Natural fibers of animal origin.

MBOU "Ziminsk secondary school - kindergarten» Razdolnensky district, Republic of Crimea, technology teacher of the highest qualification category: Shcherba Irina Vasilievna

Epigraph of our lesson

  • “Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me try and I’ll understand.”

Chinese proverb

Section: materials science

  • Materials science studies the properties of textile fibers.
  • All textile fibers are divided into natural and chemical.

Lesson topic

  • Natural fibers of animal origin

  • Wool fibers are the hair of various animals: sheep, camels, goats, llamas, etc., but sheep wool is most widely used (95%). Fine wool from merino and angora goats is considered the best. Wool taken from a sheep is called rune . Camel wool is warm and is an excellent insulator that maintains a constant body temperature. Alpaca (llama) wool has all the properties of camel wool. “Kviviut” – musk ox wool is 7-8 times softer and warmer than cashmere.

From the history of wool.

  • Until now, no one knows exactly why the ancient fleece was called golden. Perhaps the wool of the ancient Colchis rams really had a golden hue, and perhaps the inhabitants of ancient Colchis mined gold with the help of sheep skins: they spread the skin on the bottom of a stream, and the wool retained the golden grains of sand brought by the water. Of course, it was not yet known that the fleece itself contained gold...
  • And recently at the British Nuclear Research Center they decided to determine chemical composition sheep wool. Particularly sensitive instruments detected gold in the fibers. It was found in the protein structure of hair and other animals. Moreover, the gold content of different animals is approximately the same. Unfortunately, none of the scientists has yet been able to answer the question: where does the gold in wool come from and what is it for?

Wool is a natural fiber of animal origin.

Ancient woolen fabrics were discovered during excavations of burial mounds. Having lain for several thousand years underground, some of them were superior in thread strength to modern ones. The bulk of wool is obtained from sheep; merino sheep produce fine wool. Sheep are sheared once or in some cases twice a year. from one sheep they get from 2 to 10 kg. wool From 100 kg. 40–60 kg of raw wool is obtained. clean. Camel wool is used to make outerwear and blankets. In addition to sheep, wool from rabbits, llamas, and bison was used in America; in Asia, camels and goats were used. Before being sent to textile factories, wool is subjected to primary processing: sorted, i.e. fibers are selected according to quality; crush - loosen and remove clogging impurities; washed hot water with soap and soda; dried in tumble dryers. Then the yarn is made, and from it in textile factories it is made into fabric. In the finishing industry, fabrics are dyed in different colors and various designs are applied to the fabrics. From wool fibers They produce dress, suit, and coat fabrics.

The Legend of Silk

  • Legend has it that the Chinese Empress Hen-Ling-Chi (2600 BC) was the first to discover this remarkable fiber. She accidentally dropped the cocoon into hot water and saw that silk threads had separated from the softened cocoon. The Empress came up with the idea that the thread with which the caterpillar wraps itself could be unwound and weaved into cloth. She was amazed by the beauty and strength of the silk thread, collecting thousands of cocoons and weaving fabric from them. The fabric turned out to be wonderfully thin, light, and beautiful. Clothes were sewn for the emperor. So the silkworm butterfly gave silk to the whole world, and the empress was elevated to the rank of deity for her valuable gift. Silk was worth its weight in gold; A bundle of silk fabric was given a double weight of gold. This is how I was born ancient culture sericulture, based on the vital activity of the silkworm, feeding on the leaves of the white mulberry (mulberry).

The production of silk fabrics has been known since the third millennium BC. in China - the Great Chinese Silk Road.

Silk is a natural fiber of animal origin.

  • The raw material for the production of natural silk fabrics is silk fiber - a product of the secretion of the glands of mulberry and oak silkworm caterpillars. The cocoon thread has a length from 500 to 1500 m and a thickness of 10-12 microns. By unwinding several cocoons, raw silk is obtained, from which twisted silk is produced, used for the manufacture of fabrics and silk threads.
  • In 121 BC. The first camel caravan was sent with silk and bronze mirrors. The Silk Road is a system of caravan routes that for more than a thousand years connected the cultural centers of the vast continental space between China and the Mediterranean. From the 2nd century AD silk became the main product that Chinese merchants carried to distant countries. Lightweight, compact and therefore especially convenient for transportation, it attracted the attention of buyers along the entire route of caravans, despite its high cost. Silk fabrics gave an unusual feeling of softness, sophistication, beauty and exoticism. They wanted to possess and admire it. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved luxurious robes made of this material.

Properties of wool fiber

  • Wool fibers are characterized by good heat-shielding properties, high wear resistance, high hygienic properties - hygroscopicity and breathability, and have high dust holding capacity and shrinkage. Wool fibers are resistant to all organic solvents used in dry cleaning of clothing.
  • The strength of wool fibers depends on the thickness and length (from 20 to 450 mm).
  • The color of the coat can be white, gray, red and black.
  • The shine of the coat depends on the size and shape of the scales.
  • Wool fiber has good elasticity. Wool products do not wrinkle.
  • Wool's resistance to impact sun rays significantly higher than plant fibers.
  • When burning, the wool fibers are sintered; when the fibers are removed from the flame, their burning stops, and a sintered black ball forms at the end of the woolen thread. At the same time, the smell of burnt feathers is felt.

















The structure of wool fiber

  • 1 – scaly layer;
  • 2 – cortical layer;
  • 3 – core.
  • 1 - fluff;
  • 2 – transitional hair;
  • 3 – spine;
  • 4 – dead hair.

Properties of silk fiber

  • The thickness of the cocoon thread is uneven throughout its entire length.
  • The strength of silk is higher than the strength of wool.
  • The color of boiled cocoon threads is white and slightly creamy. At temperatures above 110 C, fibers lose strength.
  • Natural silk has good hygroscopicity.
  • Soft, shiny, beautiful-looking silk products, however, have low wear resistance and high cost.
  • It feels cool to the touch.
  • When exposed to direct sunlight, silk breaks down faster than other natural fibers.
  • During burning, the silk fibers are sintered; when removed from the flame, their burning stops. A black caked ball forms at the end, easily rubbed, and the smell of a burnt feather is felt.

The structure of natural silk fibers

  • a – cocoon thread;
  • b – boiled silk



Application of wool

  • Wool is used to produce yarn, fabrics, knitwear, felting products, etc.

Card No. 1. Properties of wool fibers and fabrics made from them.


2 – 45 cm.

Various, the thicker the fiber, the stronger

White, grey, red, black



Good heat-shielding properties, high wear resistance, high hygienic properties - hygroscopicity, breathability. When exposed to heat and moisture, wool fiber acquires the ability to elongate up to 60% or shrink

Dust holding capacity, shrinkage

After combustion, it forms a black lump, rubbed with fingers, the smell of a burnt feather remains

They produce dress, suit and coat fabrics: drape, gabardine, cashmere

Product care

Wash by hand at t30C, with detergents, dried flat, ironed at t150-160C using an ironing iron

Card No. 2. Properties of silk fibers and fabrics made from them


500 – 1500m

Thickness - very thin, like a spider's web, but very strong.

White, creamy.



It has high hygroscopicity and breathability. They are elastic, so the fabrics do not wrinkle easily, are smooth, soft, beautiful, have shine, and drape well.

They stretch, crumble, and have significant shrinkage.

After combustion, it forms a black lump, rubs it with your fingers, and the smell of a burnt feather remains.

Product care

Wash by hand at t30 - 40C, rinse with water and vinegar. Squeeze lightly. Iron at t150 – 160C on the wrong side.

Comparison of wool and natural silk fibers


Fiber appearance

Natural silk

Rough matte

Type of thread break

Crimped fiber brush

Smooth, shiny

Character of filament burning

Straight fibers

Black ball, burnt feather smell

  • Which animals give greatest number of all wool processed in textile mills?
  • Sheep provide the bulk of the wool.
  • How does the strength of a fabric depend on the thickness of the fiber?
  • The thicker the fibers, the stronger the fabric.
  • What colors do natural wool fibers come in?
  • White, grey, pink and black colors.
  • What is the felting property of wool fibers?
  • Under the influence of moisture and friction, wool fibers fall off.
  • What properties do wool fibers have?
  • High hygroscopicity, heat-shielding properties, elasticity.
  • What textile materials are made from wool?
  • Dresses, costumes, coats, felt, felt.

Questions and tasks for discussion

  • What is the purpose of primary processing of silk?
  • Treatment of cocoons with hot steam to soften silk glue; unwinding threads from several cocoons at the same time.
  • Describe the properties of natural silk?
  • They have high hygroscopicity and breathability. They are elastic, so the fabrics do not wrinkle easily, are smooth, soft, beautiful, have shine, and drape well.
  • What fabrics are made from natural silk?
  • They produce dress and blouse fabrics such as crepe de Chine and chiffon.

Natural fibers of animal origin.

MBOU "Ziminsk secondary school - kindergarten" Razdolnensky district Republic of Crimea technology teacher of the highest qualification category: Shcherba Irina Vasilievna

Epigraph of our lesson

  • “Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I will remember. Let me try and I’ll understand.”

Chinese proverb

  • Materials science studies the properties of textile fibers.
  • All textile fibers are divided into natural and chemical.

  • Natural fibers of animal origin

  • Wool fibers are the hair of various animals: sheep, camels, goats, llamas, etc., but sheep wool is most widely used (95%). Fine wool from merino and angora goats is considered the best. Wool taken from a sheep is called rune . Camel wool is warm and is an excellent insulator that maintains a constant body temperature. Alpaca (llama) wool has all the properties of camel wool. “Kviviut” – musk ox wool is 7-8 times softer and warmer than cashmere.

  • Until now, no one knows exactly why the ancient fleece was called golden. Perhaps the wool of the ancient Colchis rams really had a golden hue, and perhaps the inhabitants of ancient Colchis mined gold with the help of sheep skins: they spread the skin on the bottom of a stream, and the wool retained the golden grains of sand brought by the water. Of course, it was not yet known that the fleece itself contained gold...
  • And recently, the British Nuclear Research Center decided to determine the chemical composition of sheep wool. Particularly sensitive instruments detected gold in the fibers. It was found in the protein structure of hair and other animals. Moreover, the gold content of different animals is approximately the same. Unfortunately, none of the scientists has yet been able to answer the question: where does the gold in wool come from and what is it for?

Wool is a natural fiber of animal origin.

Ancient woolen fabrics were discovered during excavations of burial mounds. Having lain for several thousand years underground, some of them were superior in thread strength to modern ones. The bulk of wool is obtained from sheep; merino sheep produce fine wool. Sheep are sheared once or in some cases twice a year. from one sheep they get from 2 to 10 kg. wool From 100 kg. 40–60 kg of raw wool is obtained. clean. Camel wool is used to make outerwear and blankets. In addition to sheep, wool from rabbits, llamas, and bison was used in America; in Asia, camels and goats were used. Before being sent to textile factories, wool is subjected to primary processing: sorted, i.e. fibers are selected according to quality; crush - loosen and remove clogging impurities; wash with hot water, soap and soda; dried in tumble dryers. Then the yarn is made, and from it in textile factories it is made into fabric. In the finishing industry, fabrics are dyed in different colors and various designs are applied to the fabrics. Dress, suit, and coat fabrics are made from wool fibers.

The Legend of Silk

  • Legend has it that the Chinese Empress Hen-Ling-Chi (2600 BC) was the first to discover this remarkable fiber. She accidentally dropped the cocoon into hot water and saw that silk threads had separated from the softened cocoon. The Empress came up with the idea that the thread with which the caterpillar wraps itself could be unwound and weaved into cloth. She was amazed by the beauty and strength of the silk thread, collecting thousands of cocoons and weaving fabric from them. The fabric turned out to be wonderfully thin, light, and beautiful. Clothes were sewn for the emperor. So the silkworm butterfly gave silk to the whole world, and the empress was elevated to the rank of deity for her valuable gift. Silk was worth its weight in gold; A bundle of silk fabric was given a double weight of gold. Thus was born the ancient culture of sericulture, based on the vital activity of the silkworm, feeding on the leaves of the white mulberry (mulberry).

The production of silk fabrics has been known since the third millennium BC. in China - the Great Chinese Silk Road.

  • The raw material for the production of natural silk fabrics is silk fiber - a product of the secretion of the glands of mulberry and oak silkworm caterpillars. The cocoon thread has a length from 500 to 1500 m and a thickness of 10-12 microns. By unwinding several cocoons, raw silk is obtained, from which twisted silk is produced, used for the manufacture of fabrics and silk threads.
  • In 121 BC. The first camel caravan was sent with silk and bronze mirrors. The Silk Road is a system of caravan routes that for more than a thousand years connected the cultural centers of the vast continental space between China and the Mediterranean. From the 2nd century AD silk became the main product that Chinese merchants carried to distant countries. Lightweight, compact and therefore especially convenient for transportation, it attracted the attention of buyers along the entire route of caravans, despite its high cost. Silk fabrics gave an unusual feeling of softness, sophistication, beauty and exoticism. They wanted to possess and admire it. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved luxurious robes made of this material.

Properties of wool fiber

  • Wool fibers are characterized by good heat-shielding properties, high wear resistance, high hygienic properties - hygroscopicity and breathability, and have high dust holding capacity and shrinkage. Wool fibers are resistant to all organic solvents used in dry cleaning of clothing.
  • The strength of wool fibers depends on the thickness and length (from 20 to 450 mm).
  • The color of the coat can be white, gray, red and black.
  • The shine of the coat depends on the size and shape of the scales.
  • Wool fiber has good elasticity. Wool products do not wrinkle.
  • Wool's resistance to sunlight is much higher than that of plant fibers.
  • When burning, the wool fibers are sintered; when the fibers are removed from the flame, their burning stops, and a sintered black ball forms at the end of the woolen thread. At the same time, the smell of burnt feathers is felt.

















The structure of wool fiber

  • 1 – scaly layer;
  • 2 – cortical layer;
  • 3 – core.
  • 1 - fluff;
  • 2 – transitional hair;
  • 3 – spine;
  • 4 – dead hair.

Properties of silk fiber

  • The thickness of the cocoon thread is uneven throughout its entire length.
  • The strength of silk is higher than the strength of wool.
  • The color of boiled cocoon threads is white and slightly creamy. At temperatures above 110 C, fibers lose strength.
  • Natural silk has good hygroscopicity.
  • Soft, shiny, beautiful-looking silk products, however, have low wear resistance and high cost.
  • It feels cool to the touch.
  • When exposed to direct sunlight, silk breaks down faster than other natural fibers.
  • During burning, the silk fibers are sintered; when removed from the flame, their burning stops. A black caked ball forms at the end, easily rubbed, and the smell of a burnt feather is felt.

  • a – cocoon thread;
  • b – boiled silk



  • Wool is used to produce yarn, fabrics, knitwear, felting products, etc.

Card No. 1. Properties of wool fibers and fabrics made from them.


2 – 45 cm.

Various, the thicker the fiber, the stronger

White, grey, red, black



Good heat-shielding properties, high wear resistance, high hygienic properties - hygroscopicity, breathability. When exposed to heat and moisture, wool fiber acquires the ability to elongate up to 60% or shrink

Dust holding capacity, shrinkage

After combustion, it forms a black lump, rubbed with fingers, the smell of a burnt feather remains

They produce dress, suit and coat fabrics: drape, gabardine, cashmere

Product care

Wash by hand at t30C, with detergents, dry flat, iron at t150-160C using an iron

Card No. 2. Properties of silk fibers and fabrics made from them


500 – 1500m

Thickness - very thin, like a spider's web, but very strong.

White, creamy.



It has high hygroscopicity and breathability. They are elastic, so the fabrics do not wrinkle easily, are smooth, soft, beautiful, have shine, and drape well.

They stretch, crumble, and have significant shrinkage.

After combustion, it forms a black lump, rubs it with your fingers, and the smell of a burnt feather remains.

Product care

Wash by hand at t30 - 40C, rinse with water and vinegar. Squeeze lightly. Iron at t150 – 160C on the wrong side.

Comparison of wool and natural silk fibers


Fiber appearance

Natural silk

Rough matte

Type of thread break

Crimped fiber brush

Smooth, shiny

Character of filament burning

Straight fibers

Black ball, burnt feather smell

  • Which animals provide the largest amount of total wool processed in textile factories?
  • Sheep provide the bulk of the wool.
  • How does the strength of a fabric depend on the thickness of the fiber?
  • The thicker the fibers, the stronger the fabric.
  • What colors do natural wool fibers come in?
  • White, grey, pink and black colors.
  • What is the felting property of wool fibers?
  • Under the influence of moisture and friction, wool fibers fall off.
  • What properties do wool fibers have?
  • High hygroscopicity, heat-shielding properties, elasticity.
  • What textile materials are made from wool?
  • Dresses, costumes, coats, felt, felt.

  • What is the purpose of primary processing of silk?
  • Treatment of cocoons with hot steam to soften silk glue; unwinding threads from several cocoons at the same time.
  • Describe the properties of natural silk?
  • They have high hygroscopicity and breathability. They are elastic, so the fabrics do not wrinkle easily, are smooth, soft, beautiful, have shine, and drape well.
  • What fabrics are made from natural silk?
  • They produce dress and blouse fabrics such as crepe de Chine and chiffon.

Cotton fibers Cotton is a fiber of plant origin obtained from cotton bolls. When the fruit ripens, the cotton boll opens. The fiber, along with the raw cotton seeds, is collected at cotton receiving points, from where it is sent to a cotton gin plant, where the fibers are separated from the seeds. Then follows the separation of the fibers by length: the longest fibers from 2025 mm are cotton fiber, and the shorter lint hairs are used to make cotton wool, as well as for the production of explosives.

Fabrics made from cotton fiber The range of cotton fabrics is very diverse, it includes the largest number of types and articles. Fabrics vary in structure, type of finish, properties, appearance and have versatile applications. Cotton fabrics are characterized by good wear resistance, hygiene, beautiful appearance, color fastness, well tolerated by water and heat treatments. The disadvantages of these fabrics are increased creasing and deformability when worn. All types of weaving are used to produce cotton fabrics.

Wool fibers Wool is the hair of animals: sheep, goats, camels. The wool is removed from the sheep using special scissors or machines. The length of wool fibers is from 20 to 450 mm. They cut it into an almost solid, unbroken mass called FLEECE.

Silk fibers Natural silk is obtained by unwinding silkworm cocoons. A cocoon is a dense, tiny egg-like shell that a caterpillar wraps tightly around itself before developing into a chrysalis. Four stages of silkworm development: 1. Testicle. 2. Caterpillar. 3.Doll. 4.Butterfly.

The silkworm, or silkworm, caterpillar and butterfly, playing an important economic role in silk production. The caterpillar feeds exclusively on mulberry leaves. A closely related species, the wild silkworm, lives in East Asia: in the northern regions of China and the southern regions of the Primorsky Territory of Russia. The silkworm is the only fully domesticated insect that is not found in the wild in nature. Its females even “forgot how” to fly. An adult insect is a thick butterfly with whitish wings with a span of up to 6 cm. The caterpillars of this silkworm eat only mulberry or mulberry leaves. Silkworm caterpillars curl cocoons, the shells of which consist of a continuous silk thread m long and up to 1500 m in the largest cocoons.

A little history The birthplace of silk is considered to be ancient China. According to many legends, the culture of sericulture arose around the 5th millennium BC. on the banks of the Great Yellow River. Most notable is the tale of Lei Zu, the first consort of the Yellow Emperor, the legendary ancestor of the Chinese who lived in central China about 5,000 years ago. Having moved to her husband from the southwestern part of the country, Lei Zu brought with her the secret of growing silkworms. At first, she taught people how to breed silkworms, unravel the cocoon and thus provide themselves with clothing. In the Celestial Empire, there was no longer such a misfortune as scratches and abrasions, and subsequent generations began to bring offerings to Lei Zu as the founder of sericulture... The legends are confirmed by archaeological excavations in the provinces of Hubei and Hunan: well-preserved 152 silk items were found, including 35 items of clothing in excellent condition. This means that sericulture existed approximately two thousand years before the birth of Christ (the late Neolithic era), and silk production was already a developed industry years ago - this is precisely the age of the discovered remains of fabric!

More than 2,000 years ago, Emperor Wu Di sent an envoy to the west to pave the way for silk caravans to travel. This is how the Great Silk Road appeared. Naturally, the secret of making silk in China was guarded with special trepidation. Hence, by the way, the absolutely phantasmagoric ideas about the origin of silk threads among ancient thinkers: they say that they grow on trees, and they are the product of the vital activity of an animal with large horns, and they are not threads at all, but fluff special birds... For smuggling mulberry leaves and silkworm larvae, according to Chinese law, a painful death was expected. But the thirst for profit (and silk was literally worth its weight in gold, pound for pound) took its toll. Around the 5th century, silk was exported from China, and at the same time its production began in several countries around the world. Again, according to legend, one cunning Indian rajah wooed a Chinese princess. And as a dowry he wanted - guess what? And the poor bride brought silkworm larvae and mulberry seeds... right in her high wedding hairstyle. In the Mediterranean countries, the production of silk fabric became widespread around the same time when silkworm eggs (eggs) of the silkworm were first brought to Constantinople from China. The role of pilgrims of good will was played by the monks, who hid the larvae in the hollows of their staffs. In the Middle Ages, silk became one of the main industries in Venice (XIII century), Genoa and Florence (XIV century), and Milan (XV century). And already in the 18th century throughout Western Europe they wove their own silk with all their might.

The Old Northern Road arose on the initiative of Emperor Wudi, who needed thoroughbred horses for the army. I saw such horses during my embassy to Central Asia in the years. BC dignitary Zhang Qian. He reported to the emperor about the absence of silk weaving in other countries and advised the emperor to export silk abroad in exchange for beautiful horses, as well as sweet fruits, wine, etc. In 121 BC. The first camel caravan with silk and bronze mirrors headed to the Fergana oasis through the Turfan depression along the spurs of the Tien Shan. But the ongoing trade was interrupted by devastating uprisings in that area in the years. AD However, trade soon continued, but along a new route - the Southern Road.

Sections: Technology

Class: 6

Class 6 “B”.

Educational and methodological support technology textbook for grade 6, edited V.D.Simonenko.

Lesson time: 2 lessons, 45 minutes each.

Purpose: to familiarize students with natural fibers of animal origin; teach to distinguish fibers by their composition; cultivate aesthetic taste and attentiveness; instill neatness skills; develop spatial understanding.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce animal fibers
  2. Introduce the properties of wool and silk fibers
  3. To develop the ability to recognize wool and silk fibers.

Necessary equipment and materials for the lesson: computer (laptop), projector, screen, tissue samples, fireproof cup, tweezers.

Problematic question: How to recognize wool and silk fabrics?

Suggested solutions:

  1. Wool and silk fabrics can be recognized by their appearance.
  2. Wool and silk fabrics can be recognized by touch.
  3. Woolen and silk fabrics can be recognized by knowing their properties.

Lesson type: lesson on introducing new material.

Lesson form: problem lesson.

Forms of training: group work, frontal work.

Teaching methods: problem-heuristic, explanatory and illustrative.

Terms: wool, fleece, silk, cocoon, silkworm.

Progress of the lesson

Stage I of the lesson (2 minutes).

Organizational moment.

  • Greeting students;
  • Availability of students in class;
  • Checking students' readiness for the lesson;
  • Communicate the topic, purpose and objectives of the lessons.

Stage II of the lesson (3 minutes).

Teacher: From the first days of birth, man was faced with various fabrics.

Your undershirts and diapers were made from cotton fabric; in cold weather they wrapped you in a woolen blanket and wrapped a beautiful nylon ribbon around the blanket, etc.

IN given time, when you are already older, you can choose your own fabric for a dress, suit, etc.

Stage III (5 minutes).

The teacher invites the children to answer the question: What do all the presented models have in common and how do they differ from each other? Textbook: Page 177–178, Fig. 126–130.

Students answer.

Stage IV (3 minutes).

The teacher summarizes the children's answers. Announces the topic of the lesson.


Stage V (10 minutes).

The teacher gives the children samples of fabrics from different fibers and asks them to answer the question.

Teacher: How to recognize wool and silk fabrics?

To resolve the problem, group work is organized.

As a result, several solutions appear, all of them are discussed.

1. Wool and silk fabrics can be recognized by their appearance.
2. Wool and silk fabrics can be recognized by touch.
3. Woolen and silk fabrics can be recognized by knowing their properties.

Stage VI (5 minutes).

The teacher asks you to remember the properties of cotton and linen fabrics.

Students answer.

Exercise for a minute.

Stage VII (15 minutes).

Learning new material.

The teacher invites the children to get acquainted with wool and silk fibers. Presentation.

Teacher: Fibers are divided into natural - those given by nature (wool, silk, cotton, linen) and chemical, obtained as a result of chemical processes.

Today we will study natural fibers of animal origin - wool and silk. Fabrics made from these fibers have a positive effect on human health. (Slide 3)

Wool is the hair of animals: sheep, goats, camels. The bulk of wool comes from sheep (95%). The fur is removed with scissors or clippers. The length of the wool fibers is from 2 to 4.5 cm. It is sheared into an almost solid, unbreakable mass, which is called rune.(Slide 4)

The types of wool fibers are hair and wool, which are long and straight, and fluff, which is softer and crimped.

Before being sent to textile factories, the wool is subjected to primary processing: sort, that is, they select fibers according to quality; prattle– loosen and remove clogging impurities; washed hot water with soap and soda; dried in dryers. (slide 5) Then yarn is made, and from it fabrics are dyed in different colors and applied in different patterns. (slide 6) Dress, suit and coat fabrics are made from wool fibers. (Slide 7) Woolen fabrics are sold under the following names: drape, cloth, tights, gabardine and cashmere. (Slide 8)

Natural silk is thin threads obtained by unwinding the cocoons of silkworm caterpillars. The silkworm is a nocturnal moth. When the time comes for the caterpillar to turn into a chrysalis and then become a butterfly, it releases a thread from itself, attaches it to a dry branch and weaves a nest out of this thread, which is called - cocoon.(Slide 9) The silk thread is laid in a cocoon in 40–50 layers. Silk cocoon thread consists of two silks glued together with a special substance - sericin. (Slide10)

Four stages of silkworm development - egg, caterpillar, pupa, butterfly.(Slide 11)

Cocoons are collected from the day of curling on days 8–9 and sent for primary processing. (slide 12) The purpose of primary processing is to unwind the cocoon thread, which is 600–900 meters long, and connect the threads of several cocoons simultaneously into one thread. This thread is called raw silk. Textile factories produce fabric from raw silk. (Slide 13, 14)

Silk began to be produced in China back in the third millennium BC; history knows the Great Chinese Silk Road. This is evidenced by the modern name of one of the silk fabrics “crepe de chine”, which translates as “fabric made in China” (crepe is a rough fabric made of twisted threads; shin - China.) The production of silk in Russia was started by Peter the Great in the 17th century, “ in order to have brocade products from your own silk”.

Dress and blouse fabrics, as well as scarves and surgical threads are made from natural silk fibers. (Slide 15)

Silk fabrics are sold under the following names: satin, velvet, crepe de Chine, chiffon. (Slide 16)

VIII stage (20 minutes).

The teacher invites the children to answer the question.

Teacher: What are the properties of wool and silk fabrics?

Group work is organized.

Children work with information sources (text and paper resources), with the help of which they can find answers to the question posed. After completion of the work, a collective discussion of the results obtained is held under the guidance of the teacher. (Appendix 1) (Slide 17,18)

Physical education minute.

Stage IX (20 minutes).

The teacher asks the children to do practical work“Comparison of wool and natural silk fibers” and “Study of the properties of wool and silk fabrics.” After completion of the work, a collective discussion of the results obtained is held under the guidance of the teacher. (Slide 19–22)

Phys. just a minute

Stage X (3 minutes).

At the end of the lesson, the teacher conducts reflection, offering to determine the value of the lesson, its usefulness, the understandability of the material studied, the students’ own activity and independence, and their responsible attitude to the lesson.

Reflection. The “snake” technique was used, when each student expresses his opinion about the lesson conducted, the material studied, and draws his own conclusion. You can help with questions:

What new have you learned?

  • Can you now recognize wool and silk fabrics?
  • Students answer the questions: (Slide 23)

Stage XI (2 minutes).

Children are offered multi-level homework:

  1. Make a collection of wool and silk fabrics.
  2. Develop a crossword puzzle on a covered topic

List of information sources. (Slide 24)

  1. Technology. Service work: Textbook for 6th grade students secondary school/ V.D.Simonenko, Yu.V.Krupskaya, O.A.Kozhina etc.; Ed. V.D. Simonenko. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2008. – 208 p.: ill.
  2. “Technology 6th grade (for girls). Lesson plans based on the textbook edited by V.D.Simonenko”.