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Class hour “My small homeland” Presentation was made by the teacher primary classes MKOU secondary school No. 2 s. Vegetables Yaitskaya Natalya Viktorovna

Map of Russia

MINE - because here is my family, my friends, my home, my street, my school... SMALL - because this is a small part of my vast country. HOMELAND - because people dear to my heart live here.

“Motherland” “motherland” Motherland” - when we talk about our state, about our big country called Russia. “homeland” - when we talk about our village, where we were born and live.

I have a favorite village...

The village of Ovoshchi It is believed that the name of the village comes from the surname of the Tatar Ovoshchi who once lived here. The author of the book, inspector of the Stavropol Directorate of Public Schools A.I. Tvalchrelidze (1858-1930), specifically stipulates that the village had two names: Ovoshchinskoe and Uchi, and the second also derives from the Tatar language (“three”).

Geography The village is located in the central part of the Stavropol Territory, 110 km northeast of Stavropol, on the Ucha River. Three ravines divide the village into three parts, which have historical names: Krasnaya, Poltavskaya and Selivanovskaya.

History Everything in the world has its own history. For the village of Vegetables, it began in 1864, when the first settlers from Voronezh, Moscow, Poltava, Kursk, Ekaterinoslav, Oryol, and Tambov provinces settled on the free lands of the eastern part of the Turkhmyansk steppe. The settlers settled in the streets and gave them the names of their former native places, some of which have survived to this day - for example, Poltavskaya and Moskovskaya streets. The village was located in an open steppe zone near the Ucha stream. Three large ravines cut the village into three parts: Krasnaya, Poltavskaya, Selivanovskaya. The first settlers named the village Uchi, in reference to these three ravines. And already in 1864 the village began to be called “Vegetables” after the surname of the oldest Tatar who once lived here - Ovoshch. The settlement was started by the families: Annenkovs, Dedovs, Zhilnikovs, Krasnokutskys, Storozhenkos, Fomins.

In 1875, a church was built in the village in honor of St. Cyril and Methodius.

In the 1890s, 3,600 residents lived in the village, and in 1903 - already 5,200. They were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding: they grew wheat, rye, oats, flax, millet, barley, and raised horses and sheep. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village had a volost government, two schools, two grain warehouses, 13 trading establishments, several mills

One of them, the Zhabina mill built in 1906, is still used for its intended purpose.

The municipality includes three settlements. Administrative center – village. Vegetables with a population of 2.5 thousand people, the village of Krasnaya Polyana - 191 people and the village of Otradny - 178 people. Russians (96.1%), Armenians, Georgians, Tatars, and Ukrainians live here. The total area of ​​the administrative territory is 28,177 hectares, including 14 hectares of settlement lands. On the territory of the village council there is a large agricultural enterprise, the Lenin's Path breeding farm, the main industry of which is crop production and livestock breeding. The total land area is 28,163 hectares, employing 400 people.

Vegetables have average comprehensive school for 650 places, a kindergarten for 100 places, an outpatient clinic, a pharmacy, several shops, a bakery, a post office and a club.


Chapter municipality–Grischenko Alexey Sergeevich, Elected head of the village council at the municipal elections on March 13, 2011

We are proud of our Motherland

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Creative project for junior schoolchildren on local history "My small homeland - the city of Nurlat"

This project is of great importance in shaping the personality of students, educating Citizens and Patriots. The project unites not only the main participants with a common goal educational process u...

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On July 25, 2003, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree changing the official name of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. From now on, the 86th subject of the Federation will be called “Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra”.

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The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (the historical name of the Yugra region) was formed on December 10, 1930. In accordance with the Constitution Russian Federation Since 1993, the district has been an equal subject of the Russian Federation; its symbols are the coat of arms and the flag of the district.

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Coat of arms of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug The coat of arms of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is a silver emblem located on the lining of two shields, inscribed one inside the other, and reproducing the stylized symbol “Kat uhup howl” (two-headed bird) in a field of dissected azure (blue, light blue) and a green shield. The outline of the shield is outlined in gold. The figured shield is inscribed in a straight red shield, which is a rectangle with a figured point at the bottom. The shield is topped with an element white, made in the ornamental style of the Ob Ugrians, and is surrounded by a wreath of green cedar branches. The motto "Ugra" is inscribed in silver letters on an azure ribbon located under the shield.

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The flag of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is a rectangular panel, divided horizontally into two equal stripes (the upper one is blue-blue, the lower one is green), completed vertically with a rectangular white stripe. In the upper left part of the canvas there is a white element from the Khanty coat of arms - Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The ratio of the height of the panel (along the pole) to the total length to the end of the rectangular strip is 1:2; the ratio of the width of the rectangular white stripe to the total length is 1:20; the ratio of the distance from the shaft to the geometric center of the white element to the total length is 1:4; the ratio of the distance from the edge of the upper edge of the panel to the geometric center of the white element to the total length is 1:10; the width and height of the white element to the total length, respectively, are 1:4, 1:10; thickness ratio components white element to total length - 1:40

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The Autonomous Okrug is located in the center of the West Siberian Lowland and covers an area of ​​534.8 thousand sq. km. The district is located between 58 and 66 degrees north latitude. The time difference with Moscow is 2 hours. In the north, the district borders with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in the north-west - with the Komi Republic, in the south-west with Sverdlovsk region, in the south - with the Tyumen region, in the southeast and east - with the Tomsk region and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

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The relief is represented by a combination of plains, foothills and mountains. There are elevated plains (150-301 m), low plains (100-150 m), and lowlands (less than 100 m). In the floodplains of the Ob and Irtysh, absolute heights are 10-50 m. The Ural part of the district is characterized by mid-mountain relief. The length of the mountain region is 450 km with a width of 30-45 km. Maximum heights: Mount Narodnaya, 1894 meters (Subpolar Urals) and Mount Pedy, 1010 meters (Northern Urals).

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Distance from Khanty-Mansiysk to Moscow - 2050 km; St. Petersburg - 2130 km; Ekaterinburg - 690 km; Tyumen - 480 km; Salekhard - 500 km. The population of the district is about one and a half million people (population as of January 1, 2003 - 1433.1 thousand people). 92 percent live in cities total number population.

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The administrative center of the district is the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. Located near the confluence of two great Siberian rivers, the Ob and Irtysh. The city of Khanty-Mansiysk is located on seven hills, in a unique natural landscape, where relict species of fir, cedar and a number of others are preserved. Until 1940 it was called Ostyako-Vogulsk.

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What is the district famous for? The district is famous all over the world for its rich oil and gas deposits. The largest fuel and energy complex in Russia is dynamically developing in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug; the main share of oil and gas production and electricity production is provided here. More than thirteen percent of Russia's budget revenues come from the district.

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Vegetation of Ugra Vegetation is represented by communities of forests, swamps, meadows, reservoirs, and mountain tundra. The forest cover of the district is 52.1%. The middle taiga zone dominates. It is represented by dark-coniferous, light-coniferous, small-leaved and mixed forests. Spruce, cedar, larch, fir, and pine grow in them. Meadow vegetation is confined to the floodplains of rivers and lowlands. In the northern regions, lichen communities are common and used as reindeer pastures. Forests and swamps are rich in fruit and food species of vegetation: cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, cloudberries, raspberries, rose hips, bird cherry, rowan.

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Animal world Ugra The fauna is very diverse: fox, arctic fox, squirrel, sable, marten, ermine, weasel, polecat, mink, weasel, otter, hare, mole, chipmunk, wild reindeer, elk, etc. Birds are no less diverse: geese, geese, wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges, ducks, waders. The reservoirs are home to 42 species of fish, including highly valuable commercial ones - sturgeon, sterlet, nelma, muksun, chir (schokur), peled (cheese), whitefish (pyzhyan), Sosva herring (tugun).

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The presentation was prepared based on materials: Free encyclopedia Wikipedia Educational informational portal Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug– Ugra Official website of the authorities state power Khanty - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra Geography Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. 8-9 grades. Moscow, Ecopros, 1996. History of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug from antiquity to the present day. Textbook for high school, Ekaterinburg, “Volot”, 2002.

Subject: "My little homeland"

Project Manager Darenskaya Yulia Olegovna - teacher of the senior group


MKDOU Svetloyarsky (kindergarten No. 3) Project features:

By nature of the product : cognitive and research Based on the number of children: group.

By duration : long-term (3 month)

By knowledge profile Objective of the project:

Project objectives:

  1. Introduce children to their native village (history, symbols, attractions). Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the village, who fought for our Motherland during the Second World War.
  2. Teach children how to navigate the streets of the village and follow the rules of safe movement around the village.
  3. Expand children's knowledge about the village of Svetloyarsk region. To form an environmental culture among children and their parents, the desire to take part in environmental protection activities environment. 4. Cultivate interest and love for one’s native village, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

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"Presentation "MY SMALL MOTHERLAND""

Patriotic education older children preschool age

Project “My Small Motherland”

The project was developed by the teacher:

Darenskaya Yulia Olegovna, senior group

MKDOU "Svetloyarsk combined kindergarten No. 3"


Sukhomlinsky V.A.

Project participants: teachers, parents, senior group students, music director, physical instructor TERM IMPLEMENTATIONS:FEBRUARY-MAY project type: LONG TERM By nature of the product: cognitive-research By knowledge profile : interdisciplinary (all educational areas)

Problem: Great importance for the cognitive, social, personal and moral development of preschool children, they have familiarity with their native country, native village, the history of their native land, its attractions and famous people. Parents have insufficient knowledge about their region, do not pay attention to this problem, considering it unimportant, children do not have sufficient information about their native village. Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards the small Motherland. Therefore, we believe this problem relevant not only for our kindergarten, but also for society as a whole.

Objective of the project

Introduce children to their native region, village and its attractions. Cultivate a sense of pride in your small Motherland, the desire to keep it clean and beautiful. Project objectives

1. Introduce children to their native village (history, symbols, sights). Introduce them to the names of those who founded and glorified the village, who fought for our Motherland during the Second World War.

2.Teach children how to navigate the streets of the village and follow the rules of safe movement around the village.

3. Expand children’s knowledge about the village of Svetloyarsk district. To form an environmental culture in children and their parents, a desire to take part in environmental protection activities.

4. Cultivate interest and love for one’s native village, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

Planned results and products of the project: 1. Children can know and name their place of residence: village, district, region, some enterprises in their native village and their significance; village symbols, attractions; flora and fauna of the village. Children can give their home address, kindergarten address; experience love and affection for your home, family, kindergarten, and go to kindergarten with pleasure. Children can know and name the place of work of their parents, the significance of their work; feel pride and respect for the work of adults; show attention and respect to veterans, the elderly, and provide all possible assistance. The result of the children’s activities: an exhibition of drawings, crafts, a holiday dedicated to February 23, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, a holiday dedicated to this date.

Annotation: Events are held continuously educational activities, in the joint activities of the teacher and children in the form of: conversations, leisure, observations of the nature of our region, reading fiction, guessing riddles, educational, educational, role-playing, outdoor games.

Stages of work on the project: Preparatory stage: 1.Creation of a subject-developing environment in kindergarten. 2.Organization of walks, activities, games, conversations. Looking at drawings and photographs about your small homeland. Getting to know literary works. Use of games. 3. Increasing the competence of parents on issues related to patriotic education .

Speech development, cognitive development:

Conversation “My Motherland - Russia”

Conversation “The history of the emergence of the village of Svetly Yar”

Productive activities:

“My Street” - construction from building material

“My family” - drawing

“My kindergarten” - drawing

“The nature of our region” - application

“My small Motherland” - drawing

Main stage of work:

Creation of a book-album “My Small Motherland” drawing

Creation of the “Family Coat of Arms”

Poems about the small Motherland - a collection of poetry with drawings by children.

Creation of a patriotic corner

“This Victory Day” - paper construction

Drawing on the theme “Epics and tales about heroes.”.

Artistic and aesthetic development: (music) Listening to audio recordings:

“If you go on a journey with a friend”

"From a smile"

"Russian anthem"

"Go beyond the seas and oceans"

Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Mail”, “Home”, “Mothers and Daughters” Board games: Lotto "Folk Crafts" educational game“Animal world of our region”, educational game “Inhabitants of Planet Earth”, dominoes Outdoor games: “Train”, “Be careful”, “Birds and a car”, “Fast rockets are waiting for us”. Didactic games : “Coat of arms of the city”, “Name the streets of our village”, “Flag of Russia”, “Tell me where you live” and others.

Introduction to literature N. Nosov “Patch”, S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman, My street”, “My grandmother” S. Kaputikyan, “Don’t stop me from working”, “That’s how mom” E. Blaginina riddles, poems, proverbs.

Targeted walks, excursions


"To the Russian birch tree"

“To the monument to the soldiers who fell in the Second World War”,

Working with parents Questioning parents on the topic: "Patriotic education of a child" Consultation for parents on the topic: “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children” Parent meeting: “The role of the family in instilling patriotic feelings in preschoolers”

Relevance of the topic : We are burning with the desire to instill love for the Motherland, but it turns out that we are unable to instill in a child love for what is closest to him - his home and kindergarten, but this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important stage. A preschooler must first recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as an inhabitant of planet Earth. You need to go from near to far. The family is currently experiencing better times. In an effort to earn their daily bread, parents pay less and less attention to their children and their upbringing, and the number of single-parent, disadvantaged families is growing. It is increasingly difficult for a child to love his home, family, and kindergarten too. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation in children of an emotionally rich image of their home and kindergarten. Children must learn not only to take, but also to give: to take care of loved ones from childhood, to be attentive to each other.


Love for the Motherland begins with a feeling of love for your city.

Creation of the Family Coat of Arms .




Drawing “My favorite kindergarten”

"Border guard with a dog."

Native nature.

I have known this truth from my birth.

And I never hide it:

Who doesn't love their native nature?

He does not love his Fatherland.

Cooperative activity.

Compiling a story based on the painting “Three Heroes” by V.M. Vasnetsova.

Drawing on the theme “Epics and tales about heroes”..

Gifts for dads

Excursions around the native village

In the park along the alley

To the nursery to the library

The final stage: Final events : holiday "VICTORY DAY" Exhibition drawings, crafts dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Project outcome: During the implementation of the project, children will acquire knowledge about the history of the area, village, symbols, attractions, will know the names of those who founded and glorified our area, and will begin to show interest in events rural life and reflect your impressions in productive activities, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been completed.

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My small homeland is the village of Gigant

If they say the word “homeland” If they say the word “homeland”, The old house immediately comes to mind, there are currants in the garden, A thick poplar at the gate. By the river there is a modest birch tree and a daisy hillock, and others will probably remember their native Moscow yard. In the puddles are the first boats, Where recently there was a skating rink, And a loud, joyful whistle from a large neighboring factory. Or the steppe, red with poppies, golden virgin lands... The homeland can be different, but everyone has the same one! Small Motherland Dear guys! You were born in a country called Russia! You are Russians! Russia is a huge country! It spreads freely from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. We have high mountains, deep rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes. There are also small rivers, light birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines, swamps and fields. Russia is located in both Europe and Asia. Small Motherland We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, its hardworking and talented people or a village, for others - a city street and a cozy green courtyard with a swing, sandbox and wooden slide. In a word, everyone has their own small homeland! Where nothing needs to be explained, Where everything is clear and familiar without words. . But each of us has our own Small Motherland - that corner of the earth where you were born, where you spent your childhood, where your parents and friends live, where your home is located. For some, a small homeland - small village Rare man wheat and other crops. Small Motherland When you go out into our steppe in the summer, the endless green space will take your breath away. Here there are wheat crops, sunflowers stand next to them, followed by corn and beet plantations, various vegetables and fruits. Along and across this green kingdom stretch ribbons of forest strips, receiving on their elastic crowns the cruel blows of the steppe robbers - dry winds and their inseparable companions - black storms. 1200 kilometers of forest belts, about two thousand hectares of forest in a dry, waterless steppe. Small Motherland "Giant" straightened its shoulders and gained strength at that historical moment when a mass collective farm movement began in the country and the peasantry turned to the socialist path of development. It was at this time that, by decision of the party, new large grain state farms were created, and the first of them was the hero who rose in the Salsk steppe. Small Motherland State farms became not only large factories of bread, which the country so desperately needed at that time, but also strongholds of socialist reconstruction in the history of the state farm - healing the wounds caused by the war, restoring the economy. Small Motherland In the center of the village of Gigant, in the park next to the Palace of Culture named after Maxim Gorky, surrounded by various trees, shrubs and flowers, there is a mass grave. They served their Motherland faithfully and devotedly, these five hundred and thirty-five soldiers who died on the battlefields in battles with the German invaders and were buried here. They gave for her honor and freedom the most precious thing they had - their lives, and now they sleep in the eternal sleep of heroes in this mass grave. Small Motherland As a sign of unchanging love and gratitude to the defenders native land, from early spring to late autumn « Flowers bloom here, and on Victory Day, May 9, thousands of village residents come here to honor the memory of the dead, lay wreaths and flowers, and mourn husbands, sons, brothers and fathers who did not return from the battlefields. Malaya Rodina The village grew up under grain state farm Giant ", which was created in 1928 . Initially, the state farm was called “State Farm No. 1”, and its center was located near the railway station “ Virgin land " A few years later, the central estate of the country’s first grain state farm was moved to Trubetskaya station. Malaya Rodina In September 1929, a famous proletarian came to the village writer M. Gorky . School No. 2 in our village was named after him, during the construction of which Gorky laid the stone. Malaya Rodina On February 10, 1933, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to establish a newly established point at the Trubetskoy, North Caucasian railway station railway» Store "Dana" Store "Auto Parts" In the park In the park In the park Pond I love you, dear Motherland I love you, dear Motherland! I admire your beauty! I love you, little Motherland!