. FOR EACH PRIMITIVE A COLOR IS SET. FOR EACH PRIMITIVE A COLOR IS SET.

Vector graphic images can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality. (This is possible, since scaling occurs using simple mathematical operations - multiplying the parameters of graphic primitives by a scaling factor) Vector graphic images can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality. (this is possible, since scaling occurs using simple mathematical operations - multiplying the parameters of graphic primitives by a scaling factor) Normal image Small image Enlarged image

GRAPHICS EDITORS To process images on a computer, special programs are used - graphic editors. A graphics editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images. A graphics editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images.

Raster graphic editors are the best means of processing photographs and drawings, since they provide high accuracy in transmitting gradations of colors and halftones. They are the best means of processing photographs and drawings, as they provide high accuracy in transmitting gradations of colors and halftones. Simple raster GR Paint. Simple raster GR Paint.

To create a drawing the traditional way, you need to select the drawing tool from the toolbar. To create a drawing the traditional way, you need to select the drawing tool from the toolbar. Paint Word Selection tools Drawing tools Object creation tools Selection tool settings Object creation tools Drawing tools Grouping, ungrouping, rotation tools Toolbars of raster and vector graphic editors

Questions: 1. Why does its quality deteriorate when a raster image is reduced or enlarged? 2.What are the main differences between raster graphics file formats? 3.What is the difference between raster images and vector images? 4.What graphic (vector or raster) will you use: A) To develop the organization’s logo, taking into account that it will have to be printed on small business cards and large posters; B) for digital photo editing

Computer graphics

A branch of computer science, the subject of which is working on a computer with graphic images (drawings, drawings, photographs, etc.)





Raster images

Raster images are formed from dots of different colors (pixels) that form rows and columns.

The quality of the raster image depends on:

1. From distance

between neighboring


2. From quantity

in the image

16x16=256 pixels

1 bit is required to store each pixel

Figure size = 256 bits

256 bits = 32 bytes

Advantages of raster images

  • Raster graphics effectively and realistically represent graphic objects and allow you to create (reproduce) almost any drawing, regardless of complexity;
  • Prevalence - raster graphics are now used almost everywhere: from small icons to posters;
  • High speed of processing complex images;
  • Most external devices for inputting photographs, slides, and drawings work with raster graphics (these include scanners, video cameras, digital cameras, graphics tablets)

Disadvantages of raster images

  • Large file sizes with simple images;
  • Impossibility of perfect scaling;

Graphic editor

a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images.

Vector graphics

Vector graphics are used to store high-precision graphic objects (drawings, drawings, and diagrams) that require crisp, clear outlines.

Vector graphics

A vector image is created from graphic primitives (points, lines, circles, polygons, etc.) and is described by mathematical formulas.

In this case, the position of the arrow is described by the coordinates of the beginning and end of its constituent lines and mathematical equations.

Advantages of vector graphics

  • vector drawings can be enlarged or reduced without loss of quality.
  • small information volume of files compared to the volume of files containing raster images.

Disadvantages of Vector Graphics

  • Vector graphics do not produce photographic quality images, and not every object can be easily depicted in vector form.
  • Converting vector graphics to raster is quite simple. But, as a rule, there is no way back.
  • Vector graphics are described in thousands of commands and, when printed, look different than on the monitor.

BMP a universal format, i.e. a format that is “understood” by all raster graphics editors.

PNG an improved version of the GIF format.

Raster graphics file formats

JPEG– the most common raster format, almost identical to the GIF format. Its main differences are that it uses a different compression algorithm (with loss of information quality) and is not intended for storing animated drawings.

TIFF– also a raster format. It is used in cases where it is necessary to reduce the size of a graphic file without losing its quality. Therefore, this format has found wide application in printing and publishing activities.

Vector graphic file formats

WMF this format is used to store a collection of Microsoft Clip Gallery graphics.

ODG proprietary format of the OpenOffice program. orgDraw.

CDR proprietary format of the CorelDraw program.

SVG– Inkscape's own format.

Question 1

Graphics represented in computer memory as a collection of points are called:

1) Three-dimensional

2) Fractal

3) Raster

4) Vector

Question 2

Graphics represented in computer memory in the form of a mathematical description of objects are called:

1) Vector

2) Three-dimensional

3) Fractal

4) Raster

Question 3

The simplest graphic objects (oval, rectangles, etc.) created by graphic editor tools are called:

1) Geometric objects

2) Pixels

3) Primitives

4) Tools

Question 4

Select graphic file extensions from the list provided.

Question 5

The format that all raster graphics editors understand is ...

Question 6

Which graphics file format will require the most memory?


  • § 1.2
  • Writing in a notebook

Sources of information

  • N.D. Ugrinovich. Computer Science and ICT. 9th grade, M., BINOM, 2010
  • M.G. Gilyarov. Informatics. 9th grade. Lesson plans based on the textbook by Ugrinovich N.D. Volgograd, ITD Corypheus, 2009
  • Student drawings

Zagorodnikova Svetlana Nikolaevna,

computer science teacher

MBOU "Secondary school No. 12 with in-depth study of individual subjects" in the city of Biysk

Raster and vector graphics

Completed by a computer science teacher

MBOU secondary school in the village of Starobazanovo Valitova Valentina Nikolaevna

Computer images




  • A raster image is stored using dots of different colors (pixels) that form rows and columns.

Raster graphics

  • Pixel – the minimum area of ​​the image that can be independently assigned a color


The quality of a raster image depends on:

1. Image size

2. Number of colors in the image

  • Large volume
  • Large volume
  • Zoom Sensitivity

Disadvantages of a raster image:

Task: determine the information volume of the image

  • Determining the number of colors n in the image. In this case the image is black and white, so n=2
  • Determining the number of pixels k in the image. k= 7 x 8 = 56 pixels.


  • Vector images are formed from graphic primitives (points, straight lines, circles, rectangles, etc.)
  • In this case, the position of the arrow is described by the coordinates of the beginning and end of its constituent lines and mathematical equations

  • Small volume
  • Small volume
  • Scaling without loss of quality

Advantages of a vector image:

Graphic editors

  • Graphic editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images
  • Photoshop Paint
  • Photoshop
  • Paint
  • CorelDraw Macromedia Flash MX
  • CorelDraw
  • Macromedia Flash MX

Raster editors

Vector editors

Graphic file formats

Method of storing information

Scope of application



To exchange data with other applications

In publishing systems


For storing images with a small number of colors


For storing photographs and illustrations


For images created in CorelDraw


  • I know what it is:
  • Raster graphics; Pixel; Vector graphics; Graphic editor Graphic file formats.
  • Raster graphics;
  • Pixel;
  • Vector graphics;
  • Graphic editor
  • Graphic file formats.
  • I can:
  • determine the information volume of a raster image.


  • Determine the information volume of a raster image measuring 1024 x 768 pixels and consisting of 64 colors

Slide 1

Introduction All computer images, all formats for storing them and all programs for processing them are divided into two large classes - vector and raster - differing primarily in the level of abstraction applied to the image. It can be said that while vector graphics try to imitate the human perception of images, the raster format stores graphics in the form in which they are most easily digested by a computer.

Slide 2

Vector graphics Vector graphics is a way of representing objects and images in computer graphics, based on the use of geometric shapes: The term “vector graphics” is used mainly in the context of two-dimensional computer graphics.

Slide 3

Advantages of vector graphics: Fundamental disadvantages: The size does not depend on the real size of the object, which allows, using a minimum amount of information, to describe an object of any size with a file of minimal size. Object parameters are stored and can be easily changed. This also means that moving, scaling, rotating, filling, etc. does not degrade the quality of the drawing. When objects are enlarged, the quality of the given object does not deteriorate. Not every object can be easily depicted in vector form - something similar to the original image may require a very large number of objects and their complexity, which negatively affects the amount of memory occupied by the image. Converting vector graphics to raster is quite simple. But, as a rule, there is no way back.

Slide 4

Vector operations Vector graphics editors typically allow you to rotate, move, flip, stretch, skew, perform basic transformations on objects, modify and combine primitives into more complex objects. More sophisticated transformations include Boolean operations on closed figures: union, complement, intersection, etc.

Slide 5

Popular vector programs: M5 Office Art - a graphic subprogram designed for creating geometric shapes, flowcharts, etc. The most widespread vector editor in the world. Corel Draw is the most powerful and complex flat vector editor. The range of tasks to be solved is unusually wide. Corel Kara is a simplified version of the Corel Draw program. Adobe Illustrator is the main competitor of Corel Draw in the market of powerful two-dimensional vector editors. Macromedia Flash is the world's most famous and widespread two-dimensional vector editor for animated graphics. The main scope of application is pictures for the Internet and compact games. ABBYY Fine Reader is the most famous and widely used text recognition system.

Slide 6

Advantages: Disadvantages: Raster graphics allow you to create almost any drawing, regardless of complexity. Prevalence - raster graphics are now used almost everywhere: from small icons to posters. High speed of processing complex images if scaling is not needed. Raster representation of an image is natural for most input/output devices, such as monitors, dot matrix and inkjet printers, digital cameras, scanners. Large file size for simple images. Impossibility of perfect scaling (quality changes). Inability to print to plotter.

Slide 7

List of the most famous raster editors. Adobe Photoshop is the most advanced professional raster graphics editor and the most popular. His area of ​​expertise is the processing of finished images, such as scanned photographs. Microsoft Photo Editor - this editor is designed primarily for working with photographs. Microsoft Image Composer - the editor takes up little disk space and loads very quickly. However, it is practically unsuitable for images that will be used in printing. Microsoft Paint is the simplest graphics editor. Corel Painter is a very interesting and powerful raster tool for artistic image processing.

Slide 8

Conclusion There are two main categories of images: raster and vector. Raster images consist of many dots - pixels. Each pixel has its own color and a specified position in the image structure. When a raster image is enlarged, the pixels become deformed and the image can become an enlarged caricature of the original. Vector images form objects. They are essentially made up of lines and curves that can be calculated mathematically. For this reason, vector images can be enlarged or reduced to arbitrary sizes, while they always remain proportional copies of the original image, with the original clarity preserved.